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Spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris) exhibit different social behaviours at two regions in the Hawaiian Archipelago: off the high volcanic islands in the SE archipelago they form dynamic groups with ever‐changing membership, but in the low carbonate atolls in the NW archipelago they form long‐term stable groups. To determine whether these environmental and social differences influence population genetic structure, we surveyed spinner dolphins throughout the Hawaiian Archipelago with mtDNA control region sequences and 10 microsatellite loci (n = 505). F‐statistics, Bayesian cluster analyses, and assignment tests revealed population genetic separations between most islands, with less genetic structuring among the NW atolls than among the SE high islands. The populations with the most stable social structure (Midway and Kure Atolls) have the highest gene flow between populations (mtDNA ΦST < 0.001, P = 0.357; microsatellite FST = ?0.001; P = 0.597), and a population with dynamic groups and fluid social structure (the Kona Coast of the island of Hawai’i) has the lowest gene flow (mtDNA 0.042 < ΦST < 0.236, P < 0.05; microsatellite 0.016 < FST < 0.040, P < 0.001). We suggest that gene flow, dispersal, and social structure are influenced by the availability of habitat and resources at each island. Genetic comparisons to a South Pacific location (n = 16) indicate that Hawaiian populations are genetically depauperate and isolated from other Pacific locations (mtDNA 0.216 < FST < 0.643, P < 0.001; microsatellite 0.058 < FST < 0.090, P < 0.001); this isolation may also influence social and genetic structure within Hawai’i. Our results illustrate that genetic and social structure are flexible traits that can vary between even closely‐related populations.  相似文献   

Common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) are found worldwide in temperate and tropical regions, often occurring as distinct coastal and offshore ecotypes. Along the west coast of the United States, two stocks are recognized for management based on morphological and photo‐identification studies: a California coastal stock, estimated at 450–500 individuals, and a California/Oregon/Washington offshore stock of about 1,000 animals. This study is the first to analyze genetic differentiation between these stocks. We examined both the hypervariable portion of the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region and fifteen microsatellite markers for coastal (n = 64) and offshore (n = 69) dolphins. Significant genetic differentiation was found between the two stocks for mtDNA (ΦST = 0.30, P < 0.001; FST = 0.14, P < 0.001) and microsatellite loci (FST = 0.19, P < 0.001). Coastal dolphins had less genetic diversity than offshore dolphins. Further substructuring within the offshore stock was not detected. The level of genetic differentiation between the coastal and offshore dolphins is consistent with long‐term separation and reinforces recognizing them as separate stocks. These findings are particularly important for management of the smaller, less genetically diverse, coastal stock that is vulnerable to a variety of anthropogenic threats.  相似文献   

Aim Glacial refugia during the Pleistocene had major impacts on the levels and spatial apportionment of genetic diversity of species in northern latitude ecosystems. We characterized patterns of population subdivision, and tested hypotheses associated with locations of potential Pleistocene refugia and the relative contribution of these refugia to the post‐glacial colonization of North America and Scandinavia by common eiders (Somateria mollissima). Specifically, we evaluated localities hypothesized as ice‐free areas or glacial refugia for other Arctic vertebrates, including Beringia, the High Arctic Canadian Archipelago, Newfoundland Bank, Spitsbergen Bank and north‐west Norway. Location Alaska, Canada, Norway and Sweden. Methods Molecular data from 12 microsatellite loci, the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region, and two nuclear introns were collected and analysed for 15 populations of common eiders (n = 716) breeding throughout North America and Scandinavia. Population genetic structure, historical population fluctuations and gene flow were inferred using F‐statistics, analyses of molecular variance, and multilocus coalescent analyses. Results Significant inter‐population variation in allelic and haplotypic frequencies were observed (nuclear DNA FST = 0.004–0.290; mtDNA ΦST = 0.051–0.927). Whereas spatial differentiation in nuclear genes was concordant with subspecific designations, geographic proximity was more predictive of inter‐population variance in mitochondrial DNA haplotype frequency. Inferences of historical population demography were consistent with restriction of common eiders to four geographic areas during the Last Glacial Maximum: Belcher Islands, Newfoundland Bank, northern Alaska and Svalbard. Three of these areas coincide with previously identified glacial refugia: Newfoundland Bank, Beringia and Spitsbergen Bank. Gene‐flow and clustering analyses indicated that the Beringian refugium contributed little to common eider post‐glacial colonization of North America, whereas Canadian, Scandinavian and southern Alaskan post‐glacial colonization is likely to have occurred in a stepwise fashion from the same glacial refugium. Main conclusions Concordance of proposed glacial refugia used by common eiders and other Arctic species indicates that Arctic and subarctic refugia were important reservoirs of genetic diversity during the Pleistocene. Furthermore, suture zones identified at MacKenzie River, western Alaska/Aleutians and Scandinavia coincide with those identified for other Arctic vertebrates, suggesting that these regions were strong geographic barriers limiting dispersal from Pleistocene refugia.  相似文献   

