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A loss of fungicide efficacy, particularly for carbendazim, was noted in soybean fields in Thailand and was considered to be due to the development of Colletotrichum truncatum resistance. The carbendazim sensitivity of C. truncatum populations isolated from various soybean fields in Thailand was thus evaluated with in vitro sensitivity assays and molecular characterization of mutations in the sequences of the ß2-tubulin (TUB2) gene that confer carbendazim resistance in the pathogen. Among 52 isolates, 46 isolates were classified as highly resistant (HR) to carbendazim (EC50 > 1,000 µg/ml). All HR isolates grew on PDA amended with carbendazim at 1,000 µg/ml. Six isolates were classified as carbendazim sensitive (S) (EC50 < 1 µg/ml). Mycelial growth on PDA amended with 1 µg/ml carbendazim was inhibited by over 50% compared with growth on PDA alone. When a partial TUB2 gene from the isolates was amplified and analysed using predicted amino acid sequences, an alteration from glutamic acid to alanine at codon 198 (E198A) was found in 45 HR isolates for which the EC50 was higher than 2000 µg/ml. This mutation resulted from a nucleotide substitution from adenine to cytosine (GA G → GC G). The other HR isolate, CtPhS_1, with EC50 of 1,127 µg/ml, had an alteration at codon 200 (F200Y) (TT C → TA C).  相似文献   

Pandey RR  Arora DK  Dubey RC 《Mycopathologia》1997,137(3):165-172
The influence of environmental factors (temperature and humidity), inoculum density on infection by Colletotrichum glososporioides and development of anthracnose lesions were determined on uninjured, sand-injured and punctured fruits. The optical temperature for severe infection was 30 °C, whereas the disease incidence was less at 20 and 35 °C. Inoculated guavas that received 1–60 h of continuous free moisture developed lesions, but the disease was minimal (0–7%) after 1–6 h free moisture. Infection rates of uninjured, sand-injured and punctured fruits receiving 60 h of free moisture were 34, 70 and 100%, respectively. Disease incidence increased as inoculum density increased from 101 to 106 conidia/ml. In field conditions, the development of anthracnose lesions was greater on punctured guavas than on uninjured or sand-injured ones, in both rainy and winter seasons. In general, the number of lesions was highest in sand-injured fruits, followed by punctured and uninjured fruits. In rainy season the number of lesions on injured and uninjured fruits was greater than similarly treated guavas in winter. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

2007年9-10月,在甘肃兰州、张掖等地采集玉米、豇豆、葡萄、白菜等作物收获后的耕作层土壤,采用花瓣诱导和组织分离相结合的方法分离土壤腐霉菌。对腐霉菌株经菌丝先端切割法纯化培养后,以形态和培养特性为基础进行了初步鉴定,发现有7株腐霉菌的形态学和培养特性一致。以其中的P3-1A为代表菌株,结合rDNA-ITS序列和β-tubulin基因序列测定和比对,将这7个菌株鉴定为Pythium heterothallicum,该菌为中国新记录,异宗配合种。通过土埋法,对玉米、番茄、黄瓜等3种作物进行了致病性测定,结果表明该腐霉菌对玉米具有致病性,可引起根腐、根尖变褐、茎基腐等症状,抑制植株生长,使植株表现不同程度的矮化,但对番茄、黄瓜未见有明显为害。  相似文献   

