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Floral scent, often a complex mixture of several volatile organic compounds (VOCs), has generally been interpreted as an adaptation to attract pollinators. However, not many studies have analysed which VOCs are functionally relevant for the reproductive success of a plant. Here, we show that, in Salix caprea (Salicaceae), temporal changes in floral scent emission during the day and night attract two different types of flower visitor: bees during the day and moths during the evening and night. We analysed the contribution of the two flower visitor groups to the reproductive success of the plant. The differences in scent emitted during the peak activity times of flower visitors (day versus night) were quantified and the response of 13 diurnal/nocturnal pollinator taxa to the floral scents was tested using gas chromatographic and electroantennographic techniques. Many of the c. 40 identified scent compounds were physiologically active, and bees and moths responded to nearly identical sets of compounds, although the response strengths differed. In bioassays, bees preferred the most abundant 1,4‐dimethoxybenzene over lilac aldehyde, a compound with increased emission at night, whereas moths preferred lilac aldehyde over 1,4‐dimethoxybenzene. Pollination by wind plus nocturnal pollinators (mainly moths) or by wind alone contributed less to seed set than pollination by wind plus diurnal pollinators (mainly bees). This suggests that the emission of scent during the night and attracting moths have no significant effect on reproductive success. It is possible that the emission of lilac aldehydes and other compounds at night is s result of phylogenetic constraints. Future studies should investigate whether moths may produce a marginal fitness gain in some years and/or some populations. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 175 , 624–640.  相似文献   

Traditionally, plant–pollinator interactions have been interpreted as pollination syndrome. However, the validity of pollination syndrome has been widely doubted in modern studies of pollination ecology. The pollination ecology of five Asian Buddleja species, B. asiatica, B. crispa, B. forrestii, B. macrostachya and B. myriantha, in the Sino‐Himalayan region in Asia, flowering in different local seasons, with scented inflorescences were investigated during 2011 and 2012. These five species exhibited diverse floral traits, with narrow and long corolla tubes and concealed nectar. According to their floral morphology, larger bees and Lepidoptera were expected to be the major pollinators. However, field observations showed that only larger bees (honeybee/bumblebee) were the primary pollinators, ranging from 77.95% to 97.90% of total visits. In this study, floral scents of each species were also analysed using coupled gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC‐MS). Although the five Buddleja species emitted differentiated floral scent compositions, our results showed that floral scents of the five species are dominated by substances that can serve as attractive signals to bees, including species‐specific scent compounds and principal compounds with larger relative amounts. This suggests that floral scent compositions are closely associated with the principal pollinator assemblages in these five species. Therefore, we conclude that floral scent compositions rather than floral morphology traits should be used to interpret plant–pollinator interactions in these Asian Buddleja species.  相似文献   

Floral scents are among the key signals used by pollinators to navigate to specific flowers. Thus, evolutionary changes in scents should have strong impacts on plant diversification, although scent‐mediated plant speciation through pollinator shifts has rarely been demonstrated, despite being likely. To examine whether and how scent‐mediated plant speciation may have occurred, we investigated the Asimitellaria plant lineage using multidisciplinary approaches including pollinator observations, chemical analyses of the floral scents, electroantennographic analyses and behavioural bioassays with the pollinators. We also performed phylogenetically independent contrast analyses of the pollinator/floral scent associations. First, we confirmed that the pairs of the sympatric, cross‐fertile Asimitellaria species in three study sites consistently attract different pollinators, namely long‐tongued and short‐tongued fungus gnats. We also found that a stereoisomeric set of floral volatiles, the lilac aldehydes, could be responsible for the pollinator specificity. This is because the compounds consistently elicited responses in the antennae of the long‐tongued fungus gnats and had contrasting effects on the two pollinators, that is triggering the nectaring behaviour of long‐tongued fungus gnats while repelling short‐tongued fungus gnats in a laboratory experiment. Moreover, we discovered that volatile composition repeatedly switched in Asimitellaria between species adapted to long‐tongued and short‐tongued fungus gnats. Collectively, our results support the idea that recurrent scent‐mediated speciation has taken place in the Asimitellaria–fungus gnat system.  相似文献   

