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Botryllus schlosseri is a colonial urochordate composed of coexisting modules of three asexually derived generations, the zooids and two cohorts of buds, each at disparate developmental stage. Functional zooids are replaced weekly by the older generation of buds through a highly synchronized developmental cycle called blastogenesis (which is, in turn, divided into four major stages, A to D). In this study, we examined the mode of expression of BS-cadherin, a 130-kDa transmembrane protein isolated from this species, during blastogenesis. BS-Cadherin is expressed extensively in internal organs of developing buds, embryos, ampullae and, briefly, in the digestive system of zooids at early blastogenic stage D (in contrast to low mRNA expression at this stage). In vitro trypsin assays on single-cell suspensions prepared from blastogenic stage D zooids, confirmed that BS-cadherin protein is expressed on cell surfaces and is, therefore, functional. BS-Cadherin expression is also upregulated in response to various stress conditions, such as oxidative stress, injury and allorecognition. It plays an important role in colony morphogenesis, because siRNA knockdown during D/A blastogenic transition causes chaotic colonial structures and disrupts oocytes homing onto their bud niches. These results reveal that BS-cadherin protein functions are exerted through a specific spatiotemporal pattern and fluctuating expression levels, in both development/regular homeostasis and in response to various stress conditions.  相似文献   

The survival of animal tissues and organs is controlled through both activation and suppression of programmed cell death. In the colonial urochordate Botryllus schlosseri, the entire parental generation of zooids in a colony synchronously dies every week as the asexually derived generation of buds reaches functional maturity. This process, called takeover, involves massive programmed cell death (PCD) of zooid organs via apoptosis followed by programmed removal of cell corpses by blood phagocytes within approximately 1 day. We have previously reported that developing buds in conjunction with circulating phagocytes are key effectors of zooid resorption and macromolecular recycling during takeover, and as such engineer the reconstitution of a functional asexual generation every week [Lauzon, R.J., Ishizuka, K.J., Weissman, I.L., 2002. Cyclical generation and degeneration of organs in a colonial urochordate involves crosstalk between old and new: a model for development and regeneration. Dev. Biol. 249, 333-348]. Here, we demonstrate that zooid lifespan during cyclic blastogenesis is regulated by two independent signals: a bud-independent signal that activates zooid PCD and a bud-dependent, survival signal that acts in short-range fashion via the colonial vasculature. As zooids represent a transient, mass-produced commodity during Botryllus asexual development, PCD regulation in this animal via both activation and suppression enables it to remove and recycle its constituent zooids earlier when intra-colony resources are low, while maintaining the functional filter-feeding state when resources are adequate. We propose that this crosstalk mechanism between bud and parent optimizes survival of a B. schlosseri colony with each round of cyclic blastogenesis.  相似文献   

In some species such as flies, worms, frogs and fish, the key to forming and maintaining early germ cell populations is the assembly of germ plasm, microscopically distinct egg cytoplasm that is rich in RNAs, RNA-binding proteins and ribosomes. Cells which inherit germ plasm are destined for the germ cell lineage. In contrast, in mammals, germ cells are formed and maintained later in development as a result of inductive signaling from one embryonic cell type to another. Research advances, using complementary approaches, including identification of key signaling factors that act during the initial stages of germ cell development, differentiation of germ cells in vitro from mouse and human embryonic stem cells and the demonstration that homologs of germ plasm components are conserved in mammals, have shed light on key elements in the early development of mammalian germ cells. Here, we use FRET (Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer) to demonstrate that living mammalian germ cells possess specific RNA/protein complexes that contain germ plasm homologs, beginning in the earliest stages of development examined. Moreover, we demonstrate that, although both human and mouse germ cells and embryonic stem cells express the same proteins, germ cell-specific protein/protein interactions distinguish germ cells from precursor embryonic stem cells in vitro; interactions also determine sub-cellular localization of complex components. Finally, we suggest that assembly of similar protein complexes may be central to differentiation of diverse cell lineages and provide useful diagnostic tools for isolation of specific cell types from the assorted types differentiated from embryonic stem cells.  相似文献   

