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Cryopreservation of testicular sperm in the African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis, was tested using three penetrating cryoprotectants (DMSO, methanol, and glycerol) and three semen diluents (300 mmol/L glucose, 300 mmol/L sucrose, and a motility inhibiting saline [MIS] solution [150 mmol/L NaCl, 3 mmol/L KCL, 1 mmol/L Mg2SO4, 1 mmol/L CaCl2, and 20 mmol/L Tris, pH 8.0]). Three freezing rates and four thawing rates were also tested, and the best freezing/thawing conditions have been determined. The responses of sperm motility, viability, and fertility were assessed. Incubation of the sperm macerates with penetrating cryoprotectants showed that DMSO was the least toxic and methanol the most toxic. Semen in cryodiluents frozen 10 cm above the surface of liquid nitrogen (freezing rate of 20 to 25 °C/min) and thawed at room temperature for 40 sec had significantly higher percentages of motile and viable sperm than that of semen frozen 5 cm or 8 cm above the surface of liquid nitrogen and thawed at 5, 25, or 30 °C for 10, 15, or 60 sec, respectively. Sperm frozen in MIS containing 5% DMSO had a higher hatching rate than that of sperm frozen in sucrose and glucose diluents containing 5% or 10% DMSO and in MIS containing 10% DMSO. Addition of 73 mmol/L sucrose to the sperm extender MIS + 5% DMSO could improve the postthaw sperm motility and fertility. In conclusion, dilution of collected sperm in MIS solution (to have a final concentration of 6.5 × 106 to 8 × 106/mL) containing 5% DMSO and 73 mmol/L sucrose, freezing in a vapor of liquid nitrogen at 10 cm above the surface, and thawing at room temperature for 40 sec was the best cryopreservation protocol. This protocol gave 70% hatching rate, 80% motility rate, and 75% viability rate of fresh hormonally induced sperm.  相似文献   

Cryopreservation of sperm is common procedures in aquaculture, particularly used for routine in artificial insemination. However, these application cause damages and adversely affected sperm motility, viability and consequently lower hatching rates. The objective of this study is to determine whether propolis has an effect on cryopreservation and fertilization ability and to investigate the potential protective effect of propolis on spermatozoa of Cyprinus carpio. Many studies have been done in cryopreservation offish spermatozoa, but none of them contain propolis in extender composition. The extenders were prepared by using modified Kurokura Solution to which 10% Me2SO added with different levels of propolis (0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1 mg ml−1) and 10% egg yolk (as a control without propolis). The pooled semen samples diluted at the ratio of 1:9 by the extenders were subjected to cryopreservation. The percentage and duration of motility and fertilization tests of cryopreserved sperm samples have been done immediately after thawing and compared with control and fresh semen. The extenders containing propolis exhibited higher percentage motility and motility duration than control group (P < 0.05). Especially the group IV (0.8 mg ml−1 propolis) and the group V (1 mg ml−1 propolis) showed significant positive effects on both post thaw motility and hatching ability. The propolis maintained the integrity of the spermatozoa during the cryopreservation process. Evaluating with its contents, it has been shown that propolis is an appropriate cryoprotective agent in fish semen.  相似文献   

Streaked prochilod (Prochilodus lineatus) is a freshwater fish inhabiting many South American rivers. The objective was to determine the effectiveness of coconut water (ACP™), combined with methylglycol, as a freezing medium for streaked prochilod sperm. A secondary objective was to compare a computer-assisted sperm analyzer (CASA) system versus subjective microscropic examination as a means of assessing sperm motility. As a control, glucose and methylglycol was used, according to our previous study. Sperm diluted in each medium was loaded into 0.5 mL straws, frozen in liquid nitrogen vapor (in a dry shipper), and stored in liquid nitrogen (-196 °C). Half of the samples were evaluated for sperm motility, both subjectively and with CASA; the remainder were evaluated for fertility. There was no difference (P > 0.05) between subjective or CASA assessment of post-thaw sperm motility. Although sperm motility was higher in sperm cryopreserved in ACP™ (85%) than in glucose (75%), cryopreservation in either extender yielded similar fertilization rates (46-48%) and sperm velocities. There were positive correlations (r = 0.56-0.8) between all sperm velocities and fertilization rate. In conclusion, streaked prochilod sperm cryopreserved in glucose or ACP™ and methylglycol was fertile, and thus could be used for research or commercial settings. Furthermore, although the CASA system provided objective data regarding sperm motility, in the present study, subjective evaluation of sperm motility was practical and a good indication of sperm quality; it could readily be done by well-trained personnel under field or laboratory conditions.  相似文献   

