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生命科学产业涵盖广泛的领域,本文主要介绍加拿大生物技术、医疗设备、制药三个领域的情况。1加拿大生命科学产业概述1.1公司概况加拿大完全从事生物技术研究开发或以生物技术为主的公司发展很快,据统计,1994年为121家,1997年为224家,1994年的...  相似文献   

本书为Arthur Young公司(一家重点为高技术进行审计、税收和管理等咨询服务公司)编篡的第二份生物技术年度调查报告。记述了对213家生物技术公司的调查情况,以及与5家公司、2家美国政府机构、一家专利代理人和一家生物技术贸易协会的领导人深入对话的情况。  相似文献   

2013年美国生物技术市场,共37家企业股票成功上市,掀起了自2000年以来少见的IPO(首次公开募股)热潮。这还只是从事医药品开发企业,如果将进行诊断仪器设备和研究工具开发的企业包括在内,上市的企业共有44家。从上市公司的具体业务来看,走在表观遗传学领域前沿的Epizyme公司、以再生医疗为目标的Fate Therapeutics公司、从事基因治疗开发的bluebirdbio公司、从事RNA治疗的Prosensa公司、以纳米技术为核心技术的Bind Therapeutics公司、从事合成生物学的Intrexon公司、销售癌症个性化治疗分子诊断工具的Foundation Medicine公司等超越过去低分子化合物和抗体医药领域的企业,成为被市场接受的对象,而且基地设在美国之外的3家生物技术企业也在纳斯达克成功上市(注:在美国以外上市的企业、医疗器械厂家、医疗保健服务提供商、宠物医疗、从辉瑞公司剥离的Zoetis公司等不在本文分析之列)。  相似文献   

在联邦德国有260多家公司经营生物技术方面的业务,但只有约70家用新的生物技术(rDNA,杂交,酶技术)手段提供服务或制造产品。其余的提供设备材料,负责销售,或为国外公司在当地的子公司等。70家核心公司1987年生物技术销售额超过24亿西德马克且销售项目约7000种,其中包括抗菌素,工业及研究用酶和氨基酸等。西德公司在生物技术研究  相似文献   

医药生物技术是生物技术首先取得突破、实现产业。化的技术领域,各种生物技“术产品被广泛应用于医疗、制药等行业,医药生物技术。已成为高技术产业发展的核心动力之一。近年来,我国医药生物技术研发和产业化取得了长足的进展。在基因工程药物和疫苗、单克隆抗体药物的研制。  相似文献   

生物技术公司基本情况 在生物技术领域,过去20年间德国巳发展成了一个享有国际声誉的科学研究基地。德国生物技术产业一直处于欧洲的领先地位。2007年统计数据显示,德国生物科技公司数量位于欧洲之冠,专一生物技术公司有496家公司(2006年495家),拥有雇员14360人,其中21家为上市公司(图1)。2007年有91家公司(2006年56家)在开展生物技术工怍的同时,  相似文献   

为了展示和学习国际生物技术先进成果和经验 ,加强生物技术及相关产业的国际交流合作 ,提高我国生物技术研究开发水平 ,加速生物技术产业化进程 ,在科技部、卫生部、农业部等国家部委的大力支持下 ,中国技术市场管理促进中心等单位成功举办了 2 0 0 1年“中国国际生物技术展览会暨研讨会”(BioChina2 0 0 1)。此次展览汇集了众多国内外从事生物技术研发和产品生产的知名厂商、机构 ,丹麦诺维信集团 ,美国IBM公司 ,安捷伦公司 ,德国黑德博格公司 ,韩国发酵机株式会社、香港基因公司等一百多个国内外展商集中展出了当今世界先进的…  相似文献   

