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保护新疆马鹿塔里木亚种的建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马鹿塔里木亚种分布于新疆塔里木盆地各沿河地带,强度适应荒漠生境。采用分子系统学方法研究表明,世界马鹿分为东西两大系统,马鹿塔里木亚种是我国唯一属于西部系统的亚种。在中国濒危动物红皮书中被列为濒危(E)亚种,按国际自然与自然资源保护联盟(IUCN)1993年制定的世界物种红色名录濒危定级标准,属于极危级(EN)。自20世纪50年代以来,由于自然和人为因素的影响,种群数量急骤下降,现今马鹿塔里木亚种在塔河流域被隔离为莎雅、尉犁和且末3个小种群,当前该亚种正受到栖息地减小和片断化的双重影响,而且因遗传漂变和近亲繁殖的不断增加也进一步加剧它的濒危程度。为有效保护该物种特提出可行的保护建议。  相似文献   

曾岩  李春旺 《生物多样性》2004,12(6):645-645
普氏原羚(Gazelle przewalskii)是我国特有物种,目前其分布地仅局限于青海省青海湖环湖部分区域,种群数量仅300多只,是日前世界上最濒危的有蹄类动物。1988年,普氏原羚被列为国家一级保护动物,1996年被世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)评定为极危(CR)级动物。  相似文献   

虎(Panthera tigris)作为顶级捕食者, 对维持森林生态系统服务和结构完整性有着重要作用, 是研究和保护工作的旗舰物种。历史上, 虎曾广泛分布于亚洲大部分地区, 如今仅分布于南亚、东南亚和东北亚的破碎化栖息地, 各区域种群处于濒危或极度濒危状态。准确了解野生虎的种群状态和生态需求信息对于科学开展保护和恢复工作至关重要。本文通过综述近几十年的研究文献, 总结了野生虎种群现状和主要威胁因素, 评价了已有研究的重点与不足, 为未来亚洲虎种群的研究和保护提出了建议。目前与虎相关的研究主要集中在分布范围最广的孟加拉虎(P. t. tigris)和东北虎(P. t. altaica) 2个亚种, 而最急需关注的其他亚种仍研究不足。经过近十几年的努力和保护投入, 目前野生虎种群数量已从2010年的大约3,200只恢复到现在约4,500只, 但在越南、柬埔寨和老挝3个国家已经灭绝。虎面临的主要威胁包括持续的栖息地破坏和隔离、猎物缺乏、近交衰退、人虎冲突、贸易与盗猎和疾病威胁等。未来的研究和保护工作需要加强种群和栖息地连通性恢复、个体重引入、疾病管控以及加强跨境合作和反盗猎等。  相似文献   

<正>东北豹Panthera pardus orientalis为国家Ⅰ级重点保护野生动物,是最濒危的豹亚种,全球种群数量一直未能超过50只(Pikunov et al.,2009),被世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)列为极危(CR)物种(Stein et al.,2016)。其曾广布于中国东北、俄罗斯远东以及朝鲜半岛(Miquelle et al.,2011),目前的分布区已经退缩到俄罗斯滨海边区西南、我国境内与其接壤地区,分布区也由3个变为1个(Pikunov Korkishko,1985)。目前该  相似文献   

正狼Canis lupus在世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)濒危物种红色名录中被列为无危(LC)物种(IUCN,2017),是《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约(CITES)》附录Ⅱ物种,在《中国哺乳类红色名录》中为易危(VU)物种(蒋志刚,2015)。中国是野生狼种群数量最多的国家之一,很多国外研究者认为狼仅分布在中国北部(Nowak,2003;Larson et al.,2014;IUCN,2017),或者中国南部历  相似文献   

<正>猫科动物广泛分布于世界各地(Johnson et al.,2006),全球现存37种猫科动物,其中25种已被国际自然保护联盟(IUCN)列为濒危和易危,86%以上的种群数量处于下降或未知状态(IUCN Red List,2011)。我国有13种猫科动物,占世界种类的35%(王应祥,2003),其中属于国家一级保护的有4种,二级保护的有8种,然而,对这些珍稀物种的生态学研究并不充分(高耀亭,  相似文献   

