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Theory proposes an adaptive relationship between male song complexity, including large song repertoires, and improved breeding success. Evidence supporting these relationships exists but is sometimes mixed or weak. Here we provide a first comprehensive study of the relationship between male song diversity and breeding success in a non‐migratory, austral population of house wrens Troglodytes aedon chilensis breeding in Mendoza, Argentina. During a two‐year field study, we measured breeding success for a population of 62 males and recorded more than 34 000 songs from a subsample of 26 males. For the latter subsample, we tested for correlations between six measures of song diversity and four canonical measures of annual breeding success. Males that sang with greater overall syllable type diversity and that had larger song repertories paired with females that bred earlier and laid more eggs over the course of the breeding season. However, these males also showed lower levels of immediate song type diversity, as measured by the Levenshtein distance between successive songs. We discuss implications for the evolution of song complexity in this exceptionally widespread species and the selective mechanisms that might influence song complexity in resident populations in the Neotropics compared to migratory populations in the northern hemisphere.  相似文献   

Based on the assumptions that birdsong indicates male quality and that quality is related to age, one might expect older birds to signal their age. That is, in addition to actual body condition, at least some song features should vary with age, presumably towards more complexity. We investigated this issue by comparing repertoire sizes of free‐ranging common nightingale males in their first breeding season with those of older males. Nightingales are a good model species as they are open‐ended learners, where song acquisition is not confined to an early sensitive period of learning. Moreover, nightingales develop an extraordinarily large song‐type repertoire (approx. 180 different song types per male), and differences in repertoire size among males are pronounced. We analysed repertoire characteristics of the nocturnal song of nine nightingales in their first breeding season and compared them with the songs of nine older males. The repertoire size of older males was on average 53% larger than that of yearlings. When analysing two song categories of nightingales, whistle and non‐whistle songs separately, we found similar results. Our findings show marked differences in repertoire size between age categories, suggesting that this song feature may reflect a male's age. We discuss those mechanisms that may constrain the development of larger repertoires in first‐year males. Whether repertoire sizes are crucial for female mate choice or in vocal interactions among conspecific males remains open to further investigations.  相似文献   

Song of passerine birds is one of the few animal signals that is learned and that improves with practice. Vocal practice is crucial early in life to perfect a song imitation, but it also occurs throughout life and may continue to improve aspects of song performance. Differences in song performance among males that share song types, that is sing structurally similar songs may be particularly salient to receivers. We here test the hypothesis that aspects of song performance improve in a songbird species that deletes song types from its repertoire early in the first breeding season to share their final single song type with territorial neighbours. Over 3 yrs, we recorded songs in a population of Puget Sound white‐crowned sparrows Zonotrichia leucophrys pugetensis and measured percentage peak performance and consistency thereof in all of the song types in each male's repertoire. We found that within the first year on territory, percentage peak performance was higher in shared than unshared songs but did not change from first to second recording. Contrary to the hypothesis that song performance improves with age, song performance declined from the first to the second year. Our results support the hypothesis that high‐performance singers share songs. We did not find support for song performance improving within or between years, like it does in some other songbird species.  相似文献   

Perineuronal nets (PNN) are aggregations of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans surrounding the soma and proximal processes of neurons, mostly GABAergic interneurons expressing parvalbumin. They limit the plasticity of their afferent synaptic connections. In zebra finches PNN develop in an experience‐dependent manner in the song control nuclei HVC and RA (nucleus robustus arcopallialis) when young birds crystallize their song. Because songbird species that are open‐ended learners tend to recapitulate each year the different phases of song learning until their song crystallizes at the beginning of the breeding season, we tested whether seasonal changes in PNN expression would be found in the song control nuclei of a seasonally breeding species such as the European starling. Only minimal changes in PNN densities and total number of cells surrounded by PNN were detected. However, comparison of the density of PNN and of PNN surrounding parvalbumin‐positive cells revealed that these structures are far less numerous in starlings that show extensive adult vocal plasticity, including learning of new songs throughout the year, than in the closed‐ended learner zebra finches. Canaries that also display some vocal plasticity across season but were never formally shown to learn new songs in adulthood were intermediate in this respect. Together these data suggest that establishment of PNN around parvalbumin‐positive neurons in song control nuclei has diverged during evolution to control the different learning capacities observed in songbird species. This differential expression of PNN in different songbird species could represent a key cellular mechanism mediating species variation between closed‐ended and open‐ended learning strategies. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 77: 975–994, 2017  相似文献   

