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The expression of the Agrobacterium rhizogenes rolD oncogene induces precocious floral transition and strong flowering potential in tobacco and tomato. Here, we describe specific developmental effects induced by expression of rolD in Arabidopsis. We show that floral transition, as histologically monitored, occurred in rolD- plants earlier than in wild type, and this was coupled with a premature and enhanced formation of vegetative and reproductive axillary bud meristems. Furthermore, CYP79F1/SUPERSHOOT/BUSHY (SPS), a gene that negatively controls shoot branching in Arabidopsis and involved in glucosinolate metabolism and in cytokinin and auxin homeostasis, was down-regulated in rolD plants. The multiplication of post-embryonic meristems was also observed in the root system, with enhanced adventitious root formation. This result was confirmed by thin cell layer response in vitro, both under hormone-free and standard rooting conditions. However, the formation of lateral root meristems was not affected by rolD expression. Our results show that rolD accelerates and enhances specific post-embryonic meristems in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis thaliana, the stem cell population of the shoot system is controlled by regulatory circuitry involving the WUSCHEL (WUS) and CLAVATA (CLV1-3) genes. WUS signals from the organizing center (OC) to promote stem cell fate at the meristem apex. Stem cells express the secreted peptide CLV3 that activates a signal transduction cascade to restrict WUS expression, thus providing a feedback mechanism. Stem cell homeostasis is proposed to be achieved by balancing these signals. We tested the dynamics of CLV3 signaling using an inducible gene expression system. We show here that increasing the CLV3 signal can very rapidly repress WUS expression during development, which in turn causes a fast reduction of CLV3 expression. We demonstrate that increased CLV3 signaling restricts meristem growth and promotes allocation of peripheral meristem cells into organ primordia. In addition, we extend the current model for stem cell control by showing that meristem homeostasis tolerates variation in CLV3 levels over a 10-fold range and that high-level CLV3 signaling can be partially compensated with time, indicating that the level of CLV3 expression communicates only limited information on stem cell number to the underlying OC cells.  相似文献   

M Lenhard  A Bohnert  G Jürgens  T Laux 《Cell》2001,105(6):805-814
Floral meristems and shoot apical meristems (SAMs) are homologous, self-maintaining stem cell systems. Unlike SAMs, floral meristems are determinate, and stem cell maintenance is abolished once all floral organs are initiated. To investigate the underlying regulatory mechanisms, we analyzed the interactions between WUSCHEL (WUS), which specifies stem cell identity, and AGAMOUS (AG), which is required for floral determinacy. Our results show that repression of WUS by AG is essential for terminating the floral meristem and that WUS can induce AG expression in developing flowers. Together, this suggests that floral determinacy depends on a negative autoregulatory mechanism involving WUS and AG, which terminates stem cell maintenance.  相似文献   

The flower is one of the most complex and varied structures found in plants. Over the past decade, we have begun to understand how floral patterning is established in a handful of model species. Recent studies have identified the presence of several potential pathways for organ patterning. Many genes that are involved in these pathways have been cloned, providing opportunities for further fruitful investigations into the genetic components of flower development.  相似文献   

The initiation and growth of axillary meristems are fundamental components of plant architecture. Here, we describe the mutant missing flowers (mf) of Helianthus annuus characterized by the lack of axillary shoots. Decapitation experiments and histological analysis indicate that this phenotype is the result of a defect in axillary meristem initiation. In addition to shoot branching, mutation affects floral differentiation. The indeterminate inflorescence of sunflower (capitulum) is formed of a large flat meristem which produces floret primordia in multiple spirals. In wildtype plants a bisecting crease divides each primordium in two distinct bumps that adopt different fate. The peripheral (abaxial) part of the primordium becomes a small leaf-like bract and the adaxial part becomes a flower. In the mf mutant, the formation of flowers at the axil of bracts is precluded. Histological analyses show that in floret primordia of the mutant a clear subdivision in dyads is not established. The primordia progressively bend inside and only large involucral floral bracts are developed. The results suggest that the MISSING FLOWERS gene is essential to provide or perceive an appropriate signal to the initiation of axillary meristems during both vegetative and reproductive phases.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis, two floral homeotic genes APETALA2 (AP2) and AGAMOUS (AG) specify the identities of perianth and reproductive organs, respectively, in flower development. The two genes act antagonistically to restrict each other to their proper domains of action within the floral meristem. In addition to AG, which antagonizes AP2, miR172, a microRNA, serves as a negative regulator of AP2. In this study, we showed that AG and miR172 have distinct functions in flower development and that they largely act independently in the negative regulation of AP2. We uncovered functions of miR172-mediated repression of AP2 in the regulation of floral stem cells and in the delineation of the expression domain of another class of floral homeotic genes. Given the antiquity of miR172 in land plants, our findings have implications for the recruitment of a microRNA in the building of a flower in evolution.  相似文献   

