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Sixteen 20-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) trees growing in the field were enclosed for 4 years in environment-controlled chambers that maintained: (1) ambient conditions (CON); (2) elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration (ambient + 350 micro mol mol-1; EC); (3) elevated temperature (ambient +2-6 degrees C; ET); or (4) elevated CO2 and elevated temperature (ECT). The dark respiration rates of 1-year-old shoots, from which needles had been partly removed, were measured over the growing season in the fourth year. In all treatments, the temperature coefficient of respiration, Q10, changed with season, being smaller during the growing season than at other times. Respiration rate varied diurnally and seasonally with temperature, being highest around mid-summer and declining gradually thereafter. When measurements were made at the temperature of the chamber, respiration rates were reduced by the EC treatment relative to CON, but were increased by ET and ECT treatments. However, respiration rates at a reference temperature of 15 degrees C were reduced by ET and ECT treatments, reflecting a decreased capacity for respiration at warmer temperatures (negative acclimation). The interaction between season and treatment was not significant. Growth respiration did not differ between treatments, but maintenance respiration did, and the differences in mean daily respiration rate between the treatments were attributable to the maintenance component. We conclude that maintenance respiration should be considered when modelling respiratory responses to elevated CO2 and elevated temperature, and that increased atmospheric temperature is more important than increasing CO2 when assessing the carbon budget of pine forests under conditions of climate change.  相似文献   

