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The role of the C-domain of the epsilon subunit of ATP synthase was investigated by fusing either the 20-kDa flavodoxin (Fd) or the 5-kDa chitin binding domain (CBD) to the N termini of both full-length epsilon and a truncation mutant epsilon(88-stop). All mutant epsilon proteins were stable in cells and supported F1F0 assembly. Cells expressing the Fd-epsilon or Fd-epsilon(88-stop) mutants were unable to grow on acetate minimal medium, indicating their inability to carry out oxidative phosphorylation because of steric blockage of rotation. The other forms of epsilon supported growth on acetate. Membrane vesicles containing Fd-epsilon showed 23% of the wild type ATPase activity but no proton pumping, suggesting that the ATP synthase is intrinsically partially uncoupled. Vesicles containing CBD-epsilon were indistinguishable from the wild type in ATPase activity and proton pumping, indicating that the N-terminal fusions alone do not promote uncoupling. Fd-epsilon(88-stop) caused higher rates of uncoupled ATP hydrolysis than Fd-epsilon, and epsilon(88-stop) showed an increased rate of membrane-bound ATP hydrolysis but decreased proton pumping relative to the wild type. Both results demonstrate the role of the C-domain in coupling. Analysis of the wild type and epsilon(88-stop) mutant membrane ATPase activities at concentrations of ATP from 50 mum to 8 mm showed no significant dependence of the ratio of bound/released ATPase activity on ATP concentration. These results support the hypothesis that the main function of the C-domain in the Escherichia coli epsilon subunit is to reduce uncoupled ATPase activity, rather than to regulate coupled activity.  相似文献   

Johnson EA  McCarty RE 《Biochemistry》2002,41(7):2446-2451
The epsilon subunit of the chloroplast ATP synthase is an inhibitor of activity of the enzyme. Recombinant forms of the epsilon subunit from spinach chloroplasts lacking the last 10, 32, or 45 amino acids were immobilized onto activated Sepharose. A polyclonal antiserum raised against the epsilon subunit was passed over these immobilized protein columns, and the purified antibodies which were not bound recognized the portions of the epsilon subunit missing from the recombinant form present on the column. The full polyclonal antiserum can strip the epsilon subunit from the ATP synthase in illuminated thylakoid membranes [Richter, M. L., and McCarty, R. E. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 15037-15040]. Exposure of illuminated thylakoid membranes to antibodies recognizing the last 32 amino acids of the epsilon subunit collapses the proton gradient and hinders ATP synthesis with similar efficiency as the full polyclonal preparation. These results indicate that antibodies against the last 32 amino acids of the epsilon subunit are capable of stripping the subunit from the ATP synthase in illuminated membranes. Neither of these effects was seen when the membranes were exposed to the antibodies in the dark. This is direct evidence that the chloroplast ATP synthase undergoes a conformational shift during its activation by the electrochemical proton gradient which specifically alters the conformation of the carboxyl-terminal domain of the epsilon subunit from protected to solvent-exposed. The relation between this shift and activation of the enzyme by the electrochemical proton gradient is discussed.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the last seven to nine amino acid residues at the C terminus of the gamma subunit of the ATP synthase act as a spindle for rotation of the gamma subunit with respect to the alpha beta subunits during catalysis (Abrahams, J. P., Leslie, A. G. W., Lutter, R., and Walker, J. E. (1994) Nature 370, 621-628). To test this hypothesis we selectively deleted C-terminal residues from the chloroplast gamma subunit, two at a time starting at the sixth residue from the end and finishing at the 20th residue from the end. The mutant gamma genes were overexpressed in Escherichia coli and assembled with a native alpha3beta3 complex. All the mutant forms of gamma assembled as effectively as the wild-type gamma. Deletion of the terminal 6 residues of gamma resulted in a significant increase (>50%) in the Ca-dependent ATPase activity when compared with the wild-type assembly. The increased activity persisted even after deletion of the C-terminal 14 residues, well beyond the seven residues proposed to form the spindle. Further deletions resulted in a decreased activity to approximately 19% of that of the wild-type enzyme after deleting all 20 C-terminal residues. The results indicate that the tip of the gammaC terminus is not essential for catalysis and raise questions about the role of the C terminus as a spindle for rotation.  相似文献   

