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The behavior of females of the damselflyMnais pruinosa was observed in the breeding season. Males consisted of both territorial (esakii) and non-territorial (strigata) types in the study area. Females sometimes arrived at a stream for mating and oviposition. The staying time of females in the stream was 1–3 hours, while that of males was 5–8 hours. The proportion of the males that copulated with the females did not differ between the two male forms present in the stream. In the Calopterygidae, of which the females usually perform multiple copulation, oviposition without subsequent recopulation is considered to be advantageous for a mated male in order to avoid the risk of sperm displacement. From such a viewpoint, the time spent for oviposition was measured for females that arrived at the stream after copulation with different male forms. The ratio was 69.1: 11.5–30.9 betweenesakii andstrigata males. Assuming that the oviposition time is proportional to the number of fertilized eggs laid, this ratio would represent the relative reproductive success of the two male forms. In fact, the relative abundance of the two male forms was also biased in favor ofesakii males (61.7:38.3) in this population. The mechanism of coexistence of the two male forms is discussed in relation to their reproductive success.  相似文献   

Reproductive behaviors related to habitat utilization were studied in males of the damsefly,Mnais nawai, which has two male forms, territorial orange-winged males (nawai) and non-territorial pale-orange-winged males (sahoi), at the upper part of a mountain stream where they partiallycoexist with a related species,Mnais pruinosa, which also has two male forms, territorial orange-winged males (esakii) and non-territorial hyaline-winged males (strigata). These two species showed parapatric distribution; the lower part of the stream was occupied byM. nawai, and the upper part byM. pruinosa. In the present study, cross-matings occurred between bothMnais species, although normal intraspecific matings occurred more frequently than cross-matings. Territorial males of both species copulated with conspecific females that entered their territory and guarded the ovipositing females, probably to avoid sperm displacement resulting from subsequent copulations. Severe competition for oviposition sites by territorial males even occurred between the two species. On the other hand, non-territorial males of both species have alternative mating strategies (including several tactics such as sneaking, takeover and interception). The possible benefits from conflict among territorial males of both species is discussed.  相似文献   

Ecological parameters in a population ofMnais pruinosa were investigated in a mountain stream. In the study area, there were two forms of male with regard to wing color, the orange-winged male (esakii) and the hyaline-winged male (strigata), and only one female form with hyaline wings. Emergence of adults began in late April, and the flying season ended in late June. The time after emergence was spent in maturation, and the insects began to mate when they reached maturity. Longevity of adults was 17.6 days foresakii males, 18.4 days forstrigata males and 21.9 days for females. There was little difference in emergence time, maturation period, survivorship curve and longevity among the two male forms and female. In other words, the period for reproductive activities was perfectly coincident among them. The factors influencing the synchronization of emergence were discussed.  相似文献   

The damselflyMnais pruinosa costalis (Odonata: Calopterygidae) is unusual in that males are dimorphic, existing as clear-winged non-territorial ‘sneaks’ and orange-winged territorial ‘fighters’. Here we report the results of population census data and behavioural observations in the field and laboratory, and present estimates of emergence period, reproductive period, total lifespan, and reproductive success of each morph. Clear-winged males are smaller and have lower daily reproductive success than orange-winged males, but live for longer in the field and laboratory. We accounted for the difference in the ‘operational reproductive life’ of the two morphs and estimated lifetime reproductive success: there was no difference between clear-winged and orange-winged males. We discuss possible mechanisms for the maintenance of the two forms.  相似文献   

Males of the damselfly,Mnais pruinosa costalis, exhibit wing color dimorphism: one form has orange wings, and the other hyaline wings which resemble female wings. The former is usually territorial and the latter uses sneaky mate securing tactics. When orange-winged males failed to establish territory, they became floaters that day. Hyaline-winged males perched around their territories and often, formed in tandem without any apparent courtship behavior when they found females. Their copulation frequency was higher and copulation duration longer than those of territorial males. A few females oviposited without remating. Total oviposition duration of females with which a hyaline-winged male mated was more than 32 min per male on average in a day Females that copulated with hyaline-winged males often remated with orange-winged residents before oviposition. Total duration of oviposition bouts of females after mating with floaters was short (15 min), while that with territorial residents was long (66 min). As a result, total oviposition duration of females with which an orange-winged male mated was about 40 min in a day. The reproductive success of the hyaline-winged males may be similar to that of the orange-winged males.  相似文献   

