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Life-history theory predicts that increased predation on juvenile age/size-classes favors delayed maturation and decreased reproductive investment. Although this theory has received correlative support, experimental tests in nature are rare. In 1976 and 1981, guppies (Poecilia reticulata) were transplanted into localities that previously only contained a killifish, Rivulus hartii. This situation presents an opportunity to experimentally test this life-history prediction because guppies prey upon young Rivulus. We evaluated the response to selection in Rivulus by measuring phenotypic and genotypic divergence between introduction and upstream "control" localities that lack guppies. Contrary to expectations, Rivulus from the introduction sites evolved earlier maturation and increased reproductive investment within 25 years. Such evolutionary changes parallel previous investigations on natural communities of Rivulus, but do not comply with predictions of age/size-specific theory. Guppies also caused reduced densities and increased growth rates of Rivulus, which are hypothesized indirect effects of predation. Additional life-history theories show that changes in density and growth can interact with predator-induced mortality to alter the predicted trajectory of evolution. We discuss how these latter frameworks improve the fit between theory and evolution in Rivulus.  相似文献   

Prior research has demonstrated a strong association between the species of predators that co-occur with guppies and the evolution of guppy life histories. The evolution of these differences in life histories has been attributed to the higher mortality rates experienced by guppies in high-predation environments. Here, we evaluate whether there might be indirect effects of predation on the evolution of life-history patterns and whether there are environmental differences that are correlated with predation. To do so, we quantified features of the physical and chemical environment and the population biology of guppies from seven high- and low-predation localities. We found that high-predation environments tend to be larger streams with higher light levels and higher primary productivity, which should enhance food availability for guppies. We also found that guppy populations from high-predation environments have many more small individuals and fewer large individuals than those from low-predation environments, which is caused by their higher birth rates and death rates. Because of these differences in size distribution, guppies from high-predation environments have only one-fourth of the biomass per unit area, which should also enhance food availability for guppies in these localities. Guppies from high-predation sites allocate more resources to reproduction, grow faster, and attain larger asymptotic sizes, all of which are consistent with higher levels of resource availability. We conclude that guppies from high-predation environments experience higher levels of resource availability in part because of correlated differences in the environment (light levels, primary productivity) and in part as an indirect consequence of predation (death rates and biomass density). These differences in resource availability can, in turn, augment the effect of predator-induced mortality as factors that shape the evolution of guppy life-history patterns. We found no differences in the invertebrate communities from high- and low-predation localities, so we conclude that there do not appear to be multitrophic, indirect effects associated with these differences in predation.  相似文献   

Recent theoretical and empirical work argues that growth rate can evolve and be optimized, rather than always being maximized. Chronically low resource availability is predicted to favour the evolution of slow growth, whereas attaining a size-refuge from mortality risk is predicted to favour the evolution of rapid growth. Guppies (Poecilia reticulata) evolve differences in behaviour, morphology and life-history traits in response to predation, thus demonstrating that predators are potent agents of selection. Predators in low-predation environments prey preferentially on small guppies, but those in high-predation environments appear to be non-selective. Because guppies can outgrow their main predator in low- but not high-predation localities, we predict that predation will select for higher growth rates in the low-predation environments.However, low-predation localities also tend to have lower productivity than high-predation localities, yield-ing the prediction that guppies from these sites should have slower growth rates. Here we compare the growth rates of the second laboratory-born generation of guppies from paired high- and low-predation localities from four different drainages. In two out of four comparisons, guppies from high-predation sites grew significantly faster than their low-predation counterparts. We also compare laboratory born descendants from a field introduction experiment and show that guppies introduced to a low-predation environment evolved slower growth rates after 13 years, although this was evident only at the high food level. The weight of the evidence suggests that resource availability plays a more important role than predation in shaping the evolution of growth rates.  相似文献   

