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石蒜属植物的研究进展(综述)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对石蒜属植物的资源分布、化学成分及其提取分离、药理作用、引种驯化、生态效益、园林应用等方面的研究和利用现状进行综述,并对其资源开发与可持续利用提出建议。  相似文献   

通过对南京市堇菜属植物资源进行调查与分析,介绍了南京市堇菜属植物资源的种类、分布及观赏特性,阐述了堇菜属植物在园林绿化中的观赏应用价值,认为其在南京园林绿化中具有很大的开发应用前景。  相似文献   

厦门引种的榕属植物资源及其园林应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对厦门榕属植物资源的调查发现,该地区引种栽培的榕属植物约67种,榕属植物在厦门城市绿化中的作用十分显著。对城区131条道路绿化的调查表明,大叶榕和高山榕为骨干绿化树种,重要值均在6%以上。  相似文献   

堇菜属植物药用历史悠久,品种繁多。本研究根据古本草文献中所载堇菜属植物的原文和附图,运用现代植物分类学方法,从药用历史和品种两方面对堇菜属药用植物进行本草考证,明确其历史源流,以期正本清源,为堇菜属药用植物的开发与应用奠定基础。  相似文献   

中国野生观赏植物资源调查、评价及园林应用研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
野生观赏植物是植物种质资源的特殊类别,随着人居环境科学的发展,其美化和生态功能日益受到重视,相关研究文献迅猛增加。综述了我国野生观赏植物资源的调查、评价、引种、抗性生理和园林应用研究进展,包括重点调查的区域、植物类别、科属和观赏价值的分析,运用层次分析法、灰色关联度法、心理物理学法的评价成果分析,引种驯化、抗性生理和园林应用交叉研究的成果分析,以及基于园林视角研究野生植物群落的成果分析,并提出了野生观赏植物资源研究中有待解决的问题。  相似文献   

百花山景区野生花卉资源及其园林应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国拥有丰富的野生花卉资源,具有很大的园林应用潜能。通过对野生资源进行引种驯化栽培,培育出观赏价值高和适应性强的花卉新品种,从而达到丰富园林植物资源,更好地为城市园林建设服务的目标,这将成为人们未来研究的重点。通过对北京百花山景区野生花卉资源的实地调查和资料整理,报道了多种具有较高观赏水平和引种驯化潜力的野生花卉,并阐述了其在园林中的应用价值,同时提出了多种将我国野生花卉的资源优势转化为经济优势的有效途径。  相似文献   

对中国堇菜属美丽堇菜亚属植物进行了系统学修订,确认中国堇菜属美丽堇菜亚属植物共有6种,列出分种检索表,对《中国植物志》51卷中未记载的3种进行了详细的描述,并对塔城堇菜、深紫堇菜及隐距堇菜进行了绘图。  相似文献   

介绍了堇菜属的形态特征与分布并说明其研究历史与现状;以堇菜属为例,对现代植物学分类方法在植物分类研究中的应用进行了论述。  相似文献   

西方曾有人说过:“没有中国的花卉,便不成其为花园。”中国一向被誉为世界“园林之母”。野生花卉种质资源十分丰富。许多野生花卉以其美而不艳的自然风貌,香而不郁的芬芳气味,吸引着越来越多的花卉爱好者。随着城市绿化建设的发展,园艺技术的提高,野生花卉的引种驯化工作越来越受到人们的重视。我国幅员辽阔、不同的地区、不同的生态环境,生长着各种不同的植物种类,我国各地区如能就地引种野生花卉,广泛种植,既可丰富城市景观,又能突出地展示出各城市不同的特点和风韵。  相似文献   

湖北是我国细辛属折分布中心之一。历年来由于大量采挖作为药用,野生资源日渐枯竭。细辛属植物亦具有较高的观赏价值。在日本已广为应用,但在我国却栽培很少,中国科学院武汉植物研究所药园自1959年以来,先后引种栽培成功11种细辛属植物,对它们的物候期和生物发育作了观察,并根据各植物的生长习性,提出了相庆的栽培技术措施,为该属植物的引种栽培提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

The sequences of chloroplast trnL trnF (20 species), psbA trnH(17 species), rpL16 (17 species) and ITS(one species) regions of the genus Viola were analyzed for phylogenetic relationships in the genus with the maximum parsimony (MP) and Bayesian inference (BI) analyses. Hybanthus enneaspermus, Scyphellandra pierrei and Rinorea bengalensis were used as outgroups. Additional sequences corresponding to the same DNA regions for the other taxa in Viola were downloaded from GenBank. The phylogenetic tree indicated that subgenViola is not monophyletic. Moreover, some intrageneric relationships in Viola were clarified. Combining sequences with morphological characters and chromosome number, the inference of morphological evolution in Viola was put forward. It was inferred that: 1) erect stems might well be more primitive than stolons and rosettes; 2) long fimbriate margin in stipules and stipules with 1/2-3/4 adnate part might represent distinctive evolutionary trends of sectTrigonocarpae and of sectAdnatae respectively; 3) species with stigmatic beaks might have been derived from ancestors without beaks; simple structure stigmas transformed into complex structure stigmas, and then transformed back to simple stucture patterns.  相似文献   

