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生态足迹分析应用于区域可持续发展生态评估的缺陷   总被引:42,自引:6,他引:36  
彭建  吴健生  蒋依依  叶敏婷 《生态学报》2006,26(8):2716-2722
可持续发展的生态评估是当前国际生态经济学与可持续发展研究的前沿问题之一,生态足迹从生物生产的角度可以定量评估一个国家或地区发展的生态持续性程度,是近年来发展迅速的一种生物物理量衡量方法。尽管生态足迹分析具有指标指示意义明确、评估结果全球可比与模型方法简便、资料易获取、可操作性强等优点,但在理论方法上仍存在不足之处。综合国内外区域生态足迹分析的最新进展,生态足迹分析应用于区域可持续发展生态评估的理论缺陷主要表现为以下6点:①弱可持续性评价,难以完整反映系统的可持续性状态;②静态模型,缺乏预测功能;③长时间序列生态足迹研究的合理性有待商榷;④全球平均生产力的相对性,导致评估结果的非绝对性;⑤过于强调土地的数量,而忽略土地的质量;⑥假定各类生物生产性土地类型的空间互斥性,忽视兼业性。  相似文献   

行业异质性视角下我国工业生态创新效率评价   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
张雪梅  叶贝贝 《生态学报》2019,39(14):5198-5207
随着资源紧缺、环境污染日益严峻,生态创新成为各国追逐的政治目标,研究我国不同工业行业的生态创新效率对我国的创新发展和可持续发展具有重要意义。从生态创新内涵出发,构建包括环境效益和经济效益在内的生态创新效率评价指标体系。以2009—2015年我国34个工业行业面板数据为样本,利用生产要素密集度将选取的34个工业行业归类为资源密集型行业、劳动密集型行业和资本密集型行业。运用基于实数编码加速遗传算法的投影寻踪分类模型进行综合评价,该方法可以依据最佳投影方向来判断各评价指标对综合评价目标的贡献大小和方向,利用投影指标值实现对34个行业的统一分类和评价。结果表明:不同要素密集度行业的生态创新效率存在显著差异,资本密集型行业的生态创新效率最高,资源密集型行业和劳动密集型行业的生态创新效率较为接近,但都低于行业整体平均水平,其中尤以劳动密集型行业中的有色金属矿采选业的生态创新效率最低;生态创新研发人力、财力的投入以及创新活动所带来的经济效益对生态创新效率的提升影响较大,而仪器和设备等物质投入对生态创新效率影响较小。  相似文献   

大型人工湿地生态可持续性评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张依然  王仁卿  张建  刘建 《生态学报》2012,32(15):4803-4810
大型人工湿地现已广泛应用于湖滨带、河滨带水质净化及湿地生态修复,这些人工湿地的生态可持续性评价对于其科学管理调控及长期可持续运行具有重要意义。运用综合指标评价及层次分析法,根据人工湿地生态系统的特点,提出并建立了适合评价人工湿地可持续性运行的指标体系,建立的评价指标包括生态特征与功能、水质净化功能及经济社会功能三项一级指标,及对应的14个二级指标。运用建立的评价指标体系对南四湖湖滨带新薛河大型人工湿地示范工程的生态可持续性运行了评价,评价结果显示:植物多样性、氨氮去除能力、生物入侵抵抗力、野生动物栖息地、COD去除能力是影响大型人工湿地运行效果的主要制约因素;新薛河人工湿地生态可持续性综合指数为0.6862,处于"良"级,其中生态特征功能可持续性指数最高,为0.7732;水质净化功能和社会经济功能指数分别为0.6190,0.6492。由结果可知,南四湖新薛河大型人工湿地具有重要的生态修复功能,水质净化功能方面应加强植物定期收割及植被管理,同时经济社会功能还有待加强,植物经济效益及旅游娱乐效益还有待深入开发。建立的人工湿地可持续性运行的评价指标体系具有较强的针对性,可用于其他大型人工湿地的生态可持续性评价。  相似文献   

