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The bird faunas of the adjacent Wessel and English Company island chains were sampled at two scales (0.25 ha quadrats and entire islands). Ninety‐six species were recorded from 226 quadrats, with the most frequently recorded species being mistletoebird Dicaeum hirundinaceum, brown honeyeater Lichmera indistincta, silver‐crowned friarbird Philemon argenticeps, bar‐shouldered dove Geopelia humeralis, northern fantail Rhipidura rufiventris and yellow white‐eye Zosterops lutea. At the quadrat scale, vegetation type was a major determinant of the abundance of individual species (and hence species composition), species richness and total bird abundance. Bird species composition and richness at the quadrat scale was also significantly affected by island isolation (particularly the amount of land within 20 km of the island perimeter). Island size had no effect on quadrat‐scale richness or total abundance. However, the abundance of 10 of the 38 most frequently recorded individual species was significantly related to island size, in most cases even when the comparison was restricted to similar habitats. The most striking cases were rufous fantail Rhipidura rufifrons, mangrove golden whistler Pachycephala melanura, brown honeyeater and yellow white‐eye, which were all significantly more abundant on smaller islands. One hundred and seventy‐one species were recorded from the 62 islands sampled. There was a very tight relationship between island size and the number of terrestrial species (73% of deviance explained) and of all species (84% of deviance explained). This relationship was improved (marginally) when isolation was included in the model. Ordination of islands by their terrestrial bird species composition was related to island size and isolation, and suggested an erratic species composition on small islands.  相似文献   

Abstract The herpetofauna of 50 monsoon rainforest patches in the Top End of the Northern Territory was surveyed during the dry season of 1990. This fauna contains few obligate monsoon rainforest species, many species which favour this habitat as part of a broad habitat range and a large number of species (indeed most of the regional species pool) that occasionally occur within monsoon rainforests. The taxonomic composition of species favouring monsoon rainforests is a non-random selection from the regional pool, with relatively few species in the families Agamidae and Scincidae occurring commonly in monsoon rainforests. Environmental variation among the rainforest patches sampled was portrayed by ordination, with the first axis corresponding to an environmental gradient from coastal sites to inland rocky rainforests and the second a gradient from relatively dry thickets to tall dense rainforests close to water. The distributions of herpetofauna species were depicted on this ordination space. Most frog species occurred in relatively wet rainforests and most gecko species were relatively restricted to drier rainforests. A substantial component of the herpetofauna was associated with rainforests on rocky substrate. In contrast to this relatively good association with these defined gradients, there was little apparent influence of patch size or level of disturbance on the distribution of individual species of herpetofauna. Sampling month was related to the abundance of many species, with many frog species and some snake and skink species declining (but some skink and one frog species increasing) in abundance in rainforest patches during the late dry season. This seasonal change in abundance is not due to movements from rainforest patches to adjacent vegetation types (or vice versa) but rather to total landscape (cross-habitat) changes in abundance (or detectability). The species composition of patches tended to be idiosyncratic, with substantial variability in composition, even between nearby patches of like environment. Hence it is not possible to nominate a representative rainforest herpetofauna, and indeed a classification of all quadrats (including those from rainforests, rainforest edges and adjacent habitats) based on herpetofauna species composition grouped many non-rainforest quadrats with those from rainforests. There was no rainforest edge herpetofauna assemblage. The herpetofauna from rainforests of the Northern Territory was similar to but somewhat richer than that recorded from the even more attenuated monsoon rainforest area of the Kimberley of northwestern Australia, but shared relatively few species with a sampling from monsoon rainforests from western Cape York. Frog species were more likely to be recorded across these three regions than were snake species. The number of herpetofaunal species per patch was low compared to tropical forests in northeastern Australia, Asia and central America. The long dry season of the Top End may contribute to this impoverishment. However, the small total area of monsoon rainforests in this region, the current scattered network of patches and historical fluctuations in extent and distribution of this habitat are probably at least as important.  相似文献   

