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Stem cell factor (SCF) is essential to the migration and differentiation of melanocytes during embryogenesis because mutations in either the SCF gene, or its ligand, KIT, result in defects in coat pigmentation in mice. Using a neural crest cell (NCC) primary culture system from wild-type mice, we previously demonstrated that KIT-positive and/or L-3, 4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA)-positive melanocyte precursors proliferate following the addition of SCF to the culture medium. Extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins are considered to play a role in the migration and differentiation of various cells including melanocytes. We cultured mouse NCCs in the presence of SCF in individual wells coated with ECM; fibronectin (FN), collagen I (CLI), chondroitin sulphate, or dermatan sulphate. More KIT-positive cells and DOPA-positive cells were detected in the presence of SCF on ECM-coated wells than on non-coated wells. A statistically significant increase in DOPA-positive cells was evident in FN and CLI wells. In contrast, in the absence of SCF, few DOPA-positive cells and KIT-positive cells were detected on either the ECM-coated or non-coated wells. We concluded that ECM affect melanocyte proliferation and development in the presence of SCF. To determine the key site of FN function, RGDS peptides in the FN sequence, which supports spreading of NCCs, were added to the NCC culture. The number of DOPA-positive cells decreased with RGDS concentration in a dose-dependent fashion. Immunohistochemical staining revealed the presence of integrin alpha5, a receptor of RGDS, in NCCs. These results suggest the RGDS domain of FN plays a contributory role as an active site in the induction of FN function in NCCs. In addition, we examined the effect of FN with SCF on the NCC migration by measuring cluster size, and found an increase in size following treatment with FN.  相似文献   

Stem cell factor (SCF) is essential to the migration and differentiation of melanocytes during embryogenesis because mutations in either the SCF gene, or its ligand, KIT, result in defects in coat pigmentation in mice. Using a neural crest cell (NCC) primary culture system from wild‐type mice, we previously demonstrated that KIT‐positive and/or L ‐3, 4‐dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA)‐positive melanocyte precursors proliferate following the addition of SCF to the culture medium. Extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins are considered to play a role in the migration and differentiation of various cells including melanocytes. We cultured mouse NCCs in the presence of SCF in individual wells coated with ECM; fibronectin (FN), collagen I (CLI), chondroitin sulphate, or dermatan sulphate. More KIT‐positive cells and DOPA‐positive cells were detected in the presence of SCF on ECM‐coated wells than on non‐coated wells. A statistically significant increase in DOPA‐positive cells was evident in FN and CLI wells. In contrast, in the absence of SCF, few DOPA‐positive cells and KIT‐positive cells were detected on either the ECM‐coated or non‐coated wells. We concluded that ECM affect melanocyte proliferation and development in the presence of SCF. To determine the key site of FN function, RGDS peptides in the FN sequence, which supports spreading of NCCs, were added to the NCC culture. The number of DOPA‐positive cells decreased with RGDS concentration in a dose‐dependent fashion. Immunohistochemical staining revealed the presence of integrin a5, a receptor of RGDS, in NCCs. These results suggest the RGDS domain of FN plays a contributory role as an active site in the induction of FN function in NCCs. In addition, we examined the effect of FN with SCF on the NCC migration by measuring cluster size, and found an increase in size following treatment with FN.  相似文献   

Chemotactic cell migration is triggered by extracellular concentration gradients of molecules segregated by target fields. Neural crest cells (NCCs), paradigmatic as an accurately moving cell population, undergo wide dispersion along multiple pathways, invading with precision defined sites of the embryo to differentiate into many derivatives. This report addresses the involvement of NT-3 in early colonization by cephalic NCCs invading the optic vesicle region. The results of in vitro and in vivo approaches showed that NCCs migrate directionally up an NT-3 concentration gradient. We also demonstrated the expression of NT-3 in the ocular region as well as their functional TrkB, TrkC and p75 receptors on cephalic NCCs. On whole-mount embryo, a perturbed distribution of NCCs colonizing the optic vesicle target field was shown after morpholino cancelation of cephalic NT-3 or TrkC receptor on NCCs, as well as in situ blocking of TrkC receptor of mesencephalic NCCs by specific antibody released from inserted microbeads. The present results strongly suggest that, among other complementary cell guidance factor(s), the chemotactic response of NCCs toward the ocular region NT-3 gradient is essential for spatiotemporal cell orientation, amplifying the functional scope of this neurotrophic factor as a molecular guide for the embryo cells, besides its well-known canonical functions.  相似文献   

