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Chest wall motion during epidural anesthesia in dogs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
To determine the relative contribution of rib cage and abdominal muscles to expiratory muscle activity during quiet breathing, we used lumbar epidural anesthesia in six pentobarbital sodium-anesthetized dogs lying supine to paralyze the abdominal muscles while leaving rib cage muscle motor function substantially intact. A high-speed X-ray scanner (Dynamic Spatial Reconstructor) provided three-dimensional images of the thorax. The contribution of expiratory muscle activity to tidal breathing was assessed by a comparison of chest wall configuration during relaxed apnea with that at end expiration. We found that expiratory muscle activity was responsible for approximately half of the changes in thoracic volume during inspiration. Paralysis of the abdominal muscles had little effect on the pattern of breathing, including the contribution of expiratory muscle activity to tidal breathing, in most dogs. We conclude that, although there is consistent phasic expiratory electrical activity in both the rib cage and the abdominal muscles of pentobarbital-anesthetized dogs lying supine, the muscles of the rib cage are mechanically the most important expiratory muscles during quiet breathing.  相似文献   

The effects of diaphragm paralysis on respiratory activity were assessed in 13 anesthetized, spontaneously breathing dogs studied in the supine position. Transient diaphragmatic paralysis was induced by bilateral phrenic nerve cooling. Respiratory activity was assessed from measurements of ventilation and from the moving time averages of electrical activity recorded from the intercostal muscles and the central end of the fifth cervical root of the phrenic nerve. The degree of diaphragm paralysis was evaluated from changes in transdiaphragmatic pressure and reflected in rib cage and abdominal displacements. Animals were studied both before and after vagotomy breathing O2, 3.5% CO2 in O2, or 7% CO2 in O2. In dogs with intact vagi, both peak and rate of rise of phrenic and inspiratory intercostal electrical activity increased progressively as transdiaphragmatic pressure fell. Tidal volume decreased and breathing frequency increased as a result of a shortening in expiratory time. Inspiratory time and ventilation were unchanged by diaphragm paralysis. These findings were the same whether O2 or CO2 in O2 was breathed. After vagotomy, no significant change in phrenic or inspiratory intercostal activity occurred with diaphragm paralysis in spite of increased arterial CO2 partial pressure. Ventilation and tidal volume decreased significantly, and respiratory timing was unchanged. These results suggest that mechanisms mediated by the vagus nerves account for the compensatory increase in respiratory electrical activity during transient diaphragm paralysis. That inspiratory time is unchanged by diaphragm paralysis whereas the rate or rise of phrenic nerve activity increases suggest that reflexes other than the Hering-Breuer reflex contribute to the increased respiratory response.  相似文献   