  • Several monoecious species of palms have developed complex strategies to promote cross‐pollination, including the production of large quantities of floral resources and the emission of scents that are attractive to pollinators. Syagrus coronata constitutes an interesting model with which to understand the evolution of plant reproductive strategies in a monoecious species adapted to seasonally dry forests.
  • We monitored blooming phenology over 1 year, during which we also collected and identified floral visitors and putative pollinators. We identified potential floral visitor attractants by characterizing the scent composition of inflorescences as well as of peduncular bracts, during both male and female phases, and the potential for floral thermogenesis.
  • Syagrus coronata produces floral resources throughout the year. Its inflorescences are predominantly visited by a diverse assortment of small‐sized beetles, whose richness and abundance vary throughout the different phases of anthesis. We did not find evidence of floral thermogenesis. A total of 23 volatile compounds were identified in the scent emitted by the inflorescences, which did not differ between male and female phases; whereas the scent of the peduncular bracts was composed of only 4‐methyl guaiacol, which was absent in inflorescences.
  • The composition of floral scent chemistry indicates that this palm has evolved strategies to be predominantly pollinated by small‐sized weevils. Our study provides rare evidence of a non‐floral scent emitting structure involved in pollinator attraction, only the second such case specifically in palms. The peculiarities of the reproductive strategy of S. coronata might play an important role in the maintenance of pollination services and pollen dispersion.

Many insect-pollinated plants use floral scent signals to attract and guide the effective pollinators, and temporal patterns of their floral scent emission may be tuned to respond to the pollinator's activity and pollination status. In the intimate nursery pollination mutualism between monoecious Glochidion trees (Phyllanthaceae) and Epicephala moths (Gracillariidae), floral scent signals mediate species-specific interactions and influence the moth's efficient pollen-collecting and pollen-depositing behaviors on male and female flowers, respectively. We tested the hypotheses that both sexes of flowers of Epicephala-pollinated Glochidion rubrum exhibit a diel pattern of scent emission matching the activity period of the nocturnally active pollinator, and that female flowers change the chemical signal after pollination to reduce further visits and oviposition by the pollinator. We investigated the diel change of floral scent emissions during two consecutive days and the influence of pollination on the floral scent by conducting hand-pollinations in the field. The total scent emission of male and female flowers was higher at night than in the day, which would be expected from the nocturnal visitations of Epicephala moths. Some compounds exhibited a clear nocturnal emission rhythm. Hand-pollination experiments revealed that emission of two compounds, nerolidol and eugenol, drastically decreased in pollinated flowers, suggesting that these compounds may function as key attractants for the pollinator; however, the total scent emission of the female flower was not influenced by hand-pollination. The pattern of the floral scent emission of G. rubrum may be optimized to attract nocturnal pollinators and reduce oviposition.  相似文献   

Speciation is typically accompanied by the formation of isolation barriers between lineages. Commonly, reproductive barriers are separated into pre‐ and post‐zygotic mechanisms that can evolve with different speed. In this study, we measured the strength of different reproductive barriers in two closely related, sympatric orchids of the Ophrys insectifera group, namely Ophrys insectifera and Ophrys aymoninii to infer possible mechanisms of speciation. We quantified pre‐ and post‐pollination barriers through observation of pollen flow, by performing artificial inter‐ and intraspecific crosses and analyzing scent bouquets. Additionally, we investigated differences in mycorrhizal fungi as a potential extrinsic factor of post‐zygotic isolation. Our results show that floral isolation mediated by the attraction of different pollinators acts apparently as the sole reproductive barrier between the two orchid species, with later‐acting intrinsic barriers seemingly absent. Also, the two orchids share most of their fungal mycorrhizal partners in sympatry, suggesting little or no importance of mycorrhizal symbiosis in reproductive isolation. Key traits underlying floral isolation were two alkenes and wax ester, present predominantly in the floral scent of O. aymoninii. These compounds, when applied to flowers of O. insectifera, triggered attraction and a copulation attempt of the bee pollinator of O. aymoninii and thus led to the (partial) breakdown of floral isolation. Based on our results, we suggest that adaptation to different pollinators, mediated by floral scent, underlies species isolation in this plant group. Pollinator switches may be promoted by low pollination success of individuals in dense patches of plants, an assumption that we also confirmed in our study.  相似文献   