Red rot, caused by Colletotrichum falcatum, is the most significant problem of sugarcane worldwide. Pathological studies and three different marker systems were used to characterize 25 C. falcatum isolates collected from 18 subtropical sugarcane cultivars from 15 different sugarcane‐growing regions of three north‐eastern states of India to assess pathogen diversity. Of these 25 isolates, three were new (RR2A, RR15, RR83) from cultivars Co 7717, Co J83 and Co S88230, respectively, pathologically characterized on 13 standard differential hosts. Isolates Cf 01, Cf 08 and RR15 were the most, and Cf‐07 the least virulent. Molecular characterization using random amplified polymorphic DNA, universal rice primers (URP) and inter simple sequence repeat markers amplified a total of 161 alleles of which 159 were polymorphic (98.76%). Unweighted paired group method with arithmetic averages analysis of combined data of all the DNA markers obtained by three marker systems classified 25 isolates into six clusters at 34% genetic similarity with high Mantel matrix correlation (r = 0.83). The principal component analysis (PCA) of marker data explained 68% of the variation by first three components. Molecular diversity as revealed in these isolates is very high, but non‐structured. Isolate Co Pant 84212 was found to be genetically most diverse. We demonstrated for the first time that URPs derived from weed rice could successfully assess genetic diversity in C. falcatum. Molecular characterization of the C. falcatum isolates prevalent in north‐eastern India would enable red rot management strate‐gies, selection for resistance genes and development of resistant cultivars.  相似文献   

李玲玲  张盛培  李河 《菌物学报》2021,40(8):2102-2113
果生刺盘孢是油茶炭疽病的主要流行致病菌.本文研究果生刺盘孢中液泡分选蛋白CfVps17的生物学功能,为阐明该蛋白调控致病分子机制提供依据.采用over-lap方法构建CfVPS17基因敲除载体片段,使用PEG介导法将敲除载体片段转化至果生刺盘孢原生质体中,通过验证筛选获得突变体菌株△Cfvps17.构建目的 基因CfV...  相似文献   

从马兜铃内生真菌Colletotrichum sp.的大米发酵产物中分离得到6个化合物,经波谱数据分析分别鉴定为7-hydroxy-10-oxodehydrodihydrobotrydial(1)、格链孢酚(2)、5-甲氧基格链孢酚(3)、链格孢毒素I(4)、腾毒素(5)和二氢腾毒素(6)。以上化合物均为从该菌属中首次分离得到,其中化合物1~4对肺癌细胞和乳腺癌细胞有一定的细胞毒活性。  相似文献   

炭疽病是油茶Camellia oleifera的重要病害,该病害的优势致病菌是刺盘孢属Colletotrichum的果生刺盘孢C. fructicola,在全国的油茶产区普遍发生。我们前期发现组蛋白乙酰转移酶CfGcn5调控油茶果生刺盘孢的生长发育和致病过程,但组蛋白去乙酰化酶在该病菌中的生物学功能尚不清楚。本研究以组蛋白去乙酰化酶CfSnt2为研究对象,利用反向遗传学的方法,通过对野生型、CfSNT2基因敲除突变体及互补菌株的生物学表型进行比较分析,发现CfSNT2基因敲除突变体的菌丝生长速率明显减缓、分生孢子的产量显著减少、附着胞形成率降低、对细胞壁胁迫剂的响应异常,同时对油茶致病力显著减弱。以上现象说明CfSnt2调控果生刺盘孢的生长、产孢、附着胞的形成、对细胞壁完整性胁迫剂的耐受性及致病力。  相似文献   

The role of histone 3 lysine 4 (H3K4) methylation is poorly understood in plant pathogenic fungi. Here, we analysed the function of CclA, a subunit of the COMPASS complex mediating H3K4 methylation, in the brassica anthracnose pathogen Colletotrichum higginsianum. We show that CclA is required for full genome-wide H3K4 trimethylation. The deletion of cclA strongly reduced mycelial growth, asexual sporulation and spore germination but did not impair the morphogenesis of specialized infection structures (appressoria and biotrophic hyphae). Virulence of the ΔcclA mutant on plants was strongly attenuated, associated with a marked reduction in appressorial penetration ability on both plants and inert cellophane membranes. The secondary metabolite profile of the ΔcclA mutant was greatly enriched compared to that of the wild type, with three different families of terpenoid compounds being overproduced by the mutant, namely the colletochlorins, higginsianins and sclerosporide. These included five novel molecules that were produced exclusively by the ΔcclA mutant: colletorin D, colletorin D acid, higginsianin C, 13-epi-higginsianin C and sclerosporide. Taken together, our findings indicate that H3K4 trimethylation plays a critical role in regulating fungal growth, development, pathogenicity and secondary metabolism in C. higginsianum.  相似文献   

