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Continuous recordings of the effect of light on oat (Avena sativa L. cv. Victory) coleoptile and pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska) epicotyl growth were made. Using a single excised coleoptile 10 minutes of red light was found to promote growth after a latent period of 46 minutes. The stimulation was transient and was not far red-reversible. Blue and far red light also promoted growth with similar kinetics. The action of continuous red or far red light was similar to that of 10-minute light. The growth of the intact pea third internode (as well as excised segments) was strongly inhibited by red light, with a latent period of 80 minutes. This effect was far red-reversible, and far red and blue light caused only a slight inhibition of growth.  相似文献   

Idam Arif  Ian A. Newman 《Planta》1993,189(3):377-383
Elongation growth of plant cells occurs by stretching of cell walls under turgor pressure when intermolecular bonds in the walls are temporarily loosened. The acid-growth theory predicts that wall loosening is the result of wall acidification because treatments (including IAA and fusicoccin) that cause lowered wall pH cause elongation. However, conclusive evidence that IAA primarily reduces wall pH has been lacking. Calcium has been reported to stiffen the cell walls. We have used a microelectrode ion-flux measuring technique to observe directly, and non-invasively, the net fluxes of protons and calcium from split coleoptiles of oats (Avena sativa L.) in unbuffered solution. Normal net fluxes are 10 nmol · m−2 · s−1 proton efflux and zero calcium flux. The toxin fusicoccin (1 μM) causes immediate efflux from tissue not only of protons, but also of calcium, about 110 nmol · m−2 · s−1 in each case. The data fit the “weak acid Donnan Manning” model for ion exchange in the cell wall. Thus we associate the known “acid-growth” effect of fusicoccin with the displacement of calcium from the wall by exchange for protons extruded from the cytoplasm. Application of 10 μM IAA causes proton efflux to increase transiently by about 15 nmol · m−2 · s−1 with a lag of about 10 min. The calcium influx decreases immediately to an efflux of about 20 nmol · m−2 · s−1. It appears that auxin too causes an “acid-growth” effect, with extruded protons exchanging for calcium in the cell walls. I. Arif is currently recieving an AIDAB scholarship. This work was supported by an Australian Research Council grant to I.A. Newman.  相似文献   

Evidence for bound phytochrome in oat seedlings   总被引:14,自引:7,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Phytochrome is consistently observed in pellets centrifuged from homogenates of etiolated, 5-day-old oat seedlings. The majority of pigment associated with the pellet cannot be removed by buffer washes, nor can appreciable quantities of additional phytochrome be adsorbed onto the sedimented material. Over 70% of phytochrome in the pellet is released by 1% Triton X-100.  相似文献   

E. Hofmann  V. Speth  E. Schäfer 《Planta》1990,180(3):372-377
The intracellular localisation of phytochrome in oat (Avena sativa L. cv. Garry Oat) coleoptiles was analysed by electron microscopy. Serial ultrathin sections of resin-embedded material were indirectly immunolabeled with polyclonal antibodies against phytochrome together with a gold-coupled second antibody. The limits of detectability of sequestered areas of phytochrome (SAPs) were analysed as a function of light pretreatments and amounts of the far-red absorbing form of phytochrome (Pfr) established. In 5-d-old dark-grownAvena coleoptiles SAPs were not detectable if less than 13 units of Pfr — compared with 100 units total phytochrome of 5-d-old dark-grown seedlings — were established by a red light pulse. In other sets of experiments, seedlings were preirradiated either with a non-saturating red light pulse to allow destruction to occur or with a saturating red followed by a far-red light pulse to induce first SAP formation and then its disaggregation. These preirradiations resulted in an increase of the limit of detectability of SAP formation after a second red light pulse to 38–41 and 19–23 units Pfr, respectively. We conclude that with respect to Pfr-induced SAP formation an adaptation process exists and that our data indicate that SAP formation is not a simple self-aggregation of newly formed Pfr.Abbreviations FR far-red light - Pfr, Pr far-red-absorbing and red-absorbing forms of phytochrome, respectively - Plot total phytochrome (Pfr + Pr) - R red light - SAP sequestered areas of phytochrome This work was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 206). The competent technical assistance of Karin Fischer is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Modulation of a mitochondrial function by oat phytochrome in vitro   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Cedel TE 《Plant physiology》1980,66(4):704-709
Previous data in the literature have indicated that phytochrome could alter the rate of reduction of exogenously added NADP by a pea mitochondrial preparation in vitro. These results could not be duplicated using a mitochondrial preparation isolated from etiolated oat seedlings. Further experimentation demonstrated that the addition of Pr to the preparation, in combination with a far red light illumination, could significantly reduce the rate of oxidation of NADH by the external dehydrogenases of oat mitochondria. This response was characterized by a 15% decrease in reaction velocity at saturating substrate concentrations and a 2-fold increase in apparent Km as compared to values obtained after Pfr plus red light treatment. The response was photoreversible, the rate of oxidation of exogenous NADH being determined by the last light illumination given to the mitochondrial preparation. The interaction between phytochrome and the mitochondria was apparently occurring at the level of the inner mitochondrial membrane. A requirement for these results was that the mitochondria be isolated from plants that were illuminated with white or red light before extraction; mitochondria from unirradiated plants showed no dehydrogenase response to treatments with phytochrome plus actinic light.  相似文献   