An automatic gas exchange system was used to continuously measure water and carbon fluxes of attached shoots of Scots pine trees (Pinus sylvestris L.) grown in environment-controlled chambers for a 3-year period (1998-2000) and exposed to either normal ambient conditions (CON), elevated CO2 (+350 micro mol mol-1; EC), elevated temperature (+2-6 degrees C; ET) or a combination of EC and ET (ECT). EC treatment enhanced the mean daily total carbon flux per unit projected needle area (Fc.d) by 17-21 %, depending on the year. This corresponds to a 16-24 % increase in light-use efficiency (LUE) based on incident photosynthetically active radiation. The EC treatment reduced the mean daily total water flux (Fw.d) by 1-12 %, corresponding to a 13-35 % increase in water-use efficiency (WUE). The ET treatment increased Fc.d by 10-18 %, resulting in an 8-19 % increase in LUE, and Fw.d by 48-74 %, resulting in a reduction of WUE by 19-34 %. There was no interaction between CO2 and temperature elevation in connection with either carbon or water fluxes, as the carbon flux responded similarly in both ECT and EC, while the water flux in the ECT treatment was similar to that in ET. Regressions indicated that the increase in maximum LUE was greater with increasing air temperature, whereas changes in WUE were related only to high vapour pressure deficit. Furthermore, changes in LUE and WUE caused by ECT treatment displayed strong diurnal and seasonal variation.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the impact of elevated atmospheric CO2 (ambient + 350 μmol mol–1) on fine root production and respiration in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings. After six months exposure to elevated CO2, root production measured by root in-growth bags, showed significant increases in mean total root length and biomass, which were more than 100% greater compared to the ambient treatment. This increased root length may have lead to a more intensive soil exploration. Chemical analysis of the roots showed that the roots in the elevated treatment accumulated more starch and had a lower C/N-ratio. Specific root respiration rates were significantly higher in the elevated treatment and this was probably attributed to increased nitrogen concentrations in the roots. Rhizospheric respiration and soil CO2 efflux were also enhanced in the elevated treatment. These results clearly indicate that under elevated atmospheric CO2 root production and development in Scots pine seedlings is altered and respiratory carbon losses through the root system are increased.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Stem respiration of trees is a major, but poorly assessed component of the carbon balance of forests, and important for geo-chemistry. Measurements are required under naturally changing seasonal conditions in different years. Therefore, intra- and inter-annual carbon fluxes of stems in forests were measured continuously from April to November in three consecutive years. METHODS: Stem respiratory CO2 fluxes of 50-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) trees were continuously measured with a CO2 analyser, and, concomitantly, stem circumference, stem and air temperature and other environmental factors and photosynthesis, were also measured automatically. KEY RESULTS: There were diurnal, seasonal and inter-annual changes in stem respiration, which peaked at 1600 h during the day and was highest in July. The temperature coefficient of stem respiration (Q10) was greater during the growing season than when growth was slow or had stopped, and more sensitive to temperature in the growing season. The annual Q10 remained relatively constant at about 2 over the three years, while respiration at a reference temperature of 15 degrees C (R15) was higher in the growing than in the non-growing season (1.09 compared with 0.78 micromol m(-2) stem surface s(-1)), but was similar between the years. Maintenance respiration was 76 %, 82 % and 80 % of the total respiration of 17.46, 17.26 and 19.35 mol m2 stem surface in 2001, 2002 and 2003, respectively. The annual total stem respiration of the stand per unit ground area was 75.97 gC m(-2) in 2001 and 74.28 gC m(-2) in 2002. CONCLUSIONS: Stem respiration is an important component in the annual carbon balance of a Scots pine stand, contributing 9 % to total carbon loss from the ecosystem and consuming about 8 % of the carbon of the ecosystem gross primary production. Stem (or air) temperature was the most important predictor of stem carbon flux. The magnitude of stem respiration is modified by photosynthesis and tree growth. Solar radiation indirectly affects stem respiration through its effect on photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Starting in rrrr, individual trees of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) aged 30 years were grown in closed-top chambers and exposed to normal ambient conditions (CON), elevated CO2 (Elev. C), elevated temperature (Elev. T) and a combination of elevated CO2 and temperature (Elev. C + T). Using the constant-power heat balance method, sap flow was monitored simultaneously in a total of 16 trees, four for each treatment, over a 32 d period (after the completion of needle expansion and branch elongation in 1997). An overall variation in diurnal sap flow totals (Ft) was evident during the period of measurement (days 167–198, 1997) regardless of the treatments, with a range from 0·15 to 2·82 kg tree–1 d–1. Elev. C reduced Ft by 4·1–13·7% compared with CON on most days (P varies from 0·042 to 0·108), but slightly increased it on some days (P≥ 0·131), depending on the weather conditions. Although the decrease in Ft caused by Elev. C was statistically significant on only a few days (P≤ 0·042), the cumulative Ft for the 32 d decreased by 14·4% (P = 0·047), indicating that Elev. C may have an important influence on seasonal water use of the Scots pine. Analysis of the diurnal courses of sap flow combined with corresponding weather factors indicated that the CO2-induced decrease in Ft could be largely attributed to an increase in stomatal sensitivity to vapour pressure deficit (VPD), whereas the CO2-induced increase in Ft related to an increase in stomatal sensitivity to low light levels. Elev. T increased Ft by 11·2–35·6% throughout the measuring period and the cumulative Ft for the 32 d by 32·5% (P = 0·019), which could be largely attributed to the temperature-induced increase in current-year needle area and decrease in stomatal sensitivity to high levels of VPD. There were no significant interactive effects of CO2 and temperature on sap flow, so that Elev. C + T had approximately the same Ft as Elev. T and similar diurnal patterns of sap flow, suggesting that the temperature factor played a dominant role in the case of Elev. C + T.  相似文献   

Pajari  Brita 《Plant and Soil》1995,168(1):563-570
Soil respiration rates under elevated temperature and atmospheric CO2 concentrations were studied in eastern Finland (62° 47N, 30° 58E, 144 m.a.s.1.) around naturally regenerated 20 – 30 years old Scots pine trees, enclosed in open top chambers. The production of CO2 varied spatially and temporally, but clearly followed the changes in temperature measured at the soil surface. However, soil respiration in the open control was higher than that in chambers; i.e. the chamber itself changed the conditions by increasing the temperature, altering the movement of water, and thereby soil moisture. Nevertheless, an elevation in the concentration of atmospheric CO2 raised soil respiration and brought it nearer to the level in the open control. An increase in temperature seemed to inhibit this rise, possibly because of an imbalance between temperature and moisture.  相似文献   

