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Pluripotent mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells multiply in simple monoculture by symmetrical divisions. In vivo, however, stem cells are generally thought to depend on specialised cellular microenvironments and to undergo predominantly asymmetric divisions. Ex vivo expansion of pure populations of tissue stem cells has proven elusive. Neural progenitor cells are propagated in combination with differentiating progeny in floating clusters called neurospheres. The proportion of stem cells in neurospheres is low, however, and they cannot be directly observed or interrogated. Here we demonstrate that the complex neurosphere environment is dispensable for stem cell maintenance, and that the combination of fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF-2) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) is sufficient for derivation and continuous expansion by symmetrical division of pure cultures of neural stem (NS) cells. NS cells were derived first from mouse ES cells. Neural lineage induction was followed by growth factor addition in basal culture media. In the presence of only EGF and FGF-2, resulting NS cells proliferate continuously, are diploid, and clonogenic. After prolonged expansion, they remain able to differentiate efficiently into neurons and astrocytes in vitro and upon transplantation into the adult brain. Colonies generated from single NS cells all produce neurons upon growth factor withdrawal. NS cells uniformly express morphological, cell biological, and molecular features of radial glia, developmental precursors of neurons and glia. Consistent with this profile, adherent NS cell lines can readily be established from foetal mouse brain. Similar NS cells can be generated from human ES cells and human foetal brain. The extrinsic factors EGF plus FGF-2 are sufficient to sustain pure symmetrical self-renewing divisions of NS cells. The resultant cultures constitute the first known example of tissue-specific stem cells that can be propagated without accompanying differentiation. These homogenous cultures will enable delineation of molecular mechanisms that define a tissue-specific stem cell and allow direct comparison with pluripotent ES cells.  相似文献   

Neurosphere cultures derived from fetal brain regions can proliferate in response to exogenous growth factors such as basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and give rise to undifferentiated precursor cells that form a floating neurosphere. In this study, neurospheres generated from the ganglionic eminence region of embryonic day 15 (E15) rat embryos were treated in the presence or absence of ethanol. We found that such neurospheres respond to environmental toxins such as alcohol and still retain the multi-potential capability of differentiation into neuronal and glial cell types. Ethanol at high concentration (50 mM) affected proliferation, gliogenesis and neurogenesis, although the most profound effect was observed on glial phenotype. Our findings suggest that extrinsic agents, such as alcohol can alter intrinsic cellular mechanisms of stem cell fate choices contributing to altered neurogenesis and gliogenesis during central nervous system (CNS) maturation, which might in part be responsible for defective astroglial and neuronal functions in fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS).  相似文献   

Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is an extracellular lipid mediator that regulates cortical development. Here we examined how LPA influences the cell fate of cortical neuroblasts using a neurosphere culture system. We generated neurospheres in the presence of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF). Treatment with LPA throughout the culture period significantly reduced the number of cells in the neurospheres. When dissociated single cells derived from neurospheres were induced to differentiate by adherence on coverslips, the proportion of MAP2-positive neurons was higher in LPA-treated neurospheres than in those treated with bFGF alone, and the proportion of myelin basic protein-positive oligodendrocytes was lower. Consistent with this finding, LPA raised the ratio of beta-tubulin type III-positive young neurons and reduced the ratio of CD140a-positive oligodendrocyte precursors in neurospheres. These effects of LPA were inhibited by pretreatment of neurospheres with pertussis toxin or an LPA(1)-preferring antagonist, Ki16425. Moreover, LPA-induced enhancement of neuronal differentiation was not observed in neurospheres derived from lpa(1)-null mice. These results suggest that LPA promotes the commitment of neuroblasts to the neural lineage through the LPA(1)-G(i/o) pathway.  相似文献   