生态系统健康评价方法初探   总被引:143,自引:13,他引:130  
生态系统是维持人类环境的最基本单元,生态系统功能主要体现在两个方面:一是生态服务功能(service);二是价值功能(goods)这两种功能是人类生态和发展的基础,生态系统健康是保证生态系统功能正常发挥的前提,结构和功能的完整性,具有抵抗干扰和恢复能力(resilience)、稳定和可持续性是生态系统健康的特征,生态系统健康评价需要基于生态系统的结构、功能过程来确定指标,包括生态系统的完整性,适应性和效率,生态系统健康评价主要有两种方法:一是指示物种评价,二是结构功能指标评价,结构功能指标评价包括单指标评价,复合指标评价和指标体系评价,指标体系评价中又包括自然指标体系评价,社会-经济-自然复合生态系统指标体系评价,本文针对生态系统健康的不同评价方法进行了对比研究,同时,针对不同的生态系统类型应选择其健康评价方法方面进行了简要的阐述。  相似文献   

基于能值分析的辽宁省生态经济系统可持续发展评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于能值分析构建了包括能值流量、能值来源指标、社会亚系统评价指标、经济亚系统评价指标、自然亚系统评价指标和综合指数等的辽宁省生态经济系统评价体系,全面评估了2000—2010年辽宁省生态经济系统的发展趋势以及可持续性.结果表明:2000—2010年,辽宁省总能值用量从3440.12×1020sej增长到7636.33×1020sej,其中,2010年不可更新资源能值所占比重(68.6%)最大;人均能值从8.32×1015sej增长到17.96×1015sej;能值自给率虽然较高,却从2000年的91.1%下降到2010年的79.9%;环境负荷率从3.22提升到7.80;可持续发展指数由3.47降低到0.64;系统可持续发展性能由6.73降低到1.56.表明辽宁省生态经济系统呈现出不可持续发展的态势.2010年的辽宁省生态经济水平仅达到美国和日本20世纪80年代的水平.  相似文献   

基于能值分析的我国小水电生态影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
庞明月  张力小  王长波 《生态学报》2015,35(8):2741-2749
如何系统定量地评价小水电开发过程所引起的景观变化、河流局部断流等生态影响,是平息争议、进行合理规划与开发小水电前提之一。运用能值分析方法,以贵州省赤水市观音岩水电站为例,将小水电建设、运行的资源投入,以及河道中水流的时空改变所导致生态服务功能的损失纳入核算体系,对其生态影响进行综合定量评估。从2010年的实际结果来看,由于河流断流,导致水坝下游生态系统服务功能的能值损失为2.77×1018sej,占到了系统建设运行总投入的44.84%,其中重点保护鱼种在影响河段的生境破坏是最大的能值损失。若不考虑下游生态系统服务功能损失,系统的环境负载率为1.92,可持续性指标为1.22;而考虑下游生态影响之后,系统环境负载率增大至4.26,可持续性指标减小为0.34。研究表明,小水电的开发必须遵循适度开发、规划优先,保障河流最基本的生态需水底线,是协调小水电开发和河流健康矛盾、追求小水电持续发展的刚性要求。  相似文献   

熊传合  杨德刚  张新焕  唐宏 《生态学报》2015,35(10):3428-3436
运用生态足迹模型、生态经济系统发展能力指标、生态压力区分区标准和生态经济系统分区标准分析了1995—2010年新疆生态可持续性和生态经济系统可持续性的时空演变过程。结果表明:(1)1995—2010年间,生态压力指数、生态赤字总体逐年增大,新疆生态环境不可持续性增强;生态经济系统发展能力指数呈快速上涨趋势,生态经济系统发展能力显著提高,万元GDP生态足迹显著下降,资源利用效率有明显的提高。(2)各地州市1995—2010年间区域差异逐渐增大,生态赤字区逐渐增多,生态压力指数逐渐增大,生态环境不可持续性逐渐增强。一直处于高生态压力区的是乌鲁木齐市、克拉玛依市和石河子市,主要是因为它们经济发展水平和城市化水平高,生物资源、能源消费量大。(3)2000年后,各地州市可持续发展状况发生巨大的变化,主要是因为生态足迹的快速增长,生态承载力基本不变,导致生态压力指数增大,生态赤字增加,归根源于西部大开发战略的成效显著,新疆各地州市经济发展和人口快速增长,生物资源能源消费量增多;1995—2010年间,新疆各地州市生态经济系统发展能力和资源利用效率有了显著提高,但是区域差异变大。新疆生态环境和生态经济系统可持续发展面临挑战。  相似文献   

