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The permeability of the blood-brain barrier to high-and low-molecular-weight compounds has been measured as a function of continuous-wave (CW) and pulsed-microwave radiation. Adult rats, anesthetized with pentobarbital and injected intravenously with a mixture of [14C] sucrose and [3H] inulin, were exposed for 30 min at a specific absorption rate of 0.1 W/kg to 1.7-GHz CW and pulsed (0.5-microseconds pulse width, 1,000 pps) microwaves. After exposure, the brain was perfused and sectioned into nine regions, and the radioactivity in each region was counted. During identical exposure conditions, temperatures of rats were measured in eight of the brain regions by a thermistor probe that did not perturb the field. No change in uptake of either tracer was found in any of the eight regions as compared with those of sham-exposed animals.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the prospect of microwave-induced alteration of 45Ca2+ efflux from rat neural tissue at low pulse repetition frequencies and low power densities under in vitro conditions. Rat cerebral tissue, preloaded with 45Ca2+, was exposed to pulsed-microwave radiation (1-GHz carrier frequency) according to one of several PRF-power density exposure schemes: 16 Hz at 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, or 15 mW/cm2, or 32 Hz at 1.0 or 2.0 mW/cm2 average power density. Measurements of radioactivity in the efflux medium and in the tissue sample were used to calculate an efflux value for each sample. The results indicate that the radiation conditions used did not alter calcium efflux in rat brain tissue.  相似文献   

AIMS: To study the effect of 2450 MHz microwave radiation under vacuum (vacuum microwave or VM) on survival and injury of Escherichia coli and to search for possible nonthermal effects associated with VM. METHODS AND RESULTS: Destruction kinetics of E. coli in peptone water were determined in a continuous-flow vacuum system, heated by convection heating in a water bath or with microwaves (VMs). Vacuum was used to control the boiling point of water and to maintain temperature in the bacterial suspensions at specified levels (49-64 degrees C). CONCLUSIONS: z-Value in the water bath treatment was 9.1 degrees C while for VM at 510 and 711 W it was 6.2 and 5.9 degrees C, suggesting that E. coli is more sensitive to temperature changes under microwave heating. Arrhenius calculations of the activation energies of the destruction reactions suggest that the mechanism of destruction in VM may be different from that of conventional heat. The number of injured micro-organisms showed no significant differences among treatments. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The impact of temperature on E. coli destruction was different when microwaves were the medium of heat transfer, suggesting the existence of factors other than heat contributing to the lethal effect of VM.  相似文献   

The effect of 2,450-MHz pulsed microwave radiation on the enzyme activity of membrane-free acetylcholinesterase was studied while the enzyme was in the microwave field. We found no significant effect of microwave radiation on enzyme activity using a wide variety of power densities, pulse widths, repetition rates, and duty cycles. This suggests that simple, direct modification by microwave energy of acetylcholinesterase structure and enzymic activity is not related to microwave alteration of acetylcholinesterase central nervous system levels.  相似文献   

Male Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed for 6 h per day for nine days to pulse-modulated microwave radiation (1.3 GHz, at 1-microseconds pulse width, 600 pulses per second). Exposures were carried out in cylindrical waveguide sections at a mean dose rate of 6.3 mW/g; sham controls were treated similarly and received no irradiation. At time periods corresponding to 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, and 4.0 cycles of the seminiferous epithelium, groups of four sham-irradiated and four irradiated rats were killed and the testes removed for analysis. Net mass of the testes, epididymides, and seminal vesicles; daily sperm production (DSP) per testis and per gram of testis; sperm morphology; and the number of epididymal sperm were determined. There were no statistically significant differences between the sham-irradiated and irradiated groups with respect to any measured variable. In a group of seven surrogate animals of similar body mass, the dose rate of 6.3 mW/g caused a net change in body temperature (via rectal probe) of 1.5 degrees C.  相似文献   

Hyaluronan (hyaluronic acid, HA) was depolymerised by ultrasonication (US), microwave irradiation (MW) and conventional heating (CH), and the effect of pH and oxidants was investigated. The degradation was followed by viscometry and size exclusion chromatography coupled with low-angle light scattering. The results demonstrated that depolymerisation of HA by US leveled off to a limiting molecular mass, and the degradation was significantly enhanced by acidic and alkaline pH only in the presence of oxidants. In contrast to US, the course of depolymerisation by MW was strongly pH-dependent, and the degradation rate increased with decreasing pH. The expected enhancement of depolymerisation by MW in comparison to CH was marked only at very short heating time at pH <4. The NMR and FTIR spectral analyses indicated that HA in the whole Mw-range studied retained almost the backbone of the parent polysaccharide independently on the degradation method used. At harsh degradation conditions (long-term treatments, particularly at acidic pH or alkaline pH and in presence of oxidants) the depolymerisation was accompanied by destruction of both constituent sugar residues and formation of unsaturated structures detectable by UV-absorption at 230–240 and 260–270 nm. US-assisted oxidative degradation under mild reaction conditions was shown to be the most appropriate procedure to reduce the molecular mass of HA to 100 kDa without significant chemical modification of the polysaccharide.  相似文献   