Persistence of inspiratory muscle activity during the early phase of expiratory airflow slows the rate of lung deflation, whereas heightened expiratory muscle activity produces the opposite effect. To examine the influence of increased chemoreceptor drive and the role of vagal afferent activity on these processes, the effects of progressive hypercapnia were evaluated in 12 anesthetized tracheotomized dogs before and after vagotomy. Postinspiratory activity of inspiratory muscles (PIIA) and the activity of expiratory muscles were studied. During resting breathing, the duration of PIIA correlated with the duration of inspiration but not with expiration. Parasternal intercostal PIIA was directly related to that of the diaphragm. Based on their PIIA, dogs could be divided into two groups: one with prolonged PIIA (mean 0.57 s) and the other with brief PIIA (mean 0.16 s). Hypercapnia caused progressive shortening of the PIIA in the dogs with prolonged PIIA during resting breathing. The electrical activity of the external oblique and internal intercostal muscles increased gradually during CO2 rebreathing in all dogs both pre- and postvagotomy. After vagotomy, abdominal activity continued to increase with hypercapnia but was less at all levels of PCO2. The internal intercostal response to hypercapnia was not affected by vagotomy. The combination of shorter PIIA and augmented expiratory activity with hypercapnia might, in addition to changes in lung recoil pressure and airway resistance, hasten exhalation.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of reversible vagal cooling on respiratory muscle activities in awake chronically instrumented tracheotomized dogs. We specifically analyzed electromyographic (EMG) activity and its ventilatory correlates, end-expiratory lung volume (EELV) and diaphragmatic resting length via sonomicrometry. Elimination of phasic and tonic mechanoreceptor activity by vagal cooling doubled the EMG activity of the costal, crural, and parasternal muscles, with activation occurring sooner relative to the onset of inspiratory flow. Diaphragmatic postinspiration inspiratory activity in the intact dog coincided with a brief mechanical shortening of the diaphragm during early expiration; vagal blockade removed both the electrical activity and the mechanical shortening. Vagal blockade also doubled the EMG activity of a rib cage expiratory muscle, the triangularis sterni, but reduced that of an abdominal expiratory muscle, the transversus abdominis. Within-breath electrical activity of both muscles occurred sooner relative to the onset of expiratory flow during vagal blockade. Vagal cooling was also associated with a 12% increase in EELV and a 5% decrease in end-expiratory resting length of the diaphragm. We conclude that vagal input significantly modulates inspiratory and expiratory muscle activities, which help regulate EELV efficiently and optimize diaphragmatic length during eupneic breathing in the awake dog.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to assess the effects of bronchoconstriction on respiratory changes in length of the costal diaphragm and the parasternal intercostal muscles. Ten dogs were anesthetized with pentobarbital sodium and tracheostomized. Respiratory changes in muscle length were measured using sonomicrometry, and electromyograms were recorded with bipolar fine-wire electrodes. Administration of histamine aerosols increased pulmonary resistance from 6.4 to 14.5 cmH2O X l-1 X s, caused reductions in inspiratory and expiratory times, and decreased tidal volume. The peak and rate of rise of respiratory muscle electromyogram (EMG) activity increased significantly after histamine administration. Despite these increases, bronchoconstriction reduced diaphragm inspiratory shortening in 9 of 10 dogs and reduced intercostal muscle inspiratory shortening in 7 of 10 animals. The decreases in respiratory muscle tidal shortening were less than the reductions in tidal volume. The mean velocity of diaphragm and intercostal muscle inspiratory shortening increased after histamine administration but to a smaller extent than the rate of rise of EMG activity. This resulted in significant reductions in the ratio of respiratory muscle velocity of shortening to the rate of rise of EMG activity after bronchoconstriction for both the costal diaphragm and the parasternal intercostal muscles. Bronchoconstriction changed muscle end-expiratory length in most animals, but for the group of animals this was statistically significant only for the diaphragm. These results suggest that impairments of diaphragm and parasternal intercostal inspiratory shortening occur after bronchoconstriction; the mechanisms involved include an increased load, a shortening of inspiratory time, and for the diaphragm possibly a reduction in resting length.  相似文献   

The interactive effects of upper airway negative pressure and hypercapnia on the pattern of breathing were assessed in pentobarbital-anesthetized cats. At any given level of pressure in the upper airway, hypercapnia increased respiratory rate, reduced inspiratory time, and augmented tidal volume, inspiratory airflow, and the peak and rate of rise of diaphragm electrical activity. Conversely, at any given level of CO2, upper airway negative pressure decreased respiratory rate, prolonged inspiratory time, and depressed inspiratory airflow and diaphragm electromyogram (EMG) rate of rise. Application of negative pressure to the upper airway shifted the relationship between tidal volume and inspiratory time upward and rightward. The relationship between inspiratory and expiratory times, however, was linearly correlated over a wide range of chemical drives and levels of upper airway pressure. These results suggest that in the anesthetized cat upper airway negative pressure afferent inputs 1) interact in an additive fashion with hypercapnia to alter the pattern of breathing, 2) interact multiplicatively with CO2 to influence mean inspiratory airflow and diaphragm EMG rate of rise, 3) depress the generation of central inspiratory activity, 4) increase the time-dependent volume threshold for inspiratory termination, and 5) affect the ratio between inspiratory and expiratory times in a similar manner as alterations in PCO2.  相似文献   

The electrical activity of the respiratory skeletal muscles is altered in response to reflexes originating in the gastrointestinal tract. The present study evaluated the reflex effects of esophageal distension (ED) on the distribution of motor activity to both inspiratory and expiratory muscles of the rib cage and abdomen and the resultant changes in thoracic and abdominal pressure during breathing. Studies were performed in 21 anesthetized spontaneously breathing dogs. ED was produced by inflating a balloon in the distal esophagus. ED decreased the activity of the costal and crural diaphragm and external intercostals and abolished all preexisting electrical activity in the expiratory muscles of the abdominal wall. On the other hand, ED increased the activity of the parasternal intercostals and expiratory muscles located in the rib cage (i.e., triangularis sterni and internal intercostal). All effects of ED were graded, with increasing distension exerting greater effects, and were eliminated by vagotomy. The effect of increases in chemical drive and lung inflation reflex activity on the response to ED was examined by performing ED while animals breathed either 6.5% CO2 or against graded levels of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), respectively. Changes in respiratory muscle electrical activity induced by ED were similar (during 6.5% CO2 and PEEP) to those observed under control conditions. We conclude that activation of mechanoreceptors in the esophagus reflexly alters the distribution of motor activity to the respiratory muscles, inhibiting the muscles surrounding the abdominal cavity and augmenting the parasternals and expiratory muscles of the chest wall.  相似文献   