2011年10月,在广东古田省级自然保护区采集到5只长肢林蛙(Rana longicrus),为广东省两栖动物新纪录。长肢林蛙此前仅发现于台湾,主要分布在台湾北部、中部和西部地区。此新纪录的发现对于促进认识长肢林蛙的形态特征及地理分布格局具有重要意义。  相似文献   

We tested for geographical variation in heat tolerance and Hsp70 expression levels of Rana temporaria tadpoles along a 1500 km long latitudinal gradient in Sweden.  相似文献   

Medaka Oryzias latipes is a well-recognized biomedical fish model because of advantageous features such as small body size, transparency of embryos, and established techniques for gene knockout and modification. The goal of this study was to evaluate two critical factors, cryoprotectant and cooling rate, for sperm cryopreservation in 0.25-ml French straws. The objectives were to: (1) evaluate the acute toxicity of methanol, 2-methoxyethanol (ME), dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO), N,N-dimethylacetamide (DMA), N,N-dimethyl formamide (DMF), and glycerol with concentrations of 5%, 10%, and 15% for 60 min of incubation at 4 °C; (2) evaluate cooling rates from 5 to 25 °C/min for freezing and their interaction with cryoprotectants, and (3) test fertility of thawed sperm cryopreserved with selected cryoprotectants and associated cooling rates. Evaluation of cryoprotectant toxicity showed that methanol and ME (5% and 10%) did not change the sperm motility after 30 min; Me2SO, DMA, and DMF (10% and 15%) and glycerol (5%, 10% and 15%) significantly decreased the motility of sperm within 1 min after mixing. Based on these results, methanol and ME were selected as cryoprotectants (10%) to evaluate with different cooling rates (from 5 to 25 °C/min) and were compared to Me2SO and DMF (10%) (based on their use as cryoprotectants in previous publications). Post-thaw motility was affected by cryoprotectant, cooling rate, and their interaction (P ? 0.000). The highest post-thaw motility (50 ± 10%) was observed at a cooling rate of 10 °C/min with methanol as cryoprotectant. Comparable post-thaw motility (37 ± 12%) was obtained at a cooling rate of 15 °C/min with ME as cryoprotectant. With DMF, post-thaw motility at all cooling rates was ?10% which was significantly lower than that of methanol and ME. With Me2SO, post-thaw motilities were less than 1% at all cooling rates, and significantly lower compared to the other three cryoprotectants (P ? 0.000). When sperm from individual males were cryopreserved with 10% methanol at a cooling rate of 10 °C/min and 10% ME with a rate of 15 °C/min, no difference was found in post-thaw motility. Fertility testing of thawed sperm cryopreserved with 10% methanol at a rate of 10 °C/min showed average hatching of 70 ± 30% which was comparable to that of fresh sperm (86 ± 15%). Overall, this study established a baseline for high-throughput sperm cryopreservation of medaka provides an outline for protocol standardization and use of automated processing equipment in the future.  相似文献   

Study on the effect of cryoprotectants on abnormality and motility of baung, Mystus nemurus spermatozoa were evaluated using transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Four cryoprotectants, dmso, ethanol, methanol and glycerol at concentration of 10% were tested in triplicates. Three ml of fresh sperm which was diluted with 60 ml of ringer solution was added to each of twelve 5-ml vials containing of 0.50-ml of the cryoprotectants. The vials were placed in an icebox containing dry ice 5 min and then storage into container containing liquid nitrogen for 13 months. The effect of cryoprotectants on the spermatozoa abnormality and motility were significant (P < 0.05). The spermatozoa abnormality was significantly lower in methanol (62.65%) compared with the other cryoprotectants. The spermatozoa motility was higher in methanol, but not significantly different with ethanol (P > 0.05). It is a negative correlation between sperm motility and abnormality. Generally, higher abnormalities of spermatozoa resulted low motility.  相似文献   

环境因子对养殖条件下出蛰的东北林蛙存活和生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实验通过在设施环境下和控制条件下,研究出蛰温度、湿度及风速3种环境因素对林蛙生长和存活的影响,目的在于探索东北林蛙(Rana dybowskii)适宜的出蛰环境。结果表明:温度是影响东北林蛙出蛰存活和生长的重要因素,当出蛰温度低于16℃,东北林蛙有较高的成活率,而出蛰温度高于20℃,则会引起70%以上的东北林蛙死亡,出蛰期间温度缓慢提高有利于东北林蛙生长和存活。东北林蛙出蛰期间适宜的湿度在80%以上,湿度低于60%则对东北林蛙不利。出蛰环境以无风为好,有风会造成东北林蛙的死亡。在人工养殖过程中,可依据当地、当年的气候来进行出蛰。出蛰当日平均温度宜在15℃以下。  相似文献   

