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  • Commonly attributed to orchids, the pollen movement in Vanilla has been associated with food deception and specific plant–pollinator relationships.
  • This study investigated the role of flower rewards and pollinator specificity in the pollen transfer of a widely distributed member to the euglossinophilous Vanilla clade, V. pompona Schiede using data collected from Brazilian populations. These included investigations on morphology, light microscopy and histochemistry, and analysis of flowers scent using GC–MS. The pollinators and the mechanisms of pollination were recorded through focal observations.
  • The yellow flowers of V. pompona are fragrant and offer nectar as reward. The major volatile compound of the V. pompona scent, carvone oxide, shows convergent evolution in Eulaema-pollinated Angiosperms. The pollination system of V. pompona is not species-specific, but its flowers are strongly adapted to pollination by large Eulaema males. Pollination mechanism is based in a combination of perfume collection and nectar seeking.
  • The dogma of a species-specific pollination system based on food deception in Vanilla has been broken with the increase in studies on this Pantropical orchid genus. Here, least three bee species and dual reward-offering are involved in pollen transfer in V. pompona. Visitation frequency of bees collecting perfumes, used in courtship by male euglossines, is higher than in searching for food, as short-lived young euglossine males seem to be more interested in sex than food. A pollination system based on offering both nectar and perfumes as resources is described for the first time in orchids.

  • Studies have indicated that florivory and nectar robbing may reduce reproductive success of host plants. However, whether and how these effects might interact when plants are simultaneously attacked by both florivores and nectar robbers still needs further investigation.
  • We used Iris bulleyana to detect the interactions among florivory, nectar robbing and pollination, and moreover, their effects on plant reproductive success. Field investigations and hand‐pollination treatments were conducted on two experimental plots from a natural population, in which Experimental plot was protected from florivores and Control plot was not manipulated.
  • The flower calyx was bitten by sawflies to consume the nectary, and three bumblebee species were pollinators. In addition, the short‐tongued pollinator, Bombus friseanus, was the only robber when there was a hole made by a sawfly. The bumblebee had significantly shortened flower handling time when robbing, as compared to legitimate visits. Pollinator visitation and seed production decreased significantly in damaged flowers. However, seed production per flower after supplementary hand‐pollination did not differ significantly between damaged and undamaged flowers. Compared to the Experimental plot, bumblebees visited fewer flowers per plant in a foraging bout in the Control plot.
  • The flowers damaged by florivory allowed Bfriseanus to shift to a nectar robber. Florivory and nectar robbing collectively decreased plant reproductive success by consuming nectar resources, which may reduce attractiveness to pollinators of the damaged flowers. However, the changes in pollinator behaviour might be beneficial to the plant by reducing the risk of geitonogamous mating.

  • The interaction of plants with pollinators can be a determinant of their reproductive fitness. However, information about the pollination biology of carnivorous plants is scarce. To increase knowledge of reproductive ecology of carnivorous plants we focused on Pinguicula moranensis. Specifically, based on the presence of large, zygomorphic and spurred flowers, we predicted higher reproductive fitness in cross‐pollinated than in self‐pollinated flowers.
  • Within a plot of 51 m2 we characterised the reproductive phenology, including flower lifespan and stigmatic receptivity. We identified pollinators and their movement patterns within the plot. Breeding system was experimentally evaluated using hand‐pollination (i.e. autonomous, self‐ and cross‐pollination).
  • Flowers of P. moranensis were visited by long‐tongued pollinators, mainly members of the Lepidoptera. Hand‐pollination experiments confirmed our prediction and suggest that flower traits might favour cross‐pollination.
  • We mainly discuss the implications of the patchy distribution of plants and behaviour of pollinators on gene movement in this plant species, as pollination between genetically related individuals could be occurring.

  • The characteristics of petal epidermal conical cells affect the quality of the signals perceived by various pollinators. This study aimed to identify variations in micromorphological characteristics of flower petals and their relationship to melittophily, ornithophily and chiropterophily pollination systems.
  • The petals of 11 species were analysed using scanning electron microscopy and optical microscopy and the micromorphological traits were described, measured and compared using Tukey's test, PCA and cluster analysis.
  • Unlike chiropterophily, all melittophilous and some ornithophilous species possessed adaxial epidermal conical cells. Cluster grouping separated chiropterophilous flowers from melittophilous and ornithophilous. PCA analysis showed that the two morphometric profile of conical cells was the attribute that most strongly influenced the grouping of species. When considering the data set of the three pollination systems, melittophilous and ornithophilous plants were more similar to each other than they were to chriopterophilous species. The distance between conical cell apices is an important parameter in interactions with pollinators.
  • This study facilitated recognition of smoothing pollinator resource access through petal micromorphological characteristics. Further research regarding the biometry of micromorphological traits related to pollination is required.