We have shown marked promotion of both proliferation and neuronal differentiation in pluripotent P19 cells exposed to the green tea amino acid theanine, which is a good substrate for SLC38A1 responsible for glutamine transport. In this study, we evaluated the activity of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) kinase pathway, which participates in protein translation, cell growth and autophagy in a manner relevant to intracellular glutamine levels, in murine neural progenitor cells exposed to theanine. Exposure to theanine promoted the phosphorylation of mTOR and downstream proteins in neurospheres from embryonic mouse neocortex. Although stable overexpression of SLC38A1 similarly facilitated phosphorylation of mTOR-relevant proteins in undifferentiated P19 cells, theanine failed to additionally accelerate the increased phosphorylation in these stable transfectants. Theanine accelerated the formation of neurospheres from murine embryonic neocortex and adult hippocampus, along with facilitation of both 5-bromo-2’-deoxyuridine incorporation and 3-(4,5-dimethyl-2-thiazolyl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide reduction in embryonic neurospheres. In embryonic neurospheres previously exposed to theanine, a significant increase was seen in the number of cells immunoreactive for a neuronal marker protein after spontaneous differentiation. These results suggest that theanine activates the mTOR signaling pathway for proliferation together with accelerated neurogenesis in murine undifferentiated neural progenitor cells.  相似文献   

Neural stem cells (NSCs) are tissue-specific stem cells with self-renewal potential that can give rise to neurons and glia in vivo and in vitro. The aim of this study was to transplant NSCs as whole neurospheres into intact brain and assess the fate and phenotype of their progeny generated in vivo. We isolated NSCs from E14 foetal rat forebrains and cultured them in basic fibroblast and epidermal growth factor-supplemented serum-free medium in the form of neurospheres in vitro. Neurospheres were transplanted into the intact brains of 2 Wistar rats and after a period of 3 weeks, grafted brains were examined immunohistochemically. Neurospheres formed solid grafts that were found in the lateral ventricle and in the velum interpositum under the hippocampus. The majority of cells in the transplanted tissue were identified as beta-III-tubulin(+), NeuN(+), PanNF(+) and synaptophysin(+) neurons and were accumulated throughout the graft centre. GFAP(+) astrocytes were scattered throughout the entire graft and astrocyte processes delimited the outer and perivascular surfaces. A great number of NG2(+) oligodendrocyte precursors was detected. Nestin(+) endothelial cells were found to line capillaries growing in the transplant. These data indicate that nestin(+) NSCs prevailing in neurospheres differentiate following transplantation into nestin(-) neuronal and glial cells which confirms the multipotency of NSCs. Three weeks posttransplantation neuronal and astrocyte cells reached terminal differentiation (formation of synaptic vesicles and superficial and perivascular limiting membranes) while elements of oligodendroglial cell lineage remained immature. Grafting stem cells as non-dissociated neurospheres provide cells with favourable conditions which facilitate cell survival, proliferation and differentiation. However, in the intact brain, grafted neurosphere cells were not found to integrate with the brain parenchyma and formed a compact structure demarcated from its surroundings.  相似文献   

Axon guidance is required for the establishment of brain circuits. Whether much of the molecular basis of axon guidance is known from animal models, the molecular machinery coordinating axon growth and pathfinding in humans remains to be elucidated. The use of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) from human donors has revolutionized in vitro studies of the human brain. iPSC can be differentiated into neuronal stem cells which can be used to generate neural tissue-like cultures, known as neurospheres, that reproduce, in many aspects, the cell types and molecules present in the brain. Here, we analyzed quantitative changes in the proteome of neurospheres during differentiation. Relative quantification was performed at early time points during differentiation using iTRAQ-based labeling and LC-MS/MS analysis. We identified 6438 proteins, from which 433 were downregulated and 479 were upregulated during differentiation. We show that human neurospheres have a molecular profile that correlates to the fetal brain. During differentiation, upregulated pathways are related to neuronal development and differentiation, cell adhesion, and axonal guidance whereas cell proliferation pathways were downregulated. We developed a functional assay to check for neurite outgrowth in neurospheres and confirmed that neurite outgrowth potential is increased after 10 days of differentiation and is enhanced by increasing cyclic AMP levels. The proteins identified here represent a resource to monitor neurosphere differentiation and coupled to the neurite outgrowth assay can be used to functionally explore neurological disorders using human neurospheres as a model.  相似文献   

