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葛少钦  康现江  段斐 《遗传》2010,32(4):289-294
卵胞浆内精子注射(Intracytoplasmic sperm injection, ICSI)技术可用于男性少精、弱精、精子畸形、无精子和常规体外受精周期失败等, 克服了精子数量不足甚至直接从附睾、睾丸获取精子来治疗不育。该技术直接将单个精子注射入卵子, 因违背自然受精的生物学法则而具有很大的遗传风险。文章对ICSI精子遗传缺陷和表观遗传缺陷及其相关疾病进行综述, 可进一步认识ICSI精子遗传与表观遗传缺陷导致后代遗传风险增加的分子的机理, 文章阐述了ICSI精子有待于通过DNA甲基化、组蛋白乙酰化等表观遗传因子进行严格质量控制, 切实降低ICSI遗传及表观遗传缺陷风险的必要性。  相似文献   

葛少钦  赵峥辉  张雪倩  郝媛 《遗传》2014,36(5):439-446
精子发生(Spermatogenesis) 是一高度复杂的过程, 包括有丝分裂、减数分裂和精子形成。精母细胞经过独特而广泛的染色质与表观遗传修饰重塑之后, 最终分化产生了具有特定表观遗传修饰的精子。最近研究表明, 成熟精子中的表观遗传修饰在发育的胚胎中发挥了重要作用, 其表观遗传模式的改变会导致某些疾病风险提高, 如受精失败、胚胎发生机能障碍、早产、出生体重低、先天畸形、新生儿死亡以及其他在辅助生殖技术后代中发现的发生频率较高的妊娠相关并发症。文章通过评价成熟精子中DNA甲基化、保留组蛋白修饰、RNAs和精蛋白等表观遗传修饰的重要意义及其在胚胎发育过程中的潜在作用, 阐述了成熟精子中改变的表观遗传修饰与相关疾病之间的关系, 为不育症的防治、精子表观遗传质量评价以及降低辅助生殖技术后代表观遗传疾病风险等提供基础资料。  相似文献   

精子发生(spermatogenesis)是一个高度特化的细胞复杂分化过程,其中DNA二核苷酸CpG甲基化变化与基因转录激活、染色质改构以及遗传印记相关,并且该甲基化与基因表达之间的关系是非直接的,其可通过染色质结构的改变或DNA与蛋白质的相互作用来介导。本文着重介绍精子发生过程中DNA甲基化及其跨代遗传风险、DNA甲基转移酶的调控机制以及DNA甲基化与男性不育之间的关系等,为不育症的防治、精子表观遗传质量评价以及降低辅助生殖技术后代表观遗传疾病风险等提供基础资料。  相似文献   

DNA甲基化和组蛋白修饰等表观遗传机制是恶性肿瘤发生发展的重要原因之一.然而近年来研究发现,microRNA表达水平改变也参与恶性肿瘤的形成.最新研究资料揭示,表观遗传可调控microRNA表达,而一些种类的microRNA也可调节表观遗传,并且二者之间相互作用可调控组织细胞内基因表达以及诱导体内恶性肿瘤产生.研究资料还显示,表观遗传主要通过DNA甲基化、组蛋白修饰等方式调控microRNA表达,而microRNA则通过调节DNA甲基化转移酶、维持细胞中DNA甲基化水平或改变组蛋白修饰等途径调控表观遗传.对microRNA与表观遗传之间的调控关系以及在抗肿瘤领域内的应用进行全面而系统的论述.  相似文献   