Four tribes of Arnhem Land were surveyed for dermatoglyphics; based on pattern intensity indices, total ridge-counts, and a distance statistic combining the two, it was shown that the tribes can be arranged into western (Tiwi, Gunwinggu) and eastern (“Murngin” and Andilyaugwa) groups. This substantiates observations made on Arnhem Land by linguists and social anthropologists. From a survey of allele frequency traits of blood factors and P.T.C. tasting, distance statistics were computed between the four tribes. These confirmed the relative isolation of the extreme Arnhem Land tribes. Distance statistics were also computed between the four tribes and two Central Australian tribes, the Aranda and Wailbri. The Aranda and “Murngin” were relatively close together agreeing with theories that the Aranda are derived from a not too remote southwards migration from north Arnhem Land, as supported by linguistic data. Correlations between the biological, geographical and linguistic distances were positive, and generally agreed with the expectation that socio-cultural and linguistic barriers are important in regulating gene flow between populations. This study emphasizes the need to consider biological distances in association with ecological and socio-cultural factors.  相似文献   

Aim By establishing a prehistoric fossil record for the vertebrate fauna of Guam, we can document the composition of the island’s fauna prior to Western contact. It will also complement the extensive prehistoric fossil data already known from the nearby islands of Rota, Tinian and Aguiguan, and improve our understanding of natural distributional patterns through a chronologically deeper view of the biogeography of the Mariana Islands. Location Northern Guam, Mariana Islands, Micronesia. Methods Fossil‐bearing sediment was removed from karst features with vertically and horizontally controlled excavation methods. Age determinations of the fossils were estimated by radiocarbon dating associated wood charcoal samples. Results The 3314 bones (fossils) of terrestrial vertebrates date to the past two millennia and represent 34 species. Among 12 species of squamate reptiles, one is extinct (a gekkonid lizard) and another, the monitor lizard, Varanus indicus, was introduced to Guam no later than about 1600 years ago. The 17 species of birds feature five that are extinct. Two others not recorded previously on Guam are extirpated. Eight others were lost on Guam in historic times. We also recovered bones of two species of indigenous bats, (Pteropus sp., extirpated; Emballonura semicaudata, probably extirpated), and non‐native rodents, (Rattus spp.). Main conclusions Guam’s contemporary faunal losses have been well documented since invasion of the Brown Treesnake (Boiga irregularis) during or shortly after WWII. Other exotics, as well as habitat deterioration, have abetted this snake’s deleterious presence. Our data further show that human impact led to declines or losses of vertebrate populations by late prehistoric times. Numerous anthropogenic extirpations would not be evident without studying fossils. Our chrono‐stratigraphic evidence argues for the arrival of non‐native rats (Rattus sp.) only about 1000 years ago, which helps to explain why a flightless rail survived on Guam into modern times, unlike on most other islands in Oceania.  相似文献   

Abstract This opportunistic study compares the vegetation, fuel loads and vertebrate fauna of part of a 120‐ha block of tropical open forest protected from fire for 23 years, and an adjacent block burnt annually over this period. Total fuel loads did not differ significantly between the unburnt and annually burnt sites, but their composition was markedly different, with far less grassy fuel, but far more litter fuel, in the unburnt block. There were major differences between treatments in the composition of trees and shrubs, manifest particularly in the number of stems. There was no overall difference in plant species richness between the two treatments, but richness of woody species was far higher in the unburnt treatment, and of annual and perennial grasses, and perennial herbs in the annually burnt treatment. Change in plant species composition from annually burnt to unburnt treatment was directional, in that there was a far higher representation of rainforest‐associated species (with the percentage of woody stems attributable to ‘rainforest’ species increasing from 24% of all species in the annually burnt treatment to 43% in the unburnt treatment, that of basal area from 9% to 30%, that of species richness from 8% to 17%, and that of cover from 12 to 47%). The vertebrate species composition varied significantly between treatments, but there was relatively little difference in species richness (other than for a slightly richer reptile fauna in the unburnt treatment). Again, there was a tendency for species that were more common in the unburnt treatment to be rainforest‐associated species. The results from this study suggest that there is a sizeable and distinct set of species that are associated with relatively long‐unburnt environments, and hence that are strongly disadvantaged under contemporary fire regimes. We suggest that such species need to be better accommodated by fire management through strategic reductions in the frequency of burning.  相似文献   

