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Cadherins are key Ca(2+)-dependent cell-cell adhesion molecules at adherens junctions (AJs) in fibroblasts and epithelial cells, whereas claudins are key Ca(2+)-independent cell-cell adhesion molecules at tight junctions (TJs) in epithelial cells. The formation and maintenance of TJs are dependent on the formation and maintenance of AJs. Nectins are Ca(2+)-independent immunoglobulin-like cell-cell adhesion molecules which comprise a family of four members, nectin-1, -2, -3, and -4, and are involved in the formation of AJs in cooperation with cadherins, and the subsequent formation of TJs. We show here that the velocity of the formation of the E-cadherin-based AJs is increased by overexpression of nectin-1 and is reduced by addition of the nectin-1 inhibitors to the medium in L cells stably expressing E-cadherin and Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. Moreover, the velocity of the formation of the claudin-based TJs is increased by overexpression of nectin-1 and is reduced by addition of the nectin-1 inhibitors to the medium in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. These results indicate that nectins regulate the velocity of the formation of the E-cadherin-based AJs and the subsequent formation of the claudin-based TJs.  相似文献   

Adhesive intercellular junctions between endothelial cells are formed by tight junctions and adherens junctions. In addition to promoting cell-to-cell adhesion, these structures regulate paracellular permeability, contact inhibition of endothelial cell growth, cell survival, and maintenance of cell polarity. Furthermore, adherens junctions are required for the correct organization of new vessels during embryo development or during tissue proliferation in the adult. Extensive research on cultured epithelial and endothelial cells has resulted in the identification of many molecular components of tight junctions and adherens junctions. Such studies have revealed the complexity of these structures, which are formed by membrane-associated adhesion proteins and a network of several intracellular signaling partners. This review focuses on the structural organization of junctional structures and their functional interactions in the endothelium of blood vessels and lymphatics. We emphasize the way that these structures regulate endothelial cell homeostasis by transferring specific intracellular signals and by modulating activation and signaling of growth factor receptors. This work was supported by the Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca sul Cancro, Association for International Cancer Research, European Community (Integrated Project Contract no. LSHG-CT-2004–503573; NoE MAIN 502935; NoE EVGN 503254; EUSTROKE consortium; Angioscaff consortium; Optistem consortium), Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Italian Ministry of Health, MIUR (COFIN prot: 2006058482_002), and Fondation Leducq Transatlantic Network of Excellence (E.D.). Additional support came from US National Institutes of Health grants HL24136 and HL59157 from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and CA82923 from the National Cancer Institute and AngelWorks Foundation (D.McD.).  相似文献   

Tight junctions (TJs) and adherens junctions (AJs) are dynamic structures linked to the actin cytoskeleton, which control the paracellular permeability of epithelial and endothelial barriers. TJs and AJs are strictly regulated in a spatio-temporal manner by a complex signaling network, including Rho/Ras-GTPases, which have a pivotal role. Rho preferentially regulates TJs by controlling the contraction of apical acto-myosin filaments, whereas Rac/Cdc42 mainly coordinate the assembly-disassembly of AJ components. However, a subtle balance of Rho/Ras-GTPase activity and interplay between these molecules is required to maintain an optimal organization and function of TJs and AJs. Conversely, integrity of intercellular junctions generates signals through Rho-GTPases, which are involved in the regulation of multiple cellular processes. Rho/Ras-GTPases and the control of intercellular junctions are the target of various bacterial toxins responsible for severe diseases in man and animals, and are part of their mechanism of action. This review focuses on the regulation of TJs and AJs by Rho/Ras-GTPases through molecular approaches and bacterial toxins.  相似文献   

Epithelial cells form a barrier against the environment, but are also required for the regulated exchange of molecules between an organism and its surroundings. Epithelial cells are characterised by a remarkable polarization of their plasma membrane, evidenced by the appearance of structurally, compositionally, and functionally distinct surface domains. Here we consider the (in)dependence of epithelial cell polarisation and the function of smaller plasma membrane domains (e.g. adherens junctions, gap junctions, tight junctions, apical lipid rafts, caveolae, and clathrin-coated pits) in the development and maintenance of cell surface polarity. Recent evidence of cross-talk and/or overlap between the different cell-cell junction components and alternate functions of junction components, including gene expression regulation, are discussed in the context of cell surface polarity.  相似文献   