AIMS: To examine cellular injuries occurring in cells of Escherichia coli (Gram-negative bacteria) and Lactobacillus rhamnosus (Gram-positive bacteria) in response to a high-intensity ultrasound treatment using classical plate count technique and flow cytometry. METHOD AND RESULTS: According to plate count results, E. coli (D-value 8.3 min) was far more sensitive than L. rhamnosus (D-value 18.1 min) in their response to the ultrasound intensity applied (20 kHz, 17.6 W). The dye precursor carboxyfluorescein diacetate (cFDA) could freely diffuse across the cytoplasmic membrane of intact cells of Gram-positive bacteria L. rhamnosus, resulting in its intracellular enzymatic conversion and emission of green fluorescence. In contrast, the presence of an outer membrane on E. coli, which represents the class of Gram-negative bacteria, apparently disabled the penetration of viability marker cFDA. Ultrasound application on E. coli yielded in an increasing population with disintegrated outer membrane, which allowed penetration of cFDA and its intracellular enzymatic conversion as well as accumulation. In both organisms evaluated only a small population was labelled by propidium iodide upon exposure to ultrasound for up to 20 min. Within the experimental conditions investigated ultrasound did not considerably affect the cytoplasmic membrane, although according to plate count results viability loss occurred. CONCLUSIONS: The results compiled suggest, that ultrasound induced cell death, which may not be related to membrane damage. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Limitation on the use of bacteriocins, which are aimed on destabilization of cytoplasmic membrane but inhibited by the outer membrane, could be overcome by ultrasound-assisted physical disruption of the outer membrane.  相似文献   

Stress, caused by exposure to microwaves (2.45 GHz) at constant temperature (37 ± 0.5°C), alters the growth profile of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1. In the absence of microwave treatment a simple, highly reproducible growth curve was observed over 24 h or more. Microwave treatment caused no reduction in growth during the first 6 h, but at a later stage (>12 h) the growth was markedly different to the controls. Secondary growth, typical of the presence of persisters clearly became apparent, as judged by both the dissolved oxygen and the cell density profiles. These treated cells showed distinct morphological changes, but on regrowth these cells reverted to normal. The microwave induced persisters were subject to antibiotic challenge (tobramycin) and showed increased sensitivity when compared to the unstressed planktonic cells. This is in marked contrast to antibiotic induced persisters which show increased resistance. This provides evidence for both a nonthermal effect of microwaves and a previously undescribed route to a novel form of antibiotic susceptible persister cells. © 2016 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 33:37–44, 2017  相似文献   

Free Candida antarctica lipase B (Lipozyme, CALB L®) was used to produce fatty acid ethyl esters (FAEE) from refined soybean oil in solvent-free media using the conventional (CHS) and microwave (MHS) heating systems. Statistical analyses (95% confidence level) for both reaction products, FAEE and free fatty acids (FFA), were performed. An increase in ethanol:oil molar ratio decreased the catalytic performance of CALB L (p?<?.05). The best conditions using the microwave radiation were a molar ratio of ethanol:oil of 3:1, a water content of 20.3?wt.% and an enzyme loading of 3?wt.% and this resulted in a total ester content of 64.7% in 15?min, while the same condition using the conventional heating gave only 21.4%. Moreover, the reaction equilibrium was reached 16 times faster with microwave than with conventional heating. High ethanol:oil molar ratios had a negative effect on FAEE synthesis with both CHS and MHS, probably due to the partial inactivation of the enzymes. MHS improved the reaction performance of CALB L, but other process parameters will have to be optimized to enhance the resulting FAEE yields. The recovery and reuse of CALB L using a MHS was demonstrated. Hence, the use of microwave radiation under the conditions applied in this study was not detrimental to the catalytic performance of CALB L for at least one reuse.  相似文献   

对细胞膜通透性变化的研究是认识微波杀菌机理的途径之一。用荧光探针检测微波处理后细胞内Ca2 浓度的变化,可以精确地表征细胞膜通透性的改变。选用二乙酸荧光素(FDA)和Fluo-3/AM两种荧光染料,对大肠杆菌(Escherichiacoli)和金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus aureus)经微波处理后的酯酶活性及细胞膜通透性进行研究,结果表明大肠杆菌与金黄色葡萄球菌的胞内非特异性酯酶(NSE)活性及细胞膜通透性的变化情形有所不同。在50℃、55℃、60℃和65℃微波处理条件下,大肠杆菌细胞膜通透性分别增加了20.7%、28.1%、74.8%、89.8%,而金黄色葡萄球的增加不显著,分别比对照组提高了4.1%、6.0%、21.9%和19.7%。细胞膜通透性的改变与微生物致死率有一定的相关性,也可能是微波杀菌非热效应的表现之一。  相似文献   

