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Two new recessive male-sterile mutants of Zea mays (Poaceae), or maize, were studied to identify the timing of pollen abortion and to examine the involvement of anther wall cell layers. The results of test crosses indicated that these mutants were not allelic with any known male-sterile mutants of maize. Light and transmission electron microscopy were used to compare pollen development in homozygous male-sterile mutants to that in fertile heterozygous siblings. In both mutants, microspores abort soon after release from the meiotic tetrad. However, the two mutations have strikingly different phenotypes. Large lipid bodies accumulate in the tapetal cells as the microspores vacuolate and die in the mutant ms25. Large vacuoles appear in both the tapetal cells and the young microspores as they begin to disintegrate in the mutant ms26. Because abnormal tapetal cell morphology is detected in both mutants, it is possible that both of these mutations affect the expression of genes in tapetal cells.  相似文献   

A male-sterile mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana was isolated by T-DNA tagging screening. Using transmission electron microscopy analysis, we revealed that the microspores of this mutant did not have normal thick primexine on the microspore at the tetrad stage. Instead, a moderately electron-dense layer formed around the microspores. Although microspores without normal primexine failed to form a proper reticulate exine pattern at later stages, sporopollenin was deposited and an exine-like hackly structure was observed on the microspores during the microspore stage. Thus, this mutant was named hackly microspore (hkm). It is speculated that the moderately electron-dense layer was primexine, which partially played its role in sporopollenin deposition onto the microspore. Cytological analysis revealed that the tapetum of the hkm mutant was significantly vacuolated, and that vacuolated tapetal cells crushed the microspores, resulting in the absence of pollen grains within the anther at anthesis. Single nucleotide polymorphism analysis demonstrated that the hkm mutation exists within the MS1 gene, which has been reportedly expressed within the tapetum. Our results suggest that the critical process of primexine formation is under sporophytic control .  相似文献   

Summary Phenylcinnoline carboxylate compounds SC-1058 and SC-1271 cause complete male sterility in wheat when applied at suitable dosages at the pre-meiotic stage of anther development. Anthers from treated and untreated plants were compared using light and electron microscopy from the pre-meiotic stage through the formation of nearly mature pollen. Overall anther development is gradually slowed in treated plants and pollen development is generally arrested in the late prevacuolate or early vacuolate microspore stage, although the first pollen mitosis does sometimes occur. The sporopollenin-containing exine walls are thinner, and show abnormally developed foot and tectum layers with sparse connecting baculi. Microspore cytoplasm degenerates and the cells eventually collapse. At the early, prevacuolate, free microspore stage treated tapetal cells hypertrophy, expanding into the locule. They contain abnormally large vacuoles that appear to form from the fusion of secretory vesicles, and some vacuoles contain electrondense deposits. The sporopollenin-containing orbicular wall and Ubisch bodies are retarded in their development and are structurally deformed. Acetolysis of whole anthers and of thick sections shows that the sporopollen-in-containing structures of treated materials are greatly reduced in thickness and are less rigid than in the control. We conclude that application of these compounds causes interference with the secretory function of tapetal cells which supplies sporopollenin cell-wall polymers to the exine of the microspores and to the tapetal orbicular wall and associated Ubisch bodies. Interference with the tapetal secretion of other nutrients required for microspore development is strongly suggested.  相似文献   

