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Cassava is the second most important staple food crop in terms of per capita calories consumed in Africa and holds potential for climate change adaptation. Unfortunately, productivity in East and Central Africa is severely constrained by two viral diseases: cassava mosaic disease (CMD) and cassava brown streak disease (CBSD). CBSD was first reported in 1936 from northeast Tanzania. For approximately 70 years, CBSD was restricted to coastal East Africa and so had a relatively low impact on food security compared with CMD. However, at the turn of the 21st century, CBSD re‐emerged further inland, in areas around Lake Victoria, and it has since spread through many East and Central African countries, causing high yield losses and jeopardizing the food security of subsistence farmers. This recent re‐emergence has attracted intense scientific interest, with studies shedding light on CBSD viral epidemiology, sequence diversity, host interactions and potential sources of resistance within the cassava genome. This review reflects on 80 years of CBSD research history (1936–2016) with a timeline of key events. We provide insights into current CBSD knowledge, management efforts and future prospects for improved understanding needed to underpin effective control and mitigation of impacts on food security.  相似文献   

Cassava brown streak disease (CBSD) is a leading cause of cassava losses in East and Central Africa, and is currently having a severe impact on food security. The disease is caused by two viruses within the Potyviridae family: Cassava brown streak virus (CBSV) and Ugandan cassava brown streak virus (UCBSV), which both encode atypical Ham1 proteins with highly conserved inosine triphosphate (ITP) pyrophosphohydrolase (ITPase) domains. ITPase proteins are widely encoded by plant, animal, and archaea. They selectively hydrolyse mutagenic nucleotide triphosphates to prevent their incorporation into nucleic acid and thereby function to reduce mutation rates. It has previously been hypothesized that U/CBSVs encode Ham1 proteins with ITPase activity to reduce viral mutation rates during infection. In this study, we investigate the potential roles of U/CBSV Ham1 proteins. We show that both CBSV and UCBSV Ham1 proteins have ITPase activities through in vitro enzyme assays. Deep-sequencing experiments found no evidence of the U/CBSV Ham1 proteins providing mutagenic protection during infections of Nicotiana hosts. Manipulations of the CBSV_Tanza infectious clone were performed, including a Ham1 deletion, ITPase point mutations, and UCBSV Ham1 chimera. Unlike severely necrotic wild-type CBSV_Tanza infections, infections of Nicotiana benthamiana with the manipulated CBSV infectious clones do not develop necrosis, indicating that that the CBSV Ham1 is a necrosis determinant. We propose that the presence of U/CBSV Ham1 proteins with highly conserved ITPase motifs indicates that they serve highly selectable functions during infections of cassava and may represent a euphorbia host adaptation that could be targeted in antiviral strategies.  相似文献   

Maize plants selected from lines raised in South Africa, and resistant to an East African isolate of streak virus, gave rise on selfing to lines that bred true for resistance through four generations. Heterozygotes from crossing resistant by susceptible lines reacted to infection by inoculation with the vector in a manner intermediate between the parents; neither allelomorph was fully dominant. The F2 generation from the cross segregated in the expected 1:2:1 ratio. Backcrosses segregated 1:1. The evidence is interpreted as showing control of resistance by a major gene, but with modification in details of the reaction attributed to minor genes.  相似文献   

The effects of vertical and horizontal clinostating with container velocity 2 rpm and platform velocity 1 rpm on Apogee wheat resistance to wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV) were studied. For the first time the yield of grain was obtained from both, healthy and the WSMV-infected wheat plants under conditions of simulated microgravity (clinorotation) which is accounted for by the inclusion of various mechanisms in the process of plant adaptation to the factors of stresses. For the first time the stages of viral infection development were elucidated under the conditions of prolonged clinostating and the presence of the WSMV was detected in wheat plants on the 18th day after inoculation employing the method of polymerase chain reaction (PCR). In the test variant with vertical clinostating (R=1,0) the least favorable conditions for viral reproduction were identified. In the same variant the increases of the total nitrogen content in the ears were observed which may be an evidence of interferon-like protein synthesis in plant similar to the interferon system functioning in animals.  相似文献   

