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Vulvovaginal candidiasis, a high prevailing infection worldwide, is mainly caused by Candida albicans. Probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14 and Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 have been previously shown to be useful as adjuvants in the treatment of women with VVC. In order to demonstrate and better understand the anti- Candida activity of the probiotic microorganisms in an in vitro model simulating vaginal candidiasis, a human vaginal epithelial cell line (VK2/E6E7) was infected with C. albicans 3153a and then challenged with probiotic L. rhamnosus GR-1 and/or L. reuteri RC-14 or their respective CFS (alone or in combination). At each time point (0, 6, 12 and 24 hr), numbers of yeast, lactobacilli and viable VK2/E6E7 cells were determined and, at 0, 6 and 12 hr, the supernatants were measured for cytokine levels. We found that C. albicans induced a significant increase in IL-1α and IL-8 production by VK2/E6E7 cells. After lactobacilli challenge, epithelial cells did not alter IL-6, IL-1α, RANTES and VEGF levels. However, CFS from the probiotic microorganisms up-regulated IL-8 and IP-10 levels secreted by VK2/E6E7 cells infected with C. albicans . At 24 hr of co-incubation, L. reuteri RC-14 alone and in combination with L. rhamnosus GR-1 decreased the yeast population recoverable from the cells. In conclusion, L. reuteri RC-14 alone and together with L. rhamnosus GR-1 have the potential to inhibit the yeast growth and their CFS may up-regulate IL-8 and IP-10 secretion by VK2/E6E7 cells, which could possibly have played an important role in helping to clear VVC in vivo .  相似文献   

Virions of the type 1 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) can enter target cells by fusion or endocytosis, with sharply different functional consequences. Fusion promotes productive infection of the target cell, while endocytosis generally leads to virion inactivation in acidified endosomes or degradation in lysosomes. Virion fusion and endocytosis occur equally in T cells, but these pathways have been regarded as independent because endocytosis of HIV virions requires neither CD4 nor CCR5/CXCR4 engagement in HeLa-CD4 cells. Using flow cytometric techniques to assess the binding and entry of green fluorescent protein (GFP)-Vpr-labeled HIV virions into primary peripheral blood mononuclear cells, we have found that HIV fusion and endocytosis are restricted to the CD4-expressing subset of cells and that both pathways commonly require the initial binding of HIV virions to surface CD4 receptors. Blockade of CXCR4-tropic HIV virion fusion with AMD3100, a CXCR4-specific entry inhibitor, increased virion entry via the endocytic pathway. Similarly, inhibition of endosome acidification with bafilomycin A1, concanamycin A, or NH(4)Cl enhanced entry via the fusion pathway. Although fusion remained dependent on CD4 and chemokine receptor binding, the endosome inhibitors did not alter surface expression of CD4 and CXCR4. These results suggest that fusion in the presence of the endosome inhibitors likely occurs within nonacidified endosomes. However, the ability of these inhibitors to impair vesicle trafficking from early to late endosomes in some cells could also increase the recycling of these virion-containing endosomes to the cell surface, where fusion occurs. In summary, our results reveal an unexpected, CD4-mediated reciprocal relationship between the pathways governing HIV virion fusion and endocytosis.  相似文献   

Enveloped viruses enter target cells by membrane fusion or endocytosis. In the latter case, fusion of the viral envelope is induced by the acidic pH of the endocytic vesicle [1]. As with most other retroviruses, entry of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is thought to be exclusively by pH-independent membrane fusion after interaction of its envelope with CD4 and a chemokine co-receptor on the target cell [2,3]. Expression of CD4 on the virus-producing cell impairs the release and infectivity of HIV-1(NL4-3) particles [4-6]. In sharp contrast, we found that the infectivity of another HIV isolate, HIV-1SF2, was enhanced by expression of CD4 on the producer cells, which correlated with significantly increased amounts of viral proteins in the vesicular fraction of target cells. Endocytic inhibitors decreased infectivity of HIV-1SF2 but enhanced that of HIV-1 NL4-3. Expression of CD4 in the producer cell did not remove gp41 from HIV-1SF2 virions. With these cells, the formation of syncytia could be induced by acidic medium. Thus, HIV-1SF2 can enter the cytoplasm by an endocytic route after activation of gp41 by the acidic pH of endocytic vesicles. Endocytic entry might expand the range of cells that HIV could infect and should be considered in antiviral strategies against AIDS.  相似文献   