Many species of the sexually deceptive genus Ophrys are characterized by insect‐like flowers. Their form has been traditionally considered to play an important role in pollinator attraction and manipulation. Yet, the evolution of the floral form remains insufficiently understood. We hypothesize that pollinator‐mediated selection is essential for driving floral form evolution in Ophrys, but that form components are being subjected to varying selection pressures depending on their role in mediating interactions with pollinators. By using the Eucera‐pollinated Ophrys leochroma as a model, our aim has been to assess whether and in what manner pollination effectiveness is altered by experimental manipulation of the flower form. Our results show that floral form plays an essential and, so far, underestimated role in ensuring effective pollination by mechanically guiding pollinators towards the reproductive structures of the flower. Pollinators are significantly less effective in interacting with flowers having forms altered to resemble those of species pollinated by different hymenopteran genera. Further, those components used by pollinators as gripping points were found to be more effective in ensuring pollinia transfer than those with which pollinators do not directly interact. Thus, mechanically active and inactive components appear to be under different selection pressures. As a consequence, mechanically active components of the flower form could reflect adaptations to the interaction with particular pollinator groups, whereas mechanically inactive components can vary more freely. Disentangling selection patterns between the functionally different components of flower form may provide valuable insights into the mechanisms driving the morphological diversification of sexually deceptive pollination systems.  相似文献   

  • Flower morphology is considered an important factor in species diversification because it may influence the efficiency of pollination in different ways (e.g. attraction and mechanical fit with different groups of pollinators). In the present study, we quantified the variation in flower morphology (i.e. shape and size) of the diverse South American genus Jaborosa Juss. (Solanaceae) in relation to contrasting pollination modes: rewarding pollination either by moths or by generalist small insects versus brood-site deceptive pollination by saprophilous flies.
  • We examined variations of flower morphology in frontal (pollinator attraction) and sagittal (functional fit with pollinators) views in 12 Jaborosa species using geometric morphometric methods and comparative approaches to infer whether flower shape evolution, not attributable to flower allometry or phylogenetic relationship, is associated with shifts in pollination modes.
  • We found remarkable variation in flower morphology among both Jaborosa species and pollination modes, largely in sagittal view. Evolutionary trends in shape of fly-pollinated flowers were mainly attributable to changes in developmental trajectories. Variation in flower architecture facilitated differential pollen placement – on the proboscis of moths, and either on the back or ventral region of saprophilous flies – promoting diversification of the genus.
  • Diversification of shape, independent of size, in most of the studied Jaborosa species would indicate adaptation to contrasting pollination modes.

  • Genlisea violacea is a Brazilian endemic carnivorous plant species distributed in the cerrado biome, mainly in humid environments, on sandy and oligotrophic soil or wet rocks. Studies on reproductive biology or pollination in the Lentibulariaceae are notably scarce; regarding the genus Genlisea, the current study is the first to show systematic and standardised research on reproductive biology from field studies to describe the foraging of visiting insects and determine the effective pollinators of Genlisea.
  • We studied two populations of G. violacea through the observation of flower visitors for 4 months of the rainy and dry seasons. Stigmatic receptivity, pollen viability, and breeding system were evaluated together with histochemistry and morphological analyses of flowers.
  • The flowers showed stigmatic receptivity of 100% in open buds and mature flowers, reducing to 80% for senescent flowers. Nearly 80% of pollen grains are viable, decreasing to 40–45% after 48 h. Nectar is produced by glandular trichomes inside the spur. Two bee species are effective pollinators: one of the genus Lasioglossum (subgenus Dialictus: Halictidae) and the other of the genus Ceratina (subgenus Ceratinula: family Apidae). Moreover, bee‐like flies of the Syrphidae family may also be additional pollinators.
  • Genlisea violacea is an allogamous and self‐compatible species. The differences in flower‐visiting fauna for both populations can be attributed to factors such as climate, anthropogenic effect, seasonal factors related to insects and plants, as well as the morphological variation of flowers in both populations.