In nine anesthetized supine spontaneously breathing dogs, we compared moving average electromyograms (EMGs) of the costal diaphragm and the third parasternal intercostal muscles with their respective respiratory changes in length (measured by sonomicrometry). During resting O2 breathing the pattern of diaphragm and intercostal muscle inspiratory shortening paralleled the gradually incrementing pattern of their moving average EMGs. Progressive hypercapnia caused progressive increases in the amount and velocity of respiratory muscle inspiratory shortening. For both muscles there were linear relationships during the course of CO2 rebreathing between their peak moving average EMGs and total inspiratory shortening and between tidal volume and total inspiratory shortening. During single-breath airway occlusions, the electrical activity of both the diaphragm and intercostal muscles increased, but there were decreases in their tidal shortening. The extent of muscle shortening during occluded breaths was increased by hypercapnia, so that both muscles shortened more during occluded breaths under hypercapnic conditions (PCO2 up to 90 Torr) than during unoccluded breaths under normocapnic conditions. These results suggest that for the costal diaphragm and parasternal intercostal muscles there is a close relationship between their electrical and mechanical behavior during CO2 rebreathing, this relationship is substantially altered by occluding the airway for a single breath, and thoracic respiratory muscles do not contract quasi-isometrically during occluded breaths.  相似文献   

The effects of stimulation of pulmonary C-fiber receptors on the distribution of motor activity to upper airway, rib cage, and abdominal muscles were studied in anesthetized, tracheotomized, spontaneously breathing dogs. Stimulation of pulmonary C-fiber receptors by injection of capsaicin (3-20 micrograms/kg) into the right atrium resulted in complete cessation of electrical activity of the upper airway dilating muscles (UADM) and the inspiratory chest wall pumping muscles. The activity of abdominal muscles was also inhibited. The duration of electrical silence was longer for the diaphragm than for the UADM. Upper airway constricting muscles and expiratory intercostal muscles, including the triangularis sterni, remained tonically active during the apneic period. The responses of these muscles were qualitatively the same when the animals breathed 100% O2, 7% CO2 in O2, or 12% O2 in N2, and without or in the presence of an expiratory threshold load. Bilateral vagotomy abolished the inhibitory effects of capsaicin on UADM, chest wall, and abdominal muscle activity, suggesting that the vagus is the major afferent pathway for the reflex. The qualitative difference in the response of intercostal expiratory muscles and abdominal muscles suggests that these two groups of synergistic muscles may be independently regulated.  相似文献   

Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is known to produce activation of the expiratory muscles. Several factors may determine whether this activation can assist inspiration. In this study we asked how and to what extent expiratory muscle contraction can assist inspiration during CPAP. Respiratory muscle response to CPAP was studied in eight supine anesthetized dogs. Lung volume and diaphragmatic initial length were defended by recruitment of the expiratory muscles. At the maximum CPAP of 18 cmH2O, diaphragmatic initial lengths were longer than predicted by the passive relationship by 52 and 46% in the costal and crural diaphragmatic segments, respectively. During tidal breathing after cessation of expiratory muscle activity, a component of passive inspiration occurred before the onset of inspiratory diaphragmatic electromyogram (EMG). At CPAP of 18 cmH2O, passive inspiration represented 24% of the tidal volume (VT) and tidal breathing was within the relaxation characteristic. Diaphragmatic EMG decreased at CPAP of 18 cmH2O; however, VT and tidal shortening were unchanged. We identified passive and active components of inspiration. Passive inspiration was limited by the time between the cessation of expiratory activity and the onset of inspiratory activity. We conclude that increased expiratory activity during CPAP defends diaphragmatic initial length, assists inspiration, and preserves VT. Even though breathing appeared to be an expiratory act, there remained a significant component of active inspiratory diaphragmatic shortening, and the major portion of VT was produced during active inspiration.  相似文献   