In the microspore tetrad period the exine begins as rods that originate from the plasma membrane. These rods are exine units that on further development become columellae as well as part of the tectum, foot layer and “transitory endexine”. The primexine matrix is very thin in the future sites of the pores. At these sites the plasma membrane and its surface coating (glycocalyx) are without exine units and adjacent to the callose envelope. The exine around the aperture margin is characterized by units of reduced height. After the exine units and primexine matrix have become ca 0.2 μm in height a fibrillar zone forms under the aperture margin. It is the exine units around the aperture that are templates for exine processes on apertures of mature pollen. Oblique sections of the early exine show that the tectum consists of the distal portions of close-packed exine units. The exine enlarges in the free microspore period but initially its substructure (tectum, columellae, foot layer and transitory endexine) is not homogeneous and unit structures are visible until after the vacuolate microspore period. There are indications of a commissural line/plane (junction plane) which separates the foot layer from the endexine during early development. Our observations of development in Echinodorus pollen extend a growing number of reports of “transitory endexines” in monocot pollen. The exine unit-structures become 0.2 μm or more in diameter and many columellae are composed of only one exine unit. Spinules become exceptionally tall, many protruding ca 0.7 μm above the level of the tectum as units only ca 0.1 μm in diameter. The outer portion of the tectum fills in around spinules and by maturity they are microechinate with their bases spread out to ca 1 μm or more. Unit structures can be seen with SEM in mature pollen following oxidation by plasma ashing and in the tapetum these units are arranged both radially, as in spinules, and parallel with the tapetal surfaces. There are clear indications of such an arrangement of units in untreated fresh pollen. Units comprising the basal part of the exine are not completely fused by sporopollenin accumulated during development. This would seem to be a characteristic feature, based on published work, of the alismacean pollen. Our use of a tracer shows, however, that there is considerable space within or between exine structure of mature Echinodorus pollen. Based upon the ca 0.1 μm size of exine-units formed early in development and exine components seen after oxidative treatment it seems that the early (primary) accumulated sporopollenin has greater resistance to oxidation than sporopollenin added, secondarily, around and between units later in development. Both primarily and secondarily accumulated sporopollenin are resistant to acetolysis but published work indicates that acetolysis alters exine material. At the microspore tetrad time and until the vacuolate stages tapetal cells are arranged as in secretory tapetums. During early microspore stages there are orbicules at the inner surface of tapetal cells. At free microspore period tapetal cells greatly elongate into the loculus and surround the microspores. By the end of the microspore vacuolate period tapetal cells release their cellular contents and microspores are for a time enveloped by tapetal organelles and translocation material.  相似文献   

Plant male reproductive development is a complex biological process, but the underlying mechanism is not well understood. Here, we characterized a rice (Oryza sativa L.) male sterile mutant. Based on map‐based cloning and sequence analysis, we identified a 1,459‐bp deletion in an adenosine triphosphate (ATP)‐binding cassette (ABC) transporter gene, OsABCG15, causing abnormal anthers and male sterility. Therefore, we named this mutant osabcg15. Expression analysis showed that OsABCG15 is expressed specifically in developmental anthers from stage 8 (meiosis II stage) to stage 10 (late microspore stage). Two genes CYP704B2 and WDA1, involved in the biosynthesis of very‐long‐chain fatty acids for the establishment of the anther cuticle and pollen exine, were downregulated in osabcg15 mutant, suggesting that OsABCG15 may play a key function in the processes related to sporopollenin biosynthesis or sporopollenin transfer from tapetal cells to anther locules. Consistently, histological analysis showed that osabcg15 mutants developed obvious abnormality in postmeiotic tapetum degeneration, leading to rapid degredation of young microspores. The results suggest that OsABCG15 plays a critical role in exine formation and pollen development, similar to the homologous gene of AtABCG26 in Arabidopsis. This work is helpful to understand the regulatory network in rice anther development.  相似文献   

芝麻(Sesamum indicum)核雄性不育系ms86-1姊妹交后代表现为可育、部分不育(即微粉)及完全不育(简称不育)3种类型。不同育性类型的花药及花粉粒形态差异明显。Alexander染色实验显示微粉植株花粉粒外壁为蓝绿色, 内部为不均一洋红色, 与可育株及不育株花粉粒的染色特征均不相同。为探明芝麻微粉发生机理, 在电子显微镜下比较观察了可育、微粉、不育类型的小孢子发育过程。结果表明, 可育株小孢子母细胞减数分裂时期代谢旺盛, 胞质中出现大量脂质小球; 四分体时期绒毡层细胞开始降解, 单核小孢子时期开始出现乌氏体, 成熟花粉时期花粉囊腔内及花粉粒周围分布着大量乌氏体, 花粉粒外壁有11–13个棱状凸起, 表面存在大量基粒棒, 形成紧密的覆盖层。不育株小孢子发育异常显现于减数分裂时期, 此时胞质中无脂质小球出现, 细胞壁开始积累胼胝质; 四分体时期绒毡层细胞未见降解; 单核小孢子时期无乌氏体出现; 成熟花粉时期花粉囊腔中未发现正常的乌氏体, 存在大量空瘪的败育小孢子, 外壁积累胼胝质, 缺乏基粒棒。微粉株小孢子在减数分裂时期可见胞质内有大量脂质小球, 四分体时期部分绒毡层发生变形, 单核小孢子时期有部分绒毡层开始降解; 绒毡层细胞降解滞后为少量发育进程迟缓的小孢子提供了营养物质, 部分小孢子发育为正常花粉粒; 这些花粉粒比较饱满, 表面有少量颗粒状突起, 但未能形成覆盖层, 花粉囊腔中及小孢子周围存在少量的乌氏体。小孢子形成的育性类型与绒毡层降解是否正常有关。  相似文献   