The tropical damselfly Paraphlebia zoe has two male morphs: a black-winged (BW) male which is associated with territorial defense of oviposition sites; and a hyaline-winged (HW) male similar in appearance to females, and, compared to the black morph, less frequently found defending territories. In a wild population of this species, we first assessed the relationship between phenotypic traits [male morph, size and territorial status (being territorial or non-territorial)], their role on mating success, and the degree to which a particular territory may contribute to male mating success. Second, to relate a physiological basis of being territorial we compared both morphs in terms of muscular fat reserves and thoracic muscle, two key traits related to territory defense ability. Males of both morphs defended territories although the BW males were more commonly found doing this. BW males were larger than HW males and size predicted being territorial but only within HW males (territorial males were larger) but not in BW males. Male mating success was related to territorial status (territorial males achieved a higher mating success), but not to morph or size. Furthermore, territory identity also explained mating success with some territories producing more matings than others. The BW morph stored more fat reserves which may explain why this morph was more likely to secure and defend a place than the HW morph. However, the HW morph showed higher relative muscle mass which we have interpreted as a flexible strategy to enable males to defend a territory. These results are distant to what has been found in another male dimorphic damselfly, Mnais pruinosa, where the advantage of the non-territorial morph relies on its longevity to compensate in mating benefits compared to the territorial morph.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to quantify parasitism of Colorado potato beetle,Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say), by the egg parasitoid,Edovum puttleri Grissell, on 3 different cultivars of eggplant,Solanum melongena L. Levels of parasitism were higher (P<0.05) on ‘Black Pride’ than on other cultivars. The percentage of egg masses that were parasitized was 1.2-fold higher (P<0.05) on ‘Black Pride’ than on ‘Harris Special’ and ‘White’. The number of eggs per mass that were parasitized was 1.3- and 1.4- fold greater (P<0.05) on ‘Black Pride’ than on ‘Harris Special’ and ‘White’, respectively. The percentage of eggs that were parasitized per mass and percentage of emerged adult parasitoids did not differ (P>0.05) among cultivars; between 2.1- to 2.6- fold more females than males emerged from eggs on all cultivars during the growing season.Edovum puttleri suppressed the 2nd generation ofL. decemlineata on ‘Black Pride’ and ‘Harris Special’, but did not suppress populations on ‘White’.   相似文献   

Populations ofDrosophila melanogaster that had been subjected to long-term selection favoring either delayed or rapid senescence were compared with respect to age-specific components of male reproductive success involving sperm competition. These components of reproductive success were divided into those related to sperm defense (protection of sperm from other males), and into those related to sperm offense (ability to mate with previously mated females and to displace the sperm of other males). Males were tested at four ages ranging from 1–2d to 5–6 wk after eclosion. Several aspects of sperm defense capability showed clear evidence of senescent decline. Furthermore, males from populations selected for delayed senescence were superior to males from control (rapid senescence) populations with regard to components of sperm defense. The superiority of males from populations with delayed senescence either increased as a function of male age, or was present at all ages tested. These results indicate that the rate of reproductive senescence in maleD. melanogaster can be altered in predictable directions by artificial selection. There were no differences between selection regimes with regard to sperm offense, and most components of sperm offense did not show clear evidence of senescence. The improved late-age reproductive success of males from populations selected for delayed senescence did not appear to entail any cost or trade-off at early ages with respect to the reproductive traits examined in these experiments.  相似文献   

Synopsis Playback experiments conducted in the field and the laboratory demonstrated the use of sound interception in bicolor damselfish,Pomacentrus partitus. Two courtship sounds produced by male bicolors: the ‘chirp’ which occurs at the initiation of courting and the ‘grunt’ which occurs near the termination, just prior to spawning, were found to hold different meanings to intercepting male competitors. Males responded to grunt playback with directional swimming towards the sound source and increased courtship behavior. No directional response was observed during chirp playback. The grunt sound appears to indicate that a spawn-ready female is present near the sound source. Males therefore move towards it, likely to interfere with the imminent spawning or to gain a possible spawning partner. Such is not observed in response to chirps, as little advantage would be gained by moving to the source of a sound which is known to serve as an ‘advertisement’ or ‘territorial keep-out’ signal. Thus, upon intercepting a neighbor's chirps, males exhibit courting within their own territory, or directly court a nearby female.  相似文献   