Stem cell factor (SCF) is hypothesized to play a critical role in the migration of melanocytes during embryogenesis because mutations in either the SCF gene, or its ligand, c-kit, result in defects in coat pigmentation in mice and in skin pigmentation in humans. In this report we directly show that SCF alters the adhesion and migration of human melanocytes to extracellular matrix (ECM) ligands and regulates integrin expression at the protein level. SCF decreased adhesion of neonatal and fetal cells to collagen IV, and increased attachment of fetal cells to laminin. Attachment of fetal cells to fibronectin was decreased, but was unchanged in neonatal cells. Flow cytometry analysis of neonatal melanocytes showed that SCF down-regulated the expression of the α2 receptor, and up-regulated the expression of the α3, α5 and β1 integrin receptors. SCF down-regulated expression of α2, α5 and β1 integrins by fetal melanocytes, and up-regulated expression of the αv and α3 integrin receptors. Analysis of melanocyte migration using time-lapse videomicroscopy showed that SCF significantly increased migration of neonatal, but not fetal, melanocytes on fibronectin (FN). We conclude that SCF regulates integrin expression at the protein level and that SCF has pleiotropic effects on melanocyte attachment and migration on ECM ligands. We suggest that this may be one mechanism by which SCF regulates melanocyte migration during development of the skin.  相似文献   

Endothelin receptors B (Ednrb) are involved in the development of the enteric and melanocytic lineages, which originate from neural crest cells (NCCs). In mice, trunk NCCs and their derivatives express only one Ednrb. In quail, trunk NCCs express two Ednrb: Ednrb and Ednrb2. Quail Ednrb is expressed in NCCs migrating along the ventral pathway, which gives rise to the peripheral nervous system, including enteric ganglia. Ednrb2 is upregulated in NCCs before these cells enter the dorsolateral pathway. The NCCs migrating along the dorsolateral pathway are melanocyte precursors. We analyzed the in vitro differentiation and in ovo migration of mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells expressing and not expressing Ednrb2. We generated a series of transfected ES cell lines expressing Ednrb2. This receptor, like Ednrb, oriented genuine ES cells towards melanocyte lineage differentiation in vitro. The in ovo migration of Ednrb2-expressing ES cells was massively oriented towards the dorsolateral pathway, unlike that of WT or Ednrb-expressing ES cells. Thus, Ednrb2 is involved in melanoblast differentiation and migration.  相似文献   

Epidermal melanocytes play an important role in protecting the skin from UV rays, and their functional impairment results in pigment disorders. Additionally, melanomas are considered to arise from mutations that accumulate in melanocyte stem cells. The mechanisms underlying melanocyte differentiation and the defining characteristics of melanocyte stem cells in humans are, however, largely unknown. In the present study, we set out to generate melanocytes from human iPS cells in vitro, leading to a preliminary investigation of the mechanisms of human melanocyte differentiation. We generated iPS cell lines from human dermal fibroblasts using the Yamanaka factors (SOX2, OCT3/4, and KLF4, with or without c-MYC). These iPS cell lines were subsequently used to form embryoid bodies (EBs) and then differentiated into melanocytes via culture supplementation with Wnt3a, SCF, and ET-3. Seven weeks after inducing differentiation, pigmented cells expressing melanocyte markers such as MITF, tyrosinase, SILV, and TYRP1, were detected. Melanosomes were identified in these pigmented cells by electron microscopy, and global gene expression profiling of the pigmented cells showed a high similarity to that of human primary foreskin-derived melanocytes, suggesting the successful generation of melanocytes from iPS cells. This in vitro differentiation system should prove useful for understanding human melanocyte biology and revealing the mechanism of various pigment cell disorders, including melanoma.  相似文献   

Induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) technology offers a novel approach for conversion of human primary fibroblasts into melanocytes. During attempts to explore various protocols for differentiation of iPSCs into melanocytes, we found a distinct and self‐renewing cell lineage that could differentiate into melanocytes, named as melanocyte precursor cells (MPCs). The MPCs exhibited a morphology distinctive from that of melanocytes, in lacking either the melanosomal structure or the melanocyte‐specific marker genes MITF, TYR, and SOX10. In addition, gene expression studies in the MPCs showed high‐level expression of WNT5A, ROR2, which are non‐canonical WNT pathway markers, and its related receptor TGFβR2. In contrast, MPC differentiation into melanocytes was achieved by activating the canonical WNT pathway using the GSK3β inhibitor. Our data demonstrated the distinct characteristic of MPCs' ability to differentiate into melanocytes, and the underlying mechanism of interfacing between canonical WNT signaling pathway and non‐canonical WNT signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Neural crest cells (NCCs) are pluripotent migratory cells that are crucial to the development of the peripheral nervous system, pigment cells and craniofacial cartilage and bone. NCCs are specified within the dorsal ectoderm and undergo an epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) in order to migrate to target destinations where they differentiate. Here we report a role for a member of the semaphorin family of cell guidance molecules in NCC development. Morpholino-mediated knockdown of Sema3d inhibits the proliferation of hindbrain neuroepithelial cells. In addition, Sema3d knockdown reduces markers of migratory NCCs and disrupts NCC-derived tissues. Similarly, expression of a dominant-repressor form of TCF (DeltaTCF) reduces hindbrain cell proliferation and leads to a disruption of migratory NCC markers. Moreover, expression of DeltaTCF downregulates sema3d RNA expression. Finally, Sema3d overexpression rescues reduced proliferation caused by DeltaTCF expression, suggesting that Sema3d lies downstream of Wnt/TCF signaling in the molecular pathway thought to control cell cycle in NCC precursors.  相似文献   

Neural crest cells (NCCs) are a transient population of cells present in vertebrate development that emigrate from the dorsal neural tube (NT) after undergoing an epithelial-mesenchymal transition 1,2. Following EMT, NCCs migrate large distances along stereotypic pathways until they reach their targets. NCCs differentiate into a vast array of cell types including neurons, glia, melanocytes, and chromaffin cells 1-3. The ability of NCCs to reach and recognize their proper target locations is foundational for the appropriate formation of all structures containing trunk NCC-derived components 3. Elucidating the mechanisms of guidance for trunk NCC migration has therefore been a matter of great significance. Numerous molecules have been demonstrated to guide NCC migration 4. For instance, trunk NCCs are known to be repelled by negative guidance cues such as Semaphorin, Ephrin, and Slit ligands 5-8. However, not until recently have any chemoattractants of trunk NCCs been identified 9. Conventional in vitro approaches to studying the chemotactic behavior of adherent cells work best with immortalized, homogenously distributed cells, but are more challenging to apply to certain primary stem cell cultures that initially lack a homogenous distribution and rapidly differentiate (such as NCCs). One approach to homogenize the distribution of trunk NCCs for chemotaxis studies is to isolate trunk NCCs from primary NT explant cultures, then lift and replate them to be almost 100% confluent. However, this plating approach requires substantial amounts of time and effort to explant enough cells, is harsh, and distributes trunk NCCs in a dissimilar manner to that found in in vivo conditions. Here, we report an in vitro approach that is able to evaluate chemotaxis and other migratory responses of trunk NCCs without requiring a homogenous cell distribution. This technique utilizes time-lapse imaging of primary, unperturbed trunk NCCs inside a modified Zigmond chamber (a standard Zigmond chamber is described elsewhere10). By exposing trunk NCCs at the periphery of the culture to a chemotactant gradient that is perpendicular to their predicted natural directionality, alterations in migratory polarity induced by the applied chemotactant gradient can be detected. This technique is inexpensive, requires the culturing of only two NT explants per replicate treatment, avoids harsh cell lifting (such as trypsinization), leaves trunk NCCs in a more similar distribution to in vivo conditions, cuts down the amount of time between explantation and experimentation (which likely reduces the risk of differentiation), and allows time-lapse evaluation of numerous migratory characteristics.  相似文献   

