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Pulmonary vascular resistance in the fluorocarbon-filled lung   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Pulmonary vascular resistance was investigated in the fluorocarbon-filled lung in an in situ isolated lung preparation. Lungs were perfused at constant flow (100 ml X min-1 X kg-1) with whole blood from a donor cat. left atrial pressure was held constant at zero pressure. Measurements of pulmonary arterial pressure enabled calculation of pulmonary vascular resistance. Regional changes in pulmonary blood flow were determined by the microsphere technique. During quasi-static deflation over a range of 0-30 mmHg, dependent alveolar pressure was consistently greater for a volume of fluorocarbon than for gas, with each pressure-volume curve for the fluorocarbon-filled lung shifted to the right of the curve for the gas-filled lung. In turn, pulmonary vascular resistance was found to increase linearly as a function of increasing alveolar pressure, independent of the medium in the lung. Thus, for a given volume, pulmonary vascular resistance was consistently greater in the fluorocarbon-filled lung compared with the gas-filled lung. This increase in pulmonary vascular resistance was accompanied by a redistribution of pulmonary blood flow in which blood flow to the dependent region was decreased in the fluorocarbon-filled lung compared with the gas-filled lung. Conversely, the less-dependent regions of the lung received a relatively greater percentage of blood flow when filled with fluorocarbon compared with gas. These findings suggest that pulmonary vascular resistance is increased during liquid ventilation, largely as the result of mechanical interaction at the alveolar-vascular interface.  相似文献   

Pulmonary diffusion in the dog lung   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Hemodynamics and vascular permeability were studied during acute alveolar hypoxia in isolated canine lung lobes perfused at constant flow with autogenous blood. Hypoxia was induced in the presence (COI + Hypox, n = 6) or absence (Hypox, n = 6) of cyclooxygenase inhibition (COI) with indomethacin or meclofenamate. Hypoxic ventilation reduced blood PO2 from 143 to 25-29 Torr without a change in PCO2. During hypoxia a capillary filtration coefficient (Kf) was obtained gravimetrically as an index of vascular permeability to water. In COI + Hypox, pulmonary arterial pressure (Pa) increased from 11.5 +/- 0.7, post-COI normoxia, to a peak of 22.1 +/- 2.3 during hypoxia (P less than 0.01) without a change in capillary pressure (Pc). In contrast, hypoxia changed neither Pa nor Pc in Hypox relative to an untreated normoxic control group (Normox, n = 6, P greater than 0.05). Kfs (means +/- SE in ml.min-1.Torr-1.100 g-1) for Normox (0.070 +/- 0.014), Hypox (0.082 +/- 0.024), and COI + Hypox (0.057 +/- 0.017) did not differ from one another (P greater than 0.05). Although COI markedly enhanced the pressor response to acute alveolar hypoxia, hypoxia increased neither Pc nor vascular permeability regardless of COI.  相似文献   

Segmental vascular resistances and compliances in dog lung   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The segmental distribution of vascular resistances and compliances were evaluated in isolated blood perfused lung lobes using arterial, venous, and double-occlusion pressures and were compared with filtration midpoint capillary pressures (Pc,f). We separated total vascular resistance (RT) and compliance (CT) into large artery (Ra, Ca), large vein (Rv, Cv), and microvascular compartments (Rmc, Cmc) at base-line and increased vascular pressures and during infusions of histamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. In control lobes, double-occlusion pressure (Pdo) closely approximated Pc,f at all vascular pressures. Pre- and postcapillary resistance were approximately equal when referenced to either Pc,f or Pdo. Although Rmc comprised 42% of RT and Cmc constituted 76% of CT, a twofold increase in base-line Pc,f caused RT to decrease to 67% and Rmc/RT to 29% of control values, whereas CT decreased to 87% and Cmc/CT decreased to 88% of control values over the same Pc,f range. Mean static CT was 2.25 +/- 0.09 ml X cmH2O-1. 100 g-1, whereas dynamic CT was 1.54 +/- 0.08 ml X cmH2O-1. 100 g-1, or only 68% of static vascular compliance. Drug infusions increased mean RT from 4.2- to 5.3-fold and significantly decreased both static and dynamic CT. Although all vascular segments were constricted, histamine affected primarily large veins, serotonin increased Ra greater than Rv, and norepinephrine constricted upstream and downstream vessels about equally. Increased Pc,f in the presence of these drugs decreased RT significantly in every case primarily through attenuation of the drug vasoconstrictor effect on Rmc and decreased CT primarily due to a decrease in Cmc, but increased Cmc/(Ca + Cv). Thus the microvascular compartment appears to be the major site of both fluid filtration and vascular compliance and contributes significantly to total vascular resistance. Drug infusions constricted large and small vessel compartments as defined here, but increased Pc,f attenuated microvascular vasoconstriction and to a lesser extent large vessel vasoconstriction resulting in a reduced microvascular resistance in both drug-treated and control lobes. This effect can be attributed to recruitment and/or distension of microvessels and distension of larger vessels.  相似文献   

The effect of an intravenous injection of air in a dose of 1 ml/kg body weight was determined in 15 healthy mongrel dogs. In 4 control dogs the mean pulmonary artery pressure rose to 2-3 times the resting values at 30 seconds, and carbon monoxide diffusing capacity and pulmonary capillary blood volume decreased by half. In the animals pretreated either with heparin or with methysergide (antiserotonin group) the results were the same as in the control animals. In the vagotomized dogs, the rise in pulmonary artery pressure was not significant, and the decrease in pulmonary capillary blood volume was of lesser magnitude and shorter duration than in the control and the antiserotonin dogs. It is concluded that the intravenous injection of air in supine dogs causes a transient obstruction of small pulmonary arteries. Evidence is presented to implicate a vagal mechanism in both main aspects of the response, namely the pulmonary artery pressure rise, and the partial obstruction of the pulmonary capillary bed. These studies offer additional explanation of the symptoms of respiratory distress observed in rapid decompression.  相似文献   

The ability of lung expansion to reflexly decrease skeletal muscle activity was tested in anesthetized dogs. In animals whose left lung was vascularly isolated but neurally intact, the left lung was inflated statically to 40 cmH2O pressure or cyclically with tidal volumes of 10, 20, or 30 ml/kg. Responses to these stimuli were compared with those of injecting 120 or 240 micrograms capsaicin into the left pulmonary artery. Skeletal muscle activity was assessed from the electromyogram (EMG) response of the left hindlimb muscles and from the monosynaptic reflex response to a periodic patellar tendon tap of the right leg (knee jerk). Static inflation and cyclic inflations above 10 ml/kg resulted in significant decreases in both EMG and knee jerk responses. The results indicate that lung expansion is capable of initiating a reflex decrease in skeletal muscle activity. Capsaicin injections caused responses that were similar to those caused by lung inflation, suggesting that at least part of this skeletal muscle reflex response to lung inflation can be attributed to the stimulation of pulmonary C-fibers that could be caused by stretch of the lung.  相似文献   

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