During mitosis different types of cells can have differential requirements for chromosome segregation. We isolated two new alleles of the separation anxiety gene (san). san was previously described in both Drosophila and in humans to be required for centromeric sister chromatid cohesion (Hou et al., 2007; Williams et al., 2003). Our work confirms and expands the observation that san is required in vivo for normal mitosis of different types of somatic cells. In addition, we suggest that san is also important for the correct resolution of chromosomes, implying a more general function of this acetyltransferase. Surprisingly, during oogenesis we cannot detect mitotic defects in germ line cells mutant for san. We hypothesize the female germ line stem cells have differential requirements for mitotic sister chromatid cohesion.  相似文献   

Natural chimeras are commonly distributed in the wild, challenging the traditional paradigm for the advantages of genetically homogenous entities, where uniclonality prevents within-organism conflicts. This essay focuses on the last two-decade studies on chimerism in the cosmopolitan urochordate Botryllus schlosseri, enlightening and focusing the idea of multichimeras as a primary tool for fending off the pervasiveness of super parasitic germ lines. Interacting Botryllus colonies may fuse or reject each other based on allelic compatibility on a single highly polymorphic gene locus. After fusion and establishment of a chimera, a second tier of allorecognition is developed, expressed as genetically controlled morphological resorption of one of the chimeric partners. This is followed by the third tier of allorecognition where somatic and germ cell lineages parasitism are developed. Studies revealed a complex network of costs and few suggested benefits for the state of chimerism in botryllid ascidians. Two life history traits (diversification of allorecognition allele repertoire, colonial programmed lifespan) were considered as selected to combat the major cost of chimeric associated germ cell parasitism. Three other ecological traits (heterosis, settlement of kin larvae in aggregates, multichimerism) have been suggested as selected to enhance the existence of chimerism in botryllid ascidians. Recent results revealing a fine-tuning of the chimerical somatic genetic components in response to changes in environmental conditions are discussed. Results further elucidate the possible existence of multichimeras, each made of several genotypes. It is proposed that natural multichimeras form more stable and vigorous entities, depicting a unique way for domesticating consortia of selfish cells that may otherwise seriously threaten survivorship of the entity.  相似文献   

Mammalian tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α degenerate polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers were used to amplify a probe from Botryllus schlosseri (colonial ascidian) allogeneic rejection-cDNA library. A PCR product (269 bp) was cloned and sequenced encoding an open reading frame (ORF) of 89 amino acids (aa). This clone, which revealed no similarity to TNF-α, but a substantial similarity to mammalian proteins featuring short consensus repeats (SCRs) of the complement control superfamily, was used to probe the rejection-cDNA library. Two partial cDNA clones were isolated and sequenced (Bs. 1, 846 bp; Bs.2, 712 bp). The longest ORF in clone Bs. 1 (which lacks the 5' end of the cDNA) predicts a protein of 251 aa, which differs from Bs.2 at six nucleotides and four aa. We compare the as similarity (up to 50.5%) of Bs.l with the SCR-region of mammalian complement factor H, apolipoprotein H, selectins, and complement receptors type 1 and type 2. A somatomedin B-like domain at the C-terminus of Bs. 1 deduced protein was also recorded. We propose that this mosaic and polymorphic botryllid sequence, featuring mammalian-like SCRs, might be an ancestral molecule in the evolution of the chordate's complement-control protein superfamily.  相似文献   

The deleted in azoospermia (DAZ) family genes encode potential RNA-binding proteins that are expressed exclusively in germ cells in a wide range of metazoans. We have previously shown that mutations in daz-1, the only DAZ family gene in Caenorhabditis elegans, cause pachytene stage arrest of female germ cells but do not affect spermatogenesis. In this study, we report that DAZ-1 protein is most abundantly expressed in proliferating female germ cells, in a manner independent of the GLP-1 signaling pathway. DAZ-1 is dispensable in males but it is expressed also in male mitotic germ cells. Detailed phenotypic analyses with fluorescence microscopy and transmission electron microscopy have revealed that loss of daz-1 function causes multiple abnormalities as early as the onset of meiotic prophase, which include aberrant chromatin structure, small nucleoli, absence of the cytoplasmic core, and precocious cellularization. Although the reduced size of nucleoli is indicative of a low translational activity in these cells, artificial repression of general translation in the germline does not phenocopy the daz-1 mutant. Thus, we propose that DAZ-1 in C. elegans plays essential roles in female premeiotic and early meiotic germ cells, probably via regulating the translational activity of specific target genes required for the progression of oogenesis.  相似文献   