The periaqueductal gray matter is an essential neural substrate for central integration of defense behavior and accompanied autonomic responses. The dorsal half of the periaqueductal gray matter (dPAG) is also involved in mediating emotional responses of anxiety and fear, psychological states that often are associated with changes in ventilation. However, information regarding respiratory modulation elicited from this structure is limited. The present study was undertaken to investigate the relationship between stimulus frequency and magnitude on ventilatory pattern and respiratory muscle activity in urethane-anesthetized, spontaneously breathing rats. Electrical stimulation in the dPAG-recruited abdominal muscle activity increased ventilation and increased respiratory frequency by significantly shortening both inspiratory time and expiratory time. Ventilation increased within the first breath after the onset of stimulation, and the respiratory response increased with increasing stimulus frequency and magnitude. dPAG stimulation also increased baseline EMG activity in the diaphragm and recruited baseline external abdominal oblique EMG activity, normally quiescent during eupneic breathing. Significant changes in cardiorespiratory function were only evoked by stimulus intensities >10 microA and when stimulus frequencies were >10 Hz. Respiratory activity of both the diaphragm and abdominal muscles remained elevated for a minimum of 60 s after cessation of stimulation. These results demonstrate that there is a short-latency respiratory response elicited from the dPAG stimulation, which includes both inspiratory and expiratory muscles. The changes in respiratory timing suggest rapid onset and sustained poststimulus dPAG modulation of the brain stem respiratory network that includes expiratory muscle recruitment.  相似文献   

We assessed respiratory muscle response patterns to chemoreceptor stimuli (hypercapnia, hypoxia, normocapnic hypoxia, almitrine, and almitrine + CO2) in six awake dogs. Mean electromyogram (EMG) activities were measured in the crural (CR) diaphragm, triangularis sterni (TS), and transversus abdominis (TA). Hypercapnia and normocapnic hypoxia caused mild to marked hyperpnea [2-5 times control inspiratory flow (VI)] and increased activity in CR diaphragm, TS, and TA. When hypocapnia was permitted to develop during hypoxia and almitrine-induced moderate hyperpnea, CR diaphragm activity increased, whereas TS and TA activities usually did not change or were reduced below control. Over time in hypercapnia, CR diaphragm, TS, and TA were augmented and maintained at these levels over many minutes; with hypoxic hyperventilation CR diaphragm, TS, and TA were first augmented but then CR diaphragm remained augmented while TS and, less consistently, TA were inhibited over time. Marked hyperpnea (4-5 times control) due to carotid body stimulation increased TA and TS EMG activity despite an accompanying hypocapnia. We conclude that in the intact awake dog 1) carotid body stimulation augments the activity of both inspiratory and expiratory muscles; 2) hypocapnia overrides the augmenting effect of carotid body stimulation on expiratory muscles during moderate hyperpnea, usually resulting in either no change or inhibition; 3) at higher levels of hyperpnea both chemoreceptor stimulation and stimulatory effects secondary to a high ventilatory output favor expiratory muscle activation; these effects override any inhibitory effects of a coincident hypocapnia; and 4) expiratory muscles of the rib cage/abdomen may be augmented/inhibited independently of one another.  相似文献   

We assessed changes in respiratory muscle timing in response to hyperpnea and shortened inspiratory and expiratory times caused by chemoreceptor stimuli in six awake dogs. Durations of postinspiratory inspiratory activity of costal and crural diaphragm (PIIA), the delay in diaphragm electromyogram (EMG) after the initiation of inspiratory airflow, postexpiratory expiratory activity of the transversus abdominis (PEEA), and the delay of abdominal expiratory muscle activity after the initiation of expiratory airflow were measured. In control, four out of six dogs showed PIIA [8-10% of expiratory time (TE)]; all showed delay of diaphragm [19% of inspiratory time (TI)], delay of abdominal muscle activation (21% of TE), and PEEA (24% of TI). Hypercapnia decreased PIIA (4-9% of TE), maintained diaphragm delay at near control values (23% of TI), increased PEEA (36% of TI), eliminated delay of abdominal muscle activation (4% of TE), and decreased end-expiratory lung volume (EELV). Hypocapnic hypoxia increased PIIA (24-25% of TE), eliminated diaphragm delay (3% of TI), eliminated PEEA (3% of TI), reduced delay of abdominal muscle activation (14% of TE), and increased EELV. Most of these effects of hypoxic hypocapnia vs. hypercapnia on the within-breath EMG timing parameters corresponded to differences in the magnitude of expiratory muscle activation. These changes exerted significant influences on flow rates and EELV.  相似文献   

