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病毒编码的转录后沉默抑制蛋白   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
燕飞  成卓敏 《生命的化学》2004,24(4):281-284
转录后水平沉默是植物体内天然存在的抗病毒防御机制,该机制基于双链RNA诱导的RNA干扰过程特异性降解植物病毒在体内复制时产生的双链RNA中间体,从而终止病毒的复制及扩散。而病毒在长期与植物体的互作进化过程中通过表达产生沉默抑制蛋白,也建立了针对寄主沉默机制的抗“防御”系统。  相似文献   

昆虫RNA沉默抗病毒机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴萍  郭锡杰  周加春 《昆虫学报》2011,54(8):927-932
RNA沉默是昆虫用来抵御病毒入侵的一种普遍而又进化保守的防御机制, 而昆虫病毒也会相应地编码沉默抑制子来破坏宿主的防御功能。本文主要结合果蝇的相关研究成果对昆虫RNA沉默抗病毒机制、 RNA沉默抑制子的作用特征及宿主与病毒的共进化关系做一综述。研究表明, 由小干扰RNA (small interfering RNAs, siRNA)介导的RNA干扰在果蝇抗病毒防御机制中发挥重要作用。果蝇中Dicer-2(Dcr-2), argonaute-2(AGO2)和双链RNA结合蛋白R2D2是siRNA干扰途径中的3个关键组分, 这3个基因的缺失或突变会显著提高果蝇对RNA病毒的感受性。此外, 果蝇中还鉴定了其他与RNA干扰密切相关的基因, 如vasa intronic gene, aubergine, armitage, rm62 和piwi, 它们在抗病毒感染中同样发挥重要作用。果蝇病毒中已鉴定出3种RNA沉默病毒抑制子(viral suppressors of RNAi, VSRs), 分别为果蝇FHV病毒沉默抑制子FHV-B2、 果蝇C病毒沉默抑制子DCV-1A及果蝇CrPV病毒沉默抑制子CrPV-1A。FHV-B2和DCV-1A通过与dsRNA或siRNA结合抑制RNA沉默, 而CrPV-1A通过与AGO2结合阻止RISC的形成抑制RNA沉默。在漫长的进化过程中, 病毒和宿主相互博弈, 协同进化。昆虫抗病毒沉默途径中的关键组分通过保持持续和快速进化来对抗高度变异的VSRs。  相似文献   

RNA沉默技术及其在烟草抗病毒研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
RNA沉默技术是一项基因沉默新技术。在抗病毒研究中,人为地将与病毒或宿主基因(宿主基因编码的蛋白质对病毒很重要而对宿主本身作用很小或不起作用)同源的双链RNA(double strand RNA,dsRNA)导入生物体内,引起与其同源的基因发生沉默,从而抑制病毒复制,达到抗病毒的目的。因此,RNA沉默技术技术在抗病毒研究中倍受关注,并取得了显著成绩。主要对RNA沉默技术的相关知识及其在烟草抗病毒中的应用进展作一综述。  相似文献   

RNAi的抗病毒研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
RNA干扰(RNA interference,RNAi)是真核生物中的特异核苷酸序列产生的基因沉默现象,被认为有抑制病毒复制的功能。最近的研究表明,通过诱导RNAi可以抑制多种病毒的复制,包括人类免疫缺陷病毒Ⅰ型,乙型肝炎病毒,丙型肝炎病毒,登革热病毒,脊髓灰质炎病毒,流感病毒,口蹄疫病毒和重症急性呼吸综合征病毒等。总结了目前运用RNA干扰技术抑制病毒复制的研究进展,展望基于RNAi技术的抗病毒治疗的可能性。  相似文献   

RNA沉默在动植物进化中起着重要作用,具有抵抗病毒入侵、抑制转座子活动等作用,并调控蛋白编码基因的表达。该文着重对RNA沉默现象的作用机制和模式、功能及其应用前景作一综述。  相似文献   

布尼亚病毒科含5个属, 350多种病毒, 寄主范围包括植物、动物和人类, 主要通过节肢动物传播(仅有汉坦病毒属通过啮齿动物传播), 其中大部分病毒危害严重, 影响农业生产, 威胁人类和动物健康, 造成重大经济损失。NSs蛋白是布尼亚病毒S RNA编码的非结构蛋白质, 可以抑制RNA沉默, 在侵染介体和寄主的过程中起时发挥重要作用。在植物寄主中, NSs蛋白通过与病毒dsRNA结合、抑制dsRNA次生扩增、长距离传播等机制抑制RNA沉默; 在动物、人类寄主以及传播介体中, 多种证据表明, NSs蛋白也能抑制RNA沉默。RNA沉默是植物和节肢动物中主要的抗病毒机制之一, NSs蛋白抑制RNA沉默对于病毒成功侵染寄主或传播介体非常重要。本文就近年来NSs蛋白在抑制RNA沉默方面的研究做一综述。  相似文献   

