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This study was conducted to clarify the development of free neuromasts with growth of the barramundi, Lates calcarifer. A pair of free neuromasts was observed behind the unpigmented eyes in newly hatched eleutheroembryos with a mean total length of 1.93 mm, and two-hour-old eleuthero-embryos could respond to an approaching pipette. At 2 days after hatching, the egg yolk sac was mostly consumed, the eyes were pigmented, and the larvae commenced feeding on rotifers. Free neuromasts increased in number with growth and commenced developing into canal neuromasts in barramundi 15 days old with a mean total length of 8.07 mm. The average length of the major axis of the trunk free neuromasts attained approximately 12.9-15.5 microm, and the number of sensory cells was 15.4-17.5 at 15-20 days old. Developed cupulae of free neuromasts were observed in 1-day-old eleutheroembryos. The direction of maximum sensitivity of free neuromasts, determined from the polarity of the sensory cells, coincided with the minor axis of the lozenge-shaped outline of the apical surface of the free neuromasts. The polarity of trunk neuromasts was usually oriented along the antero-posterior axis of the fish body, but a few had a dorso-ventral direction. On the head, free neuromasts were oriented on lines tangential to concentric circles around the eye.  相似文献   

Calreticulin (CRT) is a Ca2+-binding molecular chaperone in the endoplasmic reticulum. We cloned and characterized the CRT gene in an important marine food fish species Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer). The full-length DNA of the CRT gene was 2194 bp, including a complete open reading frame encoding 420 amino acid residues, a 113 bp 5'-untranslated region and an 818 bp 3'-untranslated region. The CRT gene contained nine exons and eight introns covering a total of 2772 bp genomic DNA from the start to stop codon. Ten single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were detected in introns and an exon in six individuals collected from five different locations. The CRT gene was assigned to linkage group 4 of the linkage map of Asian seabass. Quantitative real-time PCR revealed that the CRT gene was highly expressed in liver at the age of 1, 3 and 7 months under normal conditions, whereas its expression in liver reduced sharply after 0.5 to 2 h cold challenge at 16°C, and then increased slowly. A preliminary association analysis showed a significant (P < 0.001) association between the SNP6 in the CRT gene and the mortality after cold challenge at 16°C. Our results suggest that the CRT gene is associated with cold tolerance of Asian seabass and further investigation will be necessary to illustrate the underlying mechanisms.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding – the sequencing of a c. 650 base pair region of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I gene – strongly suggests that barramundi ( Lates calcarifer ) from Australia and from Myanmar are different species (Kimura 2 parameter distance of c. 9·5%). Cytochrome b sequence data support this conclusion (distance c. 11·3%). Further examination, both genetic and morphological, of L. calcarifer throughout its range is recommended.  相似文献   

Streptococcus iniae, a bacterial infection in barramundi Lates calcarifer.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The cause of ongoing mortality in barramundi Lates calcarifer (Bloch) in seawater culture was identified as Streptococcus iniae by biochemical and physiological tests. This is the first published record of this bacterial species in Australia and the first confirmed report of S. iniae causing mortality in barramundi. The bacterium was highly pathogenic for barramundi when challenged by bath exposure. The pathogen was found to have a LD50 of 2.5 x 10(5) and 3.2 x 10(4) colony-forming units at 48 h and 10 d respectively. Experimental challenge of barramundi resulted in high levels of mortality (> 40%) within a 48 h period. Ten days after the challenge, S. iniae could not be isolated from kidney, spleen, liver or eye of surviving fish. However, the organism was easily isolated from the brain of both moribund and healthy fish, indicating that barramundi can carry the bacterium asymptomatically.  相似文献   