Stem cell factor (SCF) and endothelin 3 (EDN3) are both necessary for melanocyte development. We have established an immortal cell population of neural crest cells from C57BL/6 mice, cultivating them with SCF, EDN3 and 15% fetal calf serum without feeder cells, and have designated that line as C57NCC SE. C57NCC SE consists of a population of melanocytes in various stages of differentiation. We used a single-cell cloning method, in which only one cell is transferred to each new culture plate, and succeeded in establishing an immortal cell line named NCCmelan5. All NCCmelan5 cells were positive for KIT (SCF receptor), HMB45 (human melanosomal antigen), tyrosinase-related protein-1 (TYRP1), tyrosinase-related protein-2 (TYRP2), tyrosinase and endothelin receptor B (EDNRB) and all could oxidize 3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA) to form melanin. Measurement of their DNA content revealed that 88.6% of the cells were in the G0-G1 phase, suggesting that they retained normal DNA ploidy. Thus, NCCmelan5 cells have the characteristics of mature melanocytes except that they are immortal; these cells may prove useful to study factors that directly affect melanogenesis and melanocyte development without the influence of feeder cells. It is clear that our attempt to establish immortal cell lines from murine neural crest cells would have never been successful without the addition of SCF and EDN3, since C57NCC SE and NCCmelan5 cells require those factors to proliferate.  相似文献   

The normal products of the murine Steel (Sl) and Dominant white spotting (W) genes are essential for the development of melanocyte precursors, germ cells, and hematopoietic cells. The Sl locus encodes stem cell factor (SCF), which is the ligand of c-kit, a receptor tyrosine kinase encoded by the W locus. One allele of the Sl mutation, Sl17H, exhibits minor hematopoietic defects, sterility only in males, and a complete absence of coat pigmentation. The Sl17H gene encodes SCF protein which exhibits an altered cytoplasmic domain due to a splicing defect. In this paper we analyzed the mechanism by which the pigmentation phenotype in Sl17H mutant mice occurs. We show that in embryos homozygous for Sl17H the number of melanocyte precursors is severely reduced on the lateral neural crest migration pathway by e11.5 and can no longer be detected by e13.5 when they would enter the epidermis in wildtype embryos. The reduced number of dispersing melanocyte precursors correlates with a reduction of SCF immunoreactivity in mutant embryos in all tissues examined. Regardless of the reduced amount, functional SCF is present at the cell surface of fibroblasts transfected with Sl17H mutant SCF cDNA. Since SCF immunoreactivity normally accumulates in basolateral compartments of SCF-expressing embryonic epithelial tissues, we analyzed the localization of wildtype and Sl17H mutant SCF protein in transfected epithelial (MDCK) cells in vitro. As expected, wildtype forms of SCF localize to and are secreted from the basolateral compartment. In contrast, mutant forms of SCF, which either lack a membrane anchor or exhibit the Sl17H altered cytoplasmic tail, localize to and are secreted from the apical compartment of the cultured epithelium. We suggest, therefore, that the loss of melanocyte precursors prior to epidermal invasion, and the loss of germ cells from mature testis, can be explained by the inability of Sl17H mutant SCF to be targeted to the basolateral compartment of polarized epithelial keratinocytes and Sertoli cells, respectively.  相似文献   

Neural crest cells (NCCs) are a remarkable, dynamic group of cells that travel long distances in the embryo to reach their target sites. They are responsible for the formation of craniofacial bones and cartilage, neurons and glia in the peripheral nervous system and pigment cells. Live imaging of NCCs as they traverse the embryo has been critical to increasing our knowledge of their biology. NCCs exhibit multiple behaviors and communicate with each other and their environment along each step of their journey. Imaging combined with molecular manipulations has led to insights into the mechanisms controlling these behaviors. In this Review, we highlight studies that have used live imaging to provide novel insight into NCC migration and discuss how continued use of such techniques can advance our understanding of NCC biology.Key words: live imaging, neural crest, EMT, Rho GTPase, ephrin, PCP signaling, cadherin, VEGFNeural crest cells (NCCs) are a pluripotent population of cells that migrate from the dorsal neuroepithelium and give rise to multiple cell types including neurons and glia of the peripheral nervous system, pigment cells and craniofacial bone and cartilage.1 An important hallmark of NCCs is their remarkable ability to migrate over long distances and along specific pathways through the embryo. NCC migration begins with an epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT), in which NCCs lose adhesions with their neighbors and segregate from the neuroepithelium.2,3 Following EMT, NCCs acquire a polarized morphology and initiate directed migration away from the neural tube. While migrating along their pathways to their target tissues, NCCs are guided by extensive communication with one another and by other cues from the extracellular environment. Each of these aspects of NCC migration requires precise regulation of cell motile behaviors, although the mechanisms controlling them are still not well understood. A critical step toward understanding the molecular control of NCC motility is characterization of NCC behaviors as they migrate in their native environment. In the past 15 years, multiple studies have analyzed specific behaviors associated with NCCs along the various stages of their journey and have begun to identify molecules controlling these behaviors. In this review we will focus specifically on these studies that employ live imaging and will highlight the strength of live imaging to reveal mechanisms regulating NCC motility and migration pathways.  相似文献   