Abstract. Herbaceous C3 plants grown in elevated CO2 show increases in carbon assimilation and carbohydrate accumulation (particularly starch) within source leaves. Although changes in the partitioning of biomass between root and shoot occur, the proportion of this extra assimilate made available for sink growth is not known. Root:shoot ratios tend to increase for CO2-enriched herbaceous plants and decrease for CO2-enriched trees. Root:shoot ratios for cereals tend to remain constant. In contrast, elevated temperatures decrease carbohydrate accumulation within source and sink regions of a plant and decrease root:shoot ratios. Allometric analysis of at least two species showing changes in root: shoot ratios due to elevated CO2 show no alteration in the whole-plant partitioning of biomass. Little information is available for interactions between temperature and CO2. Cold-adapted plants show little response to elevated levels of CO2, with some species showing a decline in biomass accumulation. In general though, increasing temperature will increase sucrose synthesis, transport and utilization for CO2-enriched plants and decrease carbohydrate accumulation within the leaf. Literature reports are discussed in relation to the hypothesis that sucrose is a major factor in the control of plant carbon partitioning. A model is presented in support.  相似文献   

Effect of carbon dioxide concentration on microbial respiration in soil   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In order to assess the validity of conventional methods for measuring CO2 flux from soil, the relationship between soil microbial respiration and ambient CO2 concentration was studied using an open-flow infra-red gas analyser (IRGA) method. Andosol from an upland field in central Japan was used as a soil sample. Soil microbial respiration activity was depressed with the increase of CO2 concentration in ventilated air from 0 to 1000 ppmv. At 1000 ppmv, the respiration rate was less than half of that at 0 ppmv. Thus, it is likely that soil respiration rate is overestimated by the alkali absorption method, because CO2 concentration in the absorption chamber is much lower than the normal level. Metabolic responses to CO2 concentration were different among groups of soil microorganisms. The bacteria actinomycetes group cultivated on agar medium showed a more sensitive response to the CO2 concentration than the filamentous fungi group.  相似文献   

Summary CO2 efflux from tussock tundra in Alaska that had been exposed to elevated CO2 for 2.5 growing seasons was measured to assess the effect of long- and short-term CO2 enrichment on soil respiration. Long-term treatments were: 348, 514, and 683 μll−1 CO2 and 680 μll−1 CO2+4°C above ambient. Measurements were made at 5 CO2 concentrations between 87 and 680 μll−1 CO2. Neither long- or short-term CO2 enrichment significantly affected soil CO2 efflux. Tundra developed at elevated temperature and 680 μll−1 CO2 had slightly higher, but not statistically different, mean respiration rates compared to untreated tundra and to tundra under CO2 control alone.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Distinguishing between, and quantifying, the different components of ecosystem C fluxes is critical in predicting the responses of ecosystem C cycling to climate change. The aims of this study were to quantify the photosynthetic and respiratory fluxes of a 50-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) ecosystem, and to distinguish respiration of branches with needles from that of stems, and that of soil. METHODS: The CO2 flux of the ecosystem was continuously measured using the eddy covariance (EC) method, and its components (respiration and photosynthesis of a branch with needles, stem and soil surface) were measured with an automated chamber system, from 2001 to 2004. KEY RESULTS: All values below are chamber based. The average temperature coefficient (Q10) of respiration was 2.7, 2.2 and 4.0, respectively, for branch (Rbran), stem (Rstem) and the soil surface (Rsoil). Respiration at a reference temperature of 15 degrees C (R15) was 1.27, 0.49 and 4.02 micromol CO2 m(-2) ground s(-1) for the three components, respectively. Over 4 years, the annual Rbran, Rstem and Rsoil ranged from 196 to 256, 56 to 83 and 439 to 598 g C m(-2) ground year(-1), respectively, with a 4-year average of 227, 72 and 507 g C m(-2) ground year(-1). Annual ecosystem respiration (Reco) was 731, 783, 909 and 751 g C m(-2) ground year(-1) in years 2001-2004, respectively, gross primary production (GPP) was 922, 1030, 1138 and 1001 g C m(-2) ground year(-1), and net ecosystem production (NEP) was 191, 247, 229 and 251 g C m(-2) ground year(-1). The average contribution of Rbran, Rstem and Rsoil to Reco was 29, 9 and 62 %, respectively. Overstorey photosynthesis accounted for 96 % of GPP. The average Reco/GPP ratio was 0.78. Net primary production (NPP) in the 4 years was 469, 581, 600 and 551 g C m(-2) year(-1), respectively, with the NPP/GPP ratio 0.54 averaged over the years. CONCLUSIONS: Respiration from the soil is the dominant component of ecosystem respiration. Differences between years in Reco were due to differences in temperature during the growing season. Rsoil was more sensitive to temperature than Rbran and Rstem, and differences in Rsoil were responsible for the differences in Reco between years.  相似文献   