In epithelial MDCK cells, the Na,K-ATPase is co-localized with adherens junctions in all stages of monolayer formation starting from initiation of cell–cell contact. The Na,K-ATPase and adherens junction proteins stay partially co-localized even after internalization due to disruption of intercellular contacts by Ca2+ deprivation. Similar to adherens junction proteins, the Na,K-ATPase is resistant to extraction with non-ionic detergent, suggesting pump association with the cytoskeleton. In contrast, the heterodimer formed by expressed unglycosylated Na,K-ATPase β1 subunit and the endogenous α1 subunit is easily dissociated from the adherens junctions and cytoskeleton by detergent extraction. The MDCK cells in which half of the endogenous β1 subunits in the lateral membrane are substituted by unglycosylated β1 subunits display a slower rate of cell-to-cell contact formation and decreased ability to both spread over the surface and migrate. The lack of N-glycans in the Na,K-ATPase β1 subunit results in an impairment of mature cell–cell junctions as detected by an increase in the paracellular permeability of the MDCK cell monolayers and by a decrease in resistance of adherens junction proteins to extraction by a non-ionic detergent. Therefore the N-glycans of the Na,K-ATPase β1 subunit are important for retention of the pump at the sites of cell–cell contact. Moreover, they are important for the integrity and stability of cell–cell junctions in mature epithelia. In addition, N-glycans contribute to the formation of cell–cell contacts between surface-attached dispersed cells by mediating lamellipodia formation and stabilizing the newly formed adherens junctions.  相似文献   

Summary In the rabbit, the pseudopregnant uterus has been used as a model for studying alterations characteristic of the preimplantation phase. Alterations in intercellular junctions of the uterine epithelium were investigated during early pseudopregnancy (day 0 to day 6) by means of the freeze-fracture technique.In the uterine epithelium of oestrous females the zonula occludens belongs to the tight type of tight junctions. During pseudopregnancy an impressive proliferation of tight junctional belts can be observed. The basal strands proliferate, forming loops perpendicular to the luminal surface, whereas the more or less parallel arrangement of the luminal strands is maintained. At day 4 of pseudopregnancy macular tight junctions begin to develop on the lower portions of the lateral plasmalemma and are extensive by day 6 post hCG.Small gap junctions are infrequent between cells of the uterine epithelium and show no significant changes during the preimplantation phase.The physiological significance of the present morphological observations is discussed in the light of changes occurring during the preimplantation period.Supported by grant Kü 210/9 from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

Endothelial cells lining the vessel wall are connected by adherens, tight and gap junctions. These junctional complexes are related to those found at epithelial junctions but with notable changes in terms of specific molecules and organization. Endothelial junctional proteins play important roles in tissue integrity but also in vascular permeability, leukocyte extravasation and angiogenesis. In this review, we will focus on specific mechanisms of endothelial tight and adherens junctions.  相似文献   

Focal Adhesion Kinase (FAK) is a non-receptor tyrosine kinase that plays a key role in cellular processes such as cell adhesion, migration, proliferation and survival. Recent studies have also implicated FAK in the regulation of cell-cell adhesion. Here, evidence is presented showing that siRNA-mediated suppression of FAK levels in NBT-II cells and expression of dominant negative mutants of FAK caused loss of epithelial cell morphology and inhibited the formation of cell-cell adhesions. Rac and Rho have been implicated in the regulation of cell-cell adhesions and can be regulated by FAK signaling. Expression of active Rac or Rho in NBT-II cells disrupted formation of cell-cell contacts, thus promoting a phenotype similar to FAK-depleted cells. The loss of intercellular contacts in FAK-depleted cells is prevented upon expression of a dominant negative Rho mutant, but not a dominant negative Rac mutant. Inhibition of FAK decreased tyrosine phosphorylation of p190RhoGAP and elevated the level of GTP-bound Rho. This suggests that FAK regulates cell-cell contact formation by regulation of Rho.  相似文献   