The present study examined the contemporary genetic composition of the Eurasian badger, Meles meles, in Ireland, Britain and Western Europe, using six nuclear microsatellite loci and a 215‐bp fragment of the mitochondrial DNA control region. Significant population structure was evident within Europe (global multilocus microsatellite FST = 0.205, P < 0.001; global mitochondrial control region ΦST = 0.399, P < 0.001). Microsatellite‐based cluster analyses detected one population in Ireland, whereas badgers from Britain could be subdivided into several populations. Excluding the island populations of Ireland and Britain, badgers from Western Europe showed further structuring, with evidence of discrete Scandinavian, Central European, and Spanish populations. Mitochondrial DNA cluster analysis grouped the Irish population with Scandinavia and Spain, whereas the majority of British haplotypes grouped with those from Central Europe. The findings of the present study suggest that British and Irish badger populations colonized from different refugial areas, or that there were different waves of colonization from the source population. There are indications for the presence of an Atlantic fringe element, which has been seen in other Irish species. We discuss the results in light of the controversy about natural versus human‐mediated introductions. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, ?? , ??–??.  相似文献   

Highly mobile marine species in areas with no obvious geographic barriers are expected to show low levels of genetic differentiation. However, small‐scale variation in habitat may lead to resource polymorphisms and drive local differentiation by adaptive divergence. Using nuclear microsatellite genotyping at 20 loci, and mitochondrial control region sequencing, we investigated fine‐scale population structuring of inshore bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) inhabiting a range of habitats in and around Moreton Bay, Australia. Bayesian structure analysis identified two genetic clusters within Moreton Bay, with evidence of admixture between them (FST = 0.05, P = 0.001). There was only weak isolation by distance but one cluster of dolphins was more likely to be found in shallow southern areas and the other in the deeper waters of the central northern bay. In further analysis removing admixed individuals, southern dolphins appeared genetically restricted with lower levels of variation (AR = 3.252, π = 0.003) and high mean relatedness (= 0.239) between individuals. In contrast, northern dolphins were more diverse (AR = 4.850, π = 0.009) and were mixing with a group of dolphins outside the bay (microsatellite‐based STRUCTURE analysis), which appears to have historically been distinct from the bay dolphins (mtDNA ΦST = 0.272, < 0.001). This study demonstrates the ability of genetic techniques to expose fine‐scale patterns of population structure and explore their origins and mechanisms. A complex variety of inter‐related factors including local habitat variation, differential resource use, social behaviour and learning, and anthropogenic disturbances are likely to have played a role in driving fine‐scale population structure among bottlenose dolphins in Moreton Bay.  相似文献   

The population genetic structure of the Anopheles gambiae in western Kenya was studied using length variation at five microsatellite loci and sequence variation in a 648-nt mtDNA fragment. Mosquitoes were collected from houses in villages spanning up to 50 km distance, The following questions were answered, (i) Are mosquitoes in a house more related genetically to each other than mosquitoes between houses? (ii) What degree of genetic differentiation occurs on these geographical scales? (iii) How consistent are the results obtained with both types of genetic markers? At the house level, no differentiation was detected by FST and RST, and the band sharing index test revealed no significant associations of alleles across loci. Likewise, indices of kinship based on mtDNA haplotypes in houses were even lower than in the pooled sample. Therefore, the hypothesis that mosquitoes in a house are more related genetically was rejected. At increasing geographical scales, microsatellite allele distributions were similar among all population samples and no subdivision of the gene pool was detected by FST or RST. Likewise, estimates of haplotype divergence of mtDNA between populations were not higher than the within population estimates, and mtDNA-based FST values were not significantly different from zero. That sequence variation in mtDNA provided matching results with microsatellite loci (while high genetic variation was observed in all loci), suggested that this pattern represents the whole genome. The minimum area associated with a deme of A. gambiae in western Kenya is therefore larger than 50 km in diameter.  相似文献   