精子发生过程中组蛋白甲基化和乙酰化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ge SQ  Li JZ  Zhang XJ 《遗传》2011,33(9):939-946
精子发生(Spermatogenesis)这一高度复杂的独特分化过程包括精原细胞发育为精母细胞、单倍体精细胞的形成和精子成熟,并以阶段特异性和睾丸特异性基因的表达、有丝分裂和减数分裂以及组蛋白向鱼精蛋白的转变为特征。表观遗传修饰在减数分裂重组、联会复合物的形成、姊妹染色体的结合、减数分裂后精子的变态、基因表达阻遏和异染色质形成过程中发挥着重要作用。其中具有一定组成形式、起抑制作用和/或激活作用的组蛋白甲基化和乙酰化标记,不仅保证了正确的染色体配对和二价染色体的成功分离,并且精确调节减数分裂特异性基因的适时表达。精子发生过程中组蛋白甲基化和/或乙酰化错误会直接影响表观遗传修饰的建立和维持,导致生精细胞异常甚至引发不育。文章旨在对精子发生过程中组蛋白甲基化和乙酰化表观遗传修饰的动态变化及其相关酶的调节机制进行综述,为进一步研究精子发生的表观遗传调控,预防男性不育疾病的发生提供基础资料。  相似文献   

精子形成是指单倍体球形精子细胞分化发育成为精子的过程。这一连续进程包含一系列复杂的生化事件和剧烈的形态变化,涉及顶体和尾部形成、组蛋白-鱼精蛋白转换、细胞核压缩和细胞质丢弃等。近期研究发现,表观遗传调控在精子形成过程中发挥重要作用,对确保精子细胞正常发育和精子生成至关重要。现总结近期的相关研究进展,从DNA甲基化和组蛋白修饰两个方面简介精子形成过程中的表观遗传调控功能和机制。  相似文献   

植物表观遗传学不仅是基础科学研究的焦点,也是植物育种中获得新资源的一种方式。表观遗传机制可以通过非编码RNA,组蛋白修饰和DNA甲基化控制基因的表达,且越来越多的研究表明表观遗传机制对植物适应环境及胁迫记忆是必要的。本综述重点从DNA甲基化调控、组蛋白变异、组蛋白修饰调控、非编码RNA调控水平论述植物在各种逆境条件下如何通过表观遗传机制来适应环境。  相似文献   

刘辰东  杨露  蒲红州  杨琼  黄文耀  赵雪  朱砺  张顺华 《遗传》2017,39(10):888-896
DNA甲基化、组蛋白修饰和miRNA表达调控是表观遗传调控的3种重要方式,其在基因表达调控中发挥着关键作用。适当运动有益于身心健康。骨骼肌作为运动的主体组织,运动可以提高其代谢能力,改善其线粒体生物学功能,调控肌纤维类型转化,增加骨骼肌力量。近年来越来越多的研究表明,表观遗传调控在机体适应运动过程中发挥着重要作用,DNA甲基化、组蛋白修饰和miRNA表达调控等表观遗传调控方式通过调控骨骼肌基因表达来改变骨骼肌代谢能力、线粒体生物学功能和肌纤维类型,从而适应运动变化。本文对近年来运动对骨骼肌基因DNA甲基化、组蛋白修饰和相应miRNA表达调控等3种表观遗传调控方式的研究现状进行了综述,以期为进一步研究运动改善机体机能和健康提供参考。  相似文献   

表观遗传修饰不影响DNA序列,却可通过DNA甲基化/去甲基化、多种类型组蛋白可逆修饰以及非编码RNA分子影响染色质活性状态,影响DNA遗传信息的表达。基于表观遗传机制的药物旨在通过人为干预疾病状态下染色质表观遗传修饰状态,以矫正疾病关联基因的表达,实现疾病预防和治疗。围绕DNA甲基转移酶抑制剂、组蛋白修饰酶抑制剂和siRNA等在内的表观遗传药物的研发现状进行了系统的总结,并对相关研发和产业化过程中所遇到的问题进行了系统的梳理和较为深入的讨论,旨为促进国内表观遗传药物的研发和相关生物技术产业化发展。  相似文献   