Gynodioecy is a dimorphic breeding system in which female individuals coexist with hermaphroditic individuals in the same population. Females only contribute to the next generation via ovules, and many studies have shown that they are usually less attractive than hermaphrodites to pollinators. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain how females manage to persist in populations despite these disadvantages. The ‘resource reallocation hypothesis’ (RRH) states that females channel resources not invested in pollen production and floral advertisement towards the production of more and/or larger seeds. We investigated pollination patterns and tested the RRH in a population of Thymus vulgaris. We measured flower display, flower size, nectar production, visitation rates, pollinator constancy and flower lifespan in the two morphs. In addition, we measured experimentally the effects of pollen and resource addition on female reproductive success (fruit set, seed set, seed weight) of the two morphs. Despite lower investment in floral advertisement, female individuals were no less attractive to pollinators than hermaphrodites on a per flower basis. Other measures of pollinator behaviour (number of flowers visited per plant, morph preference and morph constancy) also showed that pollinators did not discriminate against female flowers. In addition, stigma receptivity was longer in female flowers. Accordingly, and contrary to most studies on gynodioecious species, reproductive success of females was not pollen limited. Instead, seed production was pollen limited in hermaphrodites, suggesting low levels of cross‐pollination in hermaphrodites. Seed production was resource limited in hermaphrodites, but not in females, thus providing support for the RRH. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 175 , 395–408.  相似文献   

  • Bees are the most important diurnal pollinators of angiosperms. In several groups of bees a nocturnal/crepuscular habit developed, yet little is known about their role in pollination and whether some plants are adapted specifically to these bees. We used a multidisciplinary approach to investigate the reproductive biology and to understand the role of nocturnal/crepuscular bees in pollination of Campomanesia phaea (Myrtaceae), popularly named cambuci.
  • We studied the floral biology and breeding system of C. phaea. We collected the floral visitors and tested the pollinators' effectiveness. We also determined the floral scents released at night and during daytime, and studied behavioural responses of crepuscular/nocturnal bees towards these scents.
  • The flowers of cambuci were self‐incompatible and had pollen as the only resource for flower visitors. Anthesis lasted around 14 h, beginning at 04:30 h at night. The flowers released 14 volatile compounds, mainly aliphatic and aromatic compounds. We collected 52 species of floral visitors, mainly bees. Nocturnal and crepuscular bees (four species) were among the most frequent species and the only effective pollinators. In field bioassays performed at night, nocturnal/crepuscular bees were attracted by a synthetic scent blend consisting of the six most abundant compounds.
  • This study describes the first scent‐mediated pollination system between a plant and its nocturnal bee pollinators. Further, C. phaea has several floral traits that do not allow classification into other nocturnal pollination syndromes (e.g. pollinator attraction already before sunrise, with pollen as the only reward), instead it is a plant specifically adapted to nocturnal bees.

Taccarum ulei (Araceae, Spathicarpeae) is a seasonal geophytic aroid, native to north‐eastern Brazil, that flowers during two months of the rainy season. Patterns of floral thermogenesis, pollination biology, and floral traits associated with pollination syndromes were studied and compared with those of other Araceae. Two species of cyclocephaline scarabs (Scarabaeidae, Cyclocephalini) were recognized as effective pollinators: Cyclocephala celata and Cyclocephala cearae. Larvae of an unidentified species of fruit fly (Melanoloma spp., Richardiidae, Diptera) were also frequently observed in inflorescences at various maturation stages, feeding on the connectives of male florets and fruits, and thus lowering the reproductive success of individual plants. Beetles were attracted by odoriferous inflorescences in the early evening of the first day of anthesis, during the female phase. The emission of attractive volatiles was coupled with intense thermogenic activity in the entire spadix, unlike other aroids in which only certain zones of the spadix heat up. Pollen release, which marks the beginning of the male phase on the subsequent evening, was not related to floral thermogenesis. Comparative multivariate analysis of the floral traits of T. ulei points to a beetle‐pollinated aroid, although some of the observed traits of the species are not common to other taxa sharing this pollination strategy. Such incongruence might be explained by the evolutionary history of the tribe Spathicarpeae and potential pollinator shifts. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ??, ??–??.  相似文献   

