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Patterns of plant species abundance were studied for five old patches in the Kakamega Forest in Western Kenya. All the five patches had been subjected to disturbances involving removal of top soil. Species diversity, species abundance, damage to individuals in various patches, quality of growth and distribution of life-forms differed among patches. The pattern of species abundance showed the most striking variation in conforming to various species dominance curves. Explanations for these differences in species quality appear to reflect the quality of the patches.


On a étudié dans 5 anciennes parcelles de la Kakamega Forest à l'ouest du Kenya les schémas d'abondance en espèes végétales. Les 5 parcelles avaient été soumises a des perturbations comprenant l'évacuation de la couche supérieure du sol. La diversité des espèces, leur abondance, les dommages causés aux plantes indivi-duelles dans les différentes parcelles, le type de croissance et la distribution des espèces différaient selon les parcelles. Le schéma d'abondance des espèces montrait la variation la plus frappante par sa conformité aux courbes de dominance des différentes espèces. Les explications de ces différences de la qualité des espèces semble refléter la qualité des parcelles.  相似文献   

Mount (Mt) Elgon forest in western Kenya is important for biodiversity, environmental protection and socio‐economic development. Characterizing forest conditions is essential for evaluation of sustainable management and conservation activities. This paper covers findings of a study which determined and analysed indicators useful in monitoring disturbance levels in the Mt Elgon Forest. A systematic survey was carried out and covered 305 plots of 0.02 ha and 250 smaller nested regeneration plots along 10 belt transects that were distributed in five blocks within the moist lower montane forest type. Collected and analysed data include types of disturbance, tree species composition, abundance and logged species. Correlation breakdown among disturbance types revealed that, paths were indicators of the number of tree harvesting sites (rs =1.00, P < 0.01) and of de‐vegetated areas through grass harvesting (rs = 0.90, P = 0.04). Solanum mauritianum Scop. was an indicator of old‐charcoal production sites. Logging targeted 13 tree species and harvested trees with diameter at breast height above 20 cm. The most exploited species were Olea capensis L. and Deinbolia kilimandscharica Taub. All exploited species had low regeneration but tree regeneration was not an effective indicator of logging.  相似文献   

While habitat disturbance and food availability are major factors thought to determine the abundance of primates, evidence for their importance is uneven. We assessed the effects of these factors on three monkey species, guerezas ( Colobus guereza ) , blue monkeys ( Cercopithecus mitis ) and redtails ( Cercopithecus ascanius ), in four areas of the Kakamega Forest, Kenya. Group densities of guerezas and blue monkeys were higher in areas where disturbance levels were also higher. Food availability measured as basal area density of food trees did not correlate significantly with the group densities of any of the three monkeys. The diversity of food trees, another potential measure of food abundance did, however, correlate with group densities of guerezas and blue monkeys suggesting that food availability may positively influence monkey density, and may sometimes increase with disturbance. Group densities of redtails did not correlate with any habitat variable examined, suggesting that factors other than those we considered may have influenced the abundance of this species particularly.  相似文献   

As natural forest cover declines, planted forests have come to occupy an increasing percentage of the earth's surface, yet we know little about their suitability as alternative habitat for wildlife. Although some primate species use planted forests, few studies have compared primate populations in natural and nearby planted forests. From March 2006 to July 2010, we conducted line transect surveys and assessed group sizes and compositions in natural and nearby 60-70 year old mixed indigenous planted forest to determine the densities of diurnal primate species (Colobus guereza, Cercopithecus mitis, C. ascanius) in these two forest types at Isecheno, Kakamega Forest, Kenya. Line transect data were analyzed using the Encounter Rate, Whitesides, and Distance sampling methods, which all provided broadly consistent results. We found that all three diurnal primate species occupy both natural and planted forest at Isecheno. However, group densities of the two Cercopithecus species were 42-46% lower in planted than in natural forest. Colobus guereza achieved comparable group densities in the two forest types, although the species is found in smaller groups, and thus at lower (35%) individual density, in planted than in natural forest. Following a logging episode in the planted forest mid-way through our study, Cercopithecus ascanius group densities fell by 60% while C. mitis and Colobus guereza group densities remained stable over the next two years. Overall, our results suggest that while primate species vary in their response to habitat disturbance, planted forest has the potential to contribute to the conservation of some African monkey species. Even for the relatively flexible taxa in our study, however, 60-70 year old mixed indigenous planted forest failed to support densities comparable to those in nearby natural forest. From the perspective of Kakamega's primates, planted forests may supplement natural forest, but are not an adequate replacement for it.  相似文献   