Previous investigations (Reznick and Endler, 1982; Reznick, 1982a, 1982b) demonstrated that genetic differences in guppy life histories were associated with differences in predation. Guppies from localities with the pike cichlid Crenicichla alta and associated predators matured earlier, had greater reproductive efforts, and produced more and smaller offspring than did guppies from localities with only Rivulus harti as a potential predator. Crenicichla preys primarily on large, sexually mature size-classes of guppies, while Rivulus preys primarily on small, immature size-classes. These patterns of predation are hypothesized to alter mean age-specific survival. Theoretical treatments of such differences in survival predict the observed trends in age at maturity and reproductive effort. We are using introduction experiments to evaluate the role of predators in selecting for these life-history patterns. The experiment whose results are presented here was conducted in a tributary to the El Cedro River (Trinidad), where a waterfall was the upstream limit to the distribution of all fish except Rivulus. Guppies collected from the Crenicichla locality immediately below the waterfall (the downstream control) were introduced over the waterfall in 1981. This introduction released the guppies from Crenicichla predation, exposed them instead to Rivulus predation only, and also introduced them to a different environment, since the introduction site has greater canopy cover than the site of origin. Changes in guppy life-history patterns can be attributed to predation and/or the environment. Evidence from fish collected and preserved in the field demonstrated that, by mid-1983, guppies from the introduction site above the waterfall matured at larger sizes and produced fewer, larger offspring. There were no consistent differences in reproductive allotment (weight of offspring/total weight). With the exception of reproductive allotment, these patterns are identical to previous comparisons between Rivulus and Crenicichla localities. A laboratory genetics experiment demonstrated that males from the introduction site matured at a later age and at a larger size than did males from the control site downstream, as predicted from the “age-specific predation” hypothesis. No differences between localities were observed for female age and size at maturity or for reproductive effort. The trends for fecundity and offspring size were the reverse of those observed in the field. Because only the males changed in the predicted fashion, it is not possible either to reject or to accept the hypothesis of age-specific predation at this time. We discuss the possible causes for these patterns and the high degree of plasticity in the life history, as evidenced by the differences in fecundity and offspring size between the field and laboratory results.  相似文献   

The study of post-reproductive lifespan has been of interest primarily with regard to the extended post-menopausal lifespan seen in humans. This unusual feature of human demography has been hypothesized to have evolved because of the “grandmother” effect, or the contributions that post-reproductive females make to the fitness of their children and grandchildren. While some correlative analyses of human populations support this hypothesis, few formal, experimental studies have addressed the evolution of post-reproductive lifespan. As part of an ongoing study of life history evolution in guppies, we compared lifespans of individual guppies derived from populations that differ in their extrinsic mortality rates. Some of these populations co-occur with predators that increase mortality rate, whereas other nearby populations above barrier waterfalls are relatively free from predation. Theory predicts that such differences in extrinsic mortality will select for differences in the age at maturity, allocation of resources to reproduction, and patterns of senescence, including reproductive declines. As part of our evaluation of these predictions, we quantified differences among populations in post-reproductive lifespan. We present here the first formal, comparative study of the evolution of post-reproductive lifespan as a component of the evolution of the entire life history. Guppies that evolved with predators and that experienced high extrinsic mortality mature at an earlier age but also have longer lifespans. We divided the lifespan into three non-overlapping components: birth to age at first reproduction, age at first reproduction to age at last reproduction (reproductive lifespan), and age at last reproduction to age at death (post-reproductive lifespan). Guppies from high-predation environments live longer because they have a longer reproductive lifespan, which is the component of the life history that can make a direct contribution to individual fitness. We found no differences among populations in post-reproductive lifespan, which is as predicted since there can be no contribution of this segment of the life history to an individual's fitness. Prior work on the evolution of post-reproductive lifespan has been dominated by speculation and correlative analyses. We show here that this component of the life history is accessible to formal study as part of experiments that quantify the different segments of an individual's life history. Populations of guppies subject to different mortality pressures from predation evolved differences in total lifespan, but not in post-reproductive lifespan. Rather than showing the direct effects of selection characterizing other life-history traits, post-reproductive lifespan in these fish appears to be a random add-on at the end of the life history. These findings support the hypothesis that differences in lifespan evolving in response to selection are confined to the reproductive lifespan, or those segments of the life history that make a direct contribution to fitness. We also show, for the first time, that fish can have reproductive senescence and extended post-reproductive lifespans despite the general observation that they are capable of producing new primary oocytes throughout their lives.  相似文献   

