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Cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A7 plays a crucial role in the biotransformation of the metabolized endogenous and exogenous steroids. To compare the metabolic capabilities of CYP3A7–ligands complexes, three endogenous ligands were selected, namely dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), estrone, and estradiol. In this study, a three-dimensional model of CYP3A7 was constructed by homology modeling using the crystal structure of CYP3A4 as the template and refined by molecular dynamics simulation (MD). The docking method was adopted, combined with MD simulation and the molecular mechanics generalized born surface area method, to probe the ligand selectivity of CYP3A7. These results demonstrate that DHEA has the highest binding affinity, and the results of the binding free energy were in accordance with the experimental conclusion that estrone is better than estradiol. Moreover, several key residues responsible for substrate specificity were identified on the enzyme. Arg372 may be the most important residue due to the low interaction energies and the existence of hydrogen bond with DHEA throughout simulation. In addition, a cluster of Phe residues provides a hydrophobic environment to stabilize ligands. This study provides insights into the structural features of CYP3A7, which could contribute to further understanding of related protein structures and dynamics.  相似文献   

Periplasmic binding proteins from Gram-negative bacteria possess a common architecture, comprised of two domains linked by a hinge region, a fold which they share with the neurotransmitter-binding domains of ionotropic glutamate receptors (GluRs). Glutamine-binding protein (GlnBP) is one such protein, whose crystal structure has been solved in both open and closed forms. Multi-nanosecond molecular dynamics simulations have been used to explore motions about the hinge region and how they are altered by ligand binding. Glutamine binding is seen to significantly reduce inter-domain motions about the hinge region. Essential dynamics analysis of inter-domain motion revealed the presence of both hinge-bending and twisting motions, as has been reported for a related sugar-binding protein. Significantly, the influence of the ligand on GlnBP dynamics is similar to that previously observed in simulations of rat glutamate receptor (GluR2) ligand-binding domain. The essential dynamics analysis of GlnBP also revealed a third class of motion which suggests a mechanism for signal transmission in GluRs.  相似文献   

This work aims to explore theoretically the molecular mechanisms of ligand binding to proteins through the use of molecular dynamics simulations. The binding of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) to cobra cardio toxin A3 (CTX A3) and thiourea (TOU) to lysozyme have been chosen as the two model systems. Data acquisitions were made by Gromacs software. To begin with, the collisions of ligand molecules with every residue of CTX A3 and lysozyme were evaluated. With this information in hand, the average numbers of collisions with each residue was defined and then assessed. Next, a measure of the affinity of a residue, Pi, referred to as conformational factor, toward a ligand molecule was established. Based on the results provided, all site-making residues for CTX A3 and lysozyme were identified. The results are in good agreement with the experimental data. Finally, based on this method, all site-making residues of bovine carbonic anhydrase (BCA) toward the SDS ligand were predicted.  相似文献   

Li C  Shen J  Li W  Lu C  Liu G  Tang Y 《Proteins》2011,79(6):1800-1809
Dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP4) is an important target for the treatment of Type II diabetes mellitus. The crystal structure of DPP4 demonstrates that there are two possible pathways to the active site, a side opening and a β propeller opening. However, it still lacks quantitative evidence to illustrate which pathway is more favorable for inhibitor to enter into or release from the active site. In this study, conventional and steered molecular dynamics simulations were performed to explore the details of inhibitor Q448 release from the active site of DPP4 via the two potential pathways. The comparisons of force and work together with potentials of mean force results suggested that the side opening might be more favorable for the inhibitor to pass through. Moreover, Glu205-Glu206 and Phe357 were recognized as two "key residues" in the active site for inhibitor binding. Accordingly, suggestions for further inhibitor design were provided.  相似文献   

