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Julie Huxley-Jones Toni-Kim Clarke Christine Beck George Toubaris David L Robertson Raymond P Boot-Handford 《BMC evolutionary biology》2007,7(1):1-20
The metzincins are a large gene superfamily of proteases characterized by the presence of a zinc protease domain, and include the ADAM, ADAMTS, BMP1/TLL, meprin and MMP genes. Metzincins are involved in the proteolysis of a wide variety of proteins, including those of the extracellular matrix. The metzincin gene superfamily comprises eighty proteins in the human genome and ninety-three in the mouse. When and how the level of complexity apparent in the vertebrate metzincin gene superfamily arose has not been determined in detail. Here we present a comprehensive analysis of vertebrate metzincins using genes from both Ciona intestinalis and Danio rerio to provide new insights into the complex evolution of this gene superfamily.Results
We have identified 19 metzincin genes in the ciona genome and 83 in the zebrafish genome. Phylogenetic analyses reveal that the expansion of the metzincin gene superfamily in vertebrates has occurred predominantly by the simple duplication of pre-existing genes rather than by the appearance and subsequent expansion of new metzincin subtypes (the only example of which is the meprin gene family). Despite the number of zebrafish metzincin genes being relatively similar to that of tetrapods (e.g. man and mouse), the pattern of gene retention and loss within these lineages is markedly different. In addition, we have studied the evolution of the related TIMP gene family and identify a single ciona and four zebrafish TIMP genes.Conclusion
The complexity seen in the vertebrate metzincin gene families was mainly acquired during vertebrate evolution. The metzincin gene repertoire in protostomes and invertebrate deuterostomes has remained relatively stable. The expanded metzincin gene repertoire of extant tetrapods, such as man, has resulted largely from duplication events associated with early vertebrate evolution, prior to the sarcopterygian-actinopterygian split. The teleost repertoire of metzincin genes in part parallels that of tetrapods but has been significantly modified, perhaps as a consequence of a teleost-specific duplication event. 相似文献2.
Housekeeping genes, widely expressed genes that are required for the basal function of most cell types, are clustered in the human and worm genomes. This arrangement suggests coordinate control of housekeeping gene expression at the chromosomal level. Here we examined whether this notion is applicable to a marine chordate, Ciona intestinalis. Using microarrays, we analyzed genes that were expressed in 11 organs of the adult, including the neural complex, branchial sac, esophagus, stomach, endostyle, intestine, body-wall muscle, heart, blood cells, ovary and testis. This analysis identified 158 genes that are expressed ubiquitously in these organs. These housekeeping genes could be classified into a range of Gene Ontology categories, in particular, ribosomal protein components. Of these 158 genes, we were able to map 141 genes onto the 14 pairs of the C. intestinalis chromosomes. They were distributed rather evenly over all the chromosomes, except for small clusters containing two or three genes. Therefore, the notion of chromosomal clustering of housekeeping genes is not applicable in this chordate. 相似文献
Satou Y Mineta K Ogasawara M Sasakura Y Shoguchi E Ueno K Yamada L Matsumoto J Wasserscheid J Dewar K Wiley GB Macmil SL Roe BA Zeller RW Hastings KE Lemaire P Lindquist E Endo T Hotta K Inaba K 《Genome biology》2008,9(10):R152-11
The draft genome sequence of the ascidian Ciona intestinalis, along with associated gene models, has been a valuable research resource. However, recently accumulated expressed sequence tag (EST)/cDNA data have revealed numerous inconsistencies with the gene models due in part to intrinsic limitations in gene prediction programs and in part to the fragmented nature of the assembly.Results
We have prepared a less-fragmented assembly on the basis of scaffold-joining guided by paired-end EST and bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) sequences, and BAC chromosomal in situ hybridization data. The new assembly (115.2 Mb) is similar in length to the initial assembly (116.7 Mb) but contains 1,272 (approximately 50%) fewer scaffolds. The largest scaffold in the new assembly incorporates 95 initial-assembly scaffolds. In conjunction with the new assembly, we have prepared a greatly improved global gene model set strictly correlated with the extensive currently available EST data. The total gene number (15,254) is similar to that of the initial set (15,582), but the new set includes 3,330 models at genomic sites where none were present in the initial set, and 1,779 models that represent fusions of multiple previously incomplete models. In approximately half, 5'-ends were precisely mapped using 5'-full-length ESTs, an important refinement even in otherwise unchanged models.Conclusion
Using these new resources, we identify a population of non-canonical (non-GT-AG) introns and also find that approximately 20% of Ciona genes reside in operons and that operons contain a high proportion of single-exon genes. Thus, the present dataset provides an opportunity to analyze the Ciona genome much more precisely than ever. 相似文献7.