自从在哺乳动物细胞中发现存在RNA干扰现象以来,RNA干扰技术也应用于抗病毒研究.通过多种形式诱发的RNA干扰对细胞中病毒的复制或病毒基因的表达都产生了有效的抑制,为病毒病的预防和治疗提供了新的途径.然而,一些因素制约着RNA干扰的潜在应用,如在RNA干扰压力下病毒逃逸株的出现,有的病毒可以编码RNA干扰抑制因子以及小干扰RNA的脱靶效应等.  相似文献   

RNA干扰在抗病毒研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

RNA干扰与技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
RNA干扰(RNA interference,RNAi)是由双链RNA诱导的、序列特异的基因沉默机制。它是自然存在于植物、线虫和果蝇中抵抗外来基因(包括病毒、转座子)入侵的方式。在哺乳动物细胞中,能够人工诱导RNA干扰,沉默有同源序列基因表达。这一新技术具有特异性、高效性。因此,正被用来研究人类基因组的功能、肿瘤和抗病毒感染等。  相似文献   

金冬雁 《生命的化学》2007,27(2):105-108
抗病毒作用是RNA干扰(RNAi)在植物及低等动物中的一个重要功能。一方面,宿主细胞编码并表达短干扰RNA(siRNA),对入侵细胞的病毒产生抑制作用;另一方面,病毒编码并表达特定的RNA或蛋白质,以对抗宿主细胞的RNAi。在部分脊椎动物病毒中已经发现多种由病毒编码的微RNA(miRNA),它们对病毒及细胞基因的表达有重要的调节作用。同时,某些细胞miRNA也可影响脊椎动物病毒的复制。然而,RNAi在脊椎动物细胞中是否具有广谱抗病毒活性、脊椎动物病毒又是否普遍编码miRNA及普遍具备拮抗RNAi的机制?目前尚无定论,有待于进一步的研究加以阐明。  相似文献   

RNA沉默在植物生物逆境反应中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢兆辉 《遗传》2010,32(6):561-570
RNA沉默是真核生物共有的基因表达调节机制和防御机制。在植物RNA沉默中, 一些小RNAs, 如微小 RNAs和小干扰RNAs, 在植物防御病毒、细菌或食草动物的反应中具有重要作用。为了抑制宿主的RNA沉默系统, 植物病毒或细菌进化出了在RNA沉默不同阶段起作用的病毒沉默抑制子或细菌沉默抑制子, 来克服寄主的RNA沉默反应。文章就植物RNA沉默、病毒沉默抑制子、细菌沉默抑制子及其相关防御反应的一些新进展做一概述。  相似文献   

转录后基因沉默与植物的病毒抗性   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
转录后基因沉默(PTGS)是近10年发现的一种生物(特别是真核生物)细胞抵抗外来核酸入侵及保持生物自身基因组完整性的防御机制,特别是与生物的病毒抗性密切相关。PTGS最初在植物内发现,近几年又分别在真菌、动物等生物细胞内发现。经过10年的研究,我们对PTGS的机制和特点有了相当的了解。这不但对深入地了解基因的表达调控机制意义重大,而且还可为人们如何调控和利用PTGS奠定了基础。本文从PTGS的特点、PTGS与病毒抗性、PTGS在真核生物内发生的广泛性等方面进行综述,并对PTGS发生的机制进行了讨论。  相似文献   

RNA silencing plays a critical role in plant resistance against viruses, with multiple silencing factors participating in antiviral defense. Both RNA and DNA viruses are targeted by the small RNA-directed RNA degradation pathway, with DNA viruses being also targeted by RNA-directed DNA methylation. To evade RNA silencing, plant viruses have evolved a variety of counter-defense mechanisms such as expressing RNA-silencing suppressors or adopting silencing-resistant RNA structures. This constant defense-counter defense arms race is likely to have played a major role in defining viral host specificity and in shaping viral and possibly host genomes. Recent studies have provided evidence that RNA silencing also plays a direct role in viral disease induction in plants, with viral RNA-silencing suppressors and viral siRNAs as potentially the dominant players in viral pathogenicity. However, questions remain as to whether RNA silencing is the principal mediator of viral pathogenicity or if other RNA-silencing-independent mechanisms also account for viral disease induction. RNA silencing has been exploited as a powerful tool for engineering virus resistance in plants as well as in animals. Further understanding of the role of RNA silencing in plant-virus interactions and viral symptom induction is likely to result in novel anti-viral strategies in both plants and animals.  相似文献   