The adult rat hippocampus contains fibroblast growth factor 2–responsive stem cells that are self‐renewing and have the ability to generate both neurons and glia in vitro, but little is known about the molecular events that regulate stem cell differentiation. Hippocampus‐derived stem cell clones were used to examine the effects of retinoic acid (RA) on neuronal differentiation. Exposure to RA caused an immediate up‐regulation of NeuroD, increased p21 expression, and concurrent exit from cell cycle. These changes were accompanied by a threefold increase in the number of cells differentiating into immature neurons. An accompanying effect of RA was to sustain or up‐regulate trkA, trkB, trkC, and p75NGFR expression. Without RA treatment, cells were minimally responsive to neurotrophins (NTs), whereas the sequential application of RA followed by brain‐derived neurotrophic factor or NT‐3 led to a significant increase in neurons displaying mature γ‐a‐minobutyric acid, acetylcholinesterase, tyrosine hydroxylase, or calbindin phenotypes. Although NTs promoted maturation, they had little effect on the total number of neurons generated, suggesting that RA and neurotrophins acted at distinct stages in neurogenesis. RA first promoted the acquisition of a neuronal fate, and NTs subsequently enhanced maturation by way of RA‐dependent expression of the Trk receptors. In combination, these sequential effects were sufficient to stimulate stem cell–derived progenitors to differentiate into neurons displaying a variety of transmitter phenotypes. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 38: 65–81, 1999  相似文献   

The subcortical white matter of the adult human brain harbors a pool of glial progenitor cells. These cells can be isolated by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) after either transfection with green fluorescent protein (GFP) under the control of the CNP2 promoter, or A2B5-targeted immunotagging. Although these cells give rise largely to oligodendrocytes, in low-density culture we observed that some also generated neurons. We thus asked whether these nominally glial progenitors might include multipotential progenitor cells capable of neurogenesis. We found that adult human white-matter progenitor cells (WMPCs) could be passaged as neurospheres in vitro and that these cells generated functionally competent neurons and glia both in vitro and after xenograft to the fetal rat brain. WMPCs were able to produce neurons after their initial isolation and did not require in vitro expansion or reprogramming to do so. These experiments indicate that an abundant pool of mitotically competent neurogenic progenitor cells resides in the adult human white matter.  相似文献   

Adult neurogenesis creates new neurons and glia from stem cells in the human brain throughout life. It is best understood in the dentate gyrus (DG) of the hippocampus and the subventricular zone (SVZ). Circadian rhythms have been identified in the hippocampus, but the role of any endogenous circadian oscillator cells in hippocampal neurogenesis and their importance in learning or memory remains unclear. Any study of stem cell regulation by intrinsic circadian timing within the DG is complicated by modulation from circadian clocks elsewhere in the brain. To examine circadian oscillators in greater isolation, neurosphere cultures were prepared from the DG of two knockout mouse lines that lack a functional circadian clock and from mPer1::luc mice to identify circadian oscillations in gene expression. Circadian mPer1 gene activity rhythms were recorded in neurospheres maintained in a culture medium that induces neurogenesis but not in one that maintains the stem cell state. Although the differentiating neural stem progenitor cells of spheres were rhythmic, evidence of any mature neurons was extremely sparse. The circadian timing signal originated in undifferentiated cells within the neurosphere. This conclusion was supported by immunocytochemistry for mPER1 protein that was localized to the inner, more stem cell-like neurosphere core. To test for effects of the circadian clock on neurogenesis, media conditions were altered to induce neurospheres from BMAL1 knockout mice to differentiate. These cultures displayed unusually high differentiation into glia rather than neurons according to GFAP and NeuN expression, respectively, and very few BetaIII tubulin-positive, immature neurons were observed. The knockout neurospheres also displayed areas visibly devoid of cells and had overall higher cell death. Neurospheres from arrhythmic mice lacking two other core clock genes, Cry1 and Cry2, showed significantly reduced growth and increased astrocyte proliferation during differentiation, but they generated normal percentages of neuronal cells. Neuronal fate commitment therefore appears to be controlled through a non-clock function of BMAL1. This study provides insight into how cell autonomous circadian clocks and clock genes regulate adult neural stem cells with implications for treating neurodegenerative disorders and impaired brain functions by manipulating neurogenesis.  相似文献   

