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Invasive nucleic acids such as transposons and viruses usually exhibit aberrant characteristics, e.g., unpaired DNA or abnormal double-stranded RNA. Organisms employ a variety of strategies to defend themselves by distinguishing self and nonself substances and disabling these invasive nucleic acids. Furthermore, they have developed ways to remember this exposure to invaders and transmit the experience to their descendants. The mechanism underlying this inheritance has remained elusive. Recent research has shed light on the initiation and maintenance of RNA-mediated inherited gene silencing. Small regulatory RNAs play a variety of crucial roles in organisms, including gene regulation, developmental timing, antiviral defense, and genome integrity, via a process termed as RNA interference (RNAi). Recent research has revealed that small RNAs and the RNAi machinery are engaged in establishing and promoting transgenerational gene silencing. Small RNAs direct the RNAi and chromatin modification machinery to the cognate nucleic acids to regulate gene expression and epigenetic alterations. Notably, these acquired small RNAs and epigenetic changes persist and are transmitted from parents to offspring for multiple generations. Thus, RNAi is a vital determinant of the inheritance of gene silencing and acts as a driving force of evolution.  相似文献   

Small RNAs recognize, bind, and regulate other complementary cellular RNAs. The introduction of small RNAs to eukaryotic cells frequently results in unintended silencing of related, but not identical, RNAs: a process termed off-target gene silencing. Off-target gene silencing is one of the major concerns during the application of small RNA-based technologies for gene discovery and the treatment of human disease. Off-target gene silencing is commonly thought to be due to inherent biochemical limitations of the RNAi machinery. Here we show that following the introduction of exogenous sources of double-stranded RNA, the nuclear RNAi pathway, but not its cytoplasmic counterparts, is the primary source of off-target silencing in Caenorhabditis elegans. In addition, we show that during the normal course of growth and development the nuclear RNAi pathway regulates repetitive gene families. Therefore, we speculate that RNAi off-target effects might not be “mistakes” but rather an intentional and genetically programmed aspect of small RNA-mediated gene silencing, which might allow small RNAs to silence rapidly evolving parasitic nucleic acids. Finally, reducing off-target effects by manipulating the nuclear RNAi pathway in vivo might improve the efficacy of small RNA-based technologies.  相似文献   

We have developed an autoradiographic technique for detecting specific Caenorhabditis elegans messenger RNA molecules in situ by hybridization of labeled, cloned DNA probes to fixed tissue sections and squashes of embryos and adults. We report analyses with probes of actin and collagen gene sequences from a C. elegans genomic clone library. Hybridization is RNase sensitive and tissue specific. In adults the actin probe, which recognizes cytoplasmic as well as muscle actin mRNA, hybridizes strongly to muscle and distal gonad (ovary), somewhat less strongly to maturing oocytes, and weakly to intestine. The collagen probe hybridizes weakly to distal gonad and intestine and very strongly to subcuticular tissues, in particular to the hypodermal cells and syncytial cytoplasm of the lateral hypodermal ridges, which are the sites of cuticle synthesis. In embryos, hybridization to squashes indicates that actin message is present at fertilization, decreases during early cleavage, and then increases again during morphogenesis. By contrast, collagen message is absent until the 100-cell stage and then increases rapidly during morphogenesis. The number of cells labeled is consistent with the view that the collagen probe hybridizes to hypodermal precursor cells. We estimate that our present methods can detect messages representing about 0.2% or more of the total mRNA population, and increases in this sensitivity should be possible. Therefore, the cytological hybridization technique should be useful for determining temporal and spatial patterns of specific mRNA distributions during development, at least for abundant and moderately abundant messages.  相似文献   

Du H  Chalfie M 《Genetics》2001,158(1):197-207
To identify genes regulating the development of the six touch receptor neurons, we screened the F(2) progeny of mutated animals expressing an integrated mec-2::gfp transgene that is expressed mainly in these touch cells. From 2638 mutated haploid genomes, we obtained 11 mutations representing 11 genes that affected the production, migration, or outgrowth of the touch cells. Eight of these mutations were in known genes, and 2 defined new genes (mig-21 and vab-15). The mig-21 mutation is the first known to affect the asymmetry of the migrations of Q neuroblasts, the cells that give rise to two of the six touch cells. vab-15 is a msh-like homeobox gene that appears to be needed for the proper production of touch cell precursors, since vab-15 animals lacked the four more posterior touch cells. The remaining touch cells (the ALM cells) were present but mispositioned. A similar touch cell phenotype is produced by mutations in lin-32. A more severe phenotype; i.e., animals often lacked ALM cells, was seen in lin-32 vab-15 double mutants, suggesting that these genes acted redundantly in ALM differentiation. In addition to the touch cell abnormalities, vab-15 animals variably exhibit embryonic or larval lethality, cell degenerations, malformation of the posterior body, uncoordinated movement, and defective egg laying.  相似文献   