Aim To quantify the influences of forest area, shape and isolation on tree species diversity in Ghana and to compare their significance with the influences of climate (average annual rainfall) and disturbance (fire burn, logging, agriculture). Location The forest zone of southern Ghana, West Africa (between 5 and 8° N). Methods For twenty‐two forest fragments (1) bivariate regression analyses of tree species diversity (number and composition) were employed with forest spatial geometry, climate and disturbance variables. (2) Multivariate regression analyses of tree species number and all seven environmental variables were used to determine the variability in tree species number that could be accounted for by these environmental variables. Results Forest area, shape and isolation accounted for sharply decreasing proportions of variability in tree species diversity. Large forest fragments contained the greatest numbers of tree species and the highest proportions of rare tree species; irregular fragments had high proportions of regenerating, light‐demanding pioneers and mature, animal‐dispersed species and isolated fragments were floristically similar to less isolated fragments. Fire burn and average annual rainfall accounted for small, but nevertheless significant, proportions of variability in tree species diversity. Logging and agriculture were non‐significant variables. Main conclusions (1) Forest area is the most important consideration when planning tropical forest reserves. (2) Management of disturbance should take priority over management of forest shape if higher levels of tree diversity and species quality are to be maintained. (3) If new reserves are to be designated, they should be located within different climatic zones in order to capture a large fraction of the regional biota. (4) Biogeographers have an important role to play in formulating and testing hypotheses at a broad spatial scale and ultimately, informing conservation management within the tropical biome.  相似文献   

Populations of coexisting tropical forest rodents Praomys jacksoni and P. (Hylomyscus) stella were investigated to test whether lower relative densities in regenerating forest compared with mature forest were because of poor health and/or reduced chances for females to breed. Relative frequencies, litter size, mass, length of embryos, presence or absence of ecto‐ and/ or endoparasites, and liver condition were recorded and analysed. Higher numbers of either species occurred in the mature compared with regenerating forest. Mottled livers and endoparasites were associated with heavier rodents; litter size related positively to mass of pregnant females in both species. Litter size, embryo size, sex ratios, liver condition, and infestation of ecto‐ and endoparasites were independent of forest and species. Apparently, reduced female density in regenerating forest had no breeding cost on individual females occurring there.  相似文献   

Studies about processes determining biodiversity in Pantanal are urgently needed and the use of invertebrates for this purpose may be an efficient tool. The purpose of this paper is to verify whether ants could be used to predict human impacts on Pantanal, assessing how environmental characteristics of gallery forest influence arboreal ant species richness. Specifically, we tested the hypotheses that: (i) resource availability (estimated by tree density) and (ii) diversity of environmental conditions (estimated by structural heterogeneity) positively influence arboreal ant species richness and composition. Ants were sampled in a gallery forest in the Miranda River. Ant species richness did not respond to tree density, but increased with structural heterogeneity. Species composition was affected both by tree density and structural heterogeneity. The species list produced in the present study showed a high similarity between arboreal ant faunas of Cerrado and Pantanal, which are contiguous biomes. The relationship of ant species richness with heterogeneity, as well as the observed changes of species composition with tree density and heterogeneity may be explained by the presence of a variation of environmental conditions, which create several micro-habitats in the forest. The response of the ant community can reflect human impacts on the forests of the studied region, which are usually modified to create patches for sport fishing and by pathways used in ecotourism.  相似文献   

This study assessed the impacts of logging on the population structure and dynamics of Elgon teak (Olea capensis), a canopy dominant in Kakamega forest. The objective was to ascertain and determine the regeneration status of this tree species in view of its commercial value. A comparison was made between logged and unlogged sections at three sites in the forest. Pairwise comparisons of the differences in the population structure among three sites and the differences in the mean tree size revealed significant differences in all three study sites. Results also revealed a variation in stem density that was dependent on the block of forest under study. Results of the spatial contagion revealed that O. capensis had a varied clumped distribution in all the study sites. Clumping was highest in the Kisere forest. These results point to logging as the major factor that explains the differences in population structure and stem density in different parts of Kakamega forest. And while intermittent recruitment may explain clumped distribution, logging appears to explain the variation in the degree of clumping.  相似文献   