This study assessed the cannibalistic behaviour of juvenile barramundi Lates calcarifer and examined the relationship between prey size selection and energy gain of cannibals. Prey handling time and capture success by cannibals were used to estimate the ratio of energy gain to energy cost in prey selection. Cannibals selected smaller prey despite its capability of ingesting larger prey individuals. In behavioural analysis, prey handling time significantly increased with prey size, but it was not significantly affected by cannibal size. Conversely, capture success significantly decreased with the increase of both prey and cannibal sizes. The profitability indices showed that the smaller prey provides the most energy return for cannibals of all size classes. These results indicate that L. calcarifer cannibals select smaller prey for more profitable return. The behavioural analysis, however, indicates that L. calcarifer cannibals attack prey of all size at a similar rate but ingest smaller prey more often, suggesting that prey size selection is passively orientated rather than at the predator's choice. The increase of prey escape ability and morphological constraint contribute to the reduction of intracohort cannibalism as fish grow larger. This study contributes to the understanding of intracohort cannibalism and development of strategies to reduce fish cannibalistic mortalities.  相似文献   

The acute heat-shock response of the tropical estuarine fish species barramundi Lates calcarifer as indicated by the expression of genes within stress (hsp 90AA, hsp 90AB, hsp 70 and hsc 70), metabolic (cisy, cco II and ldh) and growth (igf1 and mstn 1) related pathways was examined following an increase in water temperature from 28 to 36° C over 30 min. Lates calcarifer were maintained at the acute stress temperature of 36° C for 1 h before being returned to 28° C and allowed to recover at this temperature for a further 2 weeks. Muscle tissue sampling over the experimental period allowed for the expression quantification of stress, metabolic and growth-related genes via quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qrt-PCR) where a robust and reliable normalization approach identified both α-tub and Rpl8 as appropriate genes for the analysis of gene expression in response to an acute heat stress. hsp90AA and hsp70 of the inducible heat-shock response pathway showed a massive up-regulation of gene expression in response to heat stress, whilst the constitutive heat-shock genes hsp90AB and hsp70 showed no change over the course of the experiment and a small increase after 2 weeks of recovery, respectively. Of the three genes representing the metabolic pathway (cisy, cco II and ldh) only cco II changed significantly showing a decrease in gene expression, which may suggest a small suppression of aerobic metabolism. igf1 of the growth pathway showed no significant differences in response to an acute heat stress, whilst mstn1 increased at the beginning of the heat stress but returned to basal levels soon after. Overall, the results demonstrate that an acute heat stress in L. calcarifer caused a significant increase in the expression of genes from the stress response pathway and a possible decrease in aerobic metabolism with only relatively minor changes to the growth pathway highlighting the hardy nature of L. calcarifer and its resilience in coping with sudden temperature changes routinely encountered within its natural environment.  相似文献   

Larvae and juveniles of barramundi Lates calcarifer (Bloch) were examined for the development of the retina, occurrence of the retinomotor response and retinal tapetum and change in eye size with age in days. The barramundi hatched with unpigmented non-functional eyes in which retinal cells had not yet differentiated into the various elements. Soon it was followed by rapid changes in the histology of the retina. Two-day-old larvae had a well-pigmented retina with area temporalis which would allow acute vision and prey attack in the nasal direction. At 10 days, rod cells and the retinal tapetum first appeared in the retina and the retinomotor response first occurred; these would allow feeding in dim light. The retinal tapetum moved in unison with the cones and the pigment epithelium during the retinomotor response. At 26 days, the horizontal cells were divided into two layers and the twin cones appeared. These changes in the eyes occurred concurrently or in anticipation of behavioural changes, such as the onset of the first feeding at 2 days, the shift of habitat from coastal waters to swamps at the notochord flexion stage at 7–15 days, the abrupt change in feeding behaviour from roving zooplanktivore to lurking predator at 25–30 days and a later shift of habitat from turbid swamps to open coastal or lake areas at the early juvenile stage.  相似文献   