Prévost M 《Biopolymers》2004,75(2):196-207
Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of several nanoseconds each were used to monitor the dynamic behavior of the five crystal water molecules buried in the interior of the N-terminal domain of apolipoprotein E. These crystal water molecules are fairly well conserved in several apolipoprotein E structures, suggesting that they are not an artifact of the crystal and that they may have a structural and/or functional role for the protein. All five buried crystal water molecules leave the protein interior in the course of the longest simulations and exchange with water molecules from the bulk. The free energies of binding evaluated from the electrostatic binding free energy computed using a continuum model and estimates of the binding entropy changes represent shallow minima. The corresponding calculated residence times of the buried water molecules range from tens of picoseconds to hundreds of nanoseconds, which denote rather short times as for buried water molecules. Several water exchanges monitored in the simulations show that water molecules along the exit/entrance pathway use a relay of H bonds primarily formed with charged residues which helps either the exit or the entrance from or into the buried site. The exit/entrance of water molecules from/into the sites is permitted essentially by local motions of, at most, two side chains, indicating that, in these cases, complex correlated atomic motions are not needed to open the buried site toward the surface of the protein. This provides a possible explanation for the short residence times.  相似文献   

We present a homology based model of the ligand binding domain (LBD) of the homopentameric alpha1 glycine receptor (GlyR). The model is based on multiple sequence alignment with other members of the nicotinicoid ligand gated ion channel superfamily and two homologous acetylcholine binding proteins (AChBP) from the freshwater (Lymnaea stagnalis) and saltwater (Aplysia californica) snails with known high resolution structure. Using two template proteins with known structure to model three dimensional structure of a target protein is especially advantageous for sequences with low homology as in the case presented in this paper. The final model was cross-validated by critical evaluation of experimental and published mutagenesis, functional and other biochemical studies. In addition, a complex structure with strychnine antagonist in the putative binding site is proposed based on docking simulation using Autodock program. Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations with simulated annealing protocol are reported on the proposed LBD of GlyR, which is stable in 5 ns simulation in water, as well as for a deformed LBD structure modeled on the corresponding domain determined in low-resolution cryomicroscopy structure of the alpha subunit of the full-length acetylcholine receptor (AChR). Our simulations demonstrate that the beta-sandwich central core of the protein monomer is fairly rigid in the simulations and resistant to deformations in water.  相似文献   

Accurate prediction of location of cavities and surface grooves in proteins is important, as these are potential sites for ligand binding. Several currently available programs for cavity detection are unable to detect cavities near the surface or surface grooves. In the present study, an optimized molecular dynamics based procedure is described for detection and quantification of interior cavities as well as surface pockets. This is based on the observation that the mobility of water in such pockets is significantly lower than that of bulk water. The algorithm efficiently detects surface grooves that are sites of protein-ligand and protein-protein interaction. The algorithm was also used to substantially improve the performance of an automated docking procedure for docking monomers of nonobligate protein-protein complexes. In addition, it was applied to predict key residues involved in the binding of the E. coli toxin CcdB with its inhibitor. Predictions were subsequently validated by mutagenesis experiments.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were used to characterize the non-cooperative denaturation of the molten globule A-state of human alpha-lactalbumin by urea. A solvent of explicit urea and water molecules was used, corresponding to a urea concentration of approximately 6M. Three simulations were performed at temperatures of 293K, 360K and 400K, with lengths of 2 ns, 8 ns and 8 ns respectively. The results of the simulations were compared with experimental data from NMR studies of human alpha-lactalbumin and related peptides. During the simulations, hydrogen bonds were formed from the protein to both urea and water molecules as intra-protein hydrogen bonds were lost. Urea was shown to compete efficiently with water as both a hydrogen bond donor and acceptor. Radial distribution functions of water and urea around hydrophobic side chain atoms showed a significant increase in urea molecules in the solvation shell as the side chains became exposed during denaturation. A considerable portion of the native-like secondary structure persisted throughout the simulations. However, in the simulations at 360K and 400K, there were substantial changes in the packing of aromatic and other hydrophobic side chains in the protein, and many native contacts were lost. The results suggest that during the non-cooperative denaturation of the molten globule, secondary structure elements are stabilized by non-specific, non-native interactions.  相似文献   