The sea squirt Ciona intestinalis is a well-studied model organism in developmental biology, yet little is known about its associated bacterial community. In this study, a combination of 454 pyrosequencing of 16S ribosomal RNA genes, catalyzed reporter deposition-fluorescence in situ hybridization and bacterial culture were used to characterize the bacteria living inside and on the exterior coating, or tunic, of C. intestinalis adults. The 454 sequencing data set demonstrated that the tunic bacterial community structure is different from that of the surrounding seawater. The observed tunic bacterial consortium contained a shared community of <10 abundant bacterial phylotypes across three individuals. Culture experiments yielded four bacterial strains that were also dominant groups in the 454 sequencing data set, including novel representatives of the classes Alphaproteobacteria and Flavobacteria. The relatively simple bacterial community and availability of dominant community members in culture make C. intestinalis a promising system in which to investigate functional interactions between host-associated microbiota and the development of host innate immunity. 相似文献
Manni L Agnoletto A Zaniolo G Burighel P 《Journal of experimental zoology. Part B. Molecular and developmental evolution》2005,304(4):324-339
The ascidian larva has a central nervous system which shares basic characteristics with craniates, such as tripartite organisation and many developmental genes. One difference, at metamorphosis, is that this chordate-like nervous system regresses and the adult's neural complex, composed of the cerebral ganglion and associated neural gland, forms. It is known that neural complex differentiation involves two ectodermal structures, the neurohypophysial duct, derived from the embryonic neural tube, and the stomodeum, i.e. the rudiment of the oral siphon; nevertheless, their precise role remains to be clarified. We have shown that in Ciona intestinalis, the neural complex primordium is the neurohypophysial duct, which in the early larva is a short tube, blind anteriorly, with its lumen in continuity with that of the central nervous system, i.e. the sensory vesicle. The tube grows forwards and fuses with the posterior wall of the stomodeum, a dorsal ectodermal invagination of the larva. The duct then loses posterior communication with the sensory vesicle and begins to grow on the roof of the vesicle itself. The neurohypophysial duct differentiates into the neural gland rudiment; its dorsal wall begins to proliferate neuroblasts, which migrate and converge to build up the cerebral ganglion. The most anterior part of the neural gland organizes into the ciliated duct and funnel, whereas the most posterior part elongates and gives rise to the dorsal strand. The hypothesis that the neurohypophysial duct/stomodeum complex possesses cell populations homologous to the craniate olfactory and adenohypophysial placodes and hypothalamus is discussed. 相似文献
In the early mouse embryo monocilia on the ventral node rotate to generate a leftward flow of fluid. This nodal flow is essential for the left-sided expression of nodal and pitx2, and for subsequent asymmetric organ patterning. Equivalent left fluid flow has been identified in other vertebrates, including Xenopus and zebrafish, indicating it is an ancient vertebrate mechanism. Asymmetric nodal and Pitx expression have also been identified in several invertebrates, including the vertebrates' nearest relatives, the urochordates. However whether cilia regulate this asymmetric gene expression remains unknown, and previous studies in urochordates have not identified any cilia prior to the larval stage, when asymmetry is already long established. Here we use Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy and immunofluorescence to investigate cilia in the urochordate Ciona intestinalis. We show that single cilia are transiently present on each ectoderm cell of the late neurula/early tailbud stage embryo, a time point just before onset of asymmetric nodal expression. Mapping the position of each cilium on these cells shows they are posteriorly positioned, something also described for mouse node cilia. The C. intestinalis cilia have a 9+0 ring ultrastructure, however we find no evidence of structures associated with motility such as dynein arms, radial spokes or nexin. Furthermore the 9+0 ring structure becomes disorganised immediately after the cilia have exited the cell, indicative of cilia which are not capable of motility. Our results indicate that although cilia are present prior to molecular asymmetries, they are not motile and hence cannot be operating in the same way as the flow-generating cilia of the vertebrate node. We conclude that the cilia may have a role in the development of C. intestinalis left-right asymmetry but that this would have to be in a sensory capacity, perhaps as mechanosensors as hypothesised in two-cilia physical models of vertebrate cilia-driven asymmetry. 相似文献
Neural crest-like cells (NCLC) that express the HNK-1 antigen and form body pigment cells were previously identified in diverse ascidian species. Here we investigate the embryonic origin, migratory activity, and neural crest related gene expression patterns of NCLC in the ascidian Ciona intestinalis. HNK-1 expression first appeared at about the time of larval hatching in dorsal cells of the posterior trunk. In swimming tadpoles, HNK-1 positive cells began to migrate, and after metamorphosis they were localized in the oral and atrial siphons, branchial gill slits, endostyle, and gut. Cleavage arrest experiments showed that NCLC are derived from the A7.6 cells, the precursors of trunk lateral cells (TLC), one of the three types of migratory mesenchymal cells in ascidian embryos. In cleavage arrested embryos, HNK-1 positive TLC were present on the lateral margins of the neural plate and later became localized adjacent to the posterior sensory vesicle, a staging zone for their migration after larval hatching. The Ciona orthologues of seven of sixteen genes that function in the vertebrate neural crest gene regulatory network are expressed in the A7.6/TLC lineage. The vertebrate counterparts of these genes function downstream of neural plate border specification in the regulatory network leading to neural crest development. The results suggest that NCLC and neural crest cells may be homologous cell types originating in the common ancestor of tunicates and vertebrates and support the possibility that a putative regulatory network governing NCLC development was co-opted to produce neural crest cells during vertebrate evolution. 相似文献
