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The tick species Amblyomma cajennense is of great medical importance, as it is the vector of the Rickettsia rickettsii, agent of Rocky Mountain spotted fever. The objective of this study was to perform a morphological and histological analysis of the male reproductive system of fed and unfed A. cajennense. The male reproductive system is formed by a pair of tubular testes dorsolaterally arranged in opisthosoma. They were divided into three regions: proximal region (next to vas deferens), median region and distal region (nearest to the blind ending of testis). Proximal regions are connected to the seminal vesicles by the deferent ducts and to accessory glands, similar to what was observed for other Ixodidae. Feeding plays a fundamental role in the development of the reproductive system, as in unfed individuals, the testes, the seminal vesicles and the accessory glands were smaller comparing with the fed individuals. In addition, the prospermia, precursors of the spermatozoa, were only observed in fed individuals. The germ cells were organized in spermatocysts, enveloped by a connective tissue. The cells in more advanced stages of spermatogenesis were localized in the distal region, in accord with studies in other ticks, but opposite to what was observed for other arthropods.  相似文献   

This study examined salivary glands of unfed, partially engorged, and engorged females of the tick Amblyomma cajennense on rabbits at first infestation using histological and histochemical techniques. In type I acini, no significant changes were observed among the three feeding conditions. In type II acini of unfed females, c1, c2, and c4 cells were described for the first time in this species. In a comparison among the three feeding conditions, an increase in this acinus was observed, due to the increase in secretion in c1, c2, and c4 cells and the appearance of c3 cells. In engorged females, some cells were still active. Type III acini presented cells d, e, and f containing secretion in unfed females. In partially engorged females, these cells were devoid of secretion. In engorged females, type III acini exhibited a reduced lumen. After engorgement, all acini underwent a degenerative process, as observed in females after two to five days post-engorgement.  相似文献   

Some reproductive parameters of adult stages of Amblyomma cajennense ticks were studied. The capacity of virgin females to reproduce by parthenogenesis was evaluated, during an experimental infestation, in absence of males, on a horse (Equus cabalus). Ticks were spread either completely free or in limited sites on the body of the animal. The engorged virgin females showed longer feeding periods and lighter body weights than those that had been fertilized. Some of these unmated females produced smaller egg masses, which had no embryonary development. On the other hand, females that had been inseminated produced larger egg masses, with normal embryonary development that led to viable larvae. Under the studied conditions, A. cajennense females did not reproduce by parthenogenesis.  相似文献   

During a survey of ticks on horses in November 2000, at the University of S?o Paulo farm in Pirassununga county, S?o Paulo, Brazil, 1 gynandromorph of Amblyomma cajennense was collected from a naturally infested horse. In another survey on dogs in March 2001, in the urban area of Monte Negro, Rond?nia, Brazil, a gynandromorph of Rhipicephalus sanguineus was collected from a naturally infested dog. Both specimens are described and classified as perfect bipartite protogynanders.  相似文献   

Morphologically, the salivary glands of ticks are paired structures consisting of a secretory and an excretory portion, lacking a reservoir for the storage of the secretion. The secretory portion is composed in females by cells that form acini classified into the types I, II, and III. The excretory possess a major duct, from which arise several intermediate ducts that then subdivide to form the canaliculi or acinal tubules, which end at the acini from where they collect the secretion. The present study describes the ultrastructural changes that occur in the mitochondria of cells of the acini I, II, and III in the salivary glands of partially engorged females of the Cayenne tick Amblyomma cajennense. The results show that this organelle exhibits completely disarrayed crests due to the presence of lipidic material inside the matrix and between the crests, thus demonstrating their participation in the production of the lipids that would be used structurally by the cells. These organelles with ultrastructural changes were denominated derived mitochondria.  相似文献   

