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The Cre/loxP system has been used in transgenic models primarily to excise DNA flanked by loxP sites for gene deletion. However, the insertion reaction is more difficult to control since the excision event is kinetically favored. Mutant loxP sites favoring integration were identified using a novel, bacterial screening system. Utilizing lambda integrase, mutant loxP sites were placed at the E. coli attB site and the excision-insertion ratios of incoming DNA plasmids carrying a second, complementary mutant loxP site were determined. Comparison of 50 mutant loxP sites combinations to the native loxP site revealed that mutations to the inner 6 bp of the Cre binding domain severely inhibited recombination, while those in the outer 8 bps were more tolerated. The most efficient loxP combinations resulted in 1421-fold and 1529-fold increases in relative integration rates over wild-type loxP sites. These loxP mutants could be exploited for site-directed "tag and insert" recombination experiments.  相似文献   

Recombination of wild-type and mutant loxP sites mediated by wild-type Cre protein was analyzed in vivo using a sensitive phage P1 transduction assay. Contrary to some earlier reports, recombination between loxP sites was found to be highly specific: a loxP site recombined in vivo only with another of identical sequence, with no crossover recombination either between a wild-type and mutant site; or between two different mutant sites tested. Mutant loxP sites of identical sequence recombined as efficiently as wild-type. The highly specific and efficient recombination of mutant loxP sites in vivo helped in developing a procedure to progressively truncate DNA from either end of large genomic inserts in P1-derived artificial chromosomes (PACs) using transposons that carry either a wild-type or mutant loxP sequence. PAC libraries of human DNA were constructed with inserts flanked by a wild-type and one of the two mutant loxP sites, and deletions from both ends generated in clones using newly constructed wild-type and mutant loxP transposons. Analysis of the results provides new insight into the very large co-integrates formed during P1 transduction of plasmids with loxP sites: a model with tri- and possibly multimeric co-integrates comprising the PAC plasmid, phage DNA, and transposon plasmid(s) as intermediates in the cell appears best to fit the data. The ability to truncate a large piece of DNA from both ends is likely to facilitate functionally mapping gene boundaries more efficiently, and make available precisely trimmed genes in their chromosomal contexts for therapeutic applications.  相似文献   

Burkholderia species are extremely multidrug resistant, environmental bacteria with extraordinary bioremediation and biocontrol properties. At the same time, these bacteria cause serious opportunistic infections in vulnerable patient populations while some species can potentially be used as bioweapons. The complete DNA sequence of more than 10 Burkholderia genomes provides an opportunity to apply functional genomics to a collection of widely adaptable environmental bacteria thriving in diverse niches and establishing both symbiotic and pathogenic associations with many different organisms. However, extreme multidrug resistance hampers genetic manipulations in Burkholderia. We have developed and evaluated a mutagenesis system based on the homing endonuclease I-SceI to construct targeted, non-polar unmarked gene deletions in Burkholderia. Using the cystic fibrosis pathogen Burkholderia cenocepacia K56-2 as a model strain, we demonstrate this system allows for clean deletions of one or more genes within an operon and also the introduction of multiple deletions in the same strain. We anticipate this tool will have widespread environmental and biomedical applications, facilitating functional genomic studies and construction of safe strains for bioremediation and biocontrol, as well as clinical applications such as live vaccines for Burkholderia and other Gram-negative bacterial species.  相似文献   