  • Ornithophily has evolved in parallel several times during evolution of angiosperms. Bird pollination is reported for 65 families, including Bromeliaceae. One of the most diverse bromeliad is Billbergia, which comprises species pollinated mainly by hummingbirds.
  • Based on investigations on flowering phenology, morpho‐anatomy, volume and concentration of nectar, pollinators and breeding system, this paper explores the reproductive biology and pollinator specificity of B. distachia in a mesophytic semi‐deciduous forest of southeastern Brazil.
  • The results have show that B. distachia is pollinated by a single species of hermit hummingbird, Phaethornis eurynome, which search for nectar produced by a septal nectary, where the secretory tissue is located above the placenta. The species is self‐incompatible. The combination of pollinator specificity, due to long corolla tubes that exclude visitation of short‐billed hummingbirds, complete self‐incompatibility and non‐territorial behaviour of pollinators, it is very important to reduce pollen loss and increase gene flow within population.
  • Our results indicate that studies on pollination biology and reproduction are essential to understand the evolutionary history of pollination systems of plants since, at least in Billbergia, variation in the pollinator spectrum has been recorded for different habitats among Brazilian forests. Furthermore, according to our data, foraging of Phaethornis on flowers is independent of air temperature and humidity, while the main factor influencing hummingbird visitation is daylight. Considering current knowledge on climatic parameters influencing hummingbird foraging, pollination and reproductive biology of Neotropical flora and environment of the hermit hummingbird in tropical forests, new insights on plant–pollinator interaction are provided.

  • Pollination success of highly specialised flowers is susceptible to fluctuations of the pollinator fauna. Mediterranean Aristolochia rotunda has deceptive trap flowers exhibiting a highly specialised pollination system. The sole pollinators are kleptoparasitic flies in search of food. This study investigates these pollinators on a spatio‐temporal scale and the impact of weather conditions on their availability. Two potential strategies of the plants to cope with pollinator limitation, i.e. autonomous selfing and an increased floral life span, were tested.
  • A total of 6156 flowers were investigated for entrapped pollinators in 10 Croatian populations. Availability of the main pollinator was correlated to meteorological data. Artificial pollination experiments were conducted and the floral life span was recorded in two populations according to pollinator availability.
  • Trachysiphonella ruficeps (Chloropidae) was identified as dominant pollinator, along with less abundant species of Chloropidae, Ceratopogonidae and Milichiidae. Pollinator compositions varied among populations. Weather conditions 15–30 days before pollination had a significant effect on availability of the main pollinator. Flowers were not autonomously selfing, and the floral life span exhibited considerable plasticity depending on pollinator availability.
  • A. rotunda flowers rely on insect pollen vectors. Plants are specialised on a guild of kleptoparasitic flies, rather than on a single species. Pollinator variability may result in differing selection pressures among populations. The availability/abundance of pollinators depends on weather conditions during their larval development. Flowers show a prolonged trapping flower stage that likely increases outcrossing success during periods of pollinator limitation.

  • The incredible pollination mechanisms displayed by orchid flowers has inspired biologists over the centuries. Based on the intriguing flower structures, the relationship among orchid species and their pollinators has been frequently regarded as very specialised.
  • Given that visits on flowers pollinated by oil‐collecting bees are regularly rare, and in Oncidiinae the flowers frequently attractexclusively species that act as effective pollinators, the comparative reproductive biology and pollinator specificity of two sympatric Gomesa (G. varicosa and G. montana; Oncidiinae) were analysedbased on records of floral morphology, production of floral rewards, pollinators and pollination mechanisms. Furthermore, experimental pollinations were carried out in order to examine the breeding systems.
  • The results have show that in the studied population, both Gomesa are visited by several bee species, but these orchids present a specific pollination system.Pollinaria are deposited on the head of Centridini (G. varicosa and G. montana) and Epicharitini (G. varicosa) bees when landed on the central callus of the labellumto collect lipoidal substances produced by glandular elaiophores on lateral lobes of the labellum. Both species are dependent on a biotic pollen vector to set fruits. Gomesamontana is completely self‐incompatible, while G. varicosa is partially self‐compatible.
  • Our results indicate that although the occurrence of self‐sterile species seems to be common in Oncidiinae, in partially self‐incompatible species, as is the case of G. varicosa, self‐compatibility has been considered as an important factor favouring reproductive assurance in populations with low visitation frequencies, despite occurrence of inbreeding depression.

