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The formation of a highly condensed chromosome structure (heterochromatin) in a region of a eukaryotic chromosome can inactivate the genes within that region. Genetic studies using the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster have identified several essential genes which influence the formation of heterochromatin. My purpose in this review is to summarize some recent work on the genetics of heterochromatin assembly in Drosophila and a recent model for how chromosomal proteins may interact to form a heterochromatic structure.  相似文献   

Classically, position effect variegation has been studied in Drosophila and results when a euchromatic gene is placed adjacent to either centromeric heterochromatin or to a telomeric domain. In such a circumstance expression of the locus variegates, being active in some cells and silent in others. Over the last few years a comparable phenomenon in yeast has been discovered. This system promises to tell us much about this curious behaviour. Indeed, experiments reported recently(1) indicate that the variegation of a yeast telomeric gene is cell-cycle regulated. The results suggest the following model. During DNA replication there is a disassembly of chromatin that allows a competition between silencing factors and trans-activators to take place. Thus, reassembly of the domain may result in either the repression or the expression of the affected gene and, hence, produce a variegating phenotype.  相似文献   

Sequences proximal to transgene integration sites are able to deregulate transgene expression resulting in complex position effect phenotypes. In addition, transgenes integrated as repeated arrays are susceptible to repeat-induced gene silencing. Using a Cre recombinase-based system we have addressed the influence of transgene copy number (CN) on expression of hCD2 transgenes. CN reduction resulted in a decrease, increase or no effect on variegation depending upon the site of integration. This finding argues that repeat-induced gene silencing is not the principle cause of hCD2 transgene variegation. These results also suggest that having more transgene copies can be beneficial at some integration sites. The transgenic lines examined in this report also exhibited a form of imprinting, which was manifested by decreased levels of expression and increased levels of variegation, upon maternal transmission; and this correlated with DNA hypermethylation and a reduction in epigenetic chromatin modifications normally associated with active genes.  相似文献   

Summary X-ray mutagenesis has produced a series of deficiencies in a duplication of part of the third chromosome containing the acid phosphatase gene (Acph-1) in Drosophila melanogaster. In one of these deficiencies, Acph-1 is shown to be undergoing position effect variegation. Naturally occurring electrophoretic variants of the enzyme were used to visualize and determine quantitatively the extent of variegation of the allele which is cis to the heterochromatic breakpoint. Alteration of genotypic background and temperature provided further evidence for position effect. Rocket immunoelectrophoresis was used to correlate the levels of acid phosphatase activity and protein in flies containing the deficiency. A novel result indicates that the variegation is not the consequence of an averaging of active and inactive cells, but rather due to a quantitative alteration of gene activity within at least some individual cells.  相似文献   

Sequences proximal to transgene integration sites are able to regulate transgene expression, resulting in complex position effect variegation. Position effect variegation can cause differences in epigenetic modifications, such as DNA methylation and histone acetylation. However, it is not known which factor, position effect or epigenetic modification, plays a more important role in the regulation of transgene expression. We analyzed transgene expression patterns and epigenetic modifications of transgenic pigs expressing green fluorescent protein, driven by the cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter. DNA hypermethylation and loss of acetylation of specific histone H3 and H4 lysines, except H4K16 acetylation in the CMV promoter, were consistent with a low level of transgene expression. Moreover, the degree of DNA methylation and histone H3/H4 acetylation in the promoter region depended on the integration site; consequently, position effect variegation caused variations in epigenetic modifications. The transgenic pig fibroblast cell lines were treated with DNA methyltransferase inhibitor 5-Aza-2'-deoxycytidine and/or histone deacetylase inhibitor trichostatin A. Transgene expression was promoted by reversing the DNA hypermethylation and histone hypoacetylation status. The differences in DNA methylation and histone acetylation in the CMV promoter region in these cell lines were not significant; however, significant differences in transgene expression were detected, demonstrating that variegation of transgene expression is affected by the integration site. We conclude that in this pig model, position effect variegation affects transgene expression.  相似文献   

