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R D Wood  P Robins  T Lindahl 《Cell》1988,53(1):97-106
Soluble extracts from human lymphoid cell lines that perform repair synthesis on covalently closed circular DNA containing pyrimidine dimers or psoralen adducts are described. Short patches of nucleotides are introduced by excision repair of damaged DNA in an ATP-dependent reaction. Extracts from xeroderma pigmentosum cell lines fail to act on damaged circular DNA, but are proficient in repair synthesis of ultraviolet-irradiated DNA containing incisions generated by Micrococcus luteus pyrimidine dimer-DNA glycosylase. Repair is defective in extracts from all xeroderma pigmentosum cell lines investigated, representing the genetic complementation groups A, B, C, D, H, and V. Mixing of cell extracts of group A and C origin leads to reconstitution of the DNA repair activity.  相似文献   

The genetic basis of prostate cancer (PC) is complex and appears to involve multiple susceptibility genes. A number of studies have evaluated a possible correlation between several NER gene polymorphisms and PC risk, but most of them evaluated only single SNPs among XP genes and the results remain inconsistent. Out of 94 SNPs located in seven XP genes (XPAXPG) a total of 15 SNPs were assayed in 720 unselected patients with PC and compared to 1121 healthy adults. An increased risk of disease was associated with the XPD SNP, rs1799793 (Asp312Asn) AG genotype (OR = 2.60; p < 0.001) and with the AA genotype (OR = 531; p < 0.0001) compared to the control population. Haplotype analysis of XPD revealed one protective haplotype and four associated with an increased disease risk, which showed that the A allele (XPD rs1799793) appeared to drive the main effect on promoting prostate cancer risk. Polymorphism in XPD gene appears to be associated with the risk of prostate cancer.  相似文献   

Immediate fragmentation of parental DNA by near-ultraviolet irradiation at 313 nm was measured in cultured skin fibroblasts from normal individuals, patients with Xeroderma pigmentosum of complementation group A (XPA) and Xeroderma pigmentosum variants (XPV) by the alkaline elution procedure. For a dose of 2.25 KJm?2 given at Oo fragmentation was comparable in all cell strains. However, fragmentation was strongly increased relative to Oo in XPV but not in normal fibroblasts and the XPA strains when irradiation was carried out at 37o. From our results it appears that a step in the repair of parental DNA is abnormal in XPV.  相似文献   

DNA methylation was examined in xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) cells. The amount of 5-methylcytosine (mC) in DNA from XP cells was about 70% of that in DNA from normal controls. Southern hybridization analysis showed that the HLA-DR alpha gene in XP lymphocyte B cells was differently methylated from normals, but its expression was apparently unaffected. The methylation of dihydrofolate reductase, a housekeeping gene, was the same as in controls. The revertants to UV resistance from XP fibroblasts recovered a methylation level close to that of normal cells. Results suggested that XP DNA was undermethylated non-randomly, and that DNA methylation might be associated with DNA repair function.  相似文献   

We have isolated and characterized 47 ultraviolet light-induced hprt mutants from a simian virus 40-transformed excision-repair-deficient xeroderma pigmentosum cell line (complementation group A). Twenty-one independent mutations were found, of which the majority were point mutations. Eleven of these were identified as base changes, nine of which could be attributed to ultraviolet damage on the transcribed DNA strand. Both transitions and transversions were found among the single base changes. A large proportion of the mutations (13/21) resulted in aberrant splicing of the hprt gene, suggesting that the target size for mutations resulting in aberrant splicing must be quite large. A small number of spontaneous mutations were identified, most of which were large deletions. Our data provide a spectrum for the intrinsic mutations resulting from ultraviolet damage in human cells in the absence of repair.  相似文献   

Naegeli H  Sugasawa K 《DNA Repair》2011,10(7):673-683
The nucleotide excision repair (NER) system is a fundamental cellular stress response that uses only a handful of DNA binding factors, mutated in the cancer-prone syndrome xeroderma pigmentosum (XP), to detect an astounding diversity of bulky base lesions, including those induced by ultraviolet light, electrophilic chemicals, oxygen radicals and further genetic insults. Several of these XP proteins are characterized by a mediocre preference for damaged substrates over the native double helix but, intriguingly, none of them recognizes injured bases with sufficient selectivity to account for the very high precision of bulky lesion excision. Instead, substrate versatility as well as damage specificity and strand selectivity are achieved by a multistage quality control strategy whereby different subunits of the XP pathway, in succession, interrogate the DNA double helix for a distinct abnormality in its structural or dynamic parameters. Through this step-by-step filtering procedure, the XP proteins operate like a systematic decision making tool, generally known as decision tree analysis, to sort out rare damaged bases embedded in a vast excess of native DNA. The present review is focused on the mechanisms by which multiple XP subunits of the NER pathway contribute to the proposed decision tree analysis of DNA quality in eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

