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Thraustochytrid protists are often abundant in coastal waters. However, their population dynamics and substrate preferences in the oceanic water column are poorly understood. We studied the abundance and distribution of thraustochytrids, bacteria and TEPs in the equatorial Indian Ocean waters during September 2003, October 2004 and September 2006. Thraustochytrids and bacteria were abundant, suggesting high biological productivity of the region. Thraustochytrids were positively related to bacteria during October 2004 but not at other times, suggesting overlapping or varying substrate preferences at different times. Thraustochytrid and bacteria were positively related to TEPs only in a few stations during October 2004, but were mostly positively related to TEPs generated from in situ water in a roller table experiment. TEPs from natural samples during October 2004 had a much greater affinity to the lectin Concanavalin A than to Limulin compared with those in September 2006 and from the roller tank experiments. The chemical composition of TEPs might explain their relationship with thraustochytrids. Thraustochytrids averaged a higher biomass than bacteria in two of the three cruises, but were less frequent and more patchily distributed compared with bacteria.  相似文献   

Dimethyl sulphide (DMS) is a biogenic gas of climatic significance on which limited information is available from the Indian Ocean. To fill this gap, we collected data on DMS and total dimethylsulphoniopropionate (DMSPt) by participating in a dozen cruises. Here, we discuss the variability in DMS and DMSPt in the north and central Indian Ocean in terms of their spatial and temporal variation. DMS and DMSPt exhibited significant spatial and temporal variability. Apart from the concentration gradients in DMS within the Arabian Sea, Bay of Bengal and Central Indian Ocean basins, differences in average abundances were conspicuous between these basins. The Arabian Sea contained more DMS (mixed layer average was 7.8 nM) followed by the Bay of Bengal (2.8 nM) and the Central Indian Ocean (2.7 nM). The highest concentrations of DMS and DMSPt (525 nM and 916 nM, respectively) were found in upwelling regimes along the west coast of India during the Southwest monsoon and fall intermonsoon seasons. Average surface DMS was the highest in the Arabian Sea. On the other hand observed sea-to-air fluxes of DMS were higher in the Bay of Bengal due to the prevalence of turbulent conditions. In the Arabian Sea wind speeds were low and hence the sea-to-air fluxes. The total diffusive flux of DMS from the study area to atmosphere is estimated to be about 1.02 × 1012 g S y−1, which contributes to 4.1–6.3% of the global DMS emission  相似文献   

印度洋南赤道流区水体叶绿素a的分布及粒级结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据2010年4—5月印度洋南赤道流区的综合环境调查资料,对印度洋南赤道流区叶绿素a浓度分布和浮游植物的粒级结构等进行了分析. 结果表明,调查海区水体层化明显,表层水温较高,营养盐浓度较低。调查海区东部测站的数据显示该区域可能受到来自印度尼西亚贯穿流和南爪哇流的影响,有高温低盐的特点。叶绿素a浓度在该海区的分布具有以下特点:(1)表层叶绿素a浓度在整个调查海区虽然普遍较低(平均为(0.1220.052) mg/m3),但具有明显的空间区域化特征:印度洋南赤道流区中部,叶绿素a浓度较低,站位间分布均匀;东部叶绿素a浓度相对较高,不同测站叶绿素a浓度差异明显.(2)整个调查区域叶绿素a浓度垂直分布具有明显的单峰结构,其最大值分布在60—80m水层,位于营养盐跃层内.(3)叶绿素a的粒级结构分析结果显示,pico级份的浮游植物对叶绿素a的贡献占主导地位,平均为75%,nano级份的贡献平均为20%,net级份对叶绿素a的贡献最小,平均仅有5%. 对比本次调查和在其它海区的研究,表明印度洋南赤道流区属于典型的低纬度寡营养海区,低的营养盐浓度(特别是NO3-浓度)是该海区浮游植物生长的主要限制因素之一.  相似文献   

印度洋表层海水石油降解菌的多样性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴常亮  王鑫  邵宗泽 《微生物学报》2010,50(9):1218-1225
【目的】为了研究印度洋石油降解菌多样性,并获得新的石油降解菌。【方法】本研究通过印度洋表层海水样品采集、以柴油与原油1:1混合物作为碳源,从中富集、分离筛选石油降解菌,并通过PCR-DGGE对13个站点富集菌群的菌群结构进行分析。【结果】通过形态观察、生理生化反应和16SrRNA分析,共得到共29个属的51株不同的细菌,它们主要是属于α亚群和γ亚群。其中,Alcanivorax属(占18%),Novosphingobium属(占10%)和Marinobacter(占6%)Thalassospira(占6%)为主要的优势菌。通过生态多样性分析表明,Shannon-Winner指数(H)为4.57968,说明其具有较高的多样性;均匀度指数(E)为0.8664771,表示其分布比较均匀。单菌实验表明,49株具有石油降解能力其中,Sinomonas,Knoellia,Mesoflavibacter等属的细菌为首次发现有降解能力。DGGE分析表明Alcanivorax属的细菌是印度洋表层海水中的重要石油降解菌。【结论】本研究首次揭示了印度洋表层海水中石油降解菌的多样性,并获取了若干在海洋石油污染生物修复中具有应用前景的降解菌。  相似文献   

