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The differential phytotoxicity of purified AAL-toxin to lines of tomato isogenic for the Asc gene parallels resistance to Alternaria alternata f.sp. lycopersici. This relationship, as reported earlier, is consistent with the role of AAL-toxin as a host-specific toxin with the role of a primary chemical determinant of Alternaria stem canker. Current results indicate the pathogen and the AAL-toxin also can be recovered from ripe fruit with symptoms of the disease known as black mold. Fumonisins are structurally similar to the AAL-toxins but are secreted by Fusarium moniliforme which is taxonomically distinct from A. alternata. F. moniliforme, is not pathogenic on living tomato tissues but was recovered from ripe tomato fruit with symptoms of black mold. The penetration of ripe fruit and subsequent colonization by both fungi appears to be saprophytic. Fumonisins and AAL-toxins express equivalent genotype-specific activity against the isogenic Asc lines of tomato and produce equivalent necrotic symptoms in tomato leaflet bioassays. Evidence was obtained that the biosynthetic pathway for production of these toxins is present in several species of both Alternaria and Fusarium. Toxin biosynthesis was sensitive to nutritional regulation in both genera. However, pathogenicity on tomato was not altered by the medium used for inoculum production in either genera and remained restricted to A. alternata f.sp. lycopersici in the studies reported here. Differences in the amount of toxin produced were found among isolates of both genera while the magnitude of the differences was defined by the substrate on which the fungi were grown.  相似文献   

Fumonisins B1 and B2 and AAL toxin are a series of structurally related mycotoxins. Fumonisins B1 and B2, produced by Fusarium moniliforme Sheldon induce toxic hepatitis and hepatomas in rats and leukoencephalomalacia in horses. The cancer-promotion assay which has been used to guide their purification is slow and consumes large amounts of sample. We have examined a series of cultured mammalian cell lines in order to develop a more rapid and sensitive bioassay system, which may be useful for examining structure-activity relationships and the mechanism(s) of action of these toxins. Of 9 rat hepatoma cell lines tested, all except the two most de-differentiated lines were sensitive to the three toxins, with a toxic response visible by 48 h. Approximate IC50 values for the most sensitive hepatoma line, H4TG, were 4, 2 and 10 g/ml for fumonisins B1, B2 and AAL toxin, respectively in 100 l cultures. Among 15 cell lines from other sources, only MDCK dog kidney epithelial cells were sensitive (IC50 = 2.5, 2 and 5 g/ml, respectively). Studies in co-cultures of sensitive and insensitive cell lines and in cultures of a sensitive cell line over a range of cell densities indicated that cytotoxicity of fumonisins B1 and B2 does not involve metabolite activation to a derivative stable enough to diffuse to adjacent cells.Abbreviations AAL toxin Alternaria alternata f. sp. lycopersici toxin - IC50 concentration giving 50% inhibition of cell proliferation  相似文献   

Summary The Alternaria stem canker resistance locus (Asc-locus), involved in resistance to the fungal pathogen Alternaria alternata f. sp. lycopersici and in insensitivity to host-specific toxins (AAL-toxins) produced by the pathogen, was genetically mapped on the tomato genome. Susceptibility and resistance were assayed by testing a segregating F2 population for sensitivity to AAL-toxins in leaf bioassays. Linkage was observed to phenotypic markers solanifolium and sunny, both on chromosome 3. For the Asc-locus, a distance of 18 centiMorgan to solanifolium was calculated, corresponding to position 93 on chromosome 3. This map position of the resistance locus turned out to be the same in three different resistant tomato accessions, one Dutch and two American, that are at least 40 years apart. AAL-toxin sensitivity in susceptible and resistant tomato genotypes was compared with AAL-toxin sensitivity in a non-host Nicotiana tabacum during different levels of plant cell development. In susceptible and resistant tomato genotypes, inhibitory effects were demonstrated at all levels, except for leaves of resistant genotypes. However, during pollen and root development, inhibitory effects on susceptible genotypes were larger than on resistant genotypes. In the non-host Nicotiana tabacum, hardly any effects of AAL-toxins were demonstrated. Apparently, a cellular target site is present in tomato, but not in Nicotiana tabacum. It was concluded that three levels of AAL-toxin sensitivity exist: (1) a susceptible host sensitivity, (2) a resistant host sensitivity, (3) a non-host sensitivity, and that the resistance mechanism operating in tomato is different from that operating in Nicotiana tabacum.  相似文献   

