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Time course microarray experiments designed to characterize the dynamic regulation of gene expression in biological systems are becoming increasingly important. One critical issue that arises when examining time course microarray data is the identification of genes that show different temporal expression patterns among biological conditions. Here we propose a Bayesian hierarchical model to incorporate important experimental factors and to account for correlated gene expression measurements over time and over different genes. A new gene selection algorithm is also presented with the model to simultaneously identify genes that show changes in expression among biological conditions, in response to time and other experimental factors of interest. The algorithm performs well in terms of the false positive and false negative rates in simulation studies. The methodology is applied to a mouse model time course experiment to correlate temporal changes in azoxymethane-induced gene expression profiles with colorectal cancer susceptibility.  相似文献   

Factorial and time course designs for cDNA microarray experiments   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Microarrays are powerful tools for surveying the expression levels of many thousands of genes simultaneously. They belong to the new genomics technologies which have important applications in the biological, agricultural and pharmaceutical sciences. There are myriad sources of uncertainty in microarray experiments, and rigorous experimental design is essential for fully realizing the potential of these valuable resources. Two questions frequently asked by biologists on the brink of conducting cDNA or two-colour, spotted microarray experiments are 'Which mRNA samples should be competitively hybridized together on the same slide?' and 'How many times should each slide be replicated?' Early experience has shown that whilst the field of classical experimental design has much to offer this emerging multi-disciplinary area, new approaches which accommodate features specific to the microarray context are needed. In this paper, we propose optimal designs for factorial and time course experiments, which are special designs arising quite frequently in microarray experimentation. Our criterion for optimality is statistical efficiency based on a new notion of admissible designs; our approach enables efficient designs to be selected subject to the information available on the effects of most interest to biologists, the number of arrays available for the experiment, and other resource or practical constraints, including limitations on the amount of mRNA probe. We show that our designs are superior to both the popular reference designs, which are highly inefficient, and to designs incorporating all possible direct pairwise comparisons. Moreover, our proposed designs represent a substantial practical improvement over classical experimental designs which work in terms of standard interactions and main effects. The latter do not provide a basis for meaningful inference on the effects of most interest to biologists, nor make the most efficient use of valuable and limited resources.  相似文献   

In microarray experiments, it is often of interest to identifygenes which have a prespecified gene expression profile withrespect to time. Methods available in the literature are, however,typically not stringent enough in identifying such genes, particularlywhen the profile requires equivalence of gene expression levelsat certain time points. In this paper, the authors introducea new methodology, called gene profiling, that uses simultaneousdifferential and equivalent gene expression level testing torank genes according to a prespecified gene expression profile.Gene profiling treats the vector of true gene expression levelsas a linear combination of appropriate vectors, for example,vectors that give the required criteria for the profile. Thisgene profile model is fitted to the data, and the resultingparameter estimates are summarized in a single test statisticthat is then used to rank the genes. The theoretical underpinningsof gene profiling (equivalence testing, intersection–uniontests) are discussed in this paper, and the gene profiling methodologyis applied to our motivating stem-cell experiment.  相似文献   

Microarrays have become an important tool for studying the molecular basis of complex disease traits and fundamental biological processes. A common purpose of microarray experiments is the detection of genes that are differentially expressed under two conditions, such as treatment versus control or wild type versus knockout. We introduce a Laplace mixture model as a long-tailed alternative to the normal distribution when identifying differentially expressed genes in microarray experiments, and provide an extension to asymmetric over- or underexpression. This model permits greater flexibility than models in current use as it has the potential, at least with sufficient data, to accommodate both whole genome and restricted coverage arrays. We also propose likelihood approaches to hyperparameter estimation which are equally applicable in the Normal mixture case. The Laplace model appears to give some improvement in fit to data, though simulation studies show that our method performs similarly to several other statistical approaches to the problem of identification of differential expression.  相似文献   



In this short article, we discuss a simple method for assessing sample size requirements in microarray experiments.  相似文献   