组蛋白甲基化研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
组蛋白甲基化是表观遗传修饰方式中的一种,参与异染色质形成、基因印记、X染色体失活和基因转录调控.组蛋白甲基化过程的异常参与多种肿瘤的发生.既往认为组蛋白甲基化是稳定的表观遗传标记,而组蛋白去甲基化酶的发现对这一观点提出了挑战,也为进一步深入研究组蛋白修饰提供新的途径.  相似文献   

Epigenetic alterations in the germline can be triggered by a number of different environmental factors from diet to toxicants. These environmentally induced germline changes can promote the epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of disease and phenotypic variation. In previous studies, the pesticide DDT was shown to promote the transgenerational inheritance of sperm differential DNA methylation regions (DMRs), also called epimutations, which can in part mediate this epigenetic inheritance. In the current study, the developmental origins of the transgenerational DMRs during gametogenesis have been investigated. Male control and DDT lineage F3 generation rats were used to isolate embryonic day 16 (E16) prospermatogonia, postnatal day 10 (P10) spermatogonia, adult pachytene spermatocytes, round spermatids, caput epididymal spermatozoa, and caudal sperm. The DMRs between the control versus DDT lineage samples were determined at each developmental stage. The top 100 statistically significant DMRs at each stage were compared and the developmental origins of the caudal epididymal sperm DMRs were assessed. The chromosomal locations and genomic features of the different stage DMRs were analyzed. Although previous studies have demonstrated alterations in the DMRs of primordial germ cells (PGCs), the majority of the DMRs identified in the caudal sperm originated during the spermatogonia stages in the testis. Interestingly, a cascade of epigenetic alterations initiated in the PGCs is required to alter the epigenetic programming during spermatogenesis to obtain the sperm epigenetics involved in the epigenetic transgenerational inheritance phenomenon.  相似文献   

Environmental factors during fetal development can induce a permanent epigenetic change in the germ line (sperm) that then transmits epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of adult-onset disease in the absence of any subsequent exposure. The epigenetic transgenerational actions of various environmental compounds and relevant mixtures were investigated with the use of a pesticide mixture (permethrin and insect repellant DEET), a plastic mixture (bisphenol A and phthalates), dioxin (TCDD) and a hydrocarbon mixture (jet fuel, JP8). After transient exposure of F0 gestating female rats during the period of embryonic gonadal sex determination, the subsequent F1-F3 generations were obtained in the absence of any environmental exposure. The effects on the F1, F2 and F3 generations pubertal onset and gonadal function were assessed. The plastics, dioxin and jet fuel were found to promote early-onset female puberty transgenerationally (F3 generation). Spermatogenic cell apoptosis was affected transgenerationally. Ovarian primordial follicle pool size was significantly decreased with all treatments transgenerationally. Differential DNA methylation of the F3 generation sperm promoter epigenome was examined. Differential DNA methylation regions (DMR) were identified in the sperm of all exposure lineage males and found to be consistent within a specific exposure lineage, but different between the exposures. Several genomic features of the DMR, such as low density CpG content, were identified. Exposure-specific epigenetic biomarkers were identified that may allow for the assessment of ancestral environmental exposures associated with adult onset disease.  相似文献   

Establishment and maintenance of the correct epigenetic code is essential for a plethora of physiological pathways and disturbed epigenetic patterns can provoke severe consequences, e.g. tumour formation. In recent years, epigenetic drugs altering the epigenome of tumours actively have been developed for anti-cancer therapies. However, such drugs could potentially also affect other physiological pathways and systems in which intact epigenetic patterns are essential. Amongst those, male fertility is one of the most prominent. Consequently, we addressed possible direct effects of two epigenetic drugs, decitabine and vorinostat, on both, the male germ line and fertility. In addition, we checked for putative transgenerational epigenetic effects on the germ line of subsequent generations (F1–F3). Parental adult male C57Bl/6 mice were treated with either decitabine or vorinostat and analysed as well as three subsequent untreated generations derived from these males. Treatment directly affected several reproductive parameters as testis (decitabine & vorinostat) and epididymis weight, size of accessory sex glands (vorinostat), the height of the seminiferous epithelium and sperm concentration and morphology (decitabine). Furthermore, after decitabine administration, DNA methylation of a number of loci was altered in sperm. However, when analysing fertility of treated mice (fertilisation, litter size and sex ratio), no major effect of the selected epigenetic drugs on male fertility was detected. In subsequent generations (F1–F3 generations) only subtle changes on reproductive organs, sperm parameters and DNA methylation but no overall effect on fertility was observed. Consequently, in mice, decitabine and vorinostat neither affected male fertility per se nor caused marked transgenerational effects. We therefore suggest that both drugs do not induce major adverse effects—in terms of male fertility and transgenerational epigenetic inheritance—when used in anti-cancer-therapies.  相似文献   

