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A sample of native 4 x 6-meric hemocyanin of Androctonus australis was negatively stained with the double-layer technique, and was observed by transmission electron microscopy under low-dose conditions with a 50 degree and 0 degree tilt. The three-dimensional reconstruction method from "Single-exposure, random conical tilt series" was then applied. Independent three-dimensional reconstructions were obtained from the top, side and 45 degree views. Despite a pronounced flattening effect, presumably due to the specimen preparation technique, the positions of the 24 subunits composing the oligomer were unequivocally determined. This experiment definitely solves the problem of the architectural organization of the subunits in the cheliceratan 4 x 6-meric hemocyanins. Moreover, distinction between the flip and flop faces and an attenuated rocking effect were observed.  相似文献   

Translation of Androctonus australis poly(A)-RNA in vitro led to a number of polypeptides products (8-10) of 70-73 kDa analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and identified by immunoprecipitation with an anti-(dissociated hemocyanin) antiserum. The translated hemocyanin polypeptides have the same physico-chemical characteristics as authentic hemocyanin subunits. Subunits Aa 2 and Aa 4 have been identified with monospecific antisera characterized (a) by their capability of reacting with their homologous subunit and (b) by their inability of binding to cross-reacting subunits. Each polypeptide chain is coded by a different messenger without significant post-translational events. Hemocyanin could be detected among the translation products of the poly(A)-RNA isolated from the cuticle under the carapace.  相似文献   

J Lamy  J Lamy  P Billiald  P Y Sizaret  G Cavé  J Frank  G Motta 《Biochemistry》1985,24(20):5532-5542
Monoclonal antibodies (mAb) directed vs. subunits from hemocyanin (Hc) of the scorpion Androctonus australis were used in molecular immunoelectron microscopy (MIEM) to directly localize the epitopes within the subunits. Four types of mAb were used. First, mAb 6302, an IgG clone highly specific for subunit Aa 2, produced with native hemocyanin long strings composed of hemocyanin molecules in the side view and in the 45 degrees view. At lower concentration, "parachute" and "butterfly" structures composed of two Hc molecules and one monoclonal immunoglobin G (IgG) molecule were obtained. Fab fragments prepared from mAb 6302 bound exactly on the top and bottom edges of the molecule. The second type of mAb (6003), directed vs. subunit Aa 2, produced nice immunocomplexes with the free subunit but nothing with the native oligomer. It is suggested that due to steric hindrance or to conformational changes the epitope is not accessible in the native molecule. The third mAb belonged to the IgM class and apparently bound Hc in the Aa 2 area. However, because of the difficulty of separating the immunocomplexes from the residual mAb and the polymorphism of the IgM molecules, monoclonal IgM are no longer used for MIEM. The last type of mAb (5701) had a high affinity and a high specificity for subunit Aa 6. It produced two types of immunocomplexes with native Hc. The two types differed by a 180 degrees rotation around one of the Fab arms. These complexes, which support recent results of Wrigley et al. [Wrigley, N. G., Brown, E. B., & Skehel, J. J. (1983) J. Mol. Biol. 169, 771-774] and of Roux [Roux, K. H. (1983) Eur. J. Immunol. 14, 459-464], indicate that monoclonal IgG have a high degree of rotational flexibility around the Fab arm. Monoclonal antibody 5701 bound exactly at the corner of the molecule in the area where subunit Aa 6 is known to be located. The MIEM approach of the location of the epitope requires the model of the architecture and of the quaternary structure to be very precise. Thus, recent findings of Gaykema et al. [Gaykema, W. P. J., Hol, J. M., Vereijken, J. M., Soeter, N. M., Bak, H. J., & Beintema, J. J. (1984) Nature (London) 309, 23-29] and of Van Heel et al. [Van Heel, M., Keegstra, W., Schutter, W., & Van Bruggen, E. F. J. (1983) Life Chem. Rep., Suppl. Ser. 1, 69-73] led to a reexamination of previous models.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary The dioptric apparatus of the lateral eyes of the scorpion, Androctonus austrails, consists of a cuticular lens, but lacks a vitreous body. The retina is formed by (1) retinula cells displaying a contiguous network of rhabdoms; (2) arhabdomeric cells bearing a distal dendrite that contacts retinula cells via numerous projections and ends before the rhabdomere of the retinula cells; (3) pigment cells that ensheath retinula and arhabdomeric cells with the exception of the contact regions; and (4) neurosecretory fibres possibly originating in the supraesophageal ganglion. The ratio of the number of retinula to arhabdomeric cells is determined to be close to 2 1 in the three larger anterolateral eyes, in contrast to the median eyes where the ratio is 5 1.The construction of the dioptric apparatus as well as the anatomy of the retina imply that in the lateral eyes of Androctonus australis visual acuity is reduced. A certain degree of spatial discrimination, however, may be retained by the presence of a relatively high number of arhabdomeric cells. It is suggested that the lateral eyes of A. australis mainly function as light detectors, e.g., for Zeitgeber stimuli.Supported by grant no. FL 77/8-10 from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft  相似文献   