AIMS: To apply scanning electron microscopy, image analysis and a fluorescent viability stain to assess lethal and sublethal injury in food-borne bacteria exposed to pulsed-plasma gas discharges (PPGD). METHODS AND RESULTS: The fluorescent redox probe 5-cyano-2,3-ditolyl tetrazolium chloride (CTC) was used for enumerating actively respiring cells of Campylobacter jejuni, Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium that were suspended in sterile water at 4 degrees C and exposed to separate PPGD and heat treatments. While there was good agreement between use of respiratory staining (RS) and direct-selective agar plate counting (PC) for enumerating untreated bacteria, there were c. 1 and 3 log-unit differences in surviving cell numbers per millilitre for test organisms subjected to PPGD and heat treatments respectively, when enumerated by these different viability indicators. PPGD-treated bacteria were markedly altered at the cellular level when examined by scanning electron microscopy. CONCLUSIONS: Use of this RS method revealed that substantial subpopulations of test bacteria rendered incapable of forming colonies by separate PPGD and heat treatments may remain metabolically active. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Use of this RS method offers interesting perspectives on assessing established and novel microbial inactivation methods, and may also provide a better understanding of mechanisms involved in microbial inactivation induced by high-intensity PPGD treatments.  相似文献   

菌蜕(Bacterial ghosts)是一种只含有细菌内、外膜结构的细菌空壳,可作为新型疫苗和传递载体。本研究通过3种方式制备禽致病性大肠杆菌(Avian pathogenicity Escherichia coli,APEC)分离株DE17的菌蜕,评价不同的菌蜕制备方法。结果表明,利用噬菌体Phi X174的裂解基因E构建的溶菌质粒pBV220-E制备DE17菌蜕,对DE17菌株裂解率可达99.9%,扫描电镜观测结果表明,在DE17两端或中部形成可见的跨膜孔道,呈现典型的菌蜕结构。利用合成的细胞穿透肽MAP(KLALKLALKALKAALKLA)作用于DE17制备菌蜕,结果表明,10μmol/L的MAP可实现对OD_(600)=0.1的DE17完全灭活,扫描电镜虽未看到明显的跨膜孔道,但细菌的膜结构呈现沟壑状,而构建的可表达MAP的溶菌质粒pBV220-MAP并不能实现对DE17的裂解作用。本研究通过比较分析不同APEC菌蜕的制备方式,为进一步研究菌蜕疫苗和提高菌蜕疫苗的生物安全性提供参考。  相似文献   

In addition to active pharmaceutical ingredient (API), antibiotics may contain small amounts of excipients and impurities and be prone to accumulation of degradation products. There has been limited work characterizing how these substances impact bacterial growth and antibiotic resistance development. We investigated how two ciprofloxacin (CIP) impurities, fluoroquinolonic acid (FQA) and ciprofloxacin ethylenediamine analogue (CEA), impact growth and antibiotic resistance in Escherichia coli. Additionally, we investigated how these impurities impact a frequently used API content assay. Both impurities displayed modest antimicrobial activity compared to the CIP API. The effective antimicrobial activity of a medicine containing increased impurity levels may permit bacterial growth and resistance development. Our results also suggest that increasing exposure concentration and duration to CEA and FQA, independent of CIP, can promote antibiotic resistance development. However, at concentrations of 100% and below the MIC of the API, impurities had limited contributions to resistance development compared to the CIP API. From a methodological standpoint, we found that UV spectrophotometry may be inadequate to account for antibiotic impurities or degradation products. This can lead to incorrect estimations of API content and we propose additional multi-wavelength measures when using UV spectrophotometry to help identify impurities or degradation.  相似文献   

Background: The microwave energy is an efficient disinfection method; however, it can generate high temperatures that can result in distortion of the dentures. objectives: To evaluate whether the addition of an enzymatic cleanser to microwave disinfection regimen would disinfect dentures with shorter irradiation time. Materials and methods: Seven resin discs colonized with Candida albicans biofilm were placed on the palatal surface of sterile dentures to be randomly assigned to the following treatments: immersion in distilled water for 3 min with 0 (DW), 1 (DW + M1), 2 (DW + M2), or 3 min (DW + M3) of microwave irradiation; or immersion in denture cleanser for 3 min with 0 (DC), 1 (DC + M1), 2 (DC + M2) or 3 min (DC + M3) of irradiation. After the treatments, the viable cells were counted by a blinded examiner. The temperature was measured immediately after irradiation. The data were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey post hoc tests (α = 0.05). Results: No viable cells were found after DC + M2, DC + M3, and DW + M3 treatments, of which DC + M2 achieved the lowest temperature. No significant difference was found between the effectiveness of DW, DW + M1 and DC treatments (p > 0.05). Conclusion: Within the limits of this study, the association of a denture cleanser and microwave energy is efficient to disinfect dentures in lower irradiation time and temperature.  相似文献   