V. Speth  V. Otto  E. Schäfer 《Planta》1986,168(3):299-304
We have analysed the intracellular localisation of phytochrome in oat coleoptile cells by electron microscopy and confirm and extend light-microscopical findings of previous authors. We used indirect immuno-labeling with polyclonal antibodies against 60-KDa phytochrome from etiolated oat seedlings, and a gold-coupled second antibody, on ultrathin sections of LR-white-embedded material. In dark-grown seedlings, phytochrome-labeling is distributed diffusely throughout the cytoplasm. Organelles and membranes are not labeled. After photoconversion of the red-absorbing form of phytochrome to the far-red absorbing form (Pfr) (5-min red light; 660 nm), the label is sequestered uniquely in electron-dense areas within the cytoplasm. These areas are irregularly shaped, are often located in the vicinity of the vacuole, are not surrounded by a membrane, exclude cellular organelles and ribosomes and are not found in dark-grown material; an immediate 5-min farred light pulse after the red light does not cause these structures to disappear. After a dark period of 3–4 h following red-light irradiation, these electron-dense structures disappear together with any specific labeling. We suggest a Pfr-induced aggregation of an unknown, phytochrome-binding protein or proteins.Abbreviations Pr and Pfr phytochrome in its red and far-red absorbing form, respectively  相似文献   

The effect of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) on Ca2+ release from microsomes of corn coleoptiles was investigated. Addition of micromolar concentrations of IP3 to Ca2+ loaded microsomes resulted in rapid release of 20-30% of sequestered Ca2+. Maximal and half maximal Ca2+ release occurred at 20 and 8 microM of IP3 respectively. Part of the Ca2+ released by IP3 was reaccumulated into microsomes within 4 min. The amount of Ca2+ released by IP3 was found to be dependent on free Ca2+ concentration in the incubation medium at the time of release. Maximum Ca2+ release was observed around 0.1 microM free Ca2+ concentration in the assay medium. These data suggest that IP3 might act as a second messenger in plants in a manner similar to animal systems by altering cytosolic levels of calcium.  相似文献   

Influence of red light and acetylcholine on 45Ca2+ uptake by oat coleoptile cells was examined. It was found that the uptake is passive in darkness, while short, 10–15 min. exposure of coleoptile sections to red light or treatment with acetylcholine solution increases the rate of 45Ca2+ uptake from the medium. Calcium channel blockers, La3+ and Verapamil, hinder 45Ca2+ uptake in darkness and neutralize the stimulative influence of red light and acetylcholine.  相似文献   