Isolates of parsnip yellow fleck virus (PYFV) from parsnip (P-121), celery (CV506 and CV065) and Heracleum sphondylium (Hs2) were serologically close to each other but distant from isolates from carrot (Dc2 and Dc5) and Anthriscus sylvestris (A-421 and As2), which were in turn close to each other serologically. The two groups of isolates also differed from each other in host range. Minor differences in immunological reactions and in host range and symptomatology were observed between isolates in each group. Particles of all eight isolates had similar RNA and protein compositions. The data confirm that PYFV isolates fall into two major serotypes, those from parsnip, celery and H. sphondylium belonging to the P-121 serotype and those from carrot and A. sylvestris belonging to the A-421 serotype.  相似文献   

Wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV), vectored by the wheat curl mite (Acer tulipae), is an important disease of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in the North American Great Plains. Resistant varieties have not been developed for two primary reasons. First, useful sources of resistance have not been available, and second, field screening for virus resistance is laborious and beyond the scope of most breeding programs. The first problem may have been overcome by the development of resistance to both the mite and the virus by the introgression of resistance genes from wild relatives of wheat. To help address the second problem, we have developed polymerase chain reaction (PCR) markers linked to the WSMV resistance gene Wsm1. Wsm1 is contained on a translocated segment from Agropyron intermedium. One sequence-tagged-site (STS) primer set (WG232) and one RAPD marker were found to be linked to the translocation containing Wsm1. The diagnostic RAPD band was cloned and sequenced to allow the design of specific PCR primers. The PCR primers should be useful for transferring Wsm1 into locally adapted cultivars.This is Journal Series No. J-4041 of the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station  相似文献   

A major application of RNA interference (RNAi) is envisaged for the production of virus-resistant transgenic plants. For fruit trees, this remains the most, if not the only, viable option for the control of plant viral disease outbreaks in cultivated orchards, due to the difficulties associated with the use of traditional and conventional disease-control measures. The use of RNAi might provide an additional benefit for woody crops if silenced rootstock can efficiently transmit the silencing signal to non-transformed scions, as has already been demonstrated in herbaceous plants. This would provide a great opportunity to produce non-transgenic fruit from transgenic rootstock. In this review, we scrutinise some of the concerns that might arise with the use of RNAi for engineering virus-resistant plants, and we speculate that this virus resistance has fewer biosafety concerns. This is mainly because RNAi-eliciting constructs only express small RNA molecules rather than proteins, and because this technology can be applied using plant rootstock that can confer virus resistance to the scion, leaving the scion untransformed. We discuss the main biosafety concerns related to the release of new types of virus-resistant plants and the risk assessment approaches in the application of existing regulatory systems (in particular, those of the European Union, the USA, and Canada) for the evaluation and approval of RNAi-mediated virus-resistant plants, either as transgenic varieties or as plant virus resistance induced by transgenic rootstock.  相似文献   


Key message

The resistance of durum wheat to the Wheat spindle streak mosaic virus (WSSMV) is controlled by two main QTLs on chromosomes 7A and 7B, with a huge epistatic effect.


Wheat spindle streak mosaic virus (WSSMV) is a major disease of durum wheat in Europe and North America. Breeding WSSMV-resistant cultivars is currently the only way to control the virus since no treatment is available. This paper reports studies of the inheritance of WSSMV resistance using two related durum wheat populations obtained by crossing two elite cultivars with a WSSMV-resistant emmer cultivar. In 2012 and 2015, 354 recombinant inbred lines (RIL) were phenotyped using visual notations, ELISA and qPCR and genotyped using locus targeted capture and sequencing. This allowed us to build a consensus genetic map of 8568 markers and identify three chromosomal regions involved in WSSMV resistance. Two major regions (located on chromosomes 7A and 7B) jointly explain, on the basis of epistatic interactions, up to 43% of the phenotypic variation. Flanking sequences of our genetic markers are provided to facilitate future marker-assisted selection of WSSMV-resistant cultivars.


Key message

QTL consistent across seasons were detected for resistance to cassava brown streak disease induced root necrosis and foliar symptoms. The CMD2 locus was detected in an East African landrace, and comprised two QTL.


