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Adaptation mechanisms of adrenal function related to secretion of cortisol were studied under conditions of microgravity. Parameters of diurnal rhythms of salivary cortisol were studied by Russian cosmonauts on board orbital station Mir during long-term space flights (SF). The preflight circadian rhythms of salivary cortisol in cosmonauts were characterized by the morning maximum occurring at 9∶43 a.m., the fluctuation amplitude 6.05 nmol/1, and the daily average concentration 8.79 nmol/l. The characteristics of cortisol diurnal rhythm changed under conditions of long-term space flight. On average, the rhythm measure and amplitude decreased after two months of flight. The postflight maximum concentration of free cortisol tended to occur later in the day. Evidently, the motor activity during SF, i.e., prophylactic exercises along with other factors, significantly influenced the parameters of cortisol circadian rhythm that was revealed by the individual variability of findings during the flight. After the long-term SF, individual ratios of salivary and plasma cortisol levels increased against the background of increased plasma content of the hormone, i.e., the fraction of free, physiologically active hormone in the total pool of circulating molecules decreased.  相似文献   

According to the results of the experiment performed on board the International Space Station with participation of 15 Russian cosmonauts, comparative analysis of efficacy of two models of preventive measures used by the Russian members of long-term space missions is carried out: intense interval training in the aerobic–anaerobic power zone (recommended model) and continuous low-intensity exercises in the aerobic power zone of muscle activity energy supply. Interval training in space flight provided the maintenance of the level of physical performance close to the pre-flight level as indicated by the maximum running speed, physiological value of work, and the lactate level after performing the standard load. We describe putative mechanisms of counteraction to adaptive rearrangement of the propulsion system in zero gravity and expand understanding of the laws governing human body’s interaction with Earth’s gravitational field. The research results presented in this paper show the high preventive efficacy of interval training compared with regular aerobic training, which is very important now in the time of searching for means and methods of prevention of hypogravitational alterations during interplanetary missions.  相似文献   

The paper summarized issues, current status and the recent topics in biological research of space radiation. Researches to estimate a risk associated with space radiation exposure during a long-term manned space flight, such as in the International Space Station, is emphasized because of the large uncertainty of biological effects and a complexity of the radiation environment in space. The Issues addressed are; 1) biological effects and end points in low dose radiation, 2) biological effects under low dose rate and long-term radiation exposure, 3) modification of biological responses to radiation under space environments, 4) various aspects of biological end points vs. cellular and molecular mechanisms, 5) estimation of human risk associated with radiation exposure in space flight, 6) regulations for radiation exposure limits for space workers. The paper also summarized and introduced recent progress in space related radiation researches with various biological systems.  相似文献   

The first human flight to space performed by Yu.A. Gagarin on April 12, 1961 was a crucial event in the history of cosmonautics that had a tremendous effect on the further progress of human civilization. Gagarin’s flight had been preceded by targeted biomedical research with the use of diverse biological objects on board rockets and artificial satellites. This research led to the conclusion on the fundamental possibility for humans to fly in space. After a series of early flights and improvements in the medical support system, space missions to the Salyut and Mir stations were gradually extended to record durations. The foundations of this extension were laid by systemic research in the fields of space biomedicine and related sciences. The current ISS system of the crew’s medical care has been successful in maintaining the health and performance of cosmonauts, as well as in providing the conditions for research in various fields related to space flights. The ISS abounds in opportunities for the preparation for piloted interplanetary missions. At the same time, the ground-based simulation of a mission to Mars is a venue for carrying out scientific and technological experiments in space biomedicine.  相似文献   