Synthesis of growth-limiting proteins (GLP) is required for continued auxin-induced elongation of oat (Avena sativa L.) coleoptiles. In order to determine whether GLP synthesis is dependent or independent of auxin, a double-labeling ratio technique, coupled with disc-gel electrophoresis, has been used to assess the effect of auxin on the pattern of protein synthesis. Sections were peeled to enhance amino-acid uptake; proteins were labeled with [14C]- or [3H] leucine in the presence or absence of indole-3-acetic acid for 40 min to 6 h, and were separated into soluble, membrane-associated, and wall-associated fractions. Regardless of the conditions used, or the protein fraction examined, no changes in response to auxin were detected in the pattern of protein synthesis. In order to escape detection by this technique an auxin-induced protein would have to comprise less than 0.75% of the total newly synthesized protein. Thus the synthesis of GLP appears to be independent of auxin. The same technique has been used to follow protein turnover. During the chase, proteins are initially degraded at an average rate of 8% h?1, and some protein bands showed as much as 14% h?1 degradation. No protein was detected which had a turnover rate as rapid as the GLP.  相似文献   

Cholinesterases in the oat cell were found to be distributed in the cell wall (50%) and cytoplasm (42%). Activity of the cytosolic enzyme was inhibited about 80% by 1 mM Ca2+. The enzyme activity was also inhibited by Mn2+, but no inhibition by Mg2+ was observed. Effects of red light and calcium ion on the enzyme activity were investigated in vivo to confirm the involvement of phytochrome action in the regulation process of this enzyme via Ca2+. It was observed that inhibition by red light only occurs when external Ca2+ existed in the cell medium. Based on a previous report (8) that red light stimulates the influx of Ca2+ into the cytosol of oat cell, inhibition of the enzyme activity by irradiation of red light can be suggested to occur via the influx of Ca2+.  相似文献   

Summary Parenchymal cells of oat (Avena sativa) coleoptiles had an osmotic concentration of 410 mM (determined by plasmolysis); of this only 22 mM was K+ and 1 mM Na+ (flame photometry). Cells were impaled with micropipette electrodes. Iontophoretic injection of the dye Niagara sky-blue from the micropipette showed that the tip of the electrode penetrated the vacuole. When sections of tissue were immersed in a solution of 22 mM KCl, 1 mM CaCl2, and 50 mM glucose, average membrane potential was found to be 38.5 mV inside negative specific membrane resistance was 510 cm2, and specific membrane capacitance, 2 f cm-2. The cell membranes showed <25% retification and no electrical excitability. Electrotonic coupling of adjacent cells could not be demonstrated.  相似文献   

A library of 50 hybridomas which make antibodies to oat phytochrome was produced from the fusion of spleen cells from immunized Balb/c mice with P3x63Ag8 myeloma cells. Hybridomas were selected in a medium containing hypoxanthine, aminopterin, and thymidine, and specific hybridomas were screened for production of antibodies to phytochrome using a solid-phase enzyme-linked immunoadsorbent assay which was antigen specific. Positive cultures were cloned three times by limit dilution to assure monoclonal growth and stability. Specificity toward phytochrome was established by Western blot analysis and immunoprecipitation. Epitope specificity of nine monoclonal antibodies was determined by competitive inhibition radioimmunoassays and/or comparative immunoblots of tryptic peptides of phytochrome.  相似文献   

Auxin-induced cell elongation in oat coleoptile segments was inhibited by galactose; removal of galactose restored growth. Galactose did not appear to affect the following factors which modify cell elongation: auxin uptake, auxin metabolism, osmotic concentration of cell sap, uptake of tritium-labeled water, auxin-induced wall loosening as measured by a decrease in the minimum stress-relaxation time and auxininduced glucan degradation. Galactose markedly prevented incorporation of [14C]-glucose into cellulosic and non-cellulosic fractions of the cell wall. It was concluded that galactose inhibited auxin-induced long-term elongation of oat coleoptile segments by interfering with cell wall synthesis.  相似文献   

Abstract. Avena sativa L. (oat) seedings were grown 4 d in continuous white light followed by 3 d in darkness. Probes derived from an oat phytochrome cDNA clone (pAP 3.2) were used in slot blot analyses to measure the abundance of phytochrome mRNA in the distinct etiolated and green portions of the leaves produced by these seedlings. Both the green and etiolated portions accumulated phytochrome mRNA to a level of about 85% of the etiolated seedling level. Subsequent experiments with similar seedlings showed that both the green and etiolated portions were capable of inducing a dramatic decline in phytochrome mRNA abundance in response to a saturating red light pulse. Despite the ability of green portions of oat leaves to accumulate phytochrome mRNA and to down-regulate phytochrome mRNA abundance in response to light, no substantial variation in phytochrome mRNA abundance was observed in green oat seedlings maintained on a 12-h day/12-h night cycle. In the same oat seedlings, the abundance of chlorophyll a/b binding protein mRNA fluctuated dramatically during the day/night cycle.  相似文献   