siRNA抑制丙型肝炎病毒IRES介导的基因表达   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
以HCVIRES为靶位 ,应用T7RNA多聚酶体外转录合成了 5条小干扰RNA(siRNA) .脂质体转染法将其导入HCVIRES介导萤光素酶表达的转基因细胞 (HepG2 .970 6 )中 ,通过测定萤光素酶的量 ,评价T7siRNA对HCV介导基因表达的抑制作用 .结果表明 ,所合成的 5条T7siRNAs ,均能特异性地抑制萤光素酶基因的表达 ,抑制率分别为 94 31%、80 0 1%、78 0 1%、80 33%、85 6 4% ,其中以靶向HCVIRES第二茎环结构的T7siRNA1抑制率最高 ,且对HCV基因的抑制作用有剂量依赖性 ,随T7siRNA1量的增加 ,抑制率逐渐增强 .siRNA抑制HCV基因的作用具有良好的特异性 ,改变其中 1个核苷酸即无显著抑制作用 .  相似文献   

Genes required for systemic RNA interference in Caenorhabditis elegans   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
RNA interference (RNAi) in the nematode worm, Caenorhabditis elegans, occurs systemically. Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) provided in the diet can be absorbed from the gut lumen and distributed throughout the body, triggering RNAi in tissues that are not exposed to the initial dsRNA trigger. This is in marked contrast to other animals, in which RNAi does not spread from targeted tissues to neighboring cells. Here, we report the characterization of mutants defective in the systemic aspect of RNAi, but not in the core RNAi process itself. Analysis of these mutants suggests that dsRNA uptake is a specific process involving several unique proteins.  相似文献   



Viral small RNAs (vsiRNAs) in the infected host can be generated from viral double-stranded RNA replicative intermediates, self-complementary regions of the viral genome or from the action of host RNA-dependent RNA polymerases on viral templates. The vsiRNA abundance and profile as well as the endogenous small RNA population can vary between different hosts infected by the same virus influencing viral pathogenicity and host response. There are no reports on the analysis of vsiRNAs of Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV), a segmented negative stranded RNA virus in the family Bunyaviridae, with two of its gene segments showing ambisense gene arrangement. The virus causes significant economic losses to numerous field and horticultural crops worldwide.

Principal Findings

Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV)-specific vsiRNAs were characterized by deep sequencing in virus-infected experimental host Nicotiana benthamiana and a commercial, susceptible host tomato. The total small (s) RNA reads in TSWV-infected tomato sample showed relatively equal distribution of 21, 22 and 24 nt, whereas N. benthamiana sample was dominated by 24 nt total sRNAs. The number of vsiRNA reads detected in tomato was many a magnitude (~350:1) higher than those found in N. benthamiana, however the profile of vsiRNAs in terms of relative abundance 21, 22 and 24 nt class size was similar in both the hosts. Maximum vsiRNA reads were obtained for the M RNA segment of TSWV while the largest L RNA segment had the least number of vsiRNAs in both tomato and N. benthamiana. Only the silencing suppressor, NSs, of TSWV recorded higher antisense vsiRNA with respect to the coding frame among all the genes of TSWV.


Details of the origin, distribution and abundance of TSWV vsiRNAs could be useful in designing efficient targets for exploiting RNA interference for virus resistance. It also has major implications toward our understanding of the differential processing of vsiRNAs in antiviral defense and viral pathogenicity.  相似文献   

Here we report that Caenorhabditis elegans nematodes fed Listeria monocytogenes die over the course of several days, as a consequence of an accumulation of bacteria in the worm intestine. Mutant strains previously shown to be important for virulence in mammalian models were also found to be attenuated in their virulence in C. elegans. However, ActA, which is required for actin-based intracellular motility, appears to be dispensable during infection of C. elegans, indicating that L. monocytogenes remains extracellular in C. elegans.  相似文献   

Recently, nine Caenorhabditis elegans genes, grouped into two pathways/clusters, were found to be implicated in healthspan in C. elegans and their homologues in humans, based on literature curation, WormBase data mining and bioinformatics analyses. Here, we further validated these genes experimentally in C. elegans. We downregulated the nine genes via RNA interference (RNAi), and their effects on physical function (locomotion in a swim assay) and on physiological function (survival after heat stress) were analysed in aged nematodes. Swim performance was negatively affected by the downregulation of acox-1.1, pept-1, pak-2, gsk-3 and C25G6.3 in worms with advanced age (twelfth day of adulthood) and heat stress resistance was decreased by RNAi targeting of acox-1.1, daf-22, cat-4, pig-1, pak-2, gsk-3 and C25G6.3 in moderately (seventh day of adulthood) or advanced aged nematodes. Only one gene, sad-1, could not be linked to a health-related function in C. elegans with the bioassays we selected. Thus, most of the healthspan genes could be re-confirmed by health measurements in old worms.  相似文献   

