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The normal asymmetric distribution of phospholipids in the plasma membrane is perturbed in erythrocytes from patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia. Since experimentally-produced lipid-symmetric erythrocytes are more interactive with cells of the reticuloendothelial system than are their lipid-asymmetric counterparts, the biological recognition of chronic myelogenous leukemia erythrocytes by the reticuloendothelial system was examined. With one exception, all erythrocyte samples from patients with chronic/benign chronic myelogenous leukemia were more adherent to endothelial cells and more readily phagocytosed by macrophagesin vitro than were normal erythrocytes. Thus, these naturally occurring pathological erythrocytes display the same dysfunctional intercellular interactions as the laboratory models.  相似文献   

Membrane phospholipid asymmetry is considered to be a general property of biological membranes. Detailed information is presently available on the non-random orientation of phospholipids in red cell- and platelet membranes. The outer leaflet of the lipid bilayer membrane is rich in choline-phospholipids, whereas amino-phospholipids are abundant in the inner leaflet. Studies with blood platelets have shown that these asymmetries are not maintained when the cells are activated in various ways. Undoing the normal asymmetry of membrane phospholipids in activated blood cells is presumably mediated by increased transbilayer movement of phospholipids. This process, which leads to increased exposure of negatively charged phosphatidylserine at the outer surface, plays an important physiological role in local blood clotting reactions. A similar phenomenon occurs in sickled red cells. Phospholipid vesicles breaking off from reversibly sickled cells contribute similarly to intravascular clotting in the crisis phase of sickle cell disease.The loss of membrane phospholipid asymmetry in activated platelets seems to be strictly correlated with degradation of cytoskeletal proteins by endogenous calpain. It is remarkable that membrane phospholipid asymmetry can be (partly) restored when activated platelets are treated with reducing agents. This leads to disappearance of phosphatidylserine from the outer leaflet where it was previously exposed during cell activation. These observations will be discussed in relation to two mechanisms which have been recognized to play a role in the regulation of membrane phospholipid asymmetry; i.e. the interaction of aminophospholipids to cytoskeletal proteins, and the involvement of a phospholipid-translocase catalyzing outward-inward transbilayer movement of amino-phospholipids.  相似文献   

By making use of the capacity of phospholipase A2 to degrade selectively the phospholipid in the outer half of the lipid bilayer of small unilamellar phospholipid/cholesterol vesicles without affecting the retention of a vesicle-encapsulated solute, we demonstrated that the exchange of phosphatidylcholine between such vesicles and human high density lipoprotein involves exclusively the phosphatidylcholine present in the outer monolayer of the vesicle membrane.  相似文献   

Apoptosis: Programmed cell death in health and disease   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Apoptosis is a normal physiological cell death process of eliminating unwanted cells from living organisms during embryonic and adult development. Apoptotic cells are characterised by fragmentation of nuclear DNA and formation of apoptotic bodies. Genetic analysis revealed the involvement of many death and survival genes in apoptosis which are regulated by extracellular factors. There are multiple inducers and inhibitors of apoptosis which interact with target cell specific surface receptors and transduce the signal by second messengers to programme cell death. The regulation of apoptosis is elusive, but defective regulation leads to aetiology of various ailments. Understanding the molecular mechanism of apoptosis including death genes, death signals, surface receptors and signal pathways will provide new insights in developing strategies to regulate the cell survival/death. The current knowledge on the molecular events of apoptotic cell death and their significance in health and disease is reviewed.  相似文献   