Microinjection of fluorophore-tagged cytoskeletal proteins has been a useful tool in studies of formation of focal adhesions (FA). We used this method to study the maintenance of adherens junctions (AJ) and tight junctions (TJ) of epithelial Madin-Darby bovine kidney cells. We chose alpha-actinin and vinculin as markers, because they are present both at adherens junctions and focal adhesions and their binding partners have been well characterized. Isolated FITC-labelled chicken alpha-actinin and vinculin were injected into confluent cells where they were rapidly incorporated both in FAs and AJs. The FAs remained unchanged, whereas cell-cell contacts began to fade within an hour after injection and the cells were joined to polykaryons having 5 to 13 nuclei. Short fragments of cell membranes containing injected proteins, actin, beta-catenin, cadherin, claudin, occludin and ZO-1 were visible inside the polykaryons indicating that both AJs and TJs were disintegrated as a single complex. Microinjected FITC-labelled vinculin head domain was also incorporated to both AJs and FAs, but instead of fusions it rapidly induced the detachment of the cells from the substratum probably due to high affinity of vinculin head to talin. Vinculin tail domain had no apparent effect on the cell morphology. Since small GTPases are involved in the building up of AJs, we injected active and inactive forms of cdc42 and rac proteins together with vinculin to see their effect. Active forms reduced the formation of polykaryons presumably by strengthening AJs, whereas inactive forms had no apparent effect. We suggest that excess alpha-actinin and vinculin uncouple the cell-cell adhesion junctions from the intracellular cytoskeleton which leads to fragmentation of junctional complexes and subsequent cell fusion. The results show that cell-cell adhesion sites are more dynamic and more sensitive than FAs to an imbalance in the amount of free alpha-actinin and intact vinculin.  相似文献   

In stratified squamous epithelia constituent proteins of tight junctions (TJs) are not restricted to the zonula occludens-related structures of the uppermost living cell layer such as the stratum granulosum of the epidermis but TJ membrane proteins such as occludin and certain members of the claudin family as well as TJ plaque proteins, notably cingulin and protein ZO-1, have also been identified by immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy in more basal layers where they form special cell-cell-connecting structures such as the "lamellated" and the "sandwich" junctions. In the present study, we describe another TJ protein-containing structure, the very small puncta occludentia ("stud junctions"), as the smallest identifiable TJ-like unit that occurs in most, perhaps all strata. We have also determined the specific distributions of TJ proteins in the cell layers of squamous cell metaplasias of the human bronchial tract. Moreover, we show that the occludin-related tetraspanin protein tricellulin-alpha connects and seals the membranes of adjacent "three corner" cell structures of the uppermost layer in keratinocytes growing in culture. We hypothesize the possible occurrence of tricellulin-beta in more basal cell layers of keratinocyte cultures and the general occurrence of different tricellulin splice forms in stratified epithelia in situ, and discuss the possible functions of TJ proteins in stratified epithelia and tumors derived therefrom.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Involvement of the epithelial chloride channel ClC-2 has been implicated in barrier recovery following ischemic injury, possibly via a mechanism involving ClC-2 localization to the tight junction. The present study investigated mechanisms of intestinal barrier repair following ischemic injury in ClC-2−/− mice.


Wild type, ClC-2 heterozygous and ClC-2−/− murine jejunal mucosa was subjected to complete ischemia, after which recovery of barrier function was monitored by measuring in vivo blood-to-lumen clearance of 3H-mannitol. Tissues were examined by light and electron microscopy. The role of ClC-2 in re-assembly of the tight junction during barrier recovery was studied by immunoblotting, immunolocalization and immunoprecipitation.