Complementation analysis was performed 24 h after fusion of UV-sensitive CHO cells (CHO 12 RO) with XP cells of complementation groups A, B, C, D, F and G. The parental cells are characterized by low levels of unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS). In all combinations, the UDS levels observed in heterokaryons were higher than those in parental mutant cells, clearly indicating cooperation of human and Chinese hamster repair functions. In heterokaryons of CHO 12 RO with XP-A and XP-C cells, the UDS values reached about the normal human level, whereas in heterokaryons with XP-B, XP-D and XP-F, UDS was restored at a level approaching that in wild-type CHO cells. The results obtained after fusion of CHO cells with two representative cell strains from the XP-G group, XP 2 BI and XP 3 BR, were inconsistent. Fusion with XP 3 BR cells yielded UDS levels ranging from wild-type Chinese hamster to normal human, whereas fusion with XP 2 BI cells resulted in a slight increase in UDS which even after 48 h remained below the level found in wild-type CHO cells. The occurrence of complementation in these interspecies heterokaryons indicates that the genetic defect in the CHO 12 RO cells is different from the defects in the XP complementation groups tested.  相似文献   

A newly developed cell-free system was used to study DNA repair synthesis carried out by extracts from human cell lines in vitro. Extracts from a normal human lymphoid cell line and from cell lines established from individuals with hereditary dysplastic nevus syndrome perform damage-dependent repair synthesis in plasmid DNA treated with cis- or trans-diamminedichloro-platinum(II) or irradiated with ultraviolet light. Cell extracts of xeroderma pigmentosum origin (complementation groups A, C, D, and G) are deficient in DNA repair synthesis. When damaged plasmid DNA was pretreated with purified Escherichia coli UvrABC proteins, xeroderma pigmentosum cell extracts were able to carry out DNA repair synthesis. The ability of E. coli UvrABC proteins to complement xeroderma pigmentosum cell extracts indicates that the extracts are deficient in incision, but can carry out later steps of repair. Thus the in vitro system provides results that are in agreement with the incision defect found from studies of xeroderma pigmentosum cells.  相似文献   

The genetic basis of xeroderma pigmentosum.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Bunick CG  Miller MR  Fuller BE  Fanning E  Chazin WJ 《Biochemistry》2006,45(50):14965-14979
XPC is a 940-residue multidomain protein critical for the sensing of aberrant DNA and initiation of global genome nucleotide excision repair. The C-terminal portion of XPC (residues 492-940; XPC-C) has critical interactions with DNA, RAD23B, CETN2, and TFIIH, whereas functional roles have not yet been assigned to the N-terminal portion (residues 1-491; XPC-N). In order to analyze the molecular basis for XPC function and mutational defects associated with xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) disease, a series of stable bacterially expressed N- and C-terminal fragments were designed on the basis of sequence analysis and produced for biochemical characterization. Limited proteolysis experiments combined with mass spectrometry revealed that the full XPC-C is stable but XPC-N is not. However, a previously unrecognized folded helical structural domain was found within XPC-N, XPC(156-325). Pull-down and protease protection assays demonstrated that XPC(156-325) physically interacts with the DNA repair factor XPA, establishing the first functional role for XPC-N. XPC-C exhibits binding characteristics of the full-length protein, including stimulation of DNA binding by physical interaction with RAD23B and CETN2. Analysis of an XPC missense mutation (Trp690Ser) found in certain patients with XP disease revealed that this mutation is associated with a diminished ability to bind DNA. Evidence of contributions to protein interactions from regions in both XPC-N and XPC-C along with recently recognized homologies to yeast PNGase prompted construction of a structural model of a folded XPC core. This model offers key insights into how domains from the two portions of the protein may cooperate in generating specific XPC functions.  相似文献   

A third complementation group in xeroderma pigmentosum   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

Five complementation groups in xeroderma pigmentosum.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A collaborative study was undertaken to determine the relationship between the three DNA repair complementation groups in xeroderma pigmentosum found at Erasmus University, Rotterdam, and the four groups found at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda. The results of this study reveal that there are five currently known complementation groups in xeroderma pigmentosum.  相似文献   

DNA-binding proteins in human fibroblasts were examined by chromatography on DNA-cellulose columns. By successive chromatography on columns containing native, denatured, and UV-irradiated DNA-cellulose respectively the proteins binding to different types of DNA could be studied. Elution of the columns with sodium chloride followed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis allowed several DNA-binding proteins to be identified. All of the major DNA-binding proteins were present in strains of xeroderma pigmentosum cells respectively deficient in excision-repair and post-replication repair of ultraviolet-induced damage.  相似文献   