In position-effect variegation (PEV) genes become silenced by heterochromatisation. Genetic dissection of this process has been performed by means of dominant suppressor [Su(var)] and enhancer [E(var)] mutations. Selective genetic screens allowed mass isolation of more than 380 PEV modifier mutations identifying about 150 genes. Genetic fine structure studies revealed unique dosage dependent effects. Most of the haplo-dependent Su(var) and E(var) genes do not display triplo-dependent effects. Several Su(var) loci with triplo-dependent opposite enhancer effects have been identified and shown to encode heterochromatin-associated proteins. From these the evolutionary conserved histone H3 lysine 9 methyltransferase SU(VAR)3-9 plays a central role in heterochromatic gene silencing. Molecular function of most PEV modifier genes is still unknown also including genes identified with mutations displaying lethal interaction to heterochromatin. Their analysis should contribute to further understanding of processes connected with regulation of higher order chromatin structure and epigenetic programming.  相似文献   

The dominant mutation Su-var(2)1 01 which suppresses position-effect variegation and displays recessive butyrate sensitivity was found to result in significant hyperacetylation of histone H4. This biochemical finding, as well as the genetic properties of this mutation, strongly suggest that the wild-type product of the corresponding locus is involved in histone H4 deacetylation. In larvae containing the suppressor mutation the accessibility of chromatin to endogenous nucleases is significantly increased which might be causally connected with histone H4 hyperacetylation. The suppressor mutation Su-var(2)1 01 has, therefore, to be classified as a chromatin condensation mutation.  相似文献   

Rat liver chromatin reconstituted from fractionated histones, chromosomal non-histone proteins, and DNA is extensively degraded by chromatin-bound protease.  相似文献   

Archaea, along with Bacteria and Eukarya, are the three domains of life. In all living cells, chromatin proteins serve a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of the structure and function of the genome. An array of small, abundant and basic DNA-binding proteins, considered candidates for chromatin proteins, has been isolated from the Euryarchaeota and the Crenarchaeota, the two major phyla in Archaea. While most euryarchaea encode proteins resembling eukaryotic histones, crenarchaea appear to synthesize a number of unique DNA-binding proteins likely involved in chromosomal organization. Several of these proteins (e.g., archaeal histones, Sac10b homologs, Sul7d, Cren7, CC1, etc.) have been extensively studied. However, whether they are chromatin proteins and how they function in vivo remain to be fully understood. Future investigation of archaeal chromatin proteins will lead to a better understanding of chromosomal organization and gene expression in Archaea and provide valuable information on the evolution of DNA packaging in cellular life.  相似文献   

Towards an understanding of position effect variegation   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Most variegating position effects are a consequence of placing a euchromatic gene adjacent to alpha-heterochromatin. In such rearrangements, the affected locus is inactivated in some cells, but not others, thereby giving rise to a mosaic tissue of mutant and wild-type cells. A detailed examination of the molecular structure of three variegating white mottled mutations of Drosophila melanogaster, all of which are inversions of the X chromosome, reveals that their euchromatic breakpoints are clustered and located approximately 25 kb downstream of the white promoter and that the heterochromatic sequences to which the white locus is adjoined are transposons. An analysis of three revertants of the wm4 mutation, created by relocating white to another euchromatic site, demonstrates that they also carry some heterochromatically derived sequences with them upon restoration of the wild-type phenotype. This suggests that variegation is not controlled from a heterochromatic sequence immediately adjacent to the variegating gene but rather from some site more internal to the heterochromatic domain itself. As a consequence of this observation we have proposed a boundary model for understanding how heterochromatic domains may be formed. It has been recognized for many years that the phenotype of variegating position effects may be altered by the presence of trans-acting dominant mutations that act to either enhance or suppress variegation. Using P-element mutagenesis, we have induced and examined 12 dominant enhancers of variegation that represent four loci on the second and third chromosomes. Most of these mutations are cytologically visible duplications or deficiencies. They exert their dominant effects through changes in the copy number of wild-type genes and can be divided into two reciprocally acting classes. Class I modifiers are genes that act as enhancers of variegation when duplicated and as suppressors when mutated or deficient. Conversely, class II modifiers are genes that enhance when mutated or deleted and suppress when duplicated. The available data indicate that, in Drosophila, there are 20-30 loci capable of dominantly modifying variegation. Of these, most appear to be of the class I type whereas only two class II modifiers have been identified so far.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Methods are desceibed which permit rapid isolation of chromatographically purified histone and non-histone chromatin proteins under relatively mild chemical conditions. Chromatin is isolated from purified nuclei, dissociated in guanidine - HCl-urea and the nucleic acids removed by ultracentrigugation. This can be accomplished in 10 h by employing maximum-force rotors (500 000 x g). The proteins are then fractionated by a batch ion-exchange method, which leads to a rapid and complete separation of the histones and non-histone components, in apparently undegraded form. With these methods it is possible to obtain mg quantities of chromatographically pure histone and non-histone proteins in less than a single working day.  相似文献   

