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The mechanics of the pleural space has long been controversial. We summarize recent research pertaining to pleural mechanics within the following conceptual framework, which is still not universally accepted. Pleural pressure, the force acting to inflate the lung within the thorax, is generated by the opposing elastic recoils of the lung and chest wall and the forces generated by respiratory muscles. The spatial variation of pleural pressure is a result of complex force interactions among the lung and other structures that make up the thorax. Gravity contributes one of the forces that act on these structures, and regional lung expansion and pleural pressure distribution change with changes in body orientation. Forces are transmitted directly between the chest wall and the lung through a very thin but continuous pleural liquid space. The pressure in pleural liquid equals the pressure acting to expand the lung. Pleural liquid is not in hydrostatic equilibrium, and viscous flow of pleural liquid is driven by the combined effect of the gravitational force acting on the liquid and the pressure distribution imposed by the surrounding structures. The dynamics of pleural liquid are considered an integral part of a continual microvascular filtration into the pleural space. Similar concepts apply to the pulmonary interstitium. Regional differences in lung volume expansion also result in regional differences in interstitial pressure within the lung parenchyma and thus affect regional lung fluid filtration.  相似文献   

In this study the effects on lung elastic behavior of 10 min of breathing at a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) of 10 cmH2O were examined in 10 normal subjects. To investigate whether any changes were induced by release of prostaglandins, the subjects were also pretreated with the cyclooxygenase inhibitor indomethacin. CPAP produced a significant (P less than 0.001) upward shift of the pressure-volume (PV) curve [change in total lung capacity (delta TLC) 374 +/- 67 (SE) ml, mean delta volume at a transpulmonary pressure of 15 cmH2O (delta VL15) 279 +/- 31 ml] with no change in K, an index of lung distensibility. After CPAP the PV curves returned to normal base line within 20 min. The same pattern was observed after indomethacin, but the increase in TLC was significantly less (P less than 0.01) (mean delta TLC 206 +/- 42 ml) mainly because of a slight and not statistically significant increase in base-line TLC. In five subjects further PV curves with and without CPAP were obtained greater than or equal to 7 days after indomethacin. The responses were not significantly different from those obtained before indomethacin (mean delta TLC 366 +/- 89, mean delta VL15 296 +/- 42 ml). We conclude that CPAP produces an upward shift of the PV curve without a change in lung distensibility. In addition, there may be a small degree of resting alveolar duct tone that is influenced by indomethacin.  相似文献   

In spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR), carotid and aortic distensibilities measured at operational blood pressure (BP) are reduced. Increased body weight and mean arterial pressure (MAP) are both known to reduce distensibility independently. However, whether, after adjustment to body weight and mean BP, distensibility remains reduced in SHR has never been investigated. Carotid and abdominal aorta distensibilities were measured under anesthesia in SHR at 5, 12, 52, and 78 wk of age, and measurements were compared with age-matched normotensive Wistar rats. Each age group was composed of 9 or 10 animals. We determined distensibility using echo-tracking techniques of high resolution. Compared with Wistar rats, carotid and aortic distensibilities measured at operational MAP are reduced in SHR. This reduction is accentuated with age, particularly for the carotid artery. After adjustment to body weight and MAP, carotid and aortic distensibilities become identical in Wistar and SHR (or even slightly increased in SHR) but continue to be reduced with age, mainly for the carotid artery. In conclusion, in SHR, age and high BP do not have a parallel and similar influence on the reduction of arterial distensibility. Aging constantly reduces arterial distensibility, whereas MAP levels contribute to maintenance of arterial function.  相似文献   