Following ischemic injury, ClC-2−/− mice had impaired barrier recovery compared to wild type mice, defined by increases in epithelial paracellular permeability independent of epithelial restitution. The recovering ClC-2−/− mucosa also had evidence of ultrastructural paracellular defects. The tight junction proteins occludin and claudin-1 shifted significantly to the detergent soluble membrane fraction during post-ischemic recovery in ClC-2−/− mice whereas wild type mice had a greater proportion of junctional proteins in the detergent insoluble fraction. Occludin was co-immunoprecipitated with ClC-2 in uninjured wild type mucosa, and the association between occludin and ClC-2 was re-established during ischemic recovery. Based on immunofluorescence studies, re-localization of occludin from diffuse sub-apical areas to apical tight junctions was impaired in ClC-2−/− mice.


These data demonstrate a pivotal role of ClC-2 in recovery of the intestinal epithelium barrier by anchoring assembly of tight junctions following ischemic injury.  相似文献   

ZO-2 is a tight junction (TJ) protein that shuttles between the plasma membrane and the nucleus. ZO-2 contains several protein binding sites that allow it to function as a scaffold that clusters integral, adaptor and signaling proteins. To gain insight into the role of ZO-2 in epithelial cells, ZO-2 was silenced in MDCK cells with small interference RNA (siRNA). ZO-2 silencing triggered: (A) changes in the gate function of the TJ, determined by an increase in dextran flow through the paracellular route of mature monolayers and achievement of lower transepithelial electrical resistance values upon TJ de novo formation; (B) changes in the fence function of the TJ manifested by a non-polarized distribution of E-cadherin on the plasma membrane; (C) altered expression of TJ and adherens junction proteins, determined by a decreased amount of occludin and E-cadherin in mature monolayers and a delayed arrival to the plasma membrane of ZO-1, occludin and E-cadherin during a calcium switch assay; and (D) an atypical monolayer architecture characterized by the appearance of widened intercellular spaces, multistratification of regions in the culture and an altered pattern of actin at the cellular borders.  相似文献   

The blood–nerve barrier in peripheral nerves is important for maintaining the environment for axons. Breakdown of the barrier by nerve injury causes various pathologies. We hypothesized that the breakdown and recovery of the blood–nerve barrier after injury are associated with the changes in the expression of intercellular junctional proteins. To test this hypothesis, we induced crush injuries in the rat sciatic nerve by ligation and analyzed spatiotemporal changes of claudin-1, claudin-5, occludin, VE-cadherin, and connexin43 by immunoconfocal microscopy and morphometry and compared them with changes in the permeability of the blood–nerve barrier by intravenous and local administration of Evans blue–albumin (EBA). On day 1 after removal of the ligature EBA leaked into the connective tissue in the endoneurium and then the leakage gradually decreased and disappeared on day 7. On day 1 claudin-1, claudin-5, occludin, VE-cadherin, and connexin43 had totally disappeared from the perineurium and endoneurium. Thereafter, claudin-1, claudin-5, occludin, and VE-cadherin recovered from day 2, whereas connexin43 was redetected on day 5. These results indicate that the breakdown and following recovery of the blood–nerve barrier are closely associated with changes in the expression of claudins, occludin, VE-cadherin, and connexin43 and that the recovery time course is similar but nonidentical.  相似文献   