城市生态风险评价研究进展   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
随着城市化发展和城市人居环境的恶化,城市生态风险越来越受到关注,但尚缺乏有关城市生态风险评价的深入系统研究.本文依据城市生态学原理及生态风险评价框架从驱动力、风险源、风险受体与评价终点,以及生态风险综合评价方法等方面对城市生态风险评价研究进行综述.指出城市经济社会活动类型与程度是城市生态风险产生的主要驱动力;城市生态系统不同等级功能实体和城市整体是城市生态风险评价中的风险受体;城市生态风险评价终点包括城市生态系统结构、过程、功能要素,以及城市整体水平的性质和功能变化;耦合了社会经济需求的生态系统模型是城市生态风险评价方法的发展方向.未来城市生态风险评价研究应明确生态风险管理具体目标,确定综合性评价终点,建立多指标评价体系和综合评价方法.  相似文献   

海洋生态资本理论框架下的生态系统服务评估   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈尚  任大川  夏涛  李京梅  杜国英  王栋  王其翔  张涛 《生态学报》2013,33(19):6254-6263
海洋生态资本指能够直接或间接作用于人类社会经济生产、提供有用的产品流或服务流的海洋生态资源。海洋生态资本价值由海洋生态资源存量价值和海洋生态系统服务价值组成。海洋生态资本评估包括海洋生态资源存量评估和海洋生态系统服务评估。在海洋生态资本理论框架体系下,针对我国近海生态系统服务的开发与利用情况,建立了评估海洋生态系统服务的物质量和价值量的技术框架。基于物质量可量化、价值量可货币化、数据可获得性三条评估原则,筛选出9个指标定量评估海洋生态系统服务的物质量和价值量,并给出了对应的评估方法、计算公式、参数和数据来源。海洋供给服务采用养殖生产、捕捞生产和氧气生产3个指标评估;海洋供给服务采用气候调节、废弃物处理2个指标评估;海洋文化服务采用休闲娱乐、科研服务2个指标评估;海洋支持服务采用物种多样性维持、生态系统多样性维持2个指标评估。养殖生产、捕捞生产等指标采用市场价格法进行评估;氧气生产、废弃物处理、科研服务等指标采用替代成本法进行评估;气候调节指标采用替代市场价格法进行评估;休闲娱乐指标采用旅行费用法或收入替代法进行评估;物种多样性维持、生态系统多样性维持等指标采用条件价值法进行评估。该套方法体系已经应用于山东省7个沿海地级市和福建省东山湾、罗源湾的近海生态系统服务价值评估,已经得到学术界和海洋管理部门的认可,被国家标准《海洋生态资本评估技术导则》吸收采用。该套方法紧密切合国家生态文明建设需求,可为海洋主管部门的生态资本核算、生态补偿业务、环评审批提供关键技术手段,也为海洋生态系统服务的精确评估提供了科学基础。  相似文献   

一种城市生态系统现状评价方法及其应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
石惠春  刘伟  何剑  刘鹿  师晓娟  万海滢 《生态学报》2012,32(17):5542-5549
生态城市建设是未来城市发展的最终趋势。从结构、功能、活动、发展演化规律等方面来看,城市生态系统都可以被看作一个动态变化的系统。将可持续发展理论引入到城市生态系统现状评价中,提出和解释了城市生态系统可持续发展概念;从可持续发展的角度,评价城市生态系统的现状,建立城市生态系统可持续发展评价指标体系。在此基础上,利用集对分析方法,将评价城市生态系统可持续发展水平的多个指标系统合成一个与最优评价集的相对贴近度,用来描述城市生态系统可持续发展水平,并将该方法应用于兰州市城市生态系统现状评价。结果表明,在2004—2010年间,兰州市城市生态系统可持续发展水平呈现折线型关系,而且有明显的陡降现象。具体变化趋势是从2004年的0.5081平缓上升到2005年的0.5581、然后陡降到2006年的0.4073、接着平缓上升直到2009年的0.5010、最后平缓下降到2010年的0.4706。尽管不同时期城市生态系统可持续发展水平有所变化,但是总体来说,一直处在基本可持续发展的水平,协调程度一般;该评价方法能够很好的反映城市生态系统的发展现状,为建设生态城市提供科学依据。  相似文献   