Hemocyanin from the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, sediments at 25.7 S and has a native molecular weight of 940 000 +/- 20 000. Under solution conditions of increased pH (approximately 10) or ionic strength, the native molecule dissociates to a 17 S species. Reversal of this dissociation was unsuccessful. At pH 10 and with the removal of Mg2+, the 17 S species reversibly dissociates to form a subunit species which sediments at 6 S. A comparison of the circular dichroic spectra of the 25.7 S and 6 S hemocyanins suggests that little happens to the structural integrity of the polypeptide backbone upon the two dissociations. Molecular weight estimations under reducing and denaturing conditions indicate that the 6 S hemocyanin species represents the constituent polypeptide chain of the protein molecule. Chemical analysis suggests the presence of a small amount, less than 3%, of carbohydrate bound to the polypeptide chain. Electrophoresis of the hemocyanin in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate or urea reveals two major electrophoretic species of either slightly different chemical composition or slightly different polypeptide chain length.  相似文献   

The most toxic scorpion neurotoxin (toxin II), isolated from the North African scorpion Androctonus australis Hector, has been crystallized. The space group is (C2 with one molecule of protein in the asymmetric unit. The cell parameters are a = 51.9 Å, b = 33.3 Å, c = 40.4 Å, β = 113 °. The crystals are very stable under radiation.  相似文献   

Summary The retina of the median eyes of the North African scorpion, Androctonus australis L., is supplied with numerous neurosecretory nerve fibres which establish synaptoid contacts on the retinula cells. The number of fibres or profiles of varicosities of fibre terminals associated with a retinular unit (five retinula cells with a fused rhabdom) varies between 10 and 20. Electron-opaque vesicles with a diameter of 80–100 nm are abundant within the axonal profiles. The synaptoid junctions are characterized by postsynaptic electron-dense material on the inner leaflet of the retinula cell membrane and, frequently, presynaptic submembranous dense material. Because of these ultrastructural features, the junctions observed here resemble typical interneuronal synaptic contacts. Hence this kind of neurosecretory junction appears to be unique among arthropods.It is suggested that the neurosecretory fibres within the retina represent the efferent pathways for the control of the circadian pigment movements within the retinula cells.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (F1 77/7)  相似文献   

The hemocyanins of the scorpions Leiurus quinquestriatus and Androctonus australis, the tarantula Eurypelma californicum (all 24-mers), and the lycosid spider Cupiennius salei (dodecamer) were dissociated into subunits, the subunits isolated and studied by two-dimensional immunoelectrophoresis for interspecific cross-reactivities. Androctonus hemocyanin yielded a pattern of 8 subunit types in agreement with data from Lamy et al. (1979, Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 193, 140-149). Leiurus hemocyanin is also composed of 8 immunologically distinct subunits which could be assigned to the pattern of Androctonus in a subunit-to-subunit correlation. The subunit designations 1 to 6 of Lamy et al. could be adopted for both scorpion hemocyanins; however, in the present communication, Lamy's subunits 3A/3B are designated as 3'/3", because we could not unequivocally decide if 3' = 3A and 3" = 3B or vice versa. The 7 subunit types a to g of Eurypelma hemocyanin could be correlated with the scorpion hemocyanin subunits as follows: a = 3', b = 5B, c = 3C, d = 5A, e = 6, f = 2, g = 4. Additional cross-reactivities were detected between e/4, and f/5A, respectively. No subunit of Eurypelma hemocyanin is homologous to scorpion 3", which could not be precipitated by anti-Eurypelma antiserum. Antiserum against Cupiennius hemocyanin precipitated subunit f of Eurypelma and subunits 2 and 5A of scorpion hemocyanin. The published models of quaternary structure and a possible subunit phylogeny of arachnidan hemocyanins are discussed in view of the present results.  相似文献   

An investigation was made of the radiosensitivity of the toxic and immunological properties of Androctonus australis hector venom. This venom was irradiated with two doses of gamma rays (1 and 2 kGy) from a 60Co source. The results showed that venom toxicity was abolished for the two radiation doses (1 and 2 kGy) with, respectively, 10 and 25 times its initial LD50 value. However, irradiated venoms were immunogenic, and the antibodies elicited by them were able to recognize the native venom by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Antisera raised against these toxoids (1 and 2 kGy) had a higher neutralizing capacity and immunoreactivity against all components of native venom than did the antiserum produced against the native venom. The antiserum of rabbits immunized with 2-kGy-irradiated venom was more efficient than 1-kGy-irradiated toxoid antiserum. Indeed, in vivo protection assays showed that the mice immunized with 2-kGy-irradiated venom resisted lethal doses (i.p.) of A. australis hector venom.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of the hemocyanin subunit c from the spiny lobster, Panulirus interruptus, has been determined. The elucidation was mainly based on three digests, with CNBr, trypsin and endoproteinase Glu-C, respectively. Additional evidence was obtained by sequencing of peptides from an endoproteinase Lys-C digest. Subunit c is a polypeptide with 661 amino acid residues and with a carbohydrate group attached to residue 476 in the third domain. No heterogeneity was observed. The degree of identity with subunit a is 59%. Some differences with subunit a are an N-terminal extension of six residues, a one-residue C-terminal extension, and a three-residue deletion. Furthermore, carbohydrate attachment is in a different position, as are most half-cystine residues. Limited trypsinolysis resulted in cleavage at the same site as in subunits a and b.  相似文献   

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