Henderson Island, a raised coral island on the extreme south-easterly edge of the Indo-Pacific plate, is of great importance as one of the few examples of a Pacific island with intact lowland forest. It is also of biogeographic interest as it is practically the final island in a series of island chains, along which the fauna of Polynesia has colonized, reaching back to New Guinea. New collections of the non-flying terrestrial arthropod fauna were made on Henderson Island in 1991. In excess of 100 taxa are now known. There is a rich mite fauna (especially oribatids), with many apparently endemic, some 26 species of spider, and nine species of isopod (including three endemic to Henderson or nearby Ducie Atoll). In addition Diplopoda, Chilopoda, Amphipoda, Pseudoscorpiones, Diplura, Protura and Collembola are represented. The majority of the fauna is derived from the west, as expected, though many taxa appear to be introduced, some of them from the neotropics (e.g. Frigga crocuta and perhaps Hoplophorella stilifer).  相似文献   

Reproductive traits of Drosophila hibisci collected at 18 sites in the Northern Territory (NT) of Australia in May, 1998, as well as at two sites in north Queensland, in June, 1998, were compared to those from earlier work on a cline in ovariole number in D. hibisci along the east coast of Australia. The flies in the NT were considerably smaller, but had more ovarioles than comparably-sized flies on the east coast. Although the flies on the east coast showed an increasing number of ovarioles in populations at increasing distances from the equator, these new populations, both on the east coast and in the NT, reversed this trend, producing a generally U-shaped pattern of ovariole number with latitude among all populations. The northernmost and southernmost populations allocate more to ovariole numbers than populations in intermediate latitudes. Ovariole number is closely related to body size of females in all populations, but the regression coefficient is small at intermediate latitudes and increases at the northern and southern ends of the distribution. Egg volumes primarily varied with body size of the female (positive) and number of ovarioles per female (negatively), producing a generally inverted U-shaped pattern of egg volumes with latitude. Reproductive allocation patterns, but not thorax size or ovariole number, varied significantly in two samples taken 10 days apart at one NT site. This variation probably results from environmental differences across generations of developing larvae and is consistent with our earlier suggestion of substantial effects of the environment, primarily rainfall and temperature, on reproductive allocation in D. hibisci.  相似文献   

Aim To investigate and establish the significance of various island biogeographic relationships (geographical, ecological and anthropological) with the species richness of introduced mammals on offshore islands. Location The 297 offshore islands of the New Zealand archipelago (latitude: 34–47°S; longitude: 166–179°E). Methods Data on New Zealand offshore islands and the introduced mammals on them were collated from published surveys and maps. The species richness of small and large introduced mammals were calculated for islands with complete censuses and regressed on island characteristics using a Poisson distributed error generalized linear model. To estimate the ‘z‐value’ for introduced mammals on New Zealand islands, least‐squares regression was used [log10 S vs. log10 A]. Results High collinearity was found between the area, habitat diversity and elevation of islands. The island characteristics related to the species richness of introduced mammals differed predictably between large and small mammals. The species richness of introduced large mammals was mostly related to human activities on islands, whereas species richness of introduced small mammals was mostly related to island biogeographical parameters. The ‘z‐value’ for total species richness is found to be expectedly low for introduced mammals. Main conclusions Distance appears to have become ecologically trivial as a filter for introduced mammal presence on New Zealand offshore islands. There is strong evidence of a ‘small island’ effect on New Zealand offshore islands. The species richness of both small and large introduced mammals on these islands appears to be most predominantly related to human use, although there is some evidence of natural dispersal for smaller species. The ecological complexity of some islands appears to make them less invasible to introduced mammals. Some human activities have an interactive effect on species richness. A small number of islands have outlying species richness values above what the models predict, suggesting that the presence of some species may be related to events not accounted for in the models.  相似文献   