The integrase from the Streptomyces phage (phi)C31 is a member of the serine recombinase family of site-specific recombinases and is fundamentally different from that of lambda or its relatives. Moreover, (phi)C31 int/attP is used widely as an essential component of integration vectors (such as pSET152) employed in the genetic analysis of Streptomyces species. phiC31 or integrating plasmids containing int/attP have been shown previously to integrate at a locus, attB, in the chromosome. The DNA sequences of the attB sites of various Streptomyces species revealed nonconserved positions. In particular, the crossover site was narrowed to the sequence 5'TT present in both attP and attB. Strains of Streptomyces coelicolor and S. lividans were constructed with a deletion of the attB site ((Delta)attB), and pSET152 was introduced into these strains by conjugation. Thus, secondary or pseudo-attB sites were identified by Southern blotting and after rescue of plasmids containing DNA flanking the insertion sites from the chromosome. The sequences of the integration sites had similarity to those of attB. Analysis of the insertions of pSET152 into both attB(+) and (Delta)attB strains indicated that this plasmid can integrate at several loci via independent recombination events within a transconjugant.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria of the genus Synechococcus are major contributors to global primary productivity and are found in a wide range of aquatic ecosystems. This Synechococcus collective (SC) is metabolically diverse, with some lineages thriving in polar and nutrient-rich locations and others in tropical or riverine waters. Although many studies have discussed the ecology and evolution of the SC, there is a paucity of knowledge on its taxonomic structure. Thus, we present a new taxonomic classification framework for the SC based on recent advances in microbial genomic taxonomy. Phylogenomic analyses of 1085 cyanobacterial genomes demonstrate that organisms classified as Synechococcus are polyphyletic at the order rank. The SC is classified into 15 genera, which are placed into five distinct orders within the phylum Cyanobacteria: (i) Synechococcales (Cyanobium, Inmanicoccus, Lacustricoccus gen. Nov., Parasynechococcus, Pseudosynechococcus, Regnicoccus, Synechospongium gen. nov., Synechococcus and Vulcanococcus); (ii) Cyanobacteriales (Limnothrix); (iii) Leptococcales (Brevicoccus and Leptococcus); (iv) Thermosynechococcales (Stenotopis and Thermosynechococcus) and (v) Neosynechococcales (Neosynechococcus). The newly proposed classification is consistent with habitat distribution patterns (seawater, freshwater, brackish and thermal environments) and reflects the ecological and evolutionary relationships of the SC.  相似文献   

The classic strategy to achieve gene deletion variants is based on double-crossover integration of nonreplicating vectors into the genome. In addition, recombination systems such as Cre-lox have been used extensively, mainly for eukaryotic organisms. This study presents the construction of a Cre-lox-based system for multiple gene deletions in Lactobacillus plantarum that could be adapted for use on gram-positive bacteria. First, an effective mutagenesis vector (pNZ5319) was constructed that allows direct cloning of blunt-end PCR products representing homologous recombination target regions. Using this mutagenesis vector, double-crossover gene replacement mutants could be readily selected based on their antibiotic resistance phenotype. In the resulting mutants, the target gene is replaced by a lox66-P(32)-cat-lox71 cassette, where lox66 and lox71 are mutant variants of loxP and P(32)-cat is a chloramphenicol resistance cassette. The lox sites serve as recognition sites for the Cre enzyme, a protein that belongs to the integrase family of site-specific recombinases. Thus, transient Cre recombinase expression in double-crossover mutants leads to recombination of the lox66-P(32)-cat-lox71 cassette into a double-mutant loxP site, called lox72, which displays strongly reduced recognition by Cre. The effectiveness of the Cre-lox-based strategy for multiple gene deletions was demonstrated by construction of both single and double gene deletions at the melA and bsh1 loci on the chromosome of the gram-positive model organism Lactobacillus plantarum WCFS1. Furthermore, the efficiency of the Cre-lox-based system in multiple gene replacements was determined by successive mutagenesis of the genetically closely linked loci melA and lacS2 in L. plantarum WCFS1. The fact that 99.4% of the clones that were analyzed had undergone correct Cre-lox resolution emphasizes the suitability of the system described here for multiple gene replacement and deletion strategies in a single genetic background.  相似文献   

A second-generation genomic screen for multiple sclerosis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a debilitating neuroimmunological and neurodegenerative disorder. Despite substantial evidence for polygenic inheritance of the disease, the major histocompatibility complex is the only region that clearly and consistently demonstrates linkage and association in MS studies. The goal of this study was to identify additional chromosomal regions that harbor susceptibility genes for MS. With a panel of 390 microsatellite markers genotyped in 245 U.S. and French multiplex families (456 affected relative pairs), this is the largest genomic screen for MS conducted to date. Four regions met both of our primary criteria for further interest (heterogeneity LOD [HLOD] and Z scores >2.0): 1q (HLOD=2.17; Z=3.38), 6p (HLOD=4.21; Z=2.26), 9q (HLOD; Z=2.71), and 16p (HLOD=2.64; Z=2.05). Two additional regions met only the Z score criterion: 3q (Z=2.39) and 5q (Z=2.17). Further examination of the data by country (United States vs. France) identified one additional region demonstrating suggestive linkage in the U.S. subset (18p [HLOD=2.39]) and two additional regions generating suggestive linkage in the French subset (1p [HLOD=2.08] and 22q [HLOD=2.06]). Examination of the data by human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DR2 stratification identified four additional regions demonstrating suggestive linkage: 2q (HLOD=3.09 in the U.S. DR2- families), 6q (HLOD=3.10 in the French DR2- families), 13q (HLOD=2.32 in all DR2+ families and HLOD=2.17 in the U.S. DR2+ families), and 16q (HLOD=2.32 in all DR2+ families and HLOD=2.13 in the U.S. DR2+ families). These data suggest several regions that warrant further investigation in the search for MS susceptibility genes.  相似文献   