Spliced leader trans-splicing is an mRNA maturation process used by a small set of eukaryotes, including the nematode C. elegans, to cap the downstream genes of operons. We analyzed the frequency of duplication of operonic genes in C. elegans and confirmed that they are duplicated less often in the genome than monocistronic genes. Because operons account for about 15% of the genes in C. elegans, this lower duplication frequency might place a large constraint on the plasticity of the genome. Further analyses suggest that this paucity of duplicated genes results from operon organization hindering specific types of gene duplication. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. Yves van de Peer]  相似文献   

We present a survey for non-coding RNAs and other structured RNA motifs in the genomes of Caenorhabditis elegans and Caenorhabditis briggsae using the RNAz program. This approach explicitly evaluates comparative sequence information to detect stabilizing selection acting on RNA secondary structure. We detect 3,672 structured RNA motifs, of which only 678 are known non-translated RNAs (ncRNAs) or clear homologs of known C. elegans ncRNAs. Most of these signals are located in introns or at a distance from known protein-coding genes. With an estimated false positive rate of about 50% and a sensitivity on the order of 50%, we estimate that the nematode genomes contain between 3,000 and 4,000 RNAs with evolutionary conserved secondary structures. Only a small fraction of these belongs to the known RNA classes, including tRNAs, snoRNAs, snRNAs, or microRNAs. A relatively small class of ncRNA candidates is associated with previously observed RNA-specific upstream elements.  相似文献   

Expanded polyglutamine (polyQ) proteins aggregate intracellularly in Huntington’s disease and other neurodegenerative disorders. The lysosomal degradation pathway, autophagy, is known to promote clearance of polyQ protein aggregates in cultured cells. Moreover, basal autophagy in neuronal cells in mice prevents neurodegeneration by suppressing the accumulation of abnormal intracellular proteins. However, it is not yet known whether autophagy genes play a role in vivo in protecting against disease caused by mutant aggregate-prone, expanded polyQ proteins. To examine this question, we used two models of polyQ-induced toxicity in C. elegans, including the expression of polyQ40 aggregates in muscle and the expression of a human huntingtin disease fragment containing a polyQ tract of 150 residues (Htn-Q150) in ASH sensory neurons. Here, we show that genetic inactivation of autophagy genes accelerates the accumulation of polyQ40 aggregates in C. elegans muscle cells and exacerbates polyQ40-induced muscle dysfunction. Autophagy gene inactivation also increases the accumulation of Htn-Q150 aggregates in C. elegans ASH sensory neurons and results in enhanced neurodegeneration. These data provide in vivo genetic evidence that autophagy genes suppress the accumulation of polyQ aggregates and protect cells from disease caused by polyQ toxicity.  相似文献   

Few studies have investigated whether or not there is an interdependence between osmoregulation and vesicular trafficking. We previously showed that in Caenorhabditis elegans che-14 mutations affect osmoregulation, cuticle secretion, and sensory organ development. We report the identification of seven lethal mutations displaying che-14-like phenotypes, which define four new genes, rdy-1-rdy-4 (rod-like larval lethality and dye-filling defective). rdy-1, rdy-2, and rdy-4 mutations affect excretory canal function and cuticle formation. Moreover, rdy-1 and rdy-2 mutations reduce the amount of matrix material normally secreted by sheath cells in the amphid channel. In contrast, rdy-3 mutants have short cystic excretory canals, suggesting that it acts in a different process. rdy-1 encodes the vacuolar H+-ATPase a-subunit VHA-5, whereas rdy-2 encodes a new tetraspan protein. We suggest that RDY-1/VHA-5 acts upstream of RDY-2 and CHE-14 in some tissues, since it is required for their delivery to the epidermal, but not the amphid sheath, apical plasma membrane. Hence, the RDY-1/VHA-5 trafficking function appears essential in some cells and its proton pump function essential in others. Finally, we show that RDY-1/VHA-5 distribution changes prior to molting in parallel with that of actin microfilaments and propose a model for molting whereby actin provides a spatial cue for secretion.  相似文献   

Fertilization involves multiple layers of sperm-egg interactions that lead to gamete fusion and egg activation. There must be specific molecules required for these interactions. The challenge is to determine the identity of the genes encoding these molecules and how their protein products function. The nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans has emerged as an efficient model system for gene discovery and understanding the molecular mechanisms of fertilization. The primary advantage of the C. elegans system is the ability to isolate and maintain mutants that affect sperm or eggs and no other cells. In this review we describe progress and challenges in the analysis of genes required for gamete interactions and egg activation in the worm.  相似文献   

正CRISPR(clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats)-Cas9-based genome editing has revolutionized functional genomics in many biological research fields.The specificity and potency of CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing make it ideal for investigating the function of genes in vivo(Hsu  相似文献   

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