Nursery pollination in Caryophyllaceae species by Hadena and Perizoma moths has been extensively described in the last few decades. Evidence across multiple pairs of species shows that such pollination systems constitute relatively specialized interactions, shifting between parasitism and mutualism depending on the presence of effective co‐pollinators. In this work, we describe a new specific Silene–Hadena interaction, the Silene ciliata–Hadena consparcatoides system. Although S. ciliata presents a typical nocturnal pollination syndrome, diurnal flower visitors have also been recorded, which motivated us to evaluate the costs and benefits of this nursery moth pollination to the plant. We experimentally induced two pollination regimes at non‐overlapping day‐night periods in a natural population of S. ciliata, and compared their effects on plant reproductive success from flower to seedling stages. Flower scent composition of S. ciliata and antennal responses of H. consparcatoides to this scent were recorded to evaluate the specificity of olfactory signals in this interaction system. In accordance with its nocturnal pollination syndrome, S. ciliata emitted a greater amount of flower scent compounds during the night. Some of the predominant scent compounds, such as benzaldehyde, benzyl acetate and methyl salicylate elicited signals in the antennae of H. consparcatoides. Diurnal pollination produced more fruits per flower than nocturnal pollination, but the latter produced higher brood size resulting in similar overall fecundity. However, seeds generated from diurnal pollination were heavier and germinated better. We conclude that despite its nocturnal pollination syndrome, S. ciliata achieved similar reproductive success and higher offspring vigour under the diurnal pollinator regime. Although H. consparcatoides is specialized in S. ciliata, its shortage or absence would not jeopardize the reproductive success of its host plant. On the contrary, the seed predation exerted by this nursery pollinator shifts the interaction towards parasitism.  相似文献   

Local adaptation to different pollinators is considered one of the possible initial stages of ecological speciation as reproductive isolation is a by‐product of the divergence in pollination systems. However, pollinator‐mediated divergent selection will not necessarily result in complete reproductive isolation, because incipient speciation is often overcome by gene flow. We investigated the potential of pollinator shift in the sexually deceptive orchids Ophrys sphegodes and Ophrys exaltata and compared the levels of floral isolation vs. genetic distance among populations with contrasting predominant pollinators. We analysed floral hydrocarbons as a proxy for floral divergence between populations. Floral adoption of pollinators and their fidelity was tested using pollinator choice experiments. Interpopulation gene flow and population differentiation levels were estimated using AFLP markers. The Tyrrhenian O. sphegodes population preferentially attracted the pollinator bee Andrena bimaculata, whereas the Adriatic O. sphegodes population exclusively attracted A. nigroaenea. Significant differences in scent component proportions were identified in O. sphegodes populations that attracted different preferred pollinators. High interpopulation gene flow was detected, but populations were genetically structured at species level. The high interpopulation gene flow levels independent of preferred pollinators suggest that local adaptation to different pollinators has not (yet) generated detectable genome‐wide separation. Alternatively, despite extensive gene flow, few genes underlying floral isolation remain differentiated as a consequence of divergent selection. Different pollination ecotypes in O. sphegodes might represent a local selective response imposed by temporal variation in a geographical mosaic of pollinators as a consequence of the frequent disturbance regimes typical of Ophrys habitats.  相似文献   