黑脸琵鹭(Platalea minor)属鹳形目、鹮科、琵鹭属,仅分布于亚洲东部,在我国东北(Schauensee,1984)和朝鲜(Kennerley 1989)繁殖,多在我国东南沿海越冬。由于数量稀少我国列入二级保护动物,是国际组织(IUCN)关注的世界濒危鸟类。据1994~1995年冬季黑脸琵鹭分布及数量的报道(Thomas D. D and Mary L. F, 1995),全世界发现有黑脸琵鹭越冬栖息地8处,总数量为422只(图1)。  相似文献   

滇金丝猴(Rhinopithecus bieti)   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
任宝平  李明  魏辅文  龙勇诚 《动物学杂志》2004,39(5):111-111,104
滇金丝猴(Rhinopithecus bieti),又名黑白仰鼻猴,当地人称为“雪猴”。属灵长目(Primates),猴科(Cercopithecidae),金丝猴属(Rhinopithecus)。是我国特有珍稀濒危灵长类动物,保护级别Ⅰ级。世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)将其列为世界高度濒危物种。  相似文献   

黑长臂猿的分布、现状与保护   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
黑长臂猿 (Hylobates concolor)是现生 1 1种长臂猿中其系统地位最低的灵长类。历史时期长臂猿曾广泛分布在我国南部的大部省区。自公元 4世纪以来 ,它们的分布发生了很大变化。分布区从北到南 ,从东到西急剧缩小 ,现黑长臂猿缩小到只在海南岛、云南南部和越南北部 ,已分化为 6个亚种。分布于我国的 5亚种中 ,海南亚种 (H . c. hainanus)现今仅20余只 ,是最濒危的一个亚种 ;.北部湾亚种 (H.c.nasutus) 50年代曾在广西西南部发现 ,60 -70年代已绝迹 ;指名亚种 (H.c.concolor)主要分布于越南北部、滇南和滇中哀牢山。滇南约有100余只 ,滇中哀牢山可能有40 - 60群 ,180 - 240只 ;景东亚种 (H . c. jingdongensis)为滇中无量山的特有亚种 ,现有100 - 116群 ,430 - 500只 ;滇西亚种 (H . c. furvogaster) ,只分布在滇西南的沧源、镇康、云县和耿马等地 ,约有 2 6-42群 ,100 - 150只。现今 ,黑长臂猿的分布区已不足1000Km2 ,总数量约1000只 ,为高度濒危的灵长类动物。造成黑长臂猿濒危的主要原因是 :热带和南亚热带原始森林的被破坏和缩小、人类活动的干扰使生境破碎和恶化、过度猎捕和长臂猿自身的生物学弱点。目前 ,中国的黑长臂猿已在 9个自然保护区中得到保护。  相似文献   

由国家环保局发起和资助,中华人民共和国濒危物种科学委员会主持,汪松教授主编的<中国濒危动物红皮书>,经过数十位专家十余年的共同努力,其鱼类(乐佩琦、陈宜瑜主编)、两栖类和爬行类(赵尔宓主编)、鸟类(郑光美、王歧山主编)及兽类(汪松主编)四个分卷已于1998年由科学出版社正式出版,其定价别为58元、69元、69元和79元,需要者请与出版者联系.全书共收录中国濒危鱼类92种、两栖类29种、爬行类96种、鸟类183种及兽类133种,总计533种,即表明我国现有533种脊椎动物已被正式确认为濒危物种,约占我国全部已知脊椎动物种类6347种的8%.收录范围覆盖了所有已公布的国家重点保护野生脊椎动物和CITES附录收录的在中国分布的脊椎动物.对各个种提供的信息包括:分类地位和名称,本书评定的濒危等级及相关的国家重点保护野生动物保护级别、IUCN濒危等级(IUCN,1994,1996)和CITES附录等级(CITES,1995),识别特征、分布及中国分布图、栖息地及习性、估计数量、致危因素、驯养繁殖、保护措施及保护措施建议,以及参考文献和部分种类的彩图.文字为中英文对照.  相似文献   