Li HW  Ding SW 《FEBS letters》2005,579(26):5965-5973
RNA silencing or RNA interference (RNAi) refers to the small RNA-guided gene silencing mechanism conserved in a wide range of eukaryotic organisms from plants to mammals. As part of this special issue on the biology, mechanisms and applications of RNAi, here we review the recent advances on defining a role of RNAi in the responses of invertebrate and vertebrate animals to virus infection. Approximately 40 miRNAs and 10 RNAi suppressors encoded by diverse mammalian viruses have been identified. Assays used for the identification of viral suppressors and possible biological functions of both viral miRNAs and suppressors are discussed. We propose that herpes viral miRNAs may act as specificity factors to initiate heterochromatin assembly of the latent viral DNA genome in the nucleus.  相似文献   

RNA silencing is a conserved eukaryotic pathway involved in the suppression of gene expression via sequence-specific interactions that are mediated by 21–23 nt RNA molecules. During infection, RNAi can act as an innate immune system to defend against viruses. As a counter-defensive strategy, silencing suppressors are encoded by viruses to inhibit various stages of the silencing process. These suppressors are diverse in sequence and structure and act via different mechanisms. In this review, we discuss whether RNAi is a defensive strategy in mammalian host cells and whether silencing suppressors can be encoded by mammalian viruses. We also review the modes of action proposed for some silencing suppressors.  相似文献   

Gene silencing (RNA silencing) plays a fundamental role in antiviral defense in plants, fungi and invertebrates. Viruses encode proteins that suppress gene silencing to counter host defense. Viral suppressors of RNA silencing (VSRs) have been identified from almost all plant virus genera and some viruses of insects and mammals. Recent studies have revealed that VSRs counter host defense and interfere with host gene regulation by interacting with RNA or important components of the RNA silencing pathway. Here, we review the current understanding of the complex mechanisms of VSRs that have been revealed by recent studies.  相似文献   

Small RNAs, including small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), microRNAs (miRNAs) and Piwi-associated interfering RNAs (piRNAs), are powerful gene expression regulators. This RNA-mediated regulation results in sequence-specific inhibition of gene expression by translational repression and/or mRNA degradation. siRNAs and miRNAs are generated by RNase III enzymes and subsequently loaded into Argonaute protein, a key component of the RNA induced silencing complex (RISC), to form the core of the RNA silencing machinery. RNA silencing acts as an ancient cell defense system against molecular parasites, such as transgenes, viruses and transposons. RNA silencing also plays an important role in the control of development. In plants, RNA silencing serves as a potent antiviral defense system. In response, many viruses have developed strategies to suppress RNA silencing. The striking sequence diversity among viral suppressors suggests that different viral suppressors could target different components of the RNA silencing machinery at different steps in different suppressing modes. Significant progresses have been made in this field for the past 5 years on the basis of structural information derived from RNase III family proteins, Dicer fragments and homologs, Argonaute homologs and viral suppressors. In this paper, we will review the current progress on the understanding of molecular mechanisms of RNA silencing; highlight the structural principles determining the protein–RNA recognition events along the RNA silencing pathways and the suppression mechanisms displayed by viral suppressors.  相似文献   

为了研究中国胜红蓟黄脉病毒(Ageratum yellow vein Chin virus,AYVCNV)和假马鞭曲叶病毒(Stachytarpheta leafcurl virus,StaLCV)C4蛋白的功能,利用烟草脆裂病毒(Tobacco rattle virus,TRV)载体在本氏烟(Nicotianabenthamiana)中分别表达了这两种病毒的C4蛋白,结果发现它们均能在本氏烟中引起类似于病毒侵染的症状,推测AYVCNV和StaLCV的C4蛋白是病毒的致病因子;在RNA沉默的抑制试验中,AYVCNV和StaLCV的C4蛋白均能够在表达gfp基因的转基因本氏烟(16c)上抑制由gfp基因正义链引起的基因沉默的建立,证明它们都是RNA沉默的抑制子。  相似文献   

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