The time-dependent accumulation of phosphatidyldimethylethanolamine in formaldehyde-induced vesicles obtained from a somatic cell hybrid line was investigated. From a number of considerations including a two-fold enrichment of cholesterol and sphingomyelin it was concluded that these vesicles were derived from the cell plasma membrane.A progressive depletion of phosphatidylcholine, the major vesicle phospholipid, was observed in cells supplemented for various time periods with dimethylethanolamine. This depletion was accompanied by a concomitant increase in the amount of lipid analog.The time-dependent alteration of the phospholipid polar head group in intact cells was almost identical to that observed in isolated plasma membrane vesicles, suggesting a rapid equilibration of the de novo synthesized phospholipid with the cell surface compartment. From the initial velocity rate, the time required for the phosphatidylcholine pool to double was about 12 h.Agarose-linked phospholipase A2 was used to measure the relative composition of choline- and dimethylethanolamine-phosphoglycerides in the outer surface of vesicles prepared from cells with different degrees of polar head group substitution. The gradual appearance of lysodimethylethanolamine lipid analog in vesicles treated with phospholipase A2 suggested an asymmetric distribution of the phospholipid between the interior and the exterior part of the vesicle. This asymmetry was maximal up to about 4 h following the addition of dimethylethanolamine to the culture medium and was of a transient nature as the lipid analog accumulated on both sides of the plasma membrane. Based on these measurements a fast followed by a slow translocation component could be distinguished with apparent doubling times of 7 and 43 h for the lipid analog, respectively. As the analog becomes the predominant cellular phospholipid a significant increase in the vesicle lipid fluidity was measured.  相似文献   

An emerging area of investigation is the role of lipids as immunological antigens. CD1 glycoproteins comprise a family of molecules that are specialized for presenting lipids, glycolipids and lipopeptides to T lymphocytes. Variations in the cytoplasmic tail sequences of CD1 isoforms lead to differential association with adaptor proteins and consequently divergent routes of intracellular trafficking, resulting in surveillance of distinct cellular sites for binding lipid antigens. CD1 molecules efficiently gain access to lipids from intracellular microbial pathogens in endosomal compartments, and the trafficking and lipid-binding specialization of CD1 isoforms may correlate with the endosomal segregation of structurally distinct lipids. Endosomal trafficking is also critical for CD1d molecules to load antigenic self-lipids that are presented to autoreactive CD1d-restricted natural killer (NK)T cells and is required for the positive selection of these unique T cells. Recent studies reveal a key role for accessory proteins that facilitate the uptake of lipid antigens by CD1 molecules. These include lysosomal lipid-transfer proteins, such as the saposins, and apolipoprotein E, the major serum factor that binds and delivers extracellular lipids to antigen-presenting cells. These advances in understanding the CD1 lipid antigen presentation system raise new considerations about the role of the immune response in lipid-related diseases.  相似文献   

We have determined the asymmetric distribution of two aminophospholipids phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylserine in the plasma membrane of chick embryo fibroblast and myoblasts. Right-side-out membrane preparations were incubated with two different amidating reagents, trinitrobenzenesulfonate and isethionylacetimidate, under nonpenetrating conditions. Inside-out membranes were incubated with trinitrobenzenesulfonate. In fibroblasts, the similar plateau values suggested that 35% of the phosphatidylethanolamine and 20% of the phosphatidylserine is externally disposed. These values agree with previous measurements on fibroblast plasma membranes. In myoblasts, however, labelling plateaux were achieved which suggested that 65% of the phosphatidylethanolamine and 45% of the phosphatidylserine is externally disposed. This represents a 2-3-fold increase in potentially fusogenic lipids on the external leaflet of the plasma membrane. This unique distribution of aminophospholipids in myoblasts extends through the stage of development during which myoblasts become competent to fuse and form myotubes in culture. Two inferences may be drawn from these results. First, the external concentration of aminophospholipids in myoblasts is enriched significantly over that of fibroblasts or erythrocytes. This orientation may contribute to its fusion competence. Second, although large amounts of externally disposed aminophospholipid may be necessary for myoblast fusion, they do not confer fusion competence.  相似文献   