西班牙共约250个生物技术组织,1988年80个以上申请了欧共体修改后的生物技术行动计划(BAP)的资助,但只有一家公司属于此列。直至80年代中期,生物技术仍未受到重视,仅集中于几家国际性大公司的子公司。虽然有几所大学的附属机构开始用腹水生产单克隆抗体,但没有一家公司能够独立进行基因操作。现约有50家公司积极从事生物技术工作。但只有15至20家被认为与美国的这类公司一样。西班牙生物技术研究主要集中于马德里和巴塞罗那。  相似文献   

中山大学、广州经济技术开发区主办的先进生物技术公司(Cellogen Biotech co.)和香港怡乐医疗及科学仪器公司,于8月19日至23日在广州联合召开了生物技术交流大会。会上报告了单克隆抗体、重组DNA、酶工程及细胞培养等技术及开发动态。并做  相似文献   

1986年12月随联合国开发署项目赴美考察期间,有机会参观了Genentech、Cetus等几家新兴生物技术公司,及Eli Lilly、IMC等历史悠久的老公司。  相似文献   

我国生物医药企业发展建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,国外生物医药产业发展迅速,在发达国家,生物医药产品在药品市场中已占有了重要地位,哺乳动物细胞表达的产品已经占据生物医药的主流地位。相比之下,我国生物医药品种主要采用简单的大肠杆菌、酵母表达技术,技术难度较高的哺乳动物细胞药品与国外差距显著,因此,哺乳动物表达的生物药品将成为国内生物医药企业的重要发展机会。多年来,鉴于我国从发达国家获得生物技术转让少,国内生物医药发展需立足于自主研发,建立高效的研发技术平台,选择合适的开发项目,促进企业的发展。  相似文献   

全球生物制药产业发展态势   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
传统化学制药的黄金时代结束,新化学药品数量下降,而生物技术药物已成为当今最活跃和发展最迅速的领域。随着基因组和蛋白质组研究的深入,越来越多与人类疾病发展相关的靶标被确定,生物制药将有更多的机会获得突破性进展。综述了全球生物制药产业发展的几个态势,主要有:(1)全球生物制药产业的研究成果数量增长迅速;(2)生物制药依然是生物技术产业的重点领域,生物技术药物市场发展规模逐渐扩大,市场集中度高,主要集中于美国和大的跨国公司;(3)生物技术新药在新药研发中的比重越来越大,逐渐成为新药研发主流;(4)生物制药企业间通过加强联盟,来增强新药研发能力和降低新药研发成本;(5)各国政府均重视生物制药产业的发展,出台一系列相关政策。(6)生物疫苗、基因工程药物和基因药物具有良好的市场前景。  相似文献   

Biotechnology is a life science-based technique especially used in agriculture, medicine and food sciences. It is generally defined as the manipulation in organisms to generate products for the welfare of the world. Biotechnology combines disciplines such as genetics, biochemistry, microbiology, and cell biology along with information technology, chemical engineering, robotics etc. It includes basic industries such as food processing, tissue culture, plant development and other sophisticated ones such as recombinant therapeutics and diagnostics. Biotechnology, globally recognized as a rapidly emerging and far-reaching technology, is aptly described as the "technology of hope" for its promise of food, health and environmental sustainability. In India, biotechnology employs more than 10 000 people and generates roughly US$ 500 million in revenue annually. The biotechnology market has increased its sales from Rs. 50 billion in 1997 to Rs.70 billion in 2000, and is expected to cross Rs. 240 billion by the year 2010. In India, the human health biotech products account for 60% of the total market; agribiotech and veterinary 25%, medical devices, contract research and development (R&D), reagents and supplies constitute the remaining 15% Moreover, to facilitate foreign investment, capital and government policies are being revised. Other important industries include industrial enzyme manufacture, bioinformatics, and medical devices. Biotechnology has had limited appeal so far on our capital markets, and we have less then a dozen biotech companies listed on the public markets.  相似文献   

