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Plasmodium falciparum, the major causative agent of human malaria, contains three separate genomes. The apicoplast (an intracellular organelle) contains an ∼ 35-kb circular DNA genome of unusually high A/T content (> 86%) that is replicated by the nuclear-encoded replication complex Pfprex. Herein, we have expressed and purified the DNA polymerase domain of Pfprex [KPom1 (Klenow-like polymerase of malaria 1)] and measured its fidelity using a LacZ-based forward mutation assay. In addition, we analyzed the kinetic parameters for the incorporation of both complementary and noncomplementary nucleotides using Kpom1 lacking 3′ → 5′ exonucleolytic activity. KPom1 exhibits a strongly biased mutational spectrum in which T → C is the most frequent single-base substitution and differs significantly from the closely related Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I. Using E. coli harboring a temperature-sensitive polymerase I allele, we established that KPom1 can complement the growth-defective phenotype at an elevated temperature. We propose that the error bias of KPom1 may be exploited in the complementation assay to identify nucleoside analogs that mimic this base-mispairing and preferentially inhibit apicoplast DNA replication.  相似文献   

HBII-52 is a human brain-specific C/D box snoRNA that potentially regulates the editing and/or alternative splicing of the serotonin receptor. Forty-two nearly identical copies of the HBII-52 gene are located immediately downstream of the SNRPN protein-coding gene in an imprinted locus associated with Prader-Willi syndrome. Other eutherian mammals, with genomic assemblies covering the corresponding locus, also have multiple orthologous copies of HBII-52. The SNRPB gene, which is known to have given rise to SNRPN through gene duplication, expresses a C/D box snoRNA, SNORD119, from its fifth intron. Here we show that, despite the fact that they lie in different positions relative to the orthologous SNRPB/SNRPN coding sequences, there are significant sequence similarities between SNORD119 and HBII-52, including the antisense element and the stem-forming regions. By analysing these snoRNAs in marsupial and eutherian mammal genomes, we reconstruct the likely evolutionary history of the HBII-52 cluster and SNORD119 and suggest that they have evolved from a common ancestor.  相似文献   

Ribosomal proteins stabilize the folded structure of the ribosomal RNA and enable the recruitment of further proteins to the complex. Quantitative hydroxyl radical footprinting was used to measure the extent to which three different primary assembly proteins, S4, S17, and S20, stabilize the three-dimensional structure of the Escherichia coli 16S 5′ domain. The stability of the complexes was perturbed by varying the concentration of MgCl2. Each protein influences the stability of the ribosomal RNA tertiary interactions beyond its immediate binding site. S4 and S17 stabilize the entire 5′ domain, while S20 has a more local effect. Multistage folding of individual helices within the 5′ domain shows that each protein stabilizes a different ensemble of structural intermediates that include nonnative interactions at low Mg2+ concentration. We propose that the combined interactions of S4, S17, and S20 with different helical junctions bias the free-energy landscape toward a few RNA conformations that are competent to add the secondary assembly protein S16 in the next step of assembly.  相似文献   

CCA addition to the 3′ end is an essential step in tRNA maturation. High-resolution crystal structures of the CCA enzymes reveal primary enzyme contact with the tRNA minihelix domain, consisting of the acceptor stem and T stem-loop. RNA and DNA minihelices are efficient substrates for CCA addition in steady-state kinetics. However, in contrast to structural models and steady-state experiments, we show here by single-turnover kinetics that minihelices are insufficient substrates for the Escherichia coli CCA enzyme and that only the full-length tRNA is kinetically competent. Even a nick in the full-length tRNA backbone in the T loop, or as far away from the minihelix domain as in the anticodon loop, prevents efficient CCA addition. These results suggest a kinetic quality control provided by the CCA enzyme to inspect the integrity of the tRNA molecule and to discriminate against nicked or damaged species from further maturation.  相似文献   