In work with Nymphaea colorata Peter three distinct intervals were recorded during which tapetal cells (protoplasts) protruded into anther locules either as bridges and partitions or as invasive cells between or around tetrads of microspores. Before these intervals and between and after them, tapetal cells, while variable in shape, were noninvasive. Observations were based on sections of over 60 fixed and epoxy-embedded anthers covering the relatively brief interval from the end of meiosis through the vacuolate microspore stage. The progression of development, from early microspore stages through the microspore vacuolate period, is illustrated by transmission electron micrographs showing change in proexine and exine size and complexity. Our results indicate cycles of tapetal cell differentiation and dedifferentiation in this species.  相似文献   

Prior to meiosis tapetal cells become binucleate, and callose deposition separates spore mother cells from each other. No cytomictic channels are present during meiosis. Cytokinesis is simultaneous, by furrowing. The primexine and a rudimentary exine are laid down while the microspores are still in tetrads. After callose dissolution the released microspores gradually become vacuolate and the exine becomes more complex and massive. During the tetrad stage tapetal walls are gradually lost and orbicules are deposited outside the plasmalemma. This continues after microspore release. Later, at the vacuolate microspore stage, the tapetal cells become amoeboid and intrude among the microspores. Tapetal dissolution occurs just prior to the appearance of large amounts of starch and lipids in the microspores.  相似文献   

The mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade is important in stress signal transduction and plant development. In the present study, we identified a rice (Oryza sativa L.) mutant with reduced fertility, Oryza sativa mitogen-activated protein kinase 6 (osmapk6), which harbored a mutated MAPK gene. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy, quantitative RT-PCR analysis, TUNEL assays, RNA in situ hybridization, longitudinal and transverse histological sectioning, and map-based cloning were performed to characterize the osmapk6 mutant. The gene OsMAPK6 was expressed throughout the plant but predominantly in the microspore mother cells, tapetal cells, and microspores in the anther sac. Compared with the wild type, the total number of microspores was reduced in the osmapk6 mutant. The formation of microspore mother cells was reduced in the osmapk6 anther sac at an early stage of anther development, which was the primary reason for the decrease in the total number of microspores. Programmed cell death of some tapetal cells was delayed in osmapk6 anthers and affected exine formation in neighboring microspores. These results suggest that OsMAPK6 plays pivotal roles in microspore mother cell formation and tapetal cell degradation.  相似文献   

The exine of the pollen wall shows an intricate pattern, primarily comprising sporopollenin, a polymer of fatty acids and phenolic compounds. A series of enzymes synthesize sporopollenin precursors in tapetal cells, and the precursors are transported from the tapetum to the pollen surface. However, the mechanisms underlying the transport of sporopollenin precursors remain elusive. Here, we provide evidence that strongly suggests that the Arabidopsis ABC transporter ABCG26/WBC27 is involved in the transport of sporopollenin precursors. Two independent mutations at ABCG26 coding region caused drastic decrease in seed production. This defect was complemented by expression of ABCG26 driven by its native promoter. The severely reduced fertility of the abcg26 mutants was caused by a failure to produce mature pollen, observed initially as a defect in pollen-wall development. The reticulate pattern of the exine of wild-type microspores was absent in abcg26 microspores at the vacuolate stage, and the vast majority of the mutant pollen degenerated thereafter. ABCG26 was expressed specifically in tapetal cells at the early vacuolate stage of pollen development. It showed high co-expression with genes encoding enzymes required for sporopollenin precursor synthesis, i.e. CYP704B1, ACOS5, MS2 and CYP703A2. Similar to two other mutants with defects in pollen-wall deposition, abcg26 tapetal cells accumulated numerous vesicles and granules. Taken together, these results suggest that ABCG26 plays a crucial role in the transfer of sporopollenin lipid precursors from tapetal cells to anther locules, facilitating exine formation on the pollen surface.  相似文献   

John R. Rowley  Gunnar Erdtman 《Grana》2013,52(2-3):517-567
Four phenomena were observed in a study of Populus tremula and P. tremula f. gigas microspores from before microspore mitosis through mature pollen which may have general significance in the ontogeny of pollen grains: 1) The exine and orbicules (Ubisch bodies) were covered by membranes. 2) The exine and the tapetal surfaces where orbicules form were covered by a polysaccharide (PAS positive) coat until after microspore mitosis; subsequently the tapetum became plasmodial. 3) Material having the staining characteristics of the nexine 2 (endexine in the sense of Fægri) accumulated on membranes in microspores in the space between the exine and the plasma membrane. That material was almost completely gone from the wall in mature pollen. The membranes on which material had accumulated migrated through the exine. Following passage through the exine these membranes were seen as empty fusiform vesicles in micrographs of anthers prepared by commonly used methods. 4) At about microspore mitosis when the cellulosic intine begins to form, microtubules about 240 A in diameter occurred near the plasma membrane and generally parallel with it. Positive acid phosphatase reactions in tapetal cells together with the morphology of orbicules and other tapetal organelles suggest that the wall of orbicules, which is like the pollen exine, may form as a residual product of a lysosome system.