The effect of chromatin proteins on template activity has been studied. Using both E. coli RNA polymerase and calf thymmus polymerase B we have measured the number of initiation sites on chromatin and various histone-DNA complexes. Chromatin can be reconstituted with histone proteins alone and this complex is still a restricted template for RNA synthesis. The removal of histone f1 causes a large increase in the template activity. Chromatin is then treated with Micrococcal nuclease and the DNA fragments protected from nuclease attack ("covered DNA") are isolated. Alternatively, the chromatin is titrated with poly-D-lysine, and by successive treatment with Pronase and nuclease, the DNA regions accessible to polylysine are isolated ("open DNA"). Both fractions were tested for template activity. It was found that RNA polymerase initiation sites are distributed equally in open and covered region DNA.  相似文献   

Total half-cystine residues in proteins of pig liver chromatin have been measured. About half of them are present in the reduced state. Thiol groups of non-historic chromatin proteins, which amount to about 40 nmol/mg of protein, are preferentially located in chromatin fragments which are more easily solubilised either by DNAse I or by DNAse II. The data obtained are compatible with an involvement of SH and SS groups in chromatin structure and function.  相似文献   

Stoichiometry of chromatin proteins   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The stoichiometry of rat liver chromatin proteins has been estimated by quantitative disc electrophoresis. There are about 1.3 × 108 histone and 2.4 × 107 nonhistone polypeptide molecules per haploid genome, an average of one such molecule for every 21 and 117 base pairs of DNA, respectively. Nonhistone proteins have been separated into 115 polypeptide size classes. The total number of molecules represented in distinct size classes ranges from 4.2 × 103 (limits of sensitivity) to 1.7 × 106 per haploid genome, with a mean of 2.1 × 105.  相似文献   

Position-effect variegation in Drosophila, the mosaic expression of genes juxtaposed to heterochromatin, remains an enigmatic long-range phenomenon. While the chromatin-conformation model has been challenged, compelling contrary evidence is lacking. Nevertheless, progress has been made in the genetic and molecular analysis of genes involved in the process of heterochromatin formation and in the characterization of genetic elements normally located in pericentric heterochromatin. In addition, telomeric position effect in yeast provides a new model system for the study of the quasi-stable inheritance of an inactivated state.  相似文献   

The non-histone chromatin proteins of growing and non-growing tissues were compared by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The tissues studied were normal rat liver, regenerating rat liver, thioacetamide-treated rat liver, normal rat kidney, Novikoff hepatoma and Walker 256 carcinosarcoma. Although most of the protein components were common to all of the tissues studied, the densities and sizes of spots C18, CP, C21, C25, CQ, CR, CS and CT were greater in the growing tissues than in the non-growing tissues, including the thioacetamide-treated liver. In the latter, the increased densities and sizes of spots C18, C21 and CQ are presumably related to the markedly increased nucleolar size rather than to cell division. Accordingly the increases in sizes and densities of spots C25, CP, CR, CS and CT are apparently of importance to the growth processes of normal and tumor tissues. The number of tissue specific proteins was small compared with the number of proteins in this fraction and includes BP and CBL for normal liver, BJ′ for kidney and CG′, CH′ and CP$?for the tumors.  相似文献   

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