Lomofungin inhibition of yeast growth and RNA synthesis is prevented by Cu++ or Zn++ ions which chelate with the antibiotic and prevent its uptake by the cells. EDTA potentiates the inhibition. Mg++ ions do not protect in vivo or against the inhibition of purified bacterial RNA and DNA polymerases. Lomofungin prevents formation of the RNA polymerase. DNA initiation complex, probably by chelation with the firmly bound Zn++ of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The recombination directionality factor, Xis, is a DNA bending protein that determines the outcome of integrase-mediated site-specific recombination by redesign of higher-order protein–DNA architectures. Although the attachment site DNA of mycobacteriophage Pukovnik is likely to contain four sites for Xis binding, Xis crystals contain five subunits in the asymmetric unit, four of which align into a Xis filament and a fifth that is generated by an unusual domain swap. Extensive intersubunit contacts stabilize a bent filament-like arrangement with Xis monomers aligned head to tail. The structure implies a DNA bend of ~ 120°, which is in agreement with DNA bending measured in vitro. Formation of attR-containing intasomes requires only Int and Xis, distinguishing Pukovnik from lambda. Therefore, we conclude that, in Pukovnik, Xis-induced DNA bending is sufficient to promote intramolecular Int-mediated bridges during intasome formation.  相似文献   

The nuclear LSm2-8 (like Sm) complex and the cytoplasmic LSm1-7 complex play a central role in mRNA splicing and degradation, respectively. The LSm proteins are related to the spliceosomal Sm proteins that form a heteroheptameric ring around small nuclear RNA. The assembly process of the heptameric Sm complex is well established and involves several smaller Sm assembly intermediates. The assembly of the LSm complex, however, is less well studied. Here, we solved the 2.5 Å-resolution structure of the LSm assembly intermediate that contains LSm5, LSm6, and LSm7. The three monomers display the canonical Sm fold and arrange into a hexameric LSm657-657 ring. We show that the order of the LSm proteins within the ring is consistent with the order of the related SmE, SmF, and SmG proteins in the heptameric Sm ring. Nonetheless, differences in RNA binding pockets prevent the prediction of the nucleotide binding preferences of the LSm complexes. Using high-resolution NMR spectroscopy, we confirm that LSm5, LSm6, and LSm7 also assemble into a  60-kDa hexameric ring in solution. With a combination of pull-down and NMR experiments, we show that the LSm657 complex can incorporate LSm23 in order to assemble further towards native LSm rings. Interestingly, we find that the NMR spectra of the LSm57, LSm657-657, and LSm23-657 complexes differ significantly, suggesting that the angles between the LSm building blocks change depending on the ring size of the complex. In summary, our results identify LSm657 as a plastic and functional building block on the assembly route towards the LSm1-7 and LSm2-8 complexes.  相似文献   

Structure-based protein sequence alignments of family B DNA polymerases revealed a conserved motif that is formed from interacting residues between loops from the N-terminal and palm domains and between the N-terminal loop and a conserved proline residue. The importance of the motif for function of the bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase was revealed by suppressor analysis. T4 DNA polymerases that form weak replicating complexes cannot replicate DNA when the dGTP pool is reduced. The conditional lethality provides the means to identify amino acid substitutions that restore replication activity under low-dGTP conditions either by correcting the defect produced by the first amino acid substitution or by generally increasing the stability of polymerase complexes; the second type are global suppressors that can effectively counter the reduced stability caused by a variety of amino acid substitutions. Some amino acid substitutions that increase the stability of polymerase complexes produce a new phenotype—sensitivity to the antiviral drug phosphonoacetic acid. Amino acid substitutions that confer decreased ability to replicate DNA under low-dGTP conditions or drug sensitivity were identified in the new motif, which suggests that the motif functions in regulating the stability of polymerase complexes. Additional suppressor analyses revealed an apparent network of interactions that link the new motif to the fingers domain and to two patches of conserved residues that bind DNA. The collection of mutant T4 DNA polymerases provides a foundation for future biochemical studies to determine how DNA polymerases remain stably associated with DNA while waiting for the next available dNTP, how DNA polymerases translocate, and the biochemical basis for sensitivity to antiviral drugs.  相似文献   