Age-related differences in plumage characteristics of birds can be the result of differential survival of more ornamented individuals, within-individual changes in plumage attributes with age, or a combination of both. In this study, we investigated age-class related differences in plumage attributes of male tree swallows Tachycineta bicolor by performing both cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses. Male tree swallows in their first breeding season do not display delayed plumage maturation, and possess, like experienced breeders, metallic green to metallic blue iridescent plumage on their dorsal surface. Our results showed that, at the population level, older males were brighter and reflected light maximally at shorter wavelengths (i.e. were more blue). Differences in plumage brightness were most likely caused by changes within individuals as males increased in brightness between the first time they were captured and the subsequent year. Differences in hue, however, were not due to within-individual changes, but rather appear to be the result of greener individuals having lower survival and/or nest site fidelity. Indeed, relatively dull, greener birds had a lower probability of being recaptured the subsequent year. In contrast, we found that if birds captured in their first year as breeding adults were relatively bright, hue was not related to the probability of recapture. These results suggest that plumage attributes in male tree swallows have the potential of being honest signals of quality. Furthermore, plumage brightness and plumage hue might signal different aspects of male quality in this species.  相似文献   

In species in which males defend territories for breeding, males may differ in territorial behavior; alternative behaviors among territorial males are not well understood. In our long‐term study of partially‐migratory song sparrows, we have observed that most territorial males establish territories before females begin nesting and remain site‐faithful both within and between breeding seasons; however, some males establish territories later in the season (late establishers) and/or change territory locations either within or between seasons (movers). Whether late establishment or moving are equally successful strategies for territory defense, or best‐of‐bad‐job options, is not known. Here, we compare the frequencies of these behaviors to demographic variables over a 9‐yr period and compare lifetime tenure and early season nesting success for males who differ in site fidelity and timing of territory establishment. Across years, late establishing was negatively correlated with the return rate of previously territorial males; moving was positively correlated with the number of occupied territories at the start of the breeding season (territory density). While moving was independent of number of years on territory, late territory establishment only occurred in a male’s first year as a territory holder. Of 88 males, 25% established their first territory late, primarily in undefended space; 31% moved. Late and early establishers did not differ in lifetime tenure; movers, however, had longer lifetime tenure than site‐faithful males. Among early establishers, movers and non‐movers did not differ in the number of successful early nests/year or number of young fledged/year; among late establishers, however, movers had significantly higher early nesting success by both measures. Late establishers who moved had higher early season nesting success and higher early season nesting success/year than site‐faithful early establishers. Thus, individual variation in the timing of territory establishment and site fidelity may be facultative alternative territorial strategies.  相似文献   

The song of oscines provides an extensively studied model of age-dependent behaviour changes. Male and female receivers might use song characteristics to obtain information about the age of a signaller, which is often related to its quality. Whereas most of the age-dependent song changes have been studied in solo singing, the role of age in vocal interactions is less well understood. We addressed this issue in a playback study with common nightingales (Luscinia megarhynchos). Previous studies showed that male nightingales had smaller repertoires in their first year than older males and males adjusted their repertoire towards the most common songs in the breeding population. We now compared vocal interaction patterns in a playback study in 12 one year old and 12 older nightingales (cross-sectional approach). Five of these males were tested both in their first and second breeding season (longitudinal approach). Song duration and latency to respond did not differ between males of different ages in either approach. In the cross-sectional approach, one year old nightingales matched song types twice as often as did older birds. Similarly, in the longitudinal approach all except one bird reduced the number of song type matches in their second season. Individuals tended to overlap songs at higher rates in their second breeding season than in their first. The higher levels of song type matches in the first year and song overlapping by birds in their second year suggest that these are communicative strategies to establish relationships with competing males and/or choosy females.  相似文献   