Investigators have rarely sought evidence for senescence in natural populations because it is assumed that relatively few individuals will survive long enough in the wild to exhibit the intrinsic increase in mortality with age expected from senescent individuals. Nevertheless, senescence has been documented in some natural populations, mostly in birds and mammals. Here we report on a comparative study of senescence in two natural populations of guppies (Poecilia reticulata). We document senescence as an age-specific increase in mortality rate, with use of mark-recapture studies and implementation of program MARK for analysis of such observations. Extrinsic mortality was controlled for by choosing populations that experience low rates of predation because they coexist with only a single piscine predator (Rivulus hartii). These populations differ in their evolutionary history because one was native to such a site whereas the other was introduced to a site that previously contained no guppies. The source of the introduced guppies was a high-predation population downstream below a barrier waterfall. Theory predicts that the guppies derived from a high-predation locality should experience senescence at an earlier age than the native low-predation population; however, the historical differences among these populations are also confounded with everything else that differs among the two localities. We found that females from a natural low-predation population have delayed senescence compared with the recently established population and hence that the differences among localities in senescence conform to theoretical predictions. The males from natural low-predation environments also had lower overall mortality rates, but contrary to predictions, the pattern of senescence for males did not differ between populations. The difference between the sexes is potentially attributable to two factors that lower the statistical power for distinguishing differences in the age-specific acceleration of mortality in males. One factor is that males have higher mortality rates, so fewer survive to advanced ages. A second is that we had a greater ability to discriminate among older age classes in females. We also found that the introduced population sustained a higher rate of disease than the native low-predation population. Such disease may represent a confounding factor in our comparison, but it may also reflect one of the trade-offs inherent in the life-history differences of these populations.  相似文献   

The study of post-reproductive lifespan has been of interest primarily with regard to the extended post-menopausal lifespan seen in humans. This unusual feature of human demography has been hypothesized to have evolved because of the “grandmother” effect, or the contributions that post-reproductive females make to the fitness of their children and grandchildren. While some correlative analyses of human populations support this hypothesis, few formal, experimental studies have addressed the evolution of post-reproductive lifespan. As part of an ongoing study of life history evolution in guppies, we compared lifespans of individual guppies derived from populations that differ in their extrinsic mortality rates. Some of these populations co-occur with predators that increase mortality rate, whereas other nearby populations above barrier waterfalls are relatively free from predation. Theory predicts that such differences in extrinsic mortality will select for differences in the age at maturity, allocation of resources to reproduction, and patterns of senescence, including reproductive declines. As part of our evaluation of these predictions, we quantified differences among populations in post-reproductive lifespan. We present here the first formal, comparative study of the evolution of post-reproductive lifespan as a component of the evolution of the entire life history.

Guppies that evolved with predators and that experienced high extrinsic mortality mature at an earlier age but also have longer lifespans. We divided the lifespan into three non-overlapping components: birth to age at first reproduction, age at first reproduction to age at last reproduction (reproductive lifespan), and age at last reproduction to age at death (post-reproductive lifespan). Guppies from high-predation environments live longer because they have a longer reproductive lifespan, which is the component of the life history that can make a direct contribution to individual fitness. We found no differences among populations in post-reproductive lifespan, which is as predicted since there can be no contribution of this segment of the life history to an individual's fitness.

