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Pancreatic duct cells express a Ca2+-activated Cl- conductance (CaCC), upregulation of which may be beneficial to patients with cystic fibrosis. Here, we report that HPAF, a human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma cell line that expresses CaCC, develops into a high-resistance, anion-secreting epithelium. Mucosal ATP (50 µM) caused a fourfold increase in short-circuit current (Isc), a hyperpolarization of transepithelial potential difference (from -4.9 ± 0.73 to -8.5 ± 0.84 mV), and a fall in resistance to less than one-half of resting values. The effects of ATP were inhibited by mucosal niflumic acid (100 µM), implicating an apical CaCC in the response. RT-PCR indicated expression of hClC-2, hClC-3, and hClC-5, but surprisingly not hCLCA-1 or hCLCA-2. K+ channel activity was necessary to maintain the ATP-stimulated Isc. Using a pharmacological approach, we found evidence for two types of K+ channels in the mucosal and serosal membranes of HPAF cells, one activated by chlorzoxazone (500 µM) and sensitive to clotrimazole (30 µM), as well as one blocked by clofilium (100 µM) but not chromanol 293B (5 µM). RT-PCR indicated expression of the Ca2+-activated K+ channel KCNN4, as well as the acid-sensitive, four transmembrane domain, two pore K+ channel, KCNK5 (hTASK-2). Western blot analysis verified the expression of CLC channels, as well as KCNK5. We conclude that HPAF will be a useful model system for studying channels pertinent to anion secretion in human pancreatic duct cells. Ussing chamber; short-circuit current; RT-PCR; immunoblot  相似文献   

Summary A new human pancreatic cancer (HPAC) cell line was established from a nude mouse xenograft (CAP) of a primary human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. In culture, HPAC cells form monolayers of morphologically heterogenous, polar epithelial cells, which synthesize carcinoembryonic antigen, CA 19-9, CA-125, cytokeratins, antigens for DU-PAN-2, HMFG1, and AUA1, but do not express chromogranin A or vimentin indicative of their pancreatic ductal epithelial cell character. In the presence of serum, HPAC cell DNA synthesis was stimulated by insulin, insulin growth factor-I, epidermal growth factor, and TGF-α but inhibited by physiologic concentrations of hydrocortisone and dexamethasone. Dose-dependent inhibition of DNA synthesis was limited to steroids with glucocorticoid activity. The inhibitory effect of dexamethasone was abolished by the glucocorticoid antagonist RU 38486. Binding of [3H]dexamethasone to cytosolic proteins was specific and saturable at 4° C. Scatchard analysis of binding data demonstrated a single class of high-affinity binding sites (Kd=3.8±0.9 nM; Bmax=523±128 fmol/mg protein). Western blot analysis revealed a major protein band that migrated at a Mr of 96 kDa. Northern blot analysis identified an mRNA of approximately 7 kilobases which hybridized with a specific glucocorticoid receptor complementary DNA probe (OB7). These findings support a role for glucocorticoids in the regulation of human malignant pancreatic cell function.  相似文献   

Although the absence of Substance P (SP), a neurotransmitter in the trigeminal nerve, has been speculated as a cause for developing neurotrophic keratitis, its exact pathogenesis is still not clarified. In a previous report, we showed with electron microscopic examination that epithelial cell attachment was weakened in denervated corneas. In this study, SV40-transformed human corneal epithelial cells (HCE-Ts) were used to explore the molecular mechanisms responsible for mediating regulation of E-cadherin expression in response to Substance P receptor stimulation. Expression of the mRNAs for specific SP receptors, neurokinin (NK)-1R, NK-2R, and NK-3R, was demonstrated with RT-PCR. The cells were treated with various concentrations of SP in vitro, and the expression of an adhesion molecule E-cadherin was analyzed by immunofluorescence, immunoblotting, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using an anti-E-cadherin antibody. E-cadherin expression was increased by SP in a dose-dependent manner both in the cytosolic fraction and in the cell membrane fraction. This increase in E-cadherin expression was completely inhibited by Calphostin C (PKC inhibitor) and KN-62 (CaMK inhibitor), but not by H-89 (PKA inhibitor), indicating that SP-induced E-cadherin expression involves the activation of protein kinase C (PKC) and calmodulin kinase (CaMK). SP did not affect cell proliferation at all. All these findings indicate that SP induced E-cadherin expression through PKC and CaMK activation and suggest that a lack of SP may account in part for the pathogenesis of neurotrophic keratitis.  相似文献   