Studies of the mechanism of HIV entry and transmission have identified multiple new targets for drug development. A range of inhibitors have demonstrated potent antiretroviral activity by interfering with CD4-gp120 interaction,coreceptor binding or viral-cell fusion in preclinical and clinical studies. One of these agents,fusion inhibitor enfuvirtide,is already in clinical use. Here we review the progress in the development of specific entry inhibitors as novel therapeutics. The potential of entry inhibitors as topical microbicides to block HIV transmission is also discussed.  相似文献   

Whereas human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infects various cell types by fusion at the plasma membrane, we observed a different entry route in human primary macrophages, in which macropinocytosis is active. Shortly after exposure of macrophages to HIV-1 and irrespective of viral envelope-receptor interactions, particles were visible in intracellular vesicles, which were identified as macropinosomes. Most virions appeared subsequently degraded. However, fusion leading to capsid release in the cytosol and productive infection could take place inside vesicles when particles were properly enveloped. These observations provide new insights into HIV-1 interactions with a cell target relevant to pathogenesis. They may have implications for the design of soluble inhibitors aimed at interfering with the fusion or entry processes.  相似文献   

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is particularly common in black women, and in Nigeria it is often caused by Mycoplasma, as well as Atopobium, Prevotella and Gardnerella sp. Antimicrobial metronidazole oral therapy is poorly effective in eradicating the condition and restoring the Lactobacillus microbiota in the vagina. In this study, 40 women diagnosed with BV by discharge, fishy odor, sialidase positive test and Nugent Gram stain scoring, were randomized to receive either two dried capsules containing Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 and Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14 each night for 5 days, or 0.75% metronidazole gel, applied vaginally twice a day (in the morning and evening). Follow-up at day 6, 15 and 30 showed cure of BV in significantly more probiotic treated subjects (16, 17 and 18/20, respectively) compared to metronidazole treatment (9, 9 and 11/20: P=0.016 at day 6, P=0.002 at day 15 and P=0.056 at day 30). This is the first report of an effective (90%) cure of BV using probiotic lactobacilli. Given the correlation between BV and HIV, and the high risk of the latter in Nigeria, intravaginal use of lactobacilli could provide women with a self-use therapy, similar to over-the-counter anti-yeast medication, for treatment of urogenital infections.  相似文献   

Studies of the mechanism of HIV entry and transmission have identified multiple new targets for drug development. A range of inhibitors have demonstrated potent antiretroviral activity by interfering with CD4-gp120 interaction, coreceptor binding or viral-cell fusion in preclinical and clinical studies. One of these agents, fusion inhibitor enfuvirtide, is already in clinical use. Here we review the progress in the development of specific entry inhibitors as novel therapeutics. The potential of entry inhibitors as topical microbicides to block HIV transmission is also discussed. Foundation items: NIH (AI065413 and AI041346) and the 973 Program (2006CB504200) for financial support.  相似文献   

This study enrolled 125 premenopausal women diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis (BV) by presence of vaginal irritation, discharge and 'fishy' odor, and Nugent criteria and detection of sialidase enzyme. The subjects were treated with oral metronidazole (500 mg) twice daily from days 1 to 7, and randomized to receive oral Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 (1 x 10(9)) and Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14 (1 x 10(9)) or placebo twice daily from days 1 to 30. Primary outcome was cure of BV as determined by normal Nugent score, negative sialidase test and no symptoms or signs of BV at day 30. A total of 106 subjects returned for 30-day follow-up, of which 88% were cured in the antibiotic/probiotic group compared to 40% in the antibiotic/placebo group (p<0.001). Of the remaining subjects, 30% subjects in the placebo group and none in the probiotic group had BV, while 30% in the placebo and 12% in the probiotic group fell into the intermediate category based upon Nugent score, sialidase result and clinical findings. High counts of Lactobacillus sp. (>10(5) CFU/ml) were recovered from the vagina of 96% probiotic-treated subjects compared to 53% controls at day 30. In summary, this study showed efficacious use of lactobacilli and antibiotic in the eradication of BV in black African women.  相似文献   

