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The crystal structure of eglin c, naturally occurring in the leech Hirudo medicinalis, is known from its complexes with various serine proteinases, but the crystallization of free eglin c has not yet been reported. A method is described for growing well-diffracting crystals of free eglin c from highly concentrated protein solutions (approximately 200 mg/ml). The space group of the orthorhombic crystals was determined to be P2(1)2(1)2(1) with unit cell parameters a = 32.6, b = 42.0, c = 44.1 A. The structure of free eglin c was resolved at 1.95 A resolution by Patterson search methods. The final model contains all 70 amino acids of eglin c and 125 water molecules. In comparison to the eglin structure known from its complexes with proteinases, only small differences have been observed in free eglin c. However, the reactive site-binding loop and a few residues on the surface of eglin have been found in different conformations due to crystal contacts. In contrast to the complex structures, the first seven amino acids of the highly flexible amino terminus can be located. Crystallographic refinement comprised molecular dynamics refinement, classical restrained least-squares refinement and individual isotropic atomic temperature refinement. The final R-factor is 15.8%.  相似文献   

The serine proteinase inhibitor (PSPI-21) isolated from potato tubers (Solanum tuberosum L.) comprises two protein species with pI 5.2 and 6.3, denoted as PSPI-21-5.2 and PSPI-21-6.3, respectively. They were separated by anion exchange chromatography on a Mono Q FPLC column. Both species tightly inhibit human leukocyte elastase, whereas their interaction with trypsin and chymotrypsin is substantially weaker. The sequences of both PSPI-21-5.2 and PSPI-21-6.3 were determined by analysis of overlapping peptides obtained from the oxidized or reduced and S-pyridylethylated proteins after digestion with trypsin or pepsin. Both species of PSPI-21 are composed of two chains, named chains A and B, which are linked by a disulfide bridge between Cys(146) and Cys(157). The other disulfide bridge is located within the A chains between Cys(48) and Cys(97). The amino acid sequences of the large A chains of the two forms, consisting of 150 amino acids residues each, differ in a single residue at position 52. The small chains B, containing 37 and 36 residues in PSPI-21-6.3 and PSPI-21-5.2, respectively, have nine different residues. The entire amino acid sequences of the two inhibitors show a high degree of homology to the other Kunitz-type proteinase inhibitors from plants.  相似文献   

Three-phase partitioning is fast developing as a novel bioseparation strategy with a wide range of applications including enzyme stability and enhancement of its catalytic activity. Despite all this, the enzyme behaviour in this process still remains unknown. A serine proteinase, proteinase K, was subjected to three-phase partitioning (TPP). A 3 ml volume of proteinase K solution (3 mg/ml in 0.05 M acetate buffer, pH 6.0) was brought to 30% (w/v) ammonium sulphate saturation by addition of saturated ammonium sulphate. tert-Butanol (6 ml) was added to this solution and the mixture was incubated at 25 degrees C for 1 h. The precipitated protein in the mid-layer was dissolved in 3 ml of 0.05 M acetate buffer, pH 6.0. The specific activity of the processed enzyme was estimated and was found to be 210% of the original enzyme activity. In order to understand the basis of this remarkable enhancement of the enzyme activity, the structure of the TPP-treated enzyme was determined by X-ray diffraction at 1.5 A resolution. The overall structure of the TPP-treated enzyme is similar to the original structure in an aqueous environment. The hydrogen bonding system of the catalytic triad is intact. However, the water structure in the substrate binding site has undergone a rearrangement as some of the water molecules are either displaced or completely absent. Two acetate ions were identified in the structure. One is located in the active site and seems to mimic the role of water in the enzyme activity and stability. The other is located at the surface of the molecule and is involved in stabilizing the local structure of the enzyme. The most striking observation in respect of the present structure pertains to a relatively higher overall temperature factor (B = 19.7 A(2)) than the value of 9.3 A(2) in the original enzyme. As a result of a higher B-factor, a number of residues, particularly their side chains, were found to adopt more than one conformation. It appears that the protein exists in an excited state which might be helping the enzyme to function more rapidly than the original enzyme in aqueous media. Summarily, the basis of increased enzymatic activity could be attributed to (i) the presence of an acetate ion at the active site and (ii) its excited state as reflected by an overall higher B-factor.  相似文献   