Territorial males may adopt a mating tactic that yields greater reproductive success but that at the same time increases the risk of predation. Plasticity in reproductive behavior can reflect a balance between sexual selection and natural selection. In this study, we sought to verify the effect of predation risk on territorial behavior of males of the solitary bee Ptilothrix fructifera (Apidae). Males of the species employ alternative mating tactics and can be territorial in defense of larval food sources. By manipulating predator models in the field, we tested whether (1) males avoid perch flowers containing predator models; (2) males alternate between mating tactics when their territory is associated with a predation risk; and (3) female foraging on flowers in a territory is altered in the presence of a predator model. We measured the responses of males and females in flowers containing and not containing a model of a spider or a stuffed bird. The results show that territorial males of P. fructifera alter their territorial behavior when faced with a high risk of predation. They do not abandon their territory or change to a non‐territorial mating tactic, but instead change the use of their territory, avoiding flowers containing predator models or perching on other flowers when the previous flower presented a potential predation risk. Female P. fructifera decreases the frequency of their visits to flowers and the length of time spent there in the presence of a spider model. In short, in the face of predation risk, females and males alter their behaviors at the cost of less efficient foraging and searching for partners, respectively.  相似文献   

Multiple mating (i.e., polyandry) by queens in social Hymenoptera is expected to weaken social cohesion since it lowers within-colony relatedness, and hence, indirect fitness benefits from kin selection. Yet, there are many species where queens mate multiply. Several hypotheses have been put forward to explain the evolution and maintenance of polyandry. Here,we investigated the ‘sperm limitation’ and the ‘diploid male load’ hypotheses in the ant Cataglyphis cursor. Genetic analyses of mother-offspring combinations showed that queens mate with up to 8 males, with an effective mating frequency of 3.79. Significant paternity skew (unequal contribution of the fathers) was detected in 1 out of 5 colonies. The amount of sperm stored in the spermatheca was not correlated with the queen mating frequency, and males carry on average enough sperm in their seminal vesicles to fill one queen’s spermatheca. Analyses of the nuclear DNA-content of males also revealed that all were haploid. These results suggest that the ‘sperm limitation’ and the ‘diploid male load’ hypotheses are unlikely to account for the queen mating frequency reported in this ant. In light of our results and the life-history traits of C. cursor, we discuss alternative hypotheses to account for the adaptive significance of multiple mating by queens in this species. Received 13 August 2008; revised 19 November 2008; accepted 21 November 2008.  相似文献   

In the present study, we evaluated whether reproductive condition affects female reproductive behaviour in the induced ovulator Ctenomys talarum. We also explored the effect of the interaction with a male on the reproductive condition of females. To evaluate this, we arranged mating trials and evaluated female reproductive behaviour. Reproductive status of females was evaluated using a combined approach of vaginal smears, urinary progesterone and oestradiol, and ovarian histology. Behaviours denoting attraction (‘male sniff’ and ‘mount attempts’) and mutual courtship behaviours (‘spin’ and copula) were correlated with vaginal cytology before and oestradiol and progesterone levels in urine 12 h after male–female encounter. After 24 h of the interaction, oestradiol levels and vaginal epithelization increased while progesterone levels decreased in soliciting females. C. talarum females’ reproductive behaviour was related to its physiological reproductive state and vaginal cytology. The kind of male interaction, whether couples copulated or remained indifferent affected the later status of females. Females are induced ovulators by mating but male presence and interaction also affected other components of their reproductive physiology such as ovarian hormones and vaginal cytology.  相似文献   