In this study, various molecular dynamics simulations were conducted to investigate the effects of ethanol and temperature on the conformational changes of human lysozyme, which may lead insights into amyloidosis. The analyses of some important structural characteristics, such as backbone root-mean-square deviation, secondary structural stability, radius of gyration, accessible surface area, and hydrophobic contact of the hydrophobic core all show that ethanol tends to destabilize human lysozyme at high temperatures. It can be attributed to that higher temperatures result in the destruction of the native structure of this protein, leading to the exposure of the interior hydrophobic core. At this stage, ethanol plays a role to destroy this region by forming hydrophobic interactions between protein and solvent due to its lower polarity comparing to water. Such newly formed intermolecular interactions accelerate the unfolding of this protein, starting from the core between the alpha- and beta-domains. Our results are in good agreement with the previous hypothesis suggesting that the distortion of the hydrophobic core at the alpha- and beta-interface putatively results in the formation of the initial "seed" for amyloid fibril. Although the present results cannot directly be linked to fibril formation, they still provide valuable insights into amyloidosis of human lysozyme.  相似文献   

The potent nitric oxide dioxygenase (NOD) activity (trHbN-Fe2?-O? + (?)NO → trHbN-Fe3?-OH? + NO??) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis truncated hemoglobin N (trHbN) protects aerobic respiration from inhibition by (?)NO. The high activity of trHbN has been attributed in part to the presence of numerous short-lived hydrophobic cavities that allow partition and diffusion of the gaseous substrates (?)NO and O? to the active site. We investigated the relation between these cavities and the dynamics of the protein using solution NMR spectroscopy and molecular dynamics (MD). Results from both approaches indicate that the protein is mainly rigid with very limited motions of the backbone N-H bond vectors on the picoseconds-nanoseconds time scale, indicating that substrate diffusion and partition within trHbN may be controlled by side-chains movements. Model-free analysis also revealed the presence of slow motions (microseconds-milliseconds), not observed in MD simulations, for many residues located in helices B and G including the distal heme pocket Tyr33(B10). All currently known crystal structures and molecular dynamics data of truncated hemoglobins with the so-called pre-A N-terminal extension suggest a stable α-helical conformation that extends in solution. Moreover, a recent study attributed a crucial role to the pre-A helix for NOD activity. However, solution NMR data clearly show that in near-physiological conditions these residues do not adopt an α-helical conformation and are significantly disordered and that the helical conformation seen in crystal structures is likely induced by crystal contacts. Although this lack of order for the pre-A does not disagree with an important functional role for these residues, our data show that one should not assume an helical conformation for these residues in any functional interpretation. Moreover, future molecular dynamics simulations should not use an initial α-helical conformation for these residues in order to avoid a bias based on an erroneous initial structure for the N-termini residues. This work constitutes the first study of a truncated hemoglobin dynamics performed by solution heteronuclear relaxation NMR spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Carbohydrates are likely to maintain significant conformational flexibility in antibody (Ab):carbohydrate complexes. As demonstrated herein for the protective monoclonal Ab (mAb) F22-4 recognizing the Shigella flexneri 2a O-antigen (O-Ag) and numerous synthetic oligosaccharide fragments thereof, the combination of molecular dynamics simulations and nuclear magnetic resonance saturation transfer difference experiments, supported by physicochemical analysis, allows us to determine the binding epitope and its various contributions to affinity without using any modified oligosaccharides. Moreover, the methods used provide insights into ligand flexibility in the complex, thus enabling a better understanding of the Ab affinities observed for a representative set of synthetic O-Ag fragments. Additionally, these complementary pieces of information give evidence to the ability of the studied mAb to recognize internal as well as terminal epitopes of its cognate polysaccharide antigen. Hence, we show that an appropriate combination of computational and experimental methods provides a basis to explore carbohydrate functional mimicry and receptor binding. The strategy may facilitate the design of either ligands or carbohydrate recognition domains, according to needed improvements of the natural carbohydrate:receptor properties.  相似文献   