Stuart  Ivor G.  McKillup  Stephen C. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,479(1-3):231-236
The relationship between the number of rings present in sagittal otoliths and the age of barramundi, Lates calcarifer (Bloch, 1790) [Centropomidae], was investigated by examining cross sectioned otoliths of 37 tagged fish of known age between 1 and 5 years from the Johnstone River, north Queensland. Concentric rings were clearly visible in all otolith sections and were validated as annual marks. The technique was then used to estimate the age and calculate von Bertalanffy growth parameters for 70 barramundi from the Fitzroy River, central Queensland. Growth appeared to be rapid but variable in the first year; the von Bertalanffy growth parameters for length versus age were L =690 mm, K=0.53, t 0= 0.003 years. October 1 was designated as the birth date. Whole otolith length, width and thickness were also approximated well by the von Bertalanffy equation. We suggest that examination of otoliths is a useful technique for ageing barramundi but note that further validation of the ageing method is still needed for fish older than six years.  相似文献   

Mucosal and serum antibody responses were studied in sibling barramundi (Lates calcarifer) acclimated in either seawater or freshwater following vaccination by intraperitoneal injection or direct immersion in an inactivated Streptococcus iniae vaccine. As expected, route of vaccination had a marked effect on immune response, with direct immersion resulting in low serum antibody levels against S. iniae by ELISA detected 21 days post vaccination at 26 degrees C, whilst a significant response was detected in mucus. A strong specific antibody response was detected in both mucus and serum 21 days following intraperitoneal injection. Fish acclimated in seawater prior to vaccination showed a markedly higher specific mucosal antibody response than sibling fish acclimated in freshwater, regardless of the route of vaccination, whilst the serum antibody response was not affected by salinity. Both mucosal and serum antibodies from fish in seawater and freshwater were capable of binding antigen at salinities similar to full strength seawater in a modified ELISA assay. These results indicate that this euryhaline fish species is not only able to mount significant specific antibody response in cutaneous mucus, but that these antibodies will function in the marine environment.  相似文献   

In this study, a flow-cytometric cell cycle analysis method to assess instantaneous growth rate of whole larvae of the Australian barramundi Lates calcarifer was developed and validated. High-resolution DNA measurements of either fresh, frozen or RNAlater-preserved larvae (gap0-gap1, G(0) -G(1), coefficient of variation (c.v.) < 3, 4 and 5%, respectively) enabled the deconvolution of the DNA histogram and assignment of the proportion of nuclei into cell cycle compartments G(0) -G(1), S (DNA synthesis) and G(2) -M (Gap2-Mitosis). This technique can be also used for individual fish tissues such as brain, liver, fin and muscle. For the first time, the combined proportion of replicating nuclei (into S and G(2) -M phases) of whole fish larvae and absolute growth rate in length (mm day(-1)) has been correlated in commercial aquaculture conditions. Fast growing L. calcarifer larvae had an overall hyperplasia advantage as indicated by a greater proportion of cells in the S+G(2) -M phase compared with slow growing larvae, which might explain the increasing differences in size during culture. In a fasting trial, larvae ceased growth while maintaining the constant initial rates of cell division throughout a 6 day period. For a highly fed fast growing control group, cell division rates significantly increased after day 4. Flow-cytometric cell cycle analysis of whole fish larvae may provide fish biologists and aquaculturists with a better understanding of how cell division rates influence early growth in natural and artificial environments.  相似文献   

Relationships between freshwater flows and growth rates of the opportunistic predatory finfish barramundi Lates calcarifer in a dry tropical estuary were examined using data from a long-term tag-recapture programme. Lagged effects were not investigated. After accounting for length at release, time at liberty and seasonal variation ( e.g. winter, spring, summer and autumn), growth rates were significantly and positively related to fresh water flowing to the estuary. Effects were present at relatively low levels of freshwater flow ( i.e. 2·15 m3 s−1, the 5th percentile of the mean flow rate experienced by fish in the study during time at liberty). The analysis, although correlative, provides quantitative evidence to support the hypothesis that freshwater flows are important in driving the productivity of estuaries and can improve growth of species high in the trophic chain.  相似文献   