一种狗尾草病原真菌的鉴定及菌株致病性研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
经形态学鉴定和rDNA ITS序列分析,16株分离自北京、河北、河南发病狗尾草的菌株、2株分别分离自河南发病虎尾草、牛筋草的菌株和1株分离自青海发病野燕麦的菌株被鉴定为狗尾草平脐蠕孢Bipolaris setariae。接种试验表明,来自狗尾草的菌株比来自其他寄主植物的菌株对狗尾草致病性强,分离自野燕麦的菌株对狗尾草无致病性,分离自不同地区不同样品狗尾草的菌株其致病性有显著差异。菌株NY1对狗尾草有很强致病性,接种后5d植株叶片即全部呈枯死状,接种后7d整个植株枯萎死亡。菌株NY1对马唐和虎尾草也有很强致病性,但对于大多数供试栽培植物致病性很弱或无致病性。因此,B. setariae NY1菌株具有进一步开发成为狗尾草、马唐和虎尾草等杂草的生物除草剂的潜力。  相似文献   

《Fungal biology》2014,118(5-6):495-506
Rigidoporus microporus (Polyporales, Basidiomycota) syn. Rigidoporus lignosus is the most destructive root pathogen of rubber plantations distributed in tropical and sub-tropical regions. Our primary objective was to characterize Nigerian isolates from rubber tree and compare them with other West African, Southeast Asian and American isolates. To characterize the 20 isolates from Nigeria, we used sequence data of the nuclear ribosomal DNA ITS and LSU, β-tubulin and translation elongation factor 1-α (tef1) gene sequences. Altogether, 40 isolates of R. microporus were included in the analyses. Isolates from Africa, Asia and South/Central America formed three distinctive clades corresponding to at least three species. No phylogeographic pattern was detected among R. microporus collected from West and Central African rubber plantations suggesting continuous gene flow among these populations. Our molecular phylogenetic analysis suggests the presence of two distinctive species associated with the white rot disease. Phylogenetic analyses placed R. microporus in the Hymenochaetales in the vicinity of Oxyporus. This is the first study to characterize R. microporus isolates from Nigeria through molecular phylogenetic techniques, and also the first to compare isolates from rubber plantations in Africa and Asia.  相似文献   

Guava pulp used for ethanol production by three yeast strains contained 10% (w/v) total sugars and was pH 4.1. Ethanol production at the optimum sugar concentration of 10%, at pH 4.1 and 30°C was 1.5%, 3.6% and 3.9% (w/v) by Saccharomyces cerevisiae MTCC 1972, Isolate-1 and Isolate-2, respectively, at 60 h fermentation. Higher sugar concentrations at 15 and 20% were inhibitory for ethanol production by all test cultures. The maximum production of ethanol at optimum natural sugar concentration (10%) of guava pulp, was 5.8% (w/v) at pH 5.0 by Isolate-2 over 36 h fermentation, which was only slightly more than the quantity of ethanol produced by Saccharomyces cerevisiae (5.0%) and Isolate-1 (5.3%) over 36 and 60h fermentation, respectively.  相似文献   