The volume of extracellular fluid (the bromine space) was determined in 18 cosmonauts 30 days before the start of a space flight and on the first day after landing. The duration of space flights on the Mir orbital station was from 126 to 438 days. Moreover, the volume of extracellular fluid was determined in seven cosmonauts directly during long-term space flights approximately two weeks before landing. After long-term space flights, the volume of extracellular fluid was decreased in all cosmonauts studied. The bromine space volume was significantly decreased compared to its initial preflight value. A decrease in the volume of extracellular fluid was caused not only by the reduction in the dense mass of the body but also by its dehydration. These processes developed independently of the duration of weightlessness but are mainly determined by the individual features of human beings.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic analysis of the lymphocytes of astronauts provides a direct measurement of space radiation damage in vivo, which takes into account individual radiosensitivity and considers the influence of microgravity and other stress conditions. Chromosome exchanges were measured in the blood lymphocytes of eight crew members after their respective space missions, using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with chromosome painting probes. Significant increases in aberrations were observed after the long-duration missions. The in vivo dose was derived from the frequencies of translocations and total exchanges using calibration curves determined before flight, and the RBE was estimated by comparison with individually measured physical absorbed doses. The values for average RBE were compared to the average quality factor (Q) from direct measurements of the lineal energy spectra using a tissue-equivalent proportional counter (TEPC) and radiation transport codes. The ratio of aberrations identified as complex was slightly higher after flight, which is thought to be an indication of exposure to high-LET radiation. To determine whether the frequency of complex aberrations measured in metaphase spreads after exposure to high-LET radiation was influenced by a cell cycle delay, chromosome damage was analyzed in prematurely condensed chromosome samples collected from two crew members before and after a short-duration mission. The frequency of complex exchanges after flight was higher in prematurely condensed chromosomes than in metaphase cells for one crew member.  相似文献   

Bone mineral and lean tissue loss after long duration space flight   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The loss of bone and muscle is a major concern for long duration space flight. In December of 1989, we established a collaboration with Russian colleagues to determine the bone and lean tissue changes in cosmonauts before and after flights on the Mir space station lasting 4-14.4 months. Eighteen crew members received a lumbar spine and hip DEXA scan (Hologic 1000W) before and after flight; 17 crew members received an additional whole body scan. All results were expressed as percent change from baseline per month of flight in order to account for the different flight times. The pre-and post-flight data were analyzed using Hotelling's T(2) for 3 groups of variables: spine, neck of femur, trochanter; whole body BMD and subregions; lean (total, legs, arms) and fat (total only). A paired t-test was used as a follow-up to the Hotelling's T(2) to identify the individual measurements that were significantly different. These data define the rate and extent of bone and lean tissue loss during long duration space flight and indicate that the current in-flight exercise program is not sufficient to completely ameliorate bone and muscle loss during weightlessness.  相似文献   

Many space experiments are scheduled for the International Space Station (ISS). Completion of the ISS will soon become a reality. Astronauts will be exposed to low-level background components from space radiation including heavy ions and other high-linear energy transfer (LET) radiation. For long-term stay in space, we have to protect human health from space radiation. At the same time, we should recognize the maximum permissible doses of space radiation. In recent years, physical monitoring of space radiation has detected about 1 mSv per day. This value is almost 150 times higher than that on the surface of the Earth. However, the direct effects of space radiation on human health are currently unknown. Therefore, it is important to measure biological dosimetry to calculate relative biological effectiveness (RBE) for human health during long-term flight. The RBE is possibly modified by microgravity. In order to understand the exact RBE and any interaction with microgravity, the ISS centrifugation system will be a critical tool, and it is hoped that this system will be in operation as soon as possible.  相似文献   

Various parameters of immune suppression are observed in lymphocytes from astronauts during and after a space flight. It is difficult to ascribe this suppression to microgravity effects on immune cells in crew specimens, due to the complex physiological response to space flight and the resultant effect on in vitro immune performance. Use of isolated immune cells in true and modeled microgravity in immune performance tests, suggests a direct effect of microgravity on in vitro cellular function. Specifically, polyclonal activation of T-cells is severely suppressed in true and modeled microgravity. These recent findings suggest a potential suppression of oligoclonal antigen-specific lymphocyte activation in microgravity. We utilized rotating wall vessel (RWV) bioreactors as an analog of microgravity for cell cultures to analyze three models of antigen-specific activation. A mixed-lymphocyte reaction, as a model for a primary immune response, a tetanus toxoid response and a Borrelia burgdorferi response, as models of a secondary immune response, were all suppressed in the RWV bioreactor. Our findings confirm that the suppression of activation observed with polyclonal models also encompasses oligoclonal antigen-specific activation.  相似文献   