Differentially expressed genes are typically identified by analyzing the variation between replicate measurements. These procedures implicitly assume that there are no systematic errors in the data even though several sources of systematic error are known.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Multi-series time-course microarray experiments are useful approaches for exploring biological processes. In this type of experiments, the researcher is frequently interested in studying gene expression changes along time and in evaluating trend differences between the various experimental groups. The large amount of data, multiplicity of experimental conditions and the dynamic nature of the experiments poses great challenges to data analysis. RESULTS: In this work, we propose a statistical procedure to identify genes that show different gene expression profiles across analytical groups in time-course experiments. The method is a two-regression step approach where the experimental groups are identified by dummy variables. The procedure first adjusts a global regression model with all the defined variables to identify differentially expressed genes, and in second a variable selection strategy is applied to study differences between groups and to find statistically significant different profiles. The methodology is illustrated on both a real and a simulated microarray dataset.  相似文献   



Three-color microarray experiments can be performed to assess drug effects on the genomic scale. The methodology may be useful in shortening the cycle, reducing the cost, and improving the efficiency in drug discovery and development compared with the commonly used dual-color technology. A visualization tool, the hexaMplot, is able to show the interrelations of gene expressions in normal-disease-drug samples in three-color microarray data. However, it is not enough to assess the complicated drug therapeutic effects based on the plot alone. It is important to explore more effective tools so that a deeper insight into gene expression patterns can be gained with three-color microarrays.  相似文献   



High-throughput methods that allow for measuring the expression of thousands of genes or proteins simultaneously have opened new avenues for studying biochemical processes. While the noisiness of the data necessitates an extensive pre-processing of the raw data, the high dimensionality requires effective statistical analysis methods that facilitate the identification of crucial biological features and relations. For these reasons, the evaluation and interpretation of expression data is a complex, labor-intensive multi-step process. While a variety of tools for normalizing, analysing, or visualizing expression profiles has been developed in the last years, most of these tools offer only functionality for accomplishing certain steps of the evaluation pipeline.  相似文献   

Workman C  Jensen LJ  Jarmer H  Berka R  Gautier L  Nielser HB  Saxild HH  Nielsen C  Brunak S  Knudsen S 《Genome biology》2002,3(9):research0048.1-research004816


Microarray data are subject to multiple sources of variation, of which biological sources are of interest whereas most others are only confounding. Recent work has identified systematic sources of variation that are intensity-dependent and non-linear in nature. Systematic sources of variation are not limited to the differing properties of the cyanine dyes Cy5 and Cy3 as observed in cDNA arrays, but are the general case for both oligonucleotide microarray (Affymetrix GeneChips) and cDNA microarray data. Current normalization techniques are most often linear and therefore not capable of fully correcting for these effects.  相似文献   

There are many sources of systematic variation in cDNA microarray experiments which affect the measured gene expression levels (e.g. differences in labeling efficiency between the two fluorescent dyes). The term normalization refers to the process of removing such variation. A constant adjustment is often used to force the distribution of the intensity log ratios to have a median of zero for each slide. However, such global normalization approaches are not adequate in situations where dye biases can depend on spot overall intensity and/or spatial location within the array. This article proposes normalization methods that are based on robust local regression and account for intensity and spatial dependence in dye biases for different types of cDNA microarray experiments. The selection of appropriate controls for normalization is discussed and a novel set of controls (microarray sample pool, MSP) is introduced to aid in intensity-dependent normalization. Lastly, to allow for comparisons of expression levels across slides, a robust method based on maximum likelihood estimation is proposed to adjust for scale differences among slides.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: An important underlying assumption of any experiment is that the experimental subjects are similar across levels of the treatment variable, so that changes in the response variable can be attributed to exposure to the treatment under study. This assumption is often not valid in the analysis of a microarray experiment due to systematic biases in the measured expression levels related to experimental factors such as spot location (often referred to as a print-tip effect), arrays, dyes, and various interactions of these effects. Thus, normalization is a critical initial step in the analysis of a microarray experiment, where the objective is to balance the individual signal intensity levels across the experimental factors, while maintaining the effect due to the treatment under investigation. RESULTS: Various normalization strategies have been developed including log-median centering, analysis of variance modeling, and local regression smoothing methods for removing linear and/or intensity-dependent systematic effects in two-channel microarray experiments. We describe a method that incorporates many of these into a single strategy, referred to as two-channel fastlo, and is derived from a normalization procedure that was developed for single-channel arrays. The proposed normalization procedure is applied to a two-channel dose-response experiment.  相似文献   