An in vitro method for assessing cassava anthracnose disease (CAD) resistance was developed as a preliminary screen to a CAD-resistant breeding programme. Potato dextrose agar (PDA) media was amended by extracts from the stem cortex of 10 cassava cultivars (30001; 30572, 30211, 88/02549, 88/00695, 88/01336, 91/00344, 91/00313, 91/00684 and 91/00475), and assayed for efficacy of inhibition of the growth of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides f. sp. manihotis isolates (05FCN, 10FCN, 12FCN, and 18FCN). Morphological and physiological data indicated that there was a significant difference (P ≤ 0.05), in mycelial growth, spore germination and sporulation among the four isolates on PDA amended with cassava stem extracts. Extracts from cassava cultivars 30211, 91/00684 and 91/00313 showed higher inhibition of germ tube development, mycelial growth and sporulation of the fungal isolates, whereas cultivars 88/02549 and 88/01336 showed the least inhibition. The 10 cultivars were further tested in both greenhouse and field conditions, under disease pressure for two planting seasons, to corroborate resistance to the fungus as observed in vitro . Greenhouse and field trials with the 10 cassava cultivars showed a significant difference ( P  ≤ 0.05) in CAD resistance. Cultivars 88/02549 and 88/01336 were highly CAD-susceptible, as shown in the in vitro assays and confirmed in the greenhouse and field tests. The other eight cultivars were either resistant (30211, 91/00684), or moderately resistant (30572, 88/00695, 91/00475, 91/00344, 30001 and 91/00313) to CAD. The study shows that an in vitro screening assay of cassava for resistance to CAD could serve as a convenient preliminary screening technique to discriminate CAD-resistant from CAD-susceptible cassava cultivars. The in vitro screening method considerably reduces time and labour in comparison with the current screening techniques of cassava, which involve field planting, inoculation and evaluation.  相似文献   

Noni, an important medicinal plant grown in southern India suffered heavy loss due to anthracnose disease in 2008–2009. Based on their pathogenicity, morphological and cultural characters and ribosomal DNA spacer sequences, the pathogen was identified as Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. This is the first report of anthracnose on noni in India.  相似文献   

Colletotrichum gloeosporioides is the main causal agent of anthracnose in various plant species. Determining the molecular mechanisms underlying the pathogenicity and fungicide resistance of C. gloeosporioides could help build new strategies for disease control. The major facilitator superfamily (MFS) has multiple roles in the transport of a diverse range of substrates. In the present study, an MFS protein CgMFS1 was characterized in C. gloeosporioides. This protein contains seven transmembrane domains, and its predicted 3D structure is highly similar to the reported hexose transporters. To investigate the biological functions of CgMFS1, the gene knock-out mutant ΔCgMFS1 was constructed. A colony growth assay showed that the mutant was remarkably decreased in vegetative growth in minimal medium supplemented with monosaccharides and oligosaccharides as the sole carbon sources, whereas it showed a similar growth rate and colony morphology as wild types when using soluble starch as the carbon source. A stress assay revealed that CgMFS1 is involved in oxidative stress but not in the fungicide resistance of C. gloeosporioides. Furthermore, its pathogenicity was significantly impaired in the mutant, although its appressorium formation was not affected. Our results demonstrate that CgMFS1 is required for sugar transport, resistance to oxidative stress, and the pathogenicity of Colletotrichum gloeosporioides from Hevea brasiliensis.  相似文献   

苹果炭疽叶枯病病原学研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
炭疽叶枯病菌能够侵染苹果叶片造成病叶早期干枯、脱落,侵染果实引起坏死性斑点。该病害近年来在我国一些苹果产区被发现,并有迅速蔓延的趋势。对采自河南和陕西的苹果炭疽叶枯病的病原菌进行了形态学、培养特性、致病性及分子系统发育研究,明确了引起该病害的病原为果生刺盘孢Colletotrichum fructicola和隐秘刺盘孢C.aenigma。经致病性测定,证明C.fructicola和C.aenigma对嘎拉、秦冠、金冠、粉红女士、太平洋玫瑰、金世纪、蜜脆等以金冠为亲本的品种叶片致病;在有伤接种时,C.fructicola和C.aenigma对嘎拉、金冠、秦冠、太平洋玫瑰、新红星、富士等品种果实具有致病性;在无伤接种时,C.fructicola对嘎拉、金冠果实致病,C.aenigma对嘎拉果实致病。研究结果表明,C.fructicola和C.aenigma对不同品种叶片和果实的致病性都存在明显的分化现象。  相似文献   