Prior work on the evolution of post-reproductive lifespan has been dominated by speculation and correlative analyses. We show here that this component of the life history is accessible to formal study as part of experiments that quantify the different segments of an individual's life history. Populations of guppies subject to different mortality pressures from predation evolved differences in total lifespan, but not in post-reproductive lifespan. Rather than showing the direct effects of selection characterizing other life-history traits, post-reproductive lifespan in these fish appears to be a random add-on at the end of the life history. These findings support the hypothesis that differences in lifespan evolving in response to selection are confined to the reproductive lifespan, or those segments of the life history that make a direct contribution to fitness. We also show, for the first time, that fish can have reproductive senescence and extended post-reproductive lifespans despite the general observation that they are capable of producing new primary oocytes throughout their lives.


Although size at maturity and size and number of offspring are life-history traits widely studied in sexual and parthenogenetic reproduction, there is no such research on animals reproducing asexually without the involvement of gametes. Here we present an individual-based model in combination with experiments to study the clonal growth of Stylaria lacustris, an oligochaete reproducing through fission. We studied the effect of individual size at fission and fission ratio on clone fitness. Our results show that in benign environments without predators, fitness is higher when small worms produce small offspring. Then we included size-specific sublethal predation and found that the fitness of the clone is maximized when parental worms start fission at a large size and produce large descendants intercalated in the middle of the parental worm's body. These results agree with empirical findings. Furthermore, the results of our own laboratory experiment revealed that when S. lacustris is exposed to chemical alarm signals from injured conspecifics, it alters its life history in the same direction as predicted by the model. Our findings suggest that the effect of size-specific sublethal predation is similar to the effect of size-specific lethal predation because both modes of predation result in size-dependent prey mortality.  相似文献   

Changes in age/size‐specific mortality, due to such factors as predation, have potent evolutionary consequences. However, interactions with predators commonly impact prey growth rates and food availability and such indirect effects may also influence evolutionary change. We evaluated life‐history differences in Trinidadian killifish, Rivulus hartii, across a gradient in predation. Rivulus are located in (1) “high predation” sites with large piscivores, (2) “Rivulus/guppy” sites with guppies, and (3) “Rivulus‐only” sites with just Rivulus. Rivulus suffer higher mortality with large predators, and guppies may prey upon small/young Rivulus in Rivulus/guppy environments. In turn, population densities decline while growth rates increase in both localities compared to Rivulus‐only sites. To explore how the direct and indirect effects of predators and guppies influence trait diversification in Rivulus, we examined life‐history phenotypes across five rivers. High predation phenotypes exhibited a smaller size at reproduction, a greater number of eggs that were smaller, and increased reproductive allotment. Such changes are consistent with a direct response to predation. Rivulus from Rivulus/guppy sites were intermediate; they exhibited a smaller size at reproduction, increased fecundity, smaller eggs, and larger reproductive allotment than Rivulus‐only fish. These changes are consistent with models that incorporate the impacts of growth and resources.  相似文献   

Synopsis In Venezuela, guppies,Poecilia reticulata, are found in a diversity of aquatic ecosystems fringing the western slope of the eastern Andes. These inland drainages are associated with large between-site variation in both physical and biotic environments. Numbers of potential guppy predators vary greatly between low diversity piedmont streams and high diversity llanos swamps. We analyze geographic variation in several phenotypic traits associated with conspicuousness of male guppies as an independent test of Haskins' (Haskins et al. 1961) hypothesis of natural balance between sexual selection (driving male conspicuousness) and predation (driving crypsis). Four sites were compared: a diverse llanos swamp (high predation), two Andean piedmont streams (intermediate and low predation), and a spring pool located south of Venezuela's Paría Peninsula (no aquatic predators). Because tropical wet and dry seasons are associated with varying degrees of environmental change at these sites, within-site seasonal samples provided an additional test of the role of selective predation on Male phenotypes. Phenotypic traits associated with both size and coloration supported the sexual selection/predation hypothesis. male guppies from the spring were generally more colorful than male guppies from inland drainages. Males from the diverse swamp site were smaller and less colorful than guppies from other sites. Males from the swamp population were smallest and least colorful during the early dry season, when diurnal aquatic piscivores were more diverse and abundant. Dominant spot pigments at each site were generally those that provided greatest contrast with the predominant environmental background color, lending further evidence that coloration patterns in male guppies enhance conspicuousness.  相似文献   

