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F9 embryonal carcinoma cells can differentiate in vitro into either parietal (PE) or visceral (VE) endoderm, depending upon specific retinoic acid (RA) treatment and growth conditions. In differentiated aggregates of F9 cells (EB), the VE is a polarized monolayer surrounding a core of undifferentiated cells. Within 7 days of treatment the cells organize their cytoskeleton and synthesize large amounts of extracellular matrix proteins to form a basal lamina under the newly formed epithelium. All these changes are likely to involve integrin expression and organization. In this study we have analyzed the spatio-temporal changes in the pattern and level of expression of beta1, beta4, alpha5, alpha6A, and alpha6B integrin subunits. We found that the organization of the VE monolayer in F9 aggregates involves both qualitative and quantitative changes in integrin expression. beta1 is downregulated and accumulates in the forming epithelium. The same occurs for alpha5, although its location on the surface of the aggregate appears to be transient as in fully differentiated EB its distribution is uniform. beta4 and alpha6A are also mainly localized in the VE but they are undetectable in undifferentiated aggregates and their expression is induced by RA treatment. An important exception is represented by alpha6B whose distribution and expression remain almost unchanged throughout treatment.  相似文献   

Teratocarcinoma stem cells can be used to study certain events occurring during early mouse embryogenesis. We report that the outgrowth of parietal endoderm from teratocarcinoma stem-cell embryoid bodies in vitro is analogous to the same process in vivo in terms of the spatial distribution of endoderm types: only parietal endoderm migrates away from the aggregate, whereas visceral endoderm remains associated with the embryoid body. The outgrowths generated on a substrate of type-I collagen from PSA-1 and retinoic-acid-treated F 9 embryoid bodies were found to be comparable, even though these aggregates express different endoderm types. We demonstrated that retinoic-acid-treated F 9 embryoid bodies that contain essentially only visceral endoderm in suspension culture can nonetheless generate parietal-endoderm outgrowth when plated on type-I collagen, suggesting that substrate interaction plays an important role in inducing parietal-endoderm differentiation. These data indicate the usefulness and relevance of studying endoderm differentiation and outgrowth in vitro employing the teratocarcinoma model system.  相似文献   

Embryoid bodies formed from teratocarcinoma stem cells differentiate an outer layer consisting of parietal and visceral endoderm or of visceral endoderm exclusively. We have previously shown that when these embryoid bodies are plated on collagen-coated substrates a parietal endoderm-like cell migrates onto the substrate, whereas all of the visceral endoderm remains associated with the stem cell mass, suggesting a role for substrate contact in parietal endoderm differentiation. We now identify fibronectin as the migration-promoting component in these cultures, and note that laminin and collagen type IV are 10-fold less effective at promoting both attachment and endoderm outgrowth. The RGDS tetrapeptide (arg-gly-asp-ser) from the cell attachment domain of fibronectin can specifically block attachment and outgrowth on both fibronectin- and laminin-coated substrates. In addition, the involvement of the 140-kD fibronectin receptor is demonstrated using an antibody directed against this molecule.  相似文献   

The expression of the cellular proto-oncogene, c-fos, in extra-embryonic tissues of the mouse was investigated using a v-fos DNA probe and an affinity-purified antiserum raised against a C-terminal synthetic peptide. At 13.5 days of development, parietal endoderm--a tissue not previously studied using these methods--was found to express c-fos RNA at a higher level than the amnion or placenta. The previously reported dramatic increase in c-fos RNA levels in extra-embryonic membranes during gestation was found to be confined to the amnion. The antipeptide serum specifically recovered proteins with Mr values of 46,000 and 39,000 from extracts of parietal endoderm and amnion cells labelled for 15 min with 35S-methionine. On sodium-dodecyl-sulphate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis these proteins co-migrated with proteins immunoprecipitated using serum from rats inoculated with FBJ-MuSV-transformed cells (tumour-bearing rat serum). Pulse-chasing and 32P-labelling experiments showed that the protein with an Mr of 46,000 was rapidly converted into higher-molecular-weight phosphorylated derivatives. F9 teratocarcinoma stem cells differentiated into parietal-endoderm-like cells in response to treatment with retinoic acid and dibutyryl cyclic AMP. However, this differentiation was not accompanied by any large transient increase in c-fos RNA expression.  相似文献   

Non-specific alkaline phosphatase and Mg2+-dependent adenosine triphosphatase activities were ultracytochemically investigated on embryoid bodies of murine teratocarcinomas, in order to find markers of endodermal cell differentiation of early embryonic cells. The former was localized mainly on the cell surface of inner embryonal carcinoma cells, as already shown by other workers, and weakly on the bound surface of outer endodermal cells of embryoid bodies. The latter, however, was found only on the outer free surface of endodermal cells and never on the surface of embryonal carcinoma cells. It suggests that Mg2+-dependent ATP activity might become the marker for early differentiation of embryonal carcinoma cells.  相似文献   