We previously reported that expression of tight-junction molecules occludin, claudin-6 and claudin-7, as well as establishment of epithelial polarity, was triggered in mouse F9 cells expressing hepatocyte nuclear factor (HNF)-4alpha [H. Chiba, T. Gotoh, T. Kojima, S. Satohisa, K. Kikuchi, M. Osanai, N. Sawada. Hepatocyte nuclear factor (HNF)-4alpha triggers formation of functional tight junctions and establishment of polarized epithelial morphology in F9 embryonal carcinoma cells, Exp. Cell Res. 286 (2003) 288-297]. Using these cells, we examined in the present study behavior of tight-junction, adherens-junction and cell polarity proteins and elucidated the molecular mechanism behind HNF-4alpha-initiated junction formation and epithelial polarization. We herein show that not only ZO-1 and ZO-2, but also ZO-3, junctional adhesion molecule (JAM)-B, JAM-C and cell polarity proteins PAR-3, PAR-6 and atypical protein kinase C (aPKC) accumulate at primordial adherens junctions in undifferentiated F9 cells. In contrast, CRB3, Pals1 and PATJ appeared to exhibit distinct subcellular localization in immature cells. Induced expression of HNF-4alpha led to translocation of these tight-junction and cell polarity proteins to beltlike tight junctions, where occludin, claudin-6 and claudin-7 were assembled, in differentiated cells. Interestingly, PAR-6, aPKC, CRB3 and Pals1, but not PAR-3 or PATJ, were also concentrated on the apical membranes in differentiated cells. These findings indicate that HNF-4alpha provokes not only expression of tight-junction adhesion molecules, but also modulation of subcellular distribution of junction and cell polarity proteins, resulting in junction formation and epithelial polarization.  相似文献   

Summary Labyrinth and nephridial canal cells of the crayfish (Orconectes virilis) antennal gland possess two types of intercellular junctions revealed by freeze-fracture studies. Apical margins of the cells are connected by long septate junctions. In replicas, these junctions consist of many parallel rows of 80–140 Å intramembrane particles situated on the PF membrane face (EF and PF fracture faces of Branton et al., 1975). Rows of pits are found on the EF fracture face and are deemed complementary to the rows of particles. Moreover, lateral margins of basal regions of the epithelial cells are attached by many intercellular junctions. These contacts are characterized in thin plastic sections by a narrow dense cytoplasmic plaque located subjacent to the plasma membrane at sites of adjoined cells, and 5 to 12 fine strands of dense material that extend across the intercellular gap between adjoined cells. In freeze-fracture replicas, EF intramembrane faces basal to the region of the plasma membrane containing septate junctions exhibit numerous discoid clusters of particles. The particle aggregates, assumed to represent freeze-cleave images of adhering junctions, range from 900 to 3,700 Å in diameter, with individual particles about 185 Å in diameter. These junctions appear to connect epithelial cell processes formed by basal infoldings of the plasma-lemma, and occur between adjacent cells as well as adjacent processes of a single cell. The discrete aggregates of particles resemble replicated desmosomes (Shienvold and Kelly, 1974) and hemi-desmosomes (Shivers, 1976); therefore, they probably do not constitute a basis for electrical coupling between antennal gland epithelial cells.Supported by the National Research Council of Canada  相似文献   



Ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI) is one of the most common complications for patients with acute lung injury (ALI) or acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Although p120 is an important protein in the regulation of cell junctions, further mechanisms should be explored for prevention and treatment of VILI.


Mouse lung epithelial cells (MLE-12), which were transfected with p120 small interfering (si)RNA, p120 cDNA, wild-type E-cadherin juxtamembrane domain or a K83R mutant juxtamembrane domain (K83R-JMD), were subjected to 20 % cyclic stretches for 2 or 4 h. Furthermore, MLE-12 cells and mice, which were pretreated with the c-Src inhibitor PP2 or RhoA inhibitor Y27632, underwent 20 % cyclic stretches or mechanical stretching, respectively. Moreover, wild-type C57BL/6 mice were transfected with p120 siRNA-liposome complexes before mechanical ventilation. Cell lysates and lung tissues were then analyzed to detect lung injury.


cyclic stretches of 20 % actived c-Src, which induced degradation of E-cadherin, p120 and occludin. However, loss of p120 increased the degradation and endocytosis of E-cadherin. Immunoprecipitation and Immunofluorescence results showed a decrease in the association between p120 and E-cadherin, while gap formation increased in p120 siRNA and K83R-JMD groups after 20 % cyclic stretches. Loss of p120 also reduced the occludin level and decreased the association of occludin and ZO-1 by enhancing RhoA activity. However, the altered levels of occludin and E-cadherin were reversed by PP2 or Y27632 treatments compared with the cyclic stretch group. Consistently, the expression, redistribution and disassociation of junction proteins were all restored in the p120 overexpression group after 20 % cyclic stretches. Moreover, the role of p120 in VILI was confirmed by increased wet/dry weigh ratio and enhanced production of cytokines (tumor necrosis factor-α and interleukin-six) in p120-depleted mice under mechanical ventilation.