Neural stem/progenitor cell (NSPC) transplantation is a promising therapy for spinal cord injury (SCI). However, little is known about NSPC from the adult human spinal cord as a donor source. We demonstrate for the first time that multipotent and self-renewing NSPC can be cultured, passaged and transplanted from the adult human spinal cord of organ transplant donors. Adult human spinal cord NSPC require an adherent substrate for selection and expansion in EGF (epidermal growth factor) and FGF2 (fibroblast growth factor) enriched medium. NSPC as an adherent monolayer can be passaged for at least 9 months and form neurospheres when plated in suspension culture. In EGF/FGF2 culture, NSPC proliferate and primarily express nestin and Sox2, and low levels of markers for differentiating cells. Leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) promotes NSPC proliferation and significantly enhances GFAP expression in hypoxia. In differentiating conditions in the presence of serum, these NSPC show multipotentiality, expressing markers of neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes. Dibutyryl cyclic AMP (dbcAMP) significantly enhances neuronal differentiation. We transplanted the multipotent NSPC into SCI rats and show that the xenografts survive, are post-mitotic, and retain the capacity to differentiate into neurons and glia.Together, these findings reveal that multipotent self-renewing NSPC cultured and passaged from adult human spinal cords of organ transplant donors, respond to exogenous factors that promote selective differentiation, and survive and differentiate after transplantation into the injured spinal cord.  相似文献   

In the adult songbird forebrain, neurons continue to be produced from precursor cells in the forebrain ependymal/subependymal zone (SZ), from which they migrate upon radial guide fibers. The new neurons and their radial cell partners may coderive from a common SZ progenitor, which may be the radial cell itself. On this basis, we asked whether radial cells might provide trophic support for the migration or survival of newly generated neurons. We focused upon the insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) IGF-1 and IGF-2, which have previously been shown to support the survival and differentiation of neural progenitor cells. We found that IGF-1 immunoreactivity was expressed heavily by adult zebra finch radial cells and their fibers, with little expression otherwise. IGF-2, in contrast, was expressed by parenchymal astrocytes and exhibited little radial cell expression. Despite their distinct distributions, IGF-1 and IGF-2 exerted similar trophic effects on finch SZ cells in vitro; both greatly increased the number of neurons migrating from explants of the adult finch SZ, relative to explants raised in low-insulin, IGF-1-deficient media. However, neither factor extended neuronal survival. These results suggest that in neurogenic regions of the adult avian forebrain, IGF-1 acts as a radial cell-associated neuronal differentiation and/or departure factor, which may serve to regulate neuronal recruitment into the adult brain. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 36: 1–15, 1998  相似文献   

Wnt proteins promote neuronal differentiation in neural stem cell culture   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
Wnt signaling is implicated in the control of cell growth and differentiation during CNS development from studies of mouse and chick models, but its action at the cellular level has been poorly understand. In this study, we examine the in vitro function of Wnt signaling in embryonic neural stem cells, dissociated from neurospheres derived from E11.5 mouse telencephalon. Conditioned media containing active Wnt-3a proteins are added to the neural stem cells and its effect on regeneration of neurospheres and differentiation into neuronal and glial cells was examined. Wnt-3a proteins inhibit regeneration of neurospheres, but promote differentiation into MAP2-positive neuronal cells. Wnt-3a proteins also increase the number of GFAP-positive astrocytes but suppress the number of oligodendroglial lineage cells expressing PDGFR or O4. These results indicate that Wnt-3a signaling can inhibit the maintenance of neural stem cells, but rather promote the differentiation of neural stem cells into several cell lineages.  相似文献   