姚权  郭源  魏丰园  李司政  张盛培  李河 《菌物学报》2019,38(10):1643-1652
油茶炭疽病是油茶Camellia oleifera上最重要病害之一,引起该病害的主要致病菌为果生刺盘孢菌Colletotrichum fructicola。本研究以果生刺盘孢菌bZIP类转录因子CfHac1为研究对象,研究其在果生刺盘孢菌的营养生长、产孢量、附着胞形成、致病力及耐受性等方面的生物学功能,为油茶炭疽病的防控提供理论依据。研究结果表明,果生刺盘孢菌中具有一个与灰色大角间座壳(稻瘟菌)bZIP转录因子MoHac1直系同源的基因,命名为CfHAC1。该基因全长1 627bp,编码526个氨基酸,该蛋白含有一个碱性亮氨酸链(bZIP)结构域和3个未知功能结构域。CfHAC1基因敲除突变体的菌丝生长速度显著变慢,分生孢子产量显著减少且不能正常形成附着胞,并对山梨糖醇和KCl渗透压胁迫敏感性增加;致病力测试结果表明,果生刺盘孢菌基因敲除突变体ΔCfhac1对油茶的致病力显著下降。转录因子CfHac1参与调控果生刺盘孢菌的生长、产孢、附着胞的形成、致病力以及响应外界渗透压胁迫过程。  相似文献   

W. Wang    J. H. Tang    Y. C. Wang 《Journal of Phytopathology》2008,156(7-8):431-437
A duplex PCR technique was developed to detect the pathogenic fungus Colletotrichum lindemuthianum infection in the tissues of common bean. Based on the differences of 24 internal transcribed spacer, DNA sequences of Colletotrichum spp. retrieved from GeneBank database, one pair of specific primers of CY1/CY2 (CY1: 5'-CTT TGT GAA CAT ACC TAA CC-3'; CY2: 5'-GGT TTT ACG GCA GGA GTG-3'), was designed. The CY1/CY2 primers amplified a single PCR product of 442 bp only from C. lindemuthianum and Colletotrichum orbiculare , not from any other tested species. By using random amplification of polymorphic DNA technique, a product closely associated with C. lindemuthianum was generated. This product was cloned, sequenced and used for designing a species-specific primers of CD1/CD2 (CD1: 5'-ACC TGG ACA CAT AAG TCA AAG-3'; CD2: 5'-CAA CAA TGC CAG TAT CAG AG-3'). The CD1/CD2 primers could distinguish C. lindemuthianum from C. orbiculare by a 638 bp PCR band. A duplex PCR method, combining both primers of CY1/CY2 and CD1/CD2, was used to detect C. lindemuthianum infection. The sensitivity of the detection with this PCR method was 1 pg of pure genomic DNA from the pathogen. Therefore, the PCR-based methods could be used for accurate and rapid detection of C. lindemuthianum from common bean.  相似文献   

曾青  强胜 《应用生态学报》2002,13(7):833-836
通过盆栽试验,研究了真菌自身生物学特性、杂草生长状况和环境因素等对胶孢炭疽菌婆婆纳专化型菌株QZ-97a侵染波斯婆婆纳的影响。结果表明,子叶期和衰老斯波斯婆婆纳感病性最强;培养7-14d后的孢子侵染力最强;病害发生的最佳温度范围是15-25℃;在保湿2-3d的条件下,露期中间的光照时间越短,病害发生越严重;保湿也可通过添加玉米粉和黄粉等介质来解决;达到理想致病效果的该菌株孢子悬浮液浓度必须在10^7个.ml^-1以上,由此可见,菌株QZ-97a在波斯婆婆纳发生时期的环境条件下可有效控制该杂草。  相似文献   

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