This paper considers traditional resources and fire management practices of Aboriginal people living in a near-coastal region of western Arnhem Land, monsoonal northern Australia. The data illustrate that before the arrival of Europeans freshwater floodplains and riverine habitats provided the major proportion of food resources over much of the seasonal cycle. By contrast, the extensive lowland woodlands and open forests, the sparser vegetation of the Arnhem Land escarpment and plateau, and the generally small patches of rain forest (jungle), provided relatively few resources, although jungle yams were of critical importance through the relatively lean wet season. The paper then considers burning as a management tool through the seasonal cycle. In broad terms, burning commenced in the early dry season and was applied systematically and purposefully over the landscape. Burning in the late dry season was undertaken with care, and resumed in earnest with the onset of the first storms of the new wet season, particularly on floodplains. These general patterns of resource use and fire management are shown to have applied widely over much of near-coastal northern Australia. The implications of these data for prehistory and for contemporary land management practices in the region, are considered. It is suggested that pre-European patterns of fire management in the region are likely to have been practiced only over the past few thousand years, given the development of abundant food resources in the late Holocene. It is shown that traditional burning practice offers a generally useful, conservative model for living in and managing a highly fire-prone savanna environment.  相似文献   

作为典型的陆桥岛屿, 千岛湖成为检验栖息地片段化理论的自然研究平台。2011年5月1日至2014年3月31日, 我们在千岛湖32个岛屿和1个大陆对照样点布设了60台红外相机, 对千岛湖体型较大的地栖兽类及其最小监测时长进行了监测和研究。在27,798个相机日的监测中, 共获得动物影像照片23,639张, 照片清晰、可进行物种鉴定的有2,414张, 占照片总数的10.2%; 其中体型较大的地栖兽类独立照片988张, 识别为9个物种: 穿山甲(Manis pentadactyla)、黄麂(Muntiacus reevesi)、野猪(Sus scrofa)、华南兔(Lepus sinensis)、马来豪猪(Hystrix brachyuran)、猪獾(Arctonyx collaris)、鼬獾(Melogale moschata)、花面狸(Paguma larvata)和豹猫(Prionailurus bengalensis), 平均独立照片拍摄率为40.9%。种-面积曲线研究表明, 岛屿上的地栖兽类物种丰富度随着岛屿面积的增大而增大, 曲线的z值为0.27。大岛(>10 ha)中, 最小监测时长随面积增加而增加, 而小岛没有明显趋势; 最小监测时长随隔离度增加而减小, 但关系不显著(d.f. = 20, F = 3.067, P = 0.095), 表明建湖后栖息地的片段化与岛屿化导致了一些对面积或栖息地较为敏感的大型兽类在小岛屿上的局部灭绝。因此, 我们建议对于面积较大的片段化栖息地, 红外相机应保证较长的最小监测时长, 而面积较小的片段化栖息地在监测中应根据隔离度、基质性质、物种种类适时调整调查强度, 以完整反映当地物种实际情况。  相似文献   

Diversity surveys in isolated sites, such as oceanic islands, provide biogeographic data that can improve our analyses and knowledge of evolutionary processes in the oceans. Zoantharians (Cnidaria: Anthozoa) are common and widespread components of shallow-water reefs, but distributional analyses are scarce for this group. In this study, we collected Zoantharia specimens from around Saint Helena Island (STH) in the mid-Atlantic and identified species using external morphology and molecular data. Moreover, we compiled and analysed the most comprehensive distributional data for zoantharian species in the subtropical and tropical Atlantic Ocean to date. Our results show eight zoantharian species in STH, which includes seven new records for STH waters. Furthermore, all families and genera of the suborder Brachycnemina recorded are widespread in the Atlantic Ocean, including at least four amphi-Atlantic species. The Caribbean is the richness centre in the Atlantic Ocean for zoantharian species, a pattern similar to that observed for many other subtropical/tropical marine taxa. However, Zoantharia may have a lower endemism rate in some areas than other common reef animals, for example zooxanthellate scleractinian corals and reef fishes. Moreover, zoantharian species have a more extensive distribution than close-related taxa such as zooxanthellate scleractinian corals and hydrocorals in the Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