Sections of mature Salix humilis pollen were compared with Populus.  相似文献   

A male-sterile, female-sterile soybean mutant (w4-m sterile) was identified among progeny of germinal revertants of a gene-tagging study. Our objectives were to determine the genetics (inheritance, allelism, and linkage) and the cytology (microsporogenesis and microgametogenesis) of the w4-m sterile. The mutant was inherited as a single recessive nuclear gene and was nonallelic to known male-sterile, female-sterile mutants st2 st2, st3 st3, st4 st4, st5 st5, and st6 st6 st7 st7. No linkage was detected between the w4-m sterile and the w4w4, y10 y10, y11 y11, y20 y20, fr1 fr1, and fr2 fr2 mutants. Homologous chromosome pairing was complete in fertile plants. Chromosome pairing, as observed in squash preparation, was almost completely absent in sterile plants. Developmentally microsporogenesis proceeded normally in both the fertile and the w4-m sterile through the early microspore stage. Then the tapetal cells of the w4-m sterile surrounding the young microspores developed different-size vacuoles. These tapetal cells became smaller in size and separated from each other. Some of the microspores of the w4-m sterile also became more vacuolate prematurely and sometimes they collapsed, usually by the late microspore stage. In the w4-m sterile the microspore walls remained thinner and structurally different from the microspore walls of fertile plants. No pollen was formed in the mutant plants, even though some of the male cells reached the pollen stage, although without normal filling. The w4-m sterile was designated st8st8 and assigned Soybean Genetic Type Collection number T352.  相似文献   

白菜核雄性不育花药超微结构的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对白菜核雄性不育两用系的可育与不育花药进行了超微结构的比较观察。结果显示不育花药的造孢细胞核仁靠边分布;包裹小孢子母细胞的胼胝质厚薄不均匀,不完整等早期异常现象。减数分裂后.四分体细胞中常有多个细胞核。从四分体释放出的小孢子外壁的孢粉素物质不均匀沉积,呈不连续的单层异常结构。最后小孢子通过细胞质收缩方式败育。在可育花药中.绒毡层细胞在小孢子发育后期已显示出退化迹象,同时在细胞中开始积累脂类物质。但在同时期的不育花药中.绒毡层细胞没有显示出退化的迹象,也不合成脂类物质。从时间上看,败育花药中小孢子母细胞及小孢子的异常在先,绒毡层细胞的异常在后。本研究揭示了白菜核雄性不育花药的超微结构特征.对我们以前的光学显微镜观察结果予以补充和修正。  相似文献   

对白菜核雄性不育两用系的可育与不育花药进行了超微结构的比较观察。结果显示不育花药的造孢细胞核仁靠边分布:包裹小孢子母细胞的胼胝质厚薄不均匀,不完整等早期异常现象。减数分裂后,四分体细胞中常有多个细胞核。从四分体释放出的小孢子外壁的孢粉素物质不均匀沉积.呈不连续的单层异常结构。最后小孢子通过细胞质收缩方式败育。在可育花药中,绒毡层细胞在小孢子发育后期已显示出退化迹象,同时在细胞中开始积累脂类物质。但在同时期的不育花药中, 绒毡层细胞没有显示出退化的迹象,也不合成脂类物质。从时间上看,败育花药中小孢子母细胞及小孢子的异常在先,绒毡层细胞的异常在后。本研究揭示了白菜核雄性不育花药的超微结构特征, 对我们以前的光学显微镜观察结果予以补充和修正。  相似文献   

Summary In the ogu cytoplasmic male-sterile (CMS) line of Brassica napus, stamen morphology was influenced by temperature conditions. Under a high temperature regime (27° C/23° C; day/ night) CMS stamens had a near-normal morphology, but microsporogenesis proceeded to a maximum of the microspore stage. However, compared to the normal stamens, the occurrence of sporopollenin-like deposits in the tapetum and deposition of exine on the microspores was sparse. Also, the tapetal cells of the CMS line were often highly vacuolate and failed to degenerate at the same stage as the normal. Ultrastructural changes in the mitochondrial matrix and cristae plus dilation of the endoplasmic reticulum, which occurred during development in sporogenous tissues of the normal line, were often lacking or mistimed in the mutant. Due to extensive variation, even between adjacent locules, the cytological differences between the normal and CMS anthers cannot be ascribed as the cause of male sterility in the ogu CMS line of B. napus, rather they may be the consequence of it.  相似文献   