Water structure in a protein crystal: rubredoxin at 1.2 A resolution   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The model for rubredoxin based on X-ray diffraction data has been extensively refined with a 1.2 Å resolution data set. Water oxygen atoms were deleted from the model if B exceeded 50 Å2 and occupancy was less than 0.3 eÅ?3. The final water model consists of 127 sites with B values ranging from 15 to 6?0 Å2 and occupancies from unity down to 0.3, the most tightly bound water oxygen atoms being hydrogen bonded to two or more main-chain nitrogen or oxygen atoms. The water forms extensive hydrogen bond networks bridging the crevices on the molecular surfaces and between adjacent molecules. The minimum distances of the water sites from the protein surface are distributed about two distinct maxima, the major one at 2.5 to 3 Å and a minor one at 4 to 4.5 Å. Beyond 5? to 6 Å from the protein surface, the discrete water merges into the aqueous continuum.  相似文献   

Snake gourd proteinase A2 was rapidly inactivated by methylene blue catalysed photooxidation at pH 7.8 and 25°. The rate of inactivation was pH-dependent and became slower at lower pH values, suggesting the involvement of some histidine residues in the inactivation. Changes in amino acid composition occurred only with histidine residues. One mole or more of histidine residues in the molecule are of essential importance in the catalytic function of snake gourd proteinase A2.  相似文献   

The specificity and mode of action ofAspergillus sojae carboxyl proteinase I were investigated with the oxidized B-chain of insulin.A. sojae carboxyl proteinase I hydrolyzed primarily two peptide bonds in the oxidized B-chain of insulin, the Leu15-Tyr16 bond and the Phe24-Phe25 bond. Additional cleavage of the bond Tyr16-Leu17 was also noted.  相似文献   

Activity of the lactococcal cell envelope-located serine proteinase depends on the presence of membrane-associated lipoprotein PrtM. To differentiate between the action of the proteinase and the action of PrtM in the process of proteinase maturation, an inactive form of the lactococcal proteinase was constructed. This was done by mutating one of the three amino acids thought to constitute the active site of the enzyme. The secreted form of this inactivated proteinase was the same size as the inactive secreted form of the proteinase produced in the absence of PrtM. Both inactive proteinases are larger than the active proteinase. Isolation of proteinase by washing lactococcal cells carrying the complete proteinase gene in a Ca(2+)-free buffer was prevented by the absence of prtM or the absence of a functional active site. We propose that PrtM, during or after membrane translocation of the proteinase, effects the autoproteolytic removal of the N-terminal pro region of the proteinase. Subsequent C-terminal autodigestion results in the release of the enzyme from the lactococcal cells.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare three heparin-binding plasma proteinase inhibitors in order to identify common and unique features of heparin binding and heparin-enhanced proteinase inhibition. Experiments with antithrombin, heparin cofactor, and protein C inhibitor were performed under identical conditions in order to facilitate comparisons. Synthetic peptides corresponding to the putative heparin binding regions of antithrombin, heparin cofactor, and protein C inhibitor bound to heparin directly and interfered in heparin-enhanced proteinase inhibition assays. All three inhibitors obeyed a ternary complex mechanism for heparin-enhanced thrombin inhibition, and the optimum heparin concentration was related to the apparent heparin affinity of the inhibitor. The maximum inhibition rate and rate enhancement due to heparin appeared to be unique properties of each inhibitor. In assays with heparin oligosaccharides of known size, only the antithrombin-thrombin reaction exhibited a sharp threshold for rate enhancement at 14-16 saccharide units. Acceleration of antithrombin inhibition of factor Xa, heparin cofactor inhibition of thrombin, and protein C inhibitor inhibition of thrombin, activated protein C, and factor Xa did not require a minimum saccharide size. The differences in heparin size dependence and rate enhancement of proteinase inhibition by these inhibitors might reflect differences in the importance of the ternary complex mechanism and other mechanisms, alterations in inhibitor reactivity, and orientation effects in heparin-enhanced proteinase inhibition.  相似文献   

Chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 (CI-2), a serine proteinase inhibitor from barley seeds, has been crystallized and its three-dimensional structure determined at 2.0-A resolution by the molecular replacement method. The structure has been refined by restrained-parameter least-squares methods to a crystallographic R factor (= sigma parallel Fo magnitude of-Fo parallel/sigma magnitude of Fo) o of 0.198. CI-2 is a member of the potato inhibitor 1 family. It lacks the characteristic stabilizing disulfide bonds of most other members of serine proteinase inhibitor families. The body of CI-2 shows few conformational changes between the free inhibitor and the previously reported structure of CI-2 in complex with subtilisin Novo [McPhalen, C.A., Svendsen, I., Jonassen, I., & James, M.N.G. (1985) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 82, 7242-7246]. However, the reactive site loop has some significant conformational differences between the free inhibitor and its complexed form. The residues in this segment of polypeptide exhibit relatively large thermal motion parameters and some disorder in the uncomplexed form of the inhibitor. The reactive site bond is between Met-59I and Glu-60I in the consecutive sequential numbering of CI-2 (Met-60-Glu-61 according to the alignment of Svendsen et al. [Svendsen, I., Hejgaard, J., & Chavan, J.K. (1984) Carlsberg Res. Commun. 49, 493-502]). The network of hydrogen bonds and electrostatic interactions stabilizing the conformation of the reactive site loop is much less extensive in the free than in the complexed inhibitor.  相似文献   

Activation of prophenoloxidase (proPO) in insects is a defense mechanism against intruding microorganisms and parasites. Pattern recognition molecules induce activation of an enzymatic cascade involving serine proteinases, which leads to the conversion of proPO to active phenoloxidase (PO). Phenolic compounds produced by pPO-activation are toxic to invaders. Here, we describe the isolation of a venom protein from the parasitoid, Cotesia rubecula, injected into the host, Pieris rapae, which is homologous to serine proteinase homologs (SPH). The data presented here indicate that the protein interferes with the proteolytic cascade, which under normal circumstances leads to the activation of proPO and melanin formation.  相似文献   

R Bott  E Subramanian  D R Davies 《Biochemistry》1982,21(26):6956-6962
An X-ray diffraction analysis has been carried out at 2.5-A resolution of the three-dimensional structure of the Rhizopus chinensis carboxyl proteinase complexed with pepstatin. The resulting model of the complex supports the hypothesis [Marciniszyn, J., Hartsuck, J.A., & Tang, J. (1976) J. Biol. Chem. 251, 7088-7094] that statine (3-hydroxy-4-amino-6-methylheptanoic acid) approaches an analogue of the transition state for catalysis. The way in which pepstatin binds to the enzyme can be extended to provide a model of substrate binding and a model of the transition-state complex. This in turn has led to a proposed mechanism of action based on general acid-base catalysis with no covalent intermediates. These predictions are in general agreement with kinetic studies using several carboxyl proteinases, which together with their sequence homology and their common three-dimensional structures suggest that this mechanism can be extrapolated to all carboxyl proteinases.  相似文献   