Women are at significant risk of heterosexually transmitted human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, with the mucosal epithelium of the cervix and vagina serving as a major portal of entry. The cervicovaginal mucosa naturally harbors dynamic microflora composed predominantly of lactobacilli, which may be genetically modified to serve as a more efficient protective barrier against the heterosexual transmission of HIV. We selected a vaginal strain of Lactobacillus, L. jensenii 1153, for genetic modification to display surface-anchored anti-HIV proteins. Genomic sequencing analyses revealed that L. jensenii 1153 encodes several unique high-molecular-weight cell wall-anchored proteins with a C-terminal cell wall sorting LPQTG motif. In this report, we employed these proteins to express a surface-anchored two-domain CD4 (2D CD4) molecule in L. jensenii 1153. Our studies indicated that the C-terminal cell wall sorting signal LPQTG motif alone is insufficient to drive the surface expression of heterologous proteins, and the display of surface-anchored 2D CD4 molecules required native sequences of a defined length upstream of the unique C-terminal LPQTG cell wall sorting signal and the positively charged C terminus in a Lactobacillus-based expression system. The modified L. jensenii strain displayed 2D CD4 molecules that were uniformly distributed on bacterial surfaces. The surface-anchored 2D CD4 molecule was recognized by a conformation-dependent anti-CD4 antibody, suggesting that the expressed proteins adopted a native conformation. The establishment of this Lactobacillus-based surface expression system, with potential broad applicability, represents a major step toward developing an inexpensive yet durable approach to topical microbicides for the mitigation of heterosexual transmission of HIV and other mucosally transmitted viral pathogens.  相似文献   

Enfuvirtide (ENF/T-20/Fuzeon), the first human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) entry inhibitor to be licensed, targets a structural intermediate of the entry process. ENF binds the HR1 domain in gp41 after Env has bound CD4, preventing conformational changes needed for membrane fusion. Mutations in HR1 that confer ENF resistance can arise following ENF therapy. ENF resistance mutations were introduced into an R5- and X4-tropic Env to examine their impact on fusion, infection, and sensitivity to different classes of entry inhibitors and neutralizing antibodies. HR1 mutations could reduce infection and fusion efficiency and also delay fusion kinetics, likely accounting for their negative impact on viral fitness. HR1 mutations had minimal effect on virus sensitivity to other classes of entry inhibitors, including those targeting CD4 binding (BMS-806 and a CD4-specific monoclonal antibody [MAb]), coreceptor binding (CXCR4 inhibitor AMD3100 and CCR5 inhibitor TAK-779), or fusion (T-1249), indicating that ENF-resistant viruses can remain sensitive to other entry inhibitors in vivo. Some HR1 mutations conferred increased sensitivity to a subset of neutralizing MAbs that likely target fusion intermediates or with epitopes preferentially exposed following receptor interactions (17b, 48D, 2F5, 4E10, and IgGb12), as well as sera from some HIV-positive individuals. Mechanistically, enhanced neutralization correlated with reduced fusion kinetics, indicating that, in addition to steric constraints, kinetics may also limit virus neutralization by some antibodies. Therefore, escape from ENF comes at a cost to viral fitness and may confer enhanced sensitivity to humoral immunity due to prolonged exposure of epitopes that are not readily accessible in the native Env trimer. Resistance to other entry inhibitors was not observed.  相似文献   

Classified as a distinct species in 1980, Lactobacillus reuteri strains have been used in probiotic formulations for intestinal and urogenital applications. In the former, the primary mechanism of action of L. reuteri SD2112 (ATCC 55730) has been purported to be its ability to produce the antibiotic 3-hydroxypropionaldehyde (3-HPA), also known as reuterin. In the vagina, it has been postulated that probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14 does not require reuterin production but mediates a restoration of the normal microbiota via hydrogen peroxide, biosurfactant, lactic acid production, and immune modulation. The aim of the present study was to determine whether strain RC-14 produced reuterin. Using PCR and DNA dot blot analyses, numerous Lactobacillus species, including RC-14, were screened for the presence of the gene encoding the large subunit of glycerol dehydratase (gldC), the enzyme responsible for reuterin production. In addition, lactobacilli were grown in glycerol-based media and both high-performance liquid chromatography and a colorimetric assay were used to test for the presence of reuterin. L. reuteri RC-14 was determined to be negative for gldC sequences, as well as for the production of reuterin when cultured in the presence of glycerol. These findings support that the probiotic effects of L. reuteri RC-14, repeatedly demonstrated during numerous studies of the intestine and vagina, are independent of reuterin production.  相似文献   