We describe a new method for identifying the sequences that signal the start of translation, and the boundaries between exons and introns (donor and acceptor sites) in human mRNA. According to the mandatory keyword, ORGANISM, and feature key, CDS, a large set of standard data for each signal site was extracted from the ASCII flat file, gbpri.seq, in the GenBank release 108.0. This was used to generate the scoring matrices, which summarize the sequence information for each signal site. The scoring matrices take into account the independent nucleotide frequencies between adjacent bases in each position within the signal site regions, and the relative weight on each nucleotide in proportion to their probabilities in the known signal sites. Using a scoring scheme that is based on the nucleotide scoring matrices, the method has great sensitivity and specificity when used to locate signals in uncharacterized human genomic DNA. These matrices are especially effective at distinguishing true and false sites.  相似文献   

For functional analysis, the presence of gene families and isoenzymes often makes it necessary to delete more than one gene, while the number of marker genes is limited in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Here we describe a loxP-flanked ura4(+) cassette and Cre recombinase vector for a Cre-loxP-mediated marker removal procedure in S. pombe. This loxP-ura4-loxP cassette can be used for disruption of hmt1(+) as a model target gene. We have constructed two vectors which express Cre recombinase under the control of the nmt1 or nmt41 promoter. Excisive recombination at loxP sites in the chromosome was promoted efficiently and accurately when the Cre recombinase was expressed under the control of the nmt41 promoter. In addition, ura4(+) could be excised from the genome by Cre recombinase, when a single loxP site was adjacent to ura4. The use of the Cre-loxP system proved to be a practical strategy to excise a marker gene for repeated use in S. pombe.  相似文献   

DNA methylation at cytosines is a widely studied epigenetic modification. Methylation is commonly detected using bisulfite modification of DNA followed by PCR and additional techniques such as restriction digestion or sequencing. These additional techniques are either laborious, require specialized equipment, or are not quantitative. Here we describe a simple algorithm that yields quantitative results from analysis of conventional four-dye-trace sequencing. We call this method Mquant and we compare it with the established laboratory method of combined bisulfite restriction assay (COBRA). This analysis of sequencing electropherograms provides a simple, easily applied method to quantify DNA methylation at specific CpG sites.  相似文献   

Heterologous markers are important tools required for the molecular dissection of gene function in many organisms, including Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Moreover, the presence of gene families and isoenzymes often makes it necessary to delete more than one gene. We recently introduced a new and efficient gene disruption cassette for repeated use in budding yeast, which combines the heterologous dominant kanr resistance marker with a Cre/loxP-mediated marker removal procedure. Here we describe an additional set of four completely heterologous loxP-flanked marker cassettes carrying the genes URA3 and LEU2 from Kluyveromyces lactis, his5+ from Schizosaccharomyces pombe and the dominant resistance marker bler from the bacterial transposon Tn5, which confers resistance to the antibiotic phleomycin. All five loxP–marker gene–loxP gene disruption cassettes can be generated using the same pair of oligonucleotides and all can be used for gene disruption with high efficiency. For marker rescue we have created three additional Cre expression vectors carrying HIS3, TRP1 or bler as the yeast selection marker. The set of disruption cassettes and Cre expression plasmids described here represents a significant further development of the marker rescue system, which is ideally suited to functional analysis of the yeast genome.  相似文献   

Adoptive cell therapy truly began with the introduction of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. The ability to manipulate genes through cloning and expression methodologies have allowed for the development of novel chimeric receptors to selectively target cancer when introduced into immune cells. Over the past decade, gene engineered cells have been tested in clinical trials throughout the world. Recent data and striking clinical responses demonstrate the power of this new type of therapy. Current challenges include managing a potent therapy that is a dividing, rather than a static drug, safeguarding against potential toxicity, and further development to enable access to a greater number of patients.  相似文献   