Protein folding is dependent on the formation and persistence of simple loops early in folding. Ease of loop formation and persistence is believed to be dependent on the steric interactions of the residues involved in loop formation. We have previously investigated this factor in the denatured state of iso-1-cytochrome c using a five-amino-acid insert in front of a unique histidine in the N-terminal region of the protein. Previously, we reported that the apparent pKa values of loop formation for the most flexible (all Gly) and least flexible (all Ala) insert were, within error, the same. We evaluate whether this observation is due to differences in the persistence of loop contacts or due to effects of local sequence sterics and main-chain hydration on the persistence length of the chain. We also test whether sequence order affects loop formation. Here, we report kinetic results coupled to further mutagenesis of the insert to discern between these possibilities.We find that the amino acid—glycine versus alanine—next to the loop forming histidine has a dominant effect on loop kinetics and equilibria. A glycine in this position speeds loop breakage relative to alanine, resulting in less stable loops. At high percentage of Gly in the insert, rates of loop formation and breakage exactly compensate, leading to a leveling out in loop stability. Loop formation rates also increase with glycine content, inconsistent with poly-Gly segments being more extended than previously suspected due to main-chain hydration or local sterics. Unlike loop breakage rates, loop formation rates are insensitive to local sequence. Together, these observations suggest that contact persistence plays a more important role in defining the “folding code” than rates of loop formation.  相似文献   

Magic-angle cross-polarization 15N nmr spectra of intact lyophilized mycelia from N.crassa cultured on media containing [15N] nitrate have been obtained at 9.12 MHz. The time development of the uptake and distribution of label into protein and amino-acid metabolites can be observed directly. Nitrate metabolism is delayed about one hour if the cells innoculating the culture are grown on nitrate-free medium.  相似文献   

Riboswitches are regulatory RNAs that control downstream gene expression in response to direct association with intracellular metabolites or metals. Typically, riboswitch aptamer domains bind to a single small-molecule metabolite. In contrast, an X-ray crystallographic structural model for the M-box riboswitch aptamer revealed the absence of an organic metabolite ligand but the presence of at least six tightly associated magnesiums. This observation agrees well with the proposed role of the M-box riboswitch in functioning as a sensor of intracellular magnesium, although additional nonspecific metal interactions are also undoubtedly required for these purposes. To gain greater functional insight into the metalloregulatory capabilities of M-box RNAs, we sought to determine whether all or a subset of the RNA-chelated magnesium ions were required for riboswitch function. To accomplish this task, each magnesium-binding site was simultaneously yet individually perturbed through random incorporation of phosphorothioate nucleotide analogues, and RNA molecules were investigated for their ability to fold in varying levels of magnesium. These data revealed that all of the magnesium ions observed in the structural model are important for magnesium-dependent tertiary structure formation. Additionally, these functional data revealed a new core of potential metal-binding sites that are likely to assist formation of key tertiary interactions and were previously unobserved in the structural model. It is clear from these data that M-box RNAs require specific binding of a network of metal ions for partial fulfillment of their metalloregulatory functions.  相似文献   

整合因子复合物(integrator complex,INT)的发现极大地拓展了对小核RNA转录成熟和基因转录调控的认知,也重新掀起了相关领域的研究热潮.INT是1个至少由14个亚基组成、分子量超过1.4 MD的蛋白质复合物.它一方面通过内切酶活性切割转录本,执行功能;另一方面与PP2A磷酸酶结合,调节RNA聚合酶Ⅱ上...  相似文献   

The restriction endonuclease fold [a three-layer α-β sandwich containing variations of the PD-(D/E)XK nuclease motif] has been greatly diversified during evolution, facilitating its use for many biological functions. Here we characterize DNA binding and cleavage by the PD-(D/E)XK homing endonuclease I-Ssp6803I. Unlike most restriction endonucleases harboring the same core fold, the specificity profile of this enzyme extends over a long (17 bp) target site. The DNA binding and cleavage specificity profiles of this enzyme were independently determined and found to be highly correlated. However, the DNA target sequence contains several positions where binding and cleavage activities are not tightly coupled: individual DNA base-pair substitutions at those positions that significantly decrease cleavage activity have minor effects on binding affinity. These changes in the DNA target sequence appear to correspond to substitutions that uniquely increase the free energy change between the ground state and the transition state, rather than simply decreasing the overall DNA binding affinity. The specificity of the enzyme reflects constraints on its host gene and limitations imposed by the enzyme's quaternary structure and illustrate the highly diverse repertoire of DNA recognition specificities that can be adopted by the related folds surrounding the PD-(D/E)XK nuclease motif.  相似文献   