Cryopreservation of spermatozoa is a strategy that has been used to conserve the sperm of animal species and animal strains that are valuable for biomedical research. A simple method for preserving spermatozoa after application of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is much needed. It has been shown previously that spermatozoa frozen at 20°C can activate oocytes and support full-term embryo development. However, epigenetic reprogramming could be affected by the environment and by the in vitro manipulation of gametes. Here, we investigated embryo epigenetic reprogramming including DNA methylation and histone modification, in embryos derived from sperm preserved at 20°C without cryoprotectants. The results showed that although both fertilization and embryo developmental competence were decreased, the dynamic epigenetic reprogramming of embryos derived from frozen sperm was similar to the reprogramming of embryos derived from fresh sperm. The results reported in this study indicate that sperm frozen without cryoprotectant is epigenetically safe for ICSI.  相似文献   

Highly differentiated mature spermatozoa carry not only genetic but also epigenetic information that is to be transmitted to the embryo. DNA methylation is one epigenetic actor associated with sperm nucleus compaction, gene silencing, and prepatterning of embryonic gene expression. Therefore, the stability of this mark toward reproductive biotechnologies is a major issue in animal production. The present work explored the impact of hormonal induction of spermiation and sperm cryopreservation in two cyprinids, the goldfish (Carassius auratus) and the zebrafish (Danio rerio), using LUminometric Methylation Assay (LUMA). We showed that while goldfish hormonal treatment did increase sperm production, it did not alter global DNA methylation of spermatozoa. Different sperm samples repeatedly collected from the same males for 2 months also showed the same global DNA methylation level. Similarly, global DNA methylation was not affected after cryopreservation of goldfish spermatozoa with methanol, whereas less efficient cryoprotectants (dimethylsulfoxide and 1,2‐propanediol) decreased DNA methylation. In contrast, cryopreservation of zebrafish spermatozoa with methanol induced a slight, but significant, increase in global DNA methylation. In the less compact nuclei, that is, goldfish fin somatic cells, cryopreservation did not change global DNA methylation regardless of the choice of cryoprotectant. To conclude, global DNA methylation is a robust parameter with respect to biotechnologies such as hormonal induction of spermiation and sperm cryopreservation, but it can be altered when the best sperm manipulation conditions are not met.  相似文献   