Phospholipids are not only major building blocks of biological membranes but fulfill a wide range of critical functions that are often widely unrecognized. In this review, we focus on phosphatidylethanolamine, a major glycerophospholipid class in eukaryotes and bacteria, which is involved in many unexpected biological processes. We describe (i) the ins, i.e. the substrate sources and biochemical reactions involved in phosphatidylethanolamine synthesis, and (ii) the outs, i.e. the different roles of phosphatidylethanolamine and its involvement in various cellular events. We discuss how the protozoan parasite, Trypanosoma brucei, has contributed and may contribute in the future as eukaryotic model organism to our understanding of phosphatidylethanolamine homeostasis. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Phospholipids and Phospholipid Metabolism.  相似文献   

Phospholipase A2 from bee venom and Naja naja has been used to study the orientation of phospholipids present in the membrane of intact human erythrocytes and in spectrin-free microvesicles derived from the cells by treatment with Ca2+ and A23187. Little difference between the cells and microvesicles was observed in the apparent accessibility of phospholipids to the enzyme, suggesting that the original lipid asymmetry was maintained in the absence of spectrin. However, incubation of the microvesicles for 16 h at 37°C did lead to partial loss of asymmetry in the transmembrane distribution of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine but not of phosphatidylserine. Despite the similarity of lipid asymmetry in cells and fresh microvesicles, the latter were about 40-fold more sensitive to phospholipase treatment than were cells. Although they retained the lipid asymmetry of intact cells, the microvesicles resembled ghosts in their great sensitivity to phospholipase A2 attack, suggesting that the lipid packing in microvesicles and ghosts was similar. This conclusion was supported by the results of experiments with a fluorescent probe Merocyanine 540.  相似文献   

A model is presented to simulate transverse lipid movement in the human erythrocyte membrane. The model is based on a system of differential equations describing the time-dependence of phospholipid redistribution and the steady state distribution between the inner and outer membrane monolayer. It takes into account several mechanisms of translocation: (i) ATP-dependent transport via the aminophospholipid translocase; (ii) protein-mediated facilitated and (iii) carrier independent transbilayer diffusion. A reasonable modelling of the known lipid asymmetry could only be achieved by introducing mechanism (iii). We have called this pathway the compensatory flux, which is proportional to the gradient of phospholipids between both membrane leaflets. Using realistic model parameters, the model allows the calculation of the transbilayer motion and distribution of endogenous phospholipids of the human erythrocyte membrane for several biologically relevant conditions. Moreover, the model can also be applied to experiments usually performed to assess phospholipid redistribution in biological membranes. Thus, it is possible to simulate transbilayer motion of exogenously added phospholipid analogues in erythrocyte membranes. Those experiments have been carried out here in parallel using spin labeled lipid analogues. The general application of this model to other membrane systems is outlined.Abbreviations PBS phosphate buffered saline - DFP diisopropyl fluorophosphate - ESR electron spin resonance - RBC red blood cells - PC phosphatidylcholine - PE phosphatidylethanolamine - PS phosphatidylserine - SM sphingomyelin - (0,2)PC 1-palmitoyl-2(4doxylpentanoyl)-PC - (0,2)PE 1-palmitoyl-2(4-doxylpentanoyl)-PE - (0,2) PS 1-palmitoyl-2(4-doxylpentanoyl)-PS  相似文献   

Autophagy plays an important role in the removal of membrane bound organelles during the last stage of erythropoiesis as the enucleate reticulocyte matures into the erythrocyte. Autophagic vesicles are expelled from the reticulocyte as intact, inside-out, phosphatidylserine (PS) decorated vesicles and are subsequently removed during splenic passage. Failure to remove these vesicles causes the elevation in PS exposed red cells in Sickle Cell Disease.  相似文献   