It is now generally considered that early signalling from tyrosine kinases that induce mitogenesis is initiated through the formation of heteromeric complexes consisting of the autophosphorylated tyrosine kinase and a number of tyrosylphosphorylated proteins, including phospholipase C-gamma (PLC-gamma) and GTPase activating protein (GAP). However, since much of this work has been performed on proliferative, chimeric cell lines expressing heterologous receptor molecules, we examined the nature of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) signalling complex formation in the human breast cancer cell line, MDA-468. This cell line has an amplified, native EGFR gene, correspondingly overexpresses the EGFR, and its growth in culture is inversely related to the EGF concentration. Our results indicate that in MDA-468 cells, both the EGFR and PLC-gamma are phosphorylated on tyrosine residues and can be co-immunoprecipitated. This occurs at both high and low EGF concentrations regardless of the proliferative endpoint. The molecular association is correlated with a significant increase in total inositol phosphates formed in response to the growth factor treatment. In contrast, however, there is no evidence that GAP is either phosphorylated on tyrosine residues or forms a complex with the activated EGFR in EGF-treated MDA-468 cells. These observations suggest that as a model for growth factor action, the formation of heteromeric protein signalling complexes may demonstrate considerable diversity depending upon both cell type and physiology.  相似文献   

Leukotrienes (LTs) are potent pro-inflammatory mediators derived from arachidonic acid by the action of 5-lipoxygenase. There are two groups of LTs: LTB(4) and cysteinyl LTs (LTC(4), LTD(4), and LTE(4)). Both of them play important roles in many inflammatory diseases and allergic responses. Recently, their G-protein coupled receptors have been cloned. The identification of these receptors enables us to analyze their gene structures, regulation of expression, and signal transduction in the cells, and it also leads to the development of useful antagonists. Some LT receptors have been disrupted by gene targeting. Such studies may reveal novel functions of leukotrienes, confirming deeper viewpoints for further research.  相似文献   

Studies from space flights over the past three decades have demonstrated that basic physiological changes occur in humans during space flight. These changes include cephalic fluid shifts, loss of fluid and electrolytes, loss of muscle mass, space motion sickness, anemia, reduced immune response, and loss of calcium and mineralized bone. The cause of most of these manifestations is not known and until recently, the general approach was to investigate general systemic changes, not basic cellular responses to microgravity. This laboratory has recently studied gene growth and activation of normal osteoblasts (MC3T3-El) during spaceflight. Osteoblast cells were grown on glass coverslips and loaded in the Biorack plunger boxes. The osteoblasts were launched in a serum deprived state, activated in microgravity and collected in microgravity. The osteoblasts were examined for changes in gene expression and signal transduction. Approximately one day after growth activation significant changes were observed in gene expression in 0-G flight samples. Immediate early growth genes/growth factors cox-2, c-myc, bcl2, TGF beta1, bFGF and PCNA showed a significant diminished mRNA induction in microgravity FCS activated cells when compared to ground and 1-G flight controls. Cox-1 was not detected in any of the samples. There were no significant differences in the expression of reference gene mRNA between the ground, 0-G and 1-G samples. The data suggest that quiescent osteoblasts are slower to enter the cell cycle in microgravity and that the lack of gravity itself may be a significant factor in bone loss in spaceflight. Preliminary data from our STS 76 flight experiment support our hypothesis that a basic biological response occurs at the tissue, cellular, and molecular level in 0-G. Here we examine ground-based and space flown data to help us understand the mechanism of bone loss in microgravity.  相似文献   