2012年4月,在吉林省长白山地区,对正在抱对的30对东北林蛙(Rana dybowskii)成体的体长、头长、头宽、前肢长和后肢长进行测量,使用统计学的方法分析抱对个体形态特征的两性异形及配偶间形态特征的相关性.结果表明,两性的所有局部形态特征均与其体长呈显著正相关,其中,前肢长和后肢长随体长的增长速率在两性间无显著差异,而头长和头宽随体长的增长速率存在显著差异.雌性成体显著大于雄性成体;特定体长下雄性的前肢显著大于雌性,其他局部特征没有显著的两性差异;雌性个体与抱对的雄性个体的后肢长呈显著正相关,其余形态特征两性间无相关性.因此,在东北林蛙的配偶选择中,雌性对雄性形态特征的选择与两性异形的形成无显著的相关性.  相似文献   

The developmental threshold is the minimum size or condition that a developing organism must have reached in order for a life-history transition to occur. Although developmental thresholds have been observed for many organisms, inter-population variation among natural populations has not been examined. Since isolated populations can be subjected to strong divergent selection, population divergence in developmental thresholds can be predicted if environmental conditions favour fast or slow developmental time in different populations. Amphibian metamorphosis is a well-studied life-history transition, and using a common garden approach we compared the development time and the developmental threshold of metamorphosis in four island populations of the common frog Rana temporaria: two populations originating from islands with only temporary breeding pools and two from islands with permanent pools. As predicted, tadpoles from time-constrained temporary pools had a genetically shorter development time than those from permanent pools. Furthermore, the variation in development time among females from temporary pools was low, consistent with the action of selection on rapid development in this environment. However, there were no clear differences in the developmental thresholds between the populations, indicating that the main response to life in a temporary pool is to shorten the development time.  相似文献   

The effects of cryoprotectants, cooling rate and freezing on the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis sperm were evaluated. At the end of each step of the experimental protocol, motility and fertilization ability of sperm were analyzed, compared to fresh semen. Five cryoprotectants were tested in their toxicity level: dimethylsulfoxide, ethylene glycol, 1-2 propylene glycol at 5%, 7%, 10%, 15% and 20% concentration; glycerol and methanol at concentration of 5%, 7% and 10%. The incubation times were 10, 20 and 30 min at 20 ± 1 °C. Only dimethylsulfoxide, ethylene glycol and 1-2 propylene glycol at 5%, 7% and 10% were chosen for the following pre-freezing step. Five adaptation/chilling rates were analyzed: 10 min at 20 ± 1, −2, −1, −0.5 and −0.25 °C/min and the last one was used for testing the best freezing procedure among seven gradients. Particularly, two rapid rates, three slow rates and two double step rates were conducted.Thawing results showed that M. galloprovincialis sperm are very sensitive to rapid pre-freezing and freezing protocols and only a slow procedure assured good motility and fertilization percentages.  相似文献   

This study dealt with the development of cryopreservation protocol for Nandus nandus, which entailed a number of experiments. Sperm was collected by sacrificing males. The collected sperm was suspended in extenders. Activation of sperm motility was evaluated in different osmolalities of NaCl. Motility of sperm decreased as the osmolality of the extender increased and was completely inhibited at almost 319 mOsmol/kg. To evaluate the toxicity of cryoprotectant, sperm was incubated with DMSO, methanol and ethanol at 5%, 10% and 15% concentrations, respectively, for 5–35 min. Five and ten percent of cryoprotectants produced better motility during 5 and 10 min incubation. Sperm incubated with 15% cryoprotectant seemed to be toxic and this concentration was excluded in the subsequent trials. Three extenders, namely, Alsever’s solution, egg-yolk citrate and urea egg-yolk and three cryoprotectants, DMSO, methanol and ethanol were employed to preserve the sperm. Alsever’s solution with 10% DMSO showed best performance producing 90.0 ± 1.8% and 75.0 ± 2.5% equilibration and post-thaw motility followed by that of 82.5 ± 4.2% and 62.5 ± 5.5% with Alsever’s solution plus methanol, respectively. Between two diluents, sperm preserved with Alsever’s solution plus DMSO produced highest fertilization (76.7 ± 3.3%) and hatching (43.8 ± 7.9%) while fresh sperm yielded 83.3 ± 6.7% and 64.0 ± 10.4% fertilization and hatching, respectively. The protocol developed through the study can be applied for long-term conservation of genetic materials of the endangered fish N. nandus and the cryopreserved sperm can be used in artificial breeding for generating new individuals.  相似文献   