Summary Effects of the phytotoxic compounds (AAL-toxins) isolated from cell-free culture filtrates of Alternaria alternata f.sp. lycopersici on in vitro pollen development were studied. AAL-toxins inhibited both germination and tube growth of pollen from several Lycopersicon genotypes. Pollen from susceptible genotypes, however, was more sensitive for AAL-toxins than pollen from resistant plants, while pollen of species not belonging to the host range of the fungus was not significantly affected by the tested toxin concentrations. AAL-toxins elicit symptoms in detached leaf bioassays indistinguishable from those observed on leaves of fungal infected tomato plants, and toxins play a major role in the pathogenesis. Apparently, pathogenesis-related processes and mechanisms involved in disease resistance are expressed in both vegetative and generative tissues. This overlap in gene expression between the sporophytic and gametophytic level of a plant may be advantageously utilized in plant breeding programmes. Pollen may be used to distinguish susceptible and resistant plants and to select for resistances and tolerances against phytotoxins and other selective agents.  相似文献   

Fusarium wilt is an economically important disease in carnation and tomato plants. The use of suppressive plant growth media has become an alternative method for plant disease control due to the lack of effective chemical control measures. Plant disease suppressiveness is sustained only in plant growth media with an adequate organic matter (OM) composition. Carbohydrate polymers are the most important sources of carbon nutrient for microbial community in these media, mainly consisting of cellulose and hemicellulose. This determines microbial activity, biomass and selects microbial communities in plant growth media, which are reported factors associated with Fusarium wilt suppressiveness.This work determined OM carbon functional groups using Single Pulse Magic Angle Spinning 13C-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (SP-MAS 13C-NMR) in three plant growth media with different suppressiveness levels to Fusarium wilt in two crops, carnation and tomato. We propose that the critical role of OM to sustain naturally occurring suppressiveness in those media is not related with cellulose reserve. This could be explained because cellulose protected by lignin encrustation is not available to microbial degradation, meaning that cellulose availability is critical to sustenance of microorganism-mediated biological control. However, the hemicellulose relative abundance (peak 175 ppm) was associated to Fusarium wilt suppression level in plant growth media studied.Carbon source availability in OM was related to microbial biomass and econutritional group population densities involved in biocontrol. For these composts, Bacillus spp., oligotrophic and cellulolytic actinomycetes, and oligotrophic actinomycetes/oligotrophic bacteria and cellulolytic actinomycetes/cellulolytic bacteria ratios were indicated as microbial populations potentially involved in suppression.  相似文献   

A group of differential tomato lines was used to identify the races of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici in Zhejiang, China. Marmande verte carries no resistant genes and Marporum carries gene I-1. Both lines Motelle and Mogeor have Gene I-1 and I-2. Tomato seedlings of eighteen days after sowing were inoculated with an isolate of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici, No. 98-2 and kept in a growth chamber. The seedlings were evaluated at fourteen days after inoculation. Results showed that Marmande verte and Marporum were severely infected by the pathogen and established as susceptible. Motelle and Mogeor were not infected and established as resistant. These results indicated that the isolate No. 98-2 represented the race 2 of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici and gene I-2 is necessary for obtaining resistance to this pathogen in the Zhejiang region.  相似文献   

We studied (a) the extent adhesion of Penicillium oxalicum conidia to tomato roots after application of P. oxalicum conidial formulations with or without stickers, (b) the relationship between the extent of conidial adhesion to roots and biocontrol of the conidial formulations against tomato wilt, and (c) colonisation of roots by P. oxalicum. Adhesion of P. oxalicum conidia to tomato roots occurred within the first minute of contact between the root and the conidial formulation and the bonding strength was sufficiently strong to prevent conidial removal from the roots. In addition, some formulations with stickers that increased conidial adhesion to roots improved the biocontrol of tomato wilt, when compared to that of formulations without stickers. A “dried conidia without stickers” with 0.025% Nu-Film 17 had no effect on the biocontrol of tomato wilt, despite good adherence of the conidia to the roots. The numbers of P. oxalicum conidia that adhered to the roots was constant for 60 days after application of a “dried conidia without stickers” conidial formulation. The significance of these results (speed of adhesion, number of adhered conidia, and variability of conidial external surface) are discussed in relation to the biocontrol success of tomato wilt using different types of conidial formulations with and without stickers.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood lymphocytes were isolated from broiler chicks that had ingested feed amended with autoclavedFusarium proliferatum culture material containing fumonisin B1 (FB1), fumonisin B2 (FB2) and moniliformin. Lymphocyte viability was determined for birds that were placed on amended rations at day 1 or day 7 of age at three different levels of mycotoxins, ranging from 61–546 ppm FB1, 14–94 ppm FB2 and 66–367 ppm moniliformin. Reduction of the tetrazolium salt, MTT [3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide], to yield MTT formazan, based on mitochondrial metabolic activity, was used to assess cell viability. Lymphocyte cytotoxic effects were observed in all treatment groups on day 21; chicks that started on amended feed at day 1 of age were affected more than those that started at day 7. Abnormal erythrocytes resembling early stages of erythroblasts were observed in peripheral blood from test chicks. Abnormally shaped red cells (poikilocytes) having a spindle-shape with one or both ends pointed were present. Some red cells appeared to be undergoing mitosis. Both reduced lymphocyte viability and abnormal erythrogenesis occurred in chicks given feed amended withF. proliferatum culture material containing FB1, FB2 and moniliformin.  相似文献   