Cassava production in Africa is compromised by cassava brown streak disease (CBSD) and cassava mosaic disease (CMD). To reduce costs and increase the precision of resistance breeding, a QTL study was conducted to identify molecular markers linked to resistance against these diseases. A bi-parental F1 mapping population was developed from a cross between the Tanzanian farmer varieties, Namikonga and Albert. A one-step genetic linkage map comprising 943 SNP markers and 18 linkage groups spanning 1776.2 cM was generated. Phenotypic data from 240 F1 progeny were obtained from two disease hotspots in Tanzania, over two successive seasons, 2013 and 2014. Two consistent QTLs linked to resistance to CBSD-induced root necrosis were identified in Namikonga on chromosomes II (qCBSDRNFc2Nm) and XI (qCBSDRNc11Nm) and a putative QTL on chromosome XVIII (qCBSDRNc18Nm). qCBSDRNFc2Nm was identified at Naliendele in both seasons. The same QTL was also associated with CBSD foliar resistance. qCBSDRNc11Nm was identified at Chambezi in both seasons, and was characterized by three peaks, spanning a distance of 253 kb. Twenty-seven genes were identified within this region including two LRR proteins and a signal recognition particle. In addition, two highly significant CMD resistance QTL (qCMDc12.1A and qCMDc12.2A) were detected in Albert, on chromosome 12. Both qCMDc12.1A and qCMDc12.2A lay within the range of markers reported earlier, defining the CMD2 locus. This is the first time that two loci have been identified within the CMD2 QTL, and in germplasm of apparent East African origin. Additional QTLs with minor effects on CBSD and CMD resistance were also identified.

Plant immunity frequently involves the recognition of pathogen-encoded avirulence (avr) factors by their corresponding plant resistance (R) proteins. This triggers the hypersensitive response (HR) where necrotic lesions formed at the site(s) of infection help restrict pathogen spread. HRT is an Arabidopsis R protein required for resistance to turnip crinkle virus (TCV). In a genetic screen for mutants compromised in the recognition of TCV's avr factor, we identified crt1 (compromised recognition of TCV), a mutant that prematurely terminates an ATPase protein. Following TCV infection, crt1 developed a spreading HR and failed to control viral replication and spread. crt1 also suppressed HR-like cell death induced by ssi4, a constitutively active R protein, and by Pseudomonas syringae carrying avrRpt2. Furthermore, CRT1 interacts with HRT, SSI4, and two other R proteins, RPS2 and Rx. These data identify CRT1 as an important mediator of defense signaling triggered by distinct classes of R proteins.  相似文献   

In this study, Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) method was used to track differences among human and animal isolates of B. pertussis, B. parapertussis and B. bronchiseptica species. One hundred and sixty representative strains of these species orginated from international and Polish bacterial collections were genotyped according to AFLP involving EcoRI/Msel and SpeI/ApaI restriction/ligation/amplification procedures. This study has confirmed high potential AFLP SpeI/ApaI procedure for intra-species differentiation of B. pertussis and B. bronchiseptica strains. Both AFLP EcoRI/MseI and SpeI/ApaI procedures have been found to be useful for species-specific classification in case of B. pertussis strains. In case of B. bronchiseptica or B. parapertussis species-specific classification, SpeI/ApaI procedure has been found more precise than EcoRI/MseI one.  相似文献   

Ten species of lupins (Lupinus spp.) were tested for resistance to cucumber mosaic cucumovirus (CMV) in field experiments where inoculation was by naturally-occurring aphid vectors, and in the glasshouse by sap or graft-inoculation. L. albus and six species of ‘rough-seeded’ lupins did not become infected with CMV either under intense inoculum pressure in the field or when graft-inoculated. Two L. hispanicus, 17 L. luteus and four L. mutabilis genotypes became infected with CMV in the field, but no infection was detected in L. hispanicus P26858 or seven L. luteus genotypes. CMV was detected at seed transmission rates of 0.2–16% in seedlings of infected L. luteus, differences in levels of seed transmission between genotypes being significant and relatively stable from year to year. Graft-inoculation of CMV to plants of six genotypes of L. luteus in which no infection was found in the field induced a systemic necrotic reaction suggesting that the resistance they carry is due to hypersensitivity. In L. hispanicus accessions P26849, P26853 and P26858, CMV sub-group II isolate SN caused necrotic spots in inoculated leaves without systemic movement, while sub-group I isolate SL infected them systemically without necrosis. Another sub-group I and two other sub-group II isolates behaved like SL in P26849 and P26853 but infected only inoculated leaves of P26858. This suggests that two strain specific hypersensitive resistance specificities are operating against CMV in L. hispanicus. When plants of L. luteus genotypes that gave hypersensitive reactions on graft-inoculation were inoculated with infective sap containing two sub-group I and seven sub-group II isolates, they all responded like L. hispanicus P26858. A strain group concept is proposed for CMV in lupins based on the two hypersensitive specificities found: strain group 1 represented by isolate SN which induces hypersensitivity with both specificities, strain group 2 represented by the three isolates which induced hypersensitivity only with the specificity present in L. luteus and L. hispanicus P26858, strain group 3 by as yet hypothetical isolates that induce hypersensitivity only in presence of the specificity in L. hispanicus P26849 and P26853 that responded just to isolate SN, and strain group 4 by isolate SL which overcomes both specificities. When F2 progeny plants from crosses between hypersensitive and susceptible L. luteus parents were inoculated with isolate SN, the resistance segregated with a 3:1 ratio (hypersensitive:susceptible), suggesting that a single dominant hypersensitivity gene, Ncm-1, is responsible. As gene Ncm-1 had broad specificity and was not overcome by any of the five CMV isolates from lupins tested, it is valuable for use in breeding CMV resistant L. luteus cultivars.  相似文献   