彭雪蓉  刘洋  赵立龙 《生态学报》2014,34(22):6440-6449
生态创新因具有"双重正外部性"而得到实践界和理论界的双重青睐,与此形成鲜明对照的是,现有研究对生态创新概念的适用层次、理论定位、内涵与测量等基本理论问题的理解模糊而缺乏一致性。回顾了企业社会责任、环境管理和创新管理三大领域的相关研究成果,辨析了企业生态创新的内涵特征与外延,进一步梳理了企业生态创新的维度划分与测量,对企业生态创新的未来研究给出了展望。  相似文献   

The current marine pharmacology review that covers the peer-reviewed literature during 2003 and 2004 is a sequel to the authors' 1998-2002 reviews, and highlights the preclinical pharmacology of 166 marine chemicals derived from a diverse group of marine animals, algae, fungi and bacteria. Anthelmintic, antibacterial, anticoagulant, antifungal, antimalarial, antiplatelet, antiprotozoal, antituberculosis or antiviral activities were reported for 67 marine chemicals. Additionally 45 marine compounds were shown to have significant effects on the cardiovascular, immune and nervous system as well as possessing anti-inflammatory effects. Finally, 54 marine compounds were reported to act on a variety of molecular targets and thus may potentially contribute to several pharmacological classes. Thus, during 2003-2004, research on the pharmacology of marine natural products which involved investigators from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Belgium, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Morocco, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, the Philippines, Portugal, Russia, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Thailand, Turkey, United Kingdom, and the United States, contributed numerous chemical leads for the continued global search for novel therapeutic agents with broad spectrum activity.  相似文献   

This study analyzes countries’ sustainability conditions using panel data of genuine savings (GS) by calculating the average, trend, and stability of the countries’ GS flow. We identify the pattern of GS changes in the past three decades on the basis of these three capital flow measures and the level of capital stock (wealth), and subsequently identify the factors that determine the GS change patterns. We find that the quality of institutional and population growth, along with natural resource abundance, substantially influences capital accumulation in the long term. In particular, our results indicate that only once does a good performance of GS not ensure sustainable development. For example, countries like Kenya performed well in terms of capital accumulation in the first period, but this performance was not maintained in the following period, as a result of the poor quality of institutions and governance. On the contrary, some countries, like Chile, where GS performance was poor in the beginning, eventually achieve a sustained pathway if they have good institutions and governance. In addition, we suggest that even countries in the best performing group for capital change are on an unsustainable path, which will eventually start decreasing in wealth. The exception is Norway, which is socially well developed, but has a lower population density and abundant natural resources. Our study proves that analyzing relevant indicators in the long term is crucial to understanding sustainability.  相似文献   

Health biotechnology has rapidly become vital in helping healthcare systems meet the needs of the poor in developing countries. This key industry also generates revenue and creates employment opportunities in these countries. To successfully develop biotechnology industries in developing nations, it is critical to understand and improve the system of health innovation, as well as the role of each innovative sector and the linkages between the sectors. Countries' science and technology capacities can be strengthened only if there are non-linear linkages and strong interrelations among players throughout the innovation process; these relationships generate and transfer knowledge related to commercialization of the innovative health products. The private sector is one of the main actors in healthcare innovation, contributing significantly to the development of health biotechnology via knowledge, expertise, resources and relationships to translate basic research and development into new commercial products and innovative processes. The role of the private sector has been increasingly recognized and emphasized by governments, agencies and international organizations. Many partnerships between the public and private sector have been established to leverage the potential of the private sector to produce more affordable healthcare products. Several developing countries that have been actively involved in health biotechnology are becoming the main players in this industry. The aim of this paper is to discuss the role of the private sector in health biotechnology development and to study its impact on health and economic growth through case studies in South Korea, India and Brazil. The paper also discussed the approaches by which the private sector can improve the health and economic status of the poor.  相似文献   