北京动物园分别采用全人工和人工.狗乳交替哺育的方法,成功哺育6只雪豹幼崽。通过对育幼箱内外温、湿度的监测结果表明,幼崽呼吸频率随年龄增加而呈现周期性波动,9周后接近成年雪豹;幼崽体温0—87日龄呈逐渐下降趋势,50日龄后趋于稳定;排便和排尿量均随年龄增长呈增加趋势,70日龄增长量趋缓;幼崽体重直线增长。通过对两种哺育方式的卡方检验结果表明,两种哺育方式下雪豹幼崽体重生长存在显著差异。育幼箱内温度和幼崽自身体温对体重增长具有显著的影响;体温与幼崽呼吸频率和进食量具有显著的相关性。此外,还应注意饲料转换时机及微量元素对幼年雪豹生长发育的重要性。  相似文献   

This study compared the influence of feeding methods on growth parameters of young‐of‐year Beluga sturgeon Huso huso in a 6‐week trial. Fish with an average weight 150.3 ± 0.8 g (±SE) were stocked into nine circular concrete tanks (30 fish per tank) in an open circular system with water temperature of 18.9°C. All fish were fed by three different feeding methods: (a) hand‐fed (HF), (b) continuously available (automated feeder; AF), (c) half of daily feed provided by hand, and another half by automated feeder (combined feeding). For the hand‐feeding method, fish were fed at 09:00, 14:00, 19:00, and 24:00. The entire automatic feeding groups were fed with the same amount of feed. The mean final body weight was the highest in fish fed by AF compared to fish fed by HF. Body weight increase, condition factor, specific growth rate, and feed conversion ratio did not differ among the feeding groups. Fish fed by AF revealed higher swimming activity than the HF group. No significant changes were found in hematocrit, glucose and total protein concentrations among treatments. The results showed less dependence of growth and physiology of Beluga sturgeon on feeding method, but automated‐feeding was shown to be suitable for sturgeon rearing because of further low labour costs in rearing systems.  相似文献   

Rearing insects in controlled conditions is a prerequisite to supply high-quality specimens for bioassays. However, while artificial diets and standardized rearing methods have been developed for many phytophagous insects, especially Lepidoptera, there are limited published diets for root-feeding Coleoptera which are commonly fed either grass roots or pieces of vegetables as a simple alternative to artificial diets during bioassays. These feeding options, while convenient, can be considered suboptimal as they do not maximise the insects' development and health. Additionally, it is also important to develop standardised screening methods designed to test sublethal effects of control agents which may have repellent, antifeedant, antimetabolic and/or delayed mortality effects. The greyback canegrub (Dermolepida albohirtum, Waterhouse) is the most damaging native pest of Australian sugarcane, but no rearing method or artificial diet has ever been developed for this species. Our objectives were to improve bioassay methodology for D. albohirtum by describing and developing standard rearing and health assessment protocols. We describe a successful rearing method to raise healthy D. albohirtum larvae with a total of 48.8% of first instars successfully moulting to the second instar. We also tested a modified artificial diet which increased the weight, size and food uptake of larvae compared to traditional methods (i.e., pieces of carrots). For example, the average weight increase of larvae fed with the modified diet was 3.4 times higher than for carrot-fed larvae while modified diet-fed larvae were 2.1 times wider than if they were fed with carrots. Finally, we developed a method to measure larval activity which can be used to identify sublethal effects of control agents such as effects on activity level. Our methods may also be applied to improve bioassay methodology for other root-feeding Coleoptera.  相似文献   

目的:探讨不同喂养方式对婴儿骨密度、维生素A的影响。方法:选择2015~2016年来我院体检的婴儿120例,根据不同喂养方式的不同分为母乳喂养组、混合喂养组及人工喂养组,比较三组婴儿1、3、6月的身长、头围、体质量、骨密度,6月时的维生素A及6月内的患病率。结果:三组婴儿1、3、6月内身长、体质量及头围对比差异无统计学意义(P0.05);1月、3月时,母乳喂养组与混合喂养组骨密度与明显高于人工喂养组(P0.05);母乳喂养组与人工喂养组对比差异无统计学意义(P0.05);6月时,混合喂养组婴儿的骨密度显著高于人工喂养组和母乳喂养组(P0.05),人工喂养组显著低于母乳喂养组(P0.05)。6月时,母乳喂养组的维生素A明显低于人工喂养组及混合喂养组(P0.05)。母乳喂养组6月内的患病率明显低于混合喂养组及人工喂养组(P0.05)。结论:6个月前不同喂养方式对婴儿的体格发育无明显影响,而6个月左右母乳喂养的婴儿骨密度及维生素A含量均低于混合喂养,母乳喂养可降低婴儿的患病率,6个月内应提倡母乳喂养。  相似文献   