To understand the regulatory function of the gamma and epsilon subunits of chloroplast ATP synthase in the membrane integrated complex, we constructed a chimeric FoF1 complex of thermophilic bacteria. When a part of the chloroplast F1 gamma subunit was introduced into the bacterial FoF1 complex, the inverted membrane vesicles with this chimeric FoF1 did not exhibit the redox sensitive ATP hydrolysis activity, which is a common property of the chloroplast ATP synthase. However, when the whole part or the C-terminal alpha-helices region of the epsilon subunit was substituted with the corresponding region from CF1-epsilon together with the mutation of gamma, the redox regulation property emerged. In contrast, ATP synthesis activity did not become redox sensitive even if both the regulatory region of CF1-gamma and the entire epsilon subunit from CF1 were introduced. These results provide important features for the regulation of FoF1 by these subunits: (1) the interaction between gamma and epsilon is important for the redox regulation of FoF1 complex by the gamma subunit, and (2) a certain structural matching between these regulatory subunits and the catalytic core of the enzyme must be required to confer the complete redox regulation mechanism to the bacterial FoF1. In addition, a structural requirement for the redox regulation of ATP hydrolysis activity might be different from that for the ATP synthesis activity.  相似文献   

Nowak KF  McCarty RE 《Biochemistry》2004,43(11):3273-3279
The ATP synthases from chloroplasts and Escherichia coli are regulated by several factors, one of which is the epsilon subunit. This small subunit is also required for ATP synthesis. Thylakoid membranes reconstituted with CF1 lacking the epsilon subunit (CF1-epsilon) exhibit no ATP synthesis and very high ATP hydrolysis. Either native or recombinant epsilon restores ATP synthesis and inhibits ATP hydrolysis. Previously, we showed that truncated epsilon, lacking the last 45 C-terminal amino acids, restored ATP synthesis to membranes reconstituted with CF1-epsilon but was not an efficient inhibitor of ATP hydrolysis. In this paper, we show that this truncated epsilon is unable to inhibit ATP hydrolysis when Mg(2+) is the divalent cation present, both for the enzyme in solution and on the thylakoid membrane. In addition, the rate of reduction of the disulfide bond of the gamma subunit by dithiothreitol is not decreased by truncated epsilon, although full-length epsilon greatly impedes reduction. Thylakoid membranes can synthesize ATP at the expense of proton gradients generated by pH transitions in the dark. Our reconstituted membranes are able to produce a limited amount of ATP under these "acid-bath" conditions, with approximately equal amounts produced by the membranes containing wild-type epsilon and those containing truncated epsilon. However, the membranes containing truncated epsilon exhibit much higher background ATP hydrolysis under the same acid-bath conditions, leading to the conclusion that, without the C-terminus of epsilon, the CF1CFo is unable to check unwanted ATP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Rabbit antiserum raised against the isolated native epsilon subunit of the chloroplast coupling factor 1 activated the ATPase activity of coupling factor 1 in solution by removing the epsilon subunit. Incubation of thylakoid membranes with the antiserum in the dark had no effect on photophosphorylation or on the dithiothreitol-induced Mg2+-ATPase activity. Incubation with the antiserum during illumination, however, strongly inhibited both activities and caused the membranes to become leaky to protons. The results indicate that the formation of a proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane induces a change in conformation of the epsilon subunit of the ATP synthase such that it becomes susceptible to attack and removal by the antibodies. This change may be a part of the mechanism that results in energy-dependent activation of the ATP synthase.  相似文献   

The gene encoding the epsilon subunit (atpE) of the chloroplast ATP synthase of Spinacia oleracea has been overexpressed in Escherichia coli. The recombinant protein can be solubilized in 8 M urea and directly diluted into buffer containing ethanol and glycerol to obtain epsilon that is as biologically active as epsilon purified from chloroplast-coupling factor 1 (CF1). Recombinant epsilon folded in this manner inhibits the ATPase activity of soluble and membrane-bound CF1 deficient in epsilon and restores proton impermeability to thylakoid membranes reconstituted with CF1 deficient in epsilon. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to generate truncations and single amino acid substitutions in the primary structure of epsilon. In the five mutants tested, alterations that weaken ATPase inhibition by recombinant epsilon affect its ability to restore proton impermeability to a similar extent, with one exception. Substitution of histidine-37 with arginine appears to uncouple ATPase inhibition and the restoration of proton impermeability. As in the case of E. coli, it appears that N-terminal truncations of the epsilon subunit have more profound effects than C-terminal deletions on the function of epsilon. Recombinant epsilon with six amino acids deleted from the C terminus, which is the only region of significant mismatch between the epsilon of spinach and the epsilon of Pisum sativum, inhibits ATPase activity with a reduced potency similar to that of purified pea epsilon. Four of the six amino acids are serine or threonine. These hydroxylated amino acids may be important in epsilon-CF1 interactions.  相似文献   