By light microscopic investigation of skin and wool specimens of newborn lambs, we discovered a previously unknown mechanism for melanosomes transport in the process of dermal papilla melanocytes regular mitosis and migration into the hair shaft. This mechanism plays a great role in hair pigmentation especially in dominant (ED/ED) and recessive (Aa/Aa) black lambs of all investigated breeds. The rate of pigment cell mitosis, proliferation, and migration differs greatly in lambs of investigated color genotypes. In black genotypes the rate of melanocyte mitosis is very high and is approximately the same as in the hair bulb matrix cells, whereas in brown and red genotypes this rate is much lower. Melanocyte mitosis in the light red and tan groups was not found.  相似文献   

Melanocytes in development and cancer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Melanocytes are pigment‐producing cells in the skin of humans and other vertebrates. A number of genes involved in melanocyte development and vertebrate pigmentation have been characterized, largely through studies of a diversity of pigment mutations in a variety of species. Embryonic development of the melanocyte initiates with cell fate specification in the neural crest, which is then followed by cell migration and niche localization. Many genes involved in melanocyte development have also been implicated in the development of melanoma, an aggressive and fatal form of skin cancer that originates in the melanocyte. Although early stage melanomas that have not spread to the lymph nodes can be excised with little risk of recurrence, patients diagnosed with metastatic melanoma have a high mortality rate due to the resistance of most tumors to radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Transformed melanocytes that develop into melanomas proliferate abnormally and often begin to grow radially in the skin. Vertical growth can then follow this radial growth, leading to an invasion through the basement membrane into the underlying dermis and subsequent metastasis. It is still unclear, however, how a normal melanocyte becomes a melanoma cell, and how melanoma utilizes the properties of the normal melanocyte and its progenitors in its progression. The goal of this mini‐review is to highlight the role of melanocyte developmental pathways in melanoma, and to discuss recent studies and tools being used to illuminate this connection. J. Cell. Physiol. 222:38–41, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Neural crest cells (NCCs) are physically responsible for craniofacial skeleton formation, pharyngeal arch artery remodeling and cardiac outflow tract septation during vertebrate development. Cdc42 (cell division cycle 42) is a Rho family small GTP-binding protein that works as a molecular switch to regulate cytoskeleton remodeling and the establishment of cell polarity. To investigate the role of Cdc42 in NCCs during embryonic development, we deleted Cdc42 in NCCs by crossing Cdc42 flox mice with Wnt1-cre mice. We found that the inactivation of Cdc42 in NCCs caused embryonic lethality with craniofacial deformities and cardiovascular developmental defects. Specifically, Cdc42 NCC knockout embryos showed fully penetrant cleft lips and short snouts. Alcian Blue and Alizarin Red staining of the cranium exhibited an unfused nasal capsule and palatine in the mutant embryos. India ink intracardiac injection analysis displayed a spectrum of cardiovascular developmental defects, including persistent truncus arteriosus, hypomorphic pulmonary arteries, interrupted aortic arches, and right-sided aortic arches. To explore the underlying mechanisms of Cdc42 in the formation of the great blood vessels, we generated Wnt1Cre-Cdc42-Rosa26 reporter mice. By beta-galactosidase staining, a subpopulation of Cdc42-null NCCs was observed halting in their migration midway from the pharyngeal arches to the conotruncal cushions. Phalloidin staining revealed dispersed, shorter and disoriented stress fibers in Cdc42-null NCCs. Finally, we demonstrated that the inactivation of Cdc42 in NCCs impaired bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2)-induced NCC cytoskeleton remodeling and migration. In summary, our results demonstrate that Cdc42 plays an essential role in NCC migration, and inactivation of Cdc42 in NCCs impairs craniofacial and cardiovascular development in mice.  相似文献   