Recent studies have suggested that the topical application of probiotic bacteria can improve skin health or combat disease. We have utilized a primary human keratinocyte culture model to investigate whether probiotic bacteria can inhibit Staphylococcus aureus infection. Evaluation of the candidate probiotics Lactobacillus reuteri ATCC 55730, Lactobacillus rhamnosus AC413, and Lactobacillus salivarius UCC118 demonstrated that both L. reuteri and L. rhamnosus, but not L. salivarius, reduced S. aureus-induced keratinocyte cell death in both undifferentiated and differentiated keratinocytes. Keratinocyte survival was significantly higher if the probiotic was applied prior to (P < 0.01) or simultaneously with (P < 0.01) infection with S. aureus but not when added after infection had commenced (P > 0.05). The protective effect of L. reuteri was not dependent on the elaboration of inhibitory substances such as lactic acid. L. reuteri inhibited adherence of S. aureus to keratinocytes by competitive exclusion (P = 0.026). L. salivarius UCC118, however, did not inhibit S. aureus from adhering to keratinocytes (P > 0.05) and did not protect keratinocyte viability. S. aureus utilizes the α5β1 integrin to adhere to keratinocytes, and blocking of this integrin resulted in a protective effect similar to that observed with probiotics (P = 0.03). This suggests that the protective mechanism for L. reuteri-mediated protection of keratinocytes was by competitive exclusion of the pathogen from its binding sites on the cells. Our results suggest that use of a topical probiotic prophylactically could inhibit the colonization of skin by S. aureus and thus aid in the prevention of infection.  相似文献   

CCR5 is the major coreceptor for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. The murine monoclonal antibody (MAb) 2D7, which recognizes a conformation-dependent epitope in the second extracellular loop of CCR5, is one of the most potent inhibitors of R5 virus cell entry. However, attempts to humanize 2D7 for in vivo human use have been unsuccessful so far. A filamentous phage library expressing random peptides was used to identify a peptide mimitope that is recognized by MAb 2D7. A synthetic peptide containing this sequence (2D7-2SK) bound to MAb 2D7 with high affinity and reversed its HIV type 1 (HIV-1) fusion inhibitory activity. The peptide contains sequence homologies to two distal regions of the second extracellular loop of human CCR5, both of which are required for MAb 2D7 binding. Rabbit anti-2D7-mimitope antibodies competed with MAb 2D7 for binding to the 2D7-2SK peptide in Biacore biosensor testing. Importantly, the rabbit anti-2D7-2SK antibodies bound to CCR5 on cells and specifically inhibited R5 (but not X4) envelope-mediated syncytium formation. These antibodies also neutralized infection of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells with R5 HIV isolates comparably to MAb 2D7. In summary, we have identified a novel peptide that closely mimics the MAb 2D7 epitope on CCR5. This peptide could be included as a potential vaccine candidate or to isolate 2D7-like human antibodies as entry inhibitors for R5 viruses.  相似文献   

Lactobacillus reuteri is a commensal-derived anaerobic probiotic that resides in the human gastrointestinal tract. L. reuteri converts glycerol into a potent broad-spectrum antimicrobial compound, reuterin, which inhibits the growth of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. In this study, we compared four human-derived L. reuteri isolates (ATCC 55730, ATCC PTA 6475, ATCC PTA 4659 and ATCC PTA 5289) in their ability to produce reuterin and to inhibit the growth of different enteric pathogens in vitro. Reuterin was produced by each of the four L. reuteri strains and assessed for biological activity. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of reuterin derived from each strain was determined for the following enteric pathogens: enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli, enterotoxigenic E. coli, Salmonella enterica, Shigella sonnei and Vibrio cholerae. We also analyzed the relative abilities of L. reuteri to inhibit enteric pathogens in a pathogen overlay assay. The magnitude of reuterin production did not directly correlate with the relative ability of L. reuteri to suppress the proliferation of enteric pathogens. Additional antimicrobial factors may be produced by L. reuteri, and multiple factors may act synergistically with reuterin to inhibit enteric pathogens.  相似文献   