Naturally regenerated Scots pines (Pinus sylvestris L.), aged 28–30 years old, were grown in open-top chambers and subjected in situ to three ozone (O3) regimes, two concentrations of CO2, and a combination of O3 and CO2 treatments From 15 April to 15 September for two growing seasons (1994 and 1995). The gas exchanges of current-year and 1-year-old shoots were measured, along with the nitrogen content of needles. In order to investigate the factors underlying modifications in photosynthesis, five parameters linked to photosynthetic performance and three to stomatal conductance were determined. Elevated O3 concentrations led to a significant decline in the CO2 compensation point (Г*), maximum RuP2-saturated rate of carboxylation (Vcmax), maximum rate of electron transport (Jmax), maximum stomatal conductance (gsmax), and sensitivity of stomatal conductance to changes in leaf-to-air vapour pressure difference (?gs/?Dv) in both shoot-age classes. However, the effect of elevated O3 concentrations on the respiration rate in light (Rd) was dependent on shoot age. Elevated CO2(700 μmol mol?1) significantly decreased Jmax and gsmax but increased Rd in 1-year-old shoots and the ?gs/?Dv in both shoot-age classes. The interactive effects of O3 and CO2 on some key parameters (e.g. Vcmax and Jmax) were significant. This may be closely related to regulation of the maximum stomatal conductance and stomatal sensitivity induced by elevated CO2. As a consequence, the injury induced by O3 was reduced through decreased ozone uptake in 1-year-old shoots, but not in the current-year shoots. Compared to ambient O3 concentration, reduced O3 concentrations (charcoal-filtered air) did not lead to significant changes in any of the measured parameters. Compared to the control treatment, calculations showed that elevated O3 concentrations decreased the apparent quantum yield by 15% and by 18%, and the maximum rate of photosynthesis by 21% and by 29% in the current-year and 1-year-old shoots, respectively. Changes in the nitrogen content of needles resulting from the various treatments were associated with modifications in photosynthetic components.  相似文献   

Sands  Roger  Nugroho  Putranto B.  Leung  David W.M.  Sun  Osbert J.  Clinton  Peter W. 《Plant and Soil》2000,225(1-2):213-225
This study examined the reciprocal effects of growing ryegrass, lotus and other weed species in competition with radiata pine on soil CO2 and O2 concentrations and on the growth and root respiration of the radiata pine. Soil O2 concentrations decreased and soil CO2 concentrations increased with increasing soil depth. Radiata pine plus competing species slightly reduced soil O2 concentrations and markedly increased soil CO2 concentrations (up to 40 mmol mol−1) compared with radiata pine alone. The dry weights of shoots and roots, and the root respiration rates of radiata pine grown with competing vegetation were much less than those for radiata pine alone. This probably was not solely caused by competition for nutrients water or light since adequate water and nutrients were supplied to all treatments and the radiata pine overtopped the competing vegetation. When radiata pine roots were raised in NaHCO3 solutions equivalent to a range of CO2 concentrations, succinate dehydrogenase activity (a metabolic indicator of mitochondrial respiration) and elongation rates of roots decreased as CO2 concentrations increased from 0 to 40 mmol mol−1. This suggests that the elevated CO2 concentrations found in the experiments in soil was the cause, at least in part, of the reduced growth of radiata pine in competition with other species. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Carbon gain depends on efficient photosynthesis and adequate respiration. The effect of temperature on photosynthetic efficiency is well understood. In contrast, the temperature response of respiration is based almost entirely on short-term (hours) measurements in mature organisms to develop Q(10) values for maintenance and whole-plant respiration. These Q(10) values are then used to extrapolate across whole life cycles to predict the influence of temperature on plant growth. METHODS: In this study, night temperature in young, rapidly growing plant communities was altered from 17 to 34 degrees C for up to 20 d. Day temperature was maintained at 25 degrees C. CO(2) gas-exchange was continuously monitored in ten separate chambers to quantify the effect of night-temperature on respiration, photosynthesis and the efficiency of carbon gain (carbon use efficiency). KEY RESULTS: Respiration increased only 20-46 % for each 10 degrees C rise in temperature (total respiratory Q(10) of between 1.2 to about 1.5). This change resulted in only a 2-12 % change in carbon use efficiency, and there was no effect on cumulative carbon gain or dry mass. No acclimation of respiration was observed after 20 d of treatment. CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicate that whole-plant respiration of rapidly growing plants has a small sensitivity to temperature, and that the sensitivity does not change among the species tested, even after 20 d of treatment. Finally, the results support respiration models that separate respiration into growth and maintenance components.  相似文献   