Aqueous extracts from common tropical seaweeds were evaluated for their effect on the life cycle of the commercially important ectoparasite, Neobenedenia sp. (Platyhelminthes: Monogenea), through the survival of attached adult parasites, period of embryonic development, hatching success and oncomiracidia (larvae) infection success. There was no significant effect of any extract on the survival of adult parasites attached to fish hosts or infection success by oncomiracidia. However, the extracts of two seaweeds, Ulva sp. and Asparagopsis taxiformis, delayed embryonic development and inhibited egg hatching. The extract of A. taxiformis was most effective, inhibiting embryonic development of Neobenedenia sp. and reducing hatching success to 3% compared with 99% for the seawater control. Furthermore, of the 3% of eggs that hatched, time to first and last hatch was delayed (days 14 and 18) compared with the seawater control (days 5 and 7). Asparagopsis taxiformis shows the most potential for development as a natural treatment to manage monogenean infections in intensive aquaculture with the greatest impact at the embryo stage.  相似文献   

The use of various challenge techniques has allowed the formation of a hypothesis for the mode of infection of Streptococcus iniae in barramundi. A bacterial dose of 1 x 10(3) colony forming units (cfu), corresponding to the LD50, delivered orally to barramundi could initiate the sub-acute form of the disease observed at the farms. The acute form of the disease could be initiated through bath exposure to the pathogen. S. iniae was equally as infective in freshwater, saltwater or when fish were subject to skin trauma prior to exposure, with LD50 values of 3.2 x 10(4), 2.0 x 10(4), 3.2 x 10(4) cfu, respectively, when observed over a 10 d period. It is suggested that sub-acute infection occurs orally, with mass mortalities occurring through the increased presence of the bacterium in the environment.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of substituting fish oil and fish meal with a blend of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA, 18:3 n ? 3) rich vegetable oils (14%, w/w) and defatted poultry meal (34%, w/w) in a formulated diet, on growth and tissue fatty acid profiles in barramundi fingerlings. Results indicated that on average, while the ALA levels of the barramundi liver and fillet increased with increasing dietary ALA, there was no corresponding increase in the levels of the omega-3 (n ? 3) long chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (LCPUFA). Compared to fish consuming a commercial feed, which contained fish meal and fish oil, fish on the ALA diets grew slower, had a lower feed intake and lower n ? 3 LCPUFA levels in the tissues. Hepatic mRNA expression of Δ6 desaturase (FADS2) and elongase (ELOVL5/2) was ~ 10 fold and ~ 3 fold higher, respectively, in all the ALA dietary groups, relative to those fed the commercial feed. However, the level of expression of the two genes was not different between fish fed differing ALA levels. These data demonstrate that increasing the ALA level of the diet is not an appropriate strategy for replacing marine sources of n ? 3 LCPUFA in barramundi. It was also noted, however, that within the different ALA dietary groups there was a large amount of variation between individual fish in their tissue DHA levels, suggesting a significant heterogeneity in their capacity for conversion of ALA and/or retention of n ? 3 LCPUFA. When dietary ALA intakes were greater than 0.8% en, tissue DHA levels were inversely related to ALA intake, suggesting that high intake of dietary ALA may inhibit DHA synthesis.  相似文献   

Desaturase and elongase are two key enzyme categories in the long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (LCPUFA) pathway that convert dietary α-linolenic acid (18:3n-3) to docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3). The Δ6 desaturase is considered as rate limiting in the conversion. In a previous study in barramundi we demonstrated that the desaturase had a low Δ6 activity but noted that the enzyme also possessed Δ8 ability that utilised 20-carbon fatty acids. This observation suggests that an alternative pathway may exist in the barramundi via elongases to form 20-carbon metabolites from 18:3n-3 to 20:3n-3 and then Δ6/8 desaturase to 20:4n-3. Cloning of the barramundi elongation of very long-chain fatty acid gene (ELOVL) and heterologous expression of the corresponding elongase were performed to examine activity with regard to time course, substrate concentration and substrate preference. Results revealed that the barramundi elongase showed a broad range of substrate specificity including 18-carbon PUFA (including 18:3n-3 and 18:2n-6), 20- and 22-carbon LCPUFA, with greater activity towards omega-3 (n-3) than n-6 fatty acids. The findings from this study provide molecular evidence for an alternative n-3 fatty acid elongation pathway utilising 18:3n-3 in barramundi.  相似文献   