Bexarotene is an FDA approved retinoid X-receptor (RXR) agonist for the treatment of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, and its use in other cancers and Alzheimer’s disease is being investigated. The drug causes serious side effects, which might be reduced by chemical modifications of the molecule. To rationalize known agonists and to help identify sites for potential substitutions we present molecular simulations in which the RXR ligand-binding domain was flooded with a large number of drug-like molecules, and molecular dynamics simulations of a series of bexarotene-like ligands bound to the RXR ligand-binding domain. Based on the flooding simulations, two regions of interest for ligand modifications were identified: a hydrophobic area near the bridgehead and another near the fused ring. In addition, positional fluctuations of the phenyl ring were generally smaller than fluctuations of the fused ring of the ligands. Together, these observations suggest that the fused ring might be a good target for the design of higher affinity bexarotene-like ligands, while the phenyl ring is already optimized. In addition, notable differences in ligand position and interactions between the RXRα and RXRβ were observed, as well as differences in hydrogen bonding and solvation, which might be exploited in the development of subspecies-specific ligands.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) II proteins bind peptide fragments derived from pathogen antigens and present them at the cell surface for recognition by T cells. MHC proteins are divided into Class I and Class II. Human MHC Class II alleles are grouped into three loci: HLA-DP, HLA-DQ, and HLA-DR. They are involved in many autoimmune diseases. In contrast to HLA-DR and HLA-DQ proteins, the X-ray structure of the HLA-DP2 protein has been solved quite recently. In this study, we have used structure-based molecular dynamics simulation to derive a tool for rapid and accurate virtual screening for the prediction of HLA-DP2-peptide binding. A combinatorial library of 247 peptides was built using the "single amino acid substitution" approach and docked into the HLA-DP2 binding site. The complexes were simulated for 1 ns and the short range interaction energies (Lennard-Jones and Coulumb) were used as binding scores after normalization. The normalized values were collected into quantitative matrices (QMs) and their predictive abilities were validated on a large external test set. The validation shows that the best performing QM consisted of Lennard-Jones energies normalized over all positions for anchor residues only plus cross terms between anchor-residues.  相似文献   

Ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) is necessary for production of the precursor deoxyribonucleotides for DNA synthesis. Class Ia RNR functions via a stable free radical in one of the two components protein R2. The enzyme mechanism involves long range (proton coupled) electron transfer between protein R1 and the tyrosyl radical in protein R2. Earlier experimental studies showed that p-alkoxyphenols inhibit RNR. Here, molecular docking and molecular dynamics simulations involving protein R2 suggest an inhibition mechanism for p-alkoxyphenols . A low energy binding pocket is identified in protein R2. The preferred configuration provides a structural basis explaining their specific binding to the Escherichia coli and mouse R2 proteins. Trp48 (E. coli numbering), on the electron transfer pathway, is involved in the interactions with the inhibitors. The relative order of the binding energies calculated for the phenol derivatives to protein R2 is correlated with earlier experimental data on inhibition efficiency, in turn related to increasing size of the hydrophobic alkyl substituents. Using the configuration identified by molecular docking as a starting point for molecular dynamics simulations, we find that the p-allyloxyphenol interrupts the catalytic electron transfer pathway of the R2 protein by forming hydrogen bonds with Trp48 and Asp237, thus explaining the inhibitory activity of p-alkoxyphenols.  相似文献   