This article reflects the ongoing debates in Russia regarding paths of innovative development and the role that fundamental science has played in the development of technology critical for national security and for its breakthrough potential. Alternative routes of technical development include variations in priority support for those points of growth, in which Russia has attained and steadily held the leading position, occupying a prominent place in the international division of labor. Russia’s space program is a good example of the successful implementation of a national program and provides a demonstration of the country’s leadership role in this area of human activities. This article presents an analysis of the factors and circumstances in Russia that predetermined, in the early, “Gagarin” period of piloted space flights, its winning of the leading position. They also determined the vector of the development of manned space flight for many years to come. Even taking into account the host of issues with the implementation of the International Space Station (ISS) utilization program and the planning of manned flights to the Moon and Mars, the unique experience of preparations and the conducting of research and tests with humans in space—the enormous groundwork in fundamental biomedical research over the past 50 years of piloted flights—provides the basis for an optimistic prognosis for gaining headway with essentially new, ambitious space projects. The key question is whether the proactive strategy of prioritized development and the affirmation of the role of manned space flights as the most integrated and science-intensive sector of innovative achievement will be realized. The development of the space industry depends upon the answer, not only at the present stage but in the long-term as well, as does the fate of the national fundamental space sciences, an integral part of which is space biomedicine.  相似文献   

The vestibular system plays an important role in intersensory interactions and gravitation is a natural stimulus for its receptors. Weightlessness alters the input signals of the otoliths and their effect on the pattern and dynamics of changes in the vestibular function (VF), which is accompanied by development of space adaptation syndrome (SAS) and space motion sickness (SMS). These changes occur both during the spaceflight (SF) and after returning to Earth, but the mechanisms of their development are still poorly understood and require special studies. In total, 47 Russian cosmonauts (crewmembers of long-term International Space Station (ISS) missions) have participated in the studies into VF before and after SF and nine of them, in onboard studies during SF (129–215 days) as a part of the Virtual space experiment (stage 1). Electro- and video-oculography are used to record spontaneous eye movements (SpEM), static vestibular–ocular responses during head tilts to the right or left shoulder (static otolith–cervical–ocular reflex, OCOR), and dynamic vestibular-ocular response during the head rotation around the longitudinal axis of the body. The examination is accompanied by personal and questionnaire survey on subjective responses and complaints of cosmonauts about SAS and SMS. Significant changes in SpEM (drifts of eyes, spontaneous and gaze-evoked nystagmus, and arbitrary saccades) and a decrease in OCOR (statistically significant decrease in the amplitude of ocular counter-rolling in response to head tilts up to its absence or inversion, an atypical OCOR) are observed during SF. An atypical OCOR is observed at the beginning of adaptation to weightlessness in seven of the nine cosmonauts (the first one to two weeks of SF) and repeatedly throughout the flight in all cosmonauts regardless of whether it is their first flight or not. Atypical vestibular responses after SF, similar to the responses during SF, are observed in several cosmonauts by day 9 after flight. It has been shown that atypical OCOR variants are more frequently observed in the subjects lacking any previous space experience, as well as a more pronounced decrease in this response with a concurrent increase in the response of the semicircular canals. It is also demonstrated that repeated SFs lead to a considerable shortening in the after-flight readaptation to terrestrial conditions and a considerable decrease in the degree of vestibular disorders. In the initial period of SF, the changes in VF are correlated with the complaints and manifestations of SAS and SMS; however, the complaints and the corresponding symptoms are unobservable during the further flight despite significant changes in the VF state. The patterns of the VF disorders associated with the impact of weightlessness and observed during and after SF are very similar, allowing these disorders to be regarded as SAS and SMS of different severities (intensities).  相似文献   

