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The Bacillus subtilis DnaD protein is an essential protein and a component of the oriC and PriA primosomal cascades, which are responsible for loading the main replicative ring helicase DnaC onto DNA. We present evidence that DnaD also has a global DNA architectural activity, assembling into large nucleoprotein complexes on a plasmid and counteracting plasmid compaction in a manner analogous to that recently seen for the histone-like Escherichia coli HU proteins. This DNA-remodeling role may be an essential function for initiation of DNA replication in the Gram +ve B. subtilis, thus highlighting DnaD as the link between bacterial nucleoid reorganization and initiation of DNA replication.  相似文献   

To study the alkali denaturation of supercoiled DNA, plasmid pBR322 was treated with gradient concentrations of NaOH solution. The results of gel electrophoresis showed that the alkali denaturation of the supercoiled DNA occurred in a narrow range of pH value (12.88-12.90). The alkali-denatured supercoiled DNA ran, as a sharp band, faster than the supercoiled DNA. The supercoiled plasmid DNA of pBR322, pACYC184 and pJGX15A were denatured by NaOH, and then visualized by atomic force microscopy. Compared with the supercoiled DNA, the atomic force microscopy images of the alkali-denatured supercoiled DNA showed rough surface with many kinks, bulges on double strands with inhomogeneous diameters. The apparent contour lengths of the denatured DNA were shortened by 16%, 16% and 50% for pBR322, pACYC184 and pJGX15A, respectively. All evidence suggested that the alkali-denatured supercoiled DNA had a stable conformation with unregistered, topologically constrained double strands and intrastrand secondary structure.  相似文献   

Repetitive sequences in DNA molecules, some of which are palindromic, tend to form stable cruciforms. These are frequently located in promoter regions of a specific operon and origin of replication. Temperature gradient gel electrophoresis can be used to distinguish among various supercoiled DNA topoisomers and to ascertain whether or not the cruciform motif has been extruded. In the current study, this technique is implemented for the first time to address the role of temperature in cruciform extrusion from plasmids.  相似文献   

The O6-alkylguanine DNA alkyltransferase (AGT) is a highly conserved protein responsible for direct repair of alkylated guanine and to a lesser degree thymine bases. While specific DNA lesion-bound complexes in crystal structures consist of monomeric AGT, several solution studies have suggested that cooperative DNA binding plays a role in the physiological activities of AGT. Cooperative AGT–DNA complexes have been described by theoretical models, which can be tested by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Direct access to structural features of AGT–DNA complexes at the single molecule level by AFM imaging revealed non-specifically bound, cooperative complexes with limited cluster length. Implications of cooperative binding in AGT–DNA interactions are discussed.  相似文献   

Curvature and flexibility are structural properties of central importance to genome function. However, due to the difficulties in finding suitable experimental conditions, methods for studying one without the interference of the other have proven to be difficult. We propose a new approach that provides a measure of inherent flexibility of DNA by taking advantage of two powerful techniques, X-ray crystallography and nuclear magnetic resonance. Both techniques are able to detect local curvature on DNA fragments but, while the first analyzes DNA in the solid state, the second works on DNA in solution. Comparison of the two data sets allowed us to calculate the relative contribution to flexibility of the three rotations and three translations, which relate successive base pair planes for the ten different dinucleotide steps. These values were then used to compute the variation of flexibility along a given nucleotide sequence. This allowed us to validate the method experimentally through comparisons with maps of local fluctuations in DNA molecule trajectory constructed from atomic force microscopy imaging in solution. We conclude that the six dinucleotide-step parameters defined here provide a powerful tool for the exploration of DNA structure and, consequently will make an important contribution to our understanding of DNA-sequence-dependent biological processes.  相似文献   

The end-to-end stretching of a duplex DNA oligonucleotide has been studied using potential of mean force (PMF) calculations based on molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and atomic force microscopy (AFM) experiments. Near quantitative agreement between the calculations and experiments was obtained for both the extension length and forces associated with strand separation. The PMF calculations show that the oligonucleotide extends without a significant energetic barrier from a length shorter than A-DNA to a length 2.4 times the contour length of B-DNA at which the barrier to strand separation is encountered. Calculated forces associated with the barrier are 0.09±0.03 nN, based on assumptions concerning tip and thermal-activated barrier crossing contributions to the forces. Direct AFM measurements show the oligonucleotide strands separating at 2.6±0.8 contour lengths with a force of 0.13±0.05 nN. Analysis of the energies from the MD simulations during extension reveals compensation between increases in the DNA-self energy and decreases in the DNA-solvent interaction energy, allowing for the barrierless extension of DNA beyond the canonical B form. The barrier to strand separation occurs when unfavorable DNA interstrand repulsion cannot be compensated for by favorable DNA-solvent interactions. The present combination of single molecule theoretical and experimental approaches produces a comprehensive picture of the free energy surface of biological macromolecular structural transitions. Received: 2 June 1998 / Revised version: 25 January 1999 / Accepted: 11 February 1999  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, errors in newly-replicated DNA, such as the incorporation of a nucleotide with a mis-paired base or an accidental insertion or deletion of nucleotides, are corrected by a methyl-directed mismatch repair (MMR) pathway. While the enzymology of MMR has long been established, many fundamental aspects of its mechanisms remain elusive, such as the structures, compositions, and orientations of complexes of MutS, MutL, and MutH as they initiate repair. Using atomic force microscopy, we—for the first time—record the structures and locations of individual complexes of MutS, MutL and MutH bound to DNA molecules during the initial stages of mismatch repair. This technique reveals a number of striking and unexpected structures, such as the growth and disassembly of large multimeric complexes at mismatched sites, complexes of MutS and MutL anchoring latent MutH onto hemi-methylated d(GATC) sites or bound themselves at nicks in the DNA, and complexes directly bridging mismatched and hemi-methylated d(GATC) sites by looping the DNA. The observations from these single-molecule studies provide new opportunities to resolve some of the long-standing controversies in the field and underscore the dynamic heterogeneity and versatility of MutSLH complexes in the repair process.  相似文献   