The critically endangered Synaphea stenoloba (Proteaceae) has numerous scentless flowers clustered in dense inflorescences and deploys a ballistic pollen ejection mechanism to release pollen. We examined the hypothesis that active pollen ejection and flowering patterns within an inflorescence influence the reproductive success (i.e. fruit formation) of individual flowers within or among inflorescences of S. stenoloba in a pollinator‐excluded environment. Our results showed that: (1) no pollen grains were observed deposited on the stigma of their own flower after the pollen ejection system was manually activated, indicating self‐pollination within an individual flower is improbable in S. stenoloba; (2) fruit set in the indoor open pollination treatment and the inflorescence‐closed pollination treatment indicated that S. stenoloba is self‐compatible and pollen ejection can potentially result in inter‐floral pollination success; (3) fruit set in the inflorescence‐closed pollination treatment was significantly lower than that of indoor open pollination, indicating within‐ and between‐flower pollination events in an inflorescence are most likely limited, with pollination between inflorescences providing the highest reproductive opportunity; and (4) analysis of the spatial distribution of cumulative fruit set on inflorescences showed that pollen could reach any flower within an inflorescence and there was no functional limitation on seed set among flowers located at various positions within the inflorescence. These data suggest that the pollen ejection mechanism in S. stenoloba can enhance inter‐plant pollination in pollinator‐excluded environments and may suggest adaptation to pollinator scarcity attributable to habitat disturbance or competition for pollinators in a diverse flora. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 170 , 59–68.  相似文献   

The radiation of the angiosperms is often attributed to repeated evolutionary shifts between different pollinators, as this process drives diversification of floral forms and can lead to reproductive isolation. Floral scent is an important functional trait in many pollination systems but has seldom been implicated as a key mechanism in pollinator transitions. In this study, we suggest a role for sulphur compounds in mediating a shift between specialized carrion-fly and pompilid-wasp pollination systems in Eucomis (Hyacinthaceae). Flowers of closely related Eucomis species pollinated by carrion flies or pompilid wasps have very similar greenish-white flowers, but differ markedly in floral scent chemistry (determined by GC–MS analysis of headspace extracts). Comparison of the floral colours of the four Eucomis species in the visual systems of flies and wasps suggests that colour plays little role in pollinator discrimination. Nectar properties and morphology also do not differ strongly between fly- and wasp-pollinated flowers. By comparing floral scent bouquets and experimentally manipulating the scent of plants in the field, we demonstrate that shifts between wasp and fly pollination in these four congeners can depend on the production or suppression of sulphur compounds (dimethyl disulphide and dimethyl trisulphide) in the fragrance bouquet. This suggests that mutations affecting the production of particular scent compounds could precipitate shifts between pollinators, independently of floral morphology, colour or nectar properties.  相似文献   

Plants are expected to emit floral scent when their pollinators are most active. In the case of long‐tubed flowers specialised for pollination by crepuscular or nocturnal moths, scent emissions would be expected to peak during dawn. Although this classic idea has existed for decades, it has rarely been tested quantitatively. We investigated the timing of flower visitation, pollination and floral scent emissions in six long‐spurred Satyrium species (Orchidaceae). We observed multiple evening visits by pollinaria‐bearing moths on flowers of all study species, but rarely any diurnal visits. The assemblages of moth pollinators differed among Satyrium species, even those that co‐flowered, and the lengths of moth tongues and floral nectar spurs were strongly correlated, suggesting that the available moth pollinator fauna is partitioned by floral traits. Pollinarium removal occurred more frequently during the night than during the day in four of the six species. Scent emission, however, was only significantly higher at dusk than midday in two species. Analysis of floral volatiles using gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry yielded 168 scent compounds, of which 112 were species‐specific. The scent blends emitted by each species occupy discrete clusters in two‐dimensional phenotype space, based on multivariate analysis. We conclude that these long‐spurred Satyrium species are ecologically specialised for moth pollination, yet the timing of their scent emission is not closely correlated with moth pollination activity. Scent composition was also more variable than expected from a group of closely related plants sharing the same pollinator functional group. These findings reveal a need for greater understanding of mechanisms of scent production and their constraints, as well as the underlying reasons for divergent scent chemistry among closely related plants.  相似文献   