The loading of quin2 into oat protoplasts was carried out in an incubation medium (0.6 M sorbitol, 1 mM CaCl2, 5 mM Mes, 5 mM Tris, 0.05% BSA, 1 mM KCl, 1 mM MgSO4 (pH 6.8)), in which we found the best viability of the protoplast and the highest membrane permeability of quin2/AM, compared with the results obtained from any other incubation medium we had tried to use. 50 microns of quin2/AM was added in the suspension medium containing 5 x 10(5)/ml of oat protoplasts, and incubation at 4 degrees C was performed for 24 h. From atomic absorption data, we confirmed that quin2 loading was 1.78 mmol per liter of cells. Red-light (660 nm) irradiation for 5 min caused an increase of the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration from 30 to 193 nM. On the other hand, a subsequent irradiation with far-red light (730 nm) for 5 min decreased it by about 48 nM. Even when the extracellular Ca2+ was completely chelated with 1 mM EDTA, red light increased the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration by about 51 nM and far-red light decreased it to 3 nM. These results imply that the Pfr form of phytochrome functions not only in the process of influx of Ca2+, but also in the mobilization process of Ca2+ from the intracellular Ca2+ pools. The fact that the Pr form of phytochrome lowers the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration is also presented in this report.  相似文献   

The activity of a Mg(2+)-dependent ATPase present in highly purified preparations of Avena mitochondria was photoreversibly modulated by red/far-red light treatments. These results were obtained either with mitochondria isolated from plants irradiated with white light prior to the extraction or with mitochondria isolated from unirradiated plants only when purified phytochrome was exogenously added to the reaction mixture. Red light, which converts phytochrome to the far red-absorbing form (Pfr) depressed the ATPase activity, and far-red light reversed this effect. Addition of exogenous CaCl2 also depressed the ATPase activity, and the kinetics of inhibition were similar to the kinetics of the Pfr effects on the ATPase. The calcium chelator, ethyleneglycol-bis(beta-amino-ethyl ether)-N,N' -tetraacetic acid, blocked the effects of both CaCl2 and Pfr on the ATPase. These results are consistent with the interpretation that Pfr promotes a release of Ca2+ from the mitochondrial matrix, thereby inducing an increase in the concentration of intermembranal and extramitochondrial Ca2+.  相似文献   

V. Speth  V. Otto  E. Schäfer 《Planta》1987,171(3):332-338
The intracellular localisation of phytochrome and ubiquitin in irradiated oat coleoptiles was analysed by electron microscopy. We applied indirect immunolabeling with polyclonal antibodies against phytochrome from etiolated oat seedlings or polyclonal antibodies against ubiquitin from rabbit reticulocytes, together with a goldcoupled second antibody, on serial ultrathin sections of resin-embedded material. Immediately after a 5-min pulse of red light-converting phytochrome from the red-absorbing (Pr) to the far-redabsorbing (Pfr) form-the label for phytochrome was found to be sequestered in electron-dense areas. For up to 2 h after irradiation, the size of these areas increased with increasing dark periods. The ubiquitin label was found in the same electrondense areas only after a dark period of 30 min. A 5 min pulse of far-red light, which reverts Pfr to Pr, given immediately after the red light did not cause the electron-dense structures to disappear; moreover, they contained the phytochrome label immediately after the far-red pulse. In contrast, after the reverting far-red light pulse, ubiquitin could only be visualised in the electron-dense areas after prolonged dark periods (i.e. 60 min). The relevance of these data to light-induced phytochrome pelletability and to the destruction of both Pr and Pfr is discussed.Abbreviations FR far-red light; Pfr - Pr far-red-absorbing and red-absorbing forms of phytochrome, respectively - R red light  相似文献   

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