Data from an Ethiopian population of Colobus guerezashow that territory size is fixed by the high density of the population. Groups undergo fission when their size results in fewer than 10 trees per individual within the group’s territory. The daughter groups produced by fission emigrate into suboptimal habitat, which acts as a demographic sink. Comparative analyses using data from other East African populations demonstrate that mean territory size is inversely related to population density and that density, in turn, is a function of the size of the forest block. Since both group size and reproductive rates can be shown to be positively correlated with type of forest, it is concluded that this relationship reflects the fact that local population densities reach their ceiling more rapidly in small forest blocks because the animals’ access to alternative territories is limited. The number of males in a colobus group is shown to be a function of the number of females in it. Multimale groups have lower reproductive rates than one-male groups, probably because the stress generated by competition among the males causes temporary infertility among the females.  相似文献   

The relationship between ovipositional preference ofSiphoninus phillyreae (Haliday) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) and host plant suitability on seven host plant species (Citrus sinensis (L.) cv. ‘Washington’ [navel orange],Fraxinus uhdei (Wenz.) [shamel ash],Heteromeles arbutifolia Roemer [toyon],Malus domestica Mill. cv. ‘Granny Smith’, [apple],Pistacia vera L. cv. ‘Kerman’ [pistachio],Prunus persica (L.) cv. ‘O’Henry’ [peach], andPyrus communis L. cv. ‘Bartlett’ [pear]) was evaluated. Ovipositional preference ofS. phillyreae was determined by measuring egg density after adult female whitefies were given a simultaneous choice of all host plants for oviposition. Immature survival, developmental time, and adult size were examined to determine host plant suitability forS. phillyreae. All studies were performed under greenhouse conditions.S. phillyreae showed distinct ovipositional preference among host plant species. Host plant species had a significant effect on immature survival, but little or no effect on developmental time or forewing length. For four of the seven host plant species tested, there was an association between ovipositional preference and survival.  相似文献   

Synopsis Prevalence and intensity of a clinostomatid in the fishPoecilia gilliii were measured in six dry season pools of a small intermittent Costa Rican stream, and the prevalence of two diplostomulid parasites (‚diplostomulum’ and ‚neascus’) were monitored in 14 residual pools of a second intermittent stream of the same drainage. There were significant among-pool differences in the prevalence of the three parasites. There was no evidence to suggest that clinostomatid or ‚diplostomulum’ prevalence was influenced by the position of pools within the downstream gradient; however, ‚neascus’ prevalence tended to decrease with distance downstream. Host length accounted for some of the variation in parasite prevalence among pools for both diplostomulids. Prevalence and intensity of a clinostomid in the body cavity varied with host gender and body size. There was a positive relationship between body size and clinostomatid parasitization in female hosts. Most males examined were less than 50 mm (total length). For fish less than 50 mm, males were more parasitized than females. Prevalence of the two diplostomulids was not related to the relative net periphyton production or the dissolved oxygen concentration of the pools. However, a positive correlation between the density ofP. gillii and ‚diplostomulum’ prevalence was found across the fourteen pools, and ‘neascus’ prevalence was positively related to pool area.  相似文献   

Many populations live in ‘advective’ media, such as rivers, where flow is biased in one direction. In these environments, populations face the possibility of extinction by being washed out of the system, even if the net reproductive rate (R) is greater than one. We propose a formal condition for population persistence in advective systems: a population can persist at any location in a homogeneous habitat if and only if it can invade upstream. This leads to a remarkably simple recipe for calculating the minimal value for the net reproductive rate for population persistence. We apply this criterion to discrete-time models of a semelparous population where dispersal is characterized by a mechanistically derived kernel. We demonstrate that persistence depends strongly on the form of the kernel’s ‘tail’, a result consistent with previous literature on the speed of spread of invasions. We apply our theory to models of stream invertebrates with a biphasic life cycle, and relate our results to the ‘colonization cycle’ hypothesis where bias in downstream drift is offset by upstream bias in adult dispersal. In the absence of bias in adult dispersal, variability in the duration of the larval stage and in oviposition sites have a large effect of the persistence condition. The minimization calculations required in our approach are very straightforward, indicating the feasibility of future applications to life history theory.  相似文献   