陈双喜  邵宗泽 《微生物学报》2008,48(10):1351-1355
[目的]为了筛选深海砷抗性菌,了解印度洋中脊深海沉积物砷抗性菌的多样性情况.[方法]通过砷富集培养,筛选出砷抗性菌;通过变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)分析与构建16S rDNA克隆文库法两种手段分析了富集物中砷抗性菌的多样性.利用兼并引物PCR,从抗性菌株中克隆与砷抗性相关的基因.[结果]共筛选到8株砷抗性菌,分别属于y-proteobacteria的5个不同的属.其中,菌株AS-I1-3的抗性最高,可以在26×10-3 mol/L三价砷存在的情况下生长,该菌株的16S rDNA序列与菌株Pseudoalteromonas tetraodoni IAM同源性最高(100%).DGGE分析显示,该菌是富集物中的最优势菌,其次是盐单胞菌(Halomonas)和海杆菌(Marinobacter).16S rDNA克隆文库分析结果进一步证明,与菌株AS-I1-3序列相同的克隆子占整个克隆文库的72.5%;而与菌株AS-I1-5(Halomonas meridiana,100%)和菌株Mn-I1-6(Marinobacter vinifirmus,99%)序相同的克隆子分别占10%和7.5%.然而,利用兼并引物PCR,仅能从2株非优势菌中克隆到了与砷抗性相关的基因,表明菌群中的优势抗性菌可能有其他的抗性机制.[结论]在深海环境中存在着多种砷抗性菌,其中Pseudoalteromonas属的菌株是该富集条件下的砷抗性优势菌.这些砷抗性菌在大洋环境砷元素的生物地球化学循环中的作用有待进一步研究.  相似文献   

Bacterial growth rates on the rhizoplane of rape seedlings grown in sand were determined using 3H-thymidine incorporation into DNA. Axenic roots incorporated thymidine into DNA, which had to be subtracted from values for roots with associated bacteria. Thymidine incorporation into rhizoplane bacterial DNA ranged between 0.6 and 1.4 pmol thymidine h–1 root–1 for 6 to 26-day-old plants. Using a conversion factor, the turnover time of bacteria was calculated to decrease from 9.2 h for 6-day-old plants to 160h for 26-day-old plants. A similar value was found for rhizosphere bacteria of plants grown for 26 days in natural soil.  相似文献   

A survey of the fishing grounds for bigeye tuna, Thunnus obesus, in the Indian Ocean was carried out for a better understanding of the environmental preferences of bigeye tuna in a longline fishery. Catch rates of bigeye tuna were analyzed with respect to the ranges of depth, temperature, salinity, chlorophyll-a, and dissolved oxygen. The optimum capture depth, water temperature, and dissolved oxygen range of bigeye tuna were identified as 240.0 m to 279.9 m, 12.0°C to 13.9°C, and 2.00 mg·L−1 to 2.99 mg·L−1, respectively, in the study area of Indian Ocean. Neither salinity nor chlorophyll-a had a detectable effect on the vertical distribution of the adult bigeye tuna. The dissolved oxygen is the principal factor limiting the vertical distribution of bigeye tuna.  相似文献   

Scylla serrata (Decapoda: Portunidae) is a swimming crab that is widespread in the Indo-Pacific region and commonly found in estuarine and mangrove waters. An extended planktonic larval phase suggests high dispersal potential and the possibility of extensive gene flow between conspecific populations at least on a geographic mesoscale (tens to hundreds of kilometres).Intraspecific variation of the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome oxidase subunit I (mtDNA COI) gene was investigated in 77 individuals from four representative mangrove swamps of the African tropics (Kenya and Zanzibar) by means of DNA sequencing. We examined 535 base pairs (bp) and identified 24 different haplotypes. Each population sample is characterised by a single most frequent haplotype, shared among all four populations, and a small number of rare ones, typically present in only one or two individuals and representative of a specific population.Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA), FST statistics and χ2 contingency analysis of spatial distribution of mtDNA haplotype frequencies revealed in toto a significant genetic differentiation among populations. These results could indicate that gene flow might be reduced, even between geographically close sites, despite the high potential for dispersal; anyway, at the recorded level of divergence and owing to the abundance of rare haplotypes and singletons in our data set, repeated sampling over time is necessary to establish whether the recorded pattern of genetic differentiation is stable and biologically significant.Finally, integration of our data with those reported by Gopurenko et al. [Mar. Biol. 134 (1999) 227] on S. serrata from South Africa, Red Sea and Mauritius Islands allowed to infer S. serrata population structure within a larger area of the Indian Ocean region.  相似文献   