An analysis was performed of unstable chromosomal aberrations in peripheral blood of 36 cosmonauts after long-term space missions on "Mir" orbital station. 25 cosmonauts were examined before their flights to score spontaneous yields of cytogenetical damage. In all cases the doses absorbed by crews during space flights did not exceed permissible levels of irradiation, adopted for cosmonauts. The frequencies of chromosomal-type aberrations after space missions were found to increase significantly compared to the pre-flight levels. The yields of dicentrics and centric rings on the average were as high as 0.12 +/- 0.02 and 0.47 +/- 0.06% before and after the 1st flight, 0.18 +/- 0.05 and 0.71 +/- 0.11% before and after the 2nd flight respectively. During the inter-flight periods, usually lasted 1.5-2 years, the yields of chromosome damage lowered, but did not reach their spontaneous values. After each next flight the yields of chromosome aberrations increased again. The cytogenetical damage detected in cosmonauts' peripheral blood lymphocytes after chronic action of low doses of space radiation points out a possible increase in risks of stochastic effects in distant future for crews after long-term space missions.  相似文献   

A computational model of the dynamics of diversity among T-cell receptors and MHC: peptide complex molecules is presented. We propose a method by which individual immune systems may evolve effcient or ineffcient states as a result of T-cell receptor crossreactivity as well as genetic variation among pathogens. By combining shape space and physical space models, valuable insight is obtained into how immune system-wide state is, in large part, determined by localised space dynamics. In the model, system-wide state also informs local dynamics, especially in the lymphatic system during primary immune response. The process by which similar initial infection conditions across individuals may result in highly variable end states (a phenomenon observed in the clinical context) is modelled. Our results show that activity alone is not a good indicator of infection suppression or removal. In this work, we postulate that successful viral clearance is characterised by broad T-cell receptor activation (in shape space), and results in low average concentration levels of activated cytotoxic lymphocyte cells.  相似文献   

The investigation of long-term space flight (SF) effect on the blood cells function is of great importance for modern space biology and medicine. We established that the number of discocytes decreased in the period of early rehabilitation after long-term SF. After SF plasma membrane fluidity and phospholipid content decreased and cholesterol content increased. After SF the amount of haemoglobin decreased and the parameters characterizing haemoglobin haemoporyphyrin (HH) conformation changed. We suppose that erythrocyte shape, membrane fluidity and HH conformation are among factors affecting oxygen transfer during and after space flight.  相似文献   

Variable lymphocyte responses in rats after space flight.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Most studies of human blood lymphocyte function following space flight have indicated that microgravity suppresses T cell proliferation. However, several other postflight experiments with animals have shown no decrease in proliferation of lymphocytes from peripheral lymphatic tissues, suggesting that different tissues may be variably affected by microgravity. Therefore, we examined the proliferation of lymphocytes from both spleen and lymph nodes of rats following a 4-day flight aboard the Space Shuttle. The experiments were designed to investigate tissue variability as well as potential mechanisms involved in suppressing proliferation. We found that proliferation of lymph node lymphocytes (LNL) from flight (FLT) animals stimulated with the antigen receptor-dependent T cell mitogen concanavalin A was depressed and could not be restored by supplementing cultures with interleukin 1 or interleukin 2 (IL-2). Response to another receptor-dependent mitogen, phytohemagglutinin, was not decreased. However, proliferation of FLT LNL following stimulation with the receptor-independent, mitogenic combination of phorbol ester and ionomycin was depressed. LNL IL-2 activity, cell surface marker expression, and B cell responses to mitogen were normal. Thus, deficits in antigen receptor/ligand interactions, cell surface marker expression, or IL-2 did not account for the suppressed lymphocyte proliferation observed postflight. In contrast to LNL, FLT splenocyte proliferation was not depressed. Assayable IL-2, IL-2 receptor expression, and cell surface marker expression likewise were unaffected by space flight. The differences between lymph node and splenic responses demonstrate the tissue-specific nature of microgravity effects on individual lymphatic tissues.  相似文献   