ATP hydrolysis by the isolated F(1)-ATPase drives the rotation of the central shaft, subunit gamma, which is located within a hexagon formed by subunits (alphabeta)(3). The C-terminal end of gamma forms an alpha-helix which properly fits into the "hydrophobic bearing" provided by loops of subunits alpha and beta. This "bearing" is expected to be essential for the rotary function. We checked the importance of this contact region by successive C-terminal deletions of 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, and 18 amino acid residues (Escherichia coli F(1)-ATPase). The ATP hydrolysis activity of a load-free ensemble of F(1) with 12 residues deleted decreased to 24% of the control. EF(1) with deletions of 15 or 18 residues was inactive, probably because it failed to assemble. The average torque generated by a single molecule of EF(1) when loaded by a fluorescent actin filament was, however, unaffected by deletions of up to 12 residues, as was their rotational behavior (all samples rotated during 60 +/- 19% of the observation time). Activation energy analysis with the ensemble revealed a moderate decrease from 54 kJ/mol for EF(1) (full-length gamma) to 34 kJ/mol for EF(1)(gamma-12). These observations imply that the intactness of the C terminus of subunit gamma provides structural stability and/or routing during assembly of the enzyme, but that it is not required for the rotary action under load, proper.  相似文献   

Ni ZL  Shi XB  Wei JM 《Biochemistry》2004,43(8):2272-2278
Mutagenesis was used to generate seven truncation mutants of the spinach (Spinacia oleracea) chloroplast ATP synthase delta subunit lacking 5, 11, 17, or 35 amino acid residues from the N-terminus or 3, 9, or 15 residues from the C-terminus. Interactions between these mutants and all other subunits of the chloroplast ATPase were investigated by a yeast two-hybrid system. The results indicate that the N-terminal deletions mainly affected interactions between the delta subunit and the other part of CF(1), but did not significantly affect interactions with the CF(0) sector. In contrast, C-terminal truncations of the delta subunit mainly affected its interaction with the CF(0) sector and caused little impairment in interactions with the other part of CF(1). The conformation of the delta subunit C-terminal domain seems to be more sensitive to the truncations, as shown by minimal expression driven by C-terminal deleted (nine residues) mutants. Further studies showed C-terminal truncations of the delta subunit greatly impaired its ability to restore cyclic photophosphorylation in NaBr vesicles, whereas N-terminal truncations had little effect on the ability of delta to plug the CF(0) channel. None of the mutants impaired ATP hydrolysis by CF(1).  相似文献   

Two highly conserved amino acid residues, an arginine and a glutamine, located near the C-terminal end of the gamma subunit, form a "catch" by hydrogen bonding with residues in an anionic loop on one of the three catalytic beta subunits of the bovine mitochondrial F1-ATPase [Abrahams, J. P., Leslie, A. G., Lutter, R., and Walker, J. E. (1994) Nature 370, 621-628]. The catch is considered to play a critical role in the binding change mechanism whereby binding of ATP to one catalytic site releases the catch and induces a partial rotation of the gamma subunit. This role is supported by the observation that mutation of the equivalent arginine and glutamine residues in the Escherichia coli F1 gamma subunit drastically reduced all ATP-dependent catalytic activities of the enzyme [Greene, M. D., and Frasch, W. D. (2003) J. Biol. Chem. 278, 5194-5198]. In this study, we show that simultaneous substitution of the equivalent residues in the chloroplast F1 gamma subunit, arginine 304 and glutamine 305, with alanine decreased the level of proton-coupled ATP synthesis by more than 80%. Both the Mg2+-dependent and Ca2+-dependent ATP hydrolysis activities increased by more than 3-fold as a result of these mutations; however, the sulfite-stimulated activity decreased by more than 60%. The Mg2+-dependent, but not the Ca2+-dependent, ATPase activity of the double mutant was insensitive to inhibition by the phytotoxic inhibitor tentoxin, indicating selective loss of catalytic cooperativity in the presence of Mg2+ ions. The results indicate that the catch residues are required for efficient proton coupling and for activation of multisite catalysis when MgATP is the substrate. The catch is not, however, required for CaATP-driven multisite catalysis or, therefore, for rotation of the gamma subunit.  相似文献   