When incubated for 14 h at 37°C in the absence of energy supply, brush-border membrane vesicles from rabbit kidney cortex maintain, as judged by the use of sphingomyelinase and trinitrobenzene sulfonate as membrane probes, their highly asymmetrical phospholipid distribution. In particular, sphingomyelin still accounts for 75% of the phospholipids present on the outer membrane leaflet. Pretreatment of the vesicles with 5 mM diamide resulted in extensive crosslinking of membranous and cytoskeletal proteins. Although it had no immediate effect on the topology of phospholipids, this crosslinking resulted in a limited but significant increase in the amount of aminophospholipids present on the outer membrane leaflet after 14-h incubations. Degradation of aminophospholipids, upon incubation with hog pancreas and bee venom phospholipases A2, was also enhanced by diamide. However, this enhanced hydrolysis was observed immediately after the diamide treatment. A similar increase in degradation of aminophospholipids was obtained when vesicles were incubated with dihydrocytochalasin B. Our results strongly suggest that cytoskeletal proteins, via interactions with aminophospholipids, stabilize the lipid bilayer of the brush-border membrane. It is also suggested that, due to a low transbilayer migration rate, sphingomyelin may play an important role in the maintenance of the lipid asymmetry in these membranes.  相似文献   

Sterols are essential components of the plasma membrane in eukaryotic cells. Nystatin-resistant erg mutants were used in the present study to investigate the in vitro effects of altered sterol structure on membrane lipid composition, fluidity, and asymmetry of phospholipids. Quantitative analyses of the wild type and mutants erg2, erg3 and erg6 revealed that mutants have lower sterol (free)-to-phospholipid molar ratios than the wild type. Phosphatidylcholine content was decreased in erg2 and erg3 mutants; however, it was increased in erg6 strains as compared to normals. Phosphatidylserine content was increased in the erg6 mutant only. Fluorescence anisotropy decreased with temperature in both probes, and was lower for mutants than for the wild type, suggesting an increased freedom in rotational movement due to decreased membrane order. Investigation of changes in the aminophospholipid transbilayer distribution using two chemical probes, trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid and fluorescamine, revealed that the amounts of phosphatidylethanolamine derivatized by these probes were quite similar in both the wild type and various erg strains. The present findings suggest that adaptive responses in yeast cells with altered sterol structure are possibly manifested through changes in membrane lipid composition and fluidity, and not through transbilayer rearrangement of aminophospholipids.  相似文献   

The fatty acid composition of plasma membrane phospholipids of the murine T lymphocyte tumor EL4 were systematically modified in an attempt to understand the relationship between lipid bilayer composition and plasma membrane physical and biological properties. Two plasma membrane enzyme activities, adenylate cyclase and ouabain-sensitive (Na+ + K+)-ATPase, were measured in normal and fatty acid-substituted EL4 plasma membrane fractions. The fatty acid effect on enzyme activities was similar to previously reported effects of fatty acids on cytotoxic T cell function. The activity of both enzymes was inhibited by saturated fatty acids, while unsaturated fatty acids had a moderate enhancing effect on both enzyme activities. Using two different nitroxide derivatives of stearic acid, the order parameter and approximate rotational correlation times were calculated from ESR spectra of normal and fatty acid-modified plasma membranes. No significant difference was found in either parameter in these membranes. These results, in conjunction with earlier data from our laboratory and others, suggest that caution should be exercised in inferring changes in membrane ‘fluidity’ based on lipid modulation of biological membranes.  相似文献   

The negative charge of phosphatidylserine in lipid bilayers of secretory vesicles and plasma membranes couples the domains of positively charged amino acids of secretory vesicle SNARE proteins with similar domains of plasma membrane SNARE proteins enhancing fusion of the two membranes to promote exocytosis of the vesicle contents of secretory cells. Our recent study of insulin secretory granules (ISG) (MacDonald, M. J., Ade, L., Ntambi, J. M., Ansari, I. H., and Stoker, S. W. (2015) Characterization of phospholipids in insulin secretory granules in pancreatic beta cells and their changes with glucose stimulation. J. Biol. Chem. 290, 11075–11092) suggested that phosphatidylserine and other phospholipids, such as phosphatidylethanolamine, in ISG could play important roles in docking and fusion of ISG to the plasma membrane in the pancreatic beta cell during insulin exocytosis. P4 ATPase flippases translocate primarily phosphatidylserine and, to a lesser extent, phosphatidylethanolamine across the lipid bilayers of intracellular vesicles and plasma membranes to the cytosolic leaflets of these membranes. CDC50A is a protein that forms a heterodimer with P4 ATPases to enhance their translocase catalytic activity. We found that the predominant P4 ATPases in pure pancreatic beta cells and human and rat pancreatic islets were ATP8B1, ATP8B2, and ATP9A. ATP8B1 and CDC50A were highly concentrated in ISG. ATP9A was concentrated in plasma membrane. Gene silencing of individual P4 ATPases and CDC50A inhibited glucose-stimulated insulin release in pure beta cells and in human pancreatic islets. This is the first characterization of P4 ATPases in beta cells. The results support roles for P4 ATPases in translocating phosphatidylserine to the cytosolic leaflets of ISG and the plasma membrane to facilitate the docking and fusion of ISG to the plasma membrane during insulin exocytosis.  相似文献   