We performed a phylogenetic analysis of the fern genus Elaphoglossum using two non-coding chloroplast spacers: trnL-trnF and rps4-trnS. The sampling includes 123 species, of which 80 have not been previously sequenced, and for the first time includes species from Africa and the Indian Ocean area. The results of this expanded study largely agree with an earlier molecular study based on a smaller group of neotropical species and with the morphology-based classification of Mickel and Atehortua. We found, however, that some infrageneric groups such as section Elaphoglossum are not monophyletic. Besides section Elaphoglossum pro parte, we recognize six sections: two new monospecific, unnamed sections, and the previously established sections Lepidoglossa, Squamipedia, Amygdalifolia, and "Subulate-scaled clade." We divide the subulate-scaled clade into subsection Setosa (hydathodes present) and Polytrichia (hydathodes absent), and section Elaphoglossum is divided into subsections Platyglossa and Pachyglossa, two groups that do not appear to be supported by any single morphological character. In general, however, the main clades are supported by morphology. Finally, we discuss the species of the Indian Ocean region and their affinities with the neotropical ones. Out of the 11 species pairs postulated by Moran and Smith on the basis of morphology, two are well supported (E. eximium-E. aubertii; E. piloselloides-E. spatulatum) and three are not supported (E. ciliatum-E. humbertii; E. muscosum-E. poolii; E. paleaceum-E. deckenii), and two remain unresolved (E. erinaceum-E. hybridum; E. glabellum-E. acrostichoides) because our molecular markers were not variable enough. Four species pairs could not be tested because specimens were lacking. Unsupported species pairs are best interpreted as morphological convergences. Two additional species pairs are proposed: E. cuspidatum-E. succisaefolium; E. doanense-E. hornei. Placement of the species from the Indian Ocean suggests that at least 13 long-distance dispersal events occurred between the Neotropics and the Indian Ocean-Africa.  相似文献   

During three complete annual cycles, chlorophyll a concentrations and primary production rates of algae epiphytic on Phragmites australis in eutrophic Lake Belau were determined. Primary production rates reached a peak during spring due to the growth of diatoms and filamentous green algae. The chlorophyll-specific rates of photosynthesis were significantly higher during periods of stratification and increased exponentially with an increase in water temperature. No photoinhibition was observed, even at high irradiances. I k values were higher in summer than during periods of circulation.  相似文献   

An examination of the sterol mixture of the sponge Axinella proliferans collected in the Indian Ocean led to the isolation of nine A-nor-sterols, including two rare nor-sterols with a D-ring unsaturation. The known 3β-(hydroxymethyl)-A-nor-5α-cholest-15-ene has been identified by a comparison with mass spectrum and 1H and 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) data of the sterol isolated from Homoaxinella trachys, a marine sponge collected in the Indian Ocean. A new sterol, 3β-(hydroxymethyl)-A-nor-5α-cholest-14-ene-16α-ol, has been identified by their mass and two-dimensional NMR spectra compared with those of the D-ring unsaturated sterol, 5α-cholest-14-ene-3β,16α-diol isolated from the Mediterannean sponge Topsentia aurantiaca.  相似文献   

A new shovelnose ray, Rhinobatos nudidorsalis, is described from the Mascarene Ridge, an inadequately surveyed chain of seamounts in the central Indian Ocean. Of the three subgroups of Rhinobatos occurring in the Indian Ocean, it most closely conforms with the subgenus Rhinobatos (Linnaeus). A small species, known only from the holotype, it is unique within the family in having an almost completely naked dorsal surface. In addition, it is further distinguished from other Indo-Pacific members of the genus by the combination of a pale, plain-colored disc, large eyes, the inner edge of the anterior nasal flap penetrating slightly into the internarial space, low dorsal fins, a long pelvic-fin inner margin, a narrow interdorsal space, two spiracular folds, an elongate to oval-shaped denticle patch on the caudal peduncle, and a small, weakly asymmetrical caudal fin.  相似文献   