以鼠鞭草(Hybanthus enneaspermus)、鳞隔堇(Scyphellandra pierrei)、雷诺木(Rinorea bengalensis)作为外类群,对堇菜属(Viola)20个类群的trnL trnF序列,17个类群的psbA trnH、rpL16序列以及1个类群的nrDNA ITS序列进行了测定,并从GenBank下载相应的序列,运用最大简约法以及贝叶斯推论法进行系统分析,构建系统发育树。结果表明:堇菜亚属(subgen.Viola)不是一个单系类群,并明确了堇菜属部分组间类群的亲缘关系。本文还结合形态与细胞学证据对堇菜属进行性状演化的推测。结果表明:1)直立茎较匍匐茎、莲座状茎(叶基生)原始;2)托叶边缘长流苏状与托叶1/2~3/4合生分别是鸟嘴柱头堇菜组(sect.Trigonocarpae)和合生托叶组(sect.Adnatae)演化路线的重要性状标志;3)花柱样式从柱头无喙演化至柱头有喙,并由柱头简单演化至柱头复杂,再趋向于柱头简化。  相似文献   

以鼠鞭草(Hybanthus enneaspermus)、鳞隔堇(Scyphellandra pierrei)、雷诺木(Rinorea benga-lensis)作为外类群,对堇菜属(Viola)20个类群的trnL-trnF序列,17个类群的psbA-trnH、rpL16序列以及1个类群的nrDNAITS序列进行了测定,并从GenBank下载相应的序列,运用最大简约法以及贝叶斯推论法进行系统分析,构建系统发育树。结果表明:堇菜亚属(subgen. Viola)不是一个单系类群,并明确了堇菜属部分组间类群的亲缘关系。本文还结合形态与细胞学证据对堇菜属进行性状演化的推测。结果表明:1)直立茎较匍匐茎、莲座状茎(叶基生)原始;2)托叶边缘长流苏状与托叶1/2~3/4合生分别是鸟嘴柱头堇菜组(sect. Trigonocarpae)和合生托叶组(sect. Adnatae)演化路线的重要性状标志;3)花柱样式从柱头无喙演化至柱头有喙,并由柱头简单演化至柱头复杂,再趋向于柱头简化。  相似文献   

Numerous technologies have contributed to the recent development of landscape ecology, especially the geospatial technological advances constitute a revolution in landscape ecology. Extensive applications of geospatial technologies, such as fractal theory, geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing (RS) in landscape ecology research, suggest the necessity of such a review of research progress in this field. In this study, a brief introduction to fractal theory, GIS and RS and how they were applied in landscape ecology were provided first. Then, the current state-of-the-art was summarized and analyzed as reference for further promoting the development of landscape ecology science and its applications. Finally, opportunities and challenges of landscape ecology applications using these new technologies were discussed and concluded for future research. It was contended that a combination and integration of these technologies can substantially advance the study of landscape ecology for data acquisition, process modeling, scale transformation, result analysis and visualization. However, as no theoretical framework and application cases of applying an integration of fractal theory, GIS and RS techniques to landscape ecology research have been established, further studies are still much needed.  相似文献   

大花三色堇性喜冷凉、忌酷热。该研究以大花三色堇3个自交系08H 、HAR 和 E01为材料,分别测定了40℃高温处理4、8和12 h 时不同基因型大花三色堇幼苗的生理指标,以及不同浓度(0.1、1、2 mmol?L-1)水杨酸预处理对热胁迫下大花三色堇幼苗耐热性的影响。结果表明:在高温胁迫下大花三色堇电解质外渗量增加,随着处理时间的延长,电解质外渗更多,可溶性糖含量先增加后降低,POD 酶活性先提高后降低;与其他2个自交系相比,HAR 表现出较好的耐热性,其可溶性糖含量、POD 酶活性的增加均较高,而电解质外渗率偏低;与对照相比,3种浓度 SA 预处理均显著降低了大花三色堇幼苗的电解质外渗率,增加了幼苗体内可溶性糖含量,提高了大花三色堇的幼苗体内脯氨酸含量和 POD 酶活性;其中1 mmol?L-1的 SA 预处理对高温胁迫下大花三色堇幼苗体内可溶性糖的含量增加最高,最大程度减缓幼苗体内的电解质外渗量,08H 和 HAR 的脯氨酸含量和 POD 酶活性达到最大值。而对 E01而言,0.1 mmol?L-1的水杨酸预处理的脯氨酸含量和 POD 酶活性最高。该研究结果探讨了高温胁迫下不同基因型大花三色堇幼苗的生理表现,以及外施水杨酸对增强大花三色堇幼苗耐热性的效果,为大花三色堇抗热栽培提供重要的基础资料。  相似文献   