Forest succession was studied in four plots in former grasslands at the Ngogo study area in Kibale National Park, Uganda. The plots were located in areas that had been protected from fire for 0.58, 25, 9 and ≈30 years for plots 1, 2, 3 and 4, respectively. Species richness reflected the length of time that the plot had been protected from fire; it was highest in plot 4 and lowest in plot 1. Species density, stem density and basal area were all highest in plot 4 and lowest in plot 1. The species densities of plots 2 and 3 were not different. Similarly, plots 2 and 4 did not differ with regard to stem density or basal area. Animal seed dispersers played a vital role in the colonization of grasslands by forest tree species.  相似文献   

Serbian spruce, Picea omorika (Pan?.) Purk., is a cold-adapted conifer confined to an area of c. 10,000 km2 within the Balkans. This area, which has not been exposed to severe anthropogenic disturbances in the recent past, represents a long-term cryptic refugium of this species. We studied Quaternary dynamics of fragmentary distributed Serbian spruce populations to uncover genetic and demographic processes accounting for high levels of genetic diversities in this endemic species within its long-term cryptic refugium. Based on our data set [499 trees from ten populations, five nuclear microsatellites (EST-SSRs) and a mitochondrial (mtDNA) locus], we found the following: (i) continuous increase of genetic distinctiveness of populations caused by various genetic and/or demographic processes, (ii) decreasing over generations pollen flow, and (iii) almost complete lack of seed flow, are trends applicable not only for post-glacial but also for glacial populations. As a result, populations distant few kilometers or less were poorly connected and highly differentiated (nuclear DNA: average ρ ST , Hedrick’s G′ ST and Jost’s D of 0.165, 0.429 and 0.385, respectively; mtDNA: G ST  = 0.632). They were characterized as independent gene pools at the nuclear DNA level. Nonetheless, levels of genetic diversity were high at both nuclear (average allelic richness = 16.14; average H E  = 0.776) and mtDNA (H T  = 0.231) levels. They were maintained not by pronounced gene flow but rather by frequent admixtures of highly differentiated populations, and also by species longevity and overlapping generations in the populations. However, admixtures had been possible only if populations encountered each other over time. Particular genetic and/or demographic changes of populations, such as fragmentations, admixture, size reductions/expansions and extinctions, could not be associated exclusively neither to the post-glacial nor to the last glacial as they were detected during both periods. In accordance with expectations on range alternations in cold-adapted taxa confined to refugia during warm Quaternary periods, our study species was expanding range during the last glacial and contracting range post-glacially. Recommendations for conservation of this IUCN red-listed, endemic and relict species have been provided.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an integrative framework to assess the conservation status of rare plant populations that combines population trends with four criteria to assess habitat vulnerability. We illustrate how population trends can be studied using a presence/absence method for a species that is inappropriate for a demographic study. The four other criteria concern habitat fragmentation, the human footprint in the surrounding landscape, observed impacts on a population and elements of habitat structure and quality that may impinge on population status. Each criterion is assessed with various indicators that can be adapted to the biology and ecology of the studied species. To test the feasibility of the proposed framework, we perform a case study of a Mediterranean geophyte Allium chamaemoly L., a species listed for protection in France. The results show a wide range of conservation status among a regional set of populations in the study species. Variation among the indicators used to assess different criteria illustrates the importance of assessing a range of different factors and ways to combine them if population conservation status is to be objectively identified. The study of diverse criteria may allow for a more precise assessment of the causes of differences in conservation status among populations of a single species. The framework of five criteria could be adapted by modification or substitution of indicators or adaptation of thresholds among classes, and thus be applied to other species of conservation importance.  相似文献   

The present study explores traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) of Turkana pastoralists and cultivators in the context of a riverine forest in northern Kenya. The Turkwel River and its floodplain sustain a thick forest, which is used for grazing and extraction of non-timber forest products. However, sedentarisation and agricultural expansion have resulted in localised clear-felling of trees, while river damming has altered the natural flow regime. A series of structured, semi-structured, and group interviews were combined with a botanical inventory in order to assess the relevance of TEK to ecological research and forest conservation. Turkana informants gave 102 vernacular names for the 113 woody species. Of these, 85% had a domestic or pastoral use among the 105 specific uses that were described. Ethnobotanical knowledge was relatively homogenous and not related to age, gender, or source of livelihood. The informants had in-depth knowledge of some key ecological processes. The conceived threats to forest survival were primarily cultivation and permanent settlements, while the effects of river damming and livestock grazing were disputed. A claimed decline in rainfall was confirmed by official data. There is strong evidence that TEK could be used to generate hypotheses for research and to design sustainable conservation strategies. A revised version of the indigenous system of tree management should be incorporated into the official forestry policy in order to resolve future conflicts between pastoralists and cultivators.  相似文献   