Porcine pancreas kallikrein A has been crystallized in the presence of the small inhibitor benzamidine, yielding tetragonal crystals of space group P41212 containing two molecules per asymmetric unit. X-ray data up to 2·05 Å resolution have been collected using normal rotation anode as well as synchrotron radiation. The crystal structure of benzamidine-kallikrein has been determined using multiple isomorphous replacement techniques, and has subsequently been refined to a crystallographic R-value of 0·220 by applying a diagonal matrix least-squares energy constraint refinement procedure.Both crystallographically independent kallikrein molecules 1 and 2 are related by a non-integral screw axis and form open, heterologous “dimer” structures. The root-mean-square deviation of both molecules is 0·37 Å for all main-chain atoms. This value is above the estimated mean positional error of about 0·2 Å and reflects some significant conformational differences, especially at surface loops. The binding site of molecule 1 in the asymmetric unit is in contact with residues of molecule 2, whereas the binding site of the latter is free and accessible to the solvent. In both molecules the characteristic “kallikrein loop”, where the peptide chain of kallikrein A is cleaved, is only partially traceable. The carbohydrate attached to Asn95 in this loop, although detectable chemically, is not defined.A comparison of the refined structures of porcine kallikrein and bovine trypsin indicates spatial homology for these enzymes. The root-mean-square difference is 0·68 Å if we compare only main-chain atoms of internal segments. Remarkably large deviations are found in some external loops most of which surround the binding site and form a more compact rampart around it in kallikrein than in trypsin. This feature might explain the strongly reduced activity and accessibility of kallikrein towards large protein substrates and inhibitors (e.g. as shown by the model-building experiments on inhibitor complexes reported by Chen &; Bode. 1983).The conformation of the active site residues is very similar in both enzymes. Tyr99 of kallikrein, which is a leucyl residue in trypsin, protrudes into the binding site and interferes with the binding of peptide substrates (Chen &; Bode. 1983). The kallikrein specificity pocket is significantly enlarged compared with trypsin due to a longer peptide segment, 217 to 220, and to the unique outwards orientation of the carbonyl group of cis-Pro219. Further, the side-chain of Ser226 in porcine kallikrein, which is a glycyl residue in trypsin, partially covers Asp 189 at the bottom of the pocket. These features considerably affect the binding geometry and strength of binding of benzamidine.  相似文献   

Cho JH  Na BK  Kim TS  Song CY 《IUBMB life》2000,50(3):209-214
An extracellular proteinase of Acanthamoeba castellanii was purified and its biochemical and pathological properties were characterized. The molecular mass of the purified enzyme was approximately 42 kDa as estimated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Sephacryl S-200 HR gel-filtration chromatography. Therefore, its structure seemed to be monomeric with a single polypeptide. Its activity was inhibited by the serine proteinase inhibitors diisopropyl fluorophosphate and phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride. Its activity was optimum at 30 to 50 degrees C with a maximum at 50 degrees C; optimal pH was 8.0. As much as 70% of the enzyme activity was maintained at 50 degrees C for at least 12 h but was rapidly inactivated thereafter. The purified enzyme degraded collagen and rabbit corneal extract. Furthermore, it exhibited strong cytopathic effects on human corneal epithelial cells and fibroblast cells. These suggest the possible role of this enzyme in the pathogenesis of Acanthamoeba.  相似文献   

A previous report from our laboratory indicated that a proteinase inhibitor is produced by rabbit T lymphocytes. We now report that a human T cell line, C91/PL, produces a proteinase inhibitor which inhibits the enzymatic activity of trypsin and kallikrein. This newly identified proteinase inhibitor (LPI 1) did not inhibit the enzymatic activity of four other serine proteinases (thrombin, plasmin, chymotrypsin, or pancreatic elastase), a thiol proteinase (papain), or a carboxyl proteinase (pepsin). Active synthesis of LPI 1 by the C91/PL cell line was shown by the appearance of similar levels of inhibitory activity in sequential cell supernatants, lack of appearance of inhibitor in supernatants of cells killed by heat or sodium azide or of viable cells in the presence of cyclohexamide, and incorporation of a radiolabeled amino acid into newly synthesized inhibitor. Although both the inhibitor of rabbit origin and of human origin are proteins produced by T cells and have similar inhibitory specificity, important differences were observed: LPI 1 is sensitive to boiling and the two inhibitors migrate differently upon electrophoresis in substrate-containing polyacrylamide gel. Furthermore, LPI 1 was produced by a cell line of the T4 phenotype which had been established by in vitro viral transformation of human cord blood lymphocytes with HTLV 1 whereas the inhibitor of rabbit origin was produced by normal splenic T cells. Three other human T cell lines of the T4 phenotype, MOLT-13, KE-37, and HPB-ALL, from patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia did not produce a proteinase inhibitor. Thus, the production of proteinase inhibitors does not appear to be a general characteristic of human T cell lines nor of the T4 subset. Proteinase inhibitors produced by T cells may have an immunoregulatory role in proteinase-mediated physiological processes.  相似文献   