Summary The locus, I2, which in tomato confers resistance against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici race 2, was introgressed into Lycopersicon esculentum from the wild species L. pimpinellifolium (P.I. 126915). We searched for restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) between nearly isogenic lines (NILs) in clones that map to the region introgressed from the wild species. Since I2 maps to chromosome 11, we used DNA clones from this chromosome as hybridization probes to Southern blots containing bound DNA of the NILs digested with 23 restriction enzymes. Of the 14 chromosome 11 clones, 9 exhibited polymorphism. These clones were further hybridized to verification filters that contained DNA from resistant and susceptible L. esculentum varieties digested with the enzymes that gave the polymorphism. One clone, TG105, was found to be associated with I2; 19 susceptible lines showed a different RFLP with this probe than 16 resistant lines, including the original L. pimpinellifolium accession used as a source for the resistance gene. These results together with our mapping analysis indicate that TG105 is closely linked to the resistance gene.  相似文献   

Two hundred twenty-eight male chicks (Columbia × New Hampshire) were given feed amended with autoclaved culture material (CM) ofFusarium proliferatum Containing fumonisin B1 (FB1), fumonisin B2 (FB2) and moniliformin in 3 separate feeding trials. Purified FB1 and moniliformin were given separately and in combination in a fourth feeding trial. Birds were given amended rations at day 1 (Trial 1 and 4), day 7 (Trial 2), and day 21 (Trial 3) and their respective ration was given for 28 days (Trial 1), 21 days (Trial 2), 7 days (Trial 3), and 14 days (Trial 4). FB1 concentrations were 546, 193, and 61 ppm; FB2 were 98, 38 and 14 ppm; and moniliformin were 367, 193, and 66 ppm in the first 3 feeding trial regimens. Chicks in Trial 4 were given dietary concentrations of purified FB1 at 274 and 125 ppm, and moniliformin at 154 and 27 ppm. FB1 and moniliformin, both alone and in combination, produced dose-responsive clinical signs, reduced weight gains and mortality in chicks. Age of birds given amended feeds had little difference in the clinical response; however, those given the rations from days 7 or 21 were slightly less susceptible than those given rations beginning at 1 day of age. Additive effects were noted when the toxins were given in combination. When toxins were given separately, adverse effects took longer to occur. A system to monitor pattern and rate of defecation (RD) was developed for assessing the chicks' approach to feed, water and heat source as illness progressed. Our results indicate that chicks fed corn heavily infected withF. proliferatum under field conditions could suffer acute death similar to that described for spiking mortality syndrome during the first 3 weeks of age.  相似文献   

Plant cell walls play a major role in the outcome of host-parasite interactions. Wall fragments released from the plant, and/or the fungal pathogen, can act respectively as endogenous and exogenous elicitors of the defence response, and other wall components, such as callose, lignin, or hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins, can inhibit pathogen penetration and/or spreading. We have previously demonstrated that calli from tomato cultivars resistant in vivo to Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici show a high amount of polysaccharides in vitro. The aim of the present work was to assess the possible role of polysaccharide content and/or synthetic capacity in determining the competence of plant cells for active defence. For this purpose, tomato cell clones with increased and decreased polysaccharide (FL+, FL-) and callose (A+, A-) content have been selected by means of specific stains as visual markers and tested for the effect of these changes on the extent of response to Fusarium. The analysis of several parameters known to be indicative of active defence (cell browning after elicitor treatment, peroxidase and -glucanase induction and inhibition of fungal growth in dual culture) clearly shows that FL+ and A+ clones have acquired an increased competence for the activation of defence response. The results are thoroughly discussed in terms of an evaluation of the relative importance of constitutive and/or inducible polysaccharide synthetic capacity for plant response to pathogens, and their possible regulation by plant physiological backgrounds.  相似文献   