During the past few years, many chimeric proteins have been developed to specifically target and kill cells expressing specific surface molecules. Generally these molecules carry a bacterial or plant toxin to destroy the unwanted cells. The major obstacle regarding these molecules in their clinical application is the immunogenicity and nonspecific toxicity associated with bacterial or plant toxins. We lately reported a new approach for construction of chimeric proteins: we successfully replaced bacterial or plant toxins with human apoptosis-inducing proteins. The resulting chimeras were shown to specifically induce apoptosis in the target cells. Taking advantage of the human apoptosis inducing proteins Bak and Bax as novel killing components, we have now constructed new chimeric proteins targeted against the human FcepsilonRI, expressed mainly on mast cells and basophils. These cells are the main effectors of the allergic response. Treatment of the target cells with the new chimeric proteins, termed Fcepsilon-Bak/Bax, had a dramatic effect on cell survival, causing apoptosis. The effect was specific to cells expressing the FcepsilonRI of both human and, very unexpectedly, also of mouse origin. Moreover, interaction of the chimeric proteins with the mast cells did not cause degranulation. Fcepsilon-Bak/Bax are new chimeric proteins of human origin and, as such, are expected to be both less immunogenic and less toxic and, thus, may be specific and efficient reagents for the treatment of allergic diseases.  相似文献   

Most covalent protein labeling schemes require a choice between visual and affinity properties, requiring the use of multiple fusion systems where both attributes are needed. While not disruptive at the single experiment level, this detail becomes critical when addressing high-throughput experimentation. Here we develop a uniform site-specific protein tag for use in both fluorescent and affinity screening. Covalent protein tagging with a stilbene reporter via promiscuous phosphopantetheinyltransferase (PPTase) modification enables a switchable, antibody-elicited fluorescent response in solution or on affinity resin. For demonstration purposes, VibB, a natural fusion protein harboring a carrier protein domain, was labeled with a stilbene tag through PPTase modification with a stilbene-labeled coenzyme A analogue. Analysis of the resulting stilbene-tagged VibB was accomplished by fluorescent and Western blot analysis with anti-stilbene monoclonal antibody EP2-19G2. The illustration of this method for general application to fusion protein analysis offers a dual role in assisting both solution-based fluorescent analysis and surface-based affinity detection and purification.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Most of diseases are caused by a set of gene defects, which occur in a complex association. The association scheme of expressed genes can be modelled by genetic networks. Genetic networks are efficiently facilities to understand the dynamic of pathogenic processes by modelling molecular reality of cell conditions. In this sense a genetic network consists of first, a set of genes of specified cells, tissues or species and second, causal relations between these genes determining the functional condition of the biological system, i. e. under disease. A relation between two genes will exist if they both are directly or indirectly associated with disease [8]. Our goal is to characterize diseases (especially autoimmune diseases like chronic pancreatitis CP, multiple sclerosis MS, rheumatoid arthritis RA) by genetic networks generated by a computer system. We want to introduce this practice as a bioinformatic approach for finding targets.  相似文献   

Fusion of proteins to the Fc region of IgG is widely used to express cellular receptors and other extracellular proteins, but cleavage of the fusion partner is sometimes required for downstream applications. Immunoglobulin G-degrading enzyme of Streptococcus pyogenes (IdeS) is a protease with exquisite specificity for human IgG, and it can also cleave Fc-fusion proteins at a single site in the N-terminal region of the CH2 domain. However, the site of IdeS cleavage results in the disulfide-linked hinge region partitioning with the released protein, complicating downstream usage of the cleaved product. To tailor the Fc fragment for release of partner proteins by IdeS treatment, we investigated the effect of deleting regions of IgG-derived sequence that are upstream of the cleavage site. Elimination of the IgG-derived hinge sequence along with several residues of the CH2 domain had negligible effects on expression and purity of the fusion protein, while retaining efficient processing by IdeS. An optimal Fc fragment comprising residues 235–447 of the human IgG1 heavy chain sufficed for efficient production of fusion proteins and minimized the amount of residual Ig-derived sequence on the cleavage product following IdeS treatment. Pairing of this truncated Fc fragment with IdeS cleavage enables highly specific cleavage of Fc-fusion proteins, thus eliminating the need to engineer extraneous cleavage sequences. This system should be helpful for producing Fc-fusion proteins requiring downstream cleavage, particularly those that are sensitive to internal miscleavage if treated with alternative proteases.  相似文献   

用野生一粒小麦为材料,以细菌人工染色体(pECBAC1)为载体构建了细菌人工染色体克隆混合池(Bacterial artificial chromosome pool),每池100个克隆。经初步验证,池中靶克隆经12h的培养后仍稳定存活。克隆之间的竞争实验仍在进行当中。  相似文献   

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