In this study we explore the ability of a previously developed model of pulsatile flow for explaining the observed reduction of arterial distensibility with heart rate. The parameters relevant for the analysis are arterial wall distensibility together with permeability and reflection coefficients of the end capillaries. A non-specific artery and the ensemble of tissues supplied by that artery were considered in the model. The blood current within that artery was equalized to the sum of all micro currents in the tissues supplied by that artery. A formula emerged that relates changes in arterial distensibility with heart rate, and also with some particular aspects of microcirculation. Then, that formula was tested with data of distensibilities of the radial and carotid arteries observed at the heart rates of 63, 90, and 110 b.p.m. The formula correctly predicted the trend of decreased distensibility with heart rate for both arteries. Moreover, due to the fact that the carotid artery supplies the brain, and because the Blood–Brain barrier is highly restrictive to colloids in the blood, for the carotid artery the formula predicted a less marked decrease in distensibility than in the case of the radial artery feeding muscle tissue, which has a greater permeability to colloids, a trend that was confirmed by data. It was found that reduction of arterial distensibility with heart rate was greater in arteries that supply end capillaries with high permeability and low reflection coefficients.  相似文献   

Deafferentation of sinoaortic baroreceptors produces a marked increase in the lability of arterial pressure that is sustained chronically. Studies reviewed in this paper were designed to determine the mechanisms responsible for generating arterial pressure lability. Pharmacological interruption of the humoral vasopressin and angiotensin systems failed to alter arterial pressure lability. In contrast, blockade of sympathetic nervous system transmission at both ganglionic and alpha-adrenergic receptor levels significantly attenuated lability. A similar effect was observed with the peripheral neurotoxin, 6-hydroxydopamine. After blockade of sympathetic transmission, a further reduction in lability was produced by blocking the renin-angiotensin or vasopressin systems. The dissociation of the level of arterial pressure from lability was achieved with parachloroamphetamine which raised arterial pressure but reduced lability. A substantial peripheral contribution to lability was obtained in experiments in which the alpha-adrenergic agonist, phenylephrine, produced a marked increase in lability in both normal and baroreceptor-denervated animals in which humoral and neural transmission were blocked. These data demonstrate that following baroreceptor deafferentation, arterial pressure lability is produced primarily by the sympathetic nervous system and secondarily by circulating humoral factors that appear to act on vascular smooth muscle to induce fluctuations in the level of arterial pressure.  相似文献   

The study investigated second derivative of the finger arterial pressure waveform (SDFAP) in 120 healthy middle-aged subjects and in 24 subjects with essential hypertension. SDFAP consists of 5 sequential waves 'a'-'e'. Their normalized magnitudes (B/A, C/A, D/A, and E/A) were calculated. In multivariate regression analysis, B/A and C/A correlated only with age. D/A independently correlated with age, heart period, mean blood pressure (MBP), body height, and gender. E/A independently correlated with age and MBP. D/A and E/A were higher (0.42+/-0.16 vs. 0.33+/-0.14, p = 0.05 and 0.63+/-0.15 vs. 0.45+/-0.14, p < 0.001), while B/A and C/A were lower (1.04+/-0.16 vs. 1.20+/-0.17, p = 0.002 and 0.09+/-0.15 vs. 0.26+/-0.20, p = 0.001) in hypertensives compared to sex- and age-matched controls. After the adjustment for MBP, heart period, and body mass index (ANCOVA), independent discriminative power was preserved only for indices B/A and C/A (p = 0.001 and 0.021, respectively). Therefore, B/A and C/A provide additional information about simple clinical characteristics and might reflect the structural alteration of the arterial wall in hypertensive subjects.  相似文献   

A statistical examination of the relationship between barometric pressure and the incidence of peripheral arterial embolism (PAE) in Fune, Denmark, shows, that the velocity of the changes in barometric pressure seems to be the only really important factor, i.e. the faster the changes in barometric pressure the greater the biological effect.
Zusammenfassung Eine statistische Auswertung der Beziehung zwischen Luftdruck und der Häufigkeit peripherer Arterienembolie in Füne,Dänemark, zeigt, dass die Geschwindigkeit der Luftdruckwechsel der einzig wichtige Faktor zu sein scheint, d.h. je rascher die Luftdruckwechsel, desto grösser ist die biologische Wirkung.

Resume L'examen statistique de la relation entre la pression barométrique et la fréquence des embolies artérielles périphériques montre que c'est la rapidité du phénomène météorologique qui semble agir au premier chef. Plus la variation de la pression est rapide et plus l'effet biologique est intense. Les chiffre ayant servi de base à cette étude proviennent de Fune au Danemark.