Tree abundance and species composition in the mechanically logged, intensively pitsawn and minimally disturbed areas of Kalinzu Forest Reserve were determined. The spatial and diameter size‐class distribution of ten selected tree species representing pioneer, secondary colonizer, understorey, canopy, dominant and endangered species were also assessed. The species were: Musanga leo‐errerae, Trema orientalis, Funtumia africana, Strombosia scheffleri, Oxyansus speciosus, Parinari excelsa, Tabernaemontana holstii, Newtonia buchananii, Lovoa swynnertonii and Entandrophragma angolense. The mean stem density of all trees ≥0.5 m in height was 2809.1 per hectare and 150 species were enumerated in the three forest areas. Most individuals (47.73%) and species (75.0%) were recorded in the minimally disturbed and least in the mechanically logged areas. Of the selected species, F. africana was the most abundant (n = 789) and widely distributed in each of the areas. Entandrophragma angolense was the least abundant (n = 63) and most of its individuals (74.6%) were recorded in the minimally disturbed area. Funtumia africana and S. scheffleri (subcanopy), O. speciosus and T. holstii (understorey), N. buchananii (canopy) and P. excelsa (an upper canopy and a climax species of this forest reserve) had an inverse J‐shaped diameter size‐class structure while pioneer species (M. leo‐errerae and T. orientalis) had a bell‐shaped size‐class structure.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to evaluate the respective roles of past changes in climate, geomorphology and human activities in shaping the present-day forest-savannah mosaic of the Bolivian Amazon, and consider how this palaeoecological perspective may help inform conservation strategies for the future. To this end, we review a suite of palaeoecological and archaeological data from two distinct forest-savannah environments in lowland Bolivia: Noel Kempff Mercado National Park (NKMNP) on the Precambrian Shield and the 'Llanos de Moxos' in the Beni basin. We show that they contain markedly contrasting legacies of past climatic, geomorphic and anthropogenic influences between the last glacial period and the Spanish Conquest. In NKMNP, increasing precipitation caused evergreen rainforest expansion, at the expense of semi-deciduous dry forest and savannahs, over the last three millennia. In contrast, pre-Hispanic indigenous cultures were instrumental in facilitating recent forest expansion in the Llanos de Moxos by building a vast network of earthworks. Insights from Mid-Holocene palaeodata, together with ecological observations and modelling studies, suggest that there will be progressive replacement of rainforest by dry forest and savannah in NKMNP over the twenty-first century in response to the increased drought predicted by general circulation models. Protection of the latitudinal landscape corridors may be needed to facilitate these future species reassortments. However, devising appropriate conservation strategies for the Llanos de Moxos will be more difficult due to its complex legacy of Palaeo-Indian impact. Without fully understanding the degree to which its current biota has been influenced by past native cultures, the type and intensity of human land use appropriate for this landscape in the future will be difficult to ascertain.  相似文献   

Changes in the woodland extent over the last 200 years were assessed from old maps for a 100 ha woodland nature reserve in southern Britain. More detailed changes in the composition and structure of the tree and shrub layers were measured using data from 95 permanent vegetation plots (10 × 10 m) distributed across the reserve at the intersections of a 100 m grid. These were recorded in 1973, 1992 and 2009. The woodland area has more than doubled since the 18th century, but whereas the pre-1800 woodland was mainly Fagus sylvatica the more recent woodland was initially predominantly conifer plantation. These plantations have since developed into mainly broadleaved high forest of Fraxinus excelsior and Acer pseudoplatanus. Changes on the site are the combination of active interventions through management and natural processes (differential species growth, death from disease, windthrow, herbivore damage). Further changes are likely in future in particular from ash dieback (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus) and climate change impacts. Many of the changes seen on this reserve are mirrored in woods elsewhere in Britain and Europe. Over periods of a few decades and at the whole-reserve scale the woods can be considered to be relatively stable; at the plot level, or over time-scales of centuries they are very dynamic. Whether woods are judged to be resilient must include definition of the temporal and spatial scales.  相似文献   