We hypothesized that patients who fail weaning from mechanical ventilation recruit their inspiratory rib cage muscles sooner than they recruit their expiratory muscles, and that rib cage muscle recruitment is accompanied by recruitment of sternomastoid muscles. Accordingly, we measured sternomastoid electrical activity and changes in esophageal (DeltaPes) and gastric pressure (DeltaPga) in 11 weaning-failure and 8 weaning-success patients. At the start of trial, failure patients exhibited a higher DeltaPga-to-DeltaPes ratio than did success patients (P = 0.05), whereas expiratory rise in Pga was equivalent in the two groups. Between the start and end of the trial, failure patients developed additional increases in DeltaPga-to-DeltaPes ratio (P < 0.0014) and the expiratory rise in Pga also increased (P < 0.004). At the start of trial, sternomastoid activity was present in 8 of 11 failure patients contrasted with 1 of 8 success patients. Over the course of the trial, sternomastoid activity increased by 53.0 +/- 9.3% in the failure patients (P = 0.0005), whereas it did not change in the success patients. Failure patients recruited their respiratory muscles in a sequential manner. The sequence began with activity of diaphragm and greater-than-normal activity of inspiratory rib cage muscles; recruitment of sternomastoids and rib cage muscles approached near maximum within 4 min of trial commencement; expiratory muscles were recruited slowest of all. In conclusion, not only is activity of the inspiratory rib cage muscles increased during a failed weaning trial, but respiratory centers also recruit sternomastoid and expiratory muscles. Extradiaphragmatic muscle recruitment may be a mechanism for offsetting the effects of increased load on a weak diaphragm.  相似文献   

The effect of methacholine-induced bronchoconstriction on the electrical activity of respiratory muscles during expiration was studied in 12 anesthetized spontaneously breathing dogs. Before and after aerosols of methacholine, diaphragm, parasternal intercostal, internal intercostal, and external oblique electromyograms were recorded during 100% O2 breathing and CO2 rebreathing. While breathing 100% O2, five dogs showed prolonged electrical activity of the diaphragm and parasternal intercostals in early expiration, postinspiratory inspiratory activity (PIIA). Aerosols of methacholine increased pulmonary resistance, decreased tidal volume, and elevated arterial PCO2. During bronchoconstriction, when PCO2 was varied by CO2 rebreathing, PIIA was shorter at low levels of PCO2, and external oblique and internal intercostal were higher at all levels of PCO2. Vagotomy shortened PIIA in dogs with prolonged PIIA. After vagotomy, methacholine had no effects on PIIA but continued to increase external oblique and internal intercostal activity at all levels of PCO2. These findings indicate that bronchoconstriction influences PIIA through a vagal reflex but augments expiratory activity, at least in part, by extravagal mechanisms.  相似文献   

In three foxhounds after left pneumonectomy, the relationships of ventilatory work and respiratory muscle (RM) blood flow to ventilation (VE) during steady-state exercise were examined. VE was measured using a specially constructed respiratory mask and a pneumotach; work of breathing was measured by the esophageal balloon technique. Blood flow to RM was measured by the radionuclide-labeled microsphere technique. Lung compliance after pneumonectomy was 55% of that before pneumonectomy; compliance of the thorax was unchanged. O2 uptake (VO2) of RM comprised only 5% of total body VO2 at exercise. At rest, inspiratory muscles received 62% and expiratory muscles 38% of the total O2 delivered to the RM (QO2RM). During exercise, inspiratory muscles received 59% and expiratory muscles 41% of total QO2RM. Blood flow per gram of muscle to the costal diaphragm was significantly higher than that to the crural diaphragm. The diaphragm, parasternals, and posterior cricoarytenoids were the most important inspiratory muscles, and internal intercostals and external obliques were the most important expiratory muscles for exercise. Up to a VE of 120 l/min through one lung, QO2RM constituted only a small fraction of total body VO2 during exercise and maximal vasodilation in the diaphragm was never approached.  相似文献   