An analysis of axillary meristem (axillary bud) localization of radish (Raphanus sativus L. cv. Tetra-I?ówiecka) was undertaken on vernalized (flowering) and unvernalized (vegetative) plants. It has been shown that the localization of these meristems can be different on successive nodes of the same plant and is connected with the development stages of the plants. The axillary meristems can arise on the stem as well as in the leaf axil or on the base of the subtending leaf. The localization of axillary meristems has been discussed in relation to growth directions and growth correlations inside the meristematic region of the shoot apex.  相似文献   

Burrows GE 《Annals of botany》2012,109(1):1-2; discussion 3-4
BACKGROUND: The branches of Wollemia nobilis are unbranched; however, it has been noted that new branches can form from the distal end of damaged ones, and branches can grow from axillary structures once a terminal strobilus has fallen. Tomlinson and Huggett (2011, Annals of Botany 107: 909-916) have recently investigated the formation of these reiterative branches and stated in the title of their paper that 'Partial shoot reiteration in Wollemia nobilis (Araucariaceae) does not arise from "axillary meristems"'. They go on to state 'Further research may reveal the presence of these elusive, but still only hypothetical, axillary meristems'. RESPONSE: In this Viewpoint, I argue that Tomlinson and Huggett do not refer to previously published information that indicates that axillary meristems are present in Wollemia nobilis branch leaf axils, and that their anatomical methods were probably not optimal for locating and examining these minute structures. Thus, whilst I would agree that the axillary meristems in branch leaf axils of Wollemia nobilis are elusive, I contend that they are not hypothetical.  相似文献   

In the past two years, several early-flowering genes have been shown to encode putative chromatin-associated proteins in Arabidopsis. These proteins probably function as epigenetic silencers that repress the promotion of flowering and flower organ identity genes, and thereby maintain vegetative growth. As the plant matures, levels of the floral promoters increase despite the continued presence of floral repressors. High levels of the floral promoters are somehow able to overcome floral repression and to activate flower development. Further characterization of mutants that have impairments in either floral promoters or floral repressors revealed that these mutants not only display defects in flowering time but also have altered inflorescence architectures. These findings indicate that these flowering genes also regulate other aspects of shoot development and may be used to study the mechanism of shoot growth pattern.  相似文献   

Separation of shoot and floral identity in Arabidopsis   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  

In Arabidopsis floral meristems are specified on the periphery of the inflorescence meristem by the combined activities of the FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT)-FD complex and the flower meristem identity gene LEAFY. The floral specification activity of FT is dependent upon two related BELL1-like homeobox (BLH) genes PENNYWISE (PNY) and POUND-FOOLISH (PNF) which are required for floral evocation. PNY and PNF interact with a subset of KNOTTED1-LIKE homeobox proteins including SHOOT MERISTEMLESS (STM). Genetic analyses show that these BLH proteins function with STM to specify flowers and internodes during inflorescence development. In this study, experimental evidence demonstrates that the specification of flower and coflorescence meristems requires the combined activities of FT-FD and STM. FT and FD also regulate meristem maintenance during inflorescence development. In plants with reduced STM function, ectopic FT and FD promote the formation of axillary meristems during inflorescence development. Lastly, gene expression studies indicate that STM functions with FT-FD and AGAMOUS-LIKE 24 (AGL24)-SUPPRESSOR OF OVEREXPRESSION OF CONTANS1 (SOC1) complexes to up-regulate flower meristem identity genes during inflorescence development.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Lotus japonicus 'Gifu' develops multiple axillary shoots in the cotyledonary node region throughout the growth of the plant. The origin, initiation and development of these axillary meristems were investigated. METHODS: Morphological, histological and mRNA in situ analyses were done to characterize the ontogeny of cotyledonary axillary shoot meristems in Lotus. Morphological characterization of a putative Lotus shoot branching mutant (super-accessory branches) sac, is presented. KEY RESULTS: By using expression of an L. japonicus STM-like gene as a marker for meristematic tissues, it was demonstrated that groups of cells maintained in the meristematic state at the cotyledonary axil region coincide with the sites where additional axillary meristems (accessory meristems) form. A Lotus shoot branching mutant, sac, is a putative Lotus branching mutant characterized by increased proliferation of accessory shoots in all leaf axils including the cotyledons. CONCLUSION: In Lotus, axillary shoot meristems continually develop at the cotyledonary node region throughout the growth of the plant. These cotyledonary primary and accessory axillaries arise from the position of a meristematic zone of tissue at the cotyledonary node axil region.  相似文献   

Axillary meristems of short day plantChenopodium rubrum are localized as caulinar, foliar or axillar. The localization of axillary meristems and axillary buds of 14 day old plants varied in similar pattern as in other plant species so far investigated: after several nodes with foliar axillary meristems the caulinar ones were produced. However, unlike in other species, in C.rubrum a very high percentage of caulinar meristem is produced also on the first node. In this case, like in the case of its later differentiation at higher nodes, the formation of caulinar meristem is confined also to the vegetative state. It was found that the caulinary position coincides with higher responsiveness to photoperiodic induction. The developmental significance of such behaviour is discussed.  相似文献   

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