Muscle morphology was investigated in newly hatched barramundi Lates calcarifer larvae incubated at set temperatures (26, 29 and 31° C) prior to hatching. Three days after hatching (the start of exogenous feeding), larvae from the 26 and 31° C treatments were each divided into two groups and reared at that temperature or transferred over the period of several hours to 29° C (control temperature). Incubation temperature significantly affected muscle cellularity in the developing embryo, with larvae incubated at 26° C (mean ±s .e . 223·3 ± 7·9) having on average 14·4% more inner muscle fibres than those incubated at 31° C (195·2 ± 8·8) and 4·8% more than those incubated at 29° C (213·5 ± 4·7). Conversely, inner muscle fibre cross‐sectional area significantly increased at the warm incubation temperature in L. calcarifer, so that the total cross‐sectional muscle area was not different between treatment groups. The total cross‐sectional area of superficial muscle fibres and the proportion of superficial to total fibre cross‐sectional area in just hatched L. calcarifer were also affected by incubation temperature, with incubation at the cool temperature (26° C) increasing both the total cross‐sectional area and proportion of superficial muscle fibres. By 9 days post‐hatch, the aforementioned differences were no longer significant. Similarly, there was no difference in total superficial fibre cross‐sectional area between any treatment groups of L. calcarifer, whereas incubation temperature still significantly affected the proportion of superficial to total muscle fibre cross‐sectional area. Larvae hatched and grown at 31° C had a significantly reduced percentage of superficial muscle cross‐sectional area (mean ±s .e . 5·11 ± 0·66%) compared with those incubated and grown at 29° C (8·04 ± 0·77%) and 26° C (9·32 ± 0·56%) and those incubated at 26° C and transferred to 29° C (7·52 ± 0·53%), and incubated at 31° C and transferred to 29° C (6·28 ± 0·69%). These results indicate that changes in muscle cellularity induced by raising or lowering the incubation temperature of L. calcarifer display varying degrees of persistence over developmental time. The significance of these findings to the culture of L. calcarifer is discussed.  相似文献   

Closed-system respirometry is a standard technique used to determine aerobic metabolism of aquatic organisms. Open-top systems are rarely used due to concerns of gas exchange across the air–water interface. Here, we evaluated an open-top respirometry system by comparing the mass-specific routine metabolic rate (RMR) of the tropical diadromous finfish barramundi, Lates calcarifer, in both closed-top and open-top respirometers. The RMR of 190?g barramundi was determined across broad temperatures ranging from 18 to 38?°C. There was no significant difference in RMR between barramundi in either closed- or open-top respirometers at any temperature (p?>?0.05). To ensure RMR measurements were not an artifact of the respirometry system, barramundi were reciprocally transplanted into either respective closed-top or open-top respirometer and oxygen consumption re-measured at each temperature treatment. The RMR of transplanted barramundi was found to be virtually identical in either respirometer. RMR increased linearly with increasing temperature; the relationship between RMR and temperature (T; 18–38?°C) can be described as 3.658T?36.294?mg?O2?kg?0.8?h?1. The daily energetic cost of RMR was 1.193T?11.838?kJ?kg?0.8?day?1. Q10 for barramundi increased significantly with increasing temperature (p?Q10(18–28) was the lowest at 1.7 and Q10(28–38) the highest at 1.9, over the whole experiment temp range Q10(18–28) was 1.8. The current study demonstrates that open-top respirometry is a reliable and practical alternative to closed-top respirometry for accurate determination of the aerobic metabolism of barramundi and has potential application for a number of different aquatic organisms.  相似文献   

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