The effect of a head-down tilt on the responses of the external respiration system and the functional capacity of the diaphragm and parasternal muscles were investigated in 11 healthy subjects. A 30-min head-down tilt posture (−30° relative to the horizontal) significantly increased the inspiratory time, decreased the respiration rate and the inspiratory and expiratory flow rates; and increased the airway resistance compared to these values in the vertical posture. There were no significant changes in tidal volume or minute ventilation. The electromyograms (EMGs) of the diaphragm and parasternal muscles showed that the constant values of tidal volume and minute ventilation during head-down tilt could be provided by an increase in the electric activity of the thoracic inspiratory muscles. It was established that the contribution of the thoracic inspiratory muscles increased, while the diaphragms’ contribution decreased, during patient, spontaneous breathing. The maximal inspiratory effort (Muller’s maneuver) during a head-down tilt evoked the opposite EMG-activity pattern: the contribution of inspiratory thoracic muscles was decreased and the diaphragm EMG activity was increased compared to the vertical posture. These results suggest that coordinated modulations in inspiratory muscle activity make it possible to preserve the functional reserve of human inspiratory muscles during a short-term head-down tilt.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown in awake dogs that activity in the crural diaphragm, but not in the costal diaphragm, usually persists after the end of inspiratory airflow. It has been suggested that this difference in postinspiratory activity results from greater muscle spindle content in the crural diaphragm. To evaluate the relationship between muscle spindles and postinspiratory activity, we have studied the pattern of activation of the parasternal and external intercostal muscles in the second to fourth interspaces in eight chronically implanted animals. Recordings were made on 2 or 3 successive days with the animals breathing quietly in the lateral decubitus position. The two muscles discharged in phase with inspiration, but parasternal intercostal activity usually terminated with the cessation of inspiratory flow, whereas external intercostal activity persisted for 24.7 +/- 12.3% of inspiratory time (P < 0.05). Forelimb elevation in six animals did not affect postinspiratory activity in the parasternal but prolonged postinspiratory activity in the external intercostal to 45.4 +/- 16.3% of inspiratory time (P < 0.05); in two animals, activity was still present at the onset of the next inspiratory burst. These observations support the concept that muscle spindles are an important determinant of postinspiratory activity. The absence of such activity in the parasternal intercostals and costal diaphragm also suggests that the mechanical impact of postinspiratory activity on the respiratory system is smaller than conventionally thought.  相似文献   

Effect of hypercapnia and PEEP on expiratory muscle EMG and shortening   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present study examined the effects of hypercapnia and positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) on the electromyographic (EMG) activity and tidal length changes of the expiratory muscles in 12 anesthetized, spontaneously breathing dogs. The integrated EMG activity of both abdominal (external oblique, internal oblique, rectus abdominis, and transverse abdominis) and thoracic (triangularis sterni, internal intercostal) expiratory muscles increased linearly with increasing PCO2 and PEEP. However, with both hypercapnia and PEEP, the percent increase in abdominal muscle electrical activity exceeded that of thoracic expiratory muscle activity. Both hypercapnia and PEEP increased the tidal shortening of the external oblique and rectus abdominis muscles. Changes in tidal length correlated closely with simultaneous increases in muscle electrical activity. However, during both hypercapnia and PEEP, length changes of the external oblique were significantly greater than those of the rectus abdominis. We conclude that both progressive hypercapnia and PEEP increase the electrical activity of all expiratory muscles and augment their tidal shortening but produce quantitatively different responses in the several expiratory muscles.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present studies was to assess the functional coupling between the parasternal intercostals and the triangularis sterni (transversus thoracis) muscles during resting breathing, and we measured the electrical activity and the respiratory changes in length of these two muscles in 13 supine anesthetized dogs. The changes in muscle length were defined relative to their respective in situ relaxation length (Lr). During inspiration, the parasternal intercostals were active and shortened below Lr, causing the triangularis sterni to be passively stretched above Lr. Shortly after the cessation of parasternal contraction, the triangularis sterni became active and shortened below Lr, and in nine animals this active shortening was associated with a forcible distension of the parasternal intercostals above Lr. Deactivation of the triangularis sterni at end expiration caused both muscles to return to their respective Lr. This pattern was essentially unchanged after supplemental anesthesia and bilateral phrenicotomy. We conclude that in dogs breathing quietly the length of the rib cage muscles during the expiratory pause is not passively determined as conventionally thought.  相似文献   

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