Parma violets are reputed for their double, fragrant flowers and have been cultivated for centuries in Europe. However, due to a rather atypical morphology their taxonomic affinity has not been clarified. Authors have proposed an origin from three possible species, Viola alba, V. odorata, or V. suavis, or a hybrid origin. Using both ITS sequence variation and allozyme variation in 14 putative loci, we showed that the Parma violet cultivars have their origin within Viola alba and that they are best included in the Mediterranean subsp. dehnhardtii. There is no trace of interspecific hybridization. However, the cultivars appear to have a single origin in a wide hybrid within V. alba, involving parental plants from the eastern and western Mediterranean region; historical literature sources seem to indicate Turkey and Italy, respectively. The Parma violet cultivars possess high levels of allozyme heterozygosity and to some extent also within-individual ITS sequence variation. Losses of heterozygosity and within-individual ITS sequence variation in some of the cultivars indicate subsequent rare events of sexual reproduction, presumably through cleistogamous seed set. We unambiguously identify the closest wild relative of this group of cultivars, allowing growers to develop new selection procedures, and show a peculiar molecular process associated with human selection.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: Climate change and shifts in land use are two major threats to biodiversity and are likely to disproportionately impact narrow endemics. Understanding their origins and the extent of their genetic diversity will enable land managers to better conserve these unique, highly localized gene pools. Viola guadalupensis is a narrow endemic of the Guadalupe Mountains (west Texas, USA). Its affinities within Viola section Chamaemelanium have been the subject of some debate. Furthermore, the polyploid and presumably reticulate relationships within this section remain largely unknown. ? Methods: We counted chromosomes for V. guadalupensis. Phylogenies for the chloroplast trnL-F region and the low-copy nuclear gene GPI for 24 Viola taxa were generated and used to produce a polyploid phylogenetic network. Divergence dates were obtained by fossil calibration. ? Key results: Meiotic chromosome counts revealed that V. guadalupensis is tetraploid (n = 12), and the presence of two GPI homoeologs further suggested allotetraploidy. Phylogenetic reconstructions showed that it originated through hybridization between unidentified members of subsection Canadenses (paternal parent) and subsection Nuttallianae (maternal parent). A fossil-calibrated relaxed clock dating analysis of GPI estimated the maximum age of V. guadalupensis to be 8.6 (5.7-11.6) Myr, suggesting the species evolved after the Guadalupe Mountains formed 12-13 Ma. ? Conclusions: Viola guadalupensis originated by intersubsectional hybridization followed by polyploidization. Within section Chamaemelanium, this phenomenon has occurred repeatedly in the last 9 Myr (at least for V. bakeri, V. douglasii, V. glabella, and V. sempervirens). Consequences for the systematics of the section are discussed.  相似文献   

景观多功能性:概念辨析、近今进展与前沿议题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘焱序  傅伯杰 《生态学报》2019,39(8):2645-2654
景观多功能性是指景观同时提供多种功能,且不同功能间存在相互作用的特性。良好的景观多功能性可以有效提升区域人类福祉,使景观多功能性成为一项典型的人地耦合研究议题。然而,概念不明确、计量方法粗略、实践应用较少是当前制约景观多功能性研究继续深化的重要障碍。通过明晰景观多功能性与生态系统功能、生态系统服务、土地功能、景观服务、景观可持续性等近似概念的逻辑关系,梳理近年来国际上农业景观多功能性、城市景观多功能性以及其他具有区域特色的景观多功能性研究进展,发现格局-过程-服务-可持续性的级联研究链条已逐渐显现。未来景观多功能性研究有待基于供需原理优化景观功能评估指标与方法,正确认知景观功能主导性与多样性的关系,探究可持续发展目标达成的多目标协同途径,为国土空间优化提供理论、方法与实践指引。  相似文献   

将《中国植物志》中未收录的我国堇菜属2种Viola hupeiana W.Beck.和Violapulla W.Beck.分别处理为Violaverecunda A.Gray和Violalucens W.Beck.的异名。  相似文献   

在南岭自然保护区核心区选择海拔高度为500—600m、600—800m、800—1000m、1000—1200m、1200—1400m、1400—1600m、1600—1800m、1800—1902m共8个连续的海拔梯度,分别对植物群落中的堇菜属植物进行普查。结果表明,随着海拔升高,各海拔段有堇菜属植物5、8、9、10、9、7、3、1种,以中海拔段的物种多样性较高。两海拔段间距离越近,物种相似性系数越大;距离越远,相似性系数越小。在中海拔段,堇菜属植物种类的多度最大,两端较小。南岭自然保护区堇菜属植物的垂直分布格局呈“中间膨胀型”或“单峰型”,与普遍的木本植物一致,这种格局可能是与沿海拔水热梯度的变化相关。  相似文献   

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