Cheng Lu  Gerhard Stock  Volker Knecht 《Proteins》2016,84(11):1690-1705
A local perturbation of a protein may lead to functional changes at some distal site, a phenomenon denoted as allostery. Here, we study the allosteric control of a protease using molecular dynamics simulations. The system considered is the bacterial protein DegS which includes a protease domain activated on ligand binding to an adjacent PDZ domain. Starting from crystallographic structures of DegS homo‐trimers, we perform simulations of the ligand‐free and ‐bound state of DegS at equilibrium. Considering a single protomer only, the trimeric state was mimicked by applying restraints on the residues in contact with other protomers in the DegS trimer. In addition, the bound state was also simulated without any restraints to mimic the monomer. Our results suggest that not only ligand release but also disassembly of a DegS trimer inhibits proteolytic activity. Considering various observables for structural changes, we infer allosteric pathways from the interface with other protomers to the active site. Moreover, we study how ligand release leads to (i) catalytically relevant changes involving residues 199–201 and (ii) a transition from a stretched to a bent conformation for residues 217–219 (which prohibits proper substrate binding). Finally, based on ligand‐induced Cα shifts we identify residues in contact with other protomers in the DegS trimer that likely transduce the perturbation from ligand release from a given protomer to adjacent protomers. These residues likely play a key role in the experimentally known effect of ligand release from a protomer on the proteolytic activity of the other protomers. Proteins 2016; 84:1690–1705. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   


The fatty acid binding protein (FABP) 4 and 5 have been considered as potential targets for the treatment of metabolic diseases. A compensatory upregulation of FABP5 due to the gene ablation of FABP4 in adipocytes indicated the importance of dual FABP4/5 inhibitors. A few compounds have been discovered as dual FABP4/5 inhibitors. However, none exhibited equivalent inhibitory activity against both FABP4 and FABP5, and almost all compounds showed weaker inhibition against FABP5. To provide a better structural understanding for the design of potent dual FABP4/5 inhibitors, molecular dynamics simulations have been performed for 100?ns to disclose the ligand binding features in FABP4 and FABP5 using Amber14, respectively. Key residues were identified by analysis of close contact, hydrogen bond occupancy, binding free energy and alanine scanning mutagenesis. In addition, induced-fit effects have been observed upon ligand binding in the process of simulations. The shifted alkyl chain of ligand in FABP4 was significantly different from that in FABP5 due to the corresponding residues (Phe58FABP4 and Leu60FABP5). Thus, to avoid different steric effects made by these two residues, hydrophobic groups of suitable size should be taken into account. Besides, electrostatic and steric effects with Arg107FABP4 and Arg109FABP5 should be paid more attention to. The results will facilitate the rational design of dual FABP4/5 inhibitors.  相似文献   

The structure of oxygenated trHbN from Mycobacterium tuberculosis shows an extended heme distal hydrogen‐bond network that includes Tyr33(B10), Gln58(E11), and the bound O2. In addition, trHbN structure shows a network of hydrophobic cavities organized in two orthogonal branches. In the present work, the structure and the dynamics of oxygenated and deoxygenated trHbN in explicit water was investigated from 100 ns molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Results show that, depending on the presence or the absence of a coordinated O2, the Tyr33(B10) and Gln58(E11) side chains adopt two different configurations in concert with hydrogen bond network rearrangement. In addition, our data indicate that Tyr33(B10) and Gln58(E11) control the dynamics of Phe62(E15). In deoxy‐trHbN, Phe62(E15) is restricted to one conformation. Upon O2 binding, the conformation of Gln58(E11) changes and residue Phe62(E15) fluctuates between two conformations. We also conducted a systematic study of trHbN tunnels by analyzing thousands of MD snapshots with CAVER. The results show that tunnel formation is the result of the dynamic reshaping of short‐lived hydrophobic cavities. The analyses indicate that the presence of these cavities is likely linked to the rigid structure of trHbN and also reveal two tunnels, EH and BE, that link the protein surface to the buried distal heme pocket and not present in the crystallographic structure. The cavities are sufficiently large to accomodate and store ligands. Tunnel dynamics in trHbN was found to be controlled by the side‐chain conformation of the Tyr33(B10), Gln58(E11), and Phe62(E15) residues. Importantly, in contrast to recently published works, our extensive systematic studies show that the presence or absence of a coordinated dioxygen does not control the opening of the long tunnel but rather the opening of the EH tunnel. In addition, the data lead to new and distinctly different conclusion on the impact of the Phe62(E15) residue on trHbN tunnels. We propose that the EH and the long tunnels are used for apolar ligands storage. The trajectories bring important new structural insights related to trHbN function and to ligand diffusion in proteins. Proteins 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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