The mouse F9 teratocarcinoma cell line is a model that can be manipulated to imitate one of the earliest epithelial-mesenchymal transitions in mouse development. When cells are treated with Retinoic Acid they differentiate into primitive endoderm and into parietal endoderm with the addition of dibutyryl cAMP. Parietal endoderm also develops when undifferentiated cells express a constitutively active (CA) form of Galpha13(Q226L). Differentiation is accompanied by a translocation of beta-catenin to the nucleus and considerable changes to the cytoskeleton and cell morphology. ERM proteins facilitate rearrangements to the F-actin cytoskeleton, and at least one, moesin, is essential for cell survival. In this study we found that moesin translocated to the nucleus during RA-induced differentiation, and sequence analysis identified putative nuclear localization signals in the protein. In the absence of RA, transient over-expression of rat moesin or the distantly related zebrafish homologue in F9 cells induced primitive endoderm. Furthermore, no apparent beta-catenin was seen in the nucleus of cells over-expressing zebrafish moesin. Our previous results have shown that depleting F9 cells of moesin using an antisense morpholino strategy caused them to detach from the substrate unless they expressed CA-Galpha13(Q226L). This CA-Galpha13 signalling maintained cell survival, but at the expense of differentiation. We now report that over-expressing zebrafish moesin in mouse moesin-depleted F9 cells not only ensured cell survival, but also induced differentiation to primitive endoderm. Together, the results suggest a new role for moesin, acting in a signalling pathway facilitating the differentiation of extraembryonic endoderm.  相似文献   

Undifferentiated embryonal carcinoma cells (EC cells) in the embryoid bodies isolated from mouse teratocarcinoma contained nucleolus-like bodies (NLBs) of smaller sizes in their cytoplasm (their sectional area averaged about 0.036 μm2). At the onset of EC cell differentiation, the average sectional area of NLBs significantly increased (about 0.107 μm2). When EC cells had differentiated into mesenchymal cells and endothelial cells of primitive blood vessels, NLBs decreased dramatically both in size and number. The possible role of NLBs in the differentiation process of EC cells is discussed.  相似文献   

In the vertebrate embryo the heart is the first organ to form. Embryonic and extra-embryonic tissues are supposed to contribute to cardiac lineage commitment before and during gastrulation in a paracrine fashion. Evidence has accumulated that factors secreted by the anterior lateral endoderm and extra-embryonic endoderm contribute to cardiomyogenesis. Here we exploit in vitro differentiation of embryonic stem cells in embryoid bodies to study differentiation of the extraembryonic endodermal lineage, gastrulation-like processes, and the influence of endoderm on cardiomyogenesis. We demonstrate that in embryoid bodies primitive endoderm differentiates to visceral and parietal endoderm and that parietal endoderm influences onset of cardiomyogenesis in a concentration-dependent manner. Both increased concentrations of leukemia inhibitory factor and its absence in lif-/- embryoid bodies hampered parietal endoderm formation. Reduced differentiation of parietal endoderm correlated with an attenuation of cardiomyogenesis even in the presence of LIE These and previous results suggest that leukemia inhibitory factor is directly and indirectly, via endoderm formation, involved in the regulation of cardiomyogenesis. Increased proliferation of parietal endoderm in lifr -/- embryoid bodies and addition of conditioned lif -/- cell culture supernatant promoted cardiomyogenesis, demonstrating for the first time that parietal endoderm also contributes to cardiomyogenesis in embryoid bodies in a paracrine and leukemia inhibitory factor and its receptor independent pathway. New factors signaling independently of the leukemia inhibitory-factor receptor pathway may sustain cardiomyocyte cell proliferation and thus be a future target for gene therapy of cardiomyopathies and cell therapy of the myocardium.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that a member of the Hedgehog gene family, Indian hedgehog (Ihh), is expressed in the visceral endoderm of EC and ES cell embryoid bodies and mouse embryos. Overexpression studies suggested that Ihh was involved in visceral endoderm differentiation. We now provide evidence for a Hh response in the embryoid body core and in the mesothelial layer of the visceral yolk sac. We also demonstrate that treatment of ES embryoid bodies with the Hh antagonists cAMP and forskolin results in downregulation of the Hh response and altered embryoid body differentiation. The outer endoderm layer undergoes a transition to parietal endoderm while formation of an embryonic ectoderm layer surrounding a cavity is inhibited. These treatments also result in a decrease in the expression of markers for the mesoderm derivatives, blood and endothelial cells. We present a model to explain how Ihh and BMP signaling may regulate extraembryonic endoderm and embryonic ectoderm differentiation.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to determine if the expression of the gene for retinol-binding protein (RBP) and/or transthyretin (TTR) could be induced upon differentiation of F9 teratocarcinoma cells to either visceral endoderm or parietal endoderm. Both TTR mRNA and RBP mRNA were undetectable in the undifferentiated F9 stem cells and in F9 cells differentiated to parietal endoderm. However, TTR mRNA and RBP mRNA were both detected in F9 cell aggregates differentiated to embryoid bodies (which contain visceral endoderm-like cells) by treatment of the aggregates in suspension with retinoic acid. TTR mRNA was observed at 3 days, and RBP mRNA at 5 days, after treatment of the F9 cell aggregates with retinoic acid. Both TTR mRNA and RBP mRNA were found to be specifically localized by in situ hybridization in the outer layer of cells (the visceral endoderm-like cells) of the embryoid bodies. Finally, synthesis and secretion of both RBP and TTR by F9 cell embryoid bodies was demonstrated by specific immunoprecipitation of each newly synthesized protein from the culture medium. These data thus demonstrate the production and presence of RBP mRNA and TTR mRNA, and the synthesis and secretion of RBP and TTR, by F9 cell embryoid bodies (specifically by visceral endoderm-like cells). This finding suggests that these two proteins may be synthesized by rodent embryos extremely early in embryonic development.  相似文献   