Administration of the methylation inhibitor periodate-oxidized adenosine to male Swiss-Webster mice on a choline-deficient diet produced a decrease (17%) in phosphatidylcholine to phosphatidylethanolamine ratios compared to saline-injected controls in liver, and also in kidney (11%), but not in muscle microsome preparations. Both intact liver microsomes and reconstituted membranes from lipid extracts showed a higher fluorescence anisotropy of the hydrophobic probe 1,6-diphenyl-1,3,5-hexatriene than control samples in the temperature range of 20–31°C.  相似文献   

(1) Krebs II ascites cells were taken as a model of the neoplastic cells to investigate the transverse distribution of phospholipids in the plasma membrane. The experimental procedure was based on non-lytic degradation of phospholipids in the intact cell by Naja naja phospholipase A2 and Staphylococcus aureus sphingomyelinase C and on phopholipid analysis of purified plasma membranes. It was shown that the three major phospholipids, i.e., phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine and sphingomyelin, are randomly distributed between the two halves of the membranes, whereas phosphatidylserine remains located in the inner leaflet. (2) The membrane localization of phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamine subclasses (diacyl, alkylacyl and alkenylacyl) was also examined, using a new procedure of ether-phospholipid determination. The method involves a selective removal of diacyl species by guinea pig pancreas phospholipase A1 and of alkenylacyl species by acidolysis. This analysis revealed a 50% increase of ether phospholipids in the plasma membrane as compared to the whole cell (36.5 and 23.1% of total phospholipid, respectively). Furthermore, a strong membrane asymmetry was demonstrated for the three phosphatidylcholine subclasses, since 1-alkyl-2-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphocholine (alkylacyl-GPC) was entirely found in the inner leaflet, whereas both diacyl- and alkenylacyl-GPC displayed an external localization. The same pattern was observed for phosphatidylethanolamine subclasses, except for 1-alkenyl-2-acyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine, which was found randomly distributed. These results are discussed in relation to the process of cell malignant transformation and to the biosynthesis of platelet-activating factor (PAF-acether or 1-alkyl-2-acetyl-GPC).  相似文献   

Summary In this study, we determined the timing of events associated with cell death induced by the host-selective toxin, victorin. We show that the victorin-induced collapse in mitochondrial transmembrane potential (Deltapsi(m)), indicative of a mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT), on a per cell basis, did not occur simultaneously in the entire mitochondrial population. The loss of Deltapsi(m) in a predominant population of mitochondria preceded cell shrinkage by 20-35 min. Rubisco cleavage, DNA laddering, and victorin binding to the P protein occurred concomitantly with cell shrinkage. During and following cell shrinkage, tonoplast rupture did not occur, and membranes, including the plasma membrane and tonoplast, retained integrity. Ethylene signaling was implicated upstream of a victorin-induced loss in mitochondrial motility and the collapse in Deltapsi(m). Results suggest that the victorin-induced collapse in Deltapsi(m) is a consequence of an MPT and that the timing of the victorin-induced MPT is poised to influence the cell death response. The retention of plasma membrane and tonoplast integrity during cell shrinkage supports the interpretation that victorin induces an apoptotic-like cell death response.  相似文献   

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