We have examined the changes in physical properties of aqueous solutions of the plasmid pUC18 that take place on the addition of the cationic oligopeptide penta-arginine. An increase in sedimentation rate and static light scattering, and changes in the nucleic acid CD spectrum all suggest that this ligand acts to condense the plasmid. Dynamic light scattering suggests the hydrodynamic radii of the condensate particles are a few micrometers, ca. 50-fold larger than that of the monomeric plasmid. Condensation of the plasmid also produces a ca. 100-fold decrease in the strand break yield produced by gamma irradiation. This extensive protection against reactive intermediates in the bulk of the solution implies that condensed plasmid DNA may offer a model system with which to study the direct effect of ionizing radiation (ionization of the DNA itself). The use of peptide ligands as condensing agents in this application is attractive because the derivatives of several amino acids (particularly tryptophan and tyrosine) have been shown to modify the radiation chemistry of DNA extensively.  相似文献   

The structural features of the drug-DNA adducts resulted from treatment of DNA with the platinum based mononuclear drug cisplatin and the binuclear drug [{trans-PtCl(NH3)2}2H2N(CH2)4NH2]Cl2 or bis(platin) have been investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Reduction in the contour length of the DNA fragments has been observed after cisplatin treatment while, compaction and aggregation are found to be the primary structural modifications following treatment with the binuclear drug. The intermolecular interaction upon bis(platin) treatment leads to observation of highly condense aggregates without a distinct sight of single isolated DNA molecule. These differences in drug binding indicate that unlike the mononuclear drug cisplatin, bis(platin) causes extensive interhelical/intermolecular cross-linking through its multiple linking sites. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a comparative AFM study to monitor the effects of a mono- and a binuclear platinum anti-cancer drug on DNA structure. These observations should provide clues towards explaining the distinct biological activities of the two drugs.  相似文献   

We have imaged microtubules, essential structural elements of the cytoskeleton in eukaryotic cells, in physiological conditions by scanning force microscopy. We have achieved molecular resolution without the use of cross-linking and chemical fixation methods. With tip forces below 0.3 nN, protofilaments with ~6 nm separation could be clearly distinguished. Lattice defects in the microtubule wall were directly visible, including point defects and protofilament separations. Higher tip forces destroyed the top half of the microtubules, revealing the inner surface of the substrate-attached protofilaments. Monomers could be resolved on these inner surfaces.Abbreviations APTS (3-aminopropyl)triethoxysilane - DETA N1-[3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl]diethylenetriamine - EM electron microscopy - MT microtubule - SFM scanning force microscopy  相似文献   

Significant environmental and health risks due to the increasing applications of engineered nanoparticles in medical and industrial activities have been concerned by many communities. The interactions between nanomaterials and genomes have been poorly studied so far. This study examined interactions of DNA with carbon nanoparticles (CNP) using atomic force microscopy (AFM). We experimentally assessed how CNP affect DNA molecule and bacterial growth of Escherichia coli. We found that CNP were bound to the DNA molecules during the DNA replication in vivo. The results revealed that the interaction of DNA with CNP resulted in DNA molecule binding and aggregation both in vivo and in vitro in a dose-dependent manner, and consequently inhabiting the E. coli growth. While this was a preliminary study, our results showed that this nanoparticle may have a significant impact on genomic activities.  相似文献   

BBR3464 is a trinuclear platinum compound of formula [{trans-PtCl(NH3)2}2-μ-trans-Pt(NH3)2{NH2(CH2)6NH2}2]4+. It is a new-generation platinum chemotherapeutic agent that exhibits cytotoxicity at ten to thousand times lower dose limit compared to the well-known platinum drug cisplatin, in cisplatin-sensitive as well as in cisplatin-resistant cells. DNA is thought to be the primary cellular target of BBR3464. In this work, we have applied high-resolution atomic force microscopy (AFM) for the first time, to obtain direct information on BBR3464-induced structural changes of DNA. It is found that the DNA molecules get compacted after treatment with BBR3464, for the drug:DNA molar ratio and the drug treatment period of 0.01 and 48 h, respectively. These values of molar ratio and incubation period have been obtained previously, as a result of biochemical optimization studies carried out for achieving maximum drug effects. The DNA structural changes, as observed in AFM topographs, have been correlated to the bulk level spectroscopic information. A remark on the significance of BBR3464-induced DNA compaction with respect to the available AFM reports on DNA modification by cisplatin has been made.  相似文献   