The study compared bioeffects of continuous wave (CW) microwaves and short, extremely high power pulses (EHPP) at the same carrier frequency (9.3 GHz) and average power (1.25 W). The peak transmitted power for EHPP was 250 kW (0.5-micro s pulse width, 10 p.p.s.), producing the E field of 1.57 MV/m in the waveguide. A biological endpoint was the density of yeast cells, achieved after a 6 h growth period in a solid nutrient medium (agarose gel) during EHPP or CW exposure. Owing to power losses in the medium, the specific absorption rate (SAR) ranged from 3.2 kW/kg at the exposed surface of the sample to 0.6 mW/kg at 24 mm depth. Absorption and penetration of EHPP was identical to CW, producing peak SAR values 200 000 times higher than the average SAR, as high as 650 MW/kg at the surface. CW and EHPP exposures produced highly nonuniform but identical heating patterns in exposed samples. Following the exposure, the samples were sliced in a plane perpendicular to the wave propagation, in order to separate cell masses exposed at different SAR levels. Cell density in the slices was determined by nephelometry and compared to unexposed parallel control samples. Cell density was strongly affected by irradiation, and the changes correlated well with the local temperature rise. However, the data revealed no statistically significant difference between CW and EHPP samples across the entire studied range of SAR levels (over six orders of magnitude). A trend (P<0.1) for such a difference was observed in slices that were exposed at a time average SAR of 100 W/kg and higher, which corresponded to peak SAR above 20 MW/kg for the EHPP condition. These numbers could be indicative of a threshold for a specific (not merely thermal) exposure effect if the trend is confirmed by future studies.  相似文献   

The effect of 2450 MHz microwave radiation on the proteins of human erythrocyte ghosts has been investigated using circular dichroism spectroscopy. A specially constructed waveguide inserted into the spectropolarimeter allowed the continuous recording of optical activity before, during and after microwave irradiation. The data indicate that high levels of microwave radiation (600 mW/g, specific absorption rate) induce decreases in α-helical conformation that may result from both thermal vibrations and increased strain on the intramolecular hydrogen bonds that maintain secondary structure. The latter effect may result from differential intramolecular interactions with the oscillating electric field. Spectrin (bands 1 and 2) isolated from the ghosts was more sensitive to microwave irradiation than intact ghosts, and spectrin-depleted vesicles were the least sensitive. The data, therefore, indicate that the α-helical conformation of spectrin is altered by high levels of microwave radiation.  相似文献   

The Suzuki-Miyaura reaction of various aryl halides using [Pd{C6H2(CH2CH2NH2)-(OMe)2,3,4} (μ-Br)]2 have been investigated. This orthopalladated complex is an efficient, stable and non-sensitive to air and moisture catalyst for the hetrocoupling reaction in DMF as the reaction solvent at 130 °C. The combination of dimeric complex as homogenous catalyst and microwave irradiation can be very useful and efficient methods in organic synthesis, so the application of microwave irradiation have been investigated using homogenous dimeric complex [Pd{C6H2(CH2CH2NH2)-(OMe)2,3,4} (μ-Br)]2. Application of dimeric complex as catalyst caused to produce the desired coupling products and the using of microwave irradiation improving the yields of the reactions and shortening the reaction times.  相似文献   

We report here two new, high purity, high yield, one-step syntheses of cis-[Rh(bpy)2X2][PF6] {X = Cl, Br, I, bpy = 2,2′-bipyridine} directly from the RhX3 · nH2O starting materials - one conventional and one microwave. The key to obtaining the pure complexes appears to be maintaining a 2:1 ratio of bipyridine to rhodium in solution; thus all reactants must be completely dissolved prior to the start of the reaction. Comparison of the two methods is also discussed. These complexes are pure enough for emission spectroscopy after minimal work-up. The complete characterization of all the halide complexes and the first cyclic voltammetry data on the cis-[Rh(bpy)2I2][PF6] complex are reported. The irreversible Rh(III)-Rh(I) redox potential becomes more positive from Cl to I. All three complexes show two reversible redox potentials corresponding to the bipyridine reductions. These data are consistent with the loss of the two halide ligands and formation of [Rh(bpy)2]+ upon reduction of Rh(III) to Rh(I).  相似文献   

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