Flowers or inflorescences often deploy various signals, including visual, olfactory, and gustatory cues, that can be detected by their pollinators. In many plants, these cues and their functions are poorly understood. Deciphering the interactions between floral cues and pollinators is crucial for analyzing the reproductive success of flowering plants. In this study, we examined the composition of the fetid floral scents produced by several Stemona species, including nine S. tuberosa populations from across China, using dynamic headspace adsorption, gas chromatography, and mass spectrometry techniques. We compared variations in floral phenotype, including floral longevity, nectar rewards, pollinator behavior, and flower length and color among the Stemona species. Of the 54 scent compounds identified, the major compounds include fetid dimethyl disulfide, dimethyl trisulfide, 1‐pyrroline, butyric acid, p‐cresol, isoamyl alcohol, and indole. We detected striking differentiation in floral scent at both the species and population level, and even within a population of plants with different colored flowers. Floral characteristics related to sapromyophily and deceptive pollination, including flower color mimicking livor mortis and a lack of nectar, were found in five Stemona species, indicating that Stemona is a typical sapromyophilous taxon. Species of this monocot genus might employ evolutionary tactics to exploit saprophilous flies for pollination.  相似文献   

The reproductive‐assurance hypothesis predicts that mating‐system traits will evolve towards increased autonomous self‐pollination in plant populations experiencing unreliable pollinator service. We tested this long‐standing hypothesis by assessing geographic covariation among pollinator reliability, outcrossing rates, heterozygosity and relevant floral traits across populations of Dalechampia scandens in Costa Rica. Mean outcrossing rates ranged from 0.16 to 0.49 across four populations, and covaried with the average rates of pollen arrival on stigmas, a measure of pollinator reliability. Across populations, genetically based differences in herkogamy (anther–stigma distance) were associated with variation in stigmatic pollen loads, outcrossing rates and heterozygosity. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that, when pollinators are unreliable, floral traits promoting autonomous selfing evolve as a mechanism of reproductive assurance. Extensive covariation between floral traits and mating system among closely related populations further suggests that floral traits influencing mating systems track variation in adaptive optima generated by variation in pollinator reliability.  相似文献   

In this study, the flowering mechanisms and pollination strategies of seven species of the highly diverse genus Homalomena (Araceae) were investigated in native populations of West Sarawak, Borneo. The floral scent compositions were also recorded for six of these species. The selected taxa belong to three out of four complexes of the section Cyrtocladon (Hanneae, Giamensis and Borneensis). The species belonging to the Hanneae complex exhibited longer anthesis (53–62 h) than those of the Giamensis and Borneensis complexes (ca. 30 h). Species belonging to the Hanneae complex underwent two floral scent emission events in consecutive days, during the pistillate and staminate phases of anthesis. In species belonging to the Giamensis and Borneensis complexes, floral scent emission was only evident to the human nose during the pistillate phase. A total of 33 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were detected in floral scent analyses of species belonging to the Hanneae complex, whereas 26 VOCs were found in samples of those belonging to the Giamensis complex. The floral scent blends contained uncommon compounds in high concentration, which could ensure pollinator discrimination. Our observations indicate that scarab beetles (Parastasia gestroi and P. nigripennis; Scarabaeidae, Rutelinae) are the pollinators of the investigated species of Homalomena, with Chaloenus schawalleri (Chrysomelidae, Galeuricinae) acting as a secondary pollinator. The pollinators utilise the inflorescence for food, mating opportunities and safe mating arena as rewards. Flower‐breeding flies (Colocasiomyia nigricauda and C. aff. heterodonta; Diptera, Drosophilidae) and terrestrial hydrophilid beetles (Cycreon sp.; Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae) were also frequently recovered from inflorescences belonging to all studied species (except H. velutipedunculata), but they probably do not act as efficient pollinators. Future studies should investigate the post‐mating isolating barriers among syntopically co‐flowering Homalomena sharing the same visiting insects.  相似文献   