Most songbirds learn their songs from adult tutors, who can be their father or other male conspecifics. However, the variables that control song learning in a natural social context are largely unknown. We investigated whether the time of hatching of male domesticated canaries has an impact on their song development and on the neuroendocrine parameters of the song control system. Average age difference between early- and late-hatched males was 50 days with a maximum of 90 days. Song activity of adult tutor males decreased significantly during the breeding season. While early-hatched males were exposed to tutor songs for on average the first 99 days, late-hatched peers heard adult song only during the first 48 days of life. Remarkably, although hatching late in the season negatively affected body condition, no differences between both groups of males were found in song characteristics either in autumn or in the following spring. Similarly, hatching date had no effect on song nucleus size and circulating testosterone levels. Our data suggest that late-hatched males must have undergone accelerated song development. Furthermore, the limited tutor song exposure did not affect adult song organization and song performance.  相似文献   

In many oscine passerines males’ songs, the repertoire size increases with age. At the same time it often remains unknown when and where males learn new songs. To infer the Whinchat Saxicola rubetra song learning strategy, we described and catalogued song-type repertoire, revealed age differences and examined song sharing strategies among neighbouring and distant males. We recorded song vocalizations of 40 males in a limited (104 ha) study plot during four years. Whinchats produce short and discrete songs with clear intersong pauses. In total 45 song types were allocated, the individual repertoire size averaged 23.5 ± 7.6 song types (range 9–34 song types). The males’ age significantly influenced the song-type repertoire size. The second calendar year (first breeding) males had a lower repertoire size than the older males. The majority of song types were shared by less than half of males in our sample. The Jaccard similarity indexes varied from 0.5 to 0.7. We could not find a relationship between males’ song sharing and geographic distances between their nests. We assume that Whinchat males learned new songs in the local population before territory establishment.  相似文献   

The concept of a macroevolutionary trade-off among sexual signals has a storied history in evolutionary biology. Theory predicts that if multiple sexual signals are costly for males to produce or maintain and females prefer a single, sexually selected trait, then an inverse correlation between sexual signal elaborations is expected among species. However, empirical evidence for what has been termed the ‘transfer hypothesis’ is mixed, which may reflect different selective pressures among lineages, evolutionary covariates or methodological differences among studies. Here, we examine interspecific correlations between song and plumage elaboration in a phenotypically diverse, widespread radiation of songbirds, the tanagers. The tanagers (Thraupidae) are the largest family of songbirds, representing nearly 10% of all songbirds. We assess variation in song and plumage elaboration across 301 species, representing the largest scale comparative study of multimodal sexual signalling to date. We consider whether evolutionary covariates, including habitat, structural and carotenoid-based coloration, and subfamily groupings influence the relationship between song and plumage elaboration. We find that song and plumage elaboration are uncorrelated when considering all tanagers, although the relationship between song and plumage complexity varies among subfamilies. Taken together, we find that elaborate visual and vocal sexual signals evolve independently among tanagers.  相似文献   