  • Long‐lived flowers increase pollen transfer rates, but these entail high water and carbon maintenance costs. The retention of pollinated and reward‐free old flowers enhances pollinator visitation to young receptive flowers by increasing floral display size. This mechanism is associated with acropetal inflorescences or changes in flower colour and openness, but the retention of unchanging solitary flowers remains overlooked.
  • We examined pollination‐dependent variation in floral longevity and determined stigmatic receptivity, pollen viability and pollen removal rates among flower ages in Kielmeyera regalis, a Neotropical savanna shrub. We also evaluated the effects of floral display size on pollinator visitation rates. Lastly, we determined whether old flowers are unvisited and exclusively increase pollinator attraction to young flowers through flower removal experiments.
  • Regardless of pollination treatment, flowers lasted fully open with no detectable physical changes for 3 days. Over time, stigmas remained receptive but >95% of pollen was removed. Pollinator visitation significantly increased with floral display size and intermediate percentages (15–30%) of newly opened flowers. Accordingly, the retention of reward‐free and unvisited old flowers increased young flower–pollinator interaction.
  • Our results reveal the importance of a prolonged floral longevity in increasing pollinator attraction toward newly opened receptive flowers without changes in flower colour and form. We conclude that the retention of pollinated, reward‐free and unvisited colour‐unchanged old flowers in K. regalis is a strategy that counteracts the water use costs associated with the maintenance of large flowers with increased mate opportunities in a pollen‐limited scenario.

  • Flowering plants often depend on the attraction of biotic pollinators for sexual reproduction. Consequently, the emergence and maintenance of selected floral attributes related to pollinator attraction and rewarding are driven by pollinator pressure.
  • In this paper we explore the effect of pollinators, rainfall, temperature and air humidity on the reproduction of a Brazilian terrestrial orchid, Cranichis candida based on data of phenology, flower resources, olfactory and visual attraction cues, pollinators and breeding system.
  • The flowers of C. candida are strongly protandrous and pollinated by workers of the social native bee Tetragonisca angustula. The bees collect labellar lipoidal substances (wax scales), which are transported to the nest. The lipoidal substance is composed of sterols, hydrocarbons and terpenes. The last presumably protects the bees and their nests against pathogens and other arthropods. C. candida sets fruits through biotic self‐ and cross‐pollination, and spontaneously due the action of raindrops on flowers.
  • Our results indicate that in C. candida, although rain‐mediated spontaneous self‐pollination happens, fructification mediated by biotic pollinations also occurs, which may result in fruit set by cross‐pollination. A mixed pollination system must result in higher genetic variability when compared to species whose fruits are produced entirely by self‐pollination. On the other hand, autogamy is a form of reproductive assurance, and has commonly evolved where pollination services are rare or absent.

Reproductive biology and plant fertility are directly related to many aspects of plant evolution and conservation biology. Vriesea friburgensis is an epiphytic and terrestrial bromeliad endemic to the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest. Hand‐pollination experiments were used to examine the reproductive system in a wild population of V. friburgensis. Plant fertility was assigned considering flower production, fruit and seed set, seed germination, and pollen viability. Self‐sterility observed from spontaneous selfing and manual self‐pollination treatments may be the consequence of late‐acting self‐incompatibility. Hand‐pollination results indicated no pollen limitation in the population studied. Floral biology features such as a few daily open flowers, nectar production, and sugar concentration corroborate hummingbirds as effective pollinators, although bees were also documented as pollinators. Components of fitness such as high flower, fruit, and seed production together with high seed and pollen viability indicate that this wild population is viable. From a conservation point of view, we highlight that this self‐sterile species depends on pollinator services to maintain its population fitness and viability through cross‐pollination. Currently, pollinators are not limited in this population of V. friburgensis. Conversely, the maintenance and continuous conservation of this community is essential for preserving this plant–pollinator mutualism.  相似文献   