Toxic interactions of fusaric acid and fumonisin B1, two mycotoxins produced byFusarium moniliforme, were studied in the chicken embryo. The yolk sacs of fertile White Leghorn eggs were injected before incubation with separate and combined solutions of either fusaric acid and or fumonisin B1. The toxins were administered in either a sterile 10 mM buffered phosphate solution, pH 6.90, which produced a final pH of 6.6 ± 0.2, or sterile distilled water. Toxicity was based on absence of egg pip at the end of the 21-day incubation period. Toxins administered in the phosphate buffer solution were more toxic than those administered in distilled water. When both toxins were combined in equal concentrations and injected into eggs, increased toxicity resulted. Fusaric acid was shown to be a mild toxin to the eggs and when a relatively nontoxic concentration of it was combined with graded doses of fumonisin B1, a synergistic toxic response was obtained. Fusaric acid is only moderately toxic to the chicken egg, however its co-occurrence with other fusaria toxins found on corn and other cereals might present possible antagonisms or synergisms. The results of this egg model suggest that fusaric acid might play a role in enhanced and unpredicted toxicity in mammalian systems if it is consumed with other mycotoxins.  相似文献   

The effects of fumonisin on development of Syrian hamster fetuses were studied using fumonisin B1 and B2 extracted fromFusarium moniliforme corn-culture and purified fumonisin B1. A significant increase in litters with fetal deaths occurred with the high doses of purified (18 mg FB1/kg) and culture-extracted (18 mg FB1 plus 4.5 mg FB2) fumonisin. It is concluded that prenatal exposure to fumonisin on days 8 and 9 of gestation is detrimental to fetal hamster survivability but does not induce clinical maternal intoxication at these doses. Equivalent doses of fumonisin B1, whether from culture-extract or pure solution produced similar results.  相似文献   

Eight formulations of Penicillium oxalicum (FOR1 to FOR8) were obtained by the addition of various ingredients, in two separate steps of the production and drying of P. oxalicum conidia. These formulations were then evaluated against tomato wilt in three glasshouse (G1 to G3) and two field (F1 and F2) experiments. All formulations were applied to seedlings in seedbeds 7 days before transplanting at a rate of 107 spores g−1 seedbed substrate. The conidial viability of each formulation was estimated by measuring germination just after fluid bed-drying, before seedbed application and after 1 and 2 years of storage at 4 °C under vacuum. The densities of P. oxalicum were estimated in the seedbed substrate and in the rhizosphere of three plants per treatment just before transplanting. Initial conidial viability of formulations just after fluid bed-drying was approx. 80%, except for FOR1, FOR4, and FOR7 which were 60%. The initial viability was maintained up to 40–50% for 2 years of storage at 4 °C under vacuum, except for FOR1. All formulations had 50% viability at application time. Populations of P. oxalicum in the seedbed substrate just before transplanting were >106 cfu g−1 soil in G3 and F2; populations in rhizosphere were also >106 cfu g−1 fresh root, except for FOR3, FOR5, and FOR6 in G2. A range of 22–64% of disease reduction was observed with all formulations, although these reductions were not significant (p = 0.05) for FOR1, FOR4, and FOR5 in any experiment. Contrast analysis showed significant differences between biological treatments and untreated control (p = 0.05) in all experiments, but no significant differences between biological and chemical treatments. Initial conidial viability of P. oxalicum in formulations and populations of P. oxalicum in the seedbed substrate explained 78.26% of the variability in P. oxalicum populations in tomato rhizosphere before transplanting. Disease incidence in untreated plants was negatively correlated (r = −0.54) with the percentage of disease control. The relationship between the viability of formulations, the populations of P. oxalicum in seedbed and rhizosphere, and the control of tomato wilt is discussed.  相似文献   

Fumonisins: Isolation,chemical characterization and biological effects   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The fumonisin B mycotoxins (FB1 and FB2) have been purified and characterized from corn cultures of Fusarium moniliforme strain MRC 826. Fumonisin B1 (FB1, the major fumonisin produced in culture, has been shown to be responsible for the major toxicological effects of the fungus in rats, horses and pigs. Recent investigations on the purification of compounds with chromatographic characteristics similar to FB1 have led to the identification of two new fumonisins, FB3 and FB4. Fumonisins A1 and A2, the N-acetyl derivatives of FB1 and FB2 respectively, were also purified and shown to be secondary metabolites of the fungus. Short-term carcinogenesis studies in a rat liver bioassay indicated that over a period of 15 to 20 days, at dietary levels of 0.05–0.1%, FB2 and FB3 closely mimic the toxicological and cancer initiating activity of FB1 and thus could contribute to the toxicological effects of the fungus in animals. In contrast, no biological activity could be detected for FA1 under identical experimental conditions. These studies and others have indicated that the fumonisin B mycotoxins, although lacking mutagenicity in the Salmonella test or genotoxicity in the DNA repair assays in primary hepatocytes, appear to induce resistant hepatocytes similar to many known hepatocarcinogens.  相似文献   