The control of viral infections, especially those caused by influenza viruses, is of great interest in Public Health. Bio prospection has shown the presence of active principles in the hemolymph of arthropods, and in the salivary gland of ticks, and some of these are of interest for the development of new pharmacological drugs. Ticks lay their eggs in the environment, and to protect them from desiccation and microbial attack they involve the eggs in a waxy layer produced by an organ known as Gené’s Organ. In this study, the eggs wax from tick Amblyomma cajennense (Fabricius) was extracted using ice cold phosphate buffer. The antiviral activity was evaluated with picornavirus and influenza virus. In both cases egg wax was able to inhibit virus replication. For influenza virus, an amount as small as 12 μg/mL of crude egg wax suspension neutralized 128 UHA (hemaglutinant unit) of H1N1 influenza virus. With picornavirus, egg wax led to a 256-fold reduction in virus production by L929 cells. Egg wax was not cytotoxic to VERO, MDCK and L929 cell, being observed that the cell morphology was preserved with concentration as high as 2 mg/mL. In addition no genotoxic effect was observed for Vero cells, suggesting a very interesting potential antiviral activity.  相似文献   

We evaluated the prevalence, mean intensity and relative density of ticks in 467 wild birds of 67 species (12 families) from forest and cerrado habitats at two protected areas of Minas Gerais, between March and September 1997. Ticks collected (n=177) were identified as larvae and nymphs of Amblyomma cajennense and four other species of Amblyomma. We report for the first time 28 bird species as hosts of the immature stages of A. cajennense, demonstrating the lack of host specificity of the larvae and nymphs. A. cajennense had 15% prevalence on birds, with a mean infestation intensity of 0.37 ticks per host sampled, and 2.5 ticks per infested bird. Prevalence varied in relation to host species, diet and between birds from forests at two successional stages. There were no differences in relation to host forest dependence, participation in mixed flocks of birds, and nest type constructed. A. cajennense is a species of medical and veterinary importance, occurring on domestic animals but is known little of its occurrence on wildlife.  相似文献   

Using light and electron microscopy, a dynamics of functioning of salivary glands of female ticks of the genus Ixodes was studied. Comparative analysis of morphofunctional changes and role of the salivary gland secretions of females of subfamilies Ixodinae and Amblyomminae during feeding was performed on the basis of literature data and our own studies.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to verify the sensitivity of Amblyomma cajennense and Dermacentor nitens larvae to the solvents ethanol, methanol, acetone, xylol and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and the surfactant Tween 80. The first four solvents were tested at analytical purity while the DMSO and surfactant Tween 80 were tested at a concentration of 1%. The substances tested at analytical purity that caused high mortality were also tested at concentrations of 50%, 25% and 1%. The larval packet test was used, with 10 repetitions for each treatment. A control group was also formed with the same number of repetitions, in which the larvae were only exposed to distilled water. In the first experiment, only xylol was highly toxic at the concentrations tested, causing mortality above 90% for larvae of both species. In the second experiment, xylol at 1% and at 25% showed low toxicity to the A. cajennense and D. nitens larvae, respectively, since the percentage mortality was statistically similar to that of the control group (p>0.05).  相似文献   

In the present study, we report a case of hyperparasitism in Amblyomma rotundatum. During examination of live ticks immediately after collecting them from Boa constrictor snakes held in a reptile facility in Mossoró, RN, northeastern Brazil, 1 unengorged tick female was seen attached to the venter of a partially engorged female. The hypostome and chelicerae of the unengorged female had penetrated the integument of the partially engorged female to the level of the basis capitulli and the palps were splayed outward. To our knowledge, we present the second report of hyperparasitism for the genus Amblyomma.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted in threc different ecozones in Kenya to measure the survival of unfed females of the ixodid tick Amblyomma variegatum under field conditions. Throughout the study, temperature, relative humidity, and rainfall were recorded every hour at each of the threc sites. Using a multiple linear regression procedure, a model was produced to describe survival of unfed females in terms of high temperature at ground level (cumulative day-degrees >34°C) and age. The various ways in which age and temperature can influence survival are discussed.  相似文献   