The respiratory CO2 exchange and the growth of the annual shoots were followed in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) trees growing under extreme continental forest-steppe conditions near the lake Baikal. The temperature coefficient of dark respiration (Q10) in growing shoots dropped down from 3.2–4.0 (in the temperature range of 10–20°C) to 1.5–2.0 (in the temperature range of 20–30°C). The changes in averaged daily respiration rates correlated with the changes in shoot growth increments and temperature (with the multiple determination coefficient of 0.94). Growth respiration of the axial shoots during the phenophase reached 80% of the total respiration costs, with the coefficients of growth respiration and maintenance respiration 0.32 and 0.021. In young crown shoots, the average value of CO2 evolution in the light combined for the whole observation period (years 1976–2004) was about 1 kg/dm2, that is 9% of CO2 evolution from the trunk surface.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Elevated levels of atmospheric [CO2] are likely to enhance photosynthesis and plant growth, which, in turn, should result in increased specific and whole-plant respiration rates. However, a large body of literature has shown that specific respiration rates of plant tissues are often reduced when plants are exposed to, or grown at, high [CO2] due to direct effects on enzymes and indirect effects derived from changes in the plant's chemical composition. SCOPE: Although measurement artefacts may have affected some of the previously reported effects of CO2 on respiration rates, the direction and magnitude for the effects of elevated [CO2] on plant respiration may largely depend on the vertical scale (from enzymes to ecosystems) at which measurements are taken. In this review, the effects of elevated [CO2] from cells to ecosystems are presented within the context of the enzymatic and physiological controls of plant respiration, the role(s) of non-phosphorylating pathways, and possible effects associated with plant size. CONCLUSIONS: Contrary to what was previously thought, specific respiration rates are generally not reduced when plants are grown at elevated [CO2]. However, whole ecosystem studies show that canopy respiration does not increase proportionally to increases in biomass in response to elevated [CO2], although a larger proportion of respiration takes place in the root system. Fundamental information is still lacking on how respiration and the processes supported by it are physiologically controlled, thereby preventing sound interpretations of what seem to be species-specific responses of respiration to elevated [CO2]. Therefore the role of plant respiration in augmenting the sink capacity of terrestrial ecosystems is still uncertain.  相似文献   

Global warming and changes in rainfall amount and distribution may affect soil respiration as a major carbon flux between the biosphere and the atmosphere. The objectives of this study were to investigate the site to site and interannual variation in soil respiration of six temperate forest sites. Soil respiration was measured using closed chambers over 2 years under mature beech, spruce and pine stands at both Solling and Unterlüß, Germany, which have distinct climates and soils. Cumulative annual CO2 fluxes varied from 4.9 to 5.4 Mg C ha?1 yr?1 at Solling with silty soils and from 4.0 to 5.9 Mg C ha?1 yr?1 at Unterlüß with sandy soils. With one exception soil respiration rates were not significantly different among the six forest sites (site to site variation) and between the years within the same forest site (interannual variation). Only the respiration rate in the spruce stand at Unterlüß was significant lower than the beech stand at Unterlüß in both years. Soil respiration rates of the sandy sites at Unterlüß were limited by soil moisture during the rather dry and warm summer 1999 while soil respiration at the silty Solling site tended to increase. We found a threshold of ?80 kPa at 10 cm depth below which soil respiration decreased with increasing drought. Subsequent wetting of sandy soils revealed high CO2 effluxes in the stands at Unterlüß. However, dry periods were infrequent, and our results suggest that temporal variation in soil moisture generally had little effect on annual soil respiration rates. Soil temperature at 5 cm and 10 cm depth explained 83% of the temporal variation in soil respiration using the Arrhenius function. The correlations were weaker using temperature at 0 cm (r2 = 0.63) and 2.5 cm depth (r2 = 0.81). Mean Q10 values for the range from 5 to 15 °C increased asymptotically with soil depth from 1.87 at 0 cm to 3.46 at 10 cm depth, indicating a large uncertainty in the prediction of the temperature dependency of soil respiration. Comparing the fitted Arrhenius curves for same tree species from Solling and Unterlüß revealed higher soil respiration rates for the stands at Solling than in the respective stands at Unterlüß at the same temperature. A significant positive correlation across all sites between predicted soil respiration rates at 10 °C and total phosphorus content and C‐to‐N ratio of the upper mineral soil indicate a possible effect of nutrients on soil respiration.  相似文献   