Most of the bone, cartilage and connective tissue of the lower jaw is derived from cranial neural crest cells (NCCs) arising from the posterior midbrain and hindbrain. Multiple factors direct the patterning of these NCCs, including endothelin-1-mediated endothelin A receptor (Edn1/Ednra) signaling. Loss of Ednra signaling results in multiple defects in lower jaw and neck structures, including homeotic transformation of lower jaw structures into upper jaw-like structures. However, since the Ednra gene is expressed by both migrating and post-migrating NCCs, the actual function of Ednra in cranial NCC development is not clear. Ednra signaling could be required for normal migration or guidance of NCCs to the pharyngeal arches or in subsequent events in post-migratory NCCs, including proliferation and survival. To address this question, we performed a fate analysis of cranial NCCs in Ednra-/- embryos using the R26R;Wnt1-Cre reporter system, in which Cre expression within NCCs results in permanent beta-galactosidase activity in NCCs and their derivatives. We find that loss of Ednra does not detectably alter either migration of most cranial NCCs into the mandibular first arch and second arch or their subsequent proliferation. However, mesenchymal cell apoptosis is increased two fold in both E9.5 and E10.5 Ednra-/- embryos, with apoptotic cells being present in and just proximal to the pharyngeal arches. Based on these studies, Ednra signaling appears to be required by most cranial NCCs after they reach the pharyngeal arches. However, a subset of NCCs appear to require Ednra signaling earlier, with loss of Ednra signaling likely leading to premature cessation of migration into or within the arches and subsequent cell death.  相似文献   

Developmental mechanisms underlying traits expressed in larval and adult vertebrates remain largely unknown. Pigment patterns of fishes provide an opportunity to identify genes and cell behaviors required for postembryonic morphogenesis and differentiation. In the zebrafish, Danio rerio, pigment patterns reflect the spatial arrangements of three classes of neural crest-derived pigment cells: black melanocytes, yellow xanthophores and silver iridophores. We show that the D. rerio pigment pattern mutant panther ablates xanthophores in embryos and adults and has defects in the development of the adult pattern of melanocyte stripes. We find that panther corresponds to an orthologue of the c-fms gene, which encodes a type III receptor tyrosine kinase and is the closest known homologue of the previously identified pigment pattern gene, kit. In mouse, fms is essential for the development of macrophage and osteoclast lineages and has not been implicated in neural crest or pigment cell development. In contrast, our analyses demonstrate that fms is expressed and required by D. rerio xanthophore precursors and that fms promotes the normal patterning of melanocyte death and migration during adult stripe formation. Finally, we show that fms is required for the appearance of a late developing, kit-independent subpopulation of adult melanocytes. These findings reveal an unexpected role for fms in pigment pattern development and demonstrate that parallel neural crest-derived pigment cell populations depend on the activities of two essentially paralogous genes, kit and fms.  相似文献   

How are proliferation and differentiation of melanocytes regulated?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Coat colors are determined by melanin (eumelanin and pheomelanin). Melanin is synthesized in melanocytes and accumulates in special organelles, melanosomes, which upon maturation are transferred to keratinocytes. Melanocytes differentiate from undifferentiated precursors, called melanoblasts, which are derived from neural crest cells. Melanoblast/melanocyte proliferation and differentiation are regulated by the tissue environment, especially by keratinocytes, which synthesize endothelins, steel factor, hepatocyte growth factor, leukemia inhibitory factor and granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor. Melanocyte differentiation is also stimulated by alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone; in the mouse, however, this hormone is likely carried through the bloodstream and not produced locally in the skin. Melanoblast migration, proliferation and differentiation are also regulated by many coat color genes otherwise known for their ability to regulate melanosome formation and maturation, pigment type switching and melanosome distribution and transfer. Thus, melanocyte proliferation and differentiation are not only regulated by genes encoding typical growth factors and their receptors but also by genes classically known for their role in pigment formation.  相似文献   

By light microscopic investigation of skin and wool specimens of newborn lambs, we discovered a previously unknown mechanism for melanosomes transport in the process of dermal papilla melanocytes regular mitosis and migration into the hair shaft. This mechanism plays a great role in hair pigmentation especially in dominant (ED/ED) and recessive (Aa/Aa) black lambs of all investigated breeds. The rate of pigment cell mitosis, proliferation, and migration differs greatly in lambs of investigated color genotypes. In black genotypes the rate of melanocyte mitosis is very high and is approximately the same as in the hair bulb matrix cells, whereas in brown and red genotypes this rate is much lower. Melanocyte mitosis in the light red and tan groups was not found.  相似文献   

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