Artificial agarose foods containing either starch, glycogen, carragheenan, alginate, casein, gelatin, albumin, or peptones at a concentration of 1% dry weight were not phagostimulatory. Artificial foods containing sugars, especially galactose, at a concentration of 0.005 M were phagostimulatory. Of the common amino acids, only L‐phenylalanine was phagostimulatory at this concentration. The initiation of feeding postures (movement of the spines, tube feet, peristome, and Aristotle's lantern) of Lytechinus variegatus was little affected by the concentration of plant extracts. Many aspects of this behavior were attributable to physical rather than chemical stimulation. Feeding rates of L. variegatus upon artificial agarose foods containing either Thalassia testudinum or Gracilaria verrucosa were directly dependent upon plant tissue concentration. All artificial agarose food‐items were initially moved to the mouth and fed upon, however the time spent feeding was directly dependent upon plant type and tissue concentration. Retention of the artificial food‐items upon the test after feeding was not influenced by plant type or tissue concentration. Differences in consumption of foods by L. variegatus are determined by the degree of persistence in feeding upon encountered items and not be selection before initiating feeding or by retention of food‐items for subsequent feedings.  相似文献   

The blood‐feeding insect, Rhodnius prolixus, has been raised in the laboratory for close to 100 years. Various feeding techniques have been employed ranging from the use of warm‐blooded hosts, to the use of previously collected blood offered through artificial membranes. This study compared the fecundity in mated and unmated females fed rabbit blood directly from the shaved belly of a rabbit to that of females fed defibrinated rabbit blood through an artificial membrane. These results confirm previous reports that this insect's feeding efficacy is reduced using an artificial membrane. It also demonstrates for the first time that the fecundity index, which measures the efficiency of turning the blood meal into eggs, is significantly reduced. We suggest that the natural feeding on a warm‐blooded host may provide cues that have the short‐term effect of enhancing the act of feeding and the long‐term effect of increasing egg production efficiency. Until an artificial feeding method that does not interfere with feeding and fecundity is devised, experiments on reproduction in R. prolixus warrant the use of a warm‐blooded host to emulate feeding in its natural setting. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The effect of feeding time (dawn or midnight) on nitrogen excretion and energy expenditure was studied in immature rainbow trout using measurements of respiratory gas exchange. Fish (mean individual weight 70 g) were maintained indoors under natural photoperiod and fed by hand (commercial food pellets) at a rate of 1% weight/day−1. Rates of ammonia and CO2 excretion and O2 uptake were measured every hour. Ammonia excretion increased immediately after feeding in fish fed at midnight, and 2h after feeding in fish fed at dawn. Ammonia excretion and energy supply from protein catabolism, were higher in trout fed at midnight than in those fed at dawn, while total energy expenditure was the same in both groups. The results suggested that trout fed in phase with their natural feeding rhythm use dietary protein more efficiently for growth than do trout fed out of phase with the natural rhythm.  相似文献   