Motility of Pinctada margaritifera (Linnaeus, 1758); var: cumingii (Jameson, 1901) (P. margaritifera) spermatozoa collected from gonads are not immediately activated at spawning in seawater (SW) but motility occurs when spermatozoa are transferred into alkaline seawater (pH ranging from 9.0 to 11.4). This motility-activating effect of alkaline pH is reversed when pH is shifted back to more acidic values. In both cases, activity of sperm (% motile cells) increases gradually after alkaline pH activation then lasts for several minutes. The characteristics of these fully motile spermatozoa are described in details at the level of flagella: the wave amplitude and wave-length range 5 to 6 μm and 15 μm respectively, while the flagellar beat frequency is approximately 49 Hz. The velocity of sperm displacement is from 220 to 230 μm/sec. The general swimming pattern is almost circular: the head trajectories describe portions of circles intercalated with small linear segments. Spermatozoa saved in natural seawater at 4°C retain potent motility for several days and can be subsequently activated by alkaline seawater. Respiration and ATP concentration were measured in 3 conditions: regular seawater (pH 7.8), artificial diluent (pH 8.2), and alkaline Tris-buffered seawater (pH 10.5). Results show that sperm respiration rates are higher whereas ATP levels are lower in the latter two media.  相似文献   

Cano JM  Li MH  Laurila A  Vilkki J  Merilä J 《Heredity》2011,107(6):530-536
The common frog (Rana temporaria) has become a model species in the fields of ecology and evolutionary biology. However, lack of genomic resources has been limiting utility of this species for detailed evolutionary genetic studies. Using a set of 107 informative microsatellite markers genotyped in a large full-sib family (800 F1 offspring), we created the first linkage map for this species. This partial map-distributed over 15 linkage groups-has a total length of 1698.8 cM. In line with the fact that males are the heterogametic sex in this species and a reduction of recombination is expected, we observed a lower recombination rate in the males (map length: 1371.5 cM) as compared with females (2089.8 cM). Furthermore, three loci previously documented to be sex-linked (that is, carrying male-specific alleles) in adults from the wild mapped to the same linkage group. The linkage map described in this study is one of the densest ones available for amphibians. The discovery of a sex linkage group in Rana temporaria, as well as other regions with strongly reduced male recombination rates, should help to uncover the genetic underpinnings of the sex-determination system in this species. As the number of linkage groups found (n=15) is quite close to the actual number of chromosomes (n=13), the map should provide a useful resource for further evolutionary, ecological and conservation genetic work in this and other closely related species.  相似文献   

This study investigated factors important to the development of the liquid nitrogen (LN) vapor sperm cryopreservation technique in farmed greenlip abalone Haliotis laevigata, including (1) cryoprotectant agent (CPA) toxicity; (2) cooling temperature (height above LN surface); (3) thawing temperature; (4) sperm to egg ratio; and (5) sugar supplementation, using sperm motility, fertilization rate or integrity/potential of sperm components and organelles as quality assessment indicators. Results suggested that among the single CPAs evaluated 6% dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO) would be the most suitable for sperm cryopreservation in this species. The highest post-thaw sperm motility was achieved with the sperm that had been exposed to LN vapor for 10 min at 5.2 cm above the LN surface, thawed and recovered in 60 and 18 °C seawater bathes, respectively after at least 2 h storage in LN. The highest fertilization rates were achieved at a sperm to egg ratio of 10,000:1 or 15,000:1. Addition of 1% glucose or 2% sucrose produced significantly higher post-thaw sperm motility than 6% Me2SO alone. Among the three cryoprotectant solutions further trialled, 6% Me2SO + 1% glucose produced the highest fertilization rate of 83.6 ± 3.7%. Evaluation of sperm has shown that the addition of glucose could significantly improve the sperm plasma membrane integrity and mitochondrial membrane potential. These results demonstrated a positive role of glucose in the improvement of sperm cryopreservation in farmed greenlip abalone.  相似文献   

Whilst considerable information is available for avian cryptosporidiosis, scant information is available for Cryptosporidium infections in fish and amphibians. The present review details recent studies in avian cryptosporidiosis and our current knowledge of piscine and amphibian infections.  相似文献   