Distyly is usually rare or not observed in species thriving on oceanic islands. The rarity of this breeding system is probably because of the difficulty of colonization for distylous plants and the paucity of pollinators on oceanic islands. However, the endemic and endangered tree Psychotria homalosperma has maintained its distylous nature in the oceanic Bonin Islands, Japan. To understand how the distylous breeding system of P. homalosperma has been maintained on these islands and to characterize the reproduction systems, we studied the pollination and reproductive biology of this species. Specifically, we observed current flower visitors and estimated their effects on plant reproduction. We also examined the floral traits and floral volatiles of P. homalosperma to infer its original pollinators, because plant–pollinator relationships in the Bonin Islands have recently been disrupted by anthropological activities. Finally, we examined the fruit set and pollen tube growth in the stigmas under hand and open pollination. Although original pollinators were presumed to be moths with long proboscises, the introduced honeybee, Apis mellifera, was the most common flower visitor. The honeybee carried pollen grains only unidirectionally, from the short‐ to long‐styled morphs, because it could not reach the hidden stigmas of the short‐styled flowers, and long‐styled flowers set fruits 1.7–38 times more than short‐styled ones. This case study indicates that the instability of pollinator fauna can cause distylous species to be rare on oceanic islands.  相似文献   

Non‐rewarding plants use a variety of ruses to attract their pollinators. One of the least understood of these is generalized food deception, in which flowers exploit non‐specific food‐seeking responses in their pollinators. Available evidence suggests that colour signals, scent and phenology may all play key roles in this form of deception. Here we investigate the pollination systems of five Eulophia spp. (Orchidaceae) lacking floral rewards. These species are pollinated by bees, notably Xylocopa (Anthophorinae, Apidae) or Megachile (Megachilidae) for the large‐flowered species and anthophorid (Anthophorinae, Apidae) or halictid (Halictidae) bees for the small‐flowered species. Spectra of the lateral petals and ultraviolet‐absorbing patches on the labella are strongly contrasting in a bee visual system, which may falsely signal the presence of pollen to bees. All five species possess pollinarium‐bending mechanisms that are likely to limit pollinator‐mediated self‐pollination. Flowering times extend over 3–4 months and the onset of flowering was not associated with the emergence of pollinators, some of which fly year round. Despite sharing pollinators with other plants and lacking rewards that would encourage fidelity, the Eulophia spp. exhibited relatively high levels of pollen transfer efficiency compared with other rewarding and deceptive orchids. We conclude that the study species employ generalized food deception and exploit food‐seeking bees. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013 , 171 , 713–729.  相似文献   

Divergent selection by pollinators can bring about strong reproductive isolation via changes at few genes of large effect. This has recently been demonstrated in sexually deceptive orchids, where studies (1) quantified the strength of reproductive isolation in the field; (2) identified genes that appear to be causal for reproductive isolation; and (3) demonstrated selection by analysis of natural variation in gene sequence and expression. In a group of closely related Ophrys orchids, specific floral scent components, namely n‐alkenes, are the key floral traits that control specific pollinator attraction by chemical mimicry of insect sex pheromones. The genetic basis of species‐specific differences in alkene production mainly lies in two biosynthetic genes encoding stearoyl–acyl carrier protein desaturases (SAD) that are associated with floral scent variation and reproductive isolation between closely related species, and evolve under pollinator‐mediated selection. However, the implications of this genetic architecture of key floral traits on the evolutionary processes of pollinator adaptation and speciation in this plant group remain unclear. Here, we expand on these recent findings to model scenarios of adaptive evolutionary change at SAD2 and SAD5, their effects on plant fitness (i.e., offspring number), and the dynamics of speciation. Our model suggests that the two‐locus architecture of reproductive isolation allows for rapid sympatric speciation by pollinator shift; however, the likelihood of such pollinator‐mediated speciation is asymmetric between the two orchid species O. sphegodes and O. exaltata due to different fitness effects of their predominant SAD2 and SAD5 alleles. Our study not only provides insight into pollinator adaptation and speciation mechanisms of sexually deceptive orchids but also demonstrates the power of applying a modeling approach to the study of pollinator‐driven ecological speciation.  相似文献   

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