A sampling survey for leptocephali was conducted in the eastern Indian Ocean to the west of Sumatra from 5 to 20 June 2003 in an overlapping area with the historical survey in September to November 1929 during the Danish Round the World Expedition. The age and larval growth rate of 34 Anguilla bicolor bicolor collected in 2003 were estimated using their otolith microstructure to obtain new information about the early life history of this sub-species. The total lengths and ages of these leptocephali were 44·1–55·5 mm and 114–158 days, respectively. Their hatching dates ranged from 3 January to 20 February 2003. Combining these age data and the estimated age of leptocephali collected by others in the same area, this sub-species was estimated to have a wide range of spawning periods. Individual growth rates of the leptocephali in 2003 ranged from 0·32 to 0·39 mm day−1 with a mean ± s . d . of 0·35 ± 0·02 mm day−1. These values were lower than the growth rates of leptocephali of other tropical eels such as Anguilla celebesensis or Anguilla borneensis , suggesting that A. b. bicolor from the eastern Indian Ocean have a longer leptocephalus period of oceanic migration.  相似文献   

A persistent patch of high biomass water, associated with the Juan de Fuca Eddy, is often observed in surface chlorophyll a images off the southwest coast of Vancouver Island, Canada. Outbreaks of toxic Pseudo-nitzschia spp. along the Washington, USA, coast are believed to correlate with the transport of waters from Juan de Fuca Eddy southward to Washington beaches. A time series of Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) satellite ocean color images from late May 1999 of coastal waters off Washington and Vancouver Island, processed for surface chlorophyll a concentration and spectral remote sensing reflectance, captured a transport event where water from the Juan de Fuca Eddy was transported onto the Washington shelf. Strong upwelling-favorable winds appeared to deform the patch over an 8-day period and move it southward into Washington coastal waters with surface velocities of approximately 8–16 km d−1. SeaWiFS and sea surface temperature imagery showed the local phytoplankton response to wind-driven coastal upwelling restricted to a narrow (10–15 km) region along the Washington coast. Although we did not observe transport of high biomass water originating in the Juan de Fuca Eddy to Washington beaches in May 1999, transport of Pseudo-nitzschia cells could occur following a rapid shift to downwelling-favorable conditions. Tracking the trajectory of surface waters from the Juan de Fuca Eddy by remote sensing could be used to trigger conditional sampling for domoic acid along the Washington coast.  相似文献   

耳石是研究头足类年龄与生长、种群结构和生活史的重要硬组织之一。为研究西北印度洋鸢乌贼耳石微结构及生长特性,根据2019年2—5月我国灯光罩网渔船在西北印度洋调查生产期间采集的1009尾鸢乌贼样本,以耳石总长(TSL)、侧区长(LDL)、翼区长(WL)和最大宽度(MW)作为耳石的外形生长指标,结合日龄数据,对西北印度洋鸢乌贼耳石微结构及其生长特性进行了研究。结果表明: 根据生长纹间宽度,可将耳石微结构分为后核心区、暗区和外围区。协方差分析表明,TSL、LDL、WL和MW与日龄的关系均不存在显著的性别间差异,TSL、WL和MW与日龄的关系最适合用幂函数表示,而LDL与日龄的关系最适合用线性函数表示。总体而言,随着鸢乌贼日龄的增加,TSL、WL、LDL与MW的瞬时相对生长率与绝对生长率基本呈现下降的趋势, 140~180 d可能是西北印度洋鸢乌贼性成熟的日龄段。  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial distribution of planktonic protozoa of Esthwaite, a eutrophic lake, was investigated at 7–10 day intervals between February to October 1988. Sarcodine protozoa were of little significance, the plankton was dominated by ciliates and flagellates. Ciliate density peaked in late May to early June with densities reaching 9.2 × 103 1-1. There was considerable variation in spatial distribution and greatest species diversity occurred in March/April. After the establishment of summer stratification the planktonic ciliates were confined to water of >25% oxygen saturation in the water column. Oligotrichs, particularly the genus Strombidium and tintinnids, and peritrichs dominated the ciliate assemblages. There was no correlation between chlorophyll a concentrations and ciliate numbers, but a correlation was apparent between ciliate numbers and flagellate density. There were significant differences between the protozooplankton communities at the different sampling sites in the lake.  相似文献   