We measured CO2 efflux from intact root/rhizosphere systems of 155 day old loblolly (Pinus taeda L.) and ponderosa (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws.) pine seedlings in order to study the effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 on the below-ground carbon balance of coniferous tree seedlings. Seedlings were grown in sterilized sand culture, watered daily with either 1, 3.5 or 7 mt M NH 4 + , and maintained in an atmosphere of either 35 or 70 Pa CO2. Carbon dioxide efflux (mol CO2 plant–1 s–1) from the root/rhizosphere system of both species significantly increased when seedlings were grown in elevated CO2, primarily due to large increases in root mass. Specific CO2 efflux (mol CO2 g root–1 s–1) responded to CO2 only under conditions of adequate soil nitrogen availability (3.5 mt M). Under these conditions, CO2 efflux rates from loblolly pine increased 70% from 0.0089 to 0.0151 mol g–1 s–1 with elevated CO2 while ponderosa pine responded with a 59% decrease, from 0.0187 to 0.0077 mol g–1 s–1. Although below ground CO2 efflux from seedlings grown in either sub-optimal (1 mt M) or supra-optimal (7 mt M) nitrogen availability did not respond to CO2, there was a significant nitrogen treatment effect. Seedlings grown in supra-optimal soil nitrogen had significantly increased specific CO2 efflux rates, and significantly lower total biomass compared to either of the other two nitrogen treatments. These results indicate that carbon losses from the root/rhizosphere systems are responsive to environmental resource availability, that the magnitude and direction of these responses are species dependent, and may lead to significantly different effects on whole plant carbon balance of these two forest tree species.  相似文献   

The frost hardiness of 20 to 25-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) saplings was followed for 2 years in an experiment that attempted to simulate the predicted climatic conditions of the future, i.e. increased atmospheric CO2 concentration and/or elevated air temperature. Frost hardiness was determined by an electrolyte leakage method and visual damage scoring on needles. Elevated temperatures caused needles to harden later and deharden earlier than the controls. In the first year, elevated CO2 enhanced hardening at elevated temperatures, but this effect disappeared the next year. Dehardening was hastened by elevating CO2 in both springs. The frost hardiness was high (相似文献   

Kellomäki  Seppo  Wang  Kai-Yun 《Plant Ecology》1998,136(2):229-248
Starting in early spring of 1994, naturally regenerated, 30-year-old Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) trees were grown in open-top chambers and exposed in situ to doubled ambient O3,doubled ambient CO2 and a combination of O3 and CO2 from 15 April to 15 September. To investigate daily and seasonal responses of CO2 exchange to elevated O3 and CO2, the CO2 exchange of shoots was measured continuously by an automatic system for measuring gas exchange during the course of one year (from 1 Januray to 31 December 1996). A process-based model of shoot photosynthesis was constructed to quantify modifications in the intrinsic capacity of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance by simulating the daily CO2 exchange data from the field. Results showed that on most days of the year the model simulated well the daily course of shoot photosynthesis. Elevated O3 significantly decreased photosynthetic capacity and stomatal conductance during the whole photosynthetic period. Elevated O3 also led to a delay in onset of photosynthetic recovery in early spring and an increase in the sensitivity of photosynthesis to environmental stress conditions. The combination of elevated O3 and CO2 had an effect on photosynthesis and stomatal conductance similar to that of elevated O3 alone, but significantly reduced the O3-induced depression of photosynthesis. Elevated CO2 significantly increased the photosynthetic capacity of Scots pine during the main growing season but slightly decreased it in early spring and late autumn. The model calculation showed that, compared to the control treatment, elevated O3 alone and the combination of elevated O3 and CO2 decreased the annual total of net photosynthesis per unit leaf area by 55% and 38%, respectively. Elevated CO2 increased the annual total of net photosynthesis by 13%.  相似文献   

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