A number of invertebrates show predator-induced plasticity in life-history and morphological traits that are considered adaptive. Evidence is accumulating that vertebrates may also adjust their life-history traits in response to predators; however, some of the patterns of plasticity, which appear to be an adaptive response specifically to the risk of size-selective predation, may instead result from reduced foraging in response to predator presence. Here, we describe a study of predator-induced plasticity in guppies (Poecilia reticulata). We have predicted that the plastic response to cues from a small, gape-limited, natural predator of guppies, the killlifish (Rivulus hartii), would be the opposite of that caused by reduced food intake. We have found that male guppies increased their size at maturity, both length and mass, in response to the non-lethal presence of this predator. This pattern of plasticity is the opposite of that observed in response to reduced food intake, where male guppies reduce size at maturity. The increase in size at maturity that we observed would likely reduce predation on adult male guppies by this native predator because it is gape-limited and can only eat juvenile and small adult guppies. This size advantage would be important especially because male guppies grow very little after maturity. Therefore, the pattern of plasticity that we observed is likely adaptive. In contrast, female guppies showed no significant response in size at first parturition to the experimental manipulation; however, we did find evidence suggesting that females may produce more, smaller offspring in response to cues from this predator.  相似文献   

In prior research, we found the way guppy life histories evolve in response to living in environments with a high or low risk of predation is consistent with life-history theory that assumes no density dependence. We later found that guppies from high-predation environments experience higher mortality rates than those from low-predation environments, but the increased risk was evenly distributed across all age/size classes. Life-history theory that assumes density-independent population growth predicts that life histories will not evolve under such circumstances, yet we have shown with field introduction experiments that they do evolve. However, theory that incorporates density regulation predicts this pattern of mortality can result in the patterns of life-history evolution we had observed. Here we report on density manipulation experiments performed in populations of guppies from low-predation environments to ask whether natural populations normally experience density regulation and, if so, to characterize the short-term demographic changes that underlie density regulation. Our experiments reveal that these populations are density regulated. Decreased density resulted in higher juvenile growth, decreased juvenile mortality rates, and increased reproductive investment by adult females. Increased density causes reduced offspring size, decreased fat storage by adult females, and increased adult mortality.  相似文献   

In Trinidad, guppies (Poecilia reticulata) in high‐predation localities show more cohesive shoaling behaviour than those living with less dangerous predators in low‐predation sites. We evaluated the relative contributions of population origin (i.e. genetic and/or maternal effects) and social environment on the expression of shoaling by assessing the behaviour of juveniles reared in a range of social conditions. Focal individuals, offspring of guppies from populations from high‐ or low‐predation localities, were reared in a multifactorial experiment; we created four different social conditions by manipulating the source and demography of the conspecific residents with whom focal individuals interacted. We found that high‐predation fish displayed a stronger propensity to shoal than low‐predation ones. Our results also suggest a role for interactions between the source of the focal individuals, the demography of the group in which they were reared and the origin of the guppies with whom they were reared. Depending on their origin (high‐ vs. low‐ predation) and rearing density, our focal fish were more likely to shoal if they were reared with high‐predation residents. Learning from high‐predation residents, aggressive interactions with low‐predation residents and/or phenotype matching could have played a role in driving this effect of social environment. This effect of the phenotype of conspecifics on shoaling development would enhance heritable differences in shoaling propensity such that both could contribute to the well‐documented difference in shoaling behaviour of high‐ and low‐predation guppies in natural populations.  相似文献   