The gamma subunit of the F1 portion of the chloroplast ATP synthase contains a critically placed dithiol that provides a redox switch converting the enzyme from a latent to an active ATPase. The switch prevents depletion of intracellular ATP pools in the dark when photophosphorylation is inactive. The dithiol is located in a special regulatory segment of about 40 amino acids that is absent from the gamma subunits of the eubacterial and mitochondrial enzymes. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to probe the relationship between the structure of the gamma regulatory segment and its function in ATPase regulation via its interaction with the inhibitory epsilon subunit. Mutations were designed using a homology model of the chloroplast gamma subunit based on the analogous structures of the bacterial and mitochondrial homologues. The mutations included (a) substituting both of the disulfide-forming cysteines (Cys199 and Cys205) for alanines, (b) deleting nine residues containing the dithiol, (c) deleting the region distal to the dithiol (residues 224-240), and (d) deleting the entire segment between residues 196 and 241 with the exception of a small spacer element, and (e) deleting pieces from a small loop segment predicted by the model to interact with the dithiol domain. Deletions within the dithiol domain and within parts of the loop segment resulted in loss of redox control of the ATPase activity of the F1 enzyme. Deleting the distal segment, the whole regulatory domain, or parts of the loop segment had the additional effect of reducing the maximum extent of inhibition obtained upon adding the epsilon subunit but did not abolish epsilon binding. The results suggest a mechanism by which the gamma and epsilon subunits interact with each other to induce the latent state of the enzyme.  相似文献   

General structural features of the chloroplast ATP synthase are summarized highlighting differences between the chloroplast enzyme and other ATP synthases. Much of the review is focused on the important interactions between the epsilon and gamma subunits of the chloroplast coupling factor 1 (CF(1)) which are involved in regulating the ATP hydrolytic activity of the enzyme and also in transferring energy from the membrane segment, chloroplast coupling factor 0 (CF(0)), to the catalytic sites on CF(1). A simple model is presented which summarizes properties of three known states of activation of the membrane-bound form of CF(1). The three states can be explained in terms of three different bound conformational states of the epsilon subunit. One of the three states, the fully active state, is only found in the membrane-bound form of CF(1). The lack of this state in the isolated form of CF(1), together with the confirmed presence of permanent asymmetry among the alpha, beta and gamma subunits of isolated CF(1), indicate that ATP hydrolysis by isolated CF(1) may involve only two of the three potential catalytic sites on the enzyme. Thus isolated CF(1) may be different from other F(1) enzymes in that it only operates on 'two cylinders' whereby the gamma subunit does not rotate through a full 360 degrees during the catalytic cycle. On the membrane in the presence of a light-induced proton gradient the enzyme assumes a conformation which may involve all three catalytic sites and a full 360 degrees rotation of gamma during catalysis.  相似文献   

Johnson EA  Evron Y  McCarty RE 《Biochemistry》2001,40(6):1804-1811
The intrinsic fluorescence of the catalytic portion of the chloroplast ATP synthase (CF1) is quenched when cysteine 322, the penultimate amino acid of the gamma subunit, is specifically labeled with pyrene maleimide (PM). The epsilon subunit of CF1 contains the only two residues of tryptophan, which dominate the intrinsic fluorescence of unlabeled CF1. CF1 deficient in the epsilon subunit (CF1-epsilon) was reconstituted with mutant epsilon subunits in which phenylalanine replaced tryptophan at position 15 (epsilonW15F) and position 57 (epsilonW15/57F). CF1(epsilonW15F) containing a single tryptophan, epsilonW57, was labeled with PM at gammaC322. Resonance energy transfer (RET) from epsilonW57 to PM on gammaC322 occurred with an efficiency of energy transfer of 20%. RET was also observed from epsilonW57 to PM attached to the disulfide thiols of the gamma subunit (gammaC199,205) with an efficiency of approximately 45%. The R(o) (the distance at which the efficiency of energy transfer is 50%) for the epsilonW57 and PM donor/acceptor pair is 30 A, indicating that both gammaC322 and gammaC199,205 must be within 40 A of epsilonW57. These RET measurements show that both gammaC322 and gammaC199,205 are located near the base of the alpha/beta hexamer. This places the C-terminus of CF1 gamma much closer to epsilon than hypothesized based on homology to crystal structures of mitochondrial F1. These new RET measurements also allow the alignment of the predicted epsilon subunit structure. The orientation is similar to that predicted from cross-linking and mutational studies for the epsilon subunit of Escherichia coli F1.  相似文献   