Complementation group A of xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) represents one of the most prevalent and serious forms of this cancer-prone disorder. Because of a marked defect in DNA excision repair, cells from individuals with XP-A are hypersensitive to the toxic and mutagenic effects of ultraviolet light and many chemical agents. We report here the isolation of the XP-A DNA repair protein by complementation of cell extracts from a repair-defective human XP-A cell line. XP-A protein purified from calf thymus migrates on denaturing gel electrophoresis as a doublet of 40 and 42 kilodaltons. The XP-A protein binds preferentially to ultraviolet light-irradiated DNA, with a preference for damaged over nondamaged nucleotides of approximately 10(3). This strongly suggests that the XP-A protein plays a direct role in the recognition of and incision at lesions in DNA. We further show that this protein corresponds to the product encoded by a recently isolated gene that can restore excision repair to XP-A cells. Thus, excision repair of plasmid DNA by cell extracts sufficiently resembles genomic repair in cells to reveal accurately the repair defect in an inherited disease. The general approach described here can be extended to the identification and isolation of other human DNA repair proteins.  相似文献   

Xeroderma pigmentosum patients, in addition to ultraviolet-induced skin cancers, have an increased prevalence of neoplasms occurring in sites shielded from ultraviolet radiation. We postulated that these internal neoplasms might be related to ingestion of dietary carcinogens. As model dietary carcinogens, we studied the tryptophan pyrolysis products, 3-amino-1,4-dimethyl-5H-pyrido[4,3-b]indole (Trp-P-1) and 3-amino-1-methyl-5H-pyrido[4,3-b]indole (Trp-P-2). These dietary compounds bind to DNA and are highly mutagenic and carcinogenic. Cytotoxicity of these compounds was examined in cultured lymphoblastoid cell lines from xeroderma pigmentosum patients in complementation groups A, B, C, D and E and the variant form and from normal donors. All xeroderma pigmentosum lymphoblastoid cell lines showed a greater reduction in viable cell concentration than the 2 normal lymphoblastoid cell lines following addition of Trp-P-1 or Trp-P-2 (5 micrograms/ml) to the culture medium. Possible differences in cellular activation of these compounds were overcome by treating the cells with rat-liver microsome-activated Trp-P-2. There was a greater reduction in viable cell concentration in the xeroderma pigmentosum group A and D cells than in the normal lymphoblastoid cell lines after treatment with activated Trp-P-2. These data suggest that the xeroderma pigmentosum DNA-repair system is defective in repairing Trp-P-1 and Trp-P-2 induced DNA damage in addition to being defective in repairing ultraviolet-induced DNA damage. Thus xeroderma pigmentosum patients may be at increased risk of toxicity from some dietary carcinogens.  相似文献   

Stary A  Sarasin A 《Biochimie》2002,84(1):49-60
All living organisms are constantly exposed to endogenous or exogenous agents that can cause damage to the genomic DNA, leading to the loss of stable genetic information. Fortunately, all cells are equipped with numerous classes of DNA repair pathways which are able to correct many kinds of DNA damage such as bulky adducts, oxidative lesions, single- and double-strand breaks and mismah.The importance of these DNA repair processes is attested by the existence of several rare but dramatic hereditary diseases caused by defects in one of their repair pathways. These diseases are usually associated with early onset of malignancies confirming the direct relationship between unrepaired DNA lesions, mutations or chromosomal modifications and cancer incidence. Among these hereditary diseases the UV-hypersensitive ones have been particularly well studied and the xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) is probably the best known syndrome up to now in terms of genetics and biochemistry.  相似文献   

Introduction of the denV gene of phage T4, encoding the pyrimidine dimer-specific endonuclease V, into xeroderma pigmentosum cells XP12RO(M1) was reported to result in partial restoration of colony-forming ability and excision repair synthesis. We have further characterized 3 denV-transformed XP clones in terms of rates of excision of pyrimidine dimers and size of the resulting resynthesized regions following exposure to 100 J/m2 from an FS-40 sunlamp. In the denV-transformed XP cells we observed 50% dimer removal within 3-6 h after UV exposure as compared to no measurable removal in the XP12RO(M1) line and 50% dimer excision after 18 h in the GM637A human, control cells. Dimer removal was assayed with Micrococcus luteus UV-endonuclease in conjunction with sedimentation of treated DNA in alkaline sucrose gradients. The size of the resulting repaired regions was determined by the bromouracil photolysis technique. Based on the photolytic sensitivity of DNA repaired in the presence of bromodeoxyuridine, we calculated that the excision of a dimer in the GM637A cells appears to be accompanied by the resynthesis of a region approximately 95 nucleotides in length. Conversely, the resynthesized regions in the denV-transformed clones were considerably smaller and were estimated to be between 13 and 18 nucleotides in length. These results may indicate that either the endonuclease that initiated dimer repair dictated the size of the resynthesized region or that the long-patch repair observed in the normal cells resulted from the repair of non-dimer DNA lesions.  相似文献   

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