Nibea albiflora (yellow drum) is an important seafood fish species in East Asia. We explored the population genetic variation of N. albiflora along the coastal waters of the China Sea using microsatellite markers to facilitate a selective breeding programme that is undertaken in China. A total of 256 alleles were detected at 12 loci in four wild populations. A high level of genetic diversity was observed with the mean number of alleles and the observed and expected heterozygosity in each population ranging from 7.917 to 14.083, 0.701 to 0.764 and 0.765 to 0.841, respectively. Pairwise fixation index (FST) analysis indicated significant but weak genetic differentiation among populations from four localities (FST?=?0.030, P?<?0.01), which was also confirmed by analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA). Significant genetic differentiation was detected between Ningde and the other populations (FST?=?0.047–0.056, P?<?0.01). Structure analysis suggested that N. albiflora within the examined range might be composed of two stocks. The data of the present study revealed high genetic diversity and low genetic differentiation among the N. albiflora populations along the coast of the China Sea. This baseline information could be valuable for future selective breeding programmes of N. albiflora.  相似文献   

Humpback whales undertake long‐distance seasonal migrations between low latitude winter breeding grounds and high latitude summer feeding grounds. We report the first in‐depth population genetic study of the humpback whales that migrate to separate winter breeding grounds along the northwestern and northeastern coasts of Australia, but overlap on summer feeding grounds around Antarctica. Weak but significant differentiation between eastern and western Australia was detected across ten microsatellite loci (FST = 0.005, P = 0.001; DEST = 0.031, P = 0.001, n = 364) and mitochondrial control region sequences (FST = 0.017 and ΦST = 0.069, P = 0.001, n = 364). Bayesian clustering analyses using microsatellite data could not resolve any population structure unless sampling location was provided as a prior. This study supports the emerging evidence that weak genetic differentiation is characteristic among neighboring Southern Hemisphere humpback whale breeding populations. This may be a consequence of relatively high gene flow facilitated by overlapping summer feeding areas in Antarctic waters.  相似文献   

Using mitochondrial and microsatellite DNA data and a population genetic approach, we tested male‐mediated gene flow in the toad‐headed lizards Phrynocephalus przewalskii. The mitochondrial DNA (ND2 gene), on the one hand, revealed two major lineages and a strong population genetic structure (FST = 0.692; FST = 0.995). The pairwise differences between the two lineages ranged from 2.1% to 6.4% and the geographical division of the two lineages coincided with a mountain chain consisting of the Helan and Yin Mountains, suggesting a historical vicariant pattern. On the other hand, the nuclear microsatellite DNA revealed a significant but small population genetic structure (FST = 0.017; FST = 0.372). The pairwise FST among the nine populations examined with seven microsatellite DNA loci ranged from 0.0062 to 0.0266; the assignment test failed to detect any naturally occurring population clusters. Furthermore, the populations demonstrated a weak isolation by distance and a northeast to southwest clinal variation, rather than a vicariant pattern. A historical vicariant event followed by male‐mediated gene flow appears to be the best explanation for the data. Approximately 2–5 Ma, climatic change may have created an uninhabitable zone along the Helan‐Yin mountain chain and initiated the divergence between the two mitochondrial lineages. With further climatic changes, males were able to disperse across the mountain chain, causing sufficient gene flow that eventually erased the vicariant pattern and drastically reduced the population genetic structure, while females remained philopatric and maintained the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) divergence. Although polygyny mating system and female philopatry may partially contribute to the reduced movement of females, other hypotheses, such as female intrasexual aggression, should also be explored.  相似文献   