Incubation of spinach chloroplast thylakoids with pyridoxal 5'-phosphate modified the epsilon subunit of ATP synthase (CF0CF1). Illumination of thylakoids stimulated the modification of one specific amino acid residue of the epsilon subunit by a factor of 3. Endoproteinase Glu-C treatment of the isolated epsilon subunit and fractionation of the peptides by high performance liquid chromatography revealed a major fluorescent peptide with the sequence GKRQKIE. Further treatment of this peptide with endoproteinase Arg-C gave a strongly fluorescent tripeptide (GXR). From the primary structure of the epsilon subunit, the specifically modified residue was deduced to be Lys-109. This suggests the energy-dependent conformational changes in the epsilon subunit which change the surroundings of Lys-109 and alter the reactivity of this residue.  相似文献   

Electron transport, the proton gradient and ATP synthesis were determined in thylakoids that had been briefly exposed to a low concentration of trypsin during illumination. This treatment cleaves the gamma subunit of the ATP synthase into two large fragments that remain associated with the enzyme. Higher rates of electron transport are required to generate a given value of the proton gradient in the trypsin-treated membranes than in control membranes, indicating that the treated membranes are proton leaky. Since venturicidin restores electron transport and the proton gradient to control levels, the proton leak is through the ATP synthase. Remarkably, the synthesis of ATP by the trypsin-treated membranes at saturating light intensities is only slightly inhibited even though the proton gradient is significantly lower in the treated thylakoids. ATP synthesis and the proton gradient were determined as a function of light intensity in control and trypsin-treated thylakoids. The trypsin-treated membranes synthesized ATP at lower values of the proton gradient than the control membranes. Cleavage of the gamma subunit abrogates inhibition of the activity of the chloroplast ATP synthase by the epsilon subunit. Our results suggest that overcoming inhibition by the epsilon subunit costs energy.  相似文献   

Jeremy R. McCallum 《BBA》2007,1767(7):974-979
Electron transport, the proton gradient and ATP synthesis were determined in thylakoids that had been briefly exposed to a low concentration of trypsin during illumination. This treatment cleaves the γ subunit of the ATP synthase into two large fragments that remain associated with the enzyme. Higher rates of electron transport are required to generate a given value of the proton gradient in the trypsin-treated membranes than in control membranes, indicating that the treated membranes are proton leaky. Since venturicidin restores electron transport and the proton gradient to control levels, the proton leak is through the ATP synthase. Remarkably, the synthesis of ATP by the trypsin-treated membranes at saturating light intensities is only slightly inhibited even though the proton gradient is significantly lower in the treated thylakoids. ATP synthesis and the proton gradient were determined as a function of light intensity in control and trypsin-treated thylakoids. The trypsin-treated membranes synthesized ATP at lower values of the proton gradient than the control membranes. Cleavage of the γ subunit abrogates inhibition of the activity of the chloroplast ATP synthase by the ε subunit. Our results suggest that overcoming inhibition by the ε subunit costs energy.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli RNA chaperone Hfq is involved in riboregulation of target mRNAs by small trans-encoded non-coding (ncRNAs). Previous structural and genetic studies revealed a RNA-binding surface on either site of the Hfq-hexamer, which suggested that one hexamer can bring together two RNAs in a pairwise fashion. The Hfq proteins of different bacteria consist of an evolutionarily conserved core, whereas there is considerable variation at the C-terminus, with the γ- and β-proteobacteria possessing the longest C-terminal extension. Using different model systems, we show that a C-terminally truncated variant of Hfq (Hfq65), comprising the conserved hexameric core of Hfq, is defective in auto- and riboregulation. Although Hfq65 retained the capacity to bind ncRNAs, and, as evidenced by fluorescence resonance energy transfer assays, to induce structural changes in the ncRNA DsrA, the truncated variant was unable to accommodate two non-complementary RNA oligonucleotides, and was defective in mRNA binding. These studies indicate that the C-terminal extension of E. coli Hfq constitutes a hitherto unrecognized RNA interaction surface with specificity for mRNAs.  相似文献   

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