Some of the best empirical examples of life-history evolution involve responses to predation. Nevertheless, most life-history theory dealing with responses to predation has not been formulated within an explicit dynamic food-web context. In particular, most previous theory does not explicitly consider the coupled population dynamics of the focal species and its predators and resources. Here we present a model of life-history evolution that explores the evolutionary consequences of size-specific predation on small individuals when there is a trade-off between growth and reproduction. The model explicitly describes the population dynamics of a predator, the prey of interest, and its resource. The selective forces that cause life-history evolution in the prey species emerge from the ecological interactions embodied by this model and can involve important elements of frequency dependence. Our results demonstrate that the strength of the coupling between predator and prey in the community determines many aspects of life-history evolution. If the coupling is weak (as is implicitly assumed in many previous models), differences in resource productivity have no effect on the nature of life-history evolution. A single life-history strategy is favored that minimizes the equilibrium resource density (if possible). If the coupling is strong, then higher resource productivities select for faster growth into the predation size refuge. Moreover, under strong coupling it is also possible for natural selection to favor an evolutionary diversification of life histories, possibly resulting in two coexisting species with divergent life-history strategies.  相似文献   

Divergent selection pressures across environments can result in phenotypic differentiation that is due to local adaptation, phenotypic plasticity, or both. Trinidadian guppies exhibit local adaptation to the presence or absence of predators, but the degree to which predator‐induced plasticity contributes to population differentiation is less clear. We conducted common garden experiments on guppies obtained from two drainages containing populations adapted to high‐ and low‐predation environments. We reared full‐siblings from all populations in treatments simulating the presumed ancestral (predator cues present) and derived (predator cues absent) conditions and measured water column use, head morphology, and size at maturity. When reared in presence of predator cues, all populations had phenotypes that were typical of a high‐predation ecotype. However, when reared in the absence of predator cues, guppies from high‐ and low‐predation regimes differed in head morphology and size at maturity; the qualitative nature of these differences corresponded to those that characterize adaptive phenotypes in high‐ versus low‐predation environments. Thus, divergence in plasticity is due to phenotypic differences between high‐ and low‐predation populations when reared in the absence of predator cues. These results suggest that plasticity might initially play an important role during colonization of novel environments, and then evolve as a by‐product of adaptation to the derived environment.  相似文献   

We conducted 10 mark–recapture experiments in natural populations of Trinidadian guppies to test hypotheses concerning the role of viability selection in geographic patterns of male color variation. Previous work has reported that male guppies are more colorful in low‐predation sites than in high‐predation sites. This pattern of phenotypic variation has been theorized to reflect differences in the balance between natural (viability) selection that disfavors bright male color (owing to predation) and sexual selection that favors bright color (owing to female choice). Our results support the prediction that male color is disfavored by viability selection in both predation regimes. However, it does not support the prediction that viability selection against male color is weaker in low‐predation experiments. Instead, some of the most intense bouts of selection against color occurred in low‐predation experiments. Our results illustrate considerable spatiotemporal variation in selection among experiments, but such variation was not generally correlated with local patterns of color diversity. More complex selective interactions, possibly including the indirect effects of predators on variation in mating behavior, as well as other environmental factors, might be required to more fully explain patterns of secondary sexual trait variation in this system.  相似文献   

Basolo AL 《Biology letters》2008,4(2):200-203
Understanding life-history evolution requires knowledge about genetic interactions, physiological mechanisms and the nature of selection. For platyfish, Xiphophorus maculatus, extensive information is available about genetic and physiological mechanisms influencing life-history traits. In particular, alleles at the pituitary locus have large and antagonistic effects on age and size at sexual maturation. To examine how predation affects the evolution of these antagonistic traits, I examined pituitary allele evolution in experimental populations differing in predation risk. A smaller size, earlier maturation allele increased in frequency when predators were absent, while a larger size, later maturation allele increased in frequency when predators were present. Thus, predation favours alleles for larger size, at the cost of later maturation and reproduction. These findings are interesting for several reasons. First, predation is often predicted to favour early reproduction at smaller sizes. Second, few studies have shown how selection acts on alleles that affect age and size at sexual maturation. Finally, many studies assume that trade-offs between these life-history traits result from antagonistic pleiotropy, with alleles that positively affect one trait negatively affecting another, yet this is rarely known. This study unequivocally demonstrates that genetically based trade-offs affect life-history evolution in platyfish.  相似文献   