Previous findings on exogenous RNA-induced heart muscle differentiation in the non-heartforming cultured explants of the chick blastoderm, the postnodal pieces, were reexamined. Some of the changes that characterized the transition in the host tissues were: (i) the formation of highly ordered myofibrils; (ii) the appearance of characteristic cytoplasmic glycogen particles; (iii) a 2.5- and 3.5-fold increase in actin and myosin-like polypetides respectively; (iv) an increase in acetylcholinesterase activity; and (v) the acquisition of spontaneous and rhythmic pulsations. These specific changes appeared only in those explants that received a poly(A)-containing RNA fraction obtained from the 16-day-old chick embryonic heart. Neither synthetic polynucleotides nor a variety of RNA from several sources could replace the RNA from chick embryonic heart as an inducer of heart muscle differentiation.  相似文献   

The differentiation and formation of the primitive endoderm in early embryos can be mimicked in vitro by the aggregation of embryonic stem cells to form embryoid bodies. We present morphological evidence that primitive endoderm cells often first locate in the interior of embryoid bodies and subsequently migrate to the surface. Cell mixing experiments indicate that surface positioning is an intrinsic property of endoderm epithelial cells. Moreover, Disabled-2 (Dab2) is required for surface sorting and positioning of the endoderm cells: when Dab2 expression was eliminated, the differentiated endoderm epithelial cells distributed throughout the interior of the embryoid bodies. Surprisingly, E-cadherin is dispensable for primitive endoderm differentiation and surface sorting in embryoid bodies. These results support the model that primitive endoderm cells first emerge in the interior of the inner cell mass and are subsequently sorted to the surface to form the primitive endoderm.  相似文献   

We have surveyed the early stages in the development and differentiation of cultured mouse embryos for plasminogen activator production. This enzyme is first detectable by the sixth equivalent gestation day. Thereafter, cultured blastocysts produce plasminogen activator with a biphasic time course: in the first phase, enzyme secretion rises to a maximum at about the eighth day and then decreases; a second phase, during which more enzyme accumulates, begins somewhat later and continues to at least the fifteenth day.By fractionating the blastocyst into its constituent cell types, we have identified the trophoblast as the cells responsible for the first phase of enzyme synthesis. The pattern of enzyme production by the trophoblast is closely correlated with the invasive period of these cells in vivo and implies that plasminogen activator is involved in embryo implantation. The second phase of plasminogen activator production is due to parietal endoderm, which initiates enzyme synthesis upon differentiation from the inner cell mass. The properties of the parietal endoderm suggest that plasminogen activator may participate in the migration of these cells and/or in the metabolism of Reichert's membrane which accompanies embryo growth.These results are consistent with the concept, developed from work on other cell types, that plasminogen activator may represent a generalized mechanism for tissue remodeling and cell migration.  相似文献   

Fetomodulin is a surface marker protein of differentiated F9 embryonal carcinoma cells. Gene cloning has recently identified it as thrombomodulin which binds thrombin and proteolytically activates protein C. Activity assays and RNA blotting were adopted to analyze F9 cell differentiation with specific reference to another well-characterized marker, tissue plasminogen activator. Retinoic acid induced primitive endoderm differentiation of F9 cells and simultaneously activated tissue plasminogen activator synthesis. This differentiation, however, did not result in fetomodulin expression. When primitive endoderm cells were exposed to 1 mM dibutyryl cyclic AMP, the tissue plasminogen activator level rose further within 6 hr. In contrast, the cofactor activity of fetomodulin stayed below a detectable level for as long as 15 hr and then increased with time. Expression of the two marker proteins appeared to be regulated differently.  相似文献   

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