For many years, it has been demonstrated that neurotrophins regulate the adult nervous system, implicating their potential as therapeutic agents for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. We generated adenoviral vectors encoding brain-derived neutotrophin factor (BDNF) and neurotrophin-3 (NT3) and tested either separately or together for the ability to induce differentiation of neuronal precursor cells with two different origins. Separate transduction of adenovirus delivering BDNF (BDNF-Ad) or NT3 (NT3-Ad) induced the neuronal differentiation in hippocampal and cortical precursor cells. NT3-Ad infected cells extended short neurites, whereas BDNFAd infected cells had longer neurites. In the early differentiation of hippocampal precursor cells, simultaneous infection of BDNFAd and NT3-Ad promoted further differentiation and neurite elongation compared with the separate infection of each virus. In contrast, simultaneous infection did not show the synergistic effect in the cortical precursor cells, suggesting that the neurotrophins play distinct roles in different regions of the brain. However, the numbers of neurites and spines per differentiated cells were markedly increased in cortical as well as hippocampal precursor cells, indicating the promotion of efficient neurite elongation and formation of dendritic spine, when BDNF-Ad and NT3-Ad were co-infected. These results suggest more studies in the effect of a combinatorial use of neurotrophins on different sites of brain need to be carried out to develop gene therapy protocols for neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

Here we present a protocol for extraction and culture of neurons from adult rat or mouse CNS. The method proscribes an optimized protease digestion of slices, control of osmolarity and pH outside the incubator with Hibernate and density gradient separation of neurons from debris. This protocol produces yields of millions of cortical, hippocampal neurons or neurosphere progenitors from each brain. The entire process of neuron isolation and culture takes less than 4 h. With suitable growth factors, adult neuron regeneration of axons and dendrites in culture proceeds over 1-3 weeks to allow controlled studies in pharmacology, electrophysiology, development, regeneration and neurotoxicology. Adult neurospheres can be collected in 1 week as a source of neuroprogenitors ethically preferred over embryonic or fetal sources. This protocol emphasizes two differences between neuron differentiation and neurosphere proliferation: adhesion dependence and the differentiating power of retinyl acetate.  相似文献   

Modulation of cerebral Rho GTPases activity in mice brain by intracerebral administration of Cytotoxic Necrotizing Factor 1 (CNF1) leads to enhanced neurotransmission and synaptic plasticity and improves learning and memory. To gain more insight into the interactions between CNF1 and neuronal cells, we used primary neuronal and astrocytic cultures from rat embryonic brain to study CNF1 effects on neuronal differentiation, focusing on dendritic tree growth and synapse formation, which are strictly modulated by Rho GTPases. CNF1 profoundly remodeled the cytoskeleton of hippocampal and cortical neurons, which showed philopodia-like, actin-positive projections, thickened and poorly branched dendrites, and a decrease in synapse number. CNF1 removal, however, restored dendritic tree development and synapse formation, suggesting that the toxin can reversibly block neuronal differentiation. On differentiated neurons, CNF1 had a similar effacing effect on synapses. Therefore, a direct interaction with CNF1 is apparently deleterious for neurons. Since astrocytes play a pivotal role in neuronal differentiation and synaptic regulation, we wondered if the beneficial in vivo effect could be mediated by astrocytes. Primary astrocytes from embryonic cortex were treated with CNF1 for 48 hours and used as a substrate for growing hippocampal neurons. Such neurons showed an increased development of neurites, in respect to age-matched controls, with a wider dendritic tree and a richer content in synapses. In CNF1-exposed astrocytes, the production of interleukin 1β, known to reduce dendrite development and complexity in neuronal cultures, was decreased. These results demonstrate that astrocytes, under the influence of CNF1, increase their supporting activity on neuronal growth and differentiation, possibly related to the diminished levels of interleukin 1β. These observations suggest that the enhanced synaptic plasticity and improved learning and memory described in CNF1-injected mice are probably mediated by astrocytes.  相似文献   

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