The large‐scale population genetic structure of northern shrimp, Pandalus borealis, was investigated over the species’ range in the North Atlantic, identifying multiple genetically distinct groups. Genetic divergence among sample localities varied among 10 microsatellite loci (range: FST = ?0.0002 to 0.0475) with a highly significant average (FST = 0.0149; < 0.0001). In contrast, little or no genetic differences were observed among temporal replicates from the same localities (FST = 0.0004; P = 0.33). Spatial genetic patterns were compared to geographic distances, patterns of larval drift obtained through oceanographic modelling, and temperature differences, within a multiple linear regression framework. The best‐fit model included all three factors and explained approximately 29% of all spatial genetic divergence. However, geographic distance and larval drift alone had only minor effects (2.5–4.7%) on large‐scale genetic differentiation patterns, whereas bottom temperature differences explained most (26%). Larval drift was found to promote genetic homogeneity in parts of the study area with strong currents, but appeared ineffective across large temperature gradients. These findings highlight the breakdown of gene flow in a species with a long pelagic larval phase (up to 3 months) and indicate a role for local adaptation to temperature conditions in promoting evolutionary diversification and speciation in the marine environment.  相似文献   

Divergent selection at ecologically important traits is thought to be a major factor driving phenotypic differentiation between populations. To elucidate the role of different evolutionary processes shaping the variation in gill raker number of European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus sensu lato) in the Baltic Sea basin, we assessed the relationships between genetic and phenotypic variation among and within three whitefish ecotypes (sea spawners, river spawners and lake spawners). To generate expected neutral distribution of FST and to evaluate whether highly variable microsatellite loci resulted in deflated FST estimates compared to less variable markers, we performed population genetic simulations under finite island and hierarchical island models. The genetic divergence observed among (FCT = 0.010) and within (FST = 0.014–0.041) ecotypes was rather low. The divergence in gill raker number, however, was substantially higher between sea and river spawners compared to observed microsatellite data and simulated neutral baseline (PCT > FCT). This suggests that the differences in gill raker number between sea and river spawners are likely driven by divergent natural selection. We also found strong support for divergent selection on gill raker number among different populations of sea spawners (PST > FST), most likely caused by highly variable habitat use and diverse diet. The putative role of divergent selection within lake spawners initially inferred from empirical microsatellite data was not supported by simulated FST distributions. This work provides a first formal test of divergent selection on gill raker number in Baltic whitefish, and demonstrates the usefulness of population genetic simulations to generate informative neutral baselines for PSTFST analyses helping to disentangle the effects of stochastic evolutionary processes from natural selection.  相似文献   

Pacific halibut collected in the Aleutian Islands, Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska were used to test the hypothesis of genetic panmixia for this species in Alaskan marine waters. Nine microsatellite loci and sequence data from the mitochondrial (mtDNA) control region were analyzed. Eighteen unique mtDNA haplotypes were found with no evidence of geographic population structure. Using nine microsatellite loci, significant heterogeneity was detected between Aleutian Island Pacific halibut and fish from the other two regions (F ST range = 0.007–0.008). Significant F ST values represent the first genetic evidence of divergent groups of halibut in the central and western Aleutian Archipelago. No significant genetic differences were found between Pacific halibut in the Gulf of Alaska and the Bering Sea leading to questions about factors contributing to separation of Aleutian halibut. Previous studies have reported Aleutian oceanographic conditions at deep inter-island passes leading to ecological discontinuity and unique community structure east and west of Aleutian passes. Aleutian Pacific halibut genetic structure may result from oceanographic transport mechanisms acting as partial barriers to gene flow with fish from other Alaskan waters.  相似文献   

The Risso’s dolphin (Grampus griseus) has a worldwide distribution, but little is known about their population genetic structure. Local coastal populations are never known to be abundant, and are sometimes under anthropogenic impact. Therefore the question of regional differentiation by genetic drift and overall diversity levels is of conservation interest. Here we present preliminary data that clearly indicate genetic differentiation and lower genetic diversity of a population sampled in UK waters (primarily from the Western Isles, Scotland) compared to a Mediterranean sample. Significant differentiation was found in comparison with a sample from the Mediterranean for both microsatellite DNA markers (F ST = 0.0296) and mtDNA sequence data (F ST = 0.260; ϕ ST = 0.542). Allelic diversity was lower in the UK for nearly all loci.  相似文献   