Maternal inheritance,epigenetics and the evolution of polyandry   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Zeh JA  Zeh DW 《Genetica》2008,134(1):45-54
Growing evidence indicates that females actively engage in polyandry either to avoid genetic incompatibility or to bias paternity in favor of genetically superior males. Despite empirical support for the intrinsic male quality hypothesis, the maintenance of variation in male fitness remains a conundrum for traditional "good genes" models of sexual selection. Here, we discuss two mechanisms of non-Mendelian inheritance, maternal inheritance of mitochondria and epigenetic regulation of gene expression, which may explain the persistence of variation in male fitness traits important in post-copulatory sexual selection. The inability of males to transmit mitochondria precludes any direct evolutionary response to selection on mitochondrial mutations that reduce or enhance male fitness. Consequently, mitochondrial-based variation in sperm traits is likely to persist, even in the face of intense sperm competition. Indeed, mitochondrial nucleotide substitutions, deletions and insertions are now known to be a primary cause of low sperm count and poor sperm motility in humans. Paradoxically, in the field of sexual selection, female-limited response to selection has been largely overlooked. Similarly, the contribution of epigenetics (e.g., DNA methylation, histone modifications and non-coding RNAs) to heritable variation in male fitness has received little attention from evolutionary theorists. Unlike DNA sequence based variation, epigenetic variation can be strongly influenced by environmental and stochastic effects experienced during the lifetime of an individual. Remarkably, in some cases, acquired epigenetic changes can be stably transmitted to offspring. A recent study indicates that sperm exhibit particularly high levels of epigenetic variation both within and between individuals. We suggest that such epigenetic variation may have important implications for post-copulatory sexual selection and may account for recent findings linking sperm competitive ability to offspring fitness.  相似文献   

The molecular basis of male infertility is poorly understood, the majority of cases remaining unsolved. The association of aberrant sperm DNA methylation patterns and compromised semen parameters suggests that disturbances in male germline epigenetic reprogramming contribute to this problem. So far there are only few data on the epigenetic heterogeneity of sperm within a given sample and how to select the best sperm for successful infertility treatment. Limiting dilution bisulfite sequencing of small pools of sperm from fertile donors did not reveal significant differences in the occurrence of abnormal methylation imprints between sperm with and without morphological abnormalities. Intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection was not associated with an improved epigenetic quality, compared to standard intracytoplasmatic sperm injection. Deep bisulfite sequencing (DBS) of 2 imprinted and 2 pluripotency genes in sperm from men attending a fertility center showed that in both samples with normozoospermia and oligoasthenoteratozoospermia (OAT) the vast majority of sperm alleles was normally (de)methylated and the percentage of epimutations (allele methylation errors) was generally low (<1%). However, DBS allowed one to identify and quantify these rare epimutations with high accuracy. Sperm samples not leading to a pregnancy, in particular in the OAT group, had significantly more epimutations in the paternally methylated GTL2 gene than samples leading to a live birth. All 13 normozoospermic and 13 OAT samples leading to a child had <1% GTL2 epimutations, whereas one (7%) of 14 normozoospermic and 7 (50%) of 14 OAT samples without pregnancy displayed 1–14% GTL2 epimutations.  相似文献   

The molecular basis of male infertility is poorly understood, the majority of cases remaining unsolved. The association of aberrant sperm DNA methylation patterns and compromised semen parameters suggests that disturbances in male germline epigenetic reprogramming contribute to this problem. So far there are only few data on the epigenetic heterogeneity of sperm within a given sample and how to select the best sperm for successful infertility treatment. Limiting dilution bisulfite sequencing of small pools of sperm from fertile donors did not reveal significant differences in the occurrence of abnormal methylation imprints between sperm with and without morphological abnormalities. Intracytoplasmic morphologically selected sperm injection was not associated with an improved epigenetic quality, compared to standard intracytoplasmatic sperm injection. Deep bisulfite sequencing (DBS) of 2 imprinted and 2 pluripotency genes in sperm from men attending a fertility center showed that in both samples with normozoospermia and oligoasthenoteratozoospermia (OAT) the vast majority of sperm alleles was normally (de)methylated and the percentage of epimutations (allele methylation errors) was generally low (<1%). However, DBS allowed one to identify and quantify these rare epimutations with high accuracy. Sperm samples not leading to a pregnancy, in particular in the OAT group, had significantly more epimutations in the paternally methylated GTL2 gene than samples leading to a live birth. All 13 normozoospermic and 13 OAT samples leading to a child had <1% GTL2 epimutations, whereas one (7%) of 14 normozoospermic and 7 (50%) of 14 OAT samples without pregnancy displayed 1–14% GTL2 epimutations.  相似文献   

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