In southern Africa, Amblyomma variegatum Fabricius is characterized by a strict seasonal activity. Experiments were carried out to determine whether a diapause mechanism regulates this seasonality. Engorged A.variegatum females were exposed to controlled laboratory conditions or natural field conditions at different times of the year. Females exposed in a natural environment in September-October (short day) had significantly longer pre-oviposition periods than females exposed from November to March. The season in which the previous instar fed had no apparent effect on the engorgement or pre-oviposition periods of the females. Furthermore, artificial changes in photoperiod during and after female engorgement had no significant effects on pre-oviposition periods. It is tentatively concluded that the unfed female is the responsive stage to photoperiodic changes which induce diapause. Diapause could be terminated and oviposition induced by exposing females to a short period of chilling (18 degrees C for 48 h). It is concluded that a morphogenetic diapause mechanism exists in A.variegatum, which is probably induced by short day responses and terminated following rainfall and a concomitant decrease in soil temperature. The diapause, which occurs in females which fed early in the season, causes a delay in oviposition and therefore effectively synchronizes the life-cycle to ensure that eggs and larvae occur at a climatically favourable period.  相似文献   

We examined Ixodes ricinus embryos between 18 and 28 days of development with light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The differences in inner structure attested to establish three successive developmental stages: days 18–20, day 23, and days 26–28. Between 18 and 20 days the embryos are at early stages of organogenesis. Salivary glands cannot be identified at that stage. In 23-day-old embryos salivary glands are already outlined but the structure of alveoles is still different from that in larvae in which the embryonic development has been completed. Gland cells start to form alveoles and become active between 26 and 28 days of the development. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

We examined Ixodes ricinus embryos between 18 and 28 days of development with light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The differences in inner structure attested to establish three successive developmental stages: days 18-20, day 23, and days 26-28. Between 18 and 20 days the embryos are at early stages of organogenesis. Salivary glands cannot be identified at that stage. In 23-day-old embryos salivary glands are already outlined but the structure of alveoles is still different from that in larvae in which the embryonic development has been completed. Gland cells start to form alveoles and become active between 26 and 28 days of the development.  相似文献   

Stjepan Kr?mar 《ZooKeys》2012,(234):19-57
The present paper is based on original and literature data. In Croatia the first studies on the occurrence of ixodid species were made about 80 years ago. The number of tick species recorded in Croatia considerably increased during the 1950s, 60s, 70s and 80s of the past century. A total of 21 species of hard tick belonging to 5 genera have been recorded in Croatia. Ixodes is the best represented genus, with seven species recorded. Haemaphysalis is represented by six species, followed by Rhipicephalus with four species. Dermacentor and Hyalomma are represented by two species each. The ticks were collected on 47 different host species. Eleven tick species were collected on Bos taurus and Ovis aries, followed by Capra hircus and Equus caballus with 8 species and Canis lupus familiaris with 6 species. On the remaining 42 host species one, two or three tick species were collected. The most widespread tick is Ixodes ricinus which was found on 25 different host species.  相似文献   

The vertical distribution in the vegetation of questing Ixodes ricinus ticks was investigated in two different vegetation types (high and low vegetation) at two localities in south-central Sweden during 1992-1993 (Toro) and 1995 (Bogesund). Significant correlations were found between the vertical distribution of immature ticks and the height of the vegetation. The greatest mean availabilities of the larvae and nymphs in low vegetation were in the intervals 0-9 and 30-39 cm, respectively. The larval numbers were greatest close to the ground (0-29 cm) in both high and low vegetation. The larval : nymphal ratio, at ground level at localities free of ground vegetation, varied between 8 : 1 and 32 : 1. In high vegetation, the greatest mean numbers of nymphal and adult ticks were at height intervals of 50-59 and 60-79 cm, respectively. These ranges are within the estimated height interval (40-100 cm) of the main part of the body surface of their preferred host, the roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). The presence of most questing I. ricinus larvae at ground level would favour the transmission of Borrelia burgdorferi s.l., since this is where the highly reservoir-competent rodents and shrews usually occur.  相似文献   

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