Ten species of lupins (Lupinus spp.) were tested for resistance to cucumber mosaic cucumovirus (CMV) in field experiments where inoculation was by naturally-occurring aphid vectors, and in the glasshouse by sap or graft-inoculation. L. albus and six species of ‘rough-seeded’ lupins did not become infected with CMV either under intense inoculum pressure in the field or when graft-inoculated. Two L. hispanicus, 17 L. luteus and four L. mutabilis genotypes became infected with CMV in the field, but no infection was detected in L. hispanicus P26858 or seven L. luteus genotypes. CMV was detected at seed transmission rates of 0.2–16% in seedlings of infected L. luteus, differences in levels of seed transmission between genotypes being significant and relatively stable from year to year. Graft-inoculation of CMV to plants of six genotypes of L. luteus in which no infection was found in the field induced a systemic necrotic reaction suggesting that the resistance they carry is due to hypersensitivity. In L. hispanicus accessions P26849, P26853 and P26858, CMV sub-group II isolate SN caused necrotic spots in inoculated leaves without systemic movement, while sub-group I isolate SL infected them systemically without necrosis. Another sub-group I and two other sub-group II isolates behaved like SL in P26849 and P26853 but infected only inoculated leaves of P26858. This suggests that two strain specific hypersensitive resistance specificities are operating against CMV in L. hispanicus. When plants of L. luteus genotypes that gave hypersensitive reactions on graft-inoculation were inoculated with infective sap containing two sub-group I and seven sub-group II isolates, they all responded like L. hispanicus P26858. A strain group concept is proposed for CMV in lupins based on the two hypersensitive specificities found: strain group 1 represented by isolate SN which induces hypersensitivity with both specificities, strain group 2 represented by the three isolates which induced hypersensitivity only with the specificity present in L. luteus and L. hispanicus P26858, strain group 3 by as yet hypothetical isolates that induce hypersensitivity only in presence of the specificity in L. hispanicus P26849 and P26853 that responded just to isolate SN, and strain group 4 by isolate SL which overcomes both specificities. When F2 progeny plants from crosses between hypersensitive and susceptible L. luteus parents were inoculated with isolate SN, the resistance segregated with a 3:1 ratio (hypersensitive:susceptible), suggesting that a single dominant hypersensitivity gene, Ncm-1, is responsible. As gene Ncm-1 had broad specificity and was not overcome by any of the five CMV isolates from lupins tested, it is valuable for use in breeding CMV resistant L. luteus cultivars.  相似文献   

The Cydia pomonella granulovirus (CpGV) has been used for many years as biological agent for codling moth control in apple orchards. Resistance to the Mexican strain of CpGV was detected in orchards in Germany, France and Italy. A laboratory insect colony was started from insects collected in a French resistant orchard. It was named RGV. Various virus isolates were identified as active against this resistant insect colony. Field tests were carried out in 2007 to test if the two virus isolates CpGV-I12 and NPP-R1 were effective in the field. Although these virus isolates were not able to reduce insect caused fruit damages, they significantly reduced the overwintering insect populations. NPP-R1 was subjected to eight passages on RGV larvae (NPP-R1.8) that improved its biological activity on RGV larvae. 2008 field trials were set up to test this improved virus strain, compared to CpGV-I12 and Madex plus active on RGV. These tests confirmed the ability to control both in susceptible and resistant insect populations.  相似文献   

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