We established a human pancreatic carcinoma cell line, designated SPH, from cancerous ascites of a 57-year-old male patient with ductal adenocarcinoma of the pancreas. The cells have been cultured for 32 months with RPMI-1640 medium supplemental with 10% fetal calf serum. The population doubling time of this cell line was about 35 h, and the modal number of chromosomes was 85 at passage 20. The cells produced CA19-9, SPan-1, and DUPAN-2 in the conditioned medium and formed tumors in nude mice, the histology of which was similar to that of the primary tumor. Based on these findings, this cell line is considered to be a very useful model for studying many aspects of primary and metastatic pancreatic cancer cell biology.  相似文献   

It is known that the human exocrine pancreas responds to secretin stimulation more than does VIP, a structurally related peptide. We looked for the receptors for those polypeptides in a human pancreatic cancer cell line grown in culture and in nude mice. By analysing the cAMP responses and the 125I-VIP binding we found VIP receptors with a KD of 1.5 10(-9) M. Secretin stimulates the adenylate cyclase through the VIP receptor sites with a KD of 1.7. 10(-6) M. We noted also that during cell proliferation in culture there was about a 5 fold increase of the cAMP response to VIP.  相似文献   

Human ribonucleases have been considered as a possible tumor marker for pancreatic cancer, and elevated serum levels of ribonuclease activity in patients with pancreatic cancer have been reported by many authors. The reason for this elevation is unknown. In this study, we demonstrate that human pancreatic adenocarcinoma cell lines synthesize and secrete different ribonucleases. We isolated and characterized human pancreatic, or secretory, ribonuclease (RNase 1) from the conditioned media of the human pancreatic adenocarcinoma cell lines Capan-1, MDAPanc-3, IBF-CP3 and Panc-1, and the ampullary adenocarcinoma cell line MDAAmp-7, which represent a wide range of differentiation stages. Only one of these cell lines, Panc-1, produces significant amounts of nonsecretory ribonuclease. We then established a purification procedure for both secretory and nonsecretory ribonucleases, consisting of concentration of the supernatant by tangential filtration, anion-exchange and cation-exchange liquid chromatography and C4 RP-HPLC. Ribonuclease activity fractions were monitored using both the spectrophotometric and negative-staining zymogram techniques. The results of N-terminal sequence analysis, kinetic analysis and endoglycosidase digestion studies indicate that the main ribonuclease secreted by all the cell lines is the secretory-type ribonuclease and that it is composed of several differently N-glycosylated forms. Northern blot analyses confirm that some of the cell lines express secretory ribonuclease mRNA. The mRNA levels produced by Panc-1 and MDAPanc-28 are too low to be detected. Similar levels of expression of nonsecretory ribonuclease are found by Northern blot analysis in all the cell lines except Panc-1, which expresses higher levels. Here, we describe, for the first time, that several human pancreatic cancer cell lines with different degrees of differentiation express and secrete ribonucleases. This fact indicates that one origin of the elevated serum RNase levels in patients with pancreatic cancer are tumor cells. Analysis of the oligosaccharide moiety of the RNase 1 secreted by Capan-1 shows that it is highly glycosylated and its N-glycan chains are significantly different from that of the RNase 1 produced by normal pancreas. These results renew the possibility of using human serum RNase 1 determination as a tumor marker.  相似文献   

A number of studies have been conducted during space flight and with clinostats and centrifuges, suggesting that gravity effects the proliferation and differentiation of mammalian cells in vitro. However, little is known about the mechanisms by which mammalian cells respond to changes in gravitational stress. This paper summarizes studies designed to clarify the effects of hypergravity on the cultured human HeLa cells and to investigate the mechanism of hypergravity signal transduction in these cells.  相似文献   