In anticipation of the breeding season male songbirds of the temperate zones undergo gonadal recrudescence in early spring that lead to elevated circulating testosterone (T) levels, positively correlated with an increase in aggressive and song behaviour. However, besides seasonal changes there are also marked fluctuations of T levels and song production within the breeding season. In many species, T levels and singing activity drop after pairing or after the first clutch is laid. Domesticated canaries (Serinus canaria) are multiple‐brooded with an extended breeding season, and males continue to sing after egg‐laying. So far, studies have mainly focused on the seasonality of T levels and song behaviour whereas the pattern of change throughout the breeding period is unknown. Here, we focused on the first and on the last brood of the breeding season. We measured plasma T levels in males at the different breeding stages and assessed song characteristics of males at both times. T levels fluctuated significantly throughout brood 1, being highest during the nest building stage compared with egg‐laying and feeding of young. No such changes occurred during the last brood. Temporal song characteristics changed between brood 1 and brood 3 with song length being the main contributor to explain these changes. Our data suggest that T mainly plays a role in mate attraction and initial nesting site selection but that elevated levels are not necessary for subsequent breeding attempts. Furthermore, temporal song characteristics are maintained independently of T levels, suggesting a threshold effect. Our results demonstrate behavioural and physiological plasticity of domesticated canaries during the breeding season and are consistent with previous findings in wild songbirds.  相似文献   

In the majority of songbird species, males have repertoires of multiple song types used for mate attraction and territory defence. The wood‐warblers (family Parulidae) are a diverse family of songbirds in which males of many migratory species use different song types or patterns of song delivery (known as ‘singing modes’) depending on context. The vocal behaviour of most tropical resident warblers remains undescribed, although these species differ ecologically and behaviourally from migratory species, and may therefore differ in their vocal behaviour. We test whether male Rufous‐capped Warblers Basileuterus rufifrons use distinct singing modes by examining song structure and context‐dependent variation in their songs. We recorded multiple song bouts from 50 male Warblers in a Costa Rican population over 3 years to describe seasonal, diel and annual variation in song structure and vocal behaviour. We found that Rufous‐capped Warbler songs are complex, with many syllable types shared both within and between males’ repertoires. Males varied their song output depending on context: they sang long songs at a high rate at dawn and during the breeding season, and shortened songs in the presence of a vocalizing female mate. Unlike many migratory species, Rufous‐capped Warblers do not appear to have different singing modes; they did not change the song variants used or the pattern of song delivery according to time of day, season or female vocal activity. Our research provides the first detailed vocal analysis of any Basileuterus warbler species, and enhances our understanding of the evolution of repertoire specialization in tropical resident songbirds.  相似文献   

Theoretical models predict that investment in pre‐copulatory and post‐copulatory sexually selected traits should trade‐off. At the macroevolutionary scale, the majority of studies to date have focused on male weaponry as the target of pre‐copulatory sexual selection, but the trade‐off should equally apply to traits used to attract females, such as bird song and plumage. We studied the Old World leaf warblers (Phylloscopidae), a group of socially monogamous songbirds that experience relatively high levels of sperm competition. We examined the relationships between song duration and number of elements in the song with sperm length across 21 species, and between the same song variables and combined testes mass in a subset of these species (n = 10). Across species, these song variables and testes mass/sperm length were generally positively correlated, albeit not statistically significantly so or with borderline significance. In contrast to theory, we found no evidence for negative associations between pre‐ and post‐copulatory traits. We argue that this is a consequence of males of some species investing more into overall fertilization success (i.e. the sum of pre‐ and post‐copulatory sexual selection) than males of other species, and high fertilization success is achieved through investment into both mate attraction and sperm competition.  相似文献   