The evolution of support for the discovery and development of antibacterial (or antibiotic) agents from the larger pharmaceutical companies to the entrepreneur-like small biotechnology companies has been an experiment in the making for the past 15 years. The word 'experiment' is precisely chosen as the outcome is not certain. Many of the antibiotic biotech organizations that were most likely to undertake the task of picking up where large pharmaceutical companies left off have failed to survive, despite their use of outstanding science and their novel approaches to the development of discovery platforms. So this leaves one with the question of 'can biotech deliver the new antibiotics?'.  相似文献   

 Industrial biotechnology has evolved as a significant manufacturing tool for products like fuel-grade ethanol, organic acids and bulk amino acids, but most items are still speciality products for food and pharmaceutical applications. Current development projects within the chemical industry, including lactic acid and 1,3-propanediol based polymers and plastics, indicate that new biotechnological processes and products may soon approach the market place, clearly targeted at the leading petrochemical bulk outlets. This is flanked by a strategic shift by the major chemical companies in to “life sciences”–pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals and the seed business as well as biotech fine chemicals. The recent tremendous achievements in molecular plant genetics and transgenic crop breeding will boost agro-biotechnology, agriculture and renewable raw materials as compelling projects for chemistry and biotechnology. New plant-based production routes may challenge established chemical and biochemical domains, but at the same time open new horizons to valuable feedstocks, intermediates and end-products. Received: 16 October 1998 / Received revision: 3 December 1998 / Accepted: 5 December 1998  相似文献   

2014 年制药和生物技术行业继续保持着高活力。截至2014 年12 月23 日,全球共有55 个新的化学药物和生物制品首次进入市场, 另有29 个重要的延伸性新药获批,还有19 个药物首次获批,但尚未来得及上市。此外,在传统的年底冲刺期间,一些国家的监管机构在 年底最后一刻还批准了其他一些药物,因此,这些获批药物未能被收录在内,所以2014 年实际获批的新药数量应该大于前面提到的数字。 除了新药的成功开发、注册和上市外,还有其他一些可反映整个行业现状和发展趋势的风向标,例如,监管机构采取新措施以刺激难治性 疾病药物的开发、制药公司定期并务实地对其研发项目进行甄选以及通过并购整合研发管线、投资项目和销售队伍。  相似文献   

从产业经济角度,包括医药工业总产值、医药工业销售收入、医药工业盈利水平、医药流通行业销售规模、医药商业效益水平、  相似文献   

Sheridan C 《Nature biotechnology》2005,23(11):1359-1366
With a growing need for better and more plentiful vaccines, traditional vaccine companies are responding by increasing manufacturing capacity, the biotech industry, with innovative products. Both are surely needed.  相似文献   

Globally, biotech crops have left a legacy of success and some notable failures due to regulatory and litigious barriers to entry, with a pipeline of potentially beneficial biotech agricultural products lined up and awaiting approval. Compared with traditional agriculture, these crops provide significant health benefits to environmental and human health benefits, including organic systems. While the rest of the world has increased acreage of biotech crops at a steady annual rate of 10%, North America-the birthplace of most biotech crops-has reached a critical turning point in its regulatory evolution. Biotech crops can play a major role in creating a more sustainable agricultural landscape, which is increasingly well-documented, but future commercial use may be hampered by regulation and litigation that place organic and non-GMO agriculture on a pedestal, which could force many biotech crops into containment. If producers of biotech crops are required to prevent their crops from contaminating these other, high premium specialty crops through migration, innovation in agricultural biotechnology will suffer (as the European experience with agricultural biotechnology clearly demonstrates).  相似文献   

The evolution of the biotechnology industry in Germany   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the past five years, the climate for commercial biotechnology in Germany has improved significantly and has resulted in an increase in the number of biotechnology companies. On examination of the underlying factors of the evolution of the biotechnology industry in Germany, and against the background of the current situation, it is predicted that many German biotech companies will have to change their business models to focus on product development rather than on platform technologies.  相似文献   

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