This study aims to analyze the relationship between carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, trade openness, real income and energy consumption in the top ten CO2 emitters among the developing countries; namely China, India, South Korea, Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia, South Africa, Turkey, Thailand and Malaysia over the period of 1971–2011. In addition, the possible presence of the EKC hypothesis is investigated for the analyzed countries. The Zivot–Andrews unit root test with structural break, the bounds testing for cointegration in the presence of structural break and the VECM Granger causality method are employed. The empirical results indicate that (i) the analyzed variables are co-integrated for Thailand, Turkey, India, Brazil, China, Indonesia and Korea, (ii) real income, energy consumption and trade openness are the main determinants of carbon emissions in the long run, (iii) there exists a number of causal relations between the analyzed variables, (iv) the EKC hypothesis is validated for Turkey, India, China and Korea. Robust policy implications can be derived from this study since the estimated models pass several diagnostic and stability tests.  相似文献   

This article investigates the possibilities for and potential applications of Life Cycle Assessments (LCA’s) and specifically of Life Cycle Inventories (LCI’s) in developing countries (e.g. South Africa). The situation in South Africa is compared to that prevailing in Germany, a highly developed country. Although South Africa is unique concerning the different degrees of development within the industry, most of the principles discussed in this article can be applied similarly to other developing countries. No significant full LCI studies have yet been performed in South Africa. Although the immediate local needs for the South Africa enonomy are solving labour problems, creating jobs, building houses, the industries should seriously consider performing LCA and related studies for their products. The concept of quality should be extended to include the environmental performance of a product, process or service.  相似文献   

Woodcock Scolopax rusticola is an important game species in Northern Spain, where it is mainly a wintering species. Knowledge about the migration and origin of the woodcock wintering in Spain is relatively sparse, existing to date only qualitative analyses dating more than a decade. From the analyses of ringing recoveries of woodcock wintering in Spain, we evaluate the relative importance of various countries or regions as sources of the woodcock wintering in Spain, an estimate of their migratory route. Our analyses show the Circum-Baltic Region to be the most important breeding area of the woodcock wintering in Spain. Within that area, both Sweden and Western Russia appear to be particularly important. Analyses of the ringing locations of woodcock ringed during migration and recovered in Spain in winter suggest that woodcock wintering in Spain migrate primarily through the South of the Baltic Sea, Germany and France. The proportion of woodcock ringed in different French regions during the postnuptial migration months (October and November) that was subsequently recovered in Spain (mainly through hunting) declined with the proportion of those birds that was recovered in France (also mainly through hunting). We discuss the management implications of these results.  相似文献   

On the basis of examination of the collection of the Natural History Museum (london), an annotated list of 36 encyrtid species with new records for 12 countries is given: one species new for both Ukraine and Croatia; two, for Austria, Cyprus, and Norway; three, for U.K.; four, for Germany and Spain; five, for Bulgaria; six, for Italy; eight, for France, and twelve, for Greece.  相似文献   

廖中举  黄超 《生态学杂志》2017,28(12):4150-4156
生态创新是实现可持续发展的重要方式.它具有“知识溢出”和“环保溢出”双重正外部性,受到了理论和实践界的广泛关注.为了系统把握生态创新的研究现状,本研究梳理了国外近10年生态创新的相关文献,对生态创新的内涵、特性与维度构成进行了系统的回顾,围绕制度理论、利益相关者理论、资源基础观理论等剖析了生态创新的驱动因素;重点探究了生态创新对企业财务绩效的正向和负向影响,以及生态创新影响财务绩效的中介和调节机理.最后,结合现有研究的不足,提出了未来研究展望.  相似文献   

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