Fumonisin B1 (FB1) and Alternaria alternate f. sp. lycopersici (AAL)‐toxin are classified as sphinganine analog mycotoxins (SAMTs), which induce programmed cell death (PCD) in plants and pose health threat to humans who consume the contaminated crop products. Herein, Fumonisin B1 Resistant41 (FBR41), a dominant mutant allele, was identified by map‐based cloning of Arabidopsis FB1‐resistant mutant fbr41, then ectopically expressed in AAL‐toxin sensitive tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) cultivar. FBR41‐overexpressing tomato plants exhibited less severe cell death phenotype upon AAL‐toxin treatment. Analysis of free sphingoid bases showed that both fbr41 and FBR41‐overexpressing tomato plants accumulated less sphinganine and phytosphingosine upon FB1 and AAL‐toxin treatment, respectively. Alternaria stem canker is a disease caused by AAL and responsible for severe economic losses in tomato production, and FBR41‐overexpressing tomato plants exhibited enhanced resistance to AAL with decreased fungal biomass and less cell death, which was accompanied by attenuated accumulation of free sphingoid bases and jasmonate (JA). Taken together, our results indicate that FBR41 is potential in inhibiting SAMT‐induced PCD and controlling Alternaria stem canker in tomato.  相似文献   

The potential of the biological control fungus Penicillium oxalicum to suppress wilt caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonis and F. oxysporum f. sp. niveum on melon and watermelon, respectively, was tested under different growth conditions. The area under disease progress curve of F. oxysporum f. sp. melonis infected melon plants was significantly reduced in growth chamber and field experiments. In glasshouse experiments, it was necessary to apply P. oxalicum and dazomet in order to reduce Fusarium wilt severity in melons caused by F. oxysporum f. sp. melonis. For watermelons, we found that P. oxalicum alone reduced the area under the disease progress curve by 58% in the growth chamber experiments and 54% in the glasshouse experiments. From these results, we suggested that P. oxalicum may be effective for the management of Fusarium wilt in melon and watermelon plants.  相似文献   

We examined 25 strains of Fusarium moniliforme from eight states known to be associated with equine leukoencephalomalacia, a disease caused by the mycotoxin fumonisin B1. We determined the mating population, mating type, and vegetative compatibility group to which each of these strains belonged. All 25 strains were in the A mating population; 12 were A+ and 13 were A. Seventeen of the 25 strains were female fertile; these strains also averaged higher levels of fumonisin B1 production than did the strains that were female sterile. Nitrate non-utilizing (nit) mutants were generated in all 25 strains and each strain was assigned to a unique vegetative compatibility group based on the inability of the derived nit mutants to form a prototrophic heterokaryon with complementary nit mutants derived from any of the other strains examined. From these data, we concluded that the production of fumonisin B1 is a general characteristic of strains from the A mating population of Gibberella fujikuroi associated with equine leukoencephalomalacia, since all 25 of the isolates that we examined were genetically distinct individuals.  相似文献   

We have studied the effect of a change in the endogenous hormone equilibria on the competence of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) cells to defend themselves against the fungal pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici. Calluses from cvs Davis and Red River, respectively resistant and susceptible to Fusarium and transgenic for an auxin- or cytokinin-synthesizing gene from Agrobacterium tumefaciens, were used. The integration of Agrobacterium hormone-related genes into susceptible cv Red River can bring the activation of defense processes to a stable competence as assessed by the inhibition of mycelial growth in dual culture and gem-tube elongation of Fusarium conidia, the determination of callose contents, peroxidase induction and ion leakage in the presence of fusaric acid. This is particularly true when the transformation results in a change of phytohormone equilibria towards an higher cytokin in concentration. On the contrary, in resistant cv Davis the inhibition of both fungal growth in dual culture and conidia germination is higher when the hormone balance is modified in favour of the auxins. No significant effect was observed for ion leakage and peroxidase induction, probably because of a constitutive overproduction of cytokinins in Davis cells.  相似文献   

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