p120 protected against VILI by regulating both adherens and tight junctions. p120 inhibited E-cadherin endocytosis by increasing the association between p120 and juxtamembrane domain of E-cadherin. Furthermore, p120 reduced the degradation of occludin by inhibiting RhoA activity. These findings illustrated further mechanisms of p120 in the prevention of VILI, especially for patients with ALI or ARDS.  相似文献   

Tight junction formation in cultured epithelial cells (MDCK)   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Summary Synthesis and assembly of tight junctions are studied in monolayers of MDCK cells plated at a density sufficient for confluence, allowed to attach for 1 hr, and transferred to fresh media without cells containing or not Ca2+, 20 hr later, while monolayers with Ca2+ have fully developed junctions that confer an electrical resistance across of 346±51 cm2, those without Ca2+ have a negligible resistance. If at this time Ca2+ is added, junctions assemble and seal with a fast kinetics, that can be followed through the development of electrical resistance, penetration of ruthenium red, and electron microscopy. Drugs that impair synthesis, maturation and transport of proteins (cycloheximide, tunicamycin, monensin) indicate that protein components are synthesized early upon plating, do not seem to require N-glycosylation, and are stored in the Golgi compartment. Upon addition of Ca2+ they are transferred to the membrane with the participation of microfilaments but not of microtubules. These components seem to insert directly in the position they occupy in the strands, and the cell circles its perimeter with one strand as early as 15 min, even if in some segments it only consists of a row of particles. New strands develop in association with previous ones, and the pattern completes in 4 to 6 hr. Ca2+ is required for the maintenance of the assembly and also for the sealing with neighboring cells. These processes cannot occur below 25°C. Serum is not required. Polarized distribution of intramembrane particles (IMP) in apical and basolateral regions follows the same time course as junction formation, in spite of the fence constituted by those strands that are already assembled. This suggests that IMP do not redistribute by lateral displacements in the plane of the membrane, but by removal and insertion in the apical and basolateral domains.  相似文献   

Tight junctions (TJ) are essential components of polarized epithelia, and E-cadherin is important for their formation and maintenance. The bronchial epithelial cell line, 16HBE14o- expresses E- and P-cadherin, but not N-cadherin. E- and P-cadherin levels changed during culture, the former increasing after confluence, and the latter were markedly reduced. All detectable E-cadherin was bound to β- and γ-catenins. We investigated involvement of E-cadherin with epithelial integrity using an E-cadherin specific, function-blocking antibody, SHE78-7. Surprisingly, apical SHE78-7 exposure caused a prompt fall in transepithelial resistance (TER), while TER remained unchanged for 8 hrs after basal exposure then dropped. SHE78-7 exposure increased epithelial permeability to mannitol, inulin, and 9.5 kDa and 77 kDa dextrans and caused fragmentation and loss of the tight junction protein, ZO-1, from the cell borders in some areas. Ultrastructural studies showed that all junctional intercellular contact was lost in the center of SHE78-7 induced lesions. Near the lesion periphery, epithelial structure was maintained, but TJs were dysfunctional as shown by ruthenium red penetration. Analysis of epithelial penetration by SHE78-7 revealed discrete, local defects in the apical barrier at the top of some cell hills that permitted rapid access of the antibody to E-cadherin near the apical surface. In contrast, after basal exposure, antibody initially engaged with E-cadherin nearer the basal surface and only accessed apical E-cadherin later. Taken together with the TER measurements, these data suggest compartmentalization of E-cadherin function within 16HBE14o- cells, with only the apical E-cadherin adjacent to the tight junctions contributing to the function of the latter.  相似文献   

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