The Amazon and Atlantic Forest are considered the world's most biodiverse biomes. Human and climate change impacts are the principal drivers of species loss in both biomes, more severely in the Atlantic Forest. In response to species loss, the main conservation action is the creation of protected areas (PAs). Current knowledge and research on the PA network's conservation efficiency is scarce, and existing studies have mainly considered a past temporal view. In this study, we tested the efficiency of the current PA network to maintain climatically stable areas (CSAs) across the Amazon and Atlantic Forest. To this, we used an ecological niche modeling approach to biome and paleoclimatic simulations. We propose three categories of conservation priority areas for both biomes, considering CSAs, PAs and intact forest remnants. The biomes vary in their respective PA networks' protection efficiency. Regarding protect CSAs, the Amazon PA network is four times more efficient than the Atlantic Forest PA network. New conservation efforts in these two forest biomes require different approaches. We discussed the conservation actions that should be taken in each biome to increase the efficiency of the PA network, considering both the creation and expansion of PAs as well as restoration programs.  相似文献   

Primate censuses were conducted in a mosaic of colonizing (two locations) and old-growth forests using line transect methods at the Ngogo study site, Kibale National Park, Uganda. Black and white colobus monkeys (Colobus guereza) were encountered more frequently in the colonizing forests than in the old growth forest, while chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) were encountered more frequently in the old growth forest than in colonizing forests. Although not significant, results suggest that blue monkeys (Cercopithecus mitis) frequented colonizing forests more often than old growth forest. The encounter rates of mangabey (Lophocebus albigena), and redtail (Cercopithecus ascanius) groups were ambiguous with their density being higher in some colonizing forests but not others as compared to old-growth forest. No significant differences were detected for baboons (Papio anubis), Lhoests (Cercopithecus lhoesti), and red colobus monkeys (Piliocolobus tephroscales). The conversion of forests to farmland is one of the major problems encountered in primate conservation. This study shows that secondary forests replacing anthropogenic grasslands have the potential of supporting some primate species such as black and white colobus, redtail monkeys, and possibly blue monkeys. Therefore, such areas should not be given up but should be conserved for the benefit of primates that can survive in secondary forests; as the forests mature further, primate species that are adapted to old growth forest will colonize the area provided there is a nearby source.  相似文献   

Protected forest areas of Sulawesi are gradually being replaced by intensively used agroforestry systems and farmland, especially in lowland and sub-montane regions. Studies on the impact of these man-induced changes on biodiversity are of urgent conservation concern. We compared the fruit-feeding butterfly assemblage of a natural hill forest to that of a disturbed hill forest, representing a mosaic of old secondary forest and recently abandoned or active subsistence farms. Overall, species richness seemed highest in the disturbed site, but both abundance and diversity of endemic butterflies were significantly higher in the natural forest. Although the butterfly assemblage showed a clear vertical structure in the natural forest, vertical stratification was no longer pronounced at the disturbed site. Comparative studies based on diversity estimates from ground samples should consider not only the scale at which sampling is carried out and influences from nearby habitat patches in the surrounding landscape mosaic, but also possible behavioural changes in stratified species after forest modification. This study shows that higher overall species richness does not imply higher species distinctiveness, and indicates that the contribution of land-use systems to global biodiversity should be evaluated with caution, even when relatively high species richness estimates are found.  相似文献   

Mature tropical forests at agricultural frontiers are of global conservation concern as the leading edge of global deforestation. In the Ituri Forest of DRC, as in other tropical forest areas, road creation associated with selective logging results in spontaneous human colonization, leading to the clearing of mature forest for agricultural purposes. Following 1-3 years of cultivation, farmlands are left fallow for periods that may exceed 20 years, resulting in extensive secondary forest areas impacted by both selective logging and swidden agriculture. In this study, we assessed forest structure, tree species composition and diversity and the regeneration of timber trees in secondary forest stands (5-10 and ~40 years old), selectively logged forest stands, and undisturbed forests at two sites in the Ituri region. Stem density was lower in old secondary forests (~40 years old) than in either young secondary or mature forests. Overall tree diversity did not significantly differ between forest types, but the diversity of trees ≥10 cm dbh was substantially lower in young secondary forest stands than in old secondary or mature forests. The species composition of secondary forests differed from that of mature forests, with the dominant Caesalpinoid legume species of mature forests poorly represented in secondary forests. However, in spite of prior logging, the regeneration of high value timber trees such as African mahoganies (Khaya anthotheca and Entandrophragma spp.) was at least 10 times greater in young secondary forests than in mature forests. We argue that, if properly managed and protected, secondary forests, even those impacted by both selective logging and small-scale shifting agriculture, may have high potential conservation and economic value.  相似文献   

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