Mating disruption treatments for the tufted apple bud moth (TABM),Platynota idaeusalis (Walker), were tested in small plot trials in apple orchards in Pennsylvania. Treatments were evaluated by fruit injury and by capture of male TABM in traps baited with synthetic pheromone sources or virgin females. The TABM pheromone is a two component isomeric blend ofE-11-tetradecen-1-ol (E11-14:OH) andE-11-tetradecenyl acetate (E11-14:Ac). A 50∶50 ratio of these two components was used in standard monitoring septa and in mating disruption treatments released from either hollow fibers (‘fiber’) or PVC tubes (‘PVC’). Other pheromone blends tested included a 90∶10 ratio of E11-14: Ac and E11-14:OH (‘EAc’) and its reverse (‘EOH’), mixture ‘EAc’ with 30% of the Z-isomers (‘low AEc’), and a blend similar to the preceding with 2% Z9-12:Ac (‘generic’). These other blends were released from multi tube tape (‘tape’) or Shin-Etsu type rope (‘rope’) dispensers. Seasonal dispenser release rate in mg ha−1 h−1 was ca. 30 for the ‘rope’ dispensers, 14 for ‘PVC’ and 6 for ‘fiber’. ‘EAc-tape’ and ‘EOH-tape’ were equally effective in reducing catches of males in traps baited with synthetic lures and in traps baited with virgin females. Both treatments also reduced fruit injury. ‘EAc-rope’, ‘fiber’ and ‘PVC’ also were generally effective; whereas, the ‘low EAc’ and ‘generic’ treatments reduced trap capture less than 90% and did not reduce fruit injury. Dispenser density was positively correlated with reduction in trap capture for the ‘low EAc-rope’ and ‘genericrope’ treatments. Traps loaded with ‘fiber’ dispensers captured more male TABM than the other treatments in non-pheromone permeated environments. Trap capture of other tortricids was reduced in pheromone treatments. ‘EAc-rope’ and the ‘TABM’ treatments provided mean (s.e.) percent reduction in trap catch of 99.5 (0.4) and 42.9 (10.1), respectively, for the redbanded leafroller,Argyrotaenia velutinana (Walker), and 90.4 (6.8) and 90.4 (1.3), respectively, for the obliquebanded leafroller,Choristoneura rosaceana (Harris).  相似文献   

Mating habits of the rockfishSebastes inermis   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Synopsis Underwater observations were conducted on the mating habits of rockfish,Sebastes inermis, southwest of Kyushu Island, Japan, in 1984–1986. The reproductive season of the fish lasted from October to January, when most males over 1 year of age established territories ranging from 12 to 70 m2. Home ranges of females overlapped with male territories. Males performed courtship behaviors when females approached the territories. Principal motor patterns of courtship were characterized by ‘lateral display’ and ‘rushing and turning’ movements. The mating pair formed about 30 min before copulation. As the mating pair ascended to 1.5–2.0 m above the bottom, the male suddenly coiled around the female's body to copulate. In spite of frequent courtship behavior [14.8 (±10.7 SD)×15 min−1, December 1985] of males, only seven copulations were observed, occurring mostly at dusk in December. In December and January, more than half of the males had accumulated urine, some large volume of it. It was assumed that the male attracted the female by releasing substances via urine during the ‘lateral display’ movements, which were performed just in front of the female, near the snout. Other functional aspects of courtship behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

The sperm allocation pattern of a copulating marine cottid fish, Alcichthys alcicornis, was investigated. A total of 86 mating events using six males were conducted in aquarium tanks over 10 days, and in 36 of them, spermatozoa were collected using a false copulation method. Males released 3–8 × 108 spermatozoa in early events, with the number decreasing gradually during subsequent mating events. This sperm allocation was represented as an “early investment and tapering” pattern. It was discussed why males have significantly higher sperm release in early spawning events. The reproductive behavior consists of spawning and subsequent copulation. Spermatozoa have the ability to fertilize eggs from multiple clutches, and in earlier produced clutches the level of sperm competition should be relatively low. In addition, if early spawn happens to be the first spawn with a female, spermatozoa that are released into the water column after spawning are responsible for fertilizing the female’s first clutch. The probability of this occurring should decrease dramatically as the season progresses, due to the highly synchronous seasonal spawning of females. All of these factors should select for high sperm numbers in early ejaculates. Based on such reproductive ecology of A. alcicornis we hypothesize that this sperm allocation pattern is an adaptive reproductive strategy in response to egg availability and sperm competition occurring within the ovarian cavity.  相似文献   

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