Urogenital infections are the most common ailments afflicting women. They are treated with dated antimicrobials whose efficacy is diminishing. The process of infection involves pathogen adhesion and displacement of indigenous Lactobacillus crispatus and Lactobacillus jensenii. An alternative therapeutic approach to antimicrobial therapy is to reestablish lactobacilli in this microbiome through probiotic administration. We hypothesized that lactobacilli displaying strong adhesion forces with pathogens would facilitate coaggregation between the two strains, ultimately explaining the elimination of pathogens seen in vivo. Using atomic force microscopy, we found that adhesion forces between lactobacilli and three virulent toxic shock syndrome toxin 1-producing Staphylococcus aureus strains, were significantly stronger (2.2-6.4 nN) than between staphylococcal pairs (2.2-3.4 nN), especially for the probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14 (4.0-6.4 nN) after 120 s of bond-strengthening. Moreover, stronger adhesion forces resulted in significantly larger coaggregates. Adhesion between the bacteria occurred instantly upon contact and matured within one to two minutes, demonstrating the potential for rapid anti-pathogen effects using a probiotic. Coaggregation is one of the recognized mechanisms through which lactobacilli can exert their probiotic effects to create a hostile micro-environment around a pathogen. With antimicrobial options fading, it therewith becomes increasingly important to identify lactobacilli that bind strongly with pathogens.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a leading cause of liver disease worldwide. With ~170 million individuals infected and current interferon-based treatment having toxic side effects and marginal efficacy, more effective antivirals are crucially needed. Although HCV protease inhibitors were just approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), optimal HCV therapy, analogous to HIV therapy, will probably require a combination of antivirals targeting multiple aspects of the viral lifecycle. Viral entry represents a potential multifaceted target for antiviral intervention; however, to date, FDA-approved inhibitors of HCV cell entry are unavailable. Here we show that the cellular Niemann-Pick C1-like 1 (NPC1L1) cholesterol uptake receptor is an HCV entry factor amendable to therapeutic intervention. Specifically, NPC1L1 expression is necessary for HCV infection, as silencing or antibody-mediated blocking of NPC1L1 impairs cell culture-derived HCV (HCVcc) infection initiation. In addition, the clinically available FDA-approved NPC1L1 antagonist ezetimibe potently blocks HCV uptake in vitro via a virion cholesterol-dependent step before virion-cell membrane fusion. Moreover, ezetimibe inhibits infection by all major HCV genotypes in vitro and in vivo delays the establishment of HCV genotype 1b infection in mice with human liver grafts. Thus, we have not only identified NPC1L1 as an HCV cell entry factor but also discovered a new antiviral target and potential therapeutic agent.  相似文献   

The clinical use of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) fusion inhibitor enfuvirtide (ENF) can select for drug-resistant HIV-1 strains bearing mutations in the HR1 region of the viral envelope (Env) protein. We analyzed the properties of multiple Env proteins isolated from five patients who experienced an initial decline in viral load after ENF therapy followed by subsequent rebound due to emergence of ENF-resistant HIV-1. Prior to ENF therapy, each patient harbored genetically and phenotypically diverse Env proteins that used CCR5 and/or CXCR4 to elicit membrane fusion. Coreceptor usage patterns of the Envs isolated from two patients underwent homogenization following ENF therapy, whereas in the other three patients, recombination appeared to allow the introduction of a single HR1 sequence with ENF resistance mutations into phenotypically distinct Env proteins. Analysis of individual Env clones also revealed that prior to ENF therapy, there was sometimes marked heterogeneity in the susceptibility of individual Env proteins to coreceptor inhibitors. After virologic failure, all Envs acquired resistance to ENF but exhibited no consistent change in their sensitivity to the fusion inhibitor T-1249 or to coreceptor inhibitors. In summary, using patient-derived Env proteins, we found that ENF failure was associated with emergence of high-level resistance to ENF due largely to mutations in HR1 but that susceptibility to other entry inhibitors was unaffected, that in these late-stage patients there was greater clonal variability to coreceptor than to fusion inhibitors, and that recombination events in vivo could sometimes restore Env genotypic and phenotypic heterogeneity by introducing drug-resistant gp41 sequences into heterologous gp120 backgrounds.  相似文献   

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