The floristics and physical structure of a floating mat of vegetation in the Finniss River area of the Northern Territory are described. During the dry season floating mats contain green productive vegetation when the adjacent flood plains are dry and many of the plants are withered. At this time insects are more abundant on the mats than on the adjacent flood plain. Some flood plain vertebrates appear to concentrate their activity on floating mats during the dry season. During the period 1963 to 1978 the area of floating mat in the Finniss River study area was greatly reduced, probably as a result of high densities of feral water buffalo (Bubalis bubalus).(Present address: c/o 38 Hardy Terrace, East Ivanhoe, Victoria 3079).(Present address: c/o 38 Hardy Terrace, East Ivanhoe, Victoria 3079).  相似文献   

We use the fire ecology and biogeographical patterns of Callitris intratropica, a fire‐sensitive conifer, and the Asian water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis), an introduced mega‐herbivore, to examine the hypothesis that the continuation of Aboriginal burning and cultural integration of buffalo contribute to greater savanna heterogeneity and diversity in central Arnhem Land (CAL) than Kakadu National Park (KNP). The ‘Stone Country’ of the Arnhem Plateau, extending from KNP to CAL, is a globally renowned social–ecological system, managed for millennia by Bininj‐Kunwok Aboriginal clans. Regional species declines have been attributed to the cessation of patchy burning by Aborigines. Whereas the KNP Stone Country is a modern wilderness, managed through prescribed burning and buffalo eradication, CAL remains a stronghold for Aboriginal management where buffalo have been culturally integrated. We surveyed the plant community and the presence of buffalo tracks among intact and fire‐damaged C. intratropica groves and the savanna matrix in KNP and CAL. Aerial surveys of C. intratropica grove condition were used to examine the composition of savanna vegetation across the Stone Country. The plant community in intact C. intratropica groves had higher stem counts of shrubs and small trees and higher proportions of fire‐sensitive plant species than degraded groves and the savanna matrix. A higher proportion of intact C. intratropica groves in CAL therefore indicated greater gamma diversity and habitat heterogeneity than the KNP Stone Country. Interactions among buffalo, fire, and C. intratropica suggested that buffalo also contributed to these patterns. Our results suggest linkages between ecological and cultural integrity at broad spatial scales across a complex landscape. Buffalo may provide a tool for mitigating destructive fires; however, their interactions require further study. Sustainability in the Stone Country depends upon adaptive management that rehabilitates the coupling of indigenous culture, disturbance, and natural resources.  相似文献   

Partial Mantel tests and structural equation models were used to investigate the influence of recent geography, palaeogeography and climate on the composition of the fauna of the central Aegean Islands. The composition of land snail and isopod island faunas was significantly influenced by recent and by Pliocene geography. Only Pleistocene palaeogeography had a significant influence on the composition of tenebrionid beetle island faunas. The composition of butterfly island faunas was influenced by recent and by Miocene geographical distances. The composition of reptile island faunas was correlated with recent and Pliocene geography as well as with Pleistocene and/or Miocene geographical distances. Island area influenced only the composition of the island faunas of the volant butterflies, and not that of the less mobile land snails, land isopods, tenebrionid beetles and reptiles. This might indicate that butterflies are able to colonize large islands with suitable habitats even if such islands are comparatively far from source areas more frequently than can the nonvolant groups. Influence of a climatic parameter, namely annual precipitation, on faunal composition was found only for reptiles.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 84 , 785–795.  相似文献   

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