The results of the Russian-Austrian space experiment Monimir, which was a part of the international space program Austromir, are presented. The characteristics of the horizontal gaze fixation reaction (hGFR) to the visual targets were studied during long-term space flights. Seven crewmembers of the space station Mir participated in our experiment. The subjects were tested four times before the flight, five times during the flight, and three to four times after landing. During the flight and after accomplishing, the characteristics of gaze fixation reaction changed regularly: the reaction time and coefficient of the gain of vestibular-ocular reflex increased; the velocities of eye-head movements increased and decreased. These changes were indicative of a disturbed control of the vestibular-ocular reflex under microgravity conditions because of variability of the vestibular input activity. The cosmonauts that had flight and non-flight professional specializations differed in strategies of their adaptation to the microgravity conditions. In the former, exposure to microgravity was accompanied by gaze hypermetry and inhibition of head movements; conversely, in the latter, the velocity of head movements increased, whereas that of saccades decreased.  相似文献   

The methods used to investigate the body functional state in sleep under the conditions of a long-duration space flight are of great scientific and practical interest. The Sonocard experiment is based on the method of seismocardiography. The goal of this experiment is to validate and improve the procedure of non-contact recording the in-sleep physiological data for monitoring the crew state. The very first results have demonstrated that, as on Earth, sleep is crucial for recovery of the functional reserves expended during the daytime under the conditions of microgravity. Using the new technology, the recovery processes, as well as individual adaptation to a long-term space flight, can be studied. This method makes it possible to evaluate the sleep quality, mechanisms of recreation, and body functionality. These data may enrich substantially the information used by medical operators of space missions in the control centers.  相似文献   

Biomechanical and electromyographic characteristics of locomotion were studied before and after a space flight on days 3, 7, and 10 after landing in 18 participants of prolonged space missions on board the International Space Station. It has been shown that microgravity causes significant changes in biomechanical and electromyographic characteristics of walking, such as a decrease in the amplitude of angular displacement in leg joints, a decrease in the double step length, and an increase in the electromyographic costs of locomotion. It has been also shown that interval locomotor physical training, such as alternation of running and walking, in prolonged space flights prevents an increase in the physiological costs of locomototions after a space flight and provides more efficient maintenance of the neuromuscular system’s performance after a flight. Cosmonauts who performed interval locomotor training had fewer changes in biomechanical and electromyographic characteristics of walking.  相似文献   

Using the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae on board the Russian space station Mir, we studied the effects of long-term space flight on mutation of the bacterial ribosomal protein L gene (rpsL) cloned in a yeast-Escherichia coli shuttle vector. The mutation frequencies of the cloned rpsL gene on the Mir and the ground (control) yeast samples were estimated by transformation of E. coli with the plasmid DNAs recovered from yeast and by assessment of the conversion of the rpsL wild-type phenotype (Sm(S)) to its mutant phenotype (Sm(R)). After a 40-day space flight, some part of space samples gave mutation frequencies two to three times higher than those of the ground samples. Nucleotide sequence analysis showed no apparent difference in point mutation rates between the space and the ground mutant samples. However, the greater part of the Mir mutant samples were found to have a total or large deletion in the rpsL sequence, suggesting that space radiation containing high-linear energy transfer (LET) might have caused deletion-type mutations.  相似文献   

Space flight induces many changes within the cardiovascular system that have the potential during long-duration space missions on the International Space Station to result in structural and functional changes in the vascular system. In this paper, we will first briefly review the potential changes in reflex control of the vascular system as observed primarily in short-duration studies of humans. We will then show how the reflex responses might interact with other changes anticipated during long-duration missions based on evidence from animal and human experimentation. This evidence points to the potential for changes in blood vessel structure, metabolism and responses to vasodilator and constrictor substances that might have long-term health consequences paralleling the effects of aging on the cardiovascular system.  相似文献   

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