The population structure of variation in a nuclear actin intron and the control region of mitochondrial DNA is described for humpback whales from eight regions in the North Pacific Ocean: central California, Baja Peninsula, nearshore Mexico (Bahia Banderas), offshore Mexico (Socorro Island), southeastern Alaska, central Alaska (Prince Williams Sound), Hawaii and Japan (Ogasawara Islands). Primary mtDNA haplotypes and intron alleles were identified using selected restriction fragment length polymorphisms of target sequences amplified by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR–RFLP). There was little evidence of heterogeneity in the frequencies of mtDNA haplotypes or actin intron alleles due to the year or sex composition of the sample. However, frequencies of four mtDNA haplotypes showed marked regional differences in their distributions (ΦST = 0.277; P < 0.001; n = 205 individuals) while the two alleles showed significant, but less marked, regional differences (ΦST = 0.033; P < 0.013; n = 400 chromosomes). An hierarchical analysis of variance in frequencies of haplotypes and alleles supported the grouping of six regions into a central and eastern stock with further partitioning of variance among regions within stocks for haplotypes but not for alleles. Based on available genetic and demographic evidence, the southeastern Alaska and central California feeding grounds were selected for additional analyses of nuclear differentiation using allelic variation at four microsatellite loci. All four loci showed significant differences in allele frequencies (overall FST = 0.043; P < 0.001; average n = 139 chromosomes per locus), indicating at least partial reproductive isolation between the two regions as well as the segregation of mtDNA lineages. Although the two feeding grounds were not panmictic for nuclear or mitochondrial loci, estimates of long-term migration rates suggested that male-mediated gene flow was several-fold greater than female gene flow. These results include and extend the range and sample size of previously published work, providing additional evidence for the significance of genetic management units within oceanic populations of humpback whales.  相似文献   

We assessed the spatial pattern of genetic structure of smooth hammerhead shark Sphyrna zygaena in 10 localities from the Northern Mexican Pacific. A total of 35 haplotypes were identified in 129 sequences of the mtDNA control region. The results showed slight but significant genetic structure among localities (ΦST = 0.044, P < 0.001). In addition, the localities with highest number of juveniles were genetically different (ΦST = 0.058, P < 0.024), which may be representative of nursery areas. The genetic differentiation pattern can be associated to female philopatry and preference for particular birthing sites. Finally, historical demography shows that S. zygaena populations present a recent demographic expansion that occurred during glacial events in the late Pleistocene to early Holocene.  相似文献   

Rock boulders or ‘bush‐rocks’ provide essential habitat for many organisms and there has been interest in rehabilitating areas denuded of rock with artificial substitutes. We examine whether the density and size of bush rock influences the density of the coppertail skink (Ctenotus taeniolatus). The success of habitat rehabilitation is contingent on dispersal of rock‐dwelling organisms into areas that have been remediated. To gauge the likelihood of this we characterize geneflow of coppertail skinks among discrete patches of rocky habitat associated with ridge tops. We genotyped 154 individuals from seven localities at six microsatellite DNA loci and from a subset of these individuals we obtained sequence data from the mitochondrial ND4 region. Our field survey established that lizard density was positively associated with the availability of suitably sized bush‐rock (P < 0.001), highlighting the importance of maintaining this habitat element, or replacing it where it has been lost. Despite the presence of habitat features that might be presumed as barriers to dispersal for coppertail skinks, such as intervening gullies and dense vegetation, our genetic data demonstrated high levels of geneflow among rocky ridge tops. Levels of partitioning estimated by global FST were significant but low for both microsatellite (FST = 0.020) and mitochondrial data (FST = 0.113). Spatial autocorrelation of genotypic similarity supports our conclusion of regular longer‐distance geneflow, and we infer lower levels of dispersal in juveniles than in adults. This study suggests that dispersal of coppertail skinks can be sufficient to naturally colonize areas of restored habitat.  相似文献   

Eleven microsatellite DNA loci were identified and characterized for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) collected from the Penobscot River, Maine, USA and the River Nith, Scotland, UK. The markers revealed high levels of genetic diversity (seven to 48 alleles per locus), heterozygosity (to 100%), and allelic heterogeneity (all comparisons). Considerable differentiation was observed as the genetic distance (chord) between the two collections was 0.680 and the pairwise FST, 0.12, was highly significant. These findings are consistent with patterns of continental‐level differentiation observed previously using an alternate suite of microsatellite loci. Locus‐by‐locus analyses of molecular variance suggested that most markers were suitable for delineating kinships and population genetic structure.  相似文献   