A compilation of literature data and recent experiments led to the following conclusions regarding cyclic adenosine 3':5' monophosphate (cAMP) regulation of gene expression. Several classes of cAMP-induced gene expression can be discriminated by sensitivity to stimulation kinetics. The aggregation-related genes respond only to nanomolar cAMP pulses. The prestalk-related genes respond both to nanomolar pulses and persistent micromolar stimulation. The prespore specific genes respond only to persistent micromolar stimulation. The induction of the aggregation- and prestalk-related genes by nanomolar cAMP pulses may share a common transduction pathway, which does not involve cAMP, while involvement of the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3)/Ca2+ pathway is unlikely. Induction of the expression of prespore and prestalk-related genes by micromolar cAMP stimuli utilizes divergent signal processing mechanisms. cAMP-induced prespore gene expression does not involve cAMP and probably also not cyclic guanosine 3'.5' monophosphate (cGMP) as intracellular intermediate. Involvement of cAMP-induced phospholipase C (PLC) activation in this pathway is suggested by the observation that IP3 and 1,2-diacylglycerol (DAG) can induce prespore gene expression, albeit in a somewhat indirect manner and by the observation that Li+ and Ca2+ antagonists inhibit prespore gene expression. Cyclic AMP induction of prestalk-related gene expression is inhibited by IP3 and DAG and promoted by Li+, and is relatively insensitive to Ca2+ antagonists, which indicates that PLC activation does not mediate prestalk-related gene expression. Neither prespore nor prestalk-related gene expression utilizes the sustained cAMP-induced pHi increase as intracellular intermediate.  相似文献   

Abnormal expression of tyrosine kinase (TK) genes is common in tumors, in which it is believed to alter cell growth and response to external stimuli such as growth factors and hormones. Although the etiology and pathogenesis of carcinomas of the thyroid or breast remain unclear, there is evidence that the expression of TK genes, such as receptor tyrosine kinases, or mitogen-activated protein kinases, is dysregulated in these tumors, and that overexpression of particular TK genes due to gene amplification, changes in gene regulation, or structural alterations leads to oncogenic transformation of epithelial cells. We developed a rapid scheme to measure semiquantitatively the expression levels of 50-100 TK genes. Our assay is based on RT-PCR with mixed based primers that anneal to conserved regions in the catalytic domain of TK genes to generate gene-specific fragments. PCR products are then labeled by random priming and hybridized to DNA microarrays carrying known TK gene targets. Inclusion of differently labeled fragments from reference or normal cells allows identification of TK genes that show altered expression levels during malignant transformation or tumor progression. Examples demonstrate how this innovative assay might help to define new markers for tumor progression and potential targets for disease intervention. (J Histochem Cytochem 49:673-674, 2001)  相似文献   

Endothelial cell (EC) activation plays a key role in vascular inflammation, thrombosis, and angiogenesis. Allograft inflammatory factor-1 (AIF-1) is a cytoplasmic, calcium-binding, inflammation-responsive scaffold protein that has been implicated in the regulation of inflammation. The expression and function of AIF-1 in EC is uncharacterized, and the purpose of this study was to characterize AIF-1 expression and function in ECs. AIF-1 expression colocalized with CD31-positive ECs in neointima of inflamed human arteries but not normal arteries. AIF-1 is detected at low levels in unstimulated EC, but expression can be increased in response to serum and soluble factors. Stable transfection of AIF-1 small interfering RNA (siRNA) in ECs reduced AIF-1 protein expression by 73% and significantly reduced EC proliferation and migration (P < 0.05 and 0.001). Rescue of AIF-1 expression restored both proliferation and migration of siRNA-expressing ECs, and AIF-1 overexpression enhanced both of these activities, suggesting a strong association between AIF-1 expression and EC activation. Activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase p44/42 and PAK1 was significantly reduced in siRNA ECs challenged with inflammatory stimuli. Reduction of AIF-1 expression did not decrease EC tube-like structure or microvessel formation from aortic rings, but overexpression of AIF-1 did significantly increase the number and complexity of these structures. These data indicate that AIF-1 expression plays an important role in signal transduction and activation of ECs and may also participate in new vessel formation.  相似文献   

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