Here we develop a completely nonparametric method for comparing two groups on a set of longitudinal measurements. No assumptions are made about the form of the mean response function, the covariance structure or the distributional form of disturbances around the mean response function. The solution proposed here is based on the realization that every longitudinal data set can also be thought of as a collection of survival data sets where the events of interest are level crossings. The method for testing for differences in the longitudinal measurements then is as follows: for an arbitrarily large set of levels, for each subject determine the first time the subject has an upcrossing and a downcrossing for each level. For each level one then computes the log rank statistic and uses the maximum in absolute value of all these statistics as the test statistic. By permuting group labels we obtain a permutation test of the hypothesis that the joint distribution of the measurements over time does not depend on group membership. Simulations are performed to investigate the power and it is applied to the area that motivated the method-the analysis of microarrays. In this area small sample sizes, few time points and far too many genes to consider genuine gene level longitudinal modeling have created a need for a simple, model free test to screen for interesting features in the data.  相似文献   

Often microarray studies require a reference to indirectly compare the samples under observation. References based on pooled RNA from different cell lines have already been described (here referred to as RNA-R), but they usually do not exhaustively represent the set of genes printed on a chip, thus requiring many adjustments during the analyses. A reference could also be generated in vitro transcribing the collection of cDNA clones printed on the microarray in use (here referred to as T3-R). Here we describe an alternative and simpler PCR-based methodology to construct a similar reference (Chip-R), and we extensively test and compare it to both RNA-R and T3-R. The use of both Chip-R and T3-R dramatically increases the number of signals on the slides and gives more reproducible results than RNA-R. Each reference preparation is also evaluated in a simple microarray experiment comparing two different RNA populations. Our results show that the introduction of a reference always interferes with the analysis. Indeed, the direct comparison is able to identify more up- or down-regulated genes than any reference-mediated analysis. However, if a reference has to be used, Chip-R and T3-R are able to guarantee more reliable results than RNA-R.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The generation of large amounts of microarray data and the need to share these data bring challenges for both data management and annotation and highlights the need for standards. MIAME specifies the minimum information needed to describe a microarray experiment and the Microarray Gene Expression Object Model (MAGE-OM) and resulting MAGE-ML provide a mechanism to standardize data representation for data exchange, however a common terminology for data annotation is needed to support these standards. RESULTS: Here we describe the MGED Ontology (MO) developed by the Ontology Working Group of the Microarray Gene Expression Data (MGED) Society. The MO provides terms for annotating all aspects of a microarray experiment from the design of the experiment and array layout, through to the preparation of the biological sample and the protocols used to hybridize the RNA and analyze the data. The MO was developed to provide terms for annotating experiments in line with the MIAME guidelines, i.e. to provide the semantics to describe a microarray experiment according to the concepts specified in MIAME. The MO does not attempt to incorporate terms from existing ontologies, e.g. those that deal with anatomical parts or developmental stages terms, but provides a framework to reference terms in other ontologies and therefore facilitates the use of ontologies in microarray data annotation. AVAILABILITY: The MGED Ontology version.1.2.0 is available as a file in both DAML and OWL formats at http://mged.sourceforge.net/ontologies/index.php. Release notes and annotation examples are provided. The MO is also provided via the NCICB's Enterprise Vocabulary System (http://nciterms.nci.nih.gov/NCIBrowser/Dictionary.do). CONTACT: Stoeckrt@pcbi.upenn.edu SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Here, we describe a tool for VARiability Analysis of DNA microarrays experiments (VARAN), a freely available Web server that performs a signal intensity based analysis of the log2 expression ratio variability deduced from DNA microarray data (one or two channels). Two modules are proposed: VARAN generator to compute a sliding windows analysis of the experimental variability (mean and SD) and VARAN analyzer to compare experimental data with an asymptotic variability model previously built with the generator module from control experiments. Both modules provide normalized intensity signals with five possible methods, log ratio values and a list of genes showing significant variations between conditions. AVAILABILITY: http://www.bionet.espci.fr/varan/ SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: http://www.bionet.espci.fr/varan/help.html  相似文献   



The small sample sizes often used for microarray experiments result in poor estimates of variance if each gene is considered independently. Yet accurately estimating variability of gene expression measurements in microarray experiments is essential for correctly identifying differentially expressed genes. Several recently developed methods for testing differential expression of genes utilize hierarchical Bayesian models to "pool" information from multiple genes. We have developed a statistical testing procedure that further improves upon current methods by incorporating the well-documented relationship between the absolute gene expression level and the variance of gene expression measurements into the general empirical Bayes framework.  相似文献   

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