Jan Ryser 《Oecologia》1989,78(2):264-268
Summary The consequences of reproduction for body weight, growth and survival were studied in a Swiss population of the explosive breeder, Rana temporaria. Males and females continuously loss weight in the range of 0.5% of total body weight per day from the breeding migration throughout May. Females also lost about 33% (1983) and 29% (1984) due to spawning. In addition to this significant year-to-year variation, there was also considerable individual variation in reproductive output. Skeletochronological techniques indicated that breeding male or female frogs experienced a growth reduction of several millimeters relative to non-breeding frogs of the same body size. There was no relationship between an individual female's reproductive output in consecutive years or with her subsequent growth or survival. It was concluded that weight loss is caused by a seasonally elevated metabolism in combination with a lack of feeding and represents a basic energetic cost of reproduction, resulting in lowered growth. Individual variation in relative reproductive output is mostly environmentally induced and is not an expression of different reproductive strategies. This may explain the lack of trade-offs that are predicted by the cost-of-reproduction-hypothesis.  相似文献   

Vascular corrosion casts of the thymus of adult individuals of the European common frog, Rana temporaria, were analysed by scanning electron microscopy. The main arterial vessel, which is derived either from the temporal artery or from the auricular ramus, approaches the central territory of the gland and branches into twigs that, on penetrating the parenchyma, give rise to capillaries. Most of these capillaries run vertically towards the surface of the gland; they either join the superficial capillary plexus or follow this plexus for a variable distance and then run back towards the medulla, forming capillary loops. The former capillaries link with the extensive venous plexus composed of irregular meshes, whereas the latter capillaries join the venules at the cortico-medullary boundary and finally escape into collecting veins on the gland surface. The venous twigs, which join together near the gland, form the main thymic vein, which empties into the external jugular vein. The details of the thymic vasculature of the anuran amphibian, R. temporaria, are compared with those described in mammalian species, viz. the mouse, rat and guinea pig.  相似文献   

As part of studies of metabolites from fungi common in the built environment in Canadian homes, we investigated metabolites from strains of three Eurotium species, namely E. herbariorum, E. amstelodami, and E. rubrum as well as a number of isolates provisionally identified as Aspergillus ustus. The latter have been recently assigned as the new species A. insuetus and A. calidoustus. E. amstelodami produced neoechinulin A and neoechinulin B, epiheveadride, flavoglaucin, auroglaucin, and isotetrahydroauroglaucin as major metabolites. Minor metabolites included echinulin, preechinulin and neoechinulin E. E. rubrum produced all of these metabolites, but epiheveadride was detected as a minor metabolite. E. herbariorum produced cladosporin as a major metabolite, in addition to those found in E. amstelodami. This species also produced questin and neoechinulin E as minor metabolites. This is the first report of epiheveadride occurring as a natural product, and the first nonadride isolated from Eurotium species. Unlike strains from mainly infection-related samples, largely from Europe, neither ophiobolins G and H nor austins were detected in the Canadian strains of A. insuetus and A. calidoustus tested, all of which had been reported from the latter species. TMC-120 A, B, C and a sesquiterpene drimane are reported with certainty for the first time from indoor isolates, as well as two novel related methyl isoquinoline alkaloids.  相似文献   

Semen samples collected in 2012 from 1785 boars belonging to five different breeds were recruited from the quality control laboratory of Magapor SL, Spain. These samples came from 43 boar studs and resulted from diluting the ejaculates in commercial semen extenders. Evaluation of the semen sample characteristics (color, smell, pH, osmolality, concentration, motility of sperm cells, agglutination, acrosome integrity, short hypoosmotic swelling test, and abnormal forms) revealed that they met the international standards. The samples were also tested for the presence of aerobic bacterial contamination. In the present study, 14.73% (n = 263) of the semen samples were contaminated above 3 × 102 colony-forming units/mL with at least one type of bacteria. The Enterobacteriaceae family was by far the major contaminant, being present in 40.68% of the contaminated samples (n = 107). Bacterial strains of the Enterobacteriaceae family isolated from boar semen samples were in order of incidence (percentage of the contaminated samples): Serratia marcescens (12.55%), Klebsiella oxytoca (11.79%), Providencia stuartii (9.12%), Morganella morganii (3.80%), Proteus mirabilis (1.90%), and Escherichia coli (1.52%). We have seen that the presence in semen samples of S. marcescens, K. oxytoca, M. morganii, or P. mirabilis, but not P. stuartii or E. coli, was negatively associated with sperm motility (P < 0.05). The mean sperm concentration (P < 0.05), the mean percentage of spermatozoa with curled tails after the short hypoosmotic swelling test (P < 0.01), and the incidence of morphologically normal acrosomes (P < 0.05) were also lower in semen samples infected with M. morganii compared with uninfected ones. Moreover, P. mirabilis was negatively associated with the presence of abnormal forms. Thus, on the basis of the pathological effects that some of these strains may have on boar sperm quality, bacterial contamination should always be examined in semen samples prepared for artificial insemination.  相似文献   

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