莴苣花药发育过程中钙的分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
减数分裂前,莴苣花药中的钙颗粒很少。减数分裂后,花药绒毡层细胞中的钙颗粒明显增加, 同时在花药药室基质中也出现许多细小的钙颗粒。刚从四分体中释放出的小孢子内钙颗粒很少,伴随着花粉外壁物质在小孢子表面的沉积,钙颗粒开始积累在花粉壁部位。随后,小孢子中开始出现钙颗粒。当小孢子开始形成液泡后,钙颗粒向其中聚集,伴随着小液泡融合成大液泡,体积较大的钙颗粒主要集中在液泡中,而细胞质基质中的钙颗粒很少。随着二胞花粉中的大液泡消失,花粉细胞质中的钙颗粒变得很少。在以后的发育中,只有花粉壁中积累较多的钙颗粒。在莴苣花药发育过程中,钙与绒毡层细胞的退化和小孢子液泡形成以及二胞花粉中大波泡的消失有关。而花粉外壁表面积累丰富的钙与以后花粉的萌发有关。  相似文献   

Summary Brassica napus cv. Topas microspores isolated and cultured near the first pollen mitosis and subjected to a heat treatment develop into haploid embryos at a frequency of about 20%. In order to obtain a greater understanding of the induction process and embryogenesis, transmission electron microscopy was used to study the development of pollen from the mid-uninucleate to the bicellular microspore stage. The effect of 24 h of high temperature (32.5 °C) on microspore development was examined by heat treating microspore cultures or entire plants. Mid-uninucleate microspores contained small vacuoles. Late-uninucleate vacuolate microspores contained a large vacuole. The large vacuole of the vacuolate stage was fragmented into numerous small vacuoles in the late-uninucleate stage. The late-uninucleate stage contained an increased number of ribosomes, a pollen coat covering the exine and a laterally positioned nucleus. Prior to the first pollen mitosis the nucleus of the lateuninucleate microspore appeared to be appressed to the plasma membrane; numerous perinuclear microtubules were observed. Microspores developing into pollen divided asymmetrically to form a large vegetative cell with amyloplasts and a small generative cell without plastids. The cells were separated by a lens-shaped cell wall which later diminished. At the late-bicellular stage the generative cell was observed within the vegetative cell. Starch and lipid reserves were present in the vegetative cell and the rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi were abundant. The microspore isolation procedure removed the pollen coat, but did not redistribute or alter the morphology of the organelles. Microspores cultured at 25 °C for 24 h resembled late-bicellular microspores except more starch and a thicker intine were present. A more equal division of microspores occurred during the 24 h heat treatment (32.5 °C) of the entire plant or of cultures. A planar wall separated the cells of the bicellular microspores. Both daughter cells contained plastids and the nuclei were of similar size. Cultured embryogenie microspores contained electron-dense deposits at the plasma membrane/cell wall interface, vesicle-like structures in the cell walls and organelle-free regions in the cytoplasm. The results are related to embryogenesis and a possible mechanism of induction is discussed.Abbreviations B binucleate - LU late uninucleate - LUV late uninucleate vacuolate - M mitotic - MU mid-uninucleate - RER rough endoplasmic reticulum - TEM transmission electron micrograph  相似文献   

莴苣花药发育过程中钙的分布特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
减数分裂前,莴苣花药中的钙颗粒很少。减数分裂后,花药绒毡层细胞中的钙颗粒明显增加。同时在花药药室基质中也出现许多细小的钙颗粒。刚从四分体中释放出的小孢子内钙颗粒很少。伴随着花粉外壁物质在小孢子表面的沉积,钙颗粒开始积累在花粉壁部位。随后。小孢子中开始出现钙颗粒。当小孢子开始形成液泡后,钙颗粒向其中聚集,伴随着小液泡融合成大液泡。体积较大的钙颗粒主要集中在液泡中,而细胞质基质中的钙颗粒很少。随着二胞花粉中的大液泡消失,花粉细胞质中的钙颗粒变得很少。在以后的发育中,只有花粉壁中积累较多的钙颗粒。在莴苣花药发育过程中,钙与绒毡层细胞的退化和小孢子液泡形成以及二胞花粉中大液泡的消失有关。而花粉外壁表面积累丰富的钙与以后花粉的萌发有关。  相似文献   

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