The S1 serine protease family is one of the largest gene families known. Within this family there are several subfamilies that have been grouped together as a result of sequence comparisons and substrate identification. The grouping of related genes allows for the speculation of function for newly found members by comparison and for novel subfamilies by contrast. Analysis of the evolutionary patterns of genes indicates whether or not orthologs are likely to be identified in other species as well as potentially indicating that hypothesized orthologs are in fact not. Looking at subtle differences between subfamily members can reveal intricacies about function and expression. Previously, we have described genes encoding two novel serine proteinases, ISP1 and ISP2, which are most closely related to tryptases. The ISP1 gene encodes the embryo-derived enzyme strypsin, which is necessary for blastocyst hatching and invasion in vitro. Additionally both ISP1 and ISP2 are co-expressed in the endometrial gland during the time of hatching, suggesting that they may also both participate in zona lysis from within the uterine lumen. Here, we demonstrate that the ISPs are tandemly linked within the tryptase cluster on 17A3.3. We suggest that remarkable similarities within the 5'-untranslated and first intron regions of ISP1 and ISP2 may explain their intimate co-regulation in uterus. We also suggest that ISP genes have evolved through gene duplication and that the ISP1 gene has also begun to adopt an additional new function in the murine preimplantation embryo.  相似文献   

Processing of the lactococcal extracellular serine proteinase.   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Activity of the lactococcal cell envelope-located serine proteinase depends on the presence of membrane-associated lipoprotein PrtM. To differentiate between the action of the proteinase and the action of PrtM in the process of proteinase maturation, an inactive form of the lactococcal proteinase was constructed. This was done by mutating one of the three amino acids thought to constitute the active site of the enzyme. The secreted form of this inactivated proteinase was the same size as the inactive secreted form of the proteinase produced in the absence of PrtM. Both inactive proteinases are larger than the active proteinase. Isolation of proteinase by washing lactococcal cells carrying the complete proteinase gene in a Ca(2+)-free buffer was prevented by the absence of prtM or the absence of a functional active site. We propose that PrtM, during or after membrane translocation of the proteinase, effects the autoproteolytic removal of the N-terminal pro region of the proteinase. Subsequent C-terminal autodigestion results in the release of the enzyme from the lactococcal cells.  相似文献   

We have determined the complete nucleotide sequence of the gene for the cell envelope-located proteinase of Lactococcus lactis SK11. The gene contains a very AT-rich promoter region followed by the coding sequence of a protein of 1962 amino acids. Comparison of the NH2-terminal amino acid sequence of the mature proteinase and the expected primary translation product of the proteinase gene indicates that the enzyme is probably synthesized as a pre-pro-protein. This is confirmed by expression studies of the proteinase gene in Escherichia coli. The amino acid sequence of the proteinase shows significant homology to a number of serine proteinases of the subtilisin family. Compared with the related proteinase of L. lactis Wg2, the proteinase of L. lactis SK11 contains a 60-amino acids duplication and a total of 44-amino acid substitutions, some of which may account for the different cleavage specificity of both enzymes. Furthermore, a region was identified in the Lactococcus proteinase, which shows homology to the membrane-anchoring domains of a number of proteins from other Gram-positive bacteria.  相似文献   

In an attempt to convert an aspartic proteinase into another class of proteinase, the catalytic residues of porcine pepsin were substituted with the catalytic triad characteristic of a serine proteinase, using trypsin as the model. Computer modeling suggested six possible sites within porcine pepsin sequence for the introduction of the catalytic triad. The six mutants of pepsin were subsequently constructed and examined for their catalytic activities. Among the six mutants, two mutants, D32S/I300H/G302D (MutI) and D32G/S35H/Y75S/I120D (MutJ), showed peptide hydrolysis activities. In comparison to the original activity of pepsin, the kinetic constants of these mutants were very low with K(m) values of 4.10 and 2.10mM, and k(0) values of 22.2 and 18.0 min(-1). In the presence of PMSF, a serine proteinase inhibitor, the activities for these mutants were inhibited by 86.5% and 80.1%, respectively, indicating that the catalytic triad of the trypsin had been successfully introduced into porcine pepsin.  相似文献   

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