As interactions between peripheral chemoreceptors stimulation (PCS) and pulmonary vasomotor tone remain controversial, experiments were made in rats in order to clear up the effects of PCS on pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP). Different stimulations varying in intensities were used, in rats nervously intact (IR-rats), after vagotomy (XT-rats), after chemodenervation obtained without vagotomy (CDN not XT-rats) or with XT (CDN + XT) and finally after alpha 1-receptors blockade (P-rats = pretreated rats). The observed variations were analysed in view of disentangling reflex part of PCS from a direct activity on the pulmonary vascular bed. Ventilation, PAP and systemic blood pressure (BP) were studied in anaesthetized rats. N2 test, NaCN test, 20 s of 5% O2 inhalation and almitrine bismesylate (ALM) were used as PCS, ranged in the order of their relative intensities, from the ventilatory responses observed in IR-rats. In IR-rats, N2-and CN test produced a similar transient increase of PAP, slightly more extended than the hyperventilation. After XT, the responses were prolonged, but amplified only in CN test. Ventilatory responses disappear after CDN, but as far as pulmonary hypertension is concerned, CDN + XT is more potent than CDN without XT to reduce or even suppress them. This fact is particularly evident with ALM who is the strongest PCS used. Similar reduction of PAP rise was also produced in P-rats in which ventilatory responses remain unchanged. Prolonged hypoxic inhalation induced a progressive fall of systolic BP and of PAP. The return to normal air breathing is followed by BP restoration and a long-lasting PAP increase.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A method is presented in this paper for the estimation of aortic distensibility and instantaneous systolic left ventricular volume in living man in the absence of valvular regurgitation. The method is based on a simple, elastic-reservoir-theory, model of the circulatory system and requires no assumption concerning the geometry of the left ventricle. The input data required for this mathematical model consists of stroke volume, an aortic pressure record over an entire cardiac cycle and end diastolic ventricular volume. The procedure developed here for the estimation of aortic distensibility and instantaneous left ventricular volume is very practical from a computational point of view. It is believed that it will yield useful information concerning two clinically important quantities which cannot be measured directly in living man and will facilitate the study of correlations between these quantities and various physiological and pathological states. Results are presented in the paper for six cardiac patients. The requisite data in each case was obtained in the Cardiac Research Laboratory at the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital.  相似文献   

To determine the reason for increased pulmonary distensibility in excised lungs, we performed deflation pressure-volume (PV) studies in 24 dogs. Exponential analysis of PV data gave K, an index of distensibility. Lung volume was measured by dilution of neon. Compared with measurements obtained in the supine position, with the chest closed, and with esophageal pressure (Pes) to obtain transpulmonary pressure, K was not changed significantly with the chest strapped, with pleural pressure to obtain transpulmonary pressure, or with the chest open. From displacement of PV curves obtained in the supine position and with the chest closed or open, we estimated that Pes was 0.18 kPa greater than average lung surface pressure. An increase in K in the prone and head-up positions was attributed to a traction artifact decreasing Pes. Exsanguination increased K and produced a relative increase in gas volume. These results show that overall pulmonary distensibility is unaffected by an intact chest wall. An increase in K and gas volume after exsanguination probably reflects a decreased pulmonary blood volume, with collapse of capillaries increasing the alveolar volume-to-surface ratio.  相似文献   

An accurate understanding of the relationship between pulmonary pressure and volume is required for modeling pulmonary mechanics in a variety of clinical applications. In this study the experimental techniques and mathematical formulations used to characterize viscoelastic materials are applied to characterize transient pulmonary compliance in juvenile swine. Fixed volumes of air were insufflated into 5 swine and held constant for 45 s while the transient decay in tracheal pressure was measured. An analytical model was developed using an optimization scheme that maximized the model fit to the experimental data over the entire time convolution. The initial injected volume was varied to assess the spatial and temporal linearity of the behavior. Model performance was assessed by comparing measured and predicted pressure during insufflations of erratic volume waveforms. It is concluded that the pulmonary impedance of healthy juveniles can be adequately described over a wide volume and frequency range using a relatively simple 5-parameter model that is linear both spatially and temporally.  相似文献   

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