利用彗星电泳检测出UVB、UVC短时间照射会使肿瘤细胞的DNA发生断裂,而长时间照射之后彗星电泳无法检测到碎片,推测可能是由于DNA分子交联的原因[1],国内外尚无定论.为了更直观的研究这种现象,提取了UVB,UVA照射后K562细胞的DNA,并调节到合适的浓度在原子力显微镜下观测.实验结果表明UVB对K562肿瘤细胞DNA损伤的影响呈现时间/剂量效应,较短时间照射主要产生DNA的链断裂,较长时间辐射则主要产生DNA链的交联.UVC对K562肿瘤细胞DNA的损伤大于UVB.UVC短时照射即可引起DNA的断裂和交联,较长时间辐射主要产生交联和一些断裂;长时间照射不但产生大量交联,同时有大量断裂产生,并发生凝缩和缠绕等结构破坏.  相似文献   

The cleavage of DNA caused by the antitumoral drug bleomycin has been investigated using atomic force microscopy (AFM). This work deals with the effect that adsorbing DNA onto a positively- or negatively-charged surface has on the double-strand cleavage of DNA by Fe(III)/bleomycin. Quantitative analysis of the number of breaks per DNA molecule, in bulk and at the surface of the mica substrate, has been performed by analyzing AFM images. It turns out that the cleavage of DNA is strongly inhibited by a positively-charged surface. Our experiments can be interpreted using a simple electrostatic model. This paper is a first step in the study of DNA accessibility to ligand such as bleomycin, using AFM in liquids.Olivier Piétrement and David Pastré have contributed equally to the work.  相似文献   

Lipid bilayers determine the architecture of cell membranes and regulate a myriad of distinct processes that are highly dependent on the lateral organization of the phospholipid molecules that compose the membrane. Indeed, the mechanochemical properties of the membrane are strongly correlated with the function of several membrane proteins, which demand a very specific, highly localized physicochemical environment to perform their function. Several mesoscopic techniques have been used in the past to investigate the mechanical properties of lipid membranes. However, they were restricted to the study of the ensemble properties of giant bilayers. Force spectroscopy with AFM has emerged as a powerful technique able to provide valuable insights into the nanomechanical properties of supported lipid membranes at the nanometer/nanonewton scale in a wide variety of systems. In particular, these measurements have allowed direct measurement of the molecular interactions arising between neighboring phospholipid molecules and between the lipid molecules and the surrounding solvent environment. The goal of this review is to illustrate how these novel experiments have provided a new vista on membrane mechanics in a confined area within the nanometer realm, where most of the specific molecular interactions take place. Here we report in detail the main discoveries achieved by force spectroscopy with AFM on supported lipid bilayers, and we also discuss on the exciting future perspectives offered by this growing research field.  相似文献   

Atomic force microscope investigation of large-circle DNA molecules   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Wu A  Yu L  Li Z  Yang H  Wang E 《Analytical biochemistry》2004,325(2):293-300
A circular bacterial artificial chromosome of 148.9kbp on human chromosome 3 has been extended and fixed on bare mica substrates using a developed fluid capillary flow method in evaporating liquid drops. Extended circular DNA molecules were imaged with an atomic force microscope (AFM) under ambient conditions. The measured total lengths of the whole DNA molecules were in agreement with sequencing analysis data with an error range of +/-3.6%. This work is important groundwork for probing single nucleotide polymorphisms in the human genome, mapping genomic DNA, manipulating biomolecular nanotechnology, and studying the interaction of DNA-protein complexes investigated by AFM.  相似文献   

DNA gyrase negatively supercoils DNA in a reaction coupled to the binding and hydrolysis of ATP. Limited supercoiling can be achieved in the presence of the non-hydrolysable ATP analogue, 5'-adenylyl beta,gamma-imidodiphosphate (ADPNP). In order to negatively supercoil DNA, gyrase must wrap a length of DNA around itself in a positive sense. In previous work, the effect of ADPNP on the gyrase-DNA interaction has been assessed but has produced conflicting results; the aim of this work was to resolve this conflict. We have probed the wrapping of DNA around gyrase in the presence and in the absence of ADPNP using direct observation by atomic force microscopy (AFM). We confirm that gyrase indeed generates a significant curvature in DNA in the absence of nucleotide and we show that the addition of ADPNP leads to a complete loss of wrap. These results have been corroborated using a DNA relaxation assay involving topoisomerase I. We have re-analysed previous hydroxyl-radical footprinting and crystallography data, and highlight the fact that the gyrase-DNA complex is surprisingly asymmetric in the absence of nucleotide but is symmetric in the presence of ADPNP. We suggest a revised model for the conformation of DNA bound to the enzyme that is fully consistent with these AFM data, in which a closed loop of DNA is stabilised by the enzyme in the absence of ADPNP and is lost in the presence of nucleotide.  相似文献   

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