In many temperate zone songbird species males only produce song during the breeding season, when plasma testosterone (T) levels are high. Males of some species sing throughout the year, even when T levels are low, indicating a dissociation between high T levels and song rate. Given that few studies have taken advantage of these species, we compare here song traits expressed under high versus low T concentrations and we study the role of testosterone in adult song learning in the European Starling, an open-ended learner in which repertoire size dramatically increases with age. We performed a detailed comparison of song complexity and song rate between fall and spring in 6-year-old intact male European starlings. In parallel, we investigated whether potential seasonal changes were regulated by the gonadally induced increase in plasma T, by comparing seasonal changes in intact and castrated males of the same age (castrated as juveniles during their first fall) and by subsequently experimentally elevating T in half of the castrated males. While song rate and stereotypy did not differ between intacts and castrates or between fall and spring, both groups increased their average song bout length from fall to spring, but only intact males increased their repertoire size, indicating that effects of seasonal T changes differ between song traits. Intact males overall displayed a larger song repertoire and a longer bout length than the castrates, and implantation with T caused a turnover in repertoire composition in castrates. However, as the castrates had never experienced high T levels and yet displayed a markedly higher repertoire size than that of typical yearling males, this suggests that the progressive increase of song repertoire with age in male starlings is not dependent on gonadal T, although it may be T-enhanced.  相似文献   

The red-backed fairy-wren is a socially monogamous passerine bird which exhibits two distinct types of breeding male, bright males that breed in bright red and black plumage and dull males that breed in dull brown plumage. Most males spend their first potential breeding season in dull plumage and subsequent breeding seasons in bright plumage, but a relatively small proportion of males develop bright plumage in their first breeding season. This study quantifies morphology, behavior, and reproductive success of dull and bright males to assess the adaptive costs and benefits of bright plumage while controlling for age. Older bright males (two years of age or older) attempted to increase their reproductive success via copulations with extrapair females, whereas younger (one-year old) bright males and dull males did not. Thus, older bright males spent less time on their own territories, intruded on neighboring groups with fertile females more frequently, gave more courtship displays, and had larger sperm storage organs than did younger bright males and dull males. Microsatellite analyses of paternity indicate that the red-backed fairy-wren has extremely high levels of sexual promiscuity, and that older bright males had higher within-brood paternity than dull males or younger bright males. Regardless of age, bright males were more attractive to females in controlled mate choice trials than were dull males, and both age classes of bright males obtained higher quality mates earlier in the breeding season than did dull males, when nesting success was higher. In conclusion, although it appears that bright plumage increases access to higher quality mates, age also plays a central role in determining a male's overall reproductive success because of the high levels of sexual promiscuity exhibited by the red-backed fairy-wren.  相似文献   

《Hormones and behavior》2010,57(5):564-573
In many temperate zone songbird species males only produce song during the breeding season, when plasma testosterone (T) levels are high. Males of some species sing throughout the year, even when T levels are low, indicating a dissociation between high T levels and song rate. Given that few studies have taken advantage of these species, we compare here song traits expressed under high versus low T concentrations and we study the role of testosterone in adult song learning in the European Starling, an open-ended learner in which repertoire size dramatically increases with age. We performed a detailed comparison of song complexity and song rate between fall and spring in 6-year-old intact male European starlings. In parallel, we investigated whether potential seasonal changes were regulated by the gonadally induced increase in plasma T, by comparing seasonal changes in intact and castrated males of the same age (castrated as juveniles during their first fall) and by subsequently experimentally elevating T in half of the castrated males. While song rate and stereotypy did not differ between intacts and castrates or between fall and spring, both groups increased their average song bout length from fall to spring, but only intact males increased their repertoire size, indicating that effects of seasonal T changes differ between song traits. Intact males overall displayed a larger song repertoire and a longer bout length than the castrates, and implantation with T caused a turnover in repertoire composition in castrates. However, as the castrates had never experienced high T levels and yet displayed a markedly higher repertoire size than that of typical yearling males, this suggests that the progressive increase of song repertoire with age in male starlings is not dependent on gonadal T, although it may be T-enhanced.  相似文献   