  • Bees are the most important diurnal pollinators of angiosperms. In several groups of bees a nocturnal/crepuscular habit developed, yet little is known about their role in pollination and whether some plants are adapted specifically to these bees. We used a multidisciplinary approach to investigate the reproductive biology and to understand the role of nocturnal/crepuscular bees in pollination of Campomanesia phaea (Myrtaceae), popularly named cambuci.
  • We studied the floral biology and breeding system of C. phaea. We collected the floral visitors and tested the pollinators' effectiveness. We also determined the floral scents released at night and during daytime, and studied behavioural responses of crepuscular/nocturnal bees towards these scents.
  • The flowers of cambuci were self‐incompatible and had pollen as the only resource for flower visitors. Anthesis lasted around 14 h, beginning at 04:30 h at night. The flowers released 14 volatile compounds, mainly aliphatic and aromatic compounds. We collected 52 species of floral visitors, mainly bees. Nocturnal and crepuscular bees (four species) were among the most frequent species and the only effective pollinators. In field bioassays performed at night, nocturnal/crepuscular bees were attracted by a synthetic scent blend consisting of the six most abundant compounds.
  • This study describes the first scent‐mediated pollination system between a plant and its nocturnal bee pollinators. Further, C. phaea has several floral traits that do not allow classification into other nocturnal pollination syndromes (e.g. pollinator attraction already before sunrise, with pollen as the only reward), instead it is a plant specifically adapted to nocturnal bees.

Many species of Macaranga (Euphorbiacae) are fast‐growing pioneer trees with an important role in early succession in south‐east Asian rainforests. Within the genus, diverse types of ant–plant associations exist and it has therefore been a model system for studying mutualistic interactions. Little information existed up to now, however, on its reproductive biology. Our comparative study in the genus Macaranga in Sundaland revealed specific flower characteristics and uncommon brood‐site pollination systems: enclosed inflorescence morphologies with narrow entrances strongly restrict the set of flower visitors in many species. Thysanoptera were the most abundant insects in 20 of the 26 investigated Macaranga species and, in three species, heteropteran adults and larvae were dominant. Both insect groups used the flower chambers as breeding sites and fed on nectar‐producing trichomes inside the bracteoles. Thrips as well as heteropterans are assumed to contribute to pollination. Different Macaranga sections were associated with different flower visitors, suggesting isolation by different pollinators. Thrips pollination and myrmecophyty often occurred in the same sections. The development of enclosed flowers might have facilitated tight ant–plant interactions and prevent ant–pollinator conflicts. However, the complex ecosystems in which the mutualistic systems evolved are rapidly changed with unknown consequences for these specific interactions. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103 , 935–953.  相似文献   

Floral orientation may affect pollinator attraction and pollination effectiveness, and its influences may differ among pollinator species. We, therefore, hypothesized that, for plant species with a generalized pollination system, changes in floral orientation would affect the composition of pollinators and their relative contribution to pollination. Geranium refractum, an alpine plant with downward floral orientation was used in this study. We created upward-facing flowers by altering the flower angle. We compared the pollinator diversity, pollination effectiveness, and pollinator importance, as well as female reproductive success between flowers with downward- and upward-facing orientation. Results indicated that the upward-facing flowers were visited by a wider spectrum of pollinators (classified into functional groups), with higher pollinator diversity than natural flowers. Moreover, due to influences on visitation number and pollen removal, the pollinator importance exhibited by the main pollinator groups differed between flower types. Compared with natural flowers, the pollination contribution of principal pollinators (i.e., bumblebees) decreased in upward-facing flowers and other infrequent pollinators, such as solitary bees and muscoid flies, removed more pollen. Consequently, stigmatic pollen loads were lower in upward- than in downward-facing flowers. These findings reveal that floral orientation may affect the level of generalization of a pollination system and the relative importance of diverse pollinators. In this species, the natural downward-facing floral orientation may increase pollen transfer by effective pollinators and reduce interference by inferior pollinators.  相似文献   