Angiogenesis, the growth and remodeling of a vascular network, is an essential process during development, growth and disease. Here we studied the role of the vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGFR) in experimentally-induced angiogenesis in the colonial ascidian Botryllus schlosseri (Tunicata, Ascidiacea). The circulatory system of B. schlosseri is composed of two distinct, but interconnected regions: a plot of sinuses and lacunae which line the body, and a transparent, macroscopic extracorporeal vascular network. The vessels of the extracorporeal vasculature are morphologically inverted in comparison to the vasculature in vertebrates: they consist of a single layer of ectodermally-derived cells with the basal lamina lining the lumen of the vessel. We found that when the peripheral circulatory system of a colony is surgically removed, it can completely regenerate within 24 to 48 h and this regeneration is dependent on proper function of the VEGF pathway: siRNA-mediated knockdown of the VEGFR blocked vascular regeneration, and interfered with vascular homeostasis. In addition, a small molecule, the VEGFR kinase inhibitor PTK787/ZK222584, phenocopied the siRNA knockdown in a reversible manner. Despite the disparate germ layer origins and morphology of the vasculature, the developmental program of branching morphogenesis during angiogenesis is controlled by similar molecular mechanisms, suggesting that the function of the VEGF pathway may be co-opted during the regeneration of an ectoderm-derived tubular structure.  相似文献   

Testicular tissues from Anolis lineatopus were examined histologically to determine testicular structure, germ cell morphologies, and the germ cell development strategy employed during spermatogenesis. Anoles (N = 36) were collected from southern Jamaica from October 2004 to September 2005. Testes were extracted and fixed in Trump's fixative, dehydrated, embedded in Spurr's plastic, sectioned, and stained with basic fuchsin/toluidine blue. The testes of Jamaican Anoles were composed of seminiferous tubules lined with seminiferous epithelia, similar to birds and mammals, and were spermatogenically active during every month of the year. However, spermatogenic activity fluctuated based on morphometric data for February, May and June, and September-December. Sequential increases for these months and decreases in between months in tubular diameters and epithelial heights were due to fluctuations in number of elongating spermatids and spermiation events. Cellular associations were not observed during spermatogenesis in A. lineatopus, and three or more spermatids coincided with mitotic and meiotic cells within the seminiferous epithelium. Although the germ cell generations were layered within the seminiferous epithelium, similar to birds and mammals, the actual temporal development of germ cells and bursts of sperm release more closely resembled that reported recently for other reptilian taxa. All of these reptiles were temperate species that showed considerable seasonality in terms of testis morphology and spermatogenesis. The Jamaican Gray Anole has continuous spermatogenesis yet maintains this temporal germ cell development pattern. Thus, a lack of seasonal spermatogenesis in this anole seems to have no influence on the germ cell development strategy employed during sperm development.  相似文献   

The replication of chromosomes in meiosis is an important first step for subsequent chromosomal interactions that promote accurate disjunction in the first of two segregation events to generate haploid gametes. We have developed an assay to monitor DNA replication in vivo in mitotic and meiotic germline nuclei of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Using mutants that affect the mitosis/meiosis switch, we show that meiotic S phase is at least twice as long as mitotic S phase in C. elegans germ cell nuclei. Furthermore, our assay reveals that different regions of the genome replicate at different times, with the heterochromatic-like X chromosomes replicating at a distinct time from the autosomes. Finally, we have exploited S-phase labeling to monitor the timing of progression through meiotic prophase. Meiotic prophase for oocyte production in hermaphrodites lasts 54-60 h. Further, we find that the duration of the pachytene sub-stage is modulated by the presence of sperm. On the other hand, meiotic prophase for sperm production in males is completed by 20-24 h. Possible sources for the sex-specific differences in meiotic prophase kinetics are discussed.  相似文献   