Interspecific territoriality is frequently reported between closely related species; however, few studies have demonstrated interspecific territoriality between distantly related species living in sympatry. We conducted playback experiments to investigate territorial behaviour in male and female White‐bellied Wrens (Uropsila leucogastra) in response to simulated conspecific and heterospecific intruders during the breeding and non‐breeding seasons. We explored whether heterospecific songs of the Happy Wren (Pheugopedius felix), a distantly related species and ecological competitor, elicited antagonistic responses from focal White‐bellied Wrens, and whether such responses differed between the sexes. We also examined whether male and female responses to conspecific and heterospecific rivals varied with season. We found that male White‐bellied Wrens always responded to conspecific song, and responded significantly more to heterospecific song compared to a control stimulus (Tropical Parula, Setophaga pitiayumi). In contrast, although female White‐bellied Wrens responded strongly to conspecific song, their response to heterospecific song did not differ significantly from the control stimulus. The proportion of males that responded to heterospecific songs and the proportion of females that responded to conspecific songs varied seasonally, showing significantly lower responses during the breeding season. The intense responses of male White‐bellied Wrens to playback of heterospecific songs suggest that they recognise ecological competitors based on their vocal signals. Furthermore, the decrease in agonistic interactions during the breeding season is in line with the hypothesis that aggressive behaviour may be detrimental to reproductive and parental activity, and the hypothesis that heterospecific animals pose less of a threat during the breeding season.  相似文献   

Visual signals such as plumage characteristics in birds often play a key role in the establishment of dominance in contests by acting as a badge of status that can be used to assess individual fighting ability. We studied the role of plumage colouration in males of the red bishop (Euplectes orix), a sexually dimorphic and polygynous weaverbird species occurring in sub‐Saharan Africa and breeding in dense colonies around water. Males are highly territorial and often engage in competition over limited resources such as breeding sites and potential mates. By experimentally staging male–male contests over a limited food source, we wanted to determine whether the orange–red breeding plumage in this species serves as a dominance signal between individuals, with males with redder plumage being dominant over those with duller plumage. In the first set of experiments, we staged contests between unfamiliar and unmanipulated males. The setup of the second set of experiments was identical to the first, with the exception that those males with the lowest chroma and hue values had their plumage experimentally reddened within the range of the natural variation. In addition to plumage colouration, we incorporated testosterone levels, body condition and age into the analysis of factors contributing to contest outcome. Our results show a consistent and strong age effect in both sets of experiments, which seems to be independent of plumage colouration, testosterone and body condition. This suggests that in the red bishop, the outcome of male–male competitions over limited resources is determined by age‐related acquired experience rather than by status signalling through plumage colouration.  相似文献   

Most seasonally breeding songbirds display dramatic seasonal fluctuations in plasma testosterone (T) levels and mate attraction behaviors, including song. However, males of some songbird species, such as the European starling (Sturnus vulgaris), continue to sing at high levels after the breeding season, when T levels are basal. In male starlings song during the breeding season functions mainly to attract mates, whereas song during the nonbreeding season appears unrelated to reproduction. This suggests that song produced in a context unrelated to female courtship, unlike song directed toward females, is not regulated by plasma T. In captive males housed in large outdoor aviaries we explored the relationship between plasma T and song produced during the breeding season within and outside a courtship context. This was achieved by determining the effects of castration and subsequent T treatment on song and mate attraction behaviors in both the presence and the absence of a female. Compared to intact males, castrated males did not show reduced song activity in the absence of a female for at least 6 months after the operation, strongly suggesting that the expression of noncourtship song is not regulated by plasma T. Likewise, we found that experimentally elevating T levels in castrated males did not affect noncourtship song rates. However, control castrated males receiving empty implants tended to show reduced noncourtship song rates after implantation. This may have been due to a suppressive effect caused by the presence of the T-implanted castrated males in the same aviary. In contrast, courtship singing was clearly controlled by plasma T: it was abolished by castration and restored by subsequent T replacement when males were housed both individually and in a group situation. High plasma levels of T also appeared necessary for the activation of three other behavioral traits critical for mate attraction, namely, nesthole occupancy, spending time (singing) in a nesthole, and carrying green nesting material into a nesthole.  相似文献   

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