The genus Vanilla is the most diverse in Vanilloideae, with ca 90 species distributed among tropical regions. Despite their economic importance, studies on pollination of Vanilla are very scarce and data on pollinators of species endemic to Brazil are lacking. Based on fieldwork and laboratory investigations, the floral biology of V. edwallii was studied. The pollinators and pollination process were recorded at the Serra do Japi reserve, state of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil, and the presence of floral reward was also investigated. Vanilla edwallii blooms in summer. The lateral inflorescences produce up to four pale green flowers. The white labellum is united to the base of the column forming a mentum. In the studied population V. edwallii is pollinated by Epicharis (Hoplepicharis) affinis, where the males exhibit a territorial behavior, defending flowers from other possible flower visitors. The pollen is deposited on the scutellum of bees when they abandon the flower. The mentum region is dry, suggesting no nectar production. The only secretory structures are osmophores dispersed on the inner surface of the lip responsible for production of a sweet fragrance, which together with color and morphology of flowers is related to bee attraction. The labellum is rich in mucilaginous cells, while the mucilaginous substance is retained inside the cells. The histochemical analysis also detected the presence of phenolic compounds and starch concentrated mainly at the adaxial surface of the lip and around the vascular bundles.  相似文献   

  • Orchids are a classic angiosperm model for understanding biotic pollination. We studied orchid species within two species‐rich herbaceous communities that are known to have either hymenopteran or dipteran insects as the dominant pollinators, in order to understand how flower colour relates to pollinator visual systems.
  • We analysed features of the floral reflectance spectra that are significant to pollinator visual systems and used models of dipteran and hymenopteran colour vision to characterise the chromatic signals used by fly‐pollinated and bee‐pollinated orchid species.
  • In contrast to bee‐pollinated flowers, fly‐pollinated flowers had distinctive points of rapid reflectance change at long wavelengths and a complete absence of such spectral features at short wavelengths. Fly‐pollinated flowers also had significantly more restricted loci than bee‐pollinated flowers in colour space models of fly and bee vision alike.
  • Globally, bee‐pollinated flowers are known to have distinctive, consistent colour signals. Our findings of different signals for fly pollination is consistent with pollinator‐mediated selection on orchid species that results from the distinctive features of fly visual systems.

Extended flower longevity has been widely defended to occur as a consequence of low pollination activity. To test this hypothesis in Neotropical rainforests, we selected three species of Epidendrum that flower during rainy conditions and commonly exhibit low levels of insect visits. Experimental studies carried out in 15 populations distributed along a wide spatial gradient detected the presence of pollinator limitation in all populations. Pollinia removal without pollen deposition increased longevity, and thus extended longevity could apparently be considered as an ecological advantage for these orchids. Nevertheless, flower longevity was severely shortened by abiotic factors like precipitation and humidity. Comparison with other tropical orchids showed that flower longevity was higher even in species that flower during periods of more pollinator activity than the ones studied here, which is contrary to the hypothesis that pollinators are the only driving force for long‐lived flowers in Epidendrum. Thus, although long floral longevities are apparently favorable for the reproductive success of these species, the high maintenance costs experienced during rainy conditions are also an important factor constraining the selection of long‐lived flowers in Epidendrum.  相似文献   

Chrysophyllum (Chrysophylloideae, Chrysophylleae) is the second largest genus in the Sapotaceae. Studies of pollination ecology in this genus are non-existent, although there are records of entomophily for this family. Considering the lack of detailed studies on pollination ecology and sexual systems in Chrysophyllum species, we investigate the floral morphology and biology and floral visitors of Chrysophyllum marginatum to verify which sexual system is present in the studied population and whether flowers of this species are visited and pollinated by different insect groups. The population of C. marginatum has weak and cryptic gynomonoecy because the plants produce a low percentage of functionally pistillate flowers (4.2%) and these flowers appear to be perfect flowers (hermaphrode). Flowers of C. marginatum are phenotypically, ecologically and functionally generalist because: (a) they are actinomorphic, open and not restrictive in terms of access to floral resources; (b) they are visited by 26 species of insects that are potential pollinators; and (c) among these species several groups can be effective pollinators, mainly bees and flies, according to the most effective pollinator principle. We consider bees and flies to be the main pollinator group of C. marginatum, due to their high visitation rate, richness and intrafloral visiting behavior, and because they especially forage among plant individuals and are able to promote xenogamy. Nectaries were found in the ovary base and osmophores in the petal margins, as floral attractants. For Chrysophyllum, this is the first record of gynomonoecy and for the family this is considered the second record. Chrysophyllum marginatum has generalist and entomophilous pollination, as recorded in other Sapotaceae Neotropical species.  相似文献   

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