Ribosomal RNA genes are abundant repetitive sequences in most eukaryotes. Ribosomal DNA (rDNA) contains many insertions derived from mobile elements including non-long terminal repeat (non-LTR) retrotransposons. R2 is the well-characterized 28S rDNA-specific non-LTR retrotransposon family that is distributed over at least 4 bilaterian phyla. R2 is a large family sharing the same insertion specificity and classified into 4 clades (R2-A, -B, -C, and -D) based on the N-terminal domain structure and the phylogeny. There is no observation of horizontal transfer of R2; therefore, the origin of R2 dates back to before the split between protostomes and deuterostomes. Here, we in silico identified 1 R2 element from the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis and 2 R2-like retrotransposons from the hydrozoan Hydra magnipapillata. R2 from N. vectensis was inserted into the 28S rDNA like other R2, but the R2-like elements from H. magnipapillata were inserted into the specific sequence in the highly conserved region of the 18S rDNA. We designated the Hydra R2-like elements R8. R8 is inserted at 37 bp upstream from R7, another 18S rDNA-specific retrotransposon family. There is no obvious sequence similarity between targets of R2 and R8, probably because they recognize long DNA sequences. Domain structure and phylogeny indicate that R2 from N. vectensis is the member of the R2-D clade, and R8 from H. magnipapillata belongs to the R2-A clade despite its different sequence specificity. These results suggest that R2 had been generated before the split between cnidarians and bilaterians and that R8 is a retrotransposon family that changed its target from the 28S rDNA to the 18S rDNA. 相似文献
Since their discovery in family Bovidae (bovids), Bov-B LINEs, believed to be order-specific SINEs, have been found in all
ruminants and recently also in Viperidae snakes. The distribution and the evolutionary relationships of Bov-B LINEs provide
an indication of their origin and evolutionary dynamics in different species. The evolutionary origin of Bov-B LINE elements
has been shown unequivocally to be in Squamata (squamates). The horizontal transfer of Bov-B LINE elements in vertebrates
has been confirmed by their discontinuous phylogenetic distribution in Squamata (Serpentes and two lizard infra-orders) as
well as in Ruminantia, by the high level of nucleotide identity, and by their phylogenetic relationships. The direction of
horizontal transfer from Squamata to the ancestor of Ruminantia is evident from the genetic distances and discontinuous phylogenetic
distribution of Bov-B LINE elements. The ancestral snake lineage (Boidae) has been recognized as a possible donor of Bov-B
LINE elements to Ruminantia. The timing of horizontal transfer has been estimated from the distribution of Bov-B LINE elements
in Ruminantia and the fossil data of Ruminantia to be 40–50mya. The phylogenetic relationships of Bov-B LINE elements from
the various Squamata species agrees with that of the species phylogeny, suggesting that Bov-B LINE elements have been stably
maintained by vertical transmission since the origin of Squamata in the Mesozoic era.
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献
A new genome-wide analysis of spliceosomal introns indicates massive loss and gain of introns has taken place in many eukaryotic lineages. Only a small subset of the analyzed introns was present in the common ancestor of plants, fungi, animals and Plasmodium. 相似文献
Booklice (order Psocoptera) in the genus Liposcelis are major pests to stored grains worldwide and are closely related to parasitic lice (order Phthiraptera). We sequenced the mitochondrial (mt) genome of Liposcelis bostrychophila and found that the typical single mt chromosome of bilateral animals has fragmented into and been replaced by two medium-sized chromosomes in this booklouse; each of these chromosomes has about half of the genes of the typical mt chromosome of bilateral animals. These mt chromosomes are 8,530 bp (mt chromosome I) and 7,933 bp (mt chromosome II) in size. Intriguingly, mt chromosome I is twice as abundant as chromosome II. It appears that the selection pressure for compact mt genomes in bilateral animals favors small mt chromosomes when small mt chromosomes co-exist with the typical large mt chromosomes. Thus, small mt chromosomes may have selective advantages over large mt chromosomes in bilateral animals. Phylogenetic analyses of mt genome sequences of Psocodea (i.e. Psocoptera plus Phthiraptera) indicate that: 1) the order Psocoptera (booklice and barklice) is paraphyletic; and 2) the order Phthiraptera (the parasitic lice) is monophyletic. Within parasitic lice, however, the suborder Ischnocera is paraphyletic; this differs from the traditional view that each suborder of parasitic lice is monophyletic. 相似文献
Birnbaum KD 《Genome biology》2012,13(1):311
A report on the Plant Genomes and Biotechnology: From Genes to Networks meeting, held at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 30
November to 3 December 2011. 相似文献