Germ cells may be specified through the localization of germ line determinants to specific cells in early embryogenesis, or by inductive signals from neighboring cells to germ cell precursors in later embryogenesis. Such determinants can be produced and localized during or after oogenesis, either autonomously by oocytes or by associated nutritive cells. In Drosophila, each oocyte is connected to nurse cells by cytoplasmic bridges, and determinants synthesized in nurse cells are transported through these bridges to the oocyte. However, the Drosophila model may not be applicable to all arthropods, since in many species of all four extant arthropod classes, gametogenesis functions without nurse cells. In this paper, I use immunodetection of Vasa protein to study germ cell development in the amphipod crustacean Parhyale hawaiensis, a species whose ovaries lack nurse cells and whose eggs lack obvious polarity. Previous cell lineage analyses have shown that all three germ layers and the germ line are exclusively specified by third cleavage. In the present study, I use a molecular marker to follow germ cell development during P. hawaiensis embryogenesis. I determine the capacity of individual blastomeres to form germ cells by isolating blastomeres at early cleavage stages and provide experimental evidence for localized germ cell determinants at the two-cell stage in P. hawaiensis. These experiments indicate that many aspects of early amphipod development, including timing and symmetry of cell division, the transition from holoblastic to superficial cleavage, and possibly some gastrulation movements, are cell autonomous following first cleavage.  相似文献   

A recurrent blastogenetic cycle characterizes colonies of the ascidian Botryllus schlosseri. This cycle starts when a new zooid generation opens its siphons and ends with take-over, when adult zooids cease filtering and are progressively resorbed and replaced by a new generation of buds, reaching functional maturity. During the generation change, massive apoptosis occurs in the colony, mainly in the tissues of old zooids. In the present study, we have investigated the behaviour of haemocytes during the colonial blastogenetic cycle, in terms of the occurrence of cell death and the expression of molecules involved in the induction of apoptosis. Our results indicate that, during take-over, caspase-3 activity in haemocyte lysates increases. In addition, about 20%–30% of haemocytes express phosphatidylserine on the outer leaflet of their plasma membrane, show DNA fragmentation and are immunopositive for caspase-3. Senescent cells are quickly ingested by circulating phagocytes that frequently, having once engulfed effete cells, in turn enter apoptosis. Dying cells and corpses are replaced by a new generation of cells that appear in the circulation during the generation change. This research was supported by the Italian M.I.U.R. (PRIN 2006)  相似文献   

Botryllus schlosseri is a colonial marine urochordate in which all adult organisms (called zooids) in a colony die synchronously by apoptosis (programmed cell death) in cyclical fashion. During this death phase called takeover, cell corpses within the dying organism are engulfed by circulating phagocytic cells. The "old" zooids and their organs are resorbed within 24-36 h (programmed cell removal). This process coincides temporally with the growth of asexually derived primary buds, that harbor a small number of undifferentiated cells, into mature zooids containing functional organs and tissues with the same body plan as adult zooids from which they budded. Within these colonies, all zooids share a ramifying network of extracorporeal blood vessels embedded in a gelatinous tunic. The underlying mechanisms regulating programmed cell death and programmed cell removal in this organism are unknown. In this study, we extirpated buds or zooids from B. schlosseri colonies in order to investigate the interplay that exists between buds, zooids, and the vascular system during takeover. Our findings indicate that, in the complete absence of buds (budectomy), organs from adult zooids underwent programmed cell death but were markedly impaired in their ability to be resorbed despite engulfment of zooid-derived cell corpses by phagocytes. However, when buds were removed from only half of the flower-shaped systems of zooids in a colony (hemibudectomy), the budectomized zooids were completely resorbed within 36-48 h following onset of programmed cell death. Furthermore, if hemibudectomies were carried out by using small colonies, leaving only a single functional bud, zooids from the old generation were also resorbed, albeit delayed to 48-60 h following onset of programmed cell death. This bud eventually reached functional maturity, but grew significantly larger in size than any control zooid, and exhibited hyperplasia. This finding strongly suggested that components of the dying zooid viscera could be reutilized by the developing buds, possibly as part of a colony-wide recycling mechanism. In order to test this hypothesis, zooids were surgically removed (zooidectomy) at the onset of takeover, and bud growth was quantitatively determined. In these zooidectomized colonies, bud growth was severely curtailed. In most solitary, long-lived animals, organs and tissues are maintained by processes of continual death and removal of aging cells counterbalanced by regeneration with stem and progenitor cells. In the colonial tunicate B. schlosseri, the same kinds of processes ensure the longevity of the colony (an animal) by cycles of death and regeneration of its constituent zooids (also animals).  相似文献   

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