Resolving the genetic population structure of species inhabiting pristine, high latitude ecosystems can provide novel insights into the post‐glacial, evolutionary processes shaping the distribution of contemporary genetic variation. In this study, we assayed genetic variation in lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) from Great Bear Lake (GBL), NT and one population outside of this lake (Sandy Lake, NT) at 11 microsatellite loci and the mtDNA control region (d‐loop). Overall, population subdivision was low, but significant (global FST θ = 0.025), and pairwise comparisons indicated that significance was heavily influenced by comparisons between GBL localities and Sandy Lake. Our data indicate that there is no obvious genetic structure among the various basins within GBL (global FST = 0.002) despite the large geographic distances between sampling areas. We found evidence of low levels of contemporary gene flow among arms within GBL, but not between Sandy Lake and GBL. Coalescent analyses suggested that some historical gene flow occurred among arms within GBL and between GBL and Sandy Lake. It appears, therefore, that contemporary (ongoing dispersal and gene flow) and historical (historical gene flow and large founding and present‐day effective population sizes) factors contribute to the lack of neutral genetic structure in GBL. Overall, our results illustrate the importance of history (e.g., post‐glacial colonization) and contemporary dispersal ecology in shaping genetic population structure of Arctic faunas and provide a better understanding of the evolutionary ecology of long‐lived salmonids in pristine, interconnected habitats.  相似文献   

The Painted Bunting Passerina ciris is a Neotropical songbird which breeds primarily in the USA during the summer and migrates to Mexico, Central America, southern Florida and the Caribbean over the winter. Male Painted Buntings are brightly coloured, which makes them highly sought after as pets, particularly in Mexico, Central America and Europe. We used short sequence repeats (microsatellite DNA) to investigate the population genetic structure of the Painted Bunting and its implications in conservation management of migratory populations. We found a detectable level of population differentiation as revealed by pairwise FST and RST comparisons and Bayesian clustering analyses, with strong support for differentiation between eastern and western Painted Buntings (e.g. Oklahoma and Georgia FST = 0.1; P = 0.005; RST = 0.18; P = 0.04) in accordance with previous mitochondrial DNA analysis. We recovered additional support for two sub‐groups within the western clade. While linking migrant songbirds captured outside of the USA to their breeding populations remains a challenge, we show that natural levels of population genetic differentiation can be detected via microsatellite DNA markers and exploited in migratory connectivity studies. We also demonstrate the potential utility of our low‐cost markers for population identification of birds recovered from the pet trade by screening a small subset of samples (n = 5) collected as part of wildlife tracking. We discuss the implications of our results for future efforts to understand patterns of population decline in Painted Buntings more generally, as well as how we might expand this methodology to combat illegal pet‐trade activity in this and other songbird species.  相似文献   

Abstract: Canada goose (Branta canadensis) harvest management depends on reliable estimates of harvest composition, and established genetic methods provide an alternative to traditional methods. We expanded upon previous genetic studies by comparing the utility of 6 nuclear microsatellite loci and mitochondrial (mtDNA) control region sequences for discriminating among giant (B. c. maxima) and interior (B. c. interior) populations in Ohio (USA) Canada goose harvests at both individual and population levels. Subspecies and populations exhibited greater differentiation in mtDNA (FST = 0.202) than microsatellites (FST = 0.021), as would be expected based on differences in effective population size. Neither microsatellites nor mtDNA alone were sufficient for estimating harvest composition at the subspecies or population level in simulations and empirical blind tests using individuals of known origin; however, a combined microsatellite + mtDNA dataset yielded accurate and precise harvest derivations at the subspecies level. Both population-level mixed stock analysis and individual-level assignment tests provided accurate results, but a large proportion of birds could not be assigned with confidence at the individual level. We applied mixed stock analysis and the combined microsatellite + mtDNA dataset to Ohio's 2003–2004 harvest and found that interior populations accounted for 4.9% (95% CI = 1.7–8.0%) of the statewide early season and 9.3% (95% CI = 6.9–11.6%) of the regular and late-season harvested sample. These results suggest that maximum likelihood harvest derivations are highly dependent on the choice of genetic markers. Studies should only employ markers that exhibit sufficient variation and have been shown through simulations and empirical testing to accurately discriminate among the subspecies or management populations of interest.  相似文献   

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