Early theories of life‐history evolution predict that increased predation on young/small individuals selects for delayed maturation and decreased reproductive effort, but such theory only considers changes in mortality. Predators reduce prey abundance and increase food to survivors. Theory that incorporates such indirect effects yields different predictions. Trinidadian killifish, Rivulus hartii, inhabit communities with and without guppies. Guppies prey on young Rivulus and Rivulus densities decline and growth rates increase when guppies are present. Prior work showed that Rivulus phenotypes from communities with guppies matured earlier and had higher fecundity, consistent with theories that incorporate indirect effects. Here we examined the genetic basis of these differences by rearing 2nd generation, laboratory‐born Rivulus from sites with and without guppies under two food levels that match natural differences in growth. Many locality × food interactions were significant, often reversing the relationship between communities. Such interactions imply that there are fitness trade‐offs associated with adaptation to high or low resource environments. On high food, Rivulus from localities with guppies matured earlier, produced many small eggs, and exhibited increased reproductive investment; these differences reversed on low food. Our results suggest that indirect effects mold Rivulus evolution and thereby highlight connections between community processes and evolutionary change.  相似文献   

Private signalling, where conspecifics use mating signals that are difficult to detect by predators, can reduce the compromise between opposing natural and sexual selection. We investigated whether guppies, Poecilia reticulata, use an hypothesized private signal. In some areas, guppies, who can detect ultraviolet (UV) light, coexist with dangerous predators, but at least some of these cannot detect UV. In these populations of guppies, UV might be used as a private signal. We tested this hypothesis by quantifying the UV and non-UV colouration of male guppies from paired high- and low-predation sites in five rivers. We found evidence in support of the use of UV as a private signal: male guppies living with the predator generally had greater UV reflectance than male guppies living without the predator. Closer inspection revealed differences in this trend among rivers and thus suggested the influence of modifying factors. We also found that the non-UV colour of male guppies does not differ consistently between high- and low-predation environments. This result suggests that a number of factors in addition to predation act on male colour in guppies.  相似文献   

The relative importance of life-history variables to population growth rate (lambda) has substantial consequences for the study of life-history evolution and for the dynamics of biological populations. Using life-history data for 142 natural populations of mammals, we estimated the elasticity of lambda to changes in age at maturity (alpha), age at last reproduction (omega), juvenile survival (Pj), adult survival (Pa), and fertility (F). Elasticities were then used to quantify the relative importance of alpha, omega, Pj, Pa, and F to lambda and to test theoretical predictions regarding the relative influence on lambda of changes in life-history variables. Neither alpha nor any other single life-history variable had the largest relative influence on lambda in the majority of the populations, and this pattern did not change substantially when effects of phylogeny and body size were statistically removed. Empirical support for theoretical predictions was poor at best. However, analyses of elasticities on the basis of the magnitude (F) and onset (alpha) of reproduction revealed that alpha, followed by F, had the largest relative influence on lambda in populations characterized by early maturity and high reproductive rates, or when F/alpha > 0.60. When maturity was delayed and reproductive rates were low, or when F/alpha < 0.15, survival rates were overwhelmingly most influential, and reproductive parameters (alpha and F) had little relative influence on lambda. Population dynamic consequences of likely responses of biological populations to perturbations in life-history variables are examined, and predictions are made regarding the numerical dynamics of age-structured populations on the basis of values of the F/alpha ratio.  相似文献   

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