Precursor mRNA is complexed with proteins in the cell nucleus to form heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP), and these hnRNPs are found associated in vivo with small nuclear RNPs (snRNPs) for the processing of pre-mRNA. In order to better characterize the ATP-independent initial association of U1 snRNP with hnRNP, an important early event in assembly of the spliceosome complex, we have determined some of the components essential to an in vitro reassociation of U1 snRNP with hnRNP. U1 snRNP reassociated in vitro with 40S hnRNP particles from HeLa cells and, similar to the in vivo hnRNP/U1 snRNP association, the in vitro interaction was sensitive to high salt concentrations. U1 snRNP also associated with in vitro reconstituted hnRNP in which bacteriophage MS2 RNA, which lacks introns, was used as the RNA component. Purified snRNA alone would not associate with the MS2 RNA-reconstituted hnRNP, however, intact U1 snRNP did interact with protein-free MS2 RNA. This indicates that the U1 snRNP proteins are required for the hnRNP/U1 snRNP association, but hnRNP proteins are not. Thus, the initial, ATP-independent association of U1 snRNP with hnRNP seems to be mediated by U1 snRNP protein(s) associating with hnRNA without requiring a splice-site sequence. This complex may then be further stabilized by intron-specific interactions and hnRNP proteins, as well as by other snRNPs.  相似文献   

Stable RNAs must fold into specific three-dimensional structures to be biologically active, yet many RNAs form metastable structures that compete with the native state. Our previous time-resolved footprinting experiments showed that Azoarcus group I ribozyme forms its tertiary structure rapidly (τ < 30 ms) without becoming significantly trapped in kinetic intermediates. Here, we use stopped-flow fluorescence spectroscopy to probe the global folding kinetics of a ribozyme containing 2-aminopurine in the loop of P9. The modified ribozyme was catalytically active and exhibited two equilibrium folding transitions centered at 0.3 and 1.6 mM Mg2+, consistent with previous results. Stopped-flow fluorescence revealed four kinetic folding transitions with observed rate constants of 100, 34, 1, and 0.1 s− 1 at 37 °C. From comparison with time-resolved Fe(II)-ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid footprinting of the modified ribozyme under the same conditions, these folding transitions were assigned to formation of the IC intermediate, tertiary folding and docking of the nicked P9 tetraloop, reorganization of the P3 pseudoknot, and refolding of nonnative conformers, respectively. The footprinting results show that 50-60% of the modified ribozyme folds in less than 30 ms, while the rest of the RNA population undergoes slow structural rearrangements that control the global folding rate. The results show how small perturbations to the structure of the RNA, such as a nick in P9, populate kinetic folding intermediates that are not observed in the natural ribozyme.  相似文献   

In the liver of rats fed the azocarcinogen 3'-methyl-4-dimethylaminoazobenzene (3'MeDAB) reiterated RNA sequence transcribed from middle repetitive DNA are released into the cytoplasm. The same repetitive nucleotide sequences can be isolated from the chromatin of the liver of control animals in the form of metabolically highly active, 13 000 daltons RNA. This small, chromatin-associated RNA originates from nuclear RNA larger than 10 S. The discontinuation of the feeding of the azocarcinogen will not stop the release of the nuclear reiterated RNA sequences into the cytoplasm. The repetitive sequences of nuclear RNA which are released into the cytoplasm in animals fed the azocarcinogen can no longer be found in the chromatin in the form of small RNA molecules. The results can be explained by the assumption that the reiterated RNA sequences are involved in the upholding of RNA processing. A cell-specific processing of RNA will be maintained by the interaction of reiterated RNA fragments from already processed RNA with the reiterated complementary sequences on RNA yet to be processed. Existence of such a feed-back circuit would make it possible to explain how a temporary interference of the azocarcinogen with RNA processing will result in the disappearance of specific reiterated RNA sequences from the chromatin. It could also explain the continuation of the release of the same repeated RNA sequences into the cytoplasm as part of larger RNA molecules even after the removal of the carcinogen.  相似文献   

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