Human breast milk is primarily colostrum immediately following birth. Colostrum gradually changes to mature milk over the next several days. The role of colostrum in fighting infections and promoting growth and development of the newborn is widely acknowledged. This role is mediated by differences across cultures in the acceptability of colostrum and the prevalence of colostrum feeding. This study examined the prevalence of colostrum feeding and time to initiation of breast-feeding in 143 rural Bangladeshi women in Matlab thana. Structured interviews were collected during a 9-month prospective study conducted in 1993. Women were usually interviewed within 4 days of giving birth and were asked about whether or not they fed their child colostrum and the number of hours until they began breast-feeding the baby. Ninety per cent of the mothers reported feeding their newborn colostrum. A logistic regression found no effect on the prevalence of colostrum feeding from the following covariates: mother's age, parity, history of pregnancy loss, child's sex, mother's self-report of delivery complications, and the time from birth to interview. Fifty-nine per cent of mothers initiated breast-feeding within 4 h, and 88% within 12 h of parturition. Survival analysis was used to estimate the effects of covariates on the time from delivery to initial breast-feeding. Time to initial breast-feeding was delayed slightly, but significantly, for older mothers, for male infants, and by mothers who did not report delivery complications. The percentage of mothers who fed their child colostrum was higher, and times to initial breast-feeding were shorter, than almost all previous reports from South Asia. These findings might be explained, in part, by methodological differences among studies, but it is suggested that recent changes towards earlier initiation of breast-feeding have taken place in rural Bangladesh.  相似文献   

The mortality rates of captive giant panda cubs at 0 and 1 year old was 12.89% and 18.37% respectively,in order to improve survival rate and the nursing level of captive giant panda cubs,145 cubs born in 2000-2017 at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding were analyzed by grouping primarily body weight(W0<100,100 ≤ W0<150,150 ≤ W0<200,W0 ≥ 200) and gender.The results indicated that(1) the weight curves of giant panda cubs with different primarily body weights during 180d were cubic functions.(2) Gender and primarily body weight of giant panda cubs had no interaction with the weight and average growth rate during 180 d.Gender did not affect the weight and their average growth rate of cubs,but the primarily body weight had a significant impact on the weight during 98 d and the average growth rate at the ascent stage(3-6 d),high-level stage(7-13 d),decline stage(14-45 d) and stabilization stage(46-180 d). The tokinaga of physiological weight loss was(1.77±0.67) d,and the day-age which weight recovered to primarily body weight was(4.59±1.23) d.(3) The primarily body weight and gender of giant panda cubs had no interaction on the maximum weight loss,the rate of maximum weight loss,the day-age of recovery to primarily body weight,the maximum growth rate and the day-age of maximum growth rate,but affected the day of maximum weight loss together.(4) Although the primarily body weight of giant panda cubs had a significant effect on the maximum weight loss,the day of maximum weight loss,the day-age of recovery to primarily body weight,and the maximum growth rate,it did not affect the rate of maximum weight loss and the day-age of maximum growth rate.Gender of giant panda cubs did not affect the maximum weight loss,the day-age of recovery to primarily body weight,the rate of maximum weight loss,the maximum growth rate and the day-age of maximum growth rate,but it did affect the day-age of maximum weight loss.These results indicated that the lower primarily body weight was,the less weight loss(maximum weight loss) would be,the faster speed with bottoming(the day of maximum weight loss) and recovery to primarily body weight(the day-age of recovery to primarily body weight) would be at early age.In addition,the lower primarily body weight was,the greater growth intensity of unit weight would be during the various stages at increasing growth rate,maintaining a high position,decreasing and tending to stabilize.The study revealed the characteristics of captive giant panda cubs in body weight at early age,and it provided abundant references for the early rearing of giant panda cubs.  相似文献   

A blood‐feeding system that utilizes a small amount of whole heparinized human blood in parafilm bags is described in detail, and similarities and differences between artificially fed and naturally rodent‐fed bed bugs (Hemiptera: Cimicidae) are discussed. Blood with high levels of heparin (10%) was unsuitable for artificial colony rearing, whereas bed bugs fed on 1% heparinized blood and those that naturally ingested rat blood completed their lifecycle with similar stage structures over time, with no significant differences in mortality. No differences in feeding efficiency or fertility were found in a direct comparison of bed bugs maintained under each of these two treatments, but analysis of the full lifecycle revealed that artificially fed bed bugs became significantly smaller and laid fewer eggs than rodent‐fed bed bugs. The level of membrane stretching regulated the number of bed bugs that fed. When the membrane was stretched to twice its length and width, 96% of bed bugs successfully fed through the parafilm. Whole heparinized blood that was stored at 6 °C for ≥ 14 days failed to retain its nutritional value and the amount of blood consumed and number of consecutive moults were significantly reduced.  相似文献   

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