杨晓明  戴小杰  朱国平 《生态学报》2012,32(15):4682-4690
西印度洋公海海域是世界上围网黄鳍金枪鱼渔业的主要作业海域之一,根据印度洋金枪鱼委员会1999—2004年的1°×1°的各月黄鳍金枪鱼围网渔获量统计数据,采用地统计方法探索该海域黄鳍金枪鱼渔获量的空间异质性特征及其相关生态动力过程。进行了如下分析:(1)利用GIS制图观察渔获量的时空分布特征,发现其空间格局的变异受到的季节变化和年际变化共同影响,且前者明显强于后者。(2)采用地统计方法计算各月渔获量的空间异质性参数,并按照年际和季节情况分别进行了统计分析,发现渔获量的地统计参数值和变异函数模型有明显的季节和年际差异;渔获量的空间相关距离(变程)平均在1000nm左右,冬季要小于夏季;渔获量的空间变异函数模型主要为相关距离较大且空间依赖性较弱的指数模型;渔获量的空间结构方差比例(平均为65.82%)远大于随机性方差比例(平均为34.18%);渔获量在1°×1°尺度下具有明显的空间自相关性。(3)对地统计参数值和渔获量的相关关系研究,并探讨季节变化下渔获量的空间异质性特征与相关生态动力过程关系,发现各月渔获量随着空间总变异(基台值)增加而增加,两者存在强相关性;各月渔获量和南北和西北-东南向分维数值有一定相关性,意味着海洋动力过程在南北和西北—东南向过程越强,渔获量越低。西印度洋黄鳍金枪鱼围网渔获量的空间变异原因在于季风气候和ENSO循环过程引起的海洋流场、营养盐和温跃层等变化外在因素,以及围网捕捞方式和鱼类的行为方式的内在因素共同导致的。  相似文献   

印度洋中西部和大西洋西部水域大眼金枪鱼的食性比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据2004年8月至2005年3月大西洋西部水域及2003年12月份至2004年5月份在印度洋中西部水域金枪鱼延绳钓渔业所获取的大眼金枪鱼数据,对两个诃查区域内的大眼金枪鱼食性进行了研究。结果表明,印度洋中西部水域大眼金枪鱼的食物组成包括沙丁鱼、鱿鱼、乌贼等13个饵料类群,其中主要摄食鱿鱼和沙丁鱼;大西洋西部水域大眼金枪鱼主要摄食沙丁鱼、鱿鱼、虾类等13种饵料类群,主要以沙丁鱼为饵,其次为鱿鱼。印度洋中西部水域大眼金枪鱼空胃率非常高,基本上维持在60%以上;大西洋西部水域大眼金枪鱼空胃率相对较低,基本上都在30%以下。印度洋中西部水域大眼金枪鱼平均饱满指数变化不大,基本上维持在0.40~0.55之间。大西洋西部水域大眼金枪鱼平均饱满指数变化也不太大。印度洋中西部水域大眼金枪鱼各月平均饱满指数高于大西洋西部水域,且各月空胃率高于后者。印度洋中西部和大西洋西部水域大眼金枪鱼Shannon-Weiner多样性指数H’基本上都1.50~2.00之间变化。相同调查月份内,印度洋中西部水域大眼金枪鱼食物Pielou均匀度指数J’均高于大西洋西部水域。  相似文献   

热带印度洋黄鳍金枪鱼渔场时空分布与温跃层的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据Argo浮标剖面温度数据重构热带印度洋各月月平均温跃层特征参数,并结合印度洋金枪鱼委员会(IOTC)黄鳍金枪鱼延绳钓数据,绘制了月平均温跃层特征参数和月平均CPUE的空间叠加图,用于分析热带印度洋黄鳍金枪鱼渔场时空分布和温跃层特征参数的关系。结果表明:热带印度洋温跃层上界深度、温度和下界深度,以及黄鳍金枪鱼中心渔场分布都具有明显的季节性变化特征,黄鳍金枪鱼中心渔场分布和温跃层季节性变化有关。在东北季风期间,高值CPUE渔区的温跃层上界深度的范围为30-40m,超过70m的渔区CPUE值普遍偏低;在西南季风期间温跃层上界最深达到120m。在东北季风期间,高值CPUE渔区温跃层下界深度不超过200m,在西南季风期间,深度会超过300m。在东北季风期间,高值CPUE渔区对应的温跃层上界温度都超过25℃,温度小于24℃的渔区CPUE值普遍较低;在西南季风期间,高值CUPE区域对应的温跃层上界温度范围变大,温跃层上界温度延伸到22℃,在22℃以下渔区CPUE值都很低。采用频次分析和经验累积分布函数计算其最适温跃层特征参数分布,得出黄鳍金枪鱼最适的温跃层上、下界温度范围分别是25-29℃和13-16℃